Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2020


It was the first morning of the convention. Clay and frank had thrown some clothes on to give Violet a walk around the hotel area. They strolled, hand in hand, looking for a place to find "something good" for breakfast. They wound up with some croissants and strong coffee from a little shop, which they brought back to the room. Clay aggravated frank by feeding Violet bits of the croissant. While he had agreed that Clay was in charge, this was his little girl. He wasn't going to let her get hurt. She seemed fine. Before they had left that morning, as they woke up, Clay had grabbed frank by his hair, and pulled gently. "Super Geek. Let's see if your powers extend to sucking. Blow me." frank's initial response had been to roll up in a tight ball, face down and mutter "you may have captured me, but I'm not your slave."

As soon as he said that, he felt Clay on top of him, his thick mustache right near his ear, and his warm breath teasing him. "Well, now. I guess you need persuading. Should it be, hmmmm. Some fingers in here..." He forced a finger under each of frank's arms, just to remind him what COULD happen. "Or , maybe a finger down here." He ran a finger over Frank's ass crack. That was enough to get frank moaning gently, and breathing harder. OR, of course, maybe this big ole cock just needs some relief here. " frank felt the tip of Clay's cock at his ass.

"Nah. I got one better. How about just flipping you over, and tickling that belly until you change your mind." Clay "chicken winged frank, and he was on his back. He struggled to get up, but frank moved quickly and grabbed his balls. "going anywhere?" he squeezed, just to show who was in control. "Guess not..." "No you're not. Now..." He formed a claw with his hand, and began digging into frank's belly. "CLAY. STOP THAT. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Clay did stop. "Very easy situation. You suck, I stop. You don't, I keep doing it.. " When frank hesitated, he put his hand back down "Ok, Ok. I'll suck you. I'll suck you. " Clay sat on the edge of the bed, and frank got on his knees. He moved his tongue over Clay's tip, and it tasted so GOOD! He went down further and he felt Clay's hand on the back of his neck , to guide him down further. "All the way this morning furter. Super Geek has to show his abilities to avoid future punishment. " He held frank's head over his cock as he pushed in. "Put your hands behind your back geek. Make it look GOOD. frank loved the sense of being tied, and he did it. He felt his own cock getting harder. Clay was being relentless this morning: no backing up from the blow job. He wasn't so big that frank's gag reflex came in, but his throat was getting a workout. He saw Clay smile as he emptied his seed down frank's throat. frank smiled too. Apart from pleasing his man- which he loved doing - his personal growth about trusting someone, and expanding what he was willing to do, had surprised him. If you had told him a month ago that he'd meet a man he adored, decided to become his lover/bottom/sub/friend, take dick up his ass, more than once, be more uninhibited about his fantasies, be HERE at this big festival and the, of course... leaning HARD toward moving in with this man - no, he wouldn't have believed much of it. Frank was a thoughtful person. He knew that HE had made these decisions. Clay didn't force him, but he help to ""push" him when he couldn't decide. Also, he backed off when he saw that he was going to a space that made frank uncomfortable. When was the last time he had dated a man who had given him that much respect? Clay, in the shower, had parallel thoughts. He remembered the first time he say frank at that little party. He remembered thinking "that one's mine," because he thought frank was so cute -even adorable. At the same time, he was doll like, but he also had that core of steel: don't go where he doesn't want you to go. The man he met originally was brittle-almost tough. He had softened. Clay smiled as he thought about a slight difference in frank's body language that meant a lot to him. Clay liked to surprise frank, with hugs from behind. He'd come up and take frank around the waist, and just hold him, maybe kiss him on the ear, maybe a little more, but nothing too sexual. At the start, frank tolerated it. He seemed to enjoy it, but he was totally passive. He'd smile, run his hand along Clay's but that was about it. Now, if Clay held him, frank would almost melt into the curve of his body, his ass pressing against Clay's pelvis, sometimes gyrating just a little. Sometimes he'd move his head to the side and whisper "right here," so Clay could tease his neck and ear. He even said, regularly "why are you letting go?, " and occasionally, when Clay let go, frank would spin around, wrap his arms around Clay's neck, and just plant a kiss on him. He loved this man. He had a very, VERY strong wish to protect him, and he was trying to be careful about being too possessive. Still, frank seemed to like the idea of a man wanting to possess him. And Clay loved how, when he saw frank, usually in his somewhat dorky business casual clothes leaving his office, the big smile on his face when he saw him, he just wanted to get him home and in bed, NOW. "I never thought that square of t shirt at an open collar shirt would drive me so crazy," he told Dennis. "BUT IT DOES!!!" There was a lot more they had to do to get the relationship fine tuned, but it was one he thought was worth the time and effort.

