Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 24, 2020


(Here it is folks. Frank and Clay are about to live happily ever after. Thank you for reading, for your suggestions, everything. Be kind to Nifty this holiday season, and be kind to yourselves. Stay safe).

Sitting at his desk on Monday, frank couldn't help but think about the weekend, about the changes in his life and how, well, HAPPY he was. Clay provided just the right amount of domination that he wanted - "that I need" he thought to himself. He had read so many stories about guys who had gone in as subs, and became total ciphers: their personality gone, being referred to as "it" by their Doms, having to wait their turn while their Dom made his way through man after man after man. That wasn't Clay. And Clay wasn't demeaning. He never said anything negative about what frank wore, or did. Anything that came out of his mouth was praise. frank smiled about that morning, for example. He started earlier: his work hours were 8-4, and he liked to get to the office earlier. Clay usually opened the gallery at 11. Now that he had a new assistant, Mara, that might change. But we digress. frank was getting dressed for work, and he put on a pair of black pants, and a French blue shirt, opened at the throat. He felt Clay's arms around him.

"Know something sexy? The way that little corner of t shirt shows when you're dressed. Just drives me wild. " He nibbled at frank's ear. frank began to think "I COULD get in late" frank rocked back into Clay. He was enjoying the feel of his dick against him. "How so?" "Oh, it just does.." His fingers went up to frank's nipples. "Maybe it's because I know what's underneath, and that I'm gonna see it, have it, play with it later. I dunno sweets. I always thought it was something that str8 guys just didn't get right, but on you, well, it's damn HOT." Clay whispered into his ear "quick blowjob?" frank laughed. "Is that an order or a request?" Clay answered "yes." They were clean pants, but frank got on his knees. Clay opened his robe, and frank opened his mouth. He took Clay's cock and smothered it with his tongue "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. " Clay DID mean quick. He was coming to climax almost immediately. "FRANK MOVE OFF SO I DONT SHOOT ON YOU. " He aimed his cock away, and got the floor, landing about a foot from Violet, who had gotten so used to this, she just yawned, and went back to sleep. "You good, Sir?" frank asked as he stood up. "More than good. I keep on thinking how I'm gonna wake up next to you every morning. I'm hard all the time.

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At work, frank decided he'd drop in on Clay at lunch, give him a surprise visit. He hoped it'd be ok. Clay had told him he could come by any time. Well... this was any time. "HEY. What's up?" There was Angus looking over the divider on his cubicle. "How's it going big man?" frank looked up at Angus. "You enjoy the rest of the conference?" "Yeah, it was ok. I think neither one of us was really into it, and it got less fun when you guys left, but neither of us wanted to say 'let's go.' So, Frank , you up for lunch this afternoon?" "I'd like to, but I think I'm gonna go visit Clay. " He smiled. Angus smiled too. "I'm so glad you guys found each other. " He smiled. "He make you dress up cowboy style yet?" Frank looked at him. "Uh, no. Cowboy style?" "Yeah I got this from Dennis. Apart from superhero stuff, Clay is REALLY into Western dramas. He had a collection for a while, of photos of all the cowboys, heros like the Lone Ranger, yadda yadda, when they were tied up. They were jerk off material for him until his mom found them." "I had no idea. Wonder why not." "Maybe he thought you weren't into it, or wouldn't be into it. " "Hmmm. I'm really not. But you know, I didn't like sushi until you insisted I try it." Angus smiled "Yee haw cowboy. I know he's got at least one lasso."

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frank walked over to the gallery at around 1:30. That must be Mara: the young woman sitting at the front answering phones. "Hi . Can I help you?" She smiled, and then "OH WAIT. I know who you are. You're Frank- Clay's more than lover." She held out her hand. "nice to meet you." "More than lover?" he thought. What does that mean. "And you must be Mara. Nice to meet you too." "Clay is showing a client around. Can you sit and wait for him?"

