Frat Basement

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 7, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This is a little different kind of story for me. I know that some of you like my more romantic writing. This is NOT one of them. Nobody falls in love in this. Just a lot of hot, raunchy college jocks having a lot of hot, raunchy sex. Just the kind of story I like to read and get off to. So get naked, lube up and enjoy!

FRAT BASEMENT by RimPig (c) 2002

I was cold and shivering when I awoke. And my head was throbbing. I didn't know where I was. I'd never seen a place like this before. The small room was all tile, floor and ceiling. White, glaring tile. It was almost like a very large shower but it had no shower spigots. Just a couple of faucets like you would attach a garden hose to, low in the walls. There was a large drain in the middle of the floor. I could see a metal door at the end of the room and there were covered, recessed lights in the ceiling. Nothing else. Just an open space of gleaming white tile.

The reason I was cold was that I was naked. I had no idea how I'd ended up that way. I tried to get up, but as soon as I did, the room began to spin so I quickly lay back down until my head stopped spinning.

As I lay there, I thought about my situation. The last thing I could remember was sitting in a friend's dorm room and talking. I remember he gave me a beer. Nothing seemed at all out of place, but I remember that the beer hit me rather hard.

After a while I fell asleep again and when I awoke the second time, my head was a lot clearer and I found I could stand and walk. I went to the metal door but found it locked. I started to bang on it with my fist.

"Hey! Somebody! Let me out of here!" I began yelling.

But nobody answered. I kept banging and yelling for a while, but then the headache started coming back so I went over and sat down with my back against one of the walls. After a long while (I would guess a couple of hours) I heard keys fit into the lock of the door and it began to open. I started to jump up and then I remembered I was naked, so I sat Indian style and tried to cover my cock and balls with my hands.

The guy who walked into the room I recognized immediately. It was Randy Banner. He was a Senior and the leading defensive end for our college team - a team that I was a part of.

"Well, how's our little Mascot doing?" he asked, looking down at me from about 6 feet 4 inches of height and about 100 pounds more weight than me. Randy Banner was huge!

"Randy, man, what's this all about?" I asked, my voice almost cracking like a kid!

"Well, Cisco, my man, it's like this. The frat held an election the other night and you got elected our new Mascot!" he announced like this should thrill me or something. "Man, I'm not a member of your frat! I didn't even pledge it!" I said.

I knew Randy's frat - Delta Alpha Psi - better known on campus as the "Jock Frat". Even though I secretly would have loved to have pledged it and had the chance to live around all those hot, jock bodies, I knew I didn't dare! I didn't want anyone to know that I was gay.

"Well, you see, buddy - that don't really matter because the Mascot position is not one for a Frat Brother to hold. No, the Mascot is a position that is voted on by the Frat and the guy who gets elected, if he accepts, gets to hold the office for his freshman year." he explained.

"Look, I'm really honoured that you guys think so highly of me," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "but I am not the least bit interested in being your Mascot or having anything to do with the Delta's. So give me my clothes and let me get out of here!" I said, coming to my feet.

Of course, it would have helped if I'd been something more than 5' 8" and more than 170 pounds. But I was physically completely outclassed by Randy.

"Sorry, buddy, but I can't really do that. You see the rest of the guys are on their way to ask for your acceptance and to install you in your new position. Now you wouldn't want to disappoint them, would you?" he asked, his voice calm and quiet but with a tone that brooked no argument.

"You can't hold me here against my will!" I argued, knowing full well that with his weight and size, he damn well could!

"You just have to wait for your installation. Everything will be explained then." he said making no move to hold me, but watching me all the same.

I was just about to argue again when I heard voices and movement outside the door. Then the door swung open and five more members of the fraternity entered the room. I knew them all. There was Mike Caldwell, quarterback of the football team and president of the fraternity, along with two other of the team members: Jason Goodrich, the only sophomore on varsity and Paul Williams, one of the leading running backs. The other two I knew from the wrestling team - Brian Altwell, the captain of the wrestling team and Jack Towns, who was a state champion three years running and most likely to make it four. Five of the most gorgeous jock studs which Delta Alpha could boast among a house full of jock studs.

"Well, Nick, good to see you!" Mike Caldwell said to me.

Mike, like the rest of the guys, including Randy, were dressed in tiny burgundy gym shorts and tank top with the fraternity's Greek letters on both. Mike was a gorgeous stud! He stood 6' 2" and had dark golden wavy hair. His blue eyes were protected by the longest dark lashes I'd ever seen on a man. Any woman would have killed for them! His body was perfection. Beautifully developed arms, shoulders and chest with a rippling six-pack whose ridges showed even in the tank top. He was a Jock God and someone I would gladly worship with every part of my body if he would let me! "What the fuck is this all about, Mike." I said, fuming.