frank followed Clay in the shower, then they dressed for the Convention. While Clay showered, frank laid out his blue oxford button down, the skinny tie , his blue pants, and a pair of bright red socks. He laughed at the holiday socks frank had brought, and thought that was just overkill. (He hadn't told frank about the amateur costume contest that went on at the event). He thought that, with his glasses, and his adorable toothy smile. Clay got into his black suit, the white shirt, and the tie. Yeah, they DID look like the evil mastermind who had kidnaped the unaware scientist. He loved it. He brought frank to a mirror, and showed him. He put his hand on frank's shouder, squeezing it gently, and told him to put his hands behind his back. "Is that hot or what, furter?" Frank looked at him "It's a good thing I jerked in the shower." Violet looked at them. She knew this meant the crate for a while, and while she sulked, she went in, and pouted. "I'll be back in a few hours girl," frank bid her goodbye. "C'mon, let's go."


As they walked to the Convention, Clay draped his arm over frank's shoulders. frank responded by putting his hands behind his back. He was feeling frisky. "I don't know what you think you'll get by kidnapping me, Clay. I'm just a data geek. They don't really care about me." Clay picked up and laughed "ho ho ho, boy are you in for a surprise, frank. We have some idea of how much you know, we just don't have an idea of WHAT. That's my job: I'll find out what you know. Just give me time. " frank huffed. "you know , you won't get away with this," and Clay responded "Just watch me, frank. Just watch me." The lines had already formed to get into the Center, so they took a place, and Clay smiled at frank "No making me even more riled up before the show bud. I'll have my way with you later. " He dropped his hand down to squeeze frank's. frank lifted his arm up so that it was midpoint of his back , as if it were tied there. He smiled. "Gimme one Topman hug, stud." The guys in front of them turned around, laughing "Would you guys get a room or something? GEEZ. It's not even 10 a.m. Clay gave them a look and said "Hey, we would accept after three times this morning, gotta wait half an hour. How often did you guys do it?"

Then he gave an embarrassed frank a big kiss and whispered "get over it. They're jealous. And they should be. GRRRRRRRRRRRR"

