Frankie and Gotham

By Timothy Brown

Published on Sep 6, 2010


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the DC comics characters. This is a work of fiction. All rights and stuff go to them except for the characters that I make.

Chapter 2: Dinner with a Bat

I got up, feeling lees pain, and realized that I was holding onto Batman's gloves for dear life. As I crawled out of bed, I put the gloves in my dresser and got ready for work. I was still taking pain meds, but less of them. After taking a shower, I got dressed, fixed my hair and walked to the bus stop.

Work was still normal, there were a few more customers today. At about ten minutes to closing time, I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I was in the back getting my stuff ready, when I heard the door bell ring. I walked back into the main shop room, and saw a bundle of red roses on the counter and a note.

To a Very Sweet Man,

I will send Alfred to pick you

up at your place at 8:30pm.

You Friend and More,


I picked up the roses and closed a few minutes early. I also grabbed a bag of dark chocolate covered apricots, I figured it would be something that both Alfred and Bruce would enjoy. I caught the bus and watched as all the passengers looked at my flowers, probably thinking that I was on my way to give them to someone, instead of being the receiver.

After a few minutes, the bus came to my stop and I ran off and headed home. I checked the mail, more bills, unlocked the door and went into to change clothes. At around 8:15pm there was a knock at the door. I peered through the peep hole and saw a man that looked to be in his early 50's, I figured this was Alfred.

I unlocked the door and smiled as the man smiled at me. He looked very clean, nice dress pants, and jacket.

"You must be Alfred?"

"Yes and you must be Master Olivera."

"Yes, please come in. I'm almost ready."

"Thank you."

He walked in, but remained standing as I went to put on my shoes and grab my wallet and the chocolates. When I came back into the living room, I saw that Alfred was eyeing my picture of Marilyn Monroe.

"It's nice to see there are still young people who like the classic era of Hollywood. I wish she was still alive."

"Me too. I would have loved to have met her."

"I had the pleasure of meeting her.when I was younger of course."

"What was she like?"

"She had the sweetest voice and was full of love and compassion."

"I'm really jealous. I wish someone could have helped her."

"Me too. Well are you all set Master Olivera?"

"Yes and if it isn't too much trouble could you call me by my first name."

"Master Frankie."

The way he said it was full of caring.

"That will work, if it's not too much trouble."

"Not at all. Master Frankie."

And with that we were off. The windows of the limousine were tinted and as we drove out of the main part of Gotham and headed towards the outskirts, I noticed that I had never been this way. The trees seemed different, almost like this area was perfectly kept to its original status, untouched by man. After about thirty minutes, we arrived at Wayne manor.

As Alfred opened my door, I was in awe of the building in front of me. The architecture was exquisite. I looked at all the windows and saw the sculpture of gargoyles on the roof, to scare away the birds. The whole thing was stunning.

Alfred led me into the house, and I felt a sudden fear that I was under dressed. Me, in my simple shorts and a shirt, I was surrounded by renaissance paintings and statures behind glass. I kept my hands at my sides and tried to remain calm. Alfred must have noticed,

"Master Frankie, you look tense. Are you okay?"

"I just feel out of place."

Alfred got quite serious, "Nonsense. I have a good read on people and you're a good person. All this stuff, is at the end of the day, stuff. You, Master Bruce and myself are all that really matter. Were irreplaceable."

"Wow, thanks."

"Not a problem. Now let me fetch."

I heard his voice from the side, "No need, I'm right here."

I turned slightly to see Bruce walking up the way, with no shirt on, and all sweaty. It was very difficult for me to pay attention to his face, when I was watching his stomach. There was so much muscle; I could literally wash clothes on that stomach. He saw me watching and just smiled.

"I'm glad to see you Frankie. I'm going to take a shower and then I will be back down."


As he walked off, I followed Alfred to the living room. We shared a few small words, and after a few quiet moments, Bruce came in, wearing a black tee shirt and blue jeans. He walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Sorry I wasn't able to do that earlier, but I was sweaty."

"I wouldn't have minded."

Alfred was about to leave, but I asked him to stay.

"I brought something for the both of you."

I handed the bag to Bruce who untied the ribbon and picked out a quarter sized apricot that was half dipped in the dark mixture of cocoa. I watched as he passed the bag to Alfred who had no problem with grabbing one as well.

"So what do you think? I added some extra chili powder. It really brings out the flavor of the chocolate."

Alfred was still chewing his, but Bruce was finished.

"I really like them Frankie. I like the spice."

"I agree with Master Bruce. I haven't had chocolate like that in years. You really are a great chocolatier."

"Thank you. That means a lot."

Alfred took the bag with him into the kitchen and returned with them in a bowl. After placing them on the table and grabbing another, he walked away, leaving Bruce and me alone.

We walked down the halls of the mansion, I was amazed at all the stuff he had, it was more like a museum, than a house. As I would look at the paintings, I noticed Bruce was just watching me.

"So what do you think on my house."

"It's amazing, better than mine."

"I disagree; you have something that I don't."

"What's that?"

"The natural warmth."

"I have a heater, you have a fireplace, but I know what you mean."

We smiled and as the minutes flew by, Alfred found us.

"Sir, dinner is ready. And may I say again, Master Frankie your chocolates are purely divine."

"Thank you again Alfred."

Dinner was great, a simple pot roast, with mashed potatoes and gravy. As I placed a piece of the meat into my mouth, I remembered how my mom had cooked this, many times. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and of course, both Alfred and Bruce noticed.

"Is everything okay?"

"The last time I had pot roast like this, it was cooked by my mother. I could swear this is the exact same thing. My compliments to the cook and as I looked over, Alfred smiled."

After dinner, Bruce and I sat by the fire and talked about our lives. He caught me off guard when he asked about what happened to my parents.

"They were on the tenth anniversary and were flying over to Greece, when a storm knocked their plane out of the sky, I was 18."

"I'm so sorry, I know how you feel, I lost my parents as well."

"Yes I remember reading an article about you in the Gotham times. I believe the quote said, "my parents were slain by a filthy, thug."

I watched as Bruce smiled, but I could tell there was something else he wanted to say. It was as if, he was dealing with an inner demon and wanted to let me in, but refused. With my back against the couch, facing the flames, Bruce scooted until we were side to side. Our thighs, now touching, and as I looked into his eyes, I could see the lust that was growing. He placed his hand on my naked leg, and started caressing it.

"May I kiss you Frankie?"

"You don't have to ask."

I watched as he lifted his arm, placing it behind me, and leaned in for the kill. Our lips touched, and there were sparks flying. The softness of his touch was something that I thought I almost forgot, but then again he had a few more years of experience than I. As he opened my mouth with his, I could feel his tongue slither against mine. I lifted up and laid on the couch, sprawled out like a cat, waiting for him to lift on top of me. Like I expected, he crawled like a monster from the depths below and put a leg on either side of my thighs, and we resumed battling with our mouths. I felt his hand reach under my shirt; I could swear that I have felt this before, d‚j… vu.

He untied my hair letting it fall and started to smell it.

"You smell like roses and lavender."

I didn't respond, because truth of the matter I really couldn't, as Bruce began caressing between my legs and I could get my brain to focus on a response. I figured two could play at this game. I let my free hand start to wonder and as it did, I could feel his harness growing. I willed my fingers to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his pants and reach in. To my surprise, Bruce wasn't wearing any underwear, so this was an easy mission. I could feel the head of his girth swell in my hand and as I heard his quick intake of breath, I smirked, figuring I caught him off guard.

So there I was, stroking Bruce Wayne, while he was grinding against my crotch, which seemed to awaken from a dark slumber. Our moans had suddenly gotten louder, but when everything started to get good, I noticed him glance at something out the window and suddenly lift up.

"I have to go. I just remembered that I have some important paperwork to do. We have a possible merger at the company."

"Are you serious?"

I had instantly gone from complete ecstasy, to pissed off mode in a matter of milliseconds. When he lifted off me, his erection extremely evident, I readjusted my shirt. He looked at me with a sorrowful expression on his face, but at the moment I really didn't care.

"Alfred will take you home."

"This is fuc.really ridiculous."

"I'm sorry, but I have to go."

Alfred rounded the corner, with a strange expression on his face when he looked at Bruce. I felt like the third party, not let into the private joke. Bruce went to kiss me on the cheek, but I turned my head and walked away, heading for the front door. Alfred quickly came from behind,

"Don't be too upset at the master, he really likes you. I can see it on his face."

"Alfred I just really feel stupid, and above everything else I feel so cheap, like a rag that's at his disposal."

I could feel some tears fall, but they weren't from sadness, they were from, something less than hatred. I wouldn't say loathing, but pretty dame close. As I got outside, I waited for Alfred to pull up with the limo. I got in and we were off. I could see in my peripheral vision that Alfred was looking at my in the rear view mirror, but I didn't want to look at him. We pulled up to my house, and I told Alfred that I would see myself out. I closed the door and walked up the steps to my house, opening my front door and shutting it, rather hard, behind me. I locked the deadbolt and headed towards my bedroom.

I decided that I would just go to bed early, and as I crawled between my sheets, I still couldn't believe what happened. I didn't understand what could have been so important. After an hour or so, I was still awake, but I heard my window slide open and saw the familiar form crawl in.


I could have sworn it was Bruce's voice, but as I reached over and turned my faded lamp on, the light revealed Batman instead. I smiled and as he sat next to me, I wondered what he was doing here, so I asked him,

"What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling."

"I'm fine. I just had a rather interesting night, but besides that everything is hunky dory."

"What happened.if you don't mind me asking?"

"I just made a complete ass out of myself, over a guy that obviously wanted something that I couldn't give."

"Who was the guy?"

"This is going to sound dumb, but it was Bruce Wayne."

"Oh, I have heard of him."

"Yeah I should have known. Someone with all that money could never fall for someone like me. It would be nothing but a quick.never mind. It's not important."

I watched as he looked into my eyes, and regardless of all the rubber around his face, I could see that he looked upset.

"I don't think he is that sort of person. Bruce Wayne is a very caring person. He might have had something really important pop up. That's all."

