Frank and Me


Published on Aug 22, 2003


Disclaimer: This story is written by an adult, for adults, and about adults. This neither intended for nor should be read by anyone under 18 years of age or living in a community where such literature is illegal.

Frank and Me -- Part 6

My first fuck with Frank was awesome, and I wanted more. However, considering the sex and the beer from the night before, I was a bit too tired to continue right after Frank popped my cherry ass. I needed a couple hours to rest before we got going again. After all, it was only Saturday morning, and I had half of the weekend left. Frank had a few things to do, so I decided to go back to my dorm room.

I got back to my dorm around noon to get some shuteye. My roommate Todd was gone, so the place was quiet. I striped to my boxers and plopped onto my bed. I had been asleep for about an hour when I heard the door slam shut.

"Well, it's about time you came home. We were worried about you," Todd said with sarcasm and a laugh.

"Go away, Todd. I'm trying to sleep," I replied.

"Oh, poor baby. Are we suffering a hangover from too much partying?" he asked.

"No hangover. Just tired." I answered. "By the way, where have you been?" I asked.

"I had a game, which we won, if you give a shit, and then I stopped with some guys for lunch on the way back," Todd replied. "Right now I'm going to shower, and then meet up with some friends later. You're welcome to join us if you want," he said.

"I don't know. Right now I just want to sleep," I replied. "I'll let you know later."

I laid back down on my stomach and closed my eyes. As I attempted to go back to sleep, I heard things fall on our dorm room floor. I opened my eyes to see Todd undressing.

Todd's 6'1" tan and muscular frame had always interested me, but I had always tried to block it from my mind. Todd had never been shy, so his undressing was nothing new. However, I was always too afraid to take a hard look at him, fearing he might catch my gaze. After all, I didn't want my roommate to think I wanted him. Well, since the activities of last night and this morning I was a bit bolder, so I stared.

Todd's back was to me. He had already kicked off his shoes and removed his socks when I had opened my eyes. He pulled his shirt over his head to reveal his strong back. The sight was exhilarating. My dick began to harden at the thought of what was to come. Thankfully it was under me rather than sticking up like a tent post. Todd reached in front of him, and I could tell he was untying his sweat pants. Then with a single pull, he removed both his pants and briefs. His hairy ass was pointing right at me. I sat there quietly hoping he'd turn around, so I could get a good look at his hairy chest and package.

Todd grabbed a towel and turned around. I instinctively closed my eyes, as if I was asleep. "Hey," he called to me. I said nothing, continuing to pretend to be asleep. SMACK! He whacked my ass with his hand, and I quickly spun around. "Hey, don't give me any bullshit. I knew you're still awake. You couldn't have fallen asleep that quickly," he exclaimed. I just glared at him, as if I was mad. I didn't want him to suspect that I enjoyed the contact even if it were painful. I also didn't want him to know I loved the sight before me. His flaccid meat was inches from me. I could have easily reached out and grabbed it, but I controlled my self.

"I'm going to the shower, and leaving the door unlocked, so I don't have to take my room key," he continued.

"Bullshit! Take your key and lock the fuckin' door," I ordered.

"Fuck off. If you want the door locked, do it yourself and then let me back in," Todd countermanded.

Todd wrapped his towel around him and headed for the door. I got up behind him as he opened the door.

"I'll let you back in," I said as I ripped his towel from him and pushed him in the hallway, "...maybe." I shut the door and laughed loud enough that he could hear me.

Todd began to pound on the door. "Open the door you mother fucker!" he screamed and pounded.

"Go take your shower," I yelled back. "I'll have your towel there for you when you get out."

The pounding stopped and I could hear him cursing all the way down the hall. I could also hear whistling and laughing, so I knew others were aware of what had happened.

I opened the door to see our neighbor Jon laughing. I tossed him the towel and said, "Go give that to Todd." I shut the door and bounced into bed.

I still had a woody from the experience. I wanted to jack off, but knew that Todd would make it a very quick shower. I had to simply think of something else to get my dick soft before he got back.

Within ten minutes, Todd was knocking on the door. "Open up, Scott, you fuck head!" I slowly got out of bed and opened the door.

"Well, that was quick," I said with a smirk, looking at his semi-wet body wrapped only in his towel.

Todd just pushed past me. I closed the door behind him. Before I knew it, Todd grabbed me and threw me to the floor. "So you thought it was funny to push me into the hall naked?" he asked rhetorically. Well, now your going to see how you like it. He started to literally rip my boxers off of me. I struggled as best I could, but Todd was obviously bigger and stronger than me. All I was able to grab was the small towel around his waist. As he was busy ripping my boxers, I flung his towel off and threw it across the room.

"Okay, Todd, if I go out naked so will you again," I laughed as we wrestled.

"You shithead!" he exclaimed, and struggled to pin me to the floor.

At this point our nude bodies were intertwined on the dorm room floor. I could feel his hot flesh against mine. Occasionally I could feel his manhood slