Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 6, 2020


Clay owned an art gallery, specializing in painting of the last 200 years. When he made a sale, the price was usually in the 5 to 6 figure range, and his commission would vary: if it was an artist with whom he had a long standing relationship, and the price was high, it could be as little as 5%. For a new client, and a first sale, it might go up to 30%. The nature of his work was such that there were times when he was free for long periods. He was in one of those periods when he decided to give Frank a call at work. "Hey. What's up?" Frank smiled as he saw Clay's number, and got a little excited. "Oh, nothing much. No one in the gallery, and I was just thinking about you. How much fun I had with you the other night." "AW. I had a good time too. I'm looking forward to the weekend. "Me too. Then Clay paused before asking. "Wanna grab some dinner tonight?" Frank didn't have to hesitate. "Love to. No burgers though. Can we meet near my place. I have to walk Violet first?" "Tell me when and where." Smiling even more, Frank gave Clay his address. How about 6? Maybe we'll just grab some pasta? There's an Italian place not far away from me." "Maybe you'll spill sauce and have to change your clothes," Clay joked. The joke made Frank's cock jump. "Maybe I'll change anyway. You wanna see what I'm wearing today? It's not a Flash costume, but... I thought it was cute." "Damn right I do." "Hang on." Frank took a selfie of himself in the dusty rose button down, and the cream colored khakis. He was wearing his glasses too." Clay dropped his voice. "you just made me hard, you sexy cutie." "And now, YOU just made ME hard. I'll see you later." Clay wondered if Frank had any "toys" at his house. Didn't matter. He'd stop and buy some rope at the hardware store when he left the gallery. There was some canvas in the back from wrapping paintings. He cut some strips of that too, because you never knew.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "This guy really seems to like me," Frank was thinking. "I did not expect dinner. And... " He smiled. Frank liked to get to bed early, and to get an early start on the day. Maybe... "Nah. Too soon. He'd never agree." At 6, Frank had finished walking Violet, and was fretting in front of his mirror. Clay said that the selfie had made him hot, but... should he change? Should he put on jeans? Should he ..." He didn't get a chance to think anymore. Clay was buzzing the doorbell. Frank went to the intercom.' "Hey there. Wanna come up?" "Up to you. " Frank buzzed the door to open it. He was at his opened door when Clay came up the stairs. He had a bag with him, and a small bouquet of yellow chrystanthemums. He was smiling. "I didn't know if you even LIKED flowers, let alone what flowers you liked, so I went generic." Interspersed in the mums, were some violets. Frank "got it." "Oh, so sweet. Thank you Clay." He kissed him. And violets too. Look at that girl." His mongrel came over, wagging her tail. "May I?" "Oh sure. She's very friendly. " Clay scratched the dog's head, and she began licking his hand. "Flowers? I feel like I'm being courted." "Maybe that's because you are," Clay answered, and Frank felt a warm feeling sink in all over him. He got the flowers in a vase, gave Violet a pet, and they left. As they exited the building, he said to Clay "could you...." he didn't get to finish. Clay's hand was on the small of his back. "Thank you, Clay. I love how that feels." Clay ran his hand up and down Frank's back gently. "Me too."

"So, you mentioned the gallery. You sell art? " Frank asked over lasagna and chianti "I do. Modern just doesn't sell in this town, so most of what I sell is pretty traditional. I'd love to be able to have a market for things like cartoon art, or fantasy art, but my clients all want "undiscovered" impressionists, or "the next artist to make it big," something like that. I keep on telling them 'buy what you like, because you may be living with it for a while. " He laughed. "Usually, it doesn't work."

Frank had taken some art history classes at college, but he remembered very little of it. "Can I come and visit the gallery sometime? Would you mind?" "Not at all. I'd love for you to walk by. It's not that far from your office. Just call first. I'm not always there, and Clarissa is a nice girl, but, well, "Clarissa is your colleague?" "More like an assistant? She's the daughter of one of my bigger clients. I sometimes say that she's what I got for his 30 pieces of silver." Frank laughed at that. "you poor man." The waitress brought over a dessert menu. Frank looked at it, and then put it down. "So, Clay, here's the deal. I wanna invite you up. If you wanna come up, I'm not having dessert. I don't want to feel too sleepy. But if you'd rather go home, I'll get some tiramisu." Clay called the waiter "Check please." On the way back to Frank's place, Clay moved his hand to put it on Frank's back, but he didn't get the chance. Frank took it, held it, squeezed it. "This is nice, Frank. I didn't expect that. " "Neither did I." Clay stopped walking. He looked at Frank and embraced him. He kissed him. It was a much softer, longer kiss than the first time in Frank's apartment "GET A ROOM" someone yelled. Frank yelled back. "We have one." He looked at Clay. "I didn't expect that." Clay only smiled. "So what's in the bag you brought with you?" Clay grinned. "Rope. Gags." "And you gave me flowers. PHEH." "Not done yet."

