Frat Bears

By fratbear

Published on Jul 17, 2001



Warning: The following story contains explicit descriptions of gay sex, so it you're under the age of 18, of a prudish temperament, or offended by the very notion of gay sex... please do fuck off now.

All of fratbear's stories (including the Sloan Cosgrove series) are available at:

"Frat Bears" by fratbear (

Finally, I thought. For the first time in weeks, my frat house -- the raucous Delt House -- was quiet. A bunch of the actives were off on some spring beach retreat with the incoming pledge class, leaving just a couple of us senior members around to tend to the house during the weekend.

A good thing, too, 'cause I had midterms to study for, and sleep to catch up on. If I knew I was going to end up losing so much sleep that weekend, I probably would've gone off to the beach with the other underclassmen.

But then I wouldn't have experienced what I did with Sloan.

It was about eleven on Friday night when I stepped out of the shower and toweled off in the deserted communal shower room on the second floor of the house.

Wrapping and tucking a towel around my waist, I stepped out into the bathroom area and went through my nightly ritual of brushing my teeth.

As I brushed, I stepped back and took a look of myself in the mirror. I was always the biggest kid, even back in elementary school, and now that I'm a 21-year-old college senior, I'm about six-two and 260 pounds. I even played defense on the college football team until a knee injury ended my career a year ago. I curled my arm, making sure my thick biceps were still somewhat defined under the layer of fat that was filling out my body.

I was more concerned about the paunch that was beginning to form around my midsection. Goodbye abs, hello love handles. Well, maybe the fat police wouldn't have to be called for at least a few more years, but I was definitely getting a little heftier during my non-athleticism.

I sucked in my stomach. Hey, I'm not a bad-looking guy. I got my gray puppy-dog eyes, my ever-cool goatee, a broad chest with just the right amount of hair sprinkled across it. I sighed at the thought that the only reason I was looking so good right now was because of my artificially drawn-in belly.

I let my gut relax, letting my body expand to its normal, comfortable size. Naw, I thought, it wasn't too bad. I was born a big guy, and I wasn't about to fight genetics here.

I got back to my room and pulled on a pair of boxers, tossing my wet towel into a pile of dirty clothes on the floor. I combed back my mussed hair back with my fingers and settled into my bed, setting my large frame against a pillow and the headboard and propping my economics textbook up on my soft stomach.

My quiet study time didn't last very long, though, because after a few minutes, I became acutely aware of the grunting and groaning coming through the wall behind my head. I knew full well what it was.

Behind that wall, in the room next to mine, lived Big Sloan. We called him that because we had another frat brother named Sloan. But while Little Sloan was a trim jock-type, Big Sloan lived up to his name: six- foot-three and 300 pounds of bulk on his hefty body. Sloan, too, had played football with me, but he'd quit the team after only one season.

But if that wasn't enough to make him stand out, Sloan also made no secret of the fact that he was a true dickhound. He loved sucking, fucking... hell, he just loved men.

Sure, there were those in the house who were hesitant to let Sloan into the fraternity, but when he hoisted his burly frame in front of our faces, which of us were gonna say no? And besides, he was an all-around cool and amiable fellow.

That is, when he wasn't having sex. Like he was now. Just on the other side of that wall behind my head. With God knows who. Probably with one of the guys on the football team. Sloan had told me once about the varsity jocks needing some kind of release every now and then. Sloan, of course, was always happy to oblige.

I could tell from the moans that it wasn't Sloan who was making all that noise. He was probably sucking off some guy or something. I listened to the creaking of bedsprings, a rhythmic pounding of a headboard against the wall, and -- hey, can you blame me? -- I started to get awful horny.

I tossed my textbook and listened intently to the sounds of another man's sexual pleasure. Without even realizing it, I began to rub my large pecs with my fingers, and I was trying to keep my own heavy breathing down so I could hear the groaning better.

My hand slid down my chest and across my belly, slipping my fingers under the waistband of my boxers. My cock was already stiffening, a good 7 1/2 inches, threatening to poke its head out the top of my shorts.

