Franks Superhero Fetish

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 10, 2020


Disclaimer: This story has no connection, whatsoever, to any published comic book , or series or publisher generally. It is a work of complete fantasy.

Frank Wilks was a young lawyer (28), working for a legal publishing firm. He had opted out of looking for work in one of the "power house" firms because, as he put it, "he wanted a life," and a regular 9-5 kind of job was right for him. He liked the title "in house counsel."

Physically, he leaned toward the slight side, but he wasn't frail. 5'10" and about 165, with runner muscles, rather than the beefy, gym stud look a lot of guys favored . Pale eyes - somewhere between blue and grey and hair that you could call sandy , or strawberry blond if you liked. A little hair on his chest, soft hair on his arms and legs. An average cock: about 6.5 inches when it was hard, which wasn't as often as he liked, and a firm, round ass.

Frank knew he was gay when he was about 10 years old. It happened when he was reading comic books. He'd find himself getting aroused, sometimes to the point of climax, by stories about his favorite heroes. He was never a fan of superman, batman, robin , or superboy, but characters like the Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman, all got him excited. He would wait for the new issues of all of his favorites, through law school and into his professional life, and he'd devour each one.

He especially liked stories where the super hero was in peril. Issues where Flash was kept bound in a frozen atmosphere, or Green Lantern was kept tied up under yellow light, or Aquaman was kept tied down, away from water: THESE are the ones he kept. He turned back to them, over and over and over again. Frank wanted to be one of those heroes. He wanted to be overpowered, kept prisoner, tormented by a villain, and eventually, controlled. In his fantasies, he would have a man who would be proud to parade him, maybe leashed, maybe bound, as a trophy. He would keep the thought to himself, but he wished that he could be a "trophy husband" to another man.

When he could find a superhero costume that was well constructed, and fit him, Frank got it. And he had collected them all. If there were a costume party, he never had a problem with showing up in an interesting outfit. And when he found out about superhero fetish groups, he was ecstatic. He expected he might just find the man of his fantasies.

The first time he had a blind date with a "villain," he played Spiderman, because that's what the Dom wanted. He met the guy (his villain role was "Black Mambo" ), at a local bar. Some chatter, a few drinks, and a few hours later, Frank was in his costume, tied down to "Black Mambo's" operating table, as he stripped Frank down , taking off his costume, and then slowly, slowly edging him as he called for Frank's submission. He got it.

Frank desperately wanted a second date with the guy. It never happened. It didn't happen because Frank had an almost pathological fear, of fucking. H e wasn't thrilled about taking cock in his mouth, but cock in his ass, was a no no. And that's what Joe (the true name of "Black Mambo") wanted , on a second date. Frank, on the other hand, wanted a date where he would be kept under control, escape, and be recaptured, over and over again. Maybe... just maybe... the villain would discover his secret weakness: Frank was extremely ticklish. In his ideal fantasy, the villain would overpower him, restrain him, and then discover the weakness. He'd tickle Frank until he surrendered, agreeing to be his "arm candy" or toy. In his dreams, Frank was with a handsome, dark haired man, preferably with facial hair, who kept him tied up at home, collared him when they went out, and kept him under strict control: without any oral or anal sex.

It was a hard fantasy to fulfill. Frank had lots of first dates with other fetishists, who were happy to edge him, or masturbate together. . On the second date, though, they inevitably wanted to be sucked off, or they wanted a piece of Frank's firm ass. The thought freaked out Frank so much, that any chance of a "relationship," let alone a third date, was just out of the question.

He kept checking the chat rooms filled with other superhero fetishists, hoping maybe, just maybe.... Unfortunately, the number of "villains" was far outweighed by the number of guys who wanted to be captured superheroes. Every time he looked, Frank sighed. He thought he had been on a date or a scene with every one of the guys on the site.