"Why, dude! You've been elected Mascot! Didn't Randy tell you?" he asked, surprised.

"He fucking told me. What the fuck is this 'Mascot' thing all about anyway?" I asked, still pissed.

"Well, it's like this, Nick, every year the frat elects a likely freshman to serve as the frat Mascot. It takes a special kind of freshman to fulfill the duties of Mascot and we choose very carefully to find those qualities. We six, as the search committee, think you've got the qualities we're looking for." Mike explained.

"What qualities?" I asked, now intrigued by this whole thing.

"Well, first of all, the Mascot has to be a very attractive guy. Don't want no dogs hanging around the frat house." he laughed and the rest laughed with him.

I stood silent, waiting. But I noticed the compliment - however 'left-handed' it was.

"The other essential quality is that the Mascot has to be gay." Mike said quietly, looking me straight in the eyes.

I was completely stunned. How did they guess? How did they know?! I'd been so careful not to give myself away!

"I...I...I'm not..." I sputtered, trying to get out my denial.

"Hey, guy! It's ok! We're not going to hurt you. In fact, one of the perks of being Mascot is that we're going to protect you and make sure that nobody hurts you." Mike said, trying to calm me down.

My mind was racing. What the fuck was this all about? And what did they mean 'protect me'? What the fuck was going on here?!

" did you know?" I finally got it out, though I realized that now I'd admitted what I was.

"The eyes, buddy! The eyes! They always give you away. We've noticed how you look at us. It feels like we're being undressed. Right, guys?" he addressed this to the other six standing there watching this confrontation.

All of the other guys nodded.

"Yeah, just like what a chick must feel like when one of us looks at her!" This from Brian, the captain of the wrestling team.

"What do you mean, 'protect me'?" I asked.

"Well, you see, we know things can get pretty rough for a guy on this campus if the word gets out that he's gay. I mean, there's a lot of assholes who don't understand the usefulness of a good cocksucker. So as our Mascot, you'll have the protection of the entire frat. Anybody bothers you, anybody makes fun of you, anybody tries to hurt you - you have the entire frat behind you. You just tell one of us and the asshole will never bother you again - that is, if he can even walk again!" and saying this, Mike started laughing along with the rest of the guys.

"Ok, so what are the duties of the Mascot?" I asked.

Frankly, this was starting to sound rather good to me. No more hiding, I didn't have to worry who knew I was gay because I would have the biggest and roughest jocks there to defend me. All Right!!!

"Well now, that may be the best perk of all, kid. The duties of the Mascot are to keep the brothers of the frat sexually satisfied." he said, grinning at me.

"Excuse me?! What did you say?!" I couldn't believe my ears!

"Your job is to keep the brother's nuts drained. You see, we know that jocks need a lot of concentration on their game and on their studies. They don't need to be dealing with any kind of stress or frustration. That's where the Mascot comes in. You're like 'on-call' 24/7. It's your responsibility to keep the brothers happy and contented."

"THE WHOLE FRAT?!!" I screamed. I couldn't imagine having sex with that number of guys!

"Well, not exactly. You see not all the guys will admit to liking a blow-job here or there from another guy. You won't see much of them. And some of the guys are already getting enough from their girlfriends that they aren't in need of the 'additional services'. But there are some of us, who have really strong sex drives who need a lot more than just an occasional lay. That's your primary responsibility." Mike stated.

I noticed that he was getting hard and looking around at the crotches of the other guys, I noticed they were getting hard as well. All this hot, horny stud meat in one room was definitely giving my cock the rise!

"Ahh...just what exactly is it I'm supposed to do." I asked.

"Basically, within reason, anything that a frat brother wants you to do. Now, we won't have any S/M bullshit. Nobody is allowed to hurt you or knock you around in any way. Anybody lays a hand on you, I don't care if he is one of the brothers, you come to one of us and we'll take care of it. Ok?" Mike asked.

"Yeah...I guess so. I haven't had all that much experience before." I said. "That's ok, we figure as much as you like looking at us, you're probably trainable. Before we're done with you, you're going to be the best fucking lay that any guy would ever want." Mike informed me. "So, how about it? You ready for your installation?"

"Do I have a choice?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes, you absolutely do. If you don't want to be our Mascot, then you're free to walk out of here right now." Mike said. "With one stipulation."

"Ah. A catch. I figured there would be one!" I said, anger rising in me again.

"The only 'catch', as you put it, is that we ask you to promise that you not reveal to anyone that such a position exists within our frat. At the same time, we promise you that we will not tell anyone that you are gay or were offered the position." Mike said. "You keep our secret - we'll keep yours. Simple as that."

"Oh. Well that I can understand. But why did you all drug me and bring me here against my will. Why didn't you just ask me?" I said.

"We're sorry about that, dude. You see, your friend Kevin has pledged the frat. We gave him the assignment to get you here and naked. We didn't realize that he would do it by drugging you. His pledge master is tending to his little butt for that. I doubt if you'll see him sitting for quite a while." Mike told me.

" sounds interesting..." I hesitated.

"There is another little perk here which you might consider. At the end of your year as Mascot, you automatically would receive membership as a brother in the frat. Oh, and you'll also be on the search committee for your replacement next year, just like Jason is now." Mike informed me.

'My God!' I thought to myself. 'That means Jason Goodrich is Gay! God! What a fucking hunk he is, I've been having wet dreams over him ever since I first saw him on the quad a few weeks back with some of the other team members!'

I stood there thinking. As far as I could see, I was being offered heaven! At least heaven gay-boy style! The idea of having sex on a continuing basis with all of these gorgeous jocks had me harder than a rock and my cum leaking so bad there was now a puddle under it on the white tile floor. I'm sure they could all see it. And I could see the dark stains on each of their gym shorts where their cocks were leaking as bad as mine. Who was I kidding. I wanted to be their slut! I wanted the chance to worship at these beautiful, masculine, muscular bodies! To smell their sweat and funk, which drove me crazy! I wanted to suck their cocks, eat their jock asses and have them pound me into the ground with those cocks in my ass!

"Ok, I accept!" I told Mike.

"Well, that's fine, but we have to have the ritual acceptance and the installation. You know how fraternities work, the rituals are very important. And this one has been going on for more than 40 years now!" he told me.

"You're shitting me, right?!" I said.

"Nope! My Dad was a member of this frat. He told me about the mascot before I pledged. He still is in contact with a couple of the Mascots from his time here." Mike said. "So let's get this ritual over with so we can get on to the installation".

"All right by me." I said.

The six guys moved to begin taking their clothes off. I didn't know where to look first. Each body was more stunning that the next and their hard cocks all quite large and thick. Each was dripping copious amounts of cock-snot and the smell of sweat, funk and male rut was filling the room and I was getting so turned on, I almost felt like I could pass out from the feelings of sexual arousal running through my body.

Randy left the room for a second and when he returned, he was carrying a large, thick red candle on top of a floor length wooden candle holder. He lit the candle while somebody turned out the lights, leaving the room in the darkness of just the light of one candle. The six naked jocks formed a circle around me and Mike told me to kneel. In doing so, my face was now at about their crotch level. The scent of their sweaty, rutting bodies was heavier and I took deep breaths taking in the aroma of their maleness. I was truly in heaven.

I looked straight ahead and there was Mike's magnificent cock. It was one of the most beautiful cocks I'd ever seen in my life. Long and thick with smooth skin covering it. Just the hint of the blue veins which fed blood to this monster showing and a foreskin so long that, even in it's erect state, the head was completely covered and there was a small nipple of foreskin at the tip. I could smell his funk and as I looked up his body to his eyes, he smiled down at me.

"Ok, Nick, I'm going to ask you a series of questions and to each of them you answer 'I do'. Ok?" Mike asked.

"Sure." I said, eager to get on to what I hoped the 'installation' consisted of - mainly getting to taste each of the six hard, dripping cocks which surrounded me!

"Nicholas Anthony Cisco, you have been selected by this committee and the brotherhood of Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity to accede to the position of 'Mascot' of Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity. Do you accept this selection?" Mike asked.

"I do." I said, my voice husky with lust.

"Do you, on your honor, promise to be faithful to your duties as Mascot and give pleasure to any brother of Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity in whatever way he may desire at any time you are requested?" Mike's voice was quiet, but I could tell it was as filled with lust as mine was.

"I do." I said breathlessly, hoping this wouldn't go on much longer for I feared cumming, I was so turned on.

"And do you promise, on your honor, to keep secret the position and duties of Mascot of Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity and all other secrets of the Fraternity that you may learn?" Mike looked at me with deep seriousness over this one.

"Oh! I do!" I said wholeheartedly and Mike smiled.

"Finally, do you give your loyalty, obedience and honor to Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity as long as you shall draw breath upon the earth?" This last was quite a heave vow, but I made it willingly.

"Yes, I do!" I swore to him.

"Having been duly and lawfully selected and having accepted that selection as well as the position which you were selected for, as President of the Gamma Omega Chapter of Delta Alpha Psi Fraternity, I now declare you - Nicholas Anthony Cisco - Chapter Mascot for the period of one year."

Having said this, Mike moved slightly forward until his cock was almost brushing my nose. He smiled down at me.

