Frat Attack

By moc.loa@8wonpirtS

Published on Jul 10, 1999



I went to a State University in Michigan, I had a good time there, but I had no intention of joining a fraternity. Unlike other Universities where everyone joins the Greek system, here there was some definite pressure not to join. Since there was this us versus them mentality swarming about it could get sortta rough sometimes. There were bars where everyone hung out and then there were the frat bars. I never was much into the Greek system, had a couple of friends in fraternities but I never went to there parties or anything. One night though I began to learn more about the Greek system than I anticipated.

I was walking home from a rather dismal night at the bars, drunk as usual, and I had to take a leak. I was too far away from the bars to go back and too far away from home to wait so I found the nearest alley and made use of a dumpster. This was not a good idea. I undid my shorts and just pulled my dick out and started to pee, when I heard some guys shouting at me. Unknowingly, I had decided to relieve myself on the Sigma Upsilon house's dumpster. Sigma Upsilon was the house that had all the good-looking student government types. Not the big dumb jocks but certainly not the science-fair crowd either. For as long as anyone could remember the president of the student senate was a Sig Upsilon man. Some of the guys saw me and started to shout. I immediately put myself back in my shorts and began to high tail it out of there. The guys were up for a chase apparently and they started to come out of the house after me.

I ran down the alley and turned a corner. I kept running like there was no tomorrow, I had no interest in being beat up over taking a leak. I ran around the corner and down several blocks, and thought I lost them so I started to walk, looking over my shoulder every few seconds. I then heard one of them shout "There he is!" So I took off again. I didn't know it but they had split up into two small groups and each went down the alley in different directions, so at this point I was actually running to some of them! Just as I turned the corner I saw what happened. I booked it across the street and down another alley. I ended up running into an alley where there was a fence blocking off traffic due to construction. I got trapped! Well I was not looking forward to the group running behind me. They saw me, then the fence, and started to whoop and holler. I looked around for an escape. I didn't see any. There were only four in this group so I thought the only chance I had was to run as fast as I could towards them and hope to break their blocks.

It worked! I ran and I busted through the group. They grabbed at me but could not stop me. The button on my shorts broke off but that was all. I broke through and knew I was home free. Then the second group, five guys, came around the corner into the alley. Shit! I was surrounded. I stopped and as soon as I did someone grabbed me from behind and pulled my arms back. They were not happy at all that I had busted through their line. One guy stood out from the second group as they approached. He seemed to be an upperclassman or at least the leader of this group. He started talking.

"Well, we really have a live one here don't we?" To this all the guys started laughing and the guy holding me kicked my ass with his knee.

The leader then came right up to my face. "So, you thought it would be OK to piss on our property!? Who the fuck do you think you are!?" He shouted at me. I said that I was sorry, I didn't know, I was just drinking and had to go so bad. I didn't even think of who's dumpster it was.

"Not good enough, you slime. What house are you with?" I replied that I wasn't in any frat. He then got a smirk on his face that I'll never forget.

"Here that boys? He isn't with any house."

Everyone started to laugh and shout again and the guy holding my pulled harder on my arms, and said into my ear, "Too bad for you, no one to retaliate for what is going to happen to you."

The leader then said to everyone as he looked into my eyes. "What shall we do with this slime, this piece of shit who thought he could just piss on our house -- on us!?"

With that, all sorts of suggestions were shouted out. "Beat the shit out of him!" "Let's piss on him!" "Strip him! and make him walk home!"

Then one guy said, "Let's take him back to the house, as our prisoner!" The guys fell silent. They all paused and then shouted, "Yes!"

"Fuckin' A"

"Let's do it"

With that the guy holding me kneed me one more time and said. "OK prisoner, put your arms behind your head." I did as I was told. I did not want the beating that one had suggested.

"OK, march!" and down the alley we started to march. They surrounded me and kept poking at me with sticks and kicking me. They would reach out and give me hellish titty twisters. All the while, without the main button, my shorts kept dropping to my hips and I was afraid they were going to fall off, but every time I reached to pull them up I would get kicked and was told to keep my hands up.

