Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 8, 2020


It was Tuesday. Frank was sitting at his desk, daydreaming, mostly about Clay and the experience last weekend. After Clay had taken him, Frank had asked him to please just leave him for a bit, just so he cold really understand what had just happened. Clay thought he had hurt Frank or had gone too far, but that wasn't it at all. For Frank, it felt like a big, BIG step: Clay had been the first man who had fucked him, who did not leave him feeling injured, or used, or just, well, yucky. He couldn't quite believe it had happened. Also, and this was important to Frank, Clay just seemed to know what to do: he wanted it, Frank hadn't asked for it, but he had just begun to take him, and Frank went along with it. True, Clay stopped along the way, asking how Frank was, but he wasn't stopping. To Frank, this was domination. The kind of domination he craved. Had he found it with Clay? "You have any idea , girl? " He looked down at Violet, sitting at his feet. She was well behaved, so no one objected when Frank took her to work.

He tossed on some clothes and he found Clay sitting ono the sofa, with his hands covering his face. He seemed really, REALLY upset. Clay sat down next to him very gently, and put his arm around him. "What's wrong stud? " Clay took a couple of minutes to put his thoughts together. "I feel like I coerced you into doing something you weren't ready for. I.. I just got too excited. I wanted you so bad, that I forgot to ask what you wanted. " His eyes filled. "I hope you're not mad at me, and we can see each other some more."

CLAY. DUDE. You didn't coerce me. And I wanted it. MAYBE, MAYBE I didn't know I wanted it, but I did. And you gave it to me." He kissed Clay on the head and whispered into his ear "And I hope you'll give it to me again ." Clay looked up. "Are you telling me the truth Frank? Are you still gonna be around?" "How about Tuesday? Can I come over on Tuesday?" Clay looked at him. "Like I said, whenever you want, for as long as you want." He kissed him. "You ready for bed? I promise not to ravage you." Frank laughed. "Then I'll stay up and watch tv."

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SO, it was Tuesday morning, and Frank had dressed in as cute an outfit he could think of: he had a buttondown shirt that was dark green and black minisquares. He wore it with a cream colored tie, and the snuggest tan pants he could find. Before he left the house, he took a selfie, and sent it off to Clay. "Looking forward to tonight. Maybe this'll give you inspiration." Within five minutes, he got a text back: "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"

Twenty minutes later, he got another one. "Got it figured out. I'm meeting YOU at work. Black jacket, blue button down. We'll figure out dinner in the car. It'll be late. " He followed with an emoji of a winking pirate. Frank felt his cock jump.

A few minutes later, he got a call from Angus. "Hey there, Mr. Frank. I thought you had tied, or been swept to sea or something. Haven't heard from you in a while." Frank laughed "Sorry, bud. I've been busy at work, but more it's about Clay - that guy at that little party you brought me to." "OH. You guys hit it off. That's GREAT." "Angus, I shouldn't say this. It'll curse it . He's wonderful. I feel like I found a really good one." "You know, Dennis told me that, when Clay saw you, Dennis saw a look in his eyes that he could only describe as a wolf: he wanted you. " Frank laughed. "Well, he has me. I'm spending the night there tonight." "WAIT. MY FRANK is spending a school night at a boyfriend's house." "Ha ha ha. See how things change? What can I tell you Ang? I was there this past weekend, and I would normally leave on Sunday afternoon, Violet and I. I got sad. I asked if I could stay..." He paused. "Angus, he gave me a key to his house." "WOW. And you're getting..." Frank dropped his voice. "Angus. He fucked me this weekend. And it didn't hurt, and it felt good. And.... Oh, I can't describe it." "FRANKIE OH MY GOD. Know what it sounds like to me? Sounds like you're in love." Frank paused for a minute and thought "am I?" "Angus, I'm not sure. I think he's more into me than I'm into him, but, well, I haven't seen anyone else to interest me ." "Does he satisfy your other needs?" "Know what he did the first date, Angus? He put his hand on my lower back, and he kept it there. Later, when I went to hold his hand, he grabbed it and he wouldn't let it go. " "And your other stuff?" "That's for another day Ang, but yeah, I'm getting all of it. I've been Robin, I've been Flash, and honestly, I've just been me." "This is all great Frank. Hey, are you by any chance interested in going to the Fetish Fair next month?" "We already got our tickets." "GREAT. Dennis and I will see you there." "OH? Is this another call?" "It's not as intense as yours Frank, but yeah, it's going well." "Ok, we need to have a long lunch or something soon. I gotta get back to work . Clay is picking Violet and I up, so, I should be ready. Thanks so much for calling."

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Late afternoon, Frank got a text from Clay: "Know what your selfie made me think of? Robin in street clothes. Just sayin." Frank just sent a smile. He had an idea what that meant, and he liked it. He looked at his watch. Two more hours. .. Then the text. "I'm downstairs. You folks wanna join me" Frank smiled broadly, said "good night" to whomever was still around, and took Violet up in his arms, to hold her in the elevator. When they got downstairs, Frank put Violet on the ground and looked around for Clay. He didn't find him. He did have the text. Frank said he was there. "Fell right into my trap robin." He felt Clay's hand on his shoulder.