"Open your mouth and take me inside you as a symbol of your desire and obedience. You cannot cum until each brother has cum twice. This will show your willingness and determination to please us. After that, you can cum as many times as you want." he said quietly.

I was evidently going to get my wish! I was going to get to suck off each of these gorgeous jock studs! But not cumming until I'd done all six of them was going to mean a world-class effort on my part to keep myself under control!

When I opened my mouth to him, Mike slid his monster cock inside and I sealed my lips around it. I could taste the sweetness of his pre-cum as I slid his hardness deep into my mouth until it hit my throat. I pushed forward, swallowing as I did and his cock slid into my throat. I could hear his moan from above me as his cockhead nestled in the massaging muscles of my throat and his hands automatically reached out and grasped my head, holding me to him as he ground his crotch into my face, trying to drive even more of his cock deep into my sucking throat. My nose was buried in his soft, blond pubic hair and I was taking deep whiffs of the scents I found there. The odors of sweaty funk, dried piss and a bleach smell that could only be cum, filled my nose as I breathed deeply, trying to memorize the scent that was Mike.

After a few moments, I pulled back until the head of his cock was just inside my mouth. My tongue began to attack his foreskin, driving itself into the hood and between it and the head of his cock. He moaned louder at this as my tongue continued to lick out all the cock-honey which had flowed inside his hood. I could also taste something that was somewhat gamey in there and knew that a deposit of my favorite kind of cheese - head cheese - waited for my eager tongue to gather. I reached up and skinned back the hood of his cock until the ridge of his cock head was exposed and the ripe odor of his very male essence rose in the air like smoke. I quickly began to feast on the copious deposit of cheese I found there, moaning in my throat at the taste of it. This was food of the male gods and I was in pig heaven sucking it down.

Once my 'snack' was gone, I again buried his cock in my throat. He put his hand on the back of my head and began thrusting in and out - fucking my mouth like it was a cunt or an ass. I could tell that it would not be long before I would begin tasting the wonderful nectar of his balls. I reached up and began playing with his orbs, which were drawn up tight to the base of his cock in their wrinkled sack. They were wet and greasy and I decided that I couldn't let him cum before I'd smelled and tasted his nuts. I pulled off his cock and immediately pushed it up against his stomach so that I could reach his fragrant scrotum. I pushed my nose against his wrinkled bag and breathed deep of that male 'ball' odor which is so familiar to any lover of cock. His nuts were sweaty and it was obvious he hadn't had a shower that day. I began licking his nuts, feasting on the sweaty, salty taste of them. I even went so far as to gently nibble the sack, eliciting moans from Mike.

Finally, taking pity on him, I pulled his cock back down and all the way down my throat. This was all it took to set him off. I felt his cock expand and begin to throb and I quickly pulled back so that his cock head was in my mouth. I wanted to taste his load. I wanted to experience the thrill of feeling his cock shoot his load into my mouth. And I wasn't disappointed. His load was heavy and he shot at least eight or nine loads of his tasty salty/sweet cum into my mouth. At first I had a hard time swallowing - there was so much of it - but I eventually was able to down every bit of this life-giving elixir until there was nothing left.

I would have continued to suck on his cock until it grew soft, but Mike drew it out of my mouth and moved to his right. The circle moved with him and now in front of me stood Jason Goodrich. 6' tall, with dark chestnut hair which he kept rather long for a jock but it suited him well. He was lean and muscular with piercing green eyes. His face was so beautiful, it was almost pretty. He was a male that I could not only service with pleasure but could probably lose my heart to as well. I guessed that as the out-going Mascot, it was his prerogative to be the next in line to initiate me into my duties. That was just fine with me! After all the nut-juice I'd shot over this hunk, I was more than willing to service him anytime he wanted! I guess it was the fact that he'd been in my position, and the fact that he was gay, but Jason approached me very differently than Mike had. He reached down first and gently stroked my cheek. He then tilted my head up with his fingers under my chin until I was looking directly into his deep green eyes. He leaned over and gently kissed me on the lips. I heard some of the guys "ooh!" and "ahh!" over this, but it did not seem to be a put down but a genuine approval of our tenderness. Pressing harder, he opened his mouth against mine and I responded in kind. His tongue flooded into my mouth and he began to lick inside, gathering tastes of Mike's cum and my saliva. We both moaned at this intimate contact which we held for several minutes.