The Convention was quite... complete. It was still early, so none of the exhibits had actually started. They went over to a table and registered. When Clay came back, he was wearing two little stickers, that said "DOM" and "TAKEN" I got two for you furter. Put em on." "I'm not much of a decal kinda guy." Clay looked at him. "Who's in charge?" "Uh, you sir?" "Put em on. I don't want anyone interfering with what's mine." frank's said "sub" and "TAKEN" He didn't mind the "TAKEN." He loved that . The "sub" part was still taking him time to adjust to. "Let's go look at the gear." Clay grabbed frank's hand and they went over to where guys were selling stuff like vibrators, dildos, tit clamps, etc. Clay picked up a hitachi rod. "Hmmm. You know, I don't have one of these. And the thought of seeing you tied up with one of these buzzing your cock.." frank began to blush again "CLAY please. " frank was feeling both aroused, and mortified. He had thought about those wands before, but had always been too embarrassed to buy one. Now, Clay was thinking about it, but talking about using it on him in front of people... "Ha ha. Don't worry furter. I'm not gonna use it on you when people are around. But I AM gonna get one. OH, and look at this. Hmmm. Know what that is?" "I think my grandmother used one for pie making?" "She may have. It's called a docker. But... " Clay held one up and lowered his voice now. "Think how that's gonna feel on your feet. " "I think I need the restroom." frank did, but not to pee. He swore he could hear Clay laughing as he walked off. From the noise in the bathroom, he wasn't the only one who needed a wank. He found a stall, and when he saw that there was no peep hole in it, he "relieved himself. " Now he could enjoy himself. When he came back out, he saw that Clay had a brown bag. If you looked inside, you could see that the rod was there, together with the docker, and something else he didn't recognize. They looked like little bits of black tape. "You put these inside your shirts, furt. Right where the nips brush the fabric. That way, you're stimulated all day." He grinned. "Sort of like collar stays. They can go in and out. " They wandered from booth to booth. There were famous adult stars, some of whom frank recognized. Clay seemed to know who all of them were, toys, and then... videos! frank's favorites. "Hey. They have stuff on sale, Clay." He felt Clay's hand on the small of his back. "So they do. So they do. Your genre. Bondage heroes. See if there are tickle ones you don't have. My treat." frank looked at him. "you serious? Really? " Clay smiled. "We can all always learn something. Maybe I'll see you get excited at something we haven't done yet." "HEY GUYS! " It was Angus. He was there with Dennis. Dennis was holding a leash, that led to a collar around Angus' neck. Angus seemed blissfully happy. "You gonna stay for the noon tickling demo?" frank didn't want to answer, but that's why he wanted to come. The model who was being tickled, was one of his favorites. So was the tickler. If they didn't stay. "Of course we're staying guys. I want to learn all I can." Clay answered, saving frank the need to answer. "Of course, if frank doesn't want to stay..." "Oh, no, I wouldn't let you miss that," Clay smiled. He knew he had just covered for Frank. "You know, you guys look GREAT in those costumes," Dennis added. "Are you entered in the costume competition?" "There's a costume competition? " Clay asked. "Oh, yeah, every year. Winner gets a free subscription to three magazines, and then a private hour in one of the play rooms around town. " "No, we didn't enter. We just did this for fun," frank said, and he felt Clay's hand on the back of his neck, squeezing gently. "I wonder if there's still time to enter. Let me go ask. " He went off to look for the booth. frank, standing there with Dennis and Angus, was red as a beet. "He's... he's so OUT. I'm dying." Angus laughed "franko, you gotta get over it. Look, most of these people know Clay, they know what he's into, and what he does, and just about all of the bottoms and subs would take your place in a minute. They know what's going on. I don't know why he even bothered with the tags." "Wait. I don't understand," frank looked perplexed "Frank," Dennis spoke. "Clay used to live in this town. And he was the president of the group that organizes this. EVERYONE in the local Dom/sub community and tickle community, know him." "GREAT. I'm moving in with a star." "Nah." Dennis laughed. "He only comes back once a year to see his 'favorite child' as he puts it, and he's like a kid in a candy jar. Put up with it for three days. I promise you, he'll be 'normal' as soon as you're back in the car. " "PHEW. Got in just in time. We're in the mix franko." "CLAY!!!!! I didn't WANT this. " Clay looked at frank. "You know, frank, I'm very torn. You said I was in charge, but I want you to have a good time. I don't know what to do." "I don't know either." "frank, if we're dating, you're gonna have to get used to my emotions. And also, to the people I know. You were in the shadows, I was in the sunshine. Now you're in the sunshine. " "BUT MY JOB" Clay took a breath. "frank, if anyone from your office sees you here, I think THEY have to worry about their job first. Relax. You're going to be fine. PLEASE. " He grabbed frank's hand. "I really don't want to lose you because of a stupid convention, but I want to go to the convention. If you want to leave, and go home, we will. But please don't hate me because of this. We can talk about it when we get home." Please baby?" frank saw the look of real concern, real fear, real love in Clay's eyes. "I'll stay. But I don't think I can make it through another day of this Clay. One day is enough. Can we leave tonight.?" "Babe, we can leave NOW if you want." "No, let's stay out the day. We'll talk on the ride back.' Just then a handsome young man came over to where they were standing. "Excuse me guys, can you come to the stage?" frank looked terrified, and Clay smiled. "frank, we won the costume competition. Do you think you can handle that." "I DO NOT want to lose this man. I can do this," frank said to himself. He adjusted his tie, pushed his sleeves back a little, and smiled. "Let's go Sir. Let me get my hands behind my back. Where does Master's hand go? Clay smiled, put it on the back of frank's neck and whispered "I am going to give you the best lay you have ever had tonight"


Back at the hotel room, Violet was ready for her walk. "Frank?" Clay asked "Do you want to walk her yourself, and think, or can we walk her together?" "She's gonna have two daddies. Let's go together. I have two hands. One to hold yours, one to hold her." Clay smiled. "Then we're good." "We're good unless you try to use the prize on me." The prize was a 14 inch black dildo. Clay laughed "Don't worry. We'll put it in the trophy case. " "She's gonna have two daddies," Clay thought as they walked. It was risky , but.. "Frank, have you decided you're gonna move in with me?" He stopped. He squeezed Clay's hand tightly. "If you'll have my neurotic, paranoid, crazy idosyncracies, and you keep on loving me the way you do. I'm not going anywhere." Then FRANK leaned in and planted a big kiss on Clay. It was so long and so deep, Violet began to get worried, and more than one person made a whistle, or applauded for them. and when frank finished he said "now let's get home and use those new toys. Hotel now, your place tonight."

