Frankie and Gotham

By Timothy Brown

Published on Sep 5, 2010


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the DC comics characters. This is a work of fiction. All rights and stuff go to them except for the characters that I make.

Chapter 1: The City of Darkness

I walked through the streets of Gotham, feeling the cold air hit my face, the smells a mixture of car exhaust and sweat. I pass by the prostitutes and the hoodlums, the thugs and the homeless, wondering what they were like when they were young. Did they aspire to be astronauts or novelists, I don't think anyone would dream of being homeless. The darkness of this city is unnatural, and ultimately stunning. I myself am a lover of the nighttime, but some nights, even these streets can be too dark. The occasional car passes by, eliminating my way over the cracked concrete sidewalk.

"Only one more street and then your home." I think to myself.

I quicken my pace after hearing some rustling behind me and as I get to the corner of my street a couple men come up on me. I turn quickly to the alley, trying to get through and onto the next street, but there is something that tells me, this was an error in judgment. I can feel my heartbeat start to rumble and when I hit the dead end of the alley, I realize my mistake. I must have passed this alley over 1000 times and yet forgot that it is one of many that doesn't go all the way through.

I can hear their laughing from behind and as I turn to see the two men, I try to remember the basics of my self- defense class, a simple kick to the groin, or the palm of the hand to the base of the nose and pushing up. As they step into the light, I get a better look at them. Truth be told they looked better in the shadows. The first was extremely thin, looking like a cancer victim, while the other was rather large, I am a plus size guy, but its all curves, this guy was just disturbingly fat. As they walk closer, the stench of alcohol is more evident. I see their greasy skin rubbing against the brick walls and finally the thin one speaks,

"Lookee what we got here Borus, a nice young one."

"Yeah, I bet he'll put out just fine, J."

So it seems the duo had names, the fat one's Borus and the thin one's J, fantastic, I thought. They kept eyeing me up and down, now I know how a steak in a grocery store feels. Finally after a few seconds, the thin one (J) made a move, with his left hand he pulled out a dirty bowie knife,

"I'm gonna cut you nice and slow, then as you bleed, were gonna take turns fuckin you."

I smirked, but was petrified on the inside. With all the strength I could muster, I sarcastically answered his statement.

"Just want I wanted, to be gangbanged down a dirty alley, by one who's dick is probably the size of a tootsie roll, while the other, most likely hasn't seen his for years."

"Oh, this ones got a smart mouth, let's show him how to put it to good use."

The first cut, seemed to be the worst. Feeling the cold steel slice through the skin on my shoulder made me wince in pain, but I remained standing. Borus came up to me, and all I could think to do was kick him in the groin. Regardless of all the fat between his legs, I connected with something, because he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes, wailing in pain. As I watched him fall, J was free to punch my in the jaw, it was a decent hit, enough to make me fall to the ground on my hands and knees. As I was about to lift myself up, I felt J's thin leg hit my chest, knocking the air out of my lungs.

By this time, Borus had got to his feet, still grabbing his crotch, but as his leg connected with my stomach I fell on my side. The pain was excruciating, but I was still conscious. I could feel the tears falling,

"Come on boy, get up. Don't make this so easy."

I managed to stand back up and as I peered between the two men, I saw a figure shrouded in darkness. I wasn't sure whether I was hallucinating, but after I heard the deep voice and saw the two men whirl around, I realized that I wasn't seeing things. The figure walked up to the two men, grabbing them both by the nape of their necks and slammed their faces together.

They fell over, still breathing, but unconscious. The figure walked up to me, and as he stepped into the light, I saw the masked face of Batman. I even whispered his name,


"Your bleeding, let me take a look."

I turned my head, looking at my shoulder. The cut was worse than I thought. The blood was trying to coagulate, but the cold misty air wasn't helping. I turned back to see Batman opening a compartment in his belt and pulling out a neon yellow vile. He unscrewed the cap and warned me that it was going to sting, and as he poured the liquid in the cut, I felt a searing pain, as if I was being burned. I cried out in pain, but after a few seconds, the wound stopped burning. It was now just a sore annoyance.

"Can you walk?"

"Yes, I think."

I went to move and felt the pain from the kicks in my chest. I managed well with baby steps. I continued for a few feet, but started to fall. Just as I lost my balance, I felt a strong hand catch me. So there I was in the middle of a dark alley with the dark knight himself, looking completely ridiculous. I felt his other arm curl under my legs and lift me up. I wrapped my arm around his neck and watched as he carried me through the alley and back onto my street.