What the hell, I thought, pushing my boxers down my thick legs until they were bunched up around my knees. I wrapped my right hand around the shaft of my already crimson dick and began pumping slowly.

I could see the color changing in my chest and stomach. Whenever I get really horny, I get flush with blood, and my entire body turns redder, like I have some kind of sunburn or something. As I listened to the guy in Sloan's room stop groaning and begin to moan and whine, I could feel my own body heating up, and sure enough, my body turned red as a layer of sweat began to glisten on my body.

Suddenly, with a loud thump against the wall, and an almost animal-like yell of ecstasy, the commotion stopped. I could hear a few more growls, and then utter silence.

I stopped and waited in anticipation, holding my still-rigid dick in my hand as I listened for what must have been several minutes. Finally, I heard the door to Sloan's room open and close, and footsteps going past my door. The guy must have left to go back to his dorm, or his own frat house.

My dick began to soften as I realized that the night's entertainment was over for now. I heard the sound of a late-night talk show come on next door. Sloan must've turned on the TV. The big guy must be feeling pretty lonely now, I thought.

What the hell was I doing? I reached down, pulled up my boxers, and picked up my textbook. I had studying to do. But as I opened up my book again, something gnawed at me: Come on, it was only Friday. I had the whole weekend to study. And all of a sudden, I had an urge to cuddle up next to a warm body, not just any body, but Sloan's big, bearish mass. There was no way Sloan would say no. He'd even told me once, about a three weeks ago, that he thought I was cute in, and I quote, "a big luggish kind of way." This coming from a big lug like himself.

So, for the second time that night, I tossed my book to the floor, only this time, my feet came thundering to the floor after it.

I stepped out into the hallway and walked up to Sloan's door, making sure that there was no one else in the hallway. I knocked cautiously. Sloan wasn't nearly as cautious.

"Come on in," his voice bellowed from inside.

I cringed, afraid that some other Delt would hear and poke his head out a door to see what horny guy was coming to see Big Sloan for a quickie. But that didn't happen. Most of the guys were probably still out partying.

I opened the door and stepped inside Sloan's room, closing the door quickly behind me. I could see the side of an active television set in front of me. The late-night talk show was gone, though, replaced by the sounds of an all-guy porno.

"Hey, who is it?" Sloan's voice came from his bed around the corner from me. If I was having second thoughts, I could have turned and ducked out the door again, and he never would have known who it was.

I mustered up my courage and poked my head around the corner. Sloan was sitting up in his bed, wearing a dark red bathrobe which we'd often see him in whenever he lumbered around the house. He had a remote control in his hand, and he paused the porno playing on the TV, freezing on the image of a bulky football player with his head thrown back in pleasure as he plowed his cock deep into the body of a fellow teammate.

Sloan was clearly surprised, and thrilled, to see me. His friendly face broke out into a grin. "Hey, Big Dick Nick," he said. That was what he'd started calling me ever since the first time he saw me naked in the showers a couple of years back. He was one to talk. His own dick was known to be at least eight inches long when stiff. "Is the TV too loud for ya?"

"Uh, no, Sloan, it's okay," I mumbled as I suddenly realized that I wasn't wearing anything but my boxers. I became very self-aware of my exposed paunch and stayed hidden behind the corner.

"Why're ya hiding back there, Nick?" Sloan asked.

"Well, I, uh..." I bit my lip and stepped out from behind the corner, my hands subconsciously folded over my crotch.

"Oh, man," Sloan said, as if he suddenly realized what was wrong, "I'm sorry about all the noise. You're probably trying to study, huh?"

Yeah, that was it, I thought. I could just complain about noise and that would be it. I could turn my tail and leave. But I looked at Sloan's massive body resting on his bed, his gentle smile warming me, and just kind of blurted out of my mouth. "It was... well, I was just feelin' kinda lonely," I said.

Sloan sat up, trying to contain his excitement. "You're kidding me, right? You?"

I nodded nervously, and he grinned back. "I figured, well..." I didn't know what to say. "Well, maybe I should see what everyone else was talkin' about."

Sloan turned off the TV. "Well, ya big lug, come on."

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Well, we can't do anything with you standing over there." He patted the bed next to him. "Come over here."

I sucked my gut in, which was kind of stupid, cause Sloan had a bigger belly than I could ever have, and a barrel chest that was even wider than mine. And, of course, Sloan noticed, and he chuckled.

"You're adorable just the way you are, Nick," he said. "You think I worry about my size?"

"No," I answered as I padded across the carpet to his bed, "it's just..."

"Well, then why should you?" he interrupted me. "We're both big ole lugs. Let's be proud of it."

I climbed onto his bed next to him. It was probably the most weight it had ever held. I could feel the mattress sagging beneath our combined weights.

"Just lie back," Sloan said, taking my forearm in his paw-like hand and guiding me down. I lay back, my head settling into my pillow, my breath held in anxiety at what I was just about to do. Sloan looked at me with concern with a pair of beady, hang-dog eyes. "You don't look like you really want to do this."

I shook my head and looked back at him with what must've been a truly pitiful expression. "Naw," I mumbled, "I want to. Really."

"Then can you do me a favor and at least breathe a little?" Sloan replied. "It'll make me feel a lot better. You look like you're gonna pass out or something, man."

That was when I realized that I was still holding me breath. I sighed, letting my stomach expand out. I grinned nervously, and Sloan laughed affectionately. He brushed back my tangled hair.

"That's better," he said. He ran his hand down the side of my face, down my neck, and let his fingers glide over my chest. I must've been trembling, because he stopped. "You're absolutely sure you want to do this."

I didn't answer. Instead, I reached up and wrapped my hand around his, squeezing it.

"You're really something, Nick," Sloan said as he started to massage my chest with his hand. "I see you moping around your room, never hangin' out with anybody, either guys or chicks. I was beginning to worry about you."

"You were worried about me?" I said, pretty stupidly, I admit.

"Do I even need to explain?" Sloan replied. "A guy who doesn't have any love around him. Of course I'm gonna worry." He ran his fingers over the bristles of my short moustache and goatee. "What chick would resist you, really? A big ole adorable teddy bear like you."

"All those chicks are looking for are some lean and mean jock type with cut abs," I said, realizing really for the first time just how undesirable I probably was to the opposite sex.

"They're probably just threatened by your size," Sloan said. "It's a natural thing. We Neanderthals are seriously stereotyped. Just show 'em that you're a nice guy."

I grinned again. He really understood what it was like, and I liked just lying there with him rubbing my chest and stomach. I felt my dick beginning to twitch. He noticed the movement under my boxers.

"I guess you've been holding out on me," he said, chuckling.

Sloan leaned over and kissed my chest, then began running his tongue across my sensitive skin, causing me to shiver.

"Oh, god, Sloan," I started to moan. I'd never even had a chick do this to me before. His hands roamed across my chest as he moved down to my ticklish stomach, his tongue gliding across the dusty line of hair disappearing into the waistband of my boxers. I started to giggle from the sensation, stomach tightening with each ticklish feeling. Looking down at the top of Sloan's head, his face buried in my gut, I could tell that he was smiling, enjoying the fact that he was making me feel like this.

By now, I cock was so stiff that it actually hurt as it poked a tent up in my boxers. Sloan cupped the shaft with his thick fingers, massaging it through the cloth. I let out a little moan, and Sloan looked up at me and smiled.

"Feels like it wants to get some air," he said. "Should I let it out?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yeah, buddy. I guess." Sloan grinned and tugged at the waistband of my boxers, sliding them down. My rigid cock came flopping out onto my stomach as Sloan slid my boxers down my legs, off my feet, and tossed them to the floor.

I found myself wondering how I looked to him, lying completely naked on the bed, my body now starting to turn colors again, my dick throbbing deep red on my heaving belly.

Sloan clambered back up the bed and knelt next to my side. "Jeez, man," he said, "you wouldn't believe how many times I've jerked off, fantasizing about this very thing. And now you're here."

I was surprised. "You really fantasized... about me?"

"All the time," Sloan answered. "It's just something about a big, clumsy guy with a cute smile and a clueless expression. Gets me every time."

