Frat Initiation Series

By moc.loa@yobgdnbdM

Published on Jun 28, 2005


This is a true account of one of the 8 nights of pledging my frat. Am always looking for other frat initiaion experiences too. You can send men email at Thanks and enjoy

Frat Initiation - Tuesday Night by Mdbndgeboy

It was 7:30 Tuesday night. All eight of us were in the clubhouse, standing at attention, buck naked as usual, in the spots that we were assigned, our pledge paddle lying beside us. No one dared to be late, after what happened to me five days ago. Our minds were filled with trepidation, as we were still not fully recovered from the activities of last night and this morning. Our asses were still red from the paddling that we had already received.

A little background for you. I was forcibly shaved in two initiations that was recounted in a previous initiation story. Because I was in a rush to get to the meeting last Thursday night, and had neglected to put any briefs on under my sweats, I was naked after taking my sweats off. Because of that, all the other seven pledges had to take their briefs off, also. This, then, was the condition we had to remain throughout hell week. We knew we couldn't go to class naked, so one of us spoke up to that fact. "You'll just have to rent clothes from us." was the reply. We didn't know what he meant by that, but found out soon enough.

The brothers came in with a pile of clothes, so I knew an outside event was going to take place. Not that we always had clothes on when we did things outside, but we never were allowed clothes on in the frat. I was given my standard outfit: a frat muscle T-shirt, running shorts with the lining removed, and sneakers. I had been shaved down Thursday night, and the brothers always wanted me to show my hairlessness. After we had dressed, we immediately went back to attention. We were told to put our hands behind our backs, and our hands were taped tightly together. A sheet was torn into long strips, and these were wrapped around our eyes, effectively blindfolding us. I had no idea of what was going to happen.

A brother then picked up our pledge paddle. The front of it was painted with our frat letters, our nickname, and the year of our pledge class. This had to be done by Sunday night, and all of us were punished to some extent for any failure to get completed to any perceived sloppiness. The back side had lines for fifty names: the twenty-four brothers, our faculty advisors, and certain alumni. We soon learned the hard way to be naked when presenting the paddle to ANY who was supposed to sign. Can you imagine how embarrassing it was to strip down in front of our faculty advisor, especially, if you made the mistake of asking him after a class when other people were around.

The brother checked to see if we had our fifteen required signatures. If we didn't, we received two whacks for every deficiency. (Wed. if would be three for each, and so on) After paddling the pledges who were deficient - I only had fourteen, so I got hit twice, a brother went on either side of me, and led me outside into a car. I was put in the middle, with a brother on either side of me. Another brother drove. In the car, we were given beer to drink, and a joint to smoke. After five minutes or so, the cars stopped and we got out. The pledges were paired up, and we stood facing each other. I know that, because we were told to bend over so the tops of our heads were together.

We were told to sing the frat fight song and not stop until told. Then the familiar sound came. WHACK, WHACK , WHACK. I knew my ass was in trouble again. We were paddled if we didn't sing loud enough. We were paddled just for the hell of it. If we messed up a line when getting paddled, we were paddled again for messing up. I don't know how many times we got hit.

Suddenly, we were told to stand and we were led back to the car. Again, in the middle, and again, we were given a beer to drink and a joint to smoke. Again, the car stopped, we got out and did the whole routine all over again. We did this four times. The fourth time, though, a twist was added. After we got into position with our heads together, someone pulled down the shorts and we were told to step out of them. We were told to sing as loud as we could, but this time our asses weren't beaten. The brothers had us over to our sister sorority for inspection. The sisters were given the paddles and were told to use them to their hearts content. By that time, any hit was painful, and the sisters did not take it easy on us, as all of them got to paddle each of us to cement the bond between the two groups.

After that, we were all led back into the clubhouse. We were told that we had a half hour to get our asses untied, or all of us would get five Whacks for every pledge that remained tied. The only other thing we had to do that night was to get ten more signatures on the paddle. You can imagine how much fun THAT was.


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Next: Chapter 2: Trading Shots

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