"Where do you live?"

"Th.the last house, my keys are in my pocket."

When he walked up the steps, he let me gently down, so I could retrieve my keys. I put the key into the lock and heard the click. As he guided me into my kitchen, he turned on the light above the stove, giving everything an eerie yellow glow. I grabbed a glass of water, trying to drink and process what happened.

"I was almost killed.wasn't I?"

"Almost, but everything is alright now."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I turned to get some more water and when I turned back, he was gone. My front door was closed and the keys were on the living room table. I felt like everything was just a bad dream, but the pain in my chest was a reminder, that this was anything but. I placed the glass on the counter, slowly walked to the front door, and locked the deadbolts. I still couldn't believe that this had happened, but I guess that's the price you pay when you live in the city of crime.

I managed to get into my bedroom, stripped out of my clothes that still smelt like the alley, and slipped my shoes off. My bed was a comfortable reward for the nights ordeal. I rested my eyes, but the pain in my side and chest was too much for sleep to come. So as I'm laying here let me introduce myself.

My name is Franklin (Frankie) Allen Olivera, I'm 22 and I own a small chocolate shop in the nicer side of the city. I'm 6'2", brown eyes, jet black hair, that falls to my shoulders and my skin tone is the color of caramel. Like I said above, I'm a plus size guy, the result of working with chocolate, you get to sample. I do it now occasionally, because when you work with something all the time, you rarely crave it. My parents owned the shop before me, but they died in a plane crash, leaving me with everything, including the bills. I manage to make ends meet, but some months are harder than others.

My love life is slightly lacking, let me be honest I had one boyfriend, but he ended up planting his affections in someone who looked like a model. In a way, I pity him, because he left me for a guy who's worried about his looks, and after a few years those precious looks will fade, and then he will be left with just another skinny asshole. I'm sure to some that speaks highly of bitterness, but if I'm bitter, I think I can deal with that.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm gay, but on the outside I have been told that you really can't tell, which for me is something I like. I'm not ashamed to be gay, but I don't believe that parading myself around like the missing link between man and woman, will get me acceptance and respect.

So now, you know who I am and what I do, lets just hope tomorrow goes better.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, and as I went to stand up. I felt all the pain hit me like a ton of bricks. I went into my bathroom, grabbed some pain relieving medicine, and took as many as safely possible. After about thirty minutes, I could feel the medication begin to kick in. I took a shower, got dressed and went to catch the bus.

Work was nothing out of the ordinary. The normal customers, but at around closing time I got an unexpected and pleasant surprise. I got up from my stool and went to switch the open sign off, when there was a knock at the door. I peered out and saw the face of Bruce Wayne, Gotham's most eligible billionaire bachelor. He opened the door and smiled, showing off his shining teeth.

"Are you still open for business?"

"Sure, I was just about to close up, but it looks like you will be my last customer."

"Thank you, my names Bruce by the way."

"I know who you are Mr. Wayne. Everyone knows who you are."

He smiled and I smirked as I walked back to the counter. The pain was starting to come back, and as I held my chest and tried to walk slowly, I guess Bruce noticed.

"Are you okay?"

I stood behind the counter, holding onto it, to stabilize myself.

"I've been better. I almost got mugged last night, but thankfully Batman saved me."

I watched as his expression slightly changed.

"Gotham really doesn't know how fortunate they are to have someone like him."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the papers are always saying that he is a menace and that they don't need him. If he wouldn't have been there to save me, I most likely would have been killed, he is a true hero."

Bruce smirked,

"I'm sure he would have liked to have heard that from you."

"Well I did thank him, but I wish I could do something more to show my gratitude, but what can you give to someone like him."

Bruce looked around at all the chocolates, he was trying to decide on something and after a few minutes, I decided to help him out. I looked at what he was wearing and how his posture was, business like, with a little tweak of adventure. I figured out what he would enjoy the most.

"Mr. Wayne."

"You can call me Bruce."

"Okay, Bruce. I think I found what you're looking for."

He looked at me with a skeptical expression, but watched me as I walked over to the shelf and pulled down a bowl of dark chocolate dipped cranberries. I had the bowl in both hands,

"Here, try one, on the house. I know there your favorite."


I watched as he picked one up, placing it on his tongue and started chewing. It didn't take long before his skeptical expression melted into a smile of satisfaction. His eyes closed and I heard him lightly moan. If only I could be the one to make him moan like that, I thought. After a few more seconds, he opened his eyes.

I smiled, "I take it you like them."

"How did you ever guess that those were my favorite?"

