Frat Housekeeper

By Malik White

Published on Jan 15, 2019


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Frat housekeeper - chapter 2

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Trevon's room was located in the basement right below Mr. Cody's bedroom, in the house staff quarters area. The basement could be conveniently accessed from the small service room adjacent to three rooms of Mr. Cody's suit: his bedroom, office, and the living room. In general, the means of access between the main house and the staff area in the basement are kept to a minimum. The house is one of the oldest plantation houses in the state. It has "1750" engraved above the main entrance so I am assuming the house was built in 1750. Of course there were numerous renovations since then, mainly in the main house area, less so in the basement and attic service areas. Basement is now fully soundproof from the main house. It also has a separate HVAC system (not as sophisticated as in the main house). All doors leading to the service area are concealed behind the furniture, curtains etc. All old doors connecting service and main house areas have been replaced by the modern soundproof smart doors that are fully sealed and also fireproof, but operate completely silently. There are indicators on each of these doors, which would light up if the door is not fully sealed; those lights are very tiny on the main house side and quite large and clearly visible on the service side. If one of the doors is inadvertently left unlocked for more than 60 seconds, the alarm will automatically go to the housekeeper on duty and to the security.

Mr. Cody is very computer and tech-savvy and since he took over the oversight of many mansion operations, numerous smart features have been added, which I'll be mentioning along the way. The means of communication between the members of the family and house workers have been evolving over the years. Trevon still has an ancient bell in his room, which Mr. Cody can ring by pulling the cord just above the head of his bed. Of course this bell was left in place only based on its historical value, as it was believed to be part of the original 1750 set up. Nowadays, most of the distant communication between McCollough family and the staff is happening through our cell phones. There is also an audio system that can be used to overhead voice messages either house-wide or in the specific areas or rooms. All employees are contractually required to have their cell phones encrypted and all phone content is fully accessible to the housekeeping leadership (Darius), to Xavier (McColloughs' IT guy), and to all members of the family aged 18 and older. We are not allowed to possess any other mobile devices.

Using encryption software, Mr. Cody can, for example, see whatever I text to my buds, all my pics, videos, Facebook shit, whatever is in my phone really. Of course I am sure that Mr. Cody has more important stuff to do than to keep looking up my phone. However, Xavier the IT person is required to audit the phones of all employees periodically. Few years ago I took a selfie with one of McColloughs' dogs. Xavier caught the picture next day on my phone (even as I didn't send it to anyone), and he and Darius made a huge deal out of it. Darius asked my mom if he can whip me and she said yes, absolutely. Darius didn't use the real whip, of course, but he did give me 10 hard lashes up my bare ass with his belt. Obviously, it was kind of embarrassing. I thought that I shouldn't be punished like that in this country in the 21st century. Well, Mr. Cody takes cyber-security very seriously. I understand that Mr. Cody's reputation is invaluable. I also thought that Mr. Cody's ancestors who obviously were the owners of my ancestors, probably used the real whip all the time on kids like me.. My butt was hurting for a few days after that punishment but in the old days the whole bodies of McColloughs' slaves were probably hurting all the time from hard labor and the overseers' whip.. I have to say that I honestly can't imagine McColloughs ever punished their slaves without a reason, at least not intentionally, but still.. Well, I suppose I am lucky that I was born in 1999 and not before the abolition.. In any event, I definitely learned my lesson to be very careful online moving forward.

...As we entered the service area and get to the small spiral stairs to go down to the basement, Darius started giving us some general instructions. He was talking much more loudly here compared to Mr. Cody's living room in part due to all the noise coming from the kitchen, laundry and other facilities:

  • Trevon, you remember of course that Dominique is not coming tonight (Dominique is Mr. Cody's massage therapist).

  • I know, I'll take care of Cody's massage tonight, Darius.

  • Are you sure? I can call that other guy who we used on occasion.

  • Don't do that he isn't good, Darius.

