Frat Initiation Series

By moc.loa@yobgdnbdM

Published on Jul 5, 2005


Copyright Bondageboy 1996 Pledging Frats by Bondageboy

Alex: Since you and the seven other pledges had to be naked all the time, did you guys just strip off as soon as you entered the frat house?

Rob: Yes, immediately upon entering, I had to strip off all the clothes that I had on. They were not mine. Pledges were not allowed clothes in the house, and since we had to spend all our non-class time at the house, we did not have any clothes of our own to wear. Therefore, we had to "rent" whatever clothes they "gave" us each day for class. Some days I went barefoot. My most common outfit was running shorts and a tank top, so that everyone could see my shaved body. But we were required to strip as soon as we entered the house, even if the door was open. At night, the pledges were paired and made to sleep together, sometimes tied and in whatever position the brothers wanted.

Alex: At my frat, pledges were more modest and wore jockstraps for inspection. When I was a pledge, we were taken several miles out of town in a van, made to strip and put on jocks, Then we were dumped out of the van and told to get back to the frat house in an hour. Of course, this was not possible. The ten of us jogged into town ( it was freezing) to the astonishment and laughter of passers-by. We got to the house late and were told by the brothers that we had to be punished. First, though, we had to shower. We were herded to the athletic room showers, ordered to strip and line up by pairs, cock to cock. Then the brothers tied each pair of cocks together. We were ordered to shower and soap our partner all over, including his dick. All this time the brothers just watched. When the showering was done, we were ordered to line up cock-to-ass real tight. Then we were herded upstairs for the paddling. By the time it was over, none of us could even put our briefs and pants back on without feeling the soreness.

Rob: Being naked made it easy for the brothers to make sure all our asses stayed a bright red. Not that we didn't get paddled often. That was the standard payment to "rent" some clothes. Not to mention, the contests that always seemed to be devised to pit pledge against pledge. Like the wrestling matches we had with our cock and balls tied together, with about a foot of rope between us. The loser would get tied to the rafters for an hour, standing only on his toes. It seemed there was always someone tied up there for the brothers amusement.

Rex: Punishment for us varied from a whack with the paddle to being forced to run a gauntlet and all points in between. Many times we were naked in the rain or dead of night far from campus, or blindfolded and otherwise mind-fucked. That was the worst for me.

Alex: What would happen if any of you guys had an erection?

Rex: Depends. Once in a line-up, two of us got erections. They made us beat each other off. The one that came first won. The loser got paddled and had to keep his erection and not cum. One time, I had to do that. I came first fortunately. They tied a rope around my friend's cock and balls, then tied his hands behind his back. Then they tied the rope from his cock to his hands. Later on, he was taken upstairs.

Rob: Certain times, we were forced to have erections. Like during the peanut races during fun and games. We had to push the peanut with your hard cock. If you couldn't get hard, you got paddled. Some were taken upstairs for "training". At night, when they tied the pledges to sleep, we were made to get each other hard. I'm curious about the shower you took with your cocks tied. Didn't you get hard?

Alex: In the shower, I was paired with this rower named Ed. Our frat was a sporty type, but we also had some like me who were just average outdoorsy types. Ed was a bit taller than me (about 6'), so when my cock was tied to his, mine stood up a bit. I don't know if you showered with somebody, but it can be a real turn on. I was tired and so were the other guys, but we were ordered to soap each other vigorously. So Ed and I started on each others shoulders, chest, underarms, stomach. All this while, practically breathing on each other. At one point, they told us not to miss the back, so we had to kind of embrace each other and fondle each other. This really got me hard. And Ed's cock too was stretching. The bros had tied the dicks loosely at first to allow for erections, but we and some of the other pairs had to ask them to loosen ours further. For that the brothers shouted "They love each other!" For some reason, Ed and I couldn't stop laughing. He was one of my best buddies and we had both been fearsome of hell week. Meanwhile, the bros were in the "gallery" critiquing our performances and shouting abuse whenever they thought a pair wasn't performing well. After soaping each other's thighs, the guys shouted for us to start on our tied dicks. I must admit I found it really turned me on. Ed and I really got hard and I could see the others had too. We both had cum a few times by then and this just made everything even more juice. Once we were all lathered up, we stood under the shower nozzle and washed up. Then a bro untied up and we stood for inspection. Each one of us had dicks standing out like poles. One bro went along the line and measured the pledges, taking down the lengths in a book, The guy with the smallest one would later receive an extra paddling. Once the measurements were taken, we were lined up cock-to-ass and marched naked upstairs for the paddling.

Rex: We were measured too. Everyone got paddled as something was found wrong with all our cocks. either they were too big, too small, too crooked, uncut, or whatever crazy reason they thought up. We also had something called parade night. That is where we were all blindfolded and our right hand held the cock of the person behind you. We were then marched. A brother led the parade by holding the cock of the first pledge. The rule was that if the person you were holding got hard, you had to beat him off. Naturally, we were marched until everyone got hard. The pledge in the back was brought to the front then, to complete the circle. Then the pumping started. Whoever shot first got paddled for being too quick. Also, his pumper got paddled for being a pro at pumping cock. Not only that, the brothers made him designated cock pumper the rest of the pledge period. I found out later, he had to pump somebody whenever they wanted - even in the middle of the night.

