Fraternity Fantasy Fulfilment

By bootboybe

Published on Jan 7, 2020




Alpha Alpha Alpha was the most exclusive frat on campus. It had 30 of the hottest jocks on campus. They called themselves the Alphas, the rest of campus called them the assholes, never to their face of course. And assholes was a fitting nickname. These guys were homophobic, bullies, aggressive, violent and treated women like dirt. Very few of the women on campus would have anything to do with the Alphas. Which left some very sexually frustrated alpha males.

Chapter 1 -- Tyler Jackson:

The president of Alpha Alpha Alpha was Tyler Jackson the finest specimen of pure raw masculinity on earth. He stood over 6 foot 6 inches and 240 pounds of pure solid muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on this stud. He had a smooth broad chest with a defined 8 pack, massive biceps and thick thighs. His long legs ended in a huge pair of size 15 feet that generated an awesome amount of sweat and foot stink. He made no effort to deal with his rank feet he considered stinking feet masculine. He played football and was on the ROTC programme so had a tight buzz cut and a gorgeous chiselled face and killer smile that could make any girl or fag go weak at the knees. At least they would if they didn't already know he was an asshole.

Tyler had a reputation as a bully. He treated other men he considered weak or not masculine enough with utter contempt. He acted as if women should only exist for his pleasure. When a women was stupid enough to agree to have sex with Tyler he was aggressive and rough, he would always make them get on all fours and stick their asses out. He would spank them hard enjoying watching his big hand prints bloom on their asses. Usually most girls would try to run at that point but he wasn't above forcing himself on girls. He had raped more than a few co-eds. It was a miracle none had reported him to the police yet but word got around and his dates dried up quickly.

Tyler had always been a bully. When he was a kid he used to wrestle his friends and tie them up. He would make them submit to him and praise his strength. He wouldn't let them go until they had kissed his feet or his ass. He got a huge rush of power and dominance from these games and always wanted more.

As Tyler got older and he started getting hard ons he realised that dominating other boys got him hard. Don't get me wrong Tyler was straight and jerked off to girls but dominating and humiliating other males also got him hard, probably harder than girls got him if he was honest. Gradually he started adding sexual elements to his dominance games like making guys kiss his crotch and spitting in their mouths. But he always held back a bit.

Then one day Tyler started to notice that some boys would stare at him. Stare at him the same way that he stared at girls. With lust and desire. They tried to hide it but he noticed. These fuckers were fags. They wanted him. He could take advantage of that. When Tyler was 15 he picked out one particular fag in his class. Jimmy was his name. Even though they were the same age Jimmy was much smaller than Tyler and painfully shy. He moved in slowly starting by sitting next to him in science class so that they would have to do projects together. He invited Jimmy to his house so that they could work on their project.

As soon as they got to Tyler's room, he locked the door. Jimmy just stood there staring at Tyler's shoes afraid to look up completely intimidated and in awe of the bigger stronger ultra-confident boy.

"You're a faggot aren't you Jimmy?" Tyler said.

"N.n.n.n. No T.t.t.t. Tyler, I'm not a f.f.f.f.f. fag fag faggot" Jimmy stuttered.

"Don't lie to me fag. I know what you are. I've seen you staring at me in class. You think I don't see you pitching your little tent in your pants while you stare at my body? Especially my feet. I bet you're a foot fag aren't you Jimmy?"

"Of ke ke ke course n.n.n not Tyler" Jimmy stuttered again in absolute terror that his idol had figured out his obsession. "pe pe pe please don't beat me up Te te te Tyler".

"pe pe pe please don't beat me up Te te te Tyler" Tyler mocked imitating Jimmy's stutter. "STRIP. NAKED. NOW. FAGGOT" Tyler ordered.

Jimmy just stood there in shock not knowing what to do. He couldn't possibly strip in front of this stud. He had never been so scared in his young life.

Tyler stepped up hauled back his arm and gave Jimmy an almighty face slap. Jimmy's cheek immediately bloomed up red in the shape of Tyler's big hand. Tears formed in his eyes.


Jimmy started tearing his clothes off. Anything to avoid another slap like that or worse.

"Good faggot that's better. Now get on your knees and spread your legs. From now on you are my slave, my bitch, my personal faggot".

Jimmy dropped to his knees. Tyler nudged Jimmy's little cock and balls with his big leather Nike Air Force sneaker. Despite his terror Jimmy couldn't help but start to get hard. Tyler Jackson the hottest boy in school was actually playing with his cock and balls using his gorgeous Nike sneakers. The amount of times Jimmy had jerked off dreaming about those sneakers, how they would smell, how they would taste were countless. Jimmy started oozing precum onto the sneaker.