Then they noticed what I was doing so they would tug on my shorts every now and then and sure enough, they fell to my ankles. They would not let me stop. I had to just keep on marching, I tried to step so as to keep them with me but I tripped up and fell. As I was on my hands and knees with my briefs stuck up in the air they took the opportunity to kick me and force me to the ground. I was told that I could either crawl to the house like that or I could loose the shorts, and walk. I said that I would rather walk and I stood up and stepped out of my shorts.

As I started to walk again, the leader said. "We didn't mean those shorts, prisoner, and since you already made your decision, you have to stick with it." With that he grabbed at me and pulled my underwear down to my knees. Everyone started to laugh and say what a small dick I had.

"Step out of them!" The leader barked at me. I hesitated.

I asked, " Can't I just keep my underwear on? `I'll march like you want me to, I wont try to run away, but just let me keep my underwear on."

"I'll let you keep your underwear if you strip off everything else."

So I did. I took off my T-shirt and my shoes and socks. I was just there in my white briefs, but at least I had them.

Then the leader said "Good. Now, Joe, strip his underwear off and give them to him." Soon, I was naked with my underwear shoved in my mouth. "See, I let you keep your underwear!" The leader laughed.

Two guys grabbed my arms and pulled them away from me so I could not cover myself. Then they started to jog and made sure I kept pace.

Well at this point it was getting too much for me. With being stripped naked and forced to jog with my dick flopping around I started to spring a serious hard on. This got their attention and they started to slap at my dick. So as we got to the house I was naked with a raging hard-on bound between two men.

------------------------------------ Chapter 2

I was thrown into the main room of the house while the guys who captured me all shouted to get everyone down to the room. Soon I was surrounded by Twenty good-looking college frat-guys, all laughing at me being naked and with an erection.

As it turns out the guy who seemed to be the leader, wasn't at all. The president of the Frat came in the room and the crowd parted to let him have a direct line to me. Eric, the president , soon took charge of the place and after finding out what happened that evening he agreed that I should be punished.

"First, since you think you are good enough to piss on our dumpster, you need to prove it!" Eric barked. "You will suffer our initiation, without the benefit of having any other pledges around you."

Eric called out the orders, "OK, Jim, Tom and lil' Eric will get this homo prepared for the initiation ." "Gary, Robert and Dave, you get everything we need downstairs. " The rest of us will tap the keg and meet you down there.

I was taken upstairs, Tom, the guy who held my arms earlier, again took my arms and pulled them behind my back. He pushed me up the stairs while lil' Eric tugged on my hard- on to pull me along. Tom opened the door to the shower room and I was pushed into one of the stalls. They turned on the water and I was hit with a gust of cold water.

"Maybe that will get that hard-on down!" Sang Tom.

They each grabbed a cloth and some soap and scrubbed at me until I was pink. Tom then soaped up his finger while lil' Eric and Jim pushed my head down. Tom cleaned my anus with his finger and rejuvenated my fading hard-on. They all laughed at that and said I must really be a homo! After the shower, they tossed me a towel and after I was dried off they told me to lay down on the floor. I asked why, and was promptly forced down on my back.

Jim stood over me while lil' Eric and Tom held my arms and legs. "You are lucky." Jim said, "You don't have much hair to shave at all."

Jesus! They were going to shave my cock and balls! I wondered to myself what the hell I was going to say to the guys in the dorms. We had the old-style dorms with communal showers without stall walls. Everyone was going to see my hairless crotch! "No!" I screamed and tried to squirm away. Tom, reminded me that Jim had a razor and that I might not want to swing my meat around too much. So I laid there still on the cold tile floor of the shower room while Jim spread shaving cream all over my cock and balls. While Tom and lil' Eric laughed, Jim shaved all of my hair off, and just to be "nice" as he put it he stroked my already stiffening cock to it's full mast size. I was then taken down to the basement.

Soon I was in this dark room with all these guys, there was a spot light put on me and everyone moved to the opposite side of the room. They told me to remove my hands from my groin area and put them behind my head. All of them saw me, naked, shaven and with a fully erect cock. I couldn't help myself and I blushed.

Then Eric said, a little to calmly, "You will now do exactly as you are told, or we will beat you so hard that no one will recognize your body."

