Frat Roommate

By moc.loa@raeBrhctP

Published on Apr 24, 2003


The following is a story involving lust, love and sex between men of legal age. If you are offended or closed-minded, under age or live in a place it is illegal to view or even think about these things, leave now. Otherwise, enjoy!

Thanks to all of you who wrote with your positive comments about part 1.


I was walking with Kate and a few other friends to the field house to see some of our circle graduate when I heard his voice.


"Scott." I was a bit surprised he had approached me. He never even tried to get me to stay or explain he just let me go. "Congratulations on graduating, now if you don't mind..."

"Can I talk to you for a sec? Please."

I fought hard to resist the beautiful eyes that were pleading me to say yes, and lost.

Scott took my hand and led me the green that was just across the street from where I had been walking with my friends. He sat on the first bench we came to. I stood looking down at him. He looked good, I had to admit that to myself, but so did I. I had been working out particularly hard ad I had gotten tighter leaner and more cut. Scott was looking as though he had too.

"Please sit down."

"I prefer to stand, this is not going to be a long conversation, so I feel no need to sit.

Scott sighed heavily. "I have so fucked things up. I didn't know how to react and I just fucked up."

"If that is how you apologize for cheating on me and then not having the decency to deal with me about it, you are such an asshole." I managed to keep my voice quiet, and almost civil, but I began to tremble. "You broke my heart and you never even tired to make it right, and that is how you apologize." I turned to walk away my eyes searching up the block to see if I could find Kate or any of our friends.

I felt him take my hand and kiss it softly. "I am so sorry. I have been miserable without you and I did not know how to begin to apologize." Scott's voice was no more than a whisper. "Ricky. I love you so much, I need you back in my life."

"Scott, look at me." I took off my sunglasses and he looked up at me with his eyes wet, his lip trembled, and I gazed once more into those blue-gray eyes. "You broke my heart and I will never forgive you, ever. Go to your graduation and find some other guy to fuck with. I am done."

I turned and walked away, my sunglasses hiding my tears.

Scott began emailing me during the next year I was at school. They were short hellos at first, then as I began to respond to him, a dialogue began opening old wounds, healing them. Making me rethink the past.

I had finished my last final and I was heading for the pool. I needed to get the stress of exams off my mind and out of my muscles, so I had my Speedo in my bag and thoughts of the enveloping warmth of the pool forming in my mind.

I dove in and took slow, steady laps down the length of the pool. On my sixth lap I turned over to switch to the backstroke and noticed someone sitting on the side of the pool. His feet were in the water and I saw a flash of black and bright blue that must have been his racing suit. When I got back to that side, I pulled my self out of the pool and pulled off my goggles. I ran my hand through my hair and turned my head to see who this guy was. He was still there, I saw him out of the corner of my eye.


"Hi. What...I mean...why...uh. Scott."

He laughed at my surprise, and said, "I guess you are a little surprised that I'm here?"

"Uh...lil' bit." I said. His eyes were drifting over me. My shape had changed with the passing year. I had a longer leaner body because I swam everyday instead of lifting. I filled out my Speedo nicely and it was a smaller than a regulation competition suit.

I took in Scott's body the way he was mine. He looked good, a bit bulkier than he had been last time I saw him, but still very good.

"Can we go grab some lunch?"

"Sure, let me go shower and change and we can go." We stood and walked together to the locker room. As it was midday, the place was empty. I knew that the swim team had their final practice beginning at 2:30, so it was unlikely that the locker room would be used much until then. Many thoughts raced through my head, most of them quite "bam-chicka-wow-wow" in nature. I had watched way too many porno over the last month. I chuckled to my self and Scott just looked at me and grinned.

I went to my locker, Scott to his, on the opposite side of the row I was in, and I grabbed my towel shucked my suit and walked to the showers. I adjusted the water and felt Scott's arms wrap around me from behind. I closed my eyes and leaned back into his naked body. His hard, hot silky manhood pressed against me. I sighed with months of pent-up desire, long months of wanting to be with him and longer months of empty hook-ups and one night stands, jerking off and longing for more. Longing for him.

His mouth touched my neck and began to suck slowly...greedily at my pulse. I moaned and reached back to find his ass. It had always been one of my favorite parts of him. Firm, round, incredibly perfect and tasty, too.

Scott moaned into my neck as his cock began to slide up and down between my ass cheeks. I had been introduced to the art of bottoming a few months previous by a very generous 35 year old married man who's wife never let him fuck her "that way". I bent forward and pressed back as I felt Scott slide lower.

'Fuck me. Make me yours again. Take me the way I took you...I need you, I want you in me." As I said that last, I felt him push into me, I pushed back and felt him enter me, he bit down on my neck, and left a bruise that would be with me for a month. His body tensed and then relaxed against me as he pushed all the way into me.

"Yeah Scotty, all the way up baby. All that ass is for you."