  • Ok Trevon but take some more painkillers or something. If your joints misbehave again Mr. Cody will get stressed out instead of being relaxed by your massage.

  • Darius man I will be fine, trust me. I don't know what happened this morning, but I feel just fine now.

  • Okay Trevon, - Darius said that without much confidence. Honestly Trevon was kinda limping when walking down the stairs, which of course was noted by Darius. - Mr. Cody needs full eight hours or sleep tonight. I want to make sure he is properly relaxed before bed. DeShawn must watch you tonight when you massage Mr. Cody.

Trevon didn't say anything but nodded "yes" to Darius. I knew he was not happy about being kind of pushed away from serving Mr. Cody so suddenly after doing so for 27 years. Of course he knew that I had nothing to do with it, but I understood that he might kinda hate me just because I will be servicing Mr. Cody moving forward and he soon won't be doing that no more...

  • Also I know you have to tell DeShawn a lot of stuff tonight but make sure he gets 2 hours of sleep. DeShawn, someone will bring you your new job paperwork to sign tonight. Also I will call your school tomorrow morning, I know you have few weeks left before graduation.

  • Thank you Mr. Darius, but what about finals?

  • Will see what they can do at your school. But don't you worry, one way or another you will graduate just fine.

I realized just now that my school might become a real problem if I start serving Mr. Cody full time right now just before finals, but Darius sounded very confident. Also, I was wondering why I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours, and Darius sounded like even that might be difficult to get. I knew, of course, that I'll have to get up before Mr. Cody does, but just 2 hours when Darius just said that Mr. Cody will be sleeping for 8 hours?..

  • Trevon, you appointment is tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning, make sure you get there fasting. Jamal will drive you over there (Jamal is McColloughs' mechanic and chauffeur).

  • But Darius, I...

  • I know you can drive yourself but I need you to stay on your phone with your hands free for texting at all times in case DeShawn needs your help. Even when the doctor sees you, Trevon, you got it? Your phones have already been merged for Mr. Cody's messages, so that all his messages sent to you Trevon will also go to DeShawn.

When Darius was saying that my phone went on vibration, and I herd that Trevon's and Darius' phones went on vibration too. I had a message from Mr. Cody saying: "WHERE THE FUCK IS ALIYAH?!!!" I suppose Trevon and Darius just had gotten the same message. I knew Aliyah quite well - she graduated from my high school last year. She was kinda pretty. Her mother worked for McColloughs as a maid similarly to my mother. Aliyah now for some time has been Mr. Cody's... well, basically one of the girls who Mr. Cody fucks. I had no idea though where she was at at the moment. While I was thinking what I was supposed to do with my first ever message from Mr. Cody, Darius made few clicks on his phone and said:

  • Hmm, she is in Mercy Hospital.. Hopefully there is nothing bad.. But if she is sick, who can replace her? I think I saw Kiara around the house earlier? And didn't Mr. Cody just play with Aliyah yesterday?

  • Darius, Cody was angry on Kiara lately so not sure if she would do, - said Trevon. He doesn't want anyone but Aliyah these days.

  • Got it, let me try to call Aliyah then..

If you were wondering how Darius was able to figure out so quickly where Aliyah was, it's easy. All of us have our location available to Darius at all times through our encrypted phones.. Within the mansion the accuracy is enhanced by the internal network so that everyone can be located within the specific floor and room, from subbasement to attic.. Not everyone would think about it, but sexual needs of people like Mr. Cody McCollough have to be supported by the team of his assistants with the same, if not the higher level of attention as all his other needs, such as nutrition, clothing, rest, etc. If a guy like me doesn't sometime have sex for weeks (oh well - bitter truth!) who cares, right? However if Mr. Cody gets sexually deprived or frustrated, it actually IS a big deal for everyone, due to many reasons, particularly because of how important the decisions that Mr. Cody has to make on a daily basis are. Now, I am not a doctor but even I understand that too much of an unused testosterone can make you kinda stupid. It's pretty obvious that a regular and high quality sex is essential for Mr. Cody. Needless to say that I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want to get dicked down by Mr. Cody. Of course Mr. Cody is very selective in who actually gets into his bedroom. Not only because of the type of girls he finds appealing but also based on the ability of a chick to keep her mouth shut (haha not for Mr. Cody's dick of course lol). Jokes aside, you now understand that supporting a constant and steady pussy flow for Mr. Cody is something that has to be taken very, very seriously by all of us his servants.