"It's not that hard. By the cut of your suit, you went to a very prestigious school and by your posture, you have very good manners, but with good manners comes human nature for adventure. It's a little hard to explain, but when you mix the way you look with everything, it comes down to a dark chocolate covered cranberry."

"Well, I still don't know how you do it, but you obviously know what you're doing. How much are they per pound?"

"Um.they are 10.50 per lb."

"Well I will take three pounds."

"Coming right up."

I took the bowl and went to the scale, weighing out three pounds, putting a little extra for good luck, not that Bruce Wayne needed it, but you never know. I placed the chocolates in a plastic bag, with my custom label, and tied it off with a nice blue grey ribbon. As I turned back to the counter, I noticed that Bruce was focusing on my backside, but I figured that it was just my imagination and hormones getting the best of me. I placed the bag on the counter and put the amount into the cash register.

"Okay, Bruce, your total comes to $31.50."

I watched as he pulled out his wallet, slightly opening it and handing me a fifty.

"Here you go, keep the change."

"Thank you."

"I hope to see you again. By the way I didn't catch your name."

"It's Frankie."

"Well goodnight Frankie, and please be careful. Don't take anymore alleys."

"I won't. Goodnight."

He turned to leave and I couldn't help but stare at his butt as it lightly swayed. As Bruce closed the door, I quickly followed, turning the sign off and locking the door. By the time I got out, I saw the bus just leave the terminal. I tried to run, but the pain was too much.

"Great, just freaking fantastic.

It's going to take me at least an hour to get home, maybe longer in this condition. I started to turn back to the store, when a familiar voice, made me jump.

"Would you care for a ride? I see you missed your bus."

I turned to see Bruce waiting by a nice 61 Coupe Deville.

"Normally I would say no thanks, but I really don't want to walk home."

He opened the passenger door for me and I slid in. As I got settled, I watched him walk to the driver side and get in. After we both buckled up, he started the engine and we were off. I gave him directions to where I lived, but something said that he really didn't need them. That he somehow knew where I lived already.

"Bruce can I ask you a question?"


"Aren't you usually chauffeured?"

"Yes, but I gave Alfred the night off. Alfred is my butler and driver."

"Oh okay."

After a few minutes of silence, we reached my house. Bruce pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition.

"Would you like to come in for a drink?"

"I don't want to impose."

"You won't be, you'll be the first company I've had in a few weeks."

"Only if you're sure."

"I am. Now I'm sure its nothing compared to Wayne manor, but I got.what I got."

"Not a problem."

We both slid out of the car and as he set the alarm, we walked up to my little one room home. After checking the mail, I got out my keys and unlocked the front door. I turned the living room light on, revealing my posters of Marilyn Monroe and Katherine Hepburn. He walked in and shut the door behind him. I set my keys on the table and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"What do you like to drink Bruce, coffee, tea, water, soda, brandy?"

I smirked at the latter and saw Bruce smirking as well.

"I will take a cup of tea. By the way I really love your home, it's very cozy. It looks like a home to live in. You know how there are houses that always stay houses, but they never become homes. I don't like that."

"I agree."

He walked into my small dinning room and stood by the table.

"You can have a seat if you like."

I watched as he took off his coat and sat down, and began watching me. Even as I had my back to him, I felt his eyes on me. When I turned to give him his cup, I noticed how tight his shirt was fitting him, hugging onto his every muscle. I placed the hot cup on a coaster and went back to the stove to pour myself one.

"Do you take lemon, or sugar?"

"Both if you have some."

"I do."

I grabbed the pre-sliced lemon wedges from the refrigerator and my little container of sugar and sat down at the table. Just as I sat down, I realized I forgot a spoon. I went to stand up, but felt some pain, and winced. Bruce clearly noticed,

"Would you like me to get a spoon?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not a problem. Just tell me where to go."

"It's the top drawer on the left."

He stood up and found the utensils drawer, grabbing a spoon and sitting back down. He handed it to me and I mixed some of the sugar into my tea, and squeezed a lemon wedge into the brown liquid. I handed the spoon back to him and watched as he did the same.

As he was busy mixing away, I peered up at the clock, 8:47pm. I heard the spoon lightly hit the table as he finished mixing, bring my attention back to him. This was the first time I noticed how beautiful his eyes were. They were a nice shade of hazel, almost the color of ochre. He smiled a half smile and sipped his tea.

"This is really good. What company is it?"

"It isn't, I mix my own teas."