"I doubt it's that simple. Oh by the way you forgot something."

I got up and walked over to my dresser and retrieved his gloves.

"Keep them, to remember me."


I lightly smiled, but as put the gloves back in my dresser, I felt sadness take hold. It hade been a while since I was emotionally hurt, and now this just reminded me of how painful it can get.

"I wish I never would have met him."

"Do you want to remain alone?"

"Sometimes it's better to be alone."


"No one can hurt you."

He remained silent for a little while, but as I got back into bed, he looked down at me. As I looked up into his eyes, I saw that his were welling up. I didn't think someone like Batman could even cry.

"You should let him explain."

"I don't think he could say anything that would excuse his behavior."

"You never know."

I watched as Batman climbed onto the window ledge and out he disappeared into the darkness. I turned my light off and went to sleep. Maybe the dark knight was right, but I didn't know how to feel, besides upset.

The next morning I woke up groggy, the results of crying myself asleep. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes were the color of Pepto-Bismol. I got dressed and headed to work. The bus got to the stop on time and after I opened up the shop, there were no customers until after lunch. At around 12:30 a deliveryman came in with a bundle of white roses and set them on the counter.

"These are for a Frankie Olivera, from Bruce Wayne."

"Take them back. I don't want them."

"Sir there's nothing I can do. I have to deliver them."

"Fine, thank you."

He turned to walk away as I picked up the bouquet and read the card.

Frankie. I'm sorry.

Please forgive me.


I carried them to the waist bin and tossed them in. The delivery man saw this through the window and shook his head as he drove off. At around ten minutes to closing time, the bell chimed and in walked the last person I wanted to see right now. Bruce looked like he always did, spiffy and full of pride. He smiled at me, but I remained unshaken.

" have some balls showing up here."

"Did you get my flowers?"

"Yes and I passed them onto the garbage can."

I motioned with my eyes to the small bin that was throwing up the long stem flowers. I could see the hurt expression on his face, but after a few moments, he finally spoke.

"What can I do?"

"Right now, you can leave me alone. I'm sure because you have so much money that you have this perception, that everyone is at your disposal, but this is one person who isn't.I thought you were different. I thought you thought I was mistake."

He began to speak,

"Please just give me a second to explain."

"What.what could you possibly have to say? I don't think there is anything that you can say, that would justify your actions. You know how dirty I feel. I took a shower I can still smell you on me."

"Do you still have my gloves?"

I was stunned for a second and thought it over, but as the idea came to mind, I realized that it couldn't be. It was too absurd. However, as I stopped I thought about it, Bruce told me to stay out of the alleys, yet I never told him the almost mugging happened in the alley. Then the flavor that was in Batman's mouth, when I kissed him, it was my tea. My eyes widened as I focused on what happened last night. While I was standing up to readjust my shirt, I saw through the window what Bruce had looked at. I dismissed it, thinking nothing of it, but now it all makes sense. He was staring at the bat signal.

"So now you know."

"It can't be." I whispered

I watched him turn and leave. I was still stunned at what was happening. Not only was I romantically connected with Batman and Bruce Wayne, but they in fact were the very same person. I closed up shop and went to catch the bus. Just like the night before last, as I went out to the stop the bus drove on by. I tried to flag it down, but it was already turning. So I began to walk the long walk home. After about thirty minutes, I felt the cold air hit me and when I turned onto a side street, from behind me were lights. I went to move over and out of the way and as they still shined, I turned around to see what was going on.

My eyes got large, as I was looking at the Batmobile. It was long and sleek, and as I stepped back, it drove in front and stopped. The whole roof of the car was one piece and as it slid back, it revealed, the caped crusader in the driver seat. He looked over at me and smirked,

"Get in."



I did, as I was told, climbing over the door and sinking into the passenger seat. I watched in amazement as Batman pushed a button and the roof slid forward, sealing us in. The engine revved and we were off, to who knows where. There were all sorts of buttons and as we sped through the streets of Gotham, I realized that I might have made a mistake. After about twenty minutes of silence, we turned onto a gravel road, and I noticed that Batman pushed another button and the road opened a trap door to a large rock, that now became a cave. He pushed the button once more and the trap door closed behind us. However, on the inside of the rock, everything was paved, with concrete. There were lights imbedded in the walls, after a few moments, we were on a platform and the car stopped.

The roof slid open and Batman climbed out. I quickly followed and as I blinked my eyes, I saw the inside of the cave, was a giant computer center. There was a medical table in the center. Everything looked expensive and high tech. Batman climbed on the medical table, letting his legs dangle to the floor, and motioned for me to come to him. I did, but had a few feet of space between us.

"I'm ready for you to see who I am."

I nervously walked up to him, letting my body slide between his knees. I reached up and lightly slid the mast away, revealing what I had thought. Bruce Wayne was indeed Batman. So now, there I was looking into the eyes of Bruce Wayne from the chin up, but Batman from the chin down.

"Wow. So this explains a lot."

I smiled, but I could tell was a little nervous.

"So can you forgive me?"

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for Chapter 3.

Next: Chapter 3

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