Finally breaking the kiss, Jason stood back up and, taking his cock in his hand, brought it to my lips. I was a beautiful cut cock, about eight inches long and, though not as thick as Mike's, it was substantial nonetheless. I leaned forward, and rather than just gobbling it into my mouth, I gently kissed just the tip of it with my lips. Jason's cock-honey clung to my lips and as I pulled back, I looked up into his eyes while at the same time I licked his male offering from my lips. He smiled at me and I again bent towards his hard cock, this time engulfing all of it into my mouth and down my throat. Jason moaned and his body stiffened at the feeling. He raised himself up on his toes and thrust his pelvis forward to bury more of his hard cock into my massaging throat. I could feel how hard he was and knew that it would not be a long suck at all. He was more than ready to give me his seed. I began to see that I would not be all that long before I would be able to cum myself and I was determined to hold out to please these males.

As I thought, Jason took perhaps four or five plunges into my throat and cried out as his cock began spitting cum deep inside me. I pulled back to get a taste of his cum and noticed that it was sweeter than Mike's. In fact, it was just about the sweetest load I'd ever tasted. I decided I wanted more of this boy's cum and would be there for him whenever he wanted!

As Jason withdrew, Brian - captain of the wrestling team - took his place. Brian was not tall, probably in the neighborhood of about 5' 10" but he was built like a bull. Fully muscled and thick, there was not an ounce of fat on him but he was so solid you knew that wrestling him would be like wrestling with a brick wall. He had dark auburn hair everywhere - his chest, arms, legs and an incredibly hairy crotch. He'd evidently worked out that day because I could smell the heavy reek of his sweat and the tang of his funk as he presented yet another massive male organ to my view. Brian's cock was about 7" long but it was the thickest cock I'd ever seen. People talk about a beer can - this cock could easily be put in that category. I worried for a minute about how I was going to deal with it. I had never had anything that thick in my mouth before and only hoped I could accommodate him without dislocating my jaw! I didn't even think of deep throating him! He was far too thick for my throat. Even my ass might have trouble taking him the first time.

I opened my mouth as wide as I could and waited for Brian to shove his cock inside. But Brian obviously knew from experience the difficulty that almost anyone would have - especially the first time - in taking him. He gently pressed his cock into my mouth and allowed me to stretch my lips around him. Luckily, the head and shaft of his cock were somewhat fleshy so that there was some give to it. He slowly worked his cock into my mouth until he reached the back. Before his cock touched my throat, however, he pulled back and slowly began fucking my mouth. The odors rising from his crotch were driving me crazy! What delicious man-smells! I only hoped I would have a chance later to just sniff and lick all over his whole crotch for at least a couple of hours!

Brian, too, was almost ready to cum when he began to fuck my mouth. His pre-cum was flowing freely and I loved the taste of it. Stronger and more raw than either Jason's or Mike's, it was the cock-snot of a man and I loved it! I didn't taste it long because I was quickly swallowing volley after volley of Brian's cum - tasting the very strong, salty and somewhat bitter taste. I gobbled his spoonge like the hungry cocksucker that I was and Brian actually patted my head like a kid or a dog when he finished as a way of saying 'thanks'.

I finished the other three - Jack, Paul and Randy - without any real effort on my part. Each of them was so turned on having watched the previous jocks shoot their loads down my eager throat that each of them took less than two or three minutes each to get their nut in my mouth or down my throat.

Finally each had cum and Mike was again standing in front of me. I looked up to him, wondering what was next. My eyes were pleading with him to let me cum now but instead he held up a finger as if to tell me to wait.

"Now that you have shown us your willingness, your determination, your desire and your obedience to us, it is time for us to accept you and to mark you as our own." Mike said, his voice echoing off the tiled walls and floor.

Before I could even begin to formulate in my mind what this 'marking' was to be, I felt a warm wetness hit my chest. I looked down and there was a stream of hot piss flowing from Mike's cock to my body. Then another, this time Jason, pissing on my cock and balls. Then all of the rest joined in until I was being pissed on by all six guys.

Now, I'd never done watersports before - except for pissing on myself in the shower a few times - but I was really turned on by this. I immediately reached down, grabbed my hard cock and began jacking off with the warm piss that was flowing down my body. Then Mike started raising his cock and his piss began flowing towards my face. I didn't think twice, as his piss shot out, I opened my mouth and started drinking down all that warm yellow liquid. Mike was pumping it out pretty good and I was swallowing right along with him.

Soon the rain of piss stopped and Mike looked down at me with a horny grin on his face.

"You look good with our piss all over you, Nick. Now I want you down on your back." he ordered.

I got down on my back on the slick floor, most of the piss having drained into the hole in the floor already. I suddenly got the idea of just exactly what this little room was used for. As I lay there, Mike moved so that he was standing with his feet on either side of my head. He then began to squat down so that his ass cheeks were opening and his asshole was headed right at my face. He stopped about six inches from my face and issued his next order.