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As they got to Frank's building , Clay said 'gimme the key. I know how to open a door. You get your hands behind your back. I didn't work this hard to capture you to let you get away." "FUCK" ran through Frank's mind as he handed Clay the keys, and put his hands behind him. "Now that you've got me, what're you gonna do to me?" "Heh heh. You'll find out, handsome. You'll find out. " Clay had spotted an appropriate chair in Frank's place, and he pointed to it. "SIT." They both laughed when Violet responded. "Her food is on the counter. " "I'll feed her. I SAID SIT." Frank got in the chair, and put his hands behind him. "You know, you'll never get away with this you bastard." Clay laughed. "Of course I will. because you're never gonna complain about it. You're gonna love everything I do." "Yeah? We'll see about that. MMMMPH." Clay wrapped a piece of canvas around Frank's mouth. "Let me go take care of that pretty girl. " He was gone for a few minutes. Violet looked quizzical, until her bowl was full. "You're easy" Clay whispered. "unlike your dad." He came back to the living room, where it was clear that Frank had tested the ropes, unsuccessfully. "So, my handsome prisoner, let's get started." Frank felt Clay's hands on his shoulders, rubbing them. "Eventually, you'll let me know where the Flash is. Who knows? When he learns his 'friend' has been captured, maybe he'll even turn himself in." "MMMPH . " Frank struggled a little more, as Clay opened his button and got his hand inside his shirt. He found Frank's left nipple and began squeezing it. Frank moaned into the gag, and pushed his head back. Clay took the hint, and licked his ear. "Looks like frank has some hotspots. And a wetspot, ha ha ha." It was true. Frank was leaking. Thinking about Clay all afternoon had gotten him to this place. "So, let's be very honest about this Frank. I will do what I have to do to get the Flash. Are you gonna bring him to me?" Frank shook his head NO" "You sure?" Clay squeezed Frank's nipple tighter, and chewed his ear a little harder. The moans were deeper, and longer. But again, he shook his head NO. "Hmmm. I know EXACTLY how to get information out of someone like you frank. Unless of course, you're not ticklish. You ticklish frank?" He shook his head NO, more vigorously than before. "Oh, well, then you won't mind if I find out myself. Let's take a test run." He took a barely struggling frank out of the chair, and found the bedroom. "If I were you, I wouldn't give me any trouble, frank, understand? Get on the bed. Put your wrists up at the posts." Frank complied. Clay seemed to know EXACTLY what would turn him on, and was doing it. He saw Clay was getting turned on too, from the lump in his black corduroy jeans, but he couldn't see a wet spot, like on his pants. "Now, let's get these tied down and get started. " Clay took the gag off frank. "I don't want you choking if you lied to me, frank. And of course, if you didn't, then there's no problem." "I'm not telling you ANYTHING." frank spat out. "ok, that's fine. That's absolutely fine.." Frank had half rolled his sleeves, so the underside of his forearms were exposed. Clay ran a fingernail down one of them. Frank jumped. THAT was a spot most ticklers didn't know about. "AGGG. AGGG. You just surprised me." "Of course I did frank. Of course I did. You'll recover when I do them both." Frank bit his lips so he wouldn't burst out laughing, as Clay ran fingers down both forearm bottoms. "Oh, I'm having fun." "GOOD. I'm glad. Now let me go and let ME have fun." Clay smiled. "No chance, handsome." He found frank's navel and began circling it. "No t shirt again. Good boy." Frank couldn't answer. He was struggling too hard not to laugh. "I thought you weren't ticklish." "I'm NOT. You're just touching spots that..." "Oh. Like these?" Clay opened Frank's shirt and began tickling his pits. Frank exploded. 'HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP. Ok, ok. I'm ticklish. I lied. " "Well, that means you need to get punished for lying.." Clay moved his fingers down to frank's ribs. "NO. NO. NOT THOSE. THEY'RE THE SECOND MOST TICKLISH PART OF MY BODY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Clay was relentless. He kept it up until he saw Frank getting really red. He stopped, put his hand on frank's belly, bent down and kissed him. "You want me to stop?" "Not on your life, stud." "Ok frank. You've had a rest. Now, you ready to get Flash's attention?" "NEVER" "Well, then, I'm just gonna have to get to work until I find your MOST ticklish spot." He went back to Frank's ribs. "NO. NO. PLEASE . PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Frank felt his spot growing, but he didn't know if it were precum or pee. It could've been both. The tickling was non stop. 