"First, you need to prove your hunting and gathering skills. One the other side of the room you will notice a string of olives. These are essential to our fraternity drink the martini. To prove yourself, you must gather all of the martini olives and put them in the martini glasses on the other side of the room." This seemed easy. I was wrong. "The thing is, since you are less than human, you obviously cannot use your hands like a human. You are a crustacean!" With that Eric and everyone laughed evil, knowing laughs.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"What it means, dildo," Tom barked, "Is that you will crabwalk over to the olives, pick them up with the only useful part of your body, your ASS CRACK and crabwalk them over to the martini glasses." My jaw dropped. "And," he continued "To make sure you are being trained properly, you will receive a swat on your butt each time you drop an olive or miss a glass."

"Get to it slime!" Eric ordered.

I got down on my hands and feet with my now, semi-hard cock flopping above me. I could hear all the guys laughing and teasing me about my hairless cock. I got over to the olives and squatted over one, lowered my ass and felt the olive go in-between my butt cheeks. I then raised up, clenching my butt and turned around. I just barely heard the olive drop. The guys saw it immediately.

"OK scum," I heard Tom say above the hoots and laughs, "Stand up and prepare yourself!" I stood up and then he told me to face the wall so my ass was to the brothers. Then he had me spread my legs far apart and bend over until my hands touched the ground. I knew they all could see my balls and dick hanging down. I was so embarrassed to be treated like this in front of all these guys. The embarrassment did little to stop my dick from getting fully erect though.

"He guys! Look at this!" Tom said, as he pulled on my balls. "He loves it!"

Everyone laughed and then Tom Swatted my hard on my ass. The sting made me wince. "OK puke, get back down and put that olive in the glass." This time my cock was fully erect and they decided I should have a flag taped to it.

So I continued walking around like a crab with a small flag taped to my stiff dick (if it softened I had to stop and get it hard again. "No one's heard of a floppy flag pole" Eric reminded me).

I ended up dropping more olives, and receiving more spankings. When it was over I thought, Finally, I can go home. No such luck.

OK slime you passed the first test. Now you have to prove your unwavering loyalty. You have to go up to each member and do exactly what ever he tells you to do. If you hesitate, if you show any sign of not being enthusiastic to serve the brotherhood, we will strap you to the punishment horse and spank you until you can't sit down for a week! I did not want that. As rough as the swats were when I dropped an olive, I did not want a whole series while being bent over and strapped down to what looked like a saw-horse with padding.

The guys all formed a circle around me and I started with Tom. As instructed I crawled on my hands and knees with my legs spread so far apart that my cock was touching the floor, and I said, "Sir, what service may I have the pleasure of giving you today?"

Tom smiled, and said, "Let's see. I have been too busy with midterms to even get a blow job from my girlfriend. I think that mouth of yours might serve me well."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Not only did I have to suffer all the humiliation of being forced to strip, marched around naked, shaved and then forced to do that humiliating crabwalk, I was now about to suck off this frat dude.

I ask the reader, "What choice did I have?" There were so many of them. I had submitted to so much already I was broken. So I did as I was told. I put my mouth up to the tip of his cock. I could see the shaft disappear into a tuft of pubs, something I no longer had. Tom Grabbed my head and shoved his cock in my mouth. I gagged on it, then started to breath out of my nose just to get some air.

"Enthusiastically!" Tom reminded me. So I went to town. I licked and sucked his member while he pumped away at my mouth. Finally he started to show signs of coming and he pulled my head off his cock. Strangely I was disappointed. I thought I messed up and by this time I did want to please him. To make him happy. "You are not worthy of tasting my cum, slime!" He said. Then he started to jack off in front of me spewing load after load of cum in my hair and on my chest.

"Go on to the next guy. You served me well." Tom said, with what seemed to be genuine feeling. I crawled over to the next guy and the next guy. Fulfilling all of their wishes as enthusiastically as I could. I had to do all sorts of things. I had to masturbate until I almost came, then stop and do it again eight times. I was threatened by a severe beating if I came. I had to wear a butt plug with a tail on it and act like a dog. I had to play fetch with an old jock. I had to try to lick my balls and when I couldn't I was told I was a bad dog and got spanked. I had to lick this one guys ass-hole. Luckily it was clean! I finally made it to the end Eric.