"Take a good whiff of my ass, Nick!" he said, his voice husky with lust.

I lifted my head slightly and took a deep inhalation of his butt trench. The tangy scent of ripe male ass hit me and I was lost to it. I started to moan and reached out with my tongue to lick the sweaty, raunchy trench. It tasted Mike's sweat, musk and ass juices. His ripe trench was definitely funky but the raunchiness of it just about drove me insane with lust. My tongue licked at his hole and it began to relax as Mike lowered it even more so that my tongue could worm it's way inside. Soon I was driving my tongue all the way up inside Mike's body and licking out the hot, wet insides of his ass. I was in pig heaven!

"He really eats ass good, guys!" Mike announced to the group.

The sound of horny guys anticipating my tongue in their ass answered this announcement. My tongue was rapidly sliding in and out of Mike's hole and, as I reached up with my hand, I could see what my ass-licking had done for him. His cock was once again rock hard and throbbing. He pushed my hand away from his cock and sensuously moved his ass around on my face, making sure that my tongue came in contact with all of it. Then he abruptly stood up and I saw Jason preparing to take his place.

Jason's hole was obviously not virgin because his pucker just opened right up the minute that my tongue touched it. The scent of his ass was not as strong or raunchy as Mike's, but was still fragrant with the scent of male butt. My tongue was immediately buried in his hole and his butt muscles clamped down around my tongue and seemed to want to draw it even further inside. I licked and sucked at Jason's hole like a fiend! I couldn't get enough of the tangy flavor inside his ass. I noticed that the flavor was not 'ass' alone. I was sure I tasted a load of cum inside his ass as well. Jason had obviously gotten fucked sometime previously and I was eagerly eating the remnants of one or more of the 'brother's' nut juice.

Jason's butt left my face and another, hairier one took its place. I wasn't sure who it was at first, though the very ripe odors of his butt were definitely getting me 'high'. I licked through the dense forest of hair surrounding his hole and found more tastes there than the previous two butts. Then I heard grunting from above me as my tongue found his hole and an almost "suck my ass, faggot!". I then knew it was Paul, the football teams leading running back. This was a beautiful man with a very beautiful ass! I began making love to his hole with my lips and tongue, actually sucking on his hole to draw his asslips into my mouth while my tongue attempted to taste inside his body. He was tight, however, and it was obvious he was not one to take a cock up his ass. It took me a while until his hole relaxed enough to take my tongue inside but, when it did, I was treated to tastes which had my mouth watering. I was going to love eating this jock butt for the next year!

The next butt to ride my face I knew immediately. It was the most beautifully rounded bubble-butt of the lot. Brian - captain of the wrestling team. A 'man's man' with an incredibly muscular body and the strong scent of 'man' about him. He was sweaty as if he'd worked out and not showered. Probably for more than one day. I loved the scent of him and when I brought my nose to his ass trench, I almost lost my mind from the strong, raunchy, ripe odor that I found there. I had no idea I was such a little 'raunch pig' but my reaction to Brian's ripe butt made it obvious. I couldn't help myself, I reached up and grabbed his hips, pulling his ass even closer to my face while I breathed deeply of all the masculine raunch I could find. The soft fur which surrounded his hole tickled my nose as I sniffed harder and harder, drawing in all of his butt raunch that I could.

"You like the smell of my ass, don't you!" Brian moaned above me. "Yeah! Pig! Get lost in my butt! Suck up all that fuckin' stink! I always keep my hole nice and ripe for pigs like you!"

I murmured my appreciation as I continued to fun my nosed up and down his fragrant crack and to stop and take long whiff's of his hole. "Yeah, pig! Get high on my stink, fucker! Come on, man! Let me feel your fuckin' tongue. Lick my fuckin' raunchy butt!" he growled.

He lowered his butt and began to grind it on my face, covering me with his butt slime. He was marking me with his scent just as surely as I had been marked by the jock piss of the group. Brian knew I was now a slave to his ass. That I would gladly sniff and lick it anytime he wanted. I shot out my tongue and began to lick inside the trench of his ass, licking the fur that propagated there. I could taste his sweat and musk trapped in the hairs and as my tongue grew closer and closer to his hole, I began to encounter his moist butt slime as well. I loved the tangy taste of it almost as much as the scent of it that wafted up into my nostrils as I licked it.

"That's it, pig! Lick my fuckin' ass! Eat my hole, pig! Get you tongue all the way up my hole! I know you want it bad!" Brian growled again.

I pressed my tongue against his grimy hole and felt the opening swirl open like the opening of a flower bud as Brian pushed down with his muscles. I was able to get my tongue deep into his hole and taste the incredibly dark, musky tang there. I sucked and ate at his manhole like I was a starving pig. And I guess, in many ways I was. Never before had I ever gotten the chance to eat suck beautiful, fragrant and ripe male butts!