"Wow, it tastes really good. What's in it? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's a mix of orange peel, rose hip, lavender and raspberry leaf."

"Sounds just as good as it tastes."

"Well thank you."

"So Frankie, what do you do for fun?"

"Nothing really, I just work and stay home. I don't have any friends; I'm kind of a loner."

Bruce looked rather sad. He placed his hand on top of mine. It was soft and coarse at the same time.

"We have to change that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well how would you like to have dinner tomorrow at my house?"

I was stunned, Bruce Wayne just asked me out, but he's straight. I always see him on the news on in the newspaper with a woman on his arm.

"Look Bruce don't take this the wrong way, but are you even gay? Because I don't want to get emotionally attached to a straight man. I don't think I can handle that."

"Well if you do get emotionally attached it won't be to a straight man. I really wouldn't like this to get into the tabloids, but I'm gay. The women I go out with are just for public appearances, that's all."


"Is that alright' you understand or alright', you will go out with me tomorrow?"


I watched as his expression changed. He smiled brighter than ever. We shared small talk, and after about forty minutes, he said that he should get going. I was sad to see him leave, but I understood. As I walked him to the front door, he opened it and turned to look me in the eyes.

"Frankie would it be to forward of me to kiss you on the cheek?"

"Well for any other guy I would say yes it would be, but because you're Bruce Wayne, you get special treatment." We both shared a smile.

He leaned over and lightly kissed me on my cheek. I rather wished it were more than that, but I guess that that was good enough. He bid me good night and turned to leave. I locked the door, made a sandwich and went to my bedroom to watch some TV. After finishing my food, I went to clean up the kitchen and get ready for bed. I finished washing the dishes, drying them off and putting them away, and then made my way to my room and got undressed for a shower. The water felt good, and as I lathered up some soap to wash my hair, I got the feeling that I wasn't alone. I quickly washed out the soap and turned the water off. I climbed out of the tub and put my pajamas on. As I was drying my hair, I went into my bedroom and hung up my towel. I noticed that my window was open and my first thought was that those two guys from last night found out where I lived and came back to finish the job. I felt a hand touch my back and as I turned around, I saw that it was the masked face of Batman.

"Jeezus, you scared me."

"My apologizes, I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I feel okay, I'm sore, but okay."

"That's good."

"So did you just come to check on me?"

"Well yes.and to do my job."

"Yes.and about that. I really want to thank you for saving my life."

I walked up to him and looked into his eyes, feeling like I knew him. I took a chance and kissed his lips. I kept my eyes open to see what he would do, but all he did was stand there, but after a few seconds I felt his arm hold onto my side.


"I'm sorry."

"No.I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you. I just wanted to thank you and I figure this was the best I could do."

"Your welcome."

As he said this he leaned down and kissed me back, letting my tongue travel into his mouth. I backed up and fell onto my bed, letting him get on top of me. His silky cape flowed over him and onto me. He took his gloves off and let his hands travel under my shirt. I moaned out,


"Yes Frankie."

We kissed for a while, and as we did, I let my hand travel over his rubber-costumed chest and felt for a seam, finally after a second I found one under his utility belt. I reached in and felt his hardness growing. Just by feeling, I could tell he was well gifted. I could hear him moan,

"Oh I haven't felt like this in a long time." I whispered

"That's a shame. Any man would be lucky to have you."


I pulled my hand out from his costume and placed it on his back. I could feel him, through his costume, still hard. While our tongues wrestled, I tasted something familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. When he lifted back up, I got up with him.

"I wish people knew how really special you are Batman. Every night you risk your life to save helpless people like me."

"Thank you, but you're not helpless. And I wish people saw how special you are as well."

I straitened his belt for him and as I reached to fix his mask, he lightly grabbed my wrist, not painfully, but enough to stop me.

"I wasn't going to try and remove it. I promise. It's just a little crooked."

He let go of my hands and I lightly straightened his mask. I smiled as I finished,

"That took a lot of trust didn't it?"

"It did. I know a lot of people who would die to know my identity."

"I would like to know, but it's up to you, if you want to tell me. I would never try to do anything that would jeopardize your identity."

"Thank you. I'm sure if you think about it, you'll figure it out for yourself."

I smirked and as he climbed on the ledge of my window, I waved goodbye. He nodded as he disappeared into the night. I turned out the light and tried to get some sleep. But when I rolled over, I felt something on my back, I reached over, feeling a little pain, but pulled out his gloves. Batman forgot his gloves, I couldn't believe it.

Chapter 2: Dinner with a Bat

Next: Chapter 2

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