"thought it was your date. Well, I guess it is, but not the date you expected." Frank got into the story line. He felt his pants bulge. "You're a fiend, you know that Riddler? How'd you find out my identity?" Clay put his mouth to his ear and whispered "I have eyes and ears all over the city pretty boy. And now.. I'm going to have my hands and other parts all over you. You and your little dog. MOVE." He pointed to an alley way that was right off of Frank's building. Frank sighed, as Clay took his forearm. "Gonna be a fun evening. " When they got to the car, Violet jumped into the front seat like she was used to. "YOU. Into the back seat. Hand me those rolls of duct tape. " Frank gulped. Clay grabbed his wrists and taped them behind him. Then his ankles. Then his knees. Finally, with Frank looking at him pleadingly, a big piece of tape went over his mouth. "I DO love to hear you scream robin, but not on the way home. It will wait..." He smiled and put his finger into frank's shirt, gently teasing his navel. Frank jerked and Clay laughed. He turned away to get in the drivers' seat, but then looked back "Are you gonna be ok for 15 minutes furter?" "MMMPH" Frank nodded his head in agreement.

Frank couldn't see Clay's wicked smile as they continued to drive. He reached over occasionally and gave Violet a pet, or he'd call back to frank/robin "How's it going with the tape, pretty boi? Not well I guess." Now frank had been tied up a LOT of ways, and he had been gagged with duct tape before, many times. To be completely immoblized by it, was something new. Something exciting. He didn't think Clay would tickle him if he were tied up like this, but he also hadn't thought he'd be tape bound either.