"So, what would you fantasize that we'd be doing?" I asked. I immediately knew what the answer would be.

Sloan leaned over, wrapping his fingers around the base of my shaft as he enveloped the head of my cock with his hot mouth. I closed my eyes and groaned from the sensation as he suckled on the end, letting his tongue slip around and tease the ridge of the mushroom head.

He removed his mouth and wrapped his hand around the shaft, pumping it vigorously. My body heaved as I groaned louder, a glistening pearl of precum seeping out of the very tip of my cock.

"Oh, god, Sloan," I murmured, "suck it. Please, man."

Sloan licked off the precum with the tip of his tongue, and he suddenly brought his mouth down on my cock again, only this time I felt the entire length of my shaft sliding through his mouth and down his throat as he buried my entire cock up to the hilt, his nose nestled in the tangle of coarse hair at the base.

I should've been wondering how he could breathe, but my mind was too overloaded with pleasure. Instead, I just opened my mouth wide, but nothing could come out save for a few jagged gasps for air. It was just too much.

I forced myself to open my eyes and look down at Sloan as he knelt there, hunched over me, my dick buried deep in his throat. He, too, opened his eyes and cast a sideways glance at me. He growled, sending intense tremors through the entire length of my dick. I gritted my teeth, and Sloan began to bob his head up and down, letting my cock slip in and out of his hot throat.

I couldn't stand it. My balls felt like they were about to explode. "Uh, fuck, Sloan, I'm gonna come," I moaned. "And I really meant it. "No... No, Sloan, I don't want to come, yet." My hands clawed at his thick shoulder. "Not yet, Sloan."

Sloan let my slick cock slide out of his mouth and fall to my stomach with a slap. "But I want to taste your cum," he said.

"Naw," I said, "it's just that I want to..."

I reached down and tugged at the belt on his bathrobe. Sloan understood, and he nodded as I pulled on the belt, slipping the knot off and pulling it completely out from around his waist.

I sat up so that we were looking into each other's eyes. I reached up gripped the collars of the robe and pulled it apart, revealing Sloan's big, barrel chest and his soft, round belly. I slid his robe down past his wide shoulders and down his thick arms until his robe lay on the bed, draped across his tree-trunk legs.

"Are you hard, yet?" I asked, looking down at the robe that still concealed his cock.

"I've been rock-hard from the moment you came in here," he answered.

I pulled open the flaps of his robe, uncovering a swollen, purple dick that must have been at least eight-and-a-half inches long, perfectly formed, poking out of a nest of dusty gray-brown hair. Now both of us sat naked in front of one another.

I reached down, curious, and pinched and rubbed his stiff cock with my fingers. Sloan's big chest swelled up as he took a deep breath, and he smiled.

"Oh, Nick, that feels really good," he moaned as I massaged his shaft with my fingertips.

Sloan suddenly leaned forward and kissed me. Needless to say, this was a first for me, and it caught me off-guard, but I didn't resist. In fact, I responded, kissing him back as he pushed me back down into a lying position on the bed, laying his massive body on top of mine. I removed my hand from his cock and wrapped my arms around his broad back as we continued to kiss passionately. Our hard shafts rubbed against each other between our paunchy guts as our bodies heaved with every deep breath.

Sloan spread his massive legs apart, straddling my legs as he humped his body against mine, pressing our cocks together with each heave.

Sloan broke our long kiss and grinned as he looked into my eyes again, still thrusting his body up and down as if he was fucking me.

"Uh," he grunted, "god, Nick. Thanks."

"Don't thank me, yet," I replied. "I think there's still a lot I have to learn."

Sloan nodded. I could see a layer of sweat starting to form on his body, and I realized that my own body was already coated with my own slick sweat. Sloan moaned as he kissed me on the cheek one more time before rolling his immense body off me onto his back, his stomach heaving as he caught his breath. Sticky, clear precum leaked out of the end of his cock onto his stomach. He looked over at me.

"Sorry," he said, "I'm just getting a bit too horny for my own good."

"Naw, man," I answered. "I kinda liked that."

