Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 22, 2020


When Frank woke up the next morning, Clay was already up , and he could hear him moving around the kitchen. He shifted, so that he could get a better grip on his erection. His sleep- which had been deep and peaceful- had been filled with dreams of he and Clay. Ropes. Tickling. Roleplay. And most of them ended with Clay's cock up his ass. Thinking about that sent a pulse of excitement through him. Frank felt like Clay wouldn't hurt him, and that any sex was going to be awesome. He thought he was ready - or almost ready.

He pulled on the soccer shorts from yesterday and walked out to the kitchen where Clay seemed to be making pancakes. "Morning. They smell good." Clay looked up, smiling. He put down the pitcher of batter and came over. He didn't say anything, but his smile got bigger as he got closer to Frank. "It's fun sleeping with you. You cuddle even when you're dreaming. He kissed Frank and then he closed his hands on Frank's wrists. He moved them up, parallel to Frank's head, against the wall.

"So, what're we gonna do today?" "You're the boss Clay. You won last night. You won twice." "That's right. I did. So gimme that neck. " Frank moved his head to the side, and Clay began to tease it with his mustache. The feeling was halfway in between tickling and erotic massage. Frank began to breathe hard. "GOD. He whispered. "It's early and I'm already hard." "Get used to it today cutie. Part of today, is all about what happens to captured superheroes when they're turned into arm candy." His knee brushed against Frank's hard on and he laughed. "Although we may have to do something to get THIS taken care of." Frank smiled "I have some ideas for that." Clay laughed. "DO YOU? Too bad that captives have nothing to say about it." He smiled, and ran his finger around Frank's navel, which made Frank jump. "How about you throw on some clothes, and give my new best friend her walk?" He bent down and Violet ran to him. He stroked her ears, and she rolled over on her back. "Just like her Master," he laughed, and Frank blushed. "This is my new girl. But seriously, how about you get her walked, I'll finish up breakfast, and then I'll lay out the day." Frank teased "Yes sir," and got on a t shirt, and put Violet on her leash. As he went out the door, Clay gave him a whack on the ass with a kitchen towel. Again, that slight charge of excitement went through Frank.

As he finished up at the stove, Clay was thinking about the weekend so far. He thought it was going well. He liked Frank. He liked Frank a lot. He was passive, but not a push over. And he was responsive. Smart. Handsome. Ok, maybe more cute than handsome, but he couldn't lie: when he saw Frank leaving his building to come to meet him at his car, with that eager smile, and that sort of preppy swagger, he was smitten. Maybe Frank was more into this costume and superhero thing than he was, but the tickling: yeah, Clay loved to tickle his dates. He loved to tickle them to the point they gave him what he wanted: which was their asses. He hadn't gotten Frank's ... yet. He thought it was coming.

Frank and Violet came back in, and she ran to her water and her food, as Clay started dishing up theirs. "I didn't make any bacon because it slows me down and I wanna be "on my toes" for the day." He smiled at Frank, who felt a bit of pleasant anticipation. "If you're in a bacon kinda frame of mind, there's always a BLT or something like that." "I may eat all these pancakes Clay. They're good. What did you put into them?" Clay smiled. " A secret ingredient that suppresses the Flash's powers for about 7 hours." Frank gulped. "Then I guess I'm at your mercy until you administer the next dose, Elastic Man." "Go get changed," he ordered Frank. There was a whispered "yes sir," before he got up. "Hang on one minute bud. One minute... " Clay came over to Frank. He gave him a lip peck. Then another. Then a deep, long french kiss which made Frank moan in pleasure. Clay broke the kiss and looked at Frank with a smile. "You are just so fucking hot it isn't funny. I gotta go and change myself."

