Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 14, 2020


Over the next few days, when he could catch time at work , frank looked for hotels where they could accommodate Violet . He found a few, and he ran them past Clay. "Just about all of them say we can keep her loose if someone is there, but if we're gone, she's got to be caged. " They were sitting on Clay's sofa. Frank wasn't going to spend the night that night, but they were planning the trip.

"Hmmm. You know, the thought of putting YOU in a cage while I'm out, HAS cross my mind, frank. Thinking of you naked, gagged, waiting for Master to come home and maybe, just maybe taking the cage off your cock... negotiating: ten minutes of tickling for an hour of freedom, twenty minutes for an hour and a half.

Giggling, Frank yelled. "STOP. You're gonna make me have an accident here." "MMMM. furter likes the idea of being locked up. You KNOW there's a cage in the basement." "Uh, no. I didn't know that." "Well, if you move in, think of it as your 'study'. "Seriously, Clay, we gotta decide on where we're gonna stay for this. "You know, don't get the wrong idea, but I think we should try to say at a hotel different from Angus and Dennis. I'd rather spend time getting to know you better, than a crowd." "Clay. That's really sweet." "I also should let you know, just so you're ready: at these events, where there are guys on the prowl, I get VERY possessive." Frank laughed. "Well, do you wanna lead me around on a leash, or something like that?" "I'm thinking about it." "SERIOUSLY?" "Yes." Frank had been kidding, but the dead pan way that Clay answered indicated he wasn't. As Frank thought about it, and as he imagined himself perhaps handcuffed, and led on Clay's leash, it was more than a little hot. "Then do it, Sir Clay. Show everyone who's the Boss, because I already know." Clay smiled. "Let's pick the hotel. what info you got? " They picked a place that was relatively close to the convention, and reasonable. They could keep Violet with them too. As they finished making the reservation, Clay put his arm around Frank's shoulder. "You're being so good about pushing your limits frank. I'm so impressed." Frank smiled. "It's easy with you. I don't feel pushed." Clay leaned in for a kiss. "I know you're not staying franko, but... how about a little mutual jo ?" Frank smiled. "Just what I need today." He went home that night with a smile.

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Frank hadn't been able to get the day off , but he did get half a day. The plan was that he would pack his bag and put it in his car. Clay would drive to frank's office after picking up Violet - she trusted him enough to go with him. Frank had put her crate in his car when he left, so maybe she would have forgotten it by then. When Clay saw frank leave the building, his cock jumped: there was his lover, looking like this sweet, geeky nerd: white shirt, too big; light blue tie, pants somewhere between tan and yellow. Were those Christmas socks? Yes, they were. "GOD do I love this man" he thought as he met frank at his car. "You dressed as a new superhero furter?" "What do you mean?" "Super geek." "HEY. What's geeky about what I'm wearing?" "Everything. And it's ridiculously sexy on you. Now get in the car and let's get moving, because otherwise, I'm gonna have to fuck you in the backseat before we go." "I wouldn't mind," frank smiled. "GET IN THE CAR" "OOOH. Sounds like a kidnap scene. Yes sir." They made some general small talk on the way to the hotel. There was a question hanging in the air, and frank asked it "Clay? Do you WANT me to move in with you?" Clay smiled. "Babe, since that first scene. I thought you were so hot, and so cute, and I just wanted to put a fence around you so no one else could get you but me. " "Really?" No one had ever said anything like that to frank before. He felt "mushy" inside, and hard outside. "Yes really. I wanted to fuck you so bad that first time it wasn't funny. And the second time. And the third time. " He took a hand off the wheel to squeeze frank's. "And if you told me now, or later, or ever, that you didn't want me to fuck you ever again, but you'd stay with me, I'd stop. " "Would you screw other men?" Clay laughed. "I doubt it. I value my life." "Have you... have you dated anyone since we ... started?" " I went out with one guy, once, after our first scene at the house.

When we met - because I didn't think you'd go out with me again. He couldn't hold a candle to you. I HAD to hae another date with you. " He laughed. "Don't think I didn't think of kidnaping you if you said no." "Maybe I should've said no. I like the idea of you kidnaping me." "Put it in the fantasy book, studmuffin. It's on my list too." There was almost no traffic on the road, and they got to the hotel a half hour before they thought they could ever hope to. "Time to walk Violet," frank said, as Clay started unloading their stuff. "Yeah, let the lady have her toilette. I'll get the stuff to our room. I'll text the number to you, and then after we get settled, we'll go find something to eat." Frank went off with Violet, who was sniffing the new air around her. She didn't recognize the place, but she liked it. She was taking her time. Clay texted the number "412" to frank, and as Lady Violet appeared to be finished, frank picked her up and started walking back to the hotel. You could tell who was there for the convention: there were many strange costumes, many odd looking people. "Super Geek" seemed to be the most normal one in the bunch. Frank got a key from the front desk and went upstairs. He didn't see the clerk call Clay as Clay had asked. So he had no idea that Clay was behind the door, when he walked in, and let Violet go. He felt Clay's hand cover his mouth, and his other hand pull his arms behind him. "GOTCHA SUPER GEEK. Thought you had gotten away from me, huh? Well... never underestimate the lust I have for you. " He felt Clay's mouth cover his ear and whisper "you're gonna be my bitch" Frank struggled, but it did no good. He felt himself thrown on the bed, and pinned down by Clay. Then he felt Clay's mouth on his, kissing, forcing his tongue into frank's, as frank took it.

