Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 28, 2020


After lunch, they headed back to Clay's house. Again, Frank reached out to grab Clay's hand, and Clay did not object. "Would you rather it were there, or on your back, sweet stuff? " he asked frank. "I'd rather it were in my pits or my ribs, but this is fine for now." He threw a smile at Clay, who snorted back. "You're gonna get it. BIG TIME." Violet met them at the door. Her bowl was empty, which was ok, and her bladder was full, which was not. "Walk her together?" Clay asked, and frank smiled. "How about you walk her? I wanted to change." There was a wicked grin on his face. "Say no more, 'furter. Violet and I are gonna have some quality time." While they were out, frank first refilled her bowl. Then, he reached into his bag, and pulled out a very thin black t shirt, that had written on the front, in big white letters "DO NOT TICKLE ME". Then he put on a pair of blue shorts. Clay hadn't seen them, and when Frank had his last "long term relationship" (a month), his boyfriend had loved them. He put on a pair of very thin socks, and then his sneakers. He could feel his cock growing. He heard the door open, and then Violet's frantic run across the floor to her water bowl, then her food bowl. He sat down in the chair where Clay had tied him up, and put his hands behind his back. "SO I GOT A LEASH IN MY HAND. SHOULD I HANG IT UP OR..." Clay walked into the room where frank was sitting and he saw the t shirt. "Well... do I detect a challenge here?" "Gonna have to make sure I can't get away first." "Oh... I think I can do that. Clay reached for a long strap on a dresser top. That's when frank got up, and made a dash for the door. Clay smiled, grabbed him around the waist, and pulled him back." "Oh, no you don't pretty boi. No you don't. I worked DAMN hard to get you here, and you're not getting away." "LEMME GO. LEMME GO." frank struggled. He actually fought as hard as he could. Clay was strong. And he was getting excited. Frank could feel it. He felt Clay's teeth on his ear, biting gently, and then whispering "Calm down. Calm down. You're going nowhere but in that chair. " "YOU. WON'T. GET. AWAY. WITH. THIS." frank grunted out, as he felt his wrists pulled behind him and bound. "Don't tickle me, huh? Think I'm gonna listen?" "Won't do you any good. I've had enough today and it won't bother me anymore." "We'll see flash frank. We'll see. Let's see about these first though. " Clay ran his fingers along frank's nipples, as if he were playing a guitar. "STOP THAT. STOP THAT. You know what that does to me... OOOOOH. " frank began to moan, when he felt Clay's tongue in his ear. "Wonder what it'd be like if I gagged you for a while , handsome? " He saw the look of concern on frank's face. They both knew better than to gag and tickle at the same time. "Later today. For now... " He grabbed frank by the back of his neck. "I remember a challenge on the floor, and I'm accepting it. " He tossed frank, face down, on his bed. Then he grabbed frank's ankles and roped them, tying them to his ankles. " "YOU JERK . Think that's gonna help." "Maybe not. But this will." Frank felt Clay pull off the sneakers, and then he felt his finger tracing through the thin socks. He fought to keep quiet, but the sounds kept bursting out. "STOP. STOP PLEASE.." "Nope," answered Clay, as he pulled off the socks. Then, frank felt Clay's tongue begin to trace a path all over his soles, and then push between his toes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO. STOPPPP. STOPPPPP." "Well, well, well. Looks like I found a secret spot." "TOO EASY CLAY. TOO EASY. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Oh, I'm not done yet. I'm not done at yet. Look at those pretty, pretty knees. Bent just like they're BEGGING for some fingers. Frank gulped. That was the spot. He pulled his legs in to try to block Clay, who just laughed. A finger up and down frank's left foot, and he had enough room to get in. He attacked the back of frank's knees, showing no mercy. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. YOU GOT ME. YOU FOUND IT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK, now stop. STOPPPPP." "Depends 'furter. Am I gonna get a blowjob today?" "YES! YES. IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, YES. YES. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

