Frat Initiation Series

By moc.loa@yobgdnbdM

Published on Jul 1, 2005


While this story is not during my pledge period - this happened a couple days later. This does represent some of what happened during the pledge period and a rule we had to follow. Am always looking for other initiations people had to go thru. E-mail me at

Trading Shots by mdbndgboy

My fraternity believed in paddling ass, especially scum pledges ass. But at any time as a member of the fraternity you can challenge someone to trade shots with you, and the person challenged could not refuse. Just because you graduated from college did not make you exempt from that rule. If you were challenged to trade shots, you had to accept. Failure to accept would disbar you from the fraternity. Now, some people would think that this is a stiff penalty, but paddling was the trademark of the fraternity. You knew that before you accepted the bid. Every time you went down to the clubhouse, it was right before your eyes everywhere you looked. Each of the brother's paddles hung on the wall. It was an impressive sight. So, failure to accept the challenge simply meant that you no longer wanted to be a brother in the fraternity.

As a scum pledge, your ass was paddled for any reason during hell week, and any brother can challenge you to trade shots. You had the right to challenge a brother, but since your ass was sore all the time, there was no reason to ASK to get hit again.

The challenge went like this. You can be challenged anywhere on campus, but the event waited until you got back into the clubhouse. There, the person challenged has to assume the position - pants down, bend over, grab your ankles, straighten your legs. Pledges didn't have to take their pants down. They weren't allowed to wear any clothes in the clubhouse anyway. The challenger gets one crack with the paddle, then he assumes the position, and the challenger gets his turn. Rarely there was a day that at least several challenges were met.

We had thirty-two brothers in the fraternity. Basically, that's all that could fit in the house, so the number stayed fairly constant every year. Because we could only have enough pledges to replace those that left, the fraternity could be very selective in their choices and didn't offer bids to anyone who would embarrass the frat. The frat also boasted one of the best grade point averages on campus, because poor performances on tests were not tolerated and punishment paddling would be given to any member who got below a B on any test. Sometimes, this made for long meetings on Thursday night. I know. I experienced the most severe punishment ever given to remain a member of the fraternity.

I never was very good in chemistry. I really don't know too many people who were. But I was struggling to keep my grade above a C. It didn't help that it was my first test since I became a brother in the frat, since study time was at a premium during hell week. I studied as much as I could, but when the test hit my hands, I drew a blank. I mean, my mind panicked and I could barely remember my name, much less what all those symbols meant. I guess I figured that if I could just get one answer, it would snap my mind back. My eyes glanced at the paper on my left. Unfortunately, the professor took that time to look at me.

After the test was over, the professor told me to stay. I was sweating bullets.

He asked me what happened. I didn't lie and told him of my problem. I expected to get kicked out of the class, and hoped I wouldn't get kicked out of the school. The professor took my test paper, wrote a big "0" on it and said.

"You just joined XXX fraternity, didn't you?"

` "Yes, sir."

"Well, take this to your president right away, and then come back to see me tomorrow." He handed me back my test paper.

I was shocked! No talk of kicking me out or anything. Then I thought of what I might be in store at the frat. This was not the way to get started. I wondered if THEY were going to kick me out.

I found the president in his room. There were tears in my eyes when I told him the story. I pleaded to remain in the fraternity.

He looked at the test paper. "Get you ass to the clubhouse right now and wait for me. AND GET YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES OFF BEFORE YOU ENTER!"

I went to the clubhouse and waited. And waited. I wouldn't sit down, afraid that it would look bad if he came in. After an hour or so, members of the frat started entering the clubhouse. They all knew what happened and would not talk to me. Finally, when all thirty of the other brothers were assembled in the room, the president walked in. He took my paddle down from the wall, and told me to come up front. I figured I was history.

"We know why we are assembled here. Rob has admitted to cheating on a test. This act requires a vote of confidence from the members. If you, Rob, do not get the support of at least two-thirds of the members, you will be dismissed from the frat. Any questions?"

"No Sir."

"Good." The president proceeded to tie a blindfold around my head. "Assume the position." I did as told.

The president continued. "Brothers wanting Rob to remain a member of this frat are requested to come up here and vote at this time."

I knew what was coming. . . SMACK . . .the votes for me were being registered on my ass. . . SMACK . . .shit that hurt . . . SMACK . . . ow, now how many do I . . . POP . . . need out of thirty-one . . CRACK . . . brothers to remain a . . . POW . . . member, wow, that stung . . . SMACK . . . "Ah" . . .SMACK . . . "Ow", now where was I . . . SPANK . . . I need . . . SMACK . . .two-thirds . . . CRACK . . . "Ahhh", of thirty-one, that's . . . POP . . twenty-one . . . CRACK . . . "Jeeze", shots I need to remain a . . . SPANK . . . brother . . .SMACK . . . how many have I . . .SPANK . . . taken so far . . CRACK . . ."Ooooh", shit I didn't count . . . SMACK . . . I should be getting close . . . CRACK . . . "Owww", I hope it's . . . SMACK . . .enough . . . SPANK . . . to stay . . . CRACK . . . "Ahhhhhh" . . . SMACK . . . . . .

"Is everyone done voting?"

I was told to stand. The blindfold was removed. "You received twenty-three votes of confidence. You are still a member of this fraternity but on probation until this matter is closed." He handed me my paddle. Tears were running down my cheeks, as much from joy as the sting in my ass. "Now go and thank each brother for his confidence in you."

I looked at him quizzically. He whispered what I was to do. I just nodded my head and then went to the first of thirty-one brothers.

"Thank you for your confidence in me. I won't let you down. Please accept my challenge to trade shots as a token of my appreciation of your support."

That's the way it went with everyone. I didn't hit them very hard at first, hoping they would take it easy on my sore ass, but each of them smacked me good. By the time I got to the president to give me the last shot, I was moving very slowly and stiffly. Finally, it was over.

"Now, go up to your room. I believe you have some studying to do"

"Yes, sir."

The next day, I was moving very stiffly when I went to see the professor in his office. There was a wooden chair near his desk. He told me to have a seat. I could see a little smirk on his face as I gingerly sat down.

"Did your fraternity teach you a lesson?

"Yes,sir, I'm sorry , sir. It won't happen again. Please give me a chance to prove myself." I was squirming as much from pleading my case as trying to relieve the pain in my ass.

He was obviously enjoying my predicament. Finally he said "I'll let you retake the test Monday morning at 7:00 AM sharp. Don't disappoint me. You can go."

I ended up the semester with a 3.2 GPA. The brothers made sure I kept on course by challenging me to trade shots several times a week. It worked.

Next: Chapter 3: Pledging Frats

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