"Sure can. Is it ok if I use his desk?" ` "I'm not going to say anything about sit on it. OOPS. I just did. heehehehehee" Mara had this little tiny laugh like bells. It was cute "Now, through here, we have some larger canvasses. They're priced accordingly, but if you want to fill a whole wall with ONE image, this is what you'll want, I believe. " He heard Clay's deep voice, and heard the click of what he knew were his good "work shoes" as he called them. What frank was NOT prepared for was a Clay in full "style mode.": leather pants, a skinny leather tie, and a very pale blue shirt with a shortened button down collar. frank had to work to keep his jaw from dropping. "That's my man and I have never seen him so fucking hot. " he thought, before he imagined squirming under those leather pants. Clay caught a glimpse of him and threw a wink. He heard Clay's voice toward the back of the gallery. "Now, from what you've told me, sculpture doesn't sound like what you're looking for, but if it is... " Frank went up to Mara. "I've never been able to find out where the bathroom is here. Can you help me?" "Oh sure. It's through that door. The one with the picture of Seurat on it." "Seurat?" frank thought. "Ok, I'll pretend I know who that is and look him up at work. In the bathroom, he thought about jerking off - he hadn't that morning after he blew Clay - but he decided to wait for the evening. Instead, he adjusted himself, giving his cock a stroke or two while he fixed himself up. When he came out, he heard Clay saying goodbye to the clients. When they were gone, he turned first to Mara. "Could you go and put a green 'sold' sticker on numbers 46 and 61 Mara?" "THEY LIKED THOSE? EWWWWWW." Clay laughed. " chacun a son gout" Mara. "C'est vrai , c'est vrai.' She answered. "I'll be right back." She headed off, and Clay turned to frank. He was smiling. "Hey. This is such a nice surprise. What did I do to deserve it?" He squeezed frank's hands and then he kissed him "Oh, it might have to do with you putting up with me, or loving me, or something like that. And I'M the one who got the surprise." He pointed to Clay's leather pants. "Sir, those are HOT." "Damn right they are. They don't breathe, and I really should change now that they're gone. They're my European hipster clients. Very odd, but they notice things like what I'm wearing. I know because they've mentioned it." frank smiled. "Like you mention what I'm wearing." Clay lowered his voice. "or not wearing. I can't wait for tonight." They heard Mara coming back. She called out "it's ok guys. My brother's gay, I got so used to walking in on he and his lover, I'd just pick up the dirty clothes." Clay blushed "Let me show you what they bought. You'll see what I mean." He took frank's hand and led him back in the gallery. "Now, 46 is ok..." he showed frank an abstraction of a horse, who had just thrown his rider. "But 61, well..." it was completely black, with an occasional red dot. "What's the title?" frank asked "Who watches the watchmen." "OH. And the dots are the watchmen and non can see them." He just got the sentence out before Clay locked his lips on his. He gently pushed frank against the wall, and slid his hands behind him. He was squeezing frank's butt cheeks as he kissed him. frank broke away to take a breath. "Clay Sir... you can of course do whatever you want to your sub, but...remember Sir, I didn't shoot this morning, and..." "Oh, we can take care of you in the bathroom." "I'd rather you take care of me at home tonight. " "OUR HOME tonight, frank. Violet, you, ... and me.." He gave frank another kiss. "Let's go back out. You didn't take a look at the photo I have on my desk did you?" "NO. Lemme see." Clay had a photo of them from a zoo they had visited. It was right after they saw a baby monkey riding on her mom's back. frank had jumped on Clay's back and Angus had taken the shot. They were both laughing. "I never saw that one before. " was frank's reaction. "I was planning to have it framed for our living room." frank was silent for a minute. "I have a lot of questions for you Clay, but a first one now." "Sure. " "Do yo have a Westerns fetish?" Clay blushed. "Uh, yeah, I do. Did Dennis rat me out." "Kinda. He told Angus who told me. " "I never told you because I thought you'd freak" "I actually like it. " He smiled at Clay. "Flannel shirt and jeans, or Lone Ranger costume?" "On you? Both." frank laughed. "I only have time to shop at one place. "Get the costume. I can probably sneak out and get some western wear for you" "One last kiss." frank left and headed back to the office. Clay watched after him until he couldn't see him anymore. "Clay, you got it BAD for that boy," Mara said. "Good thing he's got it worse for you." He smiled. "You think so Mara?" She rolled her head. "All I am saying is that if the custodian complains about the sticky spill on the floor, it wasn't me." Clay began thinking "Well, I was wrong about the western fetish. Maybe I'm also wrong about..."