His best friend, Angus, knew about Frank's dilemma. Angus shared Frank's fetish, but unlike Frank, he was much more willing to have sex with his "villains." He did much better, and got invited to many more parties than Frank did. They were talking about Frank's dilemma at lunch one day. Angus had been invited to a party where he would be part of "the entertainment." His hosts (there were two of them), wanted him to play an interesting role: a costume party, where a superhero would come, dressed up as a superhero, in an attempt to apprehend a long sought after villain. Of course , the plan would go wrong, and Angus would wind up in the hands of the villains. Since there were two hosts, and they were not a couple, they asked Angus if he had a buddy who would play along. At first, Angus was going to pretend he couldn't find anyone, because the thought of being taken by TWO villains, was something he had fantasized about. He realized, though, that if he explained to them that Frank was a good sport, but not into the sexual aspect, he could make his good friend happy, and still get what he wanted.

"What've I got to lose ?" Frank shrugged his shoulders. They took a picture of Frank in his Aquaman costume, and Angus sent it off to his friends. He got back a one word answer. "HOT." He called and explained what Frank would and would not do, and his friend (named Clay), said it would be fine. Clay and his friend, Dennis, had played with Angus before, and so he was a "known quantity," and they knew Angus would service both of them. Maybe, just maybe, this cute boy would be "persuaded" to do more than struggle.

On the night of the party, Frank put on his Aquaman costume, which fit tight and close to his body,Angus had decided to play Green Lantern.

They checked each other out, gave each other the thumbs up, and went into the house where the scene was going to happen. Both of them were experienced at superhero roleplay, so they got into character right away.

"Dark up here Frank," Angus said to him. "Must be downstairs. Let me take a look first. Come find me if I'm not back in 15 minutes." "Gotcha. If I hear anything, I'll be down right away. " Angus went down the stairs, while Frank took a look around the house. He assumed it was the house of one of the other scene players. There were photos on the walls, and one of the photos was of a handsome man, very dark hair, a mustache - yes, he looked VERY villainous, without a costume. Frank felt himself get a little aroused: if this were one of the guys who was involved in the scene, well..

He looked at his watch. Fifteen minutes, and no sound and no sight of Angus. He went to the staircase. "LANTERN? LANTERN? " He got no response, so he went quietly down the stairs. It was dark, and he couldn't find a light switch. The basement was huge, and he saw a glow from the back of the room. He walked over slowly, carefully, trying not to make a sound, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the dark. As he got closer , he saw Angus/Green Lantern, spread out and tied down, gagged. The top of his jersey was off, and so was his mask. the platform to which he was bound, was surrounded by yellow candles, each of them lit. He saw Angus/Lantern struggling, trying desperately to say something through his gag. He was violently shaking his head "NO."

"Lantern! What happened. What did they do to you?" Then he felt the strong arms surround him from behind. "EXACTLY WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO TO YOU AQUAMAN." Frank struggled. The arms that surrounded him were covered with black hair, and he thought he felt mustache on the back of his neck. "LET ME GO YOU JERK. " Frank tried to kick back, but the guy had pushed his legs too far away and the kick did no damage. "How about you join your friend, and then we'll have some REAL fun, super captive." Frank struggled harder, because this guy WAS strong, and he was clearly into it. Frank could feel his hard on against his costumed ass, and he realized, he was getting hard too. That didn't happen often. His captor was joined by another man, who was clearly not the guy in the picture. Frank was no match for the two of them, and they had him spread out and bound next to Angus in minutes. "LET ME GO. YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" He caught a look at the guy who grabbed him. It WAS the guy in the picture. He smiled, and walked over. "Is that right Aquaman? How will we not get away with it? You and Lantern came to our house, and fell right into our trap. Now... you're helpless, and we've got you. No water for you Aquaman. You'll be weakening by the minute. And if you want water.... you'll just have to beg for it.. AFTER you submit." 'NEVER YOU BASTARD. NEVER."