Eric began, "Seeing as though you made it through all of these fine men of Sig Upsilon and from the looks of it satisfied their wishes with enthusiasm you have nearly proven yourself loyal. Only one test remains, mine. I want to know if you are loyal enough to embrace a the greatest treasure of all." I heard some snickers but everyone was pretty much silent. "Will you do that?"

I immediately and enthusiastically said "Yes! I will do what you ask Sir."

"OK then, You must embrace my cock with your ass." Jesus he was going to fuck me! I honestly didn't think that was going to happen. Blow jobs are one thing but to be fucked? Eric nearly noticed my hesitation, but I quickly recouped and turned my ass toward him. "You obviously have never been fucked." Laughed Eric, "I bet you haven't even fucked anyone." I didn't say anything but my blushing face told them that I had never been laid.

"Bend over the couch, and grab a hold of one of the cushions. This is going to be one hell of a ride." Eric said as he pushed me toward the couch. I felt a cool sensation on my anus after he spread my legs apart. He had something on his finger that made my ass feel all slimy but good. He rubbed it around my anus and then poked his finger in my butt-hole. It felt even better than when they cleaned my butt earlier. I instantly got a full hard on. Eric pulled my balls a bit and then pulled me back to show everyone my hard cock. "See he is enthusiastic!" Eric laughed.

He bent me back over and then put a second finger in my hole. This was driving me crazy. He was pushing them in and out slowly, twisting them and making them go in deeper and deeper. He then told me to hold on and he put another finger up my butt. I could feel a slight pain, but soon my anus relaxed and I accepted all three fingers in my butt. Eric then called for a condom and said that the show was about to begin. He pulled his fingers out slowly and I reached back to hold them in.

Everyone laughed "He loves it!" someone said.

"I bet he would beg for it." another added.

"He's such a homo."

And others said more that I could not understand. The thing was, it was all true! I did love it, I would have begged for it and I guess I was a homo. Eric then turned me around and pushed me down so I was on my knees in front of him. My hard cock was now dripping pre- cum.

Eric looked down at it, smiled and then said, "I want more enthusiasm. Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Yes." I said.

"That's not too enthusiastic puke." Eric barked.

"Yes, please fuck me!" I exclaimed.

"Better" Eric said as he slapped his cock against one of my cheeks. At this point I noticed his beautiful cock. If it wasn't for this reason he was elected president, it wasn't a better reason.

"Beg for it, tell me how much you want it." Eric continued.

"Please, please fuck me with your cock Sir! I want it so bad. I want to feel you inside me. Taking my virginity away."

All the time I was saying this he was thumping his cock on my face. I would lick at it when I could and he would pull it away.

"OK, I will give you what you want. Just bend over the couch."

I did it immediately and the brother's laughed.

Eric again put the cool jelly-like stuff on my anus and then I could feel his cock against my butt-hole. He pushed and it slid in. It stung me. Like a huge bee stinger, but soon after he started to glide back and forth slowly my pain went away and I was in Nirvana. I kept encouraging him to continue and he started to go faster and deeper. I could begin to feel his hair up against my ass and balls, reminding me that I was completely hairless. All of the sensations drove me crazy and I continued to beg.

"Please, more! Faster!" I would shout. "Jesus, God, this is great!" I would scream, not caring about the laughter in the room.

After a while I could feel him going faster, breathing harder and I knew he was about to climax. It was too much for me, as I felt his spasms and the thrusts of his cock as it poured his sweet cum in the rubber I lost my load. We screamed out at the same time, and then he collapsed over my tired body and the couch.

After a moment, he stood up, pulled his cock out of me and said, "What is your name?" "Rich." I replied, dumbfounded that he wanted to know.

"I think that Rich has proven himself beyond our expectations." Eric began, and was greeted with approving shouts. "In light of this, I nominate Rich to become a member of our sacred fraternity, All who agree say so." A huge wave of "Yes, Definitely!, and Here Here!" came up from the room. Eric continued, "All opposed, say so." And the room went silent. "Well, Rich, if you want to become a brother, you may. What do you say?"

I just smiled and gave an enthusiastic "YES!"

"Great, only one thing, since you already did everything we do in an initiation, and more, we will have to think of what to do to you for your real initiation!" With that Eric laughed, and the whole room cheered.

I could not wait for the initiation to begin.

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