
By Ryan Erickson

Published on May 22, 2007


Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing regarding One Tree Hill, Supernatural or anything to do with the shows or the actors...much to my dismay. I only own the seasons on DVD. One Tree Hill and its characters are owned and copyrighted by Tollin/Robbins Productions and Warner Bros. Television. Kripke and company own Supernatural.

Sequel to Playing for Keeps. Immediately following the events of PFK, Lucas and Nathan end up joining Dean and Sam's crusade to hunt the supernatural. But what happens when something unexpected falls upon the boys. MM Slash, Lathan, Wincest, & Mpreg.

Chapter 2

The sound of his cell phone ringing woke Nathan. Dean was the first one to it, checking the number. It read `mom'. He handed the phone to Nathan and watched the disoriented teen as he answered.

"Hello," he answered hoarsely.

Lucas was just beginning to stir. He vaguely heard the sound of his brother talking in clipped sentences. He sat up placing a hand on his brother's thigh and watching the strained expression on his face. When he clicked off the phone he looked up at Dean and then over to Sam.

"The police contacted my mom about our dad. They told her he'd been mauled by a bear. She's planning the funeral is at the end of the week. I need to be there for her."

"Where's there?" Dean asked.

"Tree Hill. Look, I want to thank you guys for looking after us but we've got to go back." Lucas squeezed Nathan's hand.

"When will you leave?" Sam asked.

"Later today I guess."

"We'll go with you," Dean volunteered to the surprise of all three men.

"Why don't you two have some breakfast," Sam smiled. "Dean and I need to do some things."

The Winchesters walked outside. "What do we have to do?" Dean asked.

Sam looked around and then pulled Dean towards his car. "Tell me you have the keys."

Dean dangled them in his hand before tossing them to Sam who promptly headed for the back of the car. Popping the lock, he pushed Dean inside and climbed in after him. Dean was just about to ask Sam what was up when his brother's lips crashed into his own and Sam's hand pushed against his chest until he was flat on his back.

"You're a great big teddy bear," Sam crooned before seizing Dean's lips again.

Dean wasn't sure what he'd done to earn such treatment and quite frankly he didn't care. Nor did he care Sam was making out with him in the back seat of his car in broad daylight.

"Uh, Sammy," Dean managed to gasp out while Sam slipped his hand inside the waistband of his jeans, "Is this about the going with them thing."

"Mmm hmm," Sam hummed against his now exposed boxer briefs.

"What would you do if I told you after, they could come with us?"

The answer was his cock deep in the back of Sam's throat.

Lucas forced Nathan to eat at least one pancake and half a sausage with a few mouthfuls of warm coffee.

"I can't tell her," Nathan said after a while. "I can't tell her I was there."

"You don't have to," Lucas comforted. "It would do her no good and raise other questions."

"Like why dad was there and why we were there."

Lucas nodded silently. "Does she know about me?"

Nathan furrowed his brow. It took some time for Lucas's question to sink in.

"About us being brothers?" He finally asked. "I don't think so. Knowing dad, he probably kept that from everybody."

"Nate, we'll go together. It's going to be alright."

"It's not that. It's how he died. He was so angry. He held a gun to my head. He threatened to kill you if I didn't go with him. I can't..."

"You can't what?" Lucas asked, voice full of concern.

"I can't understand why I feel like this. He nearly killed me twice and all I can think of is his screams and how I didn't do anything to save him."

Lucas wished he understood it himself. Personally he was glad Dan was out of their lives. Of course he'd never say that to Nathan. Part of Nathan still loved his father, knew him as his father. Lucas supposed he felt nothing because all he knew of the man was his cruelty. But now wasn't about him, it was about getting Nathan through this.

He stood and took his brother's hand and led him back to the bed. "Let me make it better for you."

Lucas laid his brother down gently and straddled him, leaning down to gently kiss at his knitted brow. He hoped each kiss would take away some of the pain. He kissed each eyelid and the bridge of Nathan's nose and watched as the worry lines that clouded his beautiful face disappeared and he began to relax beneath his brother's touches.

"What if they come back in?" Nathan worried.

"It wouldn't be the first time they caught us like this," Lucas reminded before silencing further questions with his kisses.

The impala rocked slightly as Sam switched from servicing his brother to riding him in the cramped back seat. Dean was babbling, making all sorts of promises Sam knew he probably wouldn't keep. Dean pulled his brother's face into his hands and reeled him in for a long hot kiss before sliding them back to the partially clad hips of his brother and holding him in place as his thrusts became more frantic.

Nathan couldn't feel the pain in his hand or his ribs anymore. All he could feel was Lucas sliding in and out of him. It was better than any pain medication he could have taken.

"Thank you," he whispered. Lucas stilled for a moment, puzzled by his brother's gratitude.

"It's my pleasure," Lucas tried to joke.

"No," Nathan replied, staring up at his brother solemnly. "Thank you for always being there for me."

For Lucas, those words meant more than any others Nathan may have uttered when they made love. Lucas groaned and braced his hands on either side of Nathan's face. His head hung low between his shoulders as his orgasm ripped through his body. He tried to steady himself to avoid hurting his brother any further. Nathan stroked Lucas's side and comforted him through the aftershocks that followed. Lucas eased out of his brother and carefully positioned himself along the side of his good hand.

Sam collapsed against Dean's shoulder with his brother still buried deep inside him.

"You need to get some rest," Dean more ordered than suggested.

"I'm not the one who stayed out all night."

"Nothing happened Sammy, I just went for a drive."

Sam pulled back to look at his brother. "I know. I just missed you."

"C'mon, let's see if we can get a few hours of sleep before we head out."

Sam kissed his brother one more time before climbing off of him and cleaning them both up with the tee shirt he'd taken off. By the time they got back to the room, Lucas and Nathan were fast asleep. Sam cleaned up the remains of breakfast while Dean headed for the shower. He pulled the curtains closed to block out the sunlight and carefully covered the two brothers. He stripped and joined Dean in the shower. Both Winchesters were exhausted. They cleaned themselves up, dried off and slipped into bed, Sam spooned behind Dean. When they woke again, it was late afternoon. Dean felt Sam's heavy arm resting across his hip. When he looked across at the other bed he was shocked to find it was empty.

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