"Yeah I fucking knew you were a faggot" Tyler said. "Look at your pathetic little fag cocklet drooling onto my sneaker fag. Lick it off".

Jimmy was in shock he froze. Was Tyler asking him to lick his sneaker? Well ordering him to lick it more like. Then before he could react Tyler gave his other cheek another brutal slap evening out the handprints on his face. Jimmy actually started crying at that point.

"Stop crying faggot you've got to learn to follow your Master's orders" Tyler said. "I'm going to have to punish you now slave. I can't let you disobey me like that". Tyler started unbuckling his belt. His own cock was rock hard, it hurt it was so hard. He had never felt such a rush of power and dominance. This was the most awesome feeling he had ever experienced. He had a boy on his fucking knees at his feet in tears and now he was going to lash his naked ass with his belt. He started oozing pre cum as he folded his heavy belt ready to strike. "Bend over fag boy".

Jimmy got onto all fours and stuck his butt out. He knew it was useless to resist. Tyler was so strong he had to submit. And deep down it felt right. Tyler was so much more of a man that Jimmy could ever hope to be. He oozed confidence and strength which was intoxicating. He needed to serve this boy, his better, to please him. So he stuck his butt out high presenting a target for Tyler's belt.

Tyler couldn't believe it. Jimmy just bent over and actually stuck his butt out. Like really stuck it out. Asking for it, it seemed. Tyler stood to the side, raised the belt high and let rip. He was on such a power trip he couldn't hold back. He wanted to hurt Jimmy, bruise his ass, make him submit totally to Tyler's dominance. The belt smashed into Jimmy's ass leaving an immediate red stripe that blossomed into a bruise.

Jimmy instinctively knew what he should do. "Thank you Si Si Si Sir. Pe pe please may I have another" he said.

Tyler was on a huge power trip. Hearing Jimmy thank him for lashing him with his belt made him start to cum in his pants. He lashed the belt down onto Jimmy's ass rapid fire as hard as he could while shooting pump after pump after pump of cum into his pants.

Jimmy was crying begging for mercy wondering how many more lashes Tyler was going to give him. He heard the deep moan come from Tyler and realised he had cum while lashing him. When Tyler dropped the belt, Jimmy turned round and immediately started licking Tyler's sneakers apologising for his disobedience and thanking him for punishing him.

Tyler got hard again at this extreme display of submission from his new slave. He dropped his pants and pulled up Jimmy's head and plunged his cock into his mouth. He face fucked him for 15 minutes before pumping another huge load into his mouth.

That was the beginning of years of servitude for Jimmy. He was constantly at Tyler's beck and call. He did his chores, licked his shoes clean, sucked his cock whenever he wanted. Tyler found ever more ingenious ways of hurting and humiliating Jimmy for his amusement. Tyler went out with and fucked girls of course but girls didn't put out much so it was good to have his very own fag slave to meet his needs.

This all ended when Tyler went off to college. Jimmy deliberately chose to go to another college. He realised he needed to escape Tyler's abuse which had gotten more and more violent over the years. He was tired of having to explain bruises. Tyler would never love him.

Chapter 2 -- Chad Hopkins:

Chad Hopkins was Tyler's best friend and roommate at the frat house. Chad was the pledge master a task which suited him perfectly. Tyler and Chad had a lot in common. Chad was only slightly shorter than Tyler at 6 feet 4 inches and a little lighter at 200 pounds. But like Tyler, Chad was all muscle. He played lacrosse and liked to go fishing whenever he could. He also had very big sweaty size 14 feet which he loved to make other guys smell.

Chad too was a lifelong bully. Unlike Tyler it was never sexual for Chad. Well, he did get hard when beating on another guy but he never did anything sexual with his victims. Chad was a total homophobe and would never let another guy near his dick, even unwillingly.

All his life Chad had gotten in trouble for fighting and bullying. He loved to hurt other boys. He would punch them, kick them, stomp them, whip them anything as long as it hurt. He particularly loved beating the shit out of the many faggots that would stare at his Greek god like masculine body. He developed a sixth sense for when a fag was checking him out.

When Chad was 16 he had the greatest experience of his life. His fag sense kicked in when a new teacher Mr. Williams started at his school. This guy was early 30's and so obviously queer it wasn't even funny. He would find any excuse he could to paddle the boys in his class especially the hot ones. Of course, he was such a weak queer you could barely feel his swats. He probably mostly just wanted to check out the young jock boys beefy bubble butts. He had paddled Chad many times, Chad would always wiggle his ass and smirk at the faggot literally laughing off his pathetic excuse for paddle swats.

