Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 28, 2020


Early the next day, maybe about 10:30, Frank got a call. "Yeah hi. It's Clay here, Frank. What's up?" Frank honestly didn't expect to get the call. He usually didn't get a call back. He did his best not to sound too excited. "Hey! Good to hear from you. Nothing much. " "Me either. You gotta work today?" "Yup. That's where I am now. " "Me too. What're you wearing?" That kind of question always got Frank excited. "Oh, a blue buttondown shirt. Some khakis. Red socks. Loafers. Sort of like the guy in the State Farm commercial." Clay laughed. "I gotta tell you Frank. I find those guys kinda hot. So, listen, you said you were up for another date. You free tonight?" Frank pumped a fist. "Uh, yeah, sure. It's a school night so I can't stay out late. What did ya have in mind?" "Oh, I thought we could maybe get a burger or something, get to know each other better, maybe show some pictures, and..." "And what, Clay?" "Well, if you wanted to pack a costumer, or an overnight bag, or both, I'd love to host you. Whatcha thinking?" What Frank was thinking is "this NEVER happens to me. NEVER." "Well, dinner's great. I love burgers. I gotta get home to get my stuff. Let me pack everything, and we'll see how it goes. Is that ok?" "Sounds fine. I know, it's short notice. Listen , if it doesn't happen tonight, maybe you could leave them at my place if the night goes well, and come over on the weekend?" Frank looked down and saw his pants were bulging. "That sounds like a plan. Does an early dinner work? That leaves options for the rest of the night." "Sounds like we're old men, but 5:30?" "I'll see you then. Let me give you my work address. I'm gonna drive home at lunch to get my stuff, and that way, we don't lose any time." Frank couldn't see Clay's big, broad smile under the big bushy mustache. "Let me make one thing clear Frank, before we meet. You're gonna control where this date goes. And what we do. You give me a green light, I'll go. You give me a stop sign, I'll stop. For now, just getting to know you sounds mighty fine to me." "I'm in love" Frank thought. "Let me get off the phone, Clay. I'm gonna need to get to my place."

When he got there, his dog, Violet, was surprised to see him. "Hey girl. How's it going? " Violet was all excited, and ready for a walk. "Now girl, you know Lacey will be by in a couple hours. " He thought "I better check in with her to see if she can do an evening walk. He called, and set it up. Then he checked his costume collection. Which one? The first one that came to mind, was The Flash. He didn't know what kind of villain Clay liked to play, but they could work with this. Flash had enough weaknesses that just about any theme could be adapted. Then he went and picked out some clothes and sundries for an overnight bag. Frank was a conservative dresser. He pulled out a checked button down dress shirt, a pair of blue khakis , and socks, underwear, etc. He had a feeling that Clay had all the tools he needed, but he took one of his favorite toys and packed it too. Years ago, someone had given him what cooks call a pastry docker. Dessert chefs used it to poke holes in dough to aerate it, but it was a wicked ticket tool. What the hell, they didn't have to use it.? He got back in his car, and spent the rest of the afternoon, thinking about the night.

At 5:28, he got another call. "Hey. Clay here. I'm parked. You wanna come down, or should I come up?" "Oh, geez. Hi. " Frank lied and said he had lost track of time. "I'll come up. What floor are you on?" "5. The receptionist will still be there. Just ask for me." "OH GOD, stop getting so excited." he told himself. Then his phone rang. "Hey, Frank, a dark and mysterious stranger is here to see you," she crooned. Frank walked out. He hadn't remembered to push down his sleeves, that were half rolled, and he forgot his glasses were still on. Clay was standing there, hands in pocket. He smiled when he saw Frank. "You wear glasses. I didn't know." Frank's face fell. "Is that ok?" "It's more than ok. Glasses are hot." "I only use them to read. I'm gonna need to take them off now, otherwise I can't see you." "Good. I can get a better look at those beautiful eyes." They went down to Clay's car. He opened the door to let Frank in, and then got in to drive. "So, just so you know for the future, Frank, there's a set of handcuffs in the glove compartment. You can use them anytime you want. Not telling you to wear em tonight. Just letting you know: in terms of agenda, you're in charge." "Hey thanks. I appreciate not being pressured." "Feel like sliding over, so I can get my arm around you while we drive?" "Wouldn't mind that at all." He felt Clay's muscular arm drape over his shoulders. "I'm glad you said yes Frank. I thought I'd scare you off." "Scare me off? WHY? Why would you think that?" From his seat, Clay shrugged. "Just happens a lot. So, you have a favorite place, or..." "I do. " He named the place where he always went for burgers, and Clay laughed. "One of my faves too. I just hope Julian isn't waiting tonight. I used to sleep with him." "Wait... Julian. Is he the guy with the wavy blond hair?" "That's the one." "You slept with him, and you asked ME for a date?" "Yup. You're cuter. Now let's go get some food."