We both looked at each other's sweat-coated bodies and grinned. For the first time, I took a real good look at Sloan's mountainous body. He wasn't fat, really. I mean, he didn't have any rolling pockets of blubber or anything. He was just built big. Even bigger than me. Stout but tall. I reached over and pinched the thick flesh on his pecs.

"Different from anything else you've ever done, huh?" he said.

"Very," I answered.

I then rolled over and laid myself down on top of his body, my face poised over his large chest. I flicked my tongue across one of his nipples, and his entire pec twitched in response as he giggled. I licked up the middle of his chest, my tongue gliding over the short hair covering it. Sloan's sweat tasted salty as I continued licking his chest and neck. He ran his bearpaws through my sweat-soaked hair as I licked, nibbled, and kissed the thick flesh of Sloan's torso.

I could feel his long cock pulsing against my chest as I slid down his body, now licking the sweat off his round, soft stomach. I could feel his sticky precum smearing across my chest below me. I slid down and licked the precum that was already splattered on his stomach. It tasted a little salty, but a different type of saltiness from his sweat.

Meanwhile, my hands were still squeezing and massaging Sloan's thick pecs as I slid down further, until his dripping cock was sliding up the side of my face, leaving a trail of precum on my cheek.

I lifted my head up and wrapped my hand around his thick, long shaft. As he had done with me, I began to pump up and down on it. I looked up at Sloan's face as a low, rumbling, bear-like growl escaped from his lips. It was clear that he wasn't used to receiving so much attention from his other partners.

More clear liquid seeped out the end of his dick, completely coating the head with a glistening cap. I looked up at Sloan's trembling face. He could tell what I wanted to do. He started rubbing his own chest with his hands.

"Uh, fuck, Nick," he moaned. "If you do, I'm gonna come right away."

That was exactly what I wanted to hear. I smiled and brought my mouth down over the head of his cock, sucking away the salty precum as I pumped the rest of his shaft with my hand.

Sloan let out an sudden cry, followed by a series of intense grunts as I sucked on his cock, trying to get as much of it as I could into my mouth. I found that I could only get about half of it down my throat, but it was enough. I sucked on it like there was no tomorrow, stimulating the rest of his shaft with my fingers.

And it was driving him crazy. Sloan's large body writhed under me as he clawed at my hair and the bedsheets. His breath came out of his mouth as jagged grunts and groans, interspersed with the occasional "fuck" or "oh, god, Nick."

I could smell the sweat continuing to form on his body, and sweat started dripping off of my own hair as well. I looked up at Sloan's face, lost in ecstasy, his mouth opened wide, almost like he couldn't believe this was happening to him.

Sloan's thick legs bent up, and for a moment I thought he was going to wrap those treetrunks around my neck. Instead, he cupped his hands under his powerful thighs. It was all he could do to keep his body from bucking out of control. It was getting awfully hot with my head surrounded by all that hairy flesh as I sucked away on his rod.

Sloan closed his eyes hard as sweat dripped down his reddening face. I'd never seen a guy going into sexual overload, let alone actually being the one causing it for the guy. He opened his eyes and gazed at me deeply.

"Uh, fuck, Nick, I'm gonna come," he groaned. "Oh, fuck..."

I could feel his dick getting stiffer and hotter in my mouth as I sucked harder and harder. Sloan started humping his hips, desperately trying to ram more of his cock down my throat. His body heaved and shook as he barreled towards his climax.

I was torn between wanted to taste his cum and wanting to see it shoot out of his dick into the air. But I didn't have much time to think about it.

Sloan's upper body suddenly reared up as he pulled himself up with his hands, still gripping his legs. He threw his head back, opened his mouth wide, and let out a booming, "Fuuuuck, Niiiick!"

A jet of hot cum shot out of his cock and splashed against the back of my mouth. I continued sucking and pumping his dick as I got my first taste of another guy's cum. More jets spurted out, quickly filling my mouth as Sloan continued growling my name, his body bucking violently.

It didn't take long before my mouth was filled with Sloan's salty cum, and I slid his throbbing cock out of my mouth and pumped on it as I swallowed the juices in my mouth.