Chad was getting tired of bending over for a faggot though. It wasn't the natural order of things. Alpha males don't bend for fucking omega males. He took his frustrations out on one of the class faggots taking him into the locker room and whipping his naked ass with a belt. It wasn't the same though. Mr. Williams had to pay for his disrespect of the young alphas in his class.

Chad's opportunity came when the class was taking a test. Williams was sitting at his desk ogling the jocks again. He was just blatantly staring at the jocks and rubbing his bulge. After the test was over Chad stayed behind till last. He casually strutted over to Mr. Williams desk.

"I saw what you were doing Sir" Chad said.

"And what do you think that is Mr. Hopkins". He replied.

"You were rubbing your dick checking out us hot boys that's what you were doing Sir".

Williams' face went red as a lobster. "Don't be stupid Mr Hopkins" he said.

"So you wouldn't want me to come over to your house after football practice and have some fun with you then?" Hopkins said teasingly with a smile.

Chad could see the lust and horniness in Williams' eyes. He had him. "And you could take your paddle home so you could try it out on my sweaty naked jock bubble butt Sir..."

That was more than enough. Williams handed over his address and agreed to meet him after football practice.

Chad made sure to get extra sweaty during practice and wore his "lucky" game socks which he has never washed. This faggot was going to learn a lesson. He didn't shower and headed straight to Williams' house.

Chad rang the bell and Mr. Williams opened the door almost immediately. His jaw dropped at the amazing sight of this already 6 foot growing 16-year-old in full football gear on his doorstep. Then the smell hit him. Pure young male sweat and testosterone. He couldn't help but close his eyes and breath in as deep as he could through his nose.

Chad laughed "Damn you are into me aren't you fag" he said.

Mr. Williams bristled at that word. "Don't use that word Hopkins it isn't respectful".

Chad had had enough of these games. He hauled back and gut punched his gay teacher directly in his stomach. He doubled over and fell back to the floor. Chad stepped over him closed the door and dragged his fag teacher by his collar into the living room.

Chad said "Respect faggot? You want me to show you respect? Ha! You need to start showing respect for your superiors fag. I am sick and tired of you checking out all the jocks in class, finding excuses to paddle us just to check out our asses. This is going to stop faggot. You wouldn't want me to report you to the schoolboard, now would you?"

Williams knew he was fucked. The boy was right he could lose his job or worse go to prison. He had been really stupid. "OK I'm sorry Chad. I won't paddle you boys anymore. Please don't report me".

Williams tried to get up recovering from the gut punch. Chad used his cleated foot and strong legs to shove him back to the ground. "First off faggot you don't get to call me Chad. Call me Sir. And to start showing respect to Alpha males kiss my cleats".

"I can't kiss your cleats Chad. Enough let me up" Williams said.

Chad hauled back his foot and kicked Williams in the gut with his big football cleat. "I am not fucking around with you faggot bitch. Kiss my fucking cleats now!".

Williams knew he was beaten. He put his face to the muddy cleat and kissed it. He could smell the extreme foot stench oozing out of the cleat. His cock jumped. Then he kissed the other cleat.

"Now lick them clean faggot" Chad said.

At this point Williams was actually starting to get turned on. This boy was so fucking dominant. He stuck out his tongue and started to lick the mud off his cleats. He spat out the mud onto the floor.

"Oh no faggot. You eat the mud. It comes off my godly cleats you piece of shit. It is a privilege for you to eat it" Chad said.

Williams kept licking the cleats swallowing all the mud. His cock was painfully hard now. Once he got to the leather he was really enjoying it. The cleat leather tasted so good and he was sniffing the stench coming out of the cleats for all he was worth. He started humping the floor.

Chad noticed what was happening and saw red. He pulled back the cleat being licked and kicked the fags face shouting "You worthless fucking piece of shit. This isn't for your pleasure. I can't believe you are fucking humping the floor licking my cleat. You are such a fucking sick pervert. I am going to make you fucking pay bitch. Get on your knees and spread your legs".

Williams sat up on his knees and Chad kicked him in his balls. Hard. Williams doubled over and Chad shouted "Get up fag present your fucking useless balls. This only ends when your hardon is gone".

Williams got back up and tried to stay in place as the young stud ploughed his cleat into his balls over and over until his hard on did disappear from the agony in his stomach caused by the kicks.