It sounded like Darius meanwhile had gotten Aliyah on the phone:

  • Aliyah baby is everything okay? - What? Little Andre is in the ICU with bronchiolitis? (Andre is Aliyah's nephew, a 1-year-old son of her sister Trisha). I am so sorry girl, is Trisha there? - Okay baby you have to leave right now, Mr. Cody needs you. - What do you mean you are there in pajamas?! Who do you think you work for?! It doesn't matter that you are not at work! It's a matter of the reputation. Not yours, but the people who you work for! Well no time now but I'll talk to you and your mother about this later. - No you are not going home to change, didn't you understand what I just said? Mr. Cody needs you RIGHT NOW. We'll find you some outfit here in the house. Take a cab and be here in 20 min or less Aliyah if you don't want to get into really big trouble.

  • Gosh, such a bad timing. Trevon, let Mr. Cody know.

Trevon sent a message back to Mr. Cody and in a second I saw it on my phone: "She will be in your living room in 30 min Sir". The reply came almost immediately: "She better fucking hurry up! Reg to me know".

Reg, short for Reginald, is Mr. Cody's secretary who is in charge of Mr. Cody's daily schedule, emails, ground mail, meetings, business deliveries, and stuff like that. Usually he works in the little office next to Mr. Cody's office on the ground floor, other times in his studio office in the basement, next door to Trevon's room, which we were approaching. Darius passed Trevon's room and get right into Reg's room; we followed Darius. Reg was typing something on his laptop and at the same time talking to someone using the headsets with the microphone. He seemed quite busy. When he saw us coming, he quickly wrapped up his phone convo.

  • Hey Reg, Mr. Cody needs you right now.

  • Okay Darius, let me grab some papers. Still so much stuff to do for that meeting tomorrow with finance, he might be mad on me.. I was expecting to give him report like in 40 minutes..

  • Aliyah is running late and sounds like Mr. Cody wants to work with you now.

  • What? I'll fuck the shit out of that stupid bitch when she shows her fucking ass up here! You know how he is when he doesn't get a pussy when he wants it! He is gonna kill me Darius. Damn fucking bitch! - Reg was shouting his last curse while he was already running out of the room with his laptop and a bunch of paperwork.

  • Okay guys I think you better go back to Mr. Cody suit now to make sure no one is gotta get injured this time hehe. I'll go get Ms. Makeda to make sure she has stuff for Aliyah. (Ms. Makeda is a woman who, among other things takes some care of Mr. Cody's playgirls; like she can give Aliyah some proper clothes to change her pajamas, will help her to fix the make up if needed, stuff like that - so she will basically quickly shape Aliyah up for Mr. Cody.)

As Darius left, Trevon turned back toward Mr. Cody's area and I followed him. I wanted to comfort Trevon somehow and to say something that will make him not hate me, his replacement, as much:

  • Mr. Trevon, I am so sorry about the whole thing. How are you feeling?

  • Thanks DeShaun, it's not your fault, and you don't need to feel guilty. I knew this was coming. Cody was all my life for the past 27 years, but it's time for him to move on. He is right that I am getting too old to serve him the way he needs and deserves. Just promise that you will become that perfect boy for Cody, DeShawn.

  • Of course, Mr. Trevon, I'll do everything.

  • I hope "everything" will be enough. But whenever you feel that you've done "everything" for Cody, think of how you can do some more. You really need to go above and beyond that "everything", Trevon.

  • I will Mr. Trevon, I promise.

  • Okay DeShaun, let's see what's going on over there.

We've now gotten back to the service room. I should mention that the three doors leading from the service room to Mr. Cody's leaving room, bedroom, and office, are all made from a semipermeable glass. Through those doors, we could see what?s going on inside of the rooms, while people inside cannot not see us. Mr. Cody could remotely turn off the semi transparency of the rooms, reverse it, or change to complete transparency.

Mr. Cody was still relaxing on the couch with his right leg resting on the coffee table. He was wearing the flip-flops that Trevon put on his feet few minutes earlier, but his tie and blazer were tossed on the floor. Mr. Cody undid few buttons on his shirt showing about an inch of his slightly hairy chest. I suppose Mr. Cody was not wearing any undershirt. Reg was squatted next to the coffee table setting up the laptop for Mr. Cody's review, and the paperwork was on the floor next to Reg right at Mr. Cody's left foot. There was not enough room on the coffee table for the laptop with Mr. Cody's foot resting right in the middle of the table. Reg settled the laptop on the edge of the table so that just a bit more than a half of the laptop was on the table and the other half was suspended in the air. To make sure the laptop is not falling down, Reg had to hold the laptop with his left hand and control stuff on the screen with his right hand - not the most comfortable position I suppose, especially as he was also constantly writing notes and sending some texts on his phone - all squatted with his head just next to Mr. Cody's left knee.

I suppose some of you may think something like that Mr. Cody is some kind of jerk - why wouldn't he move his foot just a little bit to make more room for Reg's laptop on the coffee table, or take the foot altogether off the table. You have to keep in mind though that Mr. Cody simply doesn't have enough mental energy and time to think about this kind of stuff, truly insignificant for a person of his level. If we imagine a theoretical scenario that someone would dare to tell Mr. Cody that he is making anyone uncomfortable (of course no one ever would), I am sure Mr. Cody would be honestly surprised. The truth also is that anyone who works for Mr. Cody has a clear philosophy of the utmost importance of Mr. Cody's comfort and convenience. People with other mindsets would never be allowed to be in this house. At the end of the day, it's our job to free Mr. Cody from menial stuff like thinking of where to prop his feet, so he can focus on more important and satisfying things. I am sure Reg doesn't event think that anything is wrong about how he is squatted sort of in between of Mr. Cody's widely spread legs..

While I was not able to hear the conversation, I felt that there was something inflammatory in Mr. Cody's appearance, as far as my limited knowledge of the body language goes. I suppose Reg's anticipation that Mr. Cody would be mad on him was not without a reason. I saw that Mr. Cody started shaking his right foot, the one that he propped on the table. Mr. Cody was then pointing to the screen kind of very emotionally. Then he pulled his right leg back from the table and crossed it an the left knee so that his flip flop was literally half an inch from Reg's face. He kept shaking his foot with the flip flop almost banging on Reg's face. After maybe just 30 seconds he propped the right leg back on the table. As his presumed dissatisfaction with Reg has grown more, all of a sudden Mr. Cody kinda wildly kicked off the flip-flop off from the right foot so that it flew all the way across the room. I supposed Mr. Cody was really, really angry. But this was not the end. Mr. Cody kept pointing on the screen and then he kicked the laptop with his now bare right foot and threw it on the floor. Not sure if the laptop was even working any more. Mr. Cody then kicked off his other, left flip-flop, which flew into another corner of the room. He then pushed away all Reg's paperwork with his left foot, so that the paper was now all over the room. Basically it was a total mess.

While I was really frozen in terror watching the scene, Trevon didn't waste time and made a drink for Mr. Cody.

  • This might calm him down a bit, - he said very casually and headed to the room.

  • Should I go pick Mr. Cody's clothes, Mr. Trevon?

  • That's a good idea DeShawn.