Long strands of white cum shot out of Sloan's deep red cock and splayed across his heaving stomach and chest. He opened his eyes, and we smiled at each other as spurt after spurt splattered across his body.

Finally, the spurts subsided, and his grunts died down into a steady, "Uh, Nick, uh, Nick..."

I continued pumping on his stiff dick as the last spurts of cum spat out of his cockhead and dripped over my hand.

Sloan closed his eyes, released his grip on his thighs, and let his spent, sweat-drenched body settle back on the bed, his torso expanding with each deep, exhausted breath.

His hand groped at my head, stroking my sweaty hair as I sucked on his softening cock, drawing any remnants of cum out of his shaft and swallowing it.

Sloan growled and looked down at his cum-splattered chest and belly. He grinned. "Uh, fuck, Nick. You sure you've never done this before?"

I nodded as I licked the cum and sweat off his still-heaving upper body. I finally slid up his body until we were gazing into each other's eyes again.

"I guess you're just a natural," he said, then kissed me deeply, tasting the salty liquids still lingering in my mouth... his own juices.

Sloan wrapped his thick legs around my waist, and hugged me with his powerful arms as we kissed, squeezing me lovingly in a strong bearhug. Sure it was unbearably hot, and the sweat was still dripping across our bodies, but I liked the sheer warmth of it. It was exactly what I had been searching for.

Sloan's barrel chest was still heaving as I rolled off of him and sat up. He just lay there, his puppy-dog gray eyes gazing at my own sweat- slicked bulky body.

"You look like you're just about ready to explode there," he said as he reached out with his bear-like paw and rubbed my deep crimson cock, stiffer than it's ever been in my life and literally dripping with precum.

He wiped off the sticky liquid with one of his fingers and brought it up to his chest, smearing it on his meaty chest as if it were some kind of clear body paint. I reached up and kneaded the thick flesh, enjoying how warm and soft it felt in my hands.

"Sloan," I started, a little hesitant to ask what was really on my mind.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"I was wondering... well..."

Sloan grinned boyishly. "You wanna fuck me, dontcha?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Well, yeah."

"You know I don't usually let guys fuck me," he said. "I mean, look at me."

It was a dumb idea anyway. "Yeah, you're obviously not the submissive type. Forget I said anything."

"Hey," he said, rubbing his hand on my thigh. "Of course you can fuck me."

I was surprised, to say the least, and it took several seconds to even utter a lame response. "W... wow."

Sloan chuckled. "It's not like I've never gotten fucked before. You know Norm O'Malley?"

I nodded. Of course I knew Norm. He was the 300-pound center on the football team.

Sloan smiled. "He fucked me in the showers once after a game. His first time."

I had to state the obvious. "Well, he's a little bigger than I am."

"Nick, ya dumb lug," Sloan said. "You're always bitchin' about what a fat blob you are, and now you're complaining that you're not big enough to fuck me."

"I wasn't complaining, I..." Sloan gave me a scowl that told me I needed to shut up and take some action. "Uh, what do I do?"

Sloan reached over to a small dresser by the bed and opened a drawer, pulling out a tube of lubricant. He squeezed some into his palm and wrapped it around the shaft of my cock, slowly pumping it, coating the length of my dick with the slick cream.

My stomach tightened from the sensation, and I had to beg him to stop. "I, uh, I think I'm gonna cum if you keep that up."

Sloan laughed. "Well, then, better give you a place to deposit it."

He hoisted his massive body up onto his knees and turned around, his broad back facing me. He then leaned forward, resting his chest on a pillow, his ass pointed right at me.

"Come on, buddy," he said, looking back at me. "Go for it."

He didn't need to ask twice. I got up on my knees and scooted up between his legs. I pressed the head of my cock against the opening in his ass and slowly pushed in.

Sloan let out a low, rumbling growl as I slid the length of my cock up into his ass. I kept pushing until I was all the way in him, my stomach pressed right up against his body.

"Uh, god, Nick," Sloan groaned. "You know how long I've been dreaming about this?"

"Feels good," I had to admit.

I didn't start the actual fucking right away. I wanted this moment to last. I had my dick up the biggest, meanest-looking lug in the house.