He stood behind me, unmoving for about ten seconds and I slowly began to move. I fucked myself on his cock while he stood immobile, shivering with the sensation of it. He gasped each time I pushed back against him, forcing his pubes against my ass.

"Take over Scotty, fuck me hard. Fuck me now!"

The message got through as he grabbed my hips and leaned his head against my neck. His hands firmly pulled me back against him and he fucked me hard and fast. The sound of our wet flesh slapping together and his cock going in and out of my ass were echoing in the shower. Our gasps were almost masked by the hissing of the water hitting the floor and our bodies.

I felt Scott begin to slow and the familiar whisper, his breath hot against my neck, even in a steamy shower "Oh, Ricky, oh baby I'm!"

I clenched my ass as hard as I could to hold him in me and to squeeze that load out of him. I felt my own orgasm begin to build, and time slowed down...I felt the first spurt go, heard it hit the tiled wall in front of me and heard myself as if in a dream "Oh Scotty! YEAH! YEAH! Awwwwwwwwwwwaaagh..."

I came back to myself with Scott's hands on my pecks, his lips gently caressing the back of my neck. I felt his cock slipping out of me and his gasp as the head was released.

I turned and kissed him, the familiarity of his lips and tongue making me feel almost like weeping.

"We should clean up." I put my forehead to his and ran my hands down to his waist. It felt good to be in his arms, our cocks pressed between our bodies. "Someone could come in and find us."


We turned to see the coach of the swim team standing in the doorway of the shower room. From the bulge in his racing suit, it was apparent he had not just arrived.

"Richard and...friend. I will admit that this is not the first time I have caught students fucking in the showers, however, it is the first time they have not been on the team." He laughed and turned to leave.

"I expect that you will be finished before the team arrives for practice?"

Scott and I looked at each other and began to giggle. We separated and showered off.

"I do still want to have lunch, Rick. We do need to talk."

"Yes, we do. And I seem to have worked up quite an appetite."

We both laughed and walked out of the locker room. We decided to go out on the poolside to avoid the incoming team, and the coach winked at us and smiled like the Cheshire cat as he waved to us. I blushed and Scott laughed.

Scott and I ended up at a little café^Â that had recently opened downtown where a bar called Brother's used to be. We both reminisced about our times there (they never checked ID) getting stupid there and wandering home to our dorms. The most memorable was the first time I went out. I drank about 4 drinks in an hour and walked this girl I had met during orientation back to her dorm. I sang show tunes all the way back to my room after I dropped her off. I slept until 3 PM the following day and woke up with a terrible headache and cottonmouth. I learned to drink more slowly.

We talked about all kinds of things as we waited for our food. Neither of us wanted to risk spoiling the good mood we were in. I finished my iced-tea and looked across the table to see Scott gazing at the stores across the street. I took in the strong profile that I knew so well and began to wonder just what the hell I was getting into, if anything.

I cleared my throat and Scott turned to look at me and I realized he had tears in his eyes. One slid down his cheek as he turned and I reached over to wipe it away. He caught my hand and held it to his cheek.

"Rick. I...well. I, uh" He grinned and I chuckled at his loss of words.

"Scott, why are you here?"

"I came back because I need to talk to you. The one thing that neither of us has said for months is that we once had something great, and that maybe we are ready to try it again."

"Wow. That is, well.... I am not sure. I have to admit that I was surprised to see you and that I wanted what I got in the shower. I have never stopped finding you attractive, but I am not sure I can put myself through that all again."

"I can understand that. I never stopped loving you. I did all the wrong things to prove that, but I want to try again to show you how much I love you and that I will never hurt you again."

"Scotty, it is not that easy. The sex was great, and you look fantastic and you feel even better, but is that enough to start over with? I am not the little scared frosh who you introduced love and sex to. I have been seeing other people, and I have found out a lot about me, but I still have growing to do. Getting into a committed relationship might not be the right thing for me, for us."

Scott leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Shit."

"I guess that I should not have given into my cock today after all, it gave you the wrong idea."

"Yeah. But I guess that is my own fault, I should have talked to you, then gotten break-up sex." He grinned, but I saw the pain in his eyes.

"Scotty. You will always be my first, my love, and my friend. But I am not sure that 'us' will ever be the way it was again. I have a year of school left, and then, who knows?" I looked at him, and I felt my heart break all over again. Then I did something I very rarely do and began to sing "They started to fight when the money got tight and they just didn't count on the teeears. They lived for a while in a very nice style but it's always the same in the end. They got a divorce as a matter of course and they parted the closest of frieeends. Then the king and the queen went back to the green but you can never go back there agaaain."

I reached across the table and took Scott's chin in my hand. I leaned over and kissed him slowly and with all the love I felt for him. "Let's part the closest of friends." I stood up and dropped a $20 on the table. I looked at Scott, the tears rolling silently down his face and turned to walk back to my dorm.

"And that, children concludes our fairy tale" -Will Truman

I hope that part two gave you some enjoyment. Feedback is always welcome. The song quoted above is "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel.

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