"Know what that necktie is good for super geek? Tying you up. " "LET ME GO. GET OFF ME ." Clay just laughed. "I'm ON you now, maybe I'll be IN you when I'm done. " He ripped off frank's necktie and used it to bind his wrists. "OOOOH. Don't you look sexy you sweet thing. " He played frank's nips through his shirt, before he opened it and worked them harder, and then moved to chewing them. "STOP IT. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES TO ME." "Yeah, I do. That's why I'm doing it. Gets you nice and tenderized, for part 2. Unless of courses you wanna submit right now" "FUCK YOU." "No, YOU'RE the one who's gonna get fucked." Frank felt his pants being opened, and Clay pulling down his briefs. Usually, sex play like this just freaked him out. He trusted Clay. He knew that if he said "no, not now, Clay would stop. But he didn't say it. He wanted it. But first... Clay began running his fingers along frank's sides "SHIT. STOP. THAT'S WORSE THAN MY TITS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Oh, it's gonna get a LOT worse for you, supergeek. Clay slid frank's shoes off, then his pants. He reached under his legs, and began tickling behind his knees. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH SHIT. STOP. STOP. OK OK. I submit. I submit. I give I give. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What do you want?" Clay whispered "Your ass." "Yes sir. Take it. Take it please." Clay stroked frank's face gently. "I just wanted to hear you say that. We don't have to, sweet stuff. You wanna do something like neck, or kiss, or cuddle. "DAMN IT CLAY ACT LIKE A FUCKING TOP AND SCREW ME." "Ok. I guess that's clear. Belly or back. "JUST FUCKING SCREW ME. I'VE BEEN HORNY SINCE I GOT IN THE CAR. " "Ok, let's do it on your back. " "YES. Thought Frank. He loved seeing Clay's face when he fucked him. It didn't contort , but it showed that he was paying attention and making sure frank wasn't hurting. "Kiss me first, super geek. My fucking lover super geek." Every time frank heard Clay mention him as his lover, he got a little more enchanted. Yes, he was his lover. The man who's bed he was gonna start sharing every night, real soon. After the kiss, frank felt Clay's cock begin to enter him slowly, delicately. "You ok babe?" "Yes sir. super geek is wanting you. BAD." "MMMM. Then you're gonna get me. " Clay slipped in further, and he heard frank gasp. 'WHAT? WHAT? I'll stop. I'll come out. " "Yeah, please. I dunno what happened but..." "Ok, if I pull too hard, you'll hurt. Easy does it." Clay slid out. "Let me untie you." "Don't you dare. I wanna feel helpless underneath you. Can you shoot all over me, Sir? Please?" "Yeah, but..." Clay pulled a big bandana out of his pocket and he gagged frank. FUCK thought frank. This is even hotter now. Clay ran one hand over frank's chest, and jerked himself with the other. Halfway through, he stopped, began chewing frank's ear, and began jerking frank. "I want us to cum together babe. It's not easy, but let's go for it" "YES SIR" frank responded. Clay couldn't hear him, but he saw the head shake. MMMMMM. GOD you give such a good hand job." Clay heard enough, and he smiled Tied up, frank couldn't do anything. Frank had each of their cocks in one of his hands, and he did them at the same time. When frank began to moan and pump his hips, he slowed down the work on frank, so he could speed up on himself. And then he had them in synch. He whispered "Tell me when studmuffin." "NOW CLAY. NOW SIR. NOW TOPMAN. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" frank got one shot off before Clay joined him. Then he pulled frank into him . He pushed down the gag. "DAMN. You are just the hottest guy in bed I have ever had you geek." "Sorry about what happened, I..." "SHHHHH. Don't go there. Sometimes it's not right. It'll be right this weekend." "How can you be sure?" Clay smiled. "Because we are NOT going home until I get one, solid fuck thrown into you. Now , you wanna shower, and show me what you plan to wear tomorrow?" "I'll shower, but I'm putting you in charge of wardrobe Sir. If you want me to be supergeek, super geek I will be." Clay smiled. Go wash up I'll pull the clothes. Then I'll wash. We'll find something to eat." frank gave him puppy dog eyes. "Room service?" "HEHHEH. Melted ice cream in your navel. " "You're such a pig. " "So are you." "How about I eat the melted ice cream out of YOUR navel Sir?" "Got a better idea.. How about you lick the cum next time it collects there." Frank thought for a minute. "I wanna do both. " Go shower you pig." While he was showering, Clay went through frank's suitcase. He found perfect geek clothes: blue oxford butondown, cheap, dark blue pants, white socks. YEAH. All he needed was a "super geek" sign to put on frank's neck. That's when he found such a sign among frank's clothes. Next to a small notebook. He probably wasn't supposed to see it, but he did. It had as the title "I love Clay because..." Clay began to feel overwhelmed. He had a book like that. HE HAD A BOOK. "CLAY YOU SHITHEAD" he told himself. "If you let THIS ONE GET AWAY. " He collected himself. Well, if frank was super geek tomorrow... he pulled out a white shirt, a very narrow leather tie, and a black suit he had owned for so long, it was shiny. Yeah, costume was the way to go. For now, though, he had to make sure frank didn't order everything on the room service menu, arguing that "Violet needs to eat too." They were watching old episodes of Batman as they fell asleep. Frank had ordered ice cream, and put a scoop of it on Clay's stomach. Then he licked it until Clay screamed and sucked frank until he shot again. They were a mess the next morning. But they had time to get cleaned up and to get Violet out for a walk, before the convention opened officially.

Next: Chapter 10

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