" Clay moved his fingers up to frank's pits. "You gonna start calling me SIR?" He dug in. "YES. YEAH. YES SIR YES SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Hmmmmm. Now what else do I want? Oh, I know. " He rolled frank onto his back. Frank saw his smiling, but serious face. "I mean this frank. I really, REALLY mean it. He began gently stroking frank's belly after he had pulled up the t shirt. Frank was giggling gently instead of laughing hysterically. "Will you trust me, frank? Will you trust me to know when you're ready for anal sex?" "Yes sir. But I'm ready NOW" "No frank-o, you're not. You want it. And I'm flattered. But we're gonna try something. " Clay went over to his "toy chest," and pulled out a dildo. "This bigger or smaller than me, frank?" Frank made a silly face. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY BIGGER." It was four inches. "Oh, I think we're gonna stop this demo and... " He went back to frank's pits. "NO. NO. I was teasing. I was teasing. It's about half. Yeah, about half your size. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "It's four inches frankie. I'm gonna lube it. REAL good, and I'm gonna start pushing it into you. I'll know when it's hurting, so don't lie to me. Cause if you lie... I'm going back to the knees." Frank smiled. "And that's supposed to stop me?" "It is if you wanna suck me, because I'll jerk off with you facing down." "OOPS. Ok Sir. Ok. I won't lie. I promise." "Your face CAN'T lie," Clay thought to himself. He pulled down frank's shorts, and frank's cock shot up in the air. "Ok babe. Slow and steady." Clay took the dildo, and he began to gently insert it. The first inch was fine. So was the second one. Then he saw frank biting his lip, and he heard moans of pain coming out. "Ok, that's it. See what I mean frank-o? " Frank sighed. "Guess I can't do anything right." Clay pushed frank's hair out of his face. "Whoever told you that, never had one of your blow jobs. Now get to work, pretty boy cocksucker." "YES SIR!" Frank hungrily took in Clay's cock, and he slid his tongue up and down as he pumped his boyfriend. Clay had grabbed frank's balls, and he was squeezing them. The moans coming out of frank were now sounds of complete and total pleasure. Clay began to moan too. "FUCK YES. DAMN YOU'RE GOOD AT THIS FRANKO. DAMN GOOD. HOLY SHIT YOU'RE GOOD. " He got his cock out just in time, and sprayed jizz all over the floor, right before frank released his load, moaning and crying at the same time. Clay released the restraints, because he knew frank liked to be held after an orgasm, and he grabbed him. He held him tight. "Know who you are, frank?" He kissed him. "Know who you are?" "Your bottom, Sir? " "More than that. WAY more than that. You're my man. My sweet, sexy, superhero man. MMMMMM" He pulled Frank tighter. "I love how you smell. I just love it. I wanna eat you up. " He rolled frank onto his back. "DAMN I could stay on top of you forever. " More kissing. When he got the chance, frank looked at him. His big brown eyes were wide. "Thank you Clay. Thank you Sir. " Clay just smiled. "When it's right, it's gonna be great, franko. I hope it's with me. I want it to be with me. We're gonna work together, and we're gonna get there." "How will we do that , Sir?" "You're gonna start wearing a plug around the house, frank. It'll loosen you up. And now, that this is done, I'm gonna do things like this..." He slid his finger into frank, who moaned. "OH that feels good Sir. That feels good." He sucked in breath as he felt Clay put in a second finger. "DAMN. Feels like a butterfly in me." Clay smiled, because he was moving his fingers back and forth. "Good. That means you're nice and sensitive. " He began to push the fingers back and forth. "That hurts a little, Sir." "Then we're gonna stop. But you're already good at this. You're just gonna get better." He thought he heard frank purr, just before he nodded off. Clay smiled. "You're a keeper babe." He didn't know frank heard that. He thought the smile was just a good dream.

