Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 1, 2020


Frank was feeling a little, well, blue, when they woke up on Sunday. It was the last day of a weekend he wasn't soon going to forget. Yes, there would be future weekends (he hoped), but this one had taught him, well, so much. And he had found a man who was more patient than HE was about the sex thing. He couldn't let this one go. "How about you shower first, 'furter, so you can walk Ms. V while I shower." It was even better that Clay really, REALLY seemed to like Violet, and Violet liked him. He had walked her , on his own, and on Saturday night, when frank had gotten up to use the bathroom , he came back and found Violet perched on Clay's lap, getting a belly rub. He smiled. "Any chance of me getting one of those?" Clay laughed. "Wait your turn, frank." He DID get one, after they went to bed. It was probably better than Violet's but he wasn't gonna tell her.

When he got back, pulled his dirty clothes together to bring home, and to figure out what he was going to wear that day, he saw a closet he hadn't noticed before. He took a peek inside, and found a treasure trove of costumes: The Riddler, and the Joker, and other villains, but also a robin costume, a batman, and then the non superhero ones: a motorcycle cop, a cowboy (with the hat), a doctor, and probably something representative of each member of "The Village People except the Indian chief." He was fascinated. And getting aroused. He and Clay had decided that it was going to be a non costume day, with a hunt and capture in the woods , but.

"I'm surprised I didn't tell you about those." He felt Clay's long, slightly wet arm, circle his middle. "Like what you see, handsome?" He felt Clay rub his beard against his neck. Frank had asked him not to shave. "I really like what I feel, but this.. This is HOT." Clay kissed his ear. "I bet some of them fit you. I didn't mention it because, well, I thought you were married to Flash." Frank giggled. Partly because the beard scruff was tickling his neck, and partially from the thought of being married to Flash. GIven his body type, he had always just gravitated to Flash. He felt he was, well, too old, to dress as robin, but he always wanted to. And the others... "I'm in pig heaven Clay. You think any of them fit me?" "Probably most of them do . And there ain't nuthin Clay can't do with a sewing machine and a measuring tape, young man." "Could we... Could we... robin... and Riddler? Captured. A lure for Batman. And while they wait." He heard Clay growl as he nibbled his ear. "You want that more than a hunt?" "It's a hard choice, but yes sir. I'm dying to be robin." "And you'll be SUCH a cute one. I love playing the Riddler too. He's such a snot . A smart man, but a snot. And he finds ALL of Robin's hot spots." Frank began to bump his butt against Clay's pelvis. Clay smiled and whispered. "Yeah, we'll try again. No regrets if we don't finish." "No regrets Sir. Just don't ask me to sing. Especially in French." "speaking of French, how about we go out for crepes? Or French Toast? Or French fries with my furter? Then game playing?" "That sounds good. I think the only thing I want more than your hands on me is breakfast."