In about an hour, frank was staked out on the bed. "Super geek" was about to be tortured. Clay was slowly opening frank's clothes. "I already gave you the codes. I'm not giving you my ass. " he sputtered out. "We shall see super geek, we shall see. You were supposed to be impervious to nipple torture, and you broke like fine china. Now... ha ha ha ha ha." Tied down, frank couldn't do much as Clay took off his sneakers, and then his socks. "SO, let's see what grandma knew that we don't." He began rolling the docker over frank's feet. "OH GOD STOP. IT'S TOO INTENSE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Usually, frank could hold off laughing for at least a short time. Not today. He struggled and pushed to get his feet out of the way. It wasn't working. "PLEASE STOP. PLEASE." "Oh, we're just beginning supergeek." Clay turned off the machine and slid his hands over frank's smooth torso, something frank loved. "OOOOH.. .OOOOOOOOOOH. That feels so good. " He felt Clay's lips licking at his nipples, and then nibbling. He began to shake. "FUCK YEAH. FUCK. OH GOD. " Clay had a mischievous grin on his face and he pulled over the nipple dildos. He ran one over a nip, and then the second one. "Just think supergeek. I could tape this to your chest, and keep them going for an hour. " He laughed as he ran his fingers down Clay's sides. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. STOP. STOP." "Not. quite... yet..." He reached down and held frank's balls and cock. "Hmmmmmmmmmm. Sticky. Someone relieved himself today, didn't he?" frank gulped. He didn't remember if they had discussed that, but he said "Yes sir. " Clay smiled. "I think we're gonna have to have some rules on that. You don't get to do that without my ok" "How can you stop it?" frank asked, before he answered "Oh shit. Chastity belts. Did you.. FUUUUUUUUUCK." Yup, there was a chastity cage in the bag. "Now frank, like I said , there are gonna be rules in the house, and one is, there's one DOM, one sub, and the DOM makes these decisions. And if you misbehave... frank gulped. "yes sir. I understand. " "GOOD . Because for today the punishment is..." and he reached under frank's arms and began tickling. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO. NO. NO MORE NO MORE. FUCK THE GEEK SIR. FUCK HIM. TAKE HIM." Clay looked at frank and he asked, as he always did. "Are you sure, babe? Are you really sure." frank, panting , looked up. "Clay, I have never wanted you more than I do now. Even the first time. I keep on thinking about sleeping next to you each night, and... OH just fill me." Clay leaned down. "And I can't wait to see you at the end of the day, in your attorney business casual, looking so adorable, so sweet, and then ravaging you the whole night. " When Clay dropped his pants, frank saw he wasn't joking. His cock was, well "cocked " for action, He covered up and began sliding in. "You know, sweetpea, eventually, if you trust me, it's gonna come off, and I'm shooting into you." frank purred. "We'll talk. Right now, just fuck." Clay did just that. Violet went off to a corner to hang out with her own butt, and Clay hung out with frank's. There was no problem this time. frank took every inch. And he begged for more. "PLEASE FUCK ME HARDER. MAKE ME A SLUT. " Clay tried not to laugh. frank being a slut was very funny. "I have an idea studmuffin. Know what I want? I wanna see you in nothing but tight, white, gym stretch pants. And I want you tied up and available for me. Like a stripped superhero." "OH SHIT. I'm seeing it. DAMN.. Frank started squirting all over everywhere. Clay bided his time, holding his cock inside frank, making him moan. He took deep breaths and tried to control his own shooting. Then he couldn't take it anymore, and YELLED as he pounded frank with his orgasm. "You're the one frank. I waited a long time. You're the one." "As are your stud CLAY. My topman, my Dom, my conqueror. " After dinner, they tried one more time, but they were exhausted. They did leave the next day, driving back to Clay's place: Frank's new home.


Gentle readers, the saga of Clay and frank will be coming to an end soon. Any thoughts for the last 2, or 3, chapters? Send them on. And everyone have a safe (and I MEAN SAFE) holiday. Be well

Next: Chapter 11

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