All too soon, Brian pulled away from my sucking mouth and tongue. He stood up, looked down at me and smiled with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, Pig. That's enough for now. You and I have a date later. You're gonna get to eat my hole a lot longer then!" he smirked.

I shivered in anticipation. I wanted to bury my face in his butt and never come out!

Jack was next. Another wrestler with a beautiful bubble butt. What was it about wrestling that produced such beautiful male asses? And such ripe ones. Jack's butt trench was very ripe, just like Brian's but smooth and hairless. As I had noticed with each other the jocks who had sat on my face, while ripe and raunchy, each of their butts had a distinctive smell to them. I had a feeling that over the next year, I was going to get so familiar with these smells that I could pick out each one of them in a completely dark room, just from the smell of their bodies.

Jack's hole was tight and no matter how hard or soft I licked against it, I never could get more than a little of my tongue inside it. It was disappointing not to be able to get a full taste of him, but I figured I would have plenty of time over the next year of my 'reign' as Mascot to work on getting him more open. It didn't matter, however. The raunchy odor of his butt and the smoothness of his trench drove me into a licking frenzy up and down his crack. Jack evidently loved it, moaning out his delight at my oral worship of his butt.

"Yeah, that's it! Lick my ass. Lick up and down my fuckin' ass! You really get off on my butt, don't you, faggot?! You love licking a mans ass, don't you?! Yeah, I bet the smell of my butt just gets you off, doesn't it?! Yeah! You're a real butt-sniffing freak!" he moaned as I continued to lave my tongue up and down his raunchy trench.

Jack soon had enough as well which only left one butt to suck. And that was one hell of a fuckin' jock butt! Randy Banner! Like the rest of him, his ass was big and solid. At first I was afraid if he squatted down too far I could asphyxiate in his butt. But when his huge crack opened and the heady, ripe scent hit my nose, I no longer cared! It would be the best way to die I could think of! Suffocated in the raunchy ass of a jock!

I didn't waste any time. I started licking and sucking my way straight to his hole. It opened up for me as I sucked on his asslips and my tongue was soon lodged completely inside. Randy was moaning incoherently above me - something about eating out his hole, or words to that effect. I was too lost in the smell and taste of his butt to really notice. What especially turned me on was the fact that Randy, for all his size and toughness, had the softest, juiciest asshole of the lot. I loved sucking on his hole and running my tongue in and out of it.

Randy stayed on my face a while until Mike told him that his 'turn on the ride' was over. As Randy stepped back into the circle, I saw that all of the guys were again sporting erections which were dripping with their cock snot. I didn't know what was next, but I had a funny feeling what it was. I had another orifice which none of them had entered yet and I kind of figured that was where those fucking cocks were going to be lodged next. Mike fairly well confirmed that when he looked down at me.

"Ok, get up on your hands and knees, slut. It's time we got a feel of that fuckin' hole of yours! Jason, go get him ready." he said.

Jason went over to the wall to a small, white metal cabinet which I hadn't noticed before. He took from it a bottle of something that looked liquid and then got down behind me. He pushed me down so that my face rested against the pissy floor and my ass was pushed up. He then started to lick and suck at my ass, just the way I had just done to every other guy in the room. Jason had a very talented tongue and my hole was soon gaping open as he licked inside of it. My ass was begging to be rammed by the jock meat which surrounded me. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be GANG fucked! I wanted every cock in that room up my ass.

I could feel Jason begin to lube my hole with the cool stuff from the bottle in his hand. He shoved one, two and finally three fingers inside my hole and played with it. I was so hot, so turned on by this point that my ass just blossomed right open, sucking at Jason's fingers and begging for something bigger and longer to invade me. When I had been lubed to his satisfaction, Jason stood behind me.

"Up on your hands so that I can see you!" Mike ordered me and I quickly obeyed.

"Now you will learn of another 'perk' you will receive as our Mascot this year." Mike said and, at the same time, I felt Jason's cock slam all the way inside my hungry butt.

"The previous year's Mascot is the first to fuck the next year's Mascot. Enjoy his butt, Jason. You really earned it, man!" Mike said.

Jason did enjoy my butt. He moaned and groaned as he slammed his fucking cock in and out of my hole. His cock was like a pile-driver searching for oil as he rabbit fucked me causing me to grunt with each inward thrust. I loved what he was doing to my ass, but I could tell he couldn't last long. It was obvious from the start of the fuck that he was very close to cumming. And, very soon he did, screaming and shooting his load deep in my ass.

"Ok, Jason, pull out. And you, Nick, clean his cock off from your ass." Mike ordered as he himself got behind me.