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Because frank was out by 4, or a bit after, he would be getting home first. He stopped at his place to pick up Violet, and one of his bags. The moving men would be bringing over stuff in the next week, so he and Violet were living out of two places. He had the lease through the end of the month, and it was only the 17th, so he had time. He walked around the neighborhood he had lived in for so long: roommates, dates, bad dates, parties, local restaurants, parks. Changing it all. Changing it for this man. This man who treated him better than anyone else ever had. ANYONE. He stopped musing as Violet stopped to, as Clay put it "read the news" at a hydrant. frank wanted to yell "I REALLY LOVE THIS MAN" but he wanted to do it when he was with Clay. He realized he had drifted, and taken a wrong turn, when Violet started to whine, and pull in the opposite direction. "Sorry girl. You're right. Daddy Clay who spoils you with treats, is THAT way.." frank wasn't a great cook, but he could get by. He started getting things ready when he got in. Clay was a scotch drinker, frank liked wine, so he got that together. "Hmmm. No reason not to have a small one now. Big changes. BIG ones. " He was humming along to the radio when he heard frank come in. "Hey studmuffin. " It was Porgy and Bess, and frank yelled out 'MY MAN IS BACK!" as he ran to Clay. Clay embraced him, and stroked his hair as he kissed him. "I missed you after you left furter." "I missed you all day. Can I feel those leather pants on top of me?" "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Clay hoisted frank up and took him to the bedroom. He moved his glasses away, and began kissing. His fingers moved up to frank's nips and, through two layers of fabric,he had them in his fingers. frank was squirming underneath him, pretending to fight, but really just wanting to hear the leather crinkle more. Clay's nibble on his ear slowed him down a bit, and he began to purr. "My man frank. I love you so much. " "I love you too Sir Clay" frank looked at Clay with total affection. "I have so many things I want to do right now, frank. One is to just move into your navel and start tickling the shit out of you. The other is to toss your legs in the air and fuck you. " "Either would do, Sir" frank smiled. And he saw Clay begin to sweat. "Baby, you ok? You look hot." Clay laughed. "I'm fine. You.. You just do that to me. I'm thinking. I'm thinking hard frank. I had one other thing in mind. I mean... I mean... I was wrong about something about you, very wrong. And I might be wrong about something else. So... " "So, what Clay? What do you think you're wrong about? You know me better than just about anyone." "I... I thought I did, but... " He stopped and took a deep breath. "Ok. All or nothing. " He got off the bed, and he was on one knee. He pulled out a box and handed it to frank. "frank... will you marry me? I mean, it's ok, it's ok if you say no. I mean. We didn't talk about it, we didn't .." "YES CLAY YES. I knew you were the one after three dates. I did. And I thought... how do I keep him? " He started to cry. "YES CLAY DAMNIT YES. PUT THE FUCKING RING ON MY FINGER BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND." It was a simple, silver ring, with a blue stone in it - blue was frank's favorite color. "Now kiss me studman Clay. And I'll pick number two. Number 1 later. " "I have to take off the leather pants to fuck you furter." "No you don't. You just have to lower them. " "MMMM. As you will babe." It was true. With frank's dress pants off, he could spread his legs nice and wide, and Clay got in easily. VERY easily. This was the most relaxed he could remember frank. And he never remembered frank moaning the way he did. And... it was the first time he fucked frank without a condom, and shot into him. And frank didn't mind. He just said "You bred me Sir. You took me, you made me yours. About time you fucker. " That's when Clay started tickling him.

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So, readers who are in the 'what happened next?" camp, it's kind of easy to figure it out. Clay and frank married six months later. It was frank's suggestion and choice: he took Clay's name, and referred to him as "My husband" whenever he could. Of course, Angus and Dennis were the best men, even though they were having one of their periodic spats at the time Mara was their maid of honor. Violet had disqualified herself years ago, but she did go to the wedding, as did a group of about 20 friends. A year later, after some serious discussions, Clay and frank adopted another dog. They named this one Begonia. And then they adopted a child. His name is Farley, and he's a 3rd grader. They still live in Clay's big old house, frank still works for the legal publisher, and they're enjoying their middle American life. They go out for burgers on friday, and on the weekend, the Lone Ranger gets ambushed, and tormented until he gives up his mouth, or ass.

Again, thank you for sticking around readers. Be well, stay safe, and enjoy the holidays.

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