"That's better fag" Chad said noticing the paddle Williams had laid ready on the coffee table. He picked it up and examined it, it was solid, heavy, frat style with holes down its length. This was a quality paddle which could dish out some real pain in the hands of a real man. And Chad was definitely a real man.

"Right fag strip naked" Chad said.

Williams complied eying the paddle with suspicion knowing this boy wasn't going to give him the gentle taps he usually gave the boys. Chad took him to the bedroom and tied him spread eagle to the bed with pillows under his crotch propping up his ass.

"Let's see what this paddle can do now shall we fag? I want you to keep count and thank me for each swat and tell me you are sorry for being a fag. Got that?"

"Yes Sir" Williams said knowing he should avoid at any cost pissing off this muscular young football player any more than he already has.

Chad took off his cleat and tied it over Williams face so his nose was inside the toxic smelling cleat. Williams gagged at the intense smell. He loves man smells but this was too much. Chad laughed and picked up the paddle ready to dish out some pain.

"I have a confession to make fag" Chad said. "I am also a pervert. I am a sadist. I LOVE hurting other men, or fags since you aren't men. Making a man scream in pain gets me hard. So know that every stinging bruising swat is going to get me harder and harder fag. I am sure you will like that thought. This paddling only ends when I shoot my load".

Chad opened his pants and pulled out his huge cock and heavy balls already rock hard and dribbling in anticipation of the sadism to come. Williams eyes bulged when he saw the teenage god's huge throbbing erection in the periphery of his vision with the cleat tied to his face.

Chad picked up the paddle and slammed it as hard as he could onto his teachers lily white ass.

"Aaaaahh! One thank you Sir I am sorry for being a faggot Sir" Williams shouted.

Chad kept smashing the paddle down on to the fag's ass as hard as he could while edging his throbbing boner to keep this going as long as possible. By the 90th stroke the teacher's ass was literally black and blue with bruises and he was whimpering unable to keep counting and thanking and apologising for being a faggot.

Chad was on a sadistic high like he had never experienced before. This older man, an authority figure, even if he was a faggot, was tied down completely at his mercy and he had reduced his ass to a mass of bruises with his vicious brutal paddling. This was awesome. Then by swat 95 he started to see drops of blood on the fag's ass. Fuck yes, he thought, and he knew he was going to shoot his load. He stepped back and took a run up and smashed the paddle into that bruised ass even harder than ever and his cock exploded shooting cum all over the bed and even over the fags bleeding ass.

When Chad had finally recovered from the best orgasm of his young life, he untied the teacher and helped him off the bed. Williams untied the cleat from his face and pressed it to his nose huffing the smell before kneeling down and putting it back on Chad's foot. Once it was tied, he pressed his head down and reverently kissed each cleat again saying "Thank you for teaching me my place Sir. I am so sorry for being such a faggot. I will never dare to paddle you young alpha studs ever again Sir"

That was just the beginning Chad brutally paddled Mr. Williams ass every month for the next two years until he graduated even bringing some of his football buddies along to help out in putting the fag teacher in his place.

Chapter 3 -- Tyler and Chad at college

Tyler and Chad were instantly drawn to each other. The two alphas got along like a house on fire and quickly started reminiscing about their high school bullying careers. Both rushed Alpha house and were of course accepted as they perfectly fit the demographic. They quickly moved up in the fraternity hierarchy to their current exalted positions of President and Pledge Master.

Tyler was a bit afraid of having Chad as Pledge Master given his extreme sadism. And this was proved right when Tyler had to repeatedly call Chad off when he was paddling the pledges too brutally.

One thing Tyler never told Chad about was how he always managed to have so much money. Chad just assumed Tyler's family were rich but nothing could be further from the truth. For two years now Tyler had been advertising on a gay escort site as a BDSM and fetish escort. Tyler was smart and realised that fags would actually pay him to treat them like shit, verbally abuse them, paddle the shit out of them and make them worship his shoes and feet. Why not do what you love and get paid serious money for it? Tyler was very careful, his ad never showed his face, just his amazing chest, big feet, football and ROTC uniform... Fags were queuing up to be his bitch so he could afford to be selective. He also never met his clients on campus they had to be able to accommodate or get a hotel room.

Everything changed however one weekend when a fag couldn't accommodate and offered Tyler an extra $1,000 if he could see him that night in the frat house. Tyler agreed since its way more than he usually gets paid and Chad had just left for the weekend. At least that is what Tyler thought...

Stay tuned for Part 2 where Chad catches Tyler in the act and the boys decide to turn their fraternity into a fag sub's biggest fantasy (or nightmare).

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