Mike slammed his cock into my empty hole. It was just what I wanted! I didn't like the empty feeling that Jason pulling out had left in my guts. Jason, in the mean time, stood before me and offered me his softening cock covered with cum and ass juice from my own ass. I eagerly opened my mouth and sucked it inside, working my tongue around his cock to clean and taste it. After a few moments, however, Jason grabbed my head and held it steady. I knew what was coming and waited, feeling Mike pounding away at my hole. Then I felt and tasted it. Salty, somewhat sweet, Jason's hot piss began to fill my mouth. I opened my throat and began swallowing his piss-load while Mike rode my tail.

"Yeah! That's it! Piss in the pig's mouth! Yeah! He loves it! His fucking hole is clamping around my fuckin' cock each time he swallows! Give it all to him, Jason!" Mike roared as he continued to fuck my ass harder than I'd ever been fucked in my life.

Jason continued to moan as I drank down all his hot piss. When he was finished, he pulled his cock from my mouth and leaned down to kiss me, tasting his cum, his piss and my ass juices. He smiled at me and winked.

"We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other better, Nick!" he said and then sat down on the floor to watch the proceedings.

Mike soon slammed home his load into my butt. He really came a lot because I could feel it squishing out of my hole and running down my balls while Mike pumped shot after shot of his spoonge in me. He finally pulled out and I could see Brian approach my ass. I thought he would just slam his cock in but, instead, I felt him get down behind me and put his mouth to my hole and begin sucking Jason and Mike's loads out of me. The feel of his mouth on my just fucked hole had me moaning around Mike's cock as I again cleaned cum and ass juice from another cock which had shot up my ass.

Mike didn't disappoint me, either. Just about the time the Brian finally slammed his cock home into my eager butt, Mike let go with a man-sized load of piss down my throat. I had never drank piss before, but I was quickly learning not only how but that I loved doing it!

On it went. Each guy fucked me, each guy pissed down my throat and through it all, I managed not to cum. After they all had gotten off in my butt, Brian went back down behind me and sucked all their loads out of me. Then he pulled me to him and kissed me passionately. He opened his mouth and shared all the loads he had sucked out of my ass with me. We knelt there a long time, swapping cum back and forth until it was all gone. I was clinging to Brian, the overwhelmingly strong, masculine scent of him causing my cock to drip cock-snot like a faucet. I needed to get off and I needed to get off bad!

"It's time for the Mascot to get off." I heard Mike's voice.

Brian gently lay me down on the slick floor and raising my legs until they rested on his broad, muscular shoulders, slowly sank his again hard cock deep into my ass.

"This is just for you, buddy! I want you to get off on my cock!" Brian said, smiling at me.

I looked deep into his eyes and knew that it would take almost nothing to get me off. Just the thought of Brian holding me and fucking me was really enough. I reached up and Brian leaned down so that my arms could go around his neck and he was kissing me again. His cock rode in and out of my ass, sliding against my prostate with each thrust. Without even touching myself, I was soon groaning into Brian's mouth and shooting my load between our bodies.

Brian continued to fuck me until I stopped shooting and then just let me rest in his arms until my cock went soft. He slowly withdrew his cock from my well-used ass and then did the most surprising thing. He got down and began licking my cum off my body until he reached down to my cock. He took my cock into his mouth, cleaning it of my cum. Then he held it in his mouth and looked into my eyes. I saw the need, the longing in his and hoped I guessed right about what he wanted. I let go of my piss into his mouth and he moaned and closed his eyes as he swallowed all that I had to give him. When I finished, he moved back up my body, pressed his mouth to mine and shared a mouthful of my own piss with me! I readily drank it all down.

At this, all the guys applauded and helped Brian and me up to our feet. They were all clapping me on the back and shaking my hand and welcoming me to the frat. We finally went to leave, each of the guys grabbing their clothes. I looked around but there were none for me. Brian walked over and put his arms around me. He gently kissed me and whispered in my ear.

"Your clothes are in my room. I was kind of hoping you'd like to sleep there tonight." Brian said and then pulled back to look deep into my eyes.

I saw something there besides horniness and knew that he was asking for a lot more than just the opportunity to sleep with me. And I was more than willing to explore whatever options he had in mind. But I couldn't resist asking one question.

"If I do, do I get to sleep with my face in your butt?" I asked.

Brian laughed uproariously, the thunderous sound echoing in the small tile room.

"Whatever you want, babe! Whatever you want!" he said.

And then he picked me up and threw me over his muscular shoulder and carried me off to his room upstairs.


I hoped you liked this little excursion of mine into pure raunch and sex. If you did, write me at

Next: Chapter 2

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