I bent over, laying my body across Sloan's back, just savoring the feel of his muscles stretched taut. I slid my arms under his soft body and hugged him, burying my face in the back of his neck, inhaling his musky smell. Sloan breathed heavily beneath me.

And then I began thrusting. Slow at first, pulling my cock almost all the way out of his ass and pushing it all the way back in. Sloan let out a little whimper with each long thrust.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Better than okay," Sloan moaned. "C'mon, big guy," he hissed. "Fuck me."

I buried my nose in Sloan's sweaty hair, inhaling the musky scent as I suddenly felt like being a little wicked.

I shoved my dick back into Sloan's body as hard, fast, and deep as I could. Sloan let out a startled grunt, his body shaking beneath me.

"Sorry," I said. "Got a little carried away."

"You can't imagine how good that felt," Sloan growled back.

I drew my hips back again, then drove into him again. As I started pumping into him over and over, Sloan whimpered like a wounded animal, letting out a grunt with each thrust.

Meanwhile, I could feel the sweat beginning to coat my own body. I'm sure I was turning red as a beet as I continued to assault his ass, my own ass pumping up and down, my balls slapping against him each time I buried my cock to the hilt.

"Oh, uh, fuck," I grunted into Sloan's ear as I pummeled his burly frame.

I even kissed him a few times on the side of his face, tasting the sweat on his skin.

"Tell me how it feels," Sloan whimpered.

I had trouble responding through my ragged breaths. "I wish, uh, I wish I could feel like this... all the time."

"We're just like animals," Sloan grunted. "Like two bears humping one another."

"You're my bear," I groaned. With my mind clouded by the intense sensations coursing through my body, I couldn't think of anything else to say. "You're my big, burly bear."

Sloan let out a mighty groan as he pushed himself up on his arms, lifting me up on his back with him. I got the hint. He wanted to fuck doggy-style.

I pushed myself onto my knees, my cock still buried inside him, as he got onto his hands and knees. I put my hands on his ample sides as I resumed my thrusting, plowing my stiff cock even deeper into him than before.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck," Sloan groaned, his body heaving forward with each thrust.

By now, the bed was shaking and heaving like crazy. I wondered whether it could take the punishment. I looked down at my red cock, slipping in and out of Sloan's body as we both dripped sweat onto the bedsheets.

My hand found its way across his round, soft belly and onto his rock- hard cock, which was bouncing and slapping against his stomach as we fucked.

"You're hard," I said in surprise.

"Of course," Sloan grunted. "With you fucking me?"

I wrapped my hand around his cock and started jacking him off as I continued to fuck him. Sloan threw back his head and let out a half-cry, half-grunt.

I felt the pressure building in my balls. I knew it was almost time. My dick felt like it was on fire.

"Oh, fuck, Sloan," I moaned, "I'm gonna cum."

"Do it," Sloan groaned back.

"I'm gonna cum inside you, you big bear." I stopped jerking him off and braced myself with my hands on his hips. I started thrusting harder and faster, feeling the warm wave of my climax rolling through me.

"Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god," I huffed as I looked over Sloan's massive body. His thick neck and powerful torso glistening with perspiration. This hulking bear of a guy was at my mercy. I wished I could see the expression on his face.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a long cry of ecstasy as my body spasmed, and a blast of hot cum exploded from my cock, splattering the insides of Sloan's ass.

"Fill me up," Sloan grunted.

I kept pumping into him, as jet after jet of fluid spurted out me into him. I was doing it, I thought as I continued to cry out, I was cumming inside a 300-pound former offensive lineman.

Finally, the waves of pleasure subsided. My cock was slick and sticky with cum as I slowed my thrusting. The only sounds were our heavy breaths and the squishing of my dick as it slipped in and out.

Finally, I pushed myself all the way in and collapsed on top of him, drained of my energy. Sloan remained on his hands and knees, supporting me on his strong back.

"We should've done this sooner," Sloan said, turning his head to look into my eyes.

I just nodded and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his barrel chest and hugging myself close to him. We collapsed to the bed and held one another, knowing that the night was just beginning.


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