As I said the room was a mess. Reg was crawling on the floor on his all fours fixing the laptop (miraculously it was still working), picking and putting together the paperwork. Mr. Cody however looked a bit more content, I suppose it helped that he just released his frustration with Reg. Mr. Cody now propped both his legs on the coffee table, crossed his hands behind the back of his neck, and was giving Reg some scheduling instructions casually. Reg kneeled at the other side of the coffee table and was frantically making notes on the piece of paper using a tiny space of the table behind Mr. Cody's bare feet. Trevon silently offered Mr. Cody his drink, which Mr. Cody accepted and started sipping.

I picked Mr. Cody's flip-flops from the different corners of the room. I didn't have napkins so I quickly wiped the insoles using my sleeves and carefully, trying not to disturb Mr. Cody and Reg, started putting the flip-flops back on Mr. Cody's feet. I've noticed that Mr. Cody doesn't really have much of a gap between his big toe and the second toe. I pushed his big toe to the side just a little bit to make sure the flip-flop slides in smoothly; same for the other side. I suppose it was easy because both Mr. Cody's feet were readily accessible on the coffee table. I just bended over and didn't have to squat or kneel down as Trevon did earlier when taking off Mr. Cody's dress shoes and socks. I then picked Mr. Cody?s tie and blazer from the floor and followed Trevon off the room. It was my first time directly serving Mr. Cody and first time ever touching his body (I know I only touched his big toes so far but still). I can't describe the excitement that I felt after doing this very first piece of service to Mr. Cody.

Literally same second when Trevon and I got back into the service room, Aliyah entered the room from the other door. I thought she looked pretty gorgeous. She also smelled so nice. She was wearing a cute little dress, which was not hiding much of her skin. The dress had a front midline zipper, which was a bit undone opening up that valley in between her boobs. Her nipples were propping through the fabric.

  • DeShawn, baby are you here? How cute! Hi Mr. Trevon, how is Mr. Cody doing? A bit moody I heard? Let me see what I can do - she winked me while saying that. - Can I get in there now Mr. Trevon? Darius sounded like we have a little emergency over here hehe. - Her smile was very comforting.

Trevon got back in the living room and announced:

  • Aliyah is here, Mr. McCollough. Would you like to finish working with Reginald, sir?

  • Fuck no, I am done with you Reg. Go fix all your shit as I just told you. - Mr. Cody said that without any anger though, even kinda softly. Maybe because Aliyah was finally here? Or perhaps it was Trevon's calming drink?..

While giving these final instructions to Reg, Mr. Cody kicked off his flip flops again, though this time not as violently as few minutes ago, so that his flip flops stayed on the coffee table this time. Reg was still finishing his notes kneeled across the coffee table, his head down.. Mr. Cody's flip flops now covered part of Reg's paper.. Then I saw something that I would never imagine could ever happen. Mr. Cody.. planted the arch of his bare foot right on the top of poor Reg's big shaved head, and kicked Reg's head away with the force of his foot. I had my jaw dropped, either because this was so unexpected or perhaps simply because the sight of Mr. Cody's milky white foot on the top of Reg's black head was so mesmerizing. Mr. Cody, of course, didn't kick Reg very hard or anything. In fact, I think that kicking Reg like that was sort of a sign of forgiveness.. You know what I mean, kind of a friendly punch to a kid who just messed something up. I suppose it could've also been a bit of an alpha thing in anticipation of a little fun with Aliyah, who, and Mr. Cody knew this, was watching him from behind the door.. In any event, Reg just tilted back a little from Mr. Cody's kick, then he quickly jumped back up on his feet happily smiling, grabbed laptop and paperwork and saying:

  • Thank you sir, I'll see you tomorrow morning with the fully fixed agenda.

He didn't sound ashamed or even slightly surprised or uncomfortable at all. Was it a regular thing for Mr. Cody to treat Reg like that?. Mr. Cody though already seemed to completely forget about Reg and he was now calling Aliyah:

  • Hey little bitch, get over here!

Aliyah had gotten into the living room..

Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated,

Next: Chapter 3

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