Clay brought the car to a stop. "Time to unload our cargo sweetcakes. " He reached in and hauled frank over his shoulder. Squirming and struggling were nearly impossible. "I got a big bowl of your favorite food for you Violet - whose leash he had in one hand, his other one firmly on frank's ass. "And I got a BIG long stick of your favorite food for ya, stud." Violet ran to the food bowl right away, as soon as Clay unclicked the leash. He held it in front of frank's face. "Maybe you need one of these, handsome. Keep you held in place. NOT that that's an issue right now, hahahahahaha." Clay seemed to have perfected the diabolical laugh, and frank loved it when he heard it. Clay dumped him on his side, on the bed. "Should I pull this off slowly, or right away?" He put his fingers to the tape gag "Hmmmm? Which would be more 'interesting?" He began pulling it from frank's lips very, VERY slowly "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of frank's mouth. Then Clay paused and RIPPED the rest of it fast. "FUCKING BASTARD" frank spat out. Clay looked at him, concerned "Was that too hard , babe?" Frank was breathing hard. Not too hard, maybe too intense. WOW. I've never felt this way before. "New experiences are our specialty robin. Now, let me make you a wee bit more comfortable. " Clay loosened frank's tie and, knowing what a fussbudget he was, he hung it carefully in the closet. He came back. "My my those nipples looking inviting don't they?" "LEAVE MY CHEST ALONE YOU JERK." Clay ignored him and just began playing with them through the shirt. Frank couldn't help it: they pointed up and out, as if they were begging for more. Without saying a word, Frank opened his shirt, and worked them flesh on flesh. Then he chewed each one as frank moaned. "OH YOU BASTARD. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" "Heh heh. Well, robin, I decided that going after Batman was really a waste of my time. You're the hotter one. You're the more interesting one. And I bet... you give better blowjobs, and you're way more fun to fuck." Now frank tried to squirm even harder. "YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY BLOWJOBS FROM ME, AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING MY ASS." "Hahahahaha. Tell you what boy wonder. We'll see what a wonder you are. I won't do ANYTHING, unless you ASK me to do it. And if you do, I'm gonna do it WELL. " frank gulped. He wasn't sure if he were ready to get fucked again, but if Clay were as ruthless as he could be, he might, just might, find himself asking for it. Then the tickling started. The tape bondage left enough room for Clay to get under frank's arms. He didn't usually start there, but getting tickled in a sensitive spot, with no preparation? frank nearly burst from the laughter that came out of him.' "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. STOP YOU BASTARD. STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. " "You know, when you scream robin, your mouth looks so sexy. So pretty. So, well.. fuckable. Clay's fingers dropped to frank's ribs. "OH SHIT I DIDNT PEE BEFORE I LEFT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "You know, let me take the knee tape off. It'll be more fun to see you squirm some. Clay took a scissor and cut the tape away. then he went back to frank's ribs. By now, frank's shirt was opened, and soaked with sweat. Clay was digging into the ribs HARD." "Any decisions yet, robin? Or should I go to your feet. " "NO NO. NO FEET. PLEASE. NO FEET. FUCK MY FACE RIDDLER. FUCK MY FACE. FEED ME YOUR COCK." "Hmmm. I wonder if I'd get the grand prize if I went for your feet. " "JUST TRY IT YOU JERK" (OH SHIT. Thought frank. Why the hell did I say that?) "Think I will. " Clay slipped franks shoes off. "OOOOH. Sheer socks. Marvelous." frank's ankles were taped , so he couldn't get away either foot. And Clay went to town. First, he used his nails. Then he picked up a small toothbrush and did more. Then... he reached over and picked up the electric dildo. "NO NO NO. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE. FUCK MY ASS RIDDLER. FUCK MY ASS. FUCK MY FACE. FUCK MY ASS. FUCK ANYTHING YOU WANT. JUST, JUST. STOPPPPPPPP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Clay put down the dildo, and he stopped everything. He sat on the end of the bed, and gently, very gently stroked frank's hair, soaked with sweat. "Are you sure about this babe? I'd like to, but we don't have to." Frank looked at him. "Riddler Clay, I trust you. I know you'll stop if it's wrong. I wanna try again. Please." "How about a kiss before we go forward? And how about I get all this tape off, so you can at least move freely. "I'm always up for a kiss from you Sir." Their lips met, and when they were finished, Clay kissed both of frank's eyes. "Know something sweetie? I think the thing that clinched the deal for me, were your eyes. I LOVE them. I just have a feeling they see a LOT more than you admit." "Know what convinced me, Sir Clay? All the questions you asked. You never assumed. You may be a Top. You may be a Dom. But you're different." frank was sitting up now, massaging his wrists from the tape. Clay handed him some ointment. "No, it's NOT what I'm using if we continue with anal, but.. it'll help your wrists stay as beautiful as they are. "You'll stop if I've had enough?" "I will. But which one of us determines that?" frank wasn't quite ready for the question. "I trust you Clay. " And Clay knew that he did, from frank's eyes. "Ok love. No gag. Speak up when or if you've had enough. We're gonna try it another way today. See if it feels comfortable. If it doesn't , we can stop or switch. "All fours?" Clay smiled. "All fours." Without saying a word, frank dropped his pants, his jock and let his cock stick out. It was very, VERY hard. Clay walked to the top frame of the bed, so frank could see him sheathe up and lube up. Then he went down to frank's ass. "How about a little lube for you?" "Yes sir please. OOOOOOOOOOOH. I didn't think..." Clay had pushed his tongue into frank and frank was loving it. He tried to back up, to get more. Clay teased him "Easy sub boi. You take what you get." "Yes sir. Sorry Sir." frank jumped right into the role ,and they both got even more excited. Clay was making slurping noises as he ate frank, and that was driving frank crazy. "OH SIR. PLEASE. I need you. I need you BAD. Take me. PLEASE." Clay pulled frank's cheeks apart. frank couldn't see the look of total love and concern that came over his face. Clay wasn't used to someone trusting him like that. Then he began to "pierce him with his sword," as his old Latin teacher used to have them translate the phrase when they read the story of General Glaucus in class." "OOOOO. That feels so good Sir. So good. MORE. Please, MORE. " frank tried desperately to back up into more of Clay's cock. Clay whispered "Easy does it franko. You're not a pro at this. Let me do my job." "Yes sir. I understand Sir." Clay began easing himself in. He heard frank suck in his breath. When he did, he didn't ask "should I stop?" He just kept still doing nothing more. If frank said something , he'd pull out. Instead, frank said "I'm ready Sir. Go all the way. " Clay did. And he reached under frank and began tugging on his balls. "OH SHIT YES SIR. YES. I'M GONNA SHOOT ALL OVER YOUR BED." Clay laughed. "Then you'll be doing laundry tonight robin." That threat didn't deter him, and frank's load shot all over the bed cover. He hadn't shot since he saw Clay: he was trying to pent it all up for their meetings. "My turn babe. " Clay began to pull back and push in, with more force than he had before. He was at the point where he didn't care how frank was feeling. He just pushed. frank bit his lip. It was hurting a bit, "but fair's fair," he thought, and it didn't take long. He felt the explosion from Clay , and his only concern was: was it gonna spill out? "Let me mix ours together. All for one, one for all," Clay pulled out and ripped off the condom. The rest of his jizz spilled onto the bed cover. "Even my cum tops you," he joked, and then tickled frank's ribs. "STOP!!! I'm worse after sex you bastard." "Hmmmm. Good to know. How's about we get rid of the cover and cuddle a bit, you sweet pretty boy?" frank was fine with that, thank you very much, and he was even more fine when Clay first threw his leg over him, and then flipped him on his back and pinned his wrists down, before he kissed him about a thousand times. "You enjoy yourself, frank baby?" "Yes sir. " "Hey, when did you decide to start calling me Sir?" "I dunno Sir. It just kinda happened." "I didn't ask you to, did I?" "No Sir, and I'll stop if you want. I promise to use it only in the bedroom, and only with you." Clay smiled, and traced a heart on frank's chest. "Know what, robin/frank? I'm looking forward to this weekend. And if it goes well, I'm gonna ask you a very important question?" "Sir, if the question is: would I like to move in with you? I can answer that now. Yes."

Next: Chapter 9

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