Clay drove them to a little place. They were early, but it was already filling up. "You know, Violet loves crepes. No filling, just the crepes." "Then let's order some to go. If she can't come in, we'll bring the breakfast to her." Frank smiled. He grabbed Clay's hand. "Clay, I want to ask you something." "GOOD. Because I wanna ask you something too. You go first." Frank was blushing. "Well, I had such a good time this weekend, I don't wanna go home today." Clay laughed. "Then don't. Stay the night. Stay the week. Stay as long as you like." Frank looked at him. "You mean that?" Clay scowled. "Frank n Furter. You may not know a lot about me, but I hope you know by now I don't say things I don't mean." Frank blushed. "Well.. Can you drive me home so I can get some clean clothes for Monday? And drive me to work? " "Can do. BUT.... I wanna pick out your outfit. " Frank blushed again. This man was too good to be true. Then he added something else. "AND... I wanna add two more, so you have 'costume changes' at my place if you need them." "You mean." "I said you can stay over whenever you like. You want a key, too? Just bring Violet." Frank paused. "Let me think about the key. But yeah, sure. " There was a big smile on Clay's face. "Now I wanna ask you something. It's not nearly as immediate. A month from now, there's a tickle convention. It's a drive: about 150 miles. We'd have to stay in a hotel or something. But I'd like to go. I haven't gone in a few years, and I miss it." "Yeah. I'd like to go. I never have. I mean, I never had anybody who would go with me." "NOW, you're going with me. PERIOD. Now finish up that breakfast sausage, and let's get home, cause the Riddler's sausage is getting kinda hard thinking about what he's gonna do to Robin."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx An hour - ok, an hour and a half later - they had finished breakast, visited frank's place, and come back to Clay's. The extra half hour was because, well, while Clay was choosing some outfits to keep at frank's house, frank decided to sneak up on him again. It ended the same way as it did the first time: frank was pinned, on his back, with Clay tickling the shit out of him. "GOD, do I wanna finish the job, you sexy boy. But no, I want my robin. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" "Tie me up Clay. I wanna be your prisoner in the car. " "Hands in front of you? "No Sir. Behind my back. So I KNOW I'm yours. " The bondage, and Clay's arm around him, dropping down and squeezing frank's neck, left frank right at the edge. Clay too. "We better hurry. Otherwise, we're gonna have an intended accident, kiddo," Clay said to frank. And half an hour later, frank was in the robin costume, tied up and gagged, on his side, as the "Riddler," took pictures of him. "I think THESE should get Batman's attention. And if they don't..." He hitched his fingers into the tights of a struggling frank, and pulled them down. He pretended to take pictures of frank's cock and... his ass. Something about that... when Clay saw frank's ass... Well. He untied the bonds holding frank's wrists together. He pinned him down, and spread out on top of him. "frank baby. I think it's time. I'm gonna go slow. Real slow and real wet. TALK TO ME. ALL THE WAY. I don't want to hurt you, but... I WANNA MAKE YOU MINE." Frank gulped. "Yes sir. If you think it's right. What do you want me to do?" "I want you to try to relax. Tell me. If there's anything I do that relaxes you, tell me. " "Oh, Clay... when you rub my neck while you kiss me. I just melt." Clay smiled. He got his hand behind frank's head, and got a soft grip on his neck. The kissing will come next. But now... He pulled down his tights, and he reached for the lube, and a rubber. After he "dressed" as he called it, he stretched back out and kissed frank. Just before he kissed him he whispered "OH, my sweet, sweet boy. " Then his cock touched frank's butt. Frank bolted and Clay was ready to stop. But no, frank relaxed, pushed his lips away from frank's and said "I want you in me SIr. I want to feel you. I want to feel like... I belong to you. OOOOOOOH." Clay had just slid in a little further. Frank sucked in his breath. "Are we done baby?" "No sir. Not at all. It feels good. Gimme some more tongue please. " As Frank's tongue pushed in, so did his cock. He was about halfway in. He felt frank twitching. " "We done? You had enough?" "I don't know Sir. I don't know. I don't hurt. But I feel.. full." Clay smiled. "Ok, mister. I'm gonna pull out. I'm gonna get more lube. Because forewarned is forearmed. Now, it gets harder." "Then kiss me some more. Let me know that I'm yours. Even more. Take your boy wonder." Clay brushed frank's hair back and took off the eye mask. "You're a wonder frank, that's for sure. And I wanna see your expression. Every bit of it." He locked frank's lips and began sliding back in. Clay was right: NOW it got more difficult. It hurt a little. Then more. Frank began to want Clay to stop, but he couldn't say anything. Frank had his mouth covered with Clay's , and Clay didn't seem to be picking up his signals. In fact, Clay WAS picking up frank's signals, but he was so close to being ALL the way in, it was now or never. So he just pushed past frank's resistance. "STOP CLAY. PLEASE. You're hurting me. " Clay looked at him. "Are you mine or not, frank." "I'm yours but.." "Then... TAKE IT.." and he exploded. He blew a load inside frank that came close to coming out of the condom. He screamed with release, and then began crying as he pulled out. He released frank's wrists. "Shoot for me baby. Shoot for your topman." "I don't know if I.." Then I'LL bring you off, boy." Clay put his mouth around frank's cock and worked magic. All of a sudden, frank lost control and shot right into Clay's mouth. And Clay swallowed each drop. He looked at his exhausted boyfriend. "I don't understand Clay. You told me that you suck, once in a while, but you never swallow." He smiled as he lay next to frank. "How you feeling, babe? Sore?" "YEAH. Like the dentist just drilled me." "I have a dentist costume too ya know." Frank looked at him and Clay laughed. "Just kidding." "Seriously, why'd you just swallow?" "Because I ignored your limits. I got selfish." Frank paused for a minute. He reached up and pulled Clay too him. "I'm glad you did. Now, I did it. Now, I know, I can take you any time I want you." Then he paused. "I'm sorry Sir. Anytime YOU want me." Clay smiled. "Listen up 'furter. I may be the top, but on this stuff, it's by agreement. ALWAYS. You won't always be ready, it won't always be the right time. But now, we know we can do it." Frank smiled. "Know what we gotta do? We gotta walk Violet. And get some dinner. I start at 8." "EIGHT? FUCK. What time are we getting up?"' "Five. I'm a good solid Minnesot'n." Clay laughed. "OK... make a note. Get used to early mornings." Frank smiled. "Am I worth it?" "Hell yeah."

Next: Chapter 8

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