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Julian WAS working that night, but he kept his distance. Instead, Millie, a server Frank knew, took care of them. "Mil, this is Clay." "How's it going ? Gee, with that mustache you look like a silent film villain. Nothing wrong with that." Clay used a fake voice. "And now, my pretty. I'm going to leave you on these tracks so that the train eliminates you. If I can't have you, no one will." "Oh, save me please. Save me Frankfurter" That was her nickname for Frank, and he blushed. "I'd come to save you, but I suspect I'd wind up on the track next to you." Clay twisted his mustache. "You got that right." When they were waiting for their food, Clay asked. "So, what exactly are you into, so I don't come on too strong, because I gotta be honest Frank. You made a big impression on me." Frank felt a sun start glowing inside. "Well, the superhero stuff of course. I like being overpowered. Taken. Controlled. I like the idea of a man being interested in me as arm candy. Who thinks I make him look good, but who'll keep me in line if I misbehave." "What's misbehaving?" "Well, that's negotiable. But sometimes, I like being told not to speak without permission, or to keep my head down, or things like that. You know. Feeling a hand on the small of my back that reminds me who's the boss, etc." Clay smiled. "You know, you're making me hot, Frank. But you didn't mention ropes." "I didn't think I had to. I just assume there are ropes." Millie came over with their food. "So, who's your costume?" "I came as the Flash." Clay smiled. "You know, he just doesn't get tied up and dominated enough in the comics." "I know! He's so hot, and he's so cute, I mean, who wouldn't want him as their prize." Clay reached out and took Frank's hand. "I'd want you as my prize, Frank. In or out of the costume. I've been hard since you came to the reception." Frank gulped. "I don't know what to say." "How about saying you'll come home with me for a few hours after we finish." Frank paused. "I'd like that Clay." The split the check. Frank gave Millie a good night kiss. Clay smiled at her and twisted his mustache again. On the way out, he put his hand on the small of Frank's back. He didn't say anything.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx "You ok, Frank? " Clay took Frank's hand, as he started to drive. "I am SO good, it isn't funny." He squeezed Clay's hand. "Can I ask something?" "Sure." "Would you mind if I didn't slip into a costume tonight?" "Hmmm. Sure, but I have a bunch of conditions. One, we cuddle and neck for a while. Second, you promise to come by this weekend and slip into that costume. " Frank smiled. I can get into that. By the way, I LOVED your hand on my back." Clay laughed. "Trust me. You're gonna love a whole lot more that I do tonight." "OH? What did you have in mind?" "It's a secret." They got back to the house, and as they walked in, Clay put his hand on the small of Frank's back again. A shock went through Frank's body. He was definitely aroused. As they got into the house, Clay asked: "Can I get you anything? as simple as water, as sophisticated as grappa, as complicated as a martini? I don't think I can go beyond that." "Know what I want Clay? I want you to sit down next to me, put your arm around me, and kiss me. And then, tell me what you're gonna do to me this weekend." "Most of that I can do." He moved to the sofa with Frank, and wrapped his arm around him, and put his lips to Frank's. As he slipped his tongue into Frank's mouth, his hand came around and began toying with Frank's nip Frank moaned, and moved into Clay, as Clay moved his leg over Frank's. The kiss was long. "More, sweetie?" "Yes please. Lots more..." Frank felt Clay unbuttoning his shirt as he kissed him. "You didn't wear an undershirt. I love that.. " Clay began running a finger over Frank's nip, and Frank just moaned. "This is so nice. I didn't think I'd have such a good time. " Clay took Frank's hand and put it on his crotch. "Me too." He saw the look in Frank's eye, and just smiled. "No. I'm gonna jerk off on you, but that's all. Now get up, and come with me to the bedroom. Trust me Frank." "I do. " When Frank was on the bed, he felt Clay's mustache begin to rub, back and forth on his neck, and his ear. "OH MY GOD. You're driving me crazy. I may shoot in my pants. " "You could do that Frank. I'll drive you back to your car. No one will see you." "No, no. Just open my zipper. Can we jerk off together?" Clay smiled. "Sure... If you keep kissing me." They lay there, both of their pants down. Frank, who hadn't had sex in so long, was ripe for the picking. His long, narrow cock shot like a rocket, and he smiled when it happened. Clay rolled on top of him, and began to slide back and forth. "Princeton rubbing, hottie. Even if I never went to Princeton." When he slid back and forth for a while, licking Frank's ear all the while, he moaned. And then he shot. All over Frank. He locked lips and kissed him furiously. "There's one thing that this date needs, Frank, to make it complete." "What's that boss? " Frank asked. He saw the gleam in Clay's eye, and knew, but too late. 'YOU LAUGHING HARD BECAUSE I'M TICKLING YOU!" Clay dug his fingers into Frank's ribs, and began tormenting him. Frank laughed uncontrollably. Clay knew what he was doing, and Frank hadn't been tickled this well in so long, that he didn't beg for him to stop, until he couldn't breathe. "Let me take a break please. Just ten minutes. " Clay smiled, and ran his finger around Frank's navel. "I think you may have had enough for one night Frank. " He bent over and kissed him. "How about, this weekend, I tie you down, and tickle you as long as I want. Right now, it's a school night, so I should get you back home. I don't want to. I want you to stay here until tomorrow. But this will be good." "You're right. You promise to tie me up?" "Damn right I do. " "Kiss me you stud." Clay smiled as he did. "Now get dressed you hottie. I gotta get you back to your building so you can get your car. Talk tomorrow?" "Yes sir. Do you always take charge, Clay?" "Always. It's not negotiable." "No, it's not. Take charge of me Clay. Capture me. Break me. Make me your trophy." Clay grinned. He began to form a plan. "The Flash huh? Tomorrow, I'm gonna tell you about Elastic Man. That's my villain.

Next: Chapter 3

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