'PLEASE PLEASE. OK OK. I'LL TELL YOU MY NUMBER ONE SPOT. IT'S MY FEET. MY FEET. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Oh, I coulda guessed that and I'll head there in a minute. For now though..." Clay reached under Frank's chin and began tickling that part. "How the hell did he know?" Frank asked himself, giggling like a little girl . "Now, let's get to the good part. " Clay hadn't tied frank's feet down, so he collected them under his arm, and got to work with his free hand. "OH SHIT OH SHIT STOP. YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME PEE MYSELF. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Clay kept on , at a slower pace. "Don't wanna pee yourself frank?" "No, No. I don't. " "the Flash please?" "No. No. " Clay's fingers went back. He began tickling harder and as Frank laughed harder, he said "I wonder if you've got a toothbrush in there I can use, after I get these off." He pulled off Frank's dress socks. "NO NO. No toothbrush please. I'll tell you. I will. I will. Please. Just stop. " "I want something else frank. " Frank was breathing hard. He whispered. "take whatever you want." Clay took off his shirt, and he climbed on top of frank. He found Frank's neck and began kissing it, over and over. He moved to his lips, and smiled before he kissed him there. "You are just so fucking cute, and so fucking hot.." Then he dove in with his tongue. " When he finished, he looked at Frank. "Can I jerk you off? While you're tied up?" "Please . DO. YES. I'm dying for it. " Clay undid Frank's pants, and slid down his briefs. He smiled that frank was wearing spiderman underwear, but he didn't want to embarass frank. Instead, he took frank's cock in his hand and began stroking, as he kissed frank's ear and cheek. "OOOH YEAH. Oh. Art Man, you've got such soft hands. OOOOH YEAH. Clay snuck a finger under frank's balls and tickled them. That set him off. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK." Frank shot all over himself. He was almost crying. "OH God, Clay, Oh God. You know how hard I was? From when you called me?" "What about me? That's when I got hard, and I still am. I gotta take care of that." Clay saw a look come over Frank's face. "Sir, do you want me to take care of that? You want me to suck you?" Clay wanted Frank to suck him so bad - almost as badly as he wanted to take frank's ass. He smiled. "I want you to be comfortable frank. I want to be invited back. " He straddled frank and dropped his own pants. "Maybe another time." He could see the look of relief on frank's face, as he began jerking. It didn't take long, and Clay very quietly shot all over frank. Then he lay down beside frank. "You want me to untie you handsome?" "Not really . But Violet needs one more walk." "Do it together?" "Yeah. Hold my hand again. One question Clay." "Shoot. Oh, you already did." Clay laughed at his own joke. "If you're your own boss, you can set your own hours, right?" "True. Unless I have an appointment." "You have one tomorrow morning?" "Nope. Not until 2." "Clay, could you spend the night with me? " Clay's heart broke open. He didn't expect that. "Cuddling in your bed. Holding you. " He smiled. "With my captive's wrists tied together. " "Hell yeah." Clay released the ropes. Frank toweled the jizz off of himself so that they could take the walk. His shirt was wrinkled, and he looked more bedraggled than he liked, but the three of them headed for the street, two of them holding hands. "Have I found the man of my dreams? " Frank was thinking. "Little by little," Clay was thinking. "I'll get into that castle eventually. Just gonna take some time." "So I have a whole weekend planned if you'll still have me" Clay said. "Was there any doubt?" "Well, we both work on Friday, so something really simple on Friday night. Then, Saturday, we can do a superhero scene. Sunday - if I do say so myself, is brilliant. Superhero loses his powers but escapes. And I'm hunting him down. And if I catch him." "WHEN you catch him, cause you're Elastic Man." Clay smiled . He remembered. "WHEN I catch him, he suffers like he's never suffered before." Frank smiled. "I'm too old to recover that fast, Clay, but if I were younger, I'd need to jerk off again."

Next: Chapter 4

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