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Clay's costume was almost all black, with two broad blue stripes down the front. He wore a small mask. Notably, his gloves trailed off in long, stretchy fingers that ended in velcro tips. He stood behind a door until Frank came out as the Flash. Then he grabbed him from behind, putting him in a bear hug. "Trying to escape was a dumb thing Flash. You're gonna pay for that." Frank pushed against the bear hug. He didn't want to get out, but even if he did, he knew by now that Clay was strong enough to handle him. Clay sneered out his next words. "Where will we begin? The torture chair? the torture table? Hanging from the roof? Yeah, I think we'll start there." He yanked Frank/Flash's arms behind him and led him to the basement. There was a wrist chain hanging from one of the roof beams. He put Frank's wrists into them and then turned to a winch to pull them up. Frank had never been suspended like this before: he liked it: his pits were exposed, so were his ribs, and really, so was his torso. Clay stepped behind him, and covered his mouth with one of his trailing hands. His other hand found Frank's ass. He whispered "Surrender is complete Flash. TOTAL. And you surrendered, didn't you?" Frank hesitated, before shaking his head yes. His hard on, and Clay's hand on his ass, were driving him crazy. "MMMM. Your ear tastes so good Flash. Almost like eating strawberries. " Clay nibbled at Frank's right ear, while his hand found the zipper on the front of Frank's jersey, and opened it enough to expose his nips. The velcro tips, brushing against them made them more and more sensitive. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS, ELASTO. I'LL GET AWAY AND THEN YOU'LL PAY." Clay laughed. "You're not getting away Flash. I've got all your secrets, and I've drained all your power. You're mine now..." He slide the jersey zipper down a little more. He took off one glove, to help him maneuver the fingers on the other. He began stroking it over Frank's nips, one after the other. At first Frank resisted, and then, he began moaning. "YOU BASTARD. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT DOES TO ME" "Heh heh. Remind me. What does it do?" "It makes me.... COMPLIANT." "Oh? Is that right? As compliant as this? " Then the velcro tips from one hand, and Clay's bare hand, got into Frank's pits. It didn't take long for him to start shrieking. "STOP! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. NO. NO. STOP. YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I'LL DO WHAT YOU SAY. ANYTHING? Clay looked at him. "Anything Frank?" "Yes sir. Anything." "What do you want me to do to you?" Frank hesitated for a minute. He thought he wouldn't be sure. But he was. "I want you to fuck me Clay. I want your cock in me." Clay looked at him. "Are you sure?" "I am." Clay smiled and put his fingers back on frank's nips. "Let me ask you frank. When was the last time you had anal sex?" Frank paused. He paused for a while. "I don't think I remember." "How about we start with a finger then? I'm not sure you're ready, and I don't want to hurt you." "I want it Clay. Real bad." Clay decided on another approach "Am I wrong, or did I hear you submit last night?" "You did Sir." "That means WHO'S in charge?" Frank gulped, and squirmed in the bonds. "You are Sir." "I'll fuck you when I'm ready. Not because you want to get fucked." He reached down and patted frank's erection "We clear on that?" "OOOOOH. Yes sir." Clay moved to behind frank, and slid his costume down as far as he could. Then he took off the second glove. He checked his nails: short, and even. He licked a finger and began running it up and down frank's ass crack. "OH YES. OH YES SIR. OH that feels so good. OOOOOOOH." Clay had reached around and taken frank's erection in his hand. He began to stroke him, as his finger slowly, but carefully, began to enter frank. Frank moved his legs apart to give Clay more room. Clay could feel his own hard on growing. GOD did he want this man; but as he worked his finger in, and he felt the tension in frank's muscles , he thought "He's not ready yet. Not for dick anyway." Just then, Frank shot a huge wad across the basement. The furthest drops went at least five feet. His moans, and whines, were music to Clay's ears. He came back around. "I bet you're hypersensitive after you cum. Let's see." He put one hand down on frank's balls and began to tickle. The laughter that broke out of frank, was almost unworldly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. TICKLE ME ANYWHERE ELSE. PLEASE. NOT THERE. NOT THERE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." It was as if Clay didn't hear him. He moved his other hand to his own cock, and began to pump. "I want to kiss you frank. I want my tongue in you when I shoot." "Then take me Boss. TAKE ME." Frank opened his mouth and Clay shoved in his tongue, as he got harder, and harder. His own moans were muffled by the kiss, but they both knew when he came. "I gotta take you down frank. You gotta rest your arms, and then... No during... I gotta hold you. I gotta hold you like you belong to me. Because you do. At least for the weekend." When he released the bonds, frank fell into his arms. "For more than that Clay, for more than that." He hugged him, and whispered "Thank you for respecting limits I didn't respect myself." Clay stroked his hair. "We're gonna extend those limits you and I . Little by little. For now though, how about we get cleaned up, and maybe take a little stroll through boystown? Maybe find some toys for the weekend. " Then he smiled. "Maybe stop and get a BLT?"

Frank had brought a polo that was just a little bit too small for him and he slipped into that after he showered. Yeah, he was too old for belly shirts and, technically, this wasn't a "belly shirt." That didn't stop Clay from grabbing him around the middle, and tickling him around the navel. "I just love that you're always in the mood, Frank. " He whispered into Frank's ear. "Round two when we come back. Chair and horizontal this time." "MMMMM. Chair bondage is my favorite, Sir." "Good to know. Maybe we'll have to make it an every time experience."

They decided that Violet should rest, so they didn't take her with them. As he had done before, as they walked, Clay put his hand on the small of frank's back. His thumb dropped low enough so that he could hook it into a belt loop of frank's jeans. Frank felt it. "FUCK YES. That makes me feel like I belong to you even more." Clay laughed. "How about this?" He grabbed frank's ass, which provoked someone to yell "HEY. GET A ROOM" Clay yelled back. "YOU SHOULD BE SO LUCKY." After a while, Clay took his hand from frank's back, and grabbed his hand. "You mind, frankfurter?" Frank looked at him "Is this the face of someone who minds?" They did stop and get the BLT's for lunch. And then they began heading back. "So, frankfurter... is there any part of you that's ticklish I haven't found yet." Frank gave him a coy smile. "yes." "Oh, where's that?" "I guess you'll have to find that out this afternoon." Did he find it? I bet you know, gentle reader. But we'll know for sure when we come back.

Next: Chapter 6

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