"He seems to nap a lot" Clay thought to himself as he snuck out of the bed. It was only about 3pm. "I wonder if he's not sleeping at night , or what. Seems to sleep well here.Hmmmm." He smiled. He checked on frank again: out like a light. He probably could, so.... When frank got up, he couldn't move his wrists. or his ankles. "HEY CLAY. WHAT DID YOU DO?" Clay was outside, reading, in the living room, and he walked in smiling. "You took a little nap and I was bored, so... I decided to try a few new knots. How'd they work.?" frank pulled at them. "I'd say pretty good. " "Thinks so? Do they stand up to, oh, I don't know, some serious struggle?" He began to tickle the area around frank's navel, and frank yelped. "ACKKKK! STOP! I just woke up. " "That's the best time to get what I want. I'd say you're totally helpless. " I could just do something like this, and you can't stop me." Clay slid his hand down frank's shorts. He circled his balls, ran his finger right underneath them. "CLAY!!!! STOP!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Now, why would I do that, frank? It's so much fun to see you struggle. " "YOU BASTARD. I'M GONNA KILL YOU WHEN I GET FREE." "You sure about that handsome?" Clay made a wicked smile, and then slid down to frank's feet. "Should these be next?" "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. " "Just a little bit frank. Jess a little bit." He ran his finger up and down each of frank's soles, maybe 5 times each. It was enough to make frank laugh, just not to burst out into out and out laughter. " "Seriously though babe. I wanna do something, start getting you ready." He pulled out the small butt plug. "You ready?" frank looked at it. Would it hurt? He wanted to be able to take Clay's cock. "Will you stop if I say it hurts, Sir?" Clay looked at him. "What kind of question is that? He leaned down and kissed him. "Ok, let's give this a try." He pulled down Frank's shorts, and then slowly began sliding the small plug in. Frank moaned. It actually felt good. His butt seemed to just suck it up after a point. " "THERE we go. Now , you leave that in, for as long as you can, 'furter. And after it doesn't give you a thrill... we move to something bigger. Now, how about I untie you, we get cleaned up, and maybe do something like watch a stupid movie or go for a walk or something. "

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In the shower, frank thought about how, not only did this guy make him feel like the sexiest man in the world, he took care of him. He was torn. the last thing he needed was a father figure, but on the other hand, having someone take charge... DAMN that was sexy. Frank usually liked to find something to do on Saturdays: a street fare, a party, something; But being with Clay, watching a movie.. it sounded dreamy. He finished up in the shower, put on some clothes, and walked out. Clay looked like he was putting something together for dinner later. "Hey." frank came over, smiling. He had put on a striped dress shirt over some casual pants. When his hair was wet, as it was now, it kind of kinked up, Clay found the look absolutely bewitching. "You know, standing there, I feel like some sexy leprechaun or something like that just came into the kitchen. You gonna eat all my Lucy Charms?" Frank laughed. "Just one big one, Sir... " "Oh, I don't think I'm ready right now, you eager little bottom. Maybe later." He looked up. "Hey. This is up to you. I was gonna make something for dinner tonight, and we'd eat in, but... I can save it for tomorrow, we'll eat it for lunch, and we can go out tonight. " A brief pause. "I would love to show you off to my friends." "Show me off? As what?" "C'mere sexy." Frank came over, and Clay embraced him. His lips found frank's neck. He whispered lowed enough for him to hear. "What happens at home is none of their business. I just want them to see my handsome new boyfriend. Maybe let them know you're off the market." Frank laughed. "They know what you like. They'll know what we do" "Just generally." Frank paused for a minute. "You know, didn't I say you were the boss? You were in charge?" "YEAH. You did, didn't you?" "Well, stud... Take charge. " Clay laughed. "You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that. " They DID go out that night. Clay made frank walk with his hands behind his back as much as possible, and he had his hand on the back of his neck, or on his ass, for nearly the whole time they were out. Once or twice, he snuck a tickle , and more than a few people saw the deep kisses he gave frank during the night. When they got home, and started for bed, Clay stopped frank. "No no, I undress you tonight. Little by little." "Yes sir," frank said, excited by that idea. As Clay undressed him, he lingered over each exposed boy part, licking and tasting, kissing. When he had frank naked, and wickedly hard, he stripped down himself. He climbed on top of frank and if you had been taking pictures, all you would have seen was lots of arms and legs moving, groping , changing positions, before finally, Clay's cock was in frank's mouth, and Clay's hand had slipped back to frank's cock. Their orgasms, big and wet and sticky, exploded over the bed. When Clay lay down on top of frank, saying nothing, just playing with his hair and occasionally kissing him, frank said, in a low voice. "Clay, Sir, do you have a bigger plug for me?"

Next: Chapter 7

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