Alex: You said you got shaved. What did it feel like? And did they shave your ass too? When I had my shaving experience, it was real embarrassing - couldn't stop from getting a hard on.

Rob: I got shaved every day by a different pledge. It was his job to see that no hair remained on my body. If they found any, he got paddled for each hair they found. So he had to take his time, especially around the cock and balls. With him playing with it to get all the stubble, I always got an erection. Then they ragged him about getting me hard, and ragged me about that I must be in love with him. He then had to beat me off. If he got hard during the shaving, I had to suck him, since I was accused of being in love. It got wild. What happened to you?

Alex: At one party, I got drunk, and some of the seniors took advantage of that fact by shaving all my body hair. It was real embarrassing and then for weeks I had a tough time in the showers with all the guys looking at me.

Rex: What was the worst thing you had to do? One week, we fucked up royally. We had a visit from the nationals and we did horribly. When tested by the representative, we were tested on the frat material. Now, this visit was on mid-term week and the brothers didn't tell us about the visit. Actually, they forgot to tell us to prepare. But, as any pledge knows, a brother is never wrong. We all failed our test from nationals and many of us did poorly on our mid-terms as well. We knew we were fucked.

Our pledgemaster go a lot of shit from nationals and the brothers for our poor performance. He decided we needed a crash course in frat history and brother information. He was going to pay us back for all the shit he received. On Wednesday night, we got ours.

Called at 1:30AM, we all had to report promptly at 1:43 ( just an arbitrary time, but very inconvenient). We all showed up in our white T-shirts and jeans, and the repercussions began.

We were all paddled 5 whacks for each point we missed on our nationals test (20 pt. test). Next we did some pushups and situps. Then we ran the gauntlet and got busted up pretty badly. Lots of angry brothers and 22 of 29 showed up for this "line-up". After about an hour of a bunch of bullshit, we were all led to the party room. This was going to be his revenge.

The room was lit by only a single light bulb. The windows were covered so nobody could see in and the doors were all locked after we were all in. In the center of the room was a giant trash can - about 4 feet high - and filled to the top with ice and water. We were told to strip and we each had to get in the tub and crouch down until only our heads were above the water. Then we were asked questions and only by answering ten in a row, could we get out.

More than one of by pledge brothers was reduced to tears and pleaded for mercy. Only 6 got 10 questions in a row answered. I was the last to go because I was the shortest. I wanted to be a hard-ass, so the first couple of questions I screwed up on purpose.

When I was submerged in the icy liquid, my attitude changed quickly. All I wanted to do was get the hell out of there. The cold was unbearable. After purposely fudging four, I began to answer the questions with relative ease. My 10 were over in about 10 minutes, but they were the longest, coldest minutes of my life.

Alex: One of the toughest things we had to do were the races. The bros had us line up in two rows. We were all stripped down and wearing just jockstraps. At the other end of the basement room were four big blocks of ice - two on either end of the room. Two on the far end each had an orange of the top. We lined up next to the other two blocks of ice. Then the senior bro ordered all of us to have our hands tied in front of us. We couldn't quite understand what was happening. After we were all bound, the bro took out a toy pistol. He then explained the rules. Each line was to start from one of the blocks. The first guy had to race over to the far ice block, pick up the orange, and race back and drop the fruit on the home ice block. The next guy then had to pick up the orange and race it back to the far ice block, put the orange on top and race back. The third guy would race to the far ice block, pick up the orange, etc. etc. It was a relay .... but there was a twist. We couldn't pick up the orange with our hands. We had to do it with our ass cheeks. The result of the race was crucial. The winning team got sigs, the losers a paddling and more work to get the same sigs. The races lasted into the night and were really exhausting. And the bros kept on running them with different objects - from the orange to a grape to a marshmallow to a piece of cactus to a Bud can - and even a coke bottle! What did you do to get sigs?

Rob: Whenever we asked for a sig, we had to be naked - no matter where we were. And the brother could come up to us to sign our pledge paddle also. So we got ourselves in some embarrassing positions. Naturally, we had to do something for the sig, but normally we just got paddled - especially if it was in public. We had two faculty advisors who had been members of the frat. A couple of pledges had one for class, and asked him for his signature after one class. The Prof. made the pledges strip right there, and paddled them extra for not being naked when they asked him!!!!!

Alex: We never had to get naked to get sigs. I was made to go with some of the pledges to a magazine shop and ask out loud for some bondage magazines. Then we went into an ice cream parlor, put the mags on the counter and ask for a cone of vanilla ice cream, and, when it was served, say out loud "Thanks for the spermicide, man!" or "Thanks for the lubricant, man!". Then we had to undo our belts, pull our trousers down to our knees, pull the waistband on our shorts out and slobber the ice cream all over our dicks.

Getting sigs was something like a treasure hunt. We had to bring certain things to the bro who was to sign, like a pair of soiled panties, a condom full of your semen, some women's athletic equipment. I remember having to bring a used jock and cup. It had to be signed by one of the football players. Also, a bra from one of sorority sisters, also signed.

You said you were tied to a pledge every night. Were you allowed to sleep?

Rob: After a couple of days, we were tired enough to sleep, no matter which way they tied us. A couple of times, we were tied with each others cocks in our mouths, and they had to stay in the mouth all night. That got to be interesting.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It looks like we all had an imaginative bunch of brothers to serve.

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