From the corner of his eye, Frank could see that Angus/Lantern was in the middle of some serious nip torture from the second guy. "OH. You LIKE watching nip torture, huh Aquaman? Maybe you'd like to experience it... " The black haired guy (whom he later found out was Clay), pulled his jersey top up over his head, and began to slowly play with Frank's nipples. Frank tried to resist, but soon, he was moaning.

Clay looked at him , smiling. He dropped his voice. "You are SO cute. And I could give you SUCH a good fucking. Not tonight though. Tonight..." He laughed as he stopped the nipple torture. He began putting on nail extenders. "My understanding, Aquaman, is that you're more than a little ticklish." "You'd be wrong, JERK" Frank hissed. "Well, we shall see.." Clay began to run the extended nails up and down Frank's ribs. Frank fought it, but soon, little gasps of laughter started coming out of his mouth. ' STOP. PLEASE STOP" Instead, Clay took off one extension, and began to dig into Frank's navel. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Who told you about that? Who let you know?" He looked at Angus and sneered. "You BASTARD. They tortured you and.. YOU TOLD THEM." He broke into more sustainted laughter as Clay took off all the extensions, and dug into his pits. "NO. NO. NOT THAT. NOT MY PITS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OH SHIT OH SHIT.' "Do you surrender Aquaman? Do you submit?" "YES. YES. JUST STOP. PLEASE. I GIVE. I GIVE. "

Clay stood back and smiled. "If I untie you, will you jerk off for me , Frank?" His eyes had a pleading look, as if he didn't know if he had overstepped . "Yes. Yes. You win. You win. I'll do what you want." Clay smiled, and pulled down Frank's costume tights. "Hmmm. Mighty little pecker you've got there Frank. Want me to 'give it a boost'?" "OH, GOD, yes. Yes. Please. I love being edged. " "Then just lay back. Maybe I'll tie you back down again." "Please . Please do that. Make me helpless . " Clay smiled, and retied the ropes. Then he began to work on Frank's cock. Frank moaned, as Clay proved what an expert he was at this. Frank had glanced over at Angus once, and knew that his captor was fucking him. He looked the other way, and almost purred. "OH GOD MISTER. YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD AT THIS." Clay smiled. "That's because I've got a really cute guy, all tied up, and his cock is in my hands. And I can do ANYTHING to him. But.. I'm just gonna jerk all over him instead. " He grinned at Frank. "And if you shoot before I do... then I'm gonna tickle you for fifteen more minutes. " "OH CRAP. I'M SO CLOSE. I'M SO CLOSE. AAAAAAAAA" It was too late. Frank shot. And Clay grinned, as he followed, about three minutes later. "Now, what did I say about your punishment?" "No no. Please. I can't take it. I can't. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." This time, after he did Frank's whole upper body, he went for his feet. As the fifteen minutes ran out, Frank was covered with sweat. His body ached from twisting in the bonds, but much of what he looked for in a scene, had just happened.

"Before I let you go, Frank, two things. First, if you're up for a second date, so am I. And I'll tickle your crotch on that date. Second.... can I kiss you?" Frank practically melted. The man hadn't mentioned blow jobs, or fucking. He mentioned a second date, built around tickling. And kissing. "Yes, please. Please tickle my face with your mustache Clay. Please. " Clay bent down and kissed him. Frank opened his mouth, and Clay's tongue shot in. When he stopped for a breath, Frank gasped out. "Please. Can you climb on top of me and kiss me?" Clay laughed. "God, you're a pushy bottom. Good thing you're so damn cute.." They necked for so long, Frank didn't even notice that Angus had gone upstairs with his tormentor. As Clay untied him, he stared right into Frank's eyes. "I know. I'm not going to ask you to stay. Not tonight. " He pulled out a card and wrote down a number. "Can you call me when you're ready for a second date? I don't want to push you."

Frank looked at the information. Clay James. And a phone number. "How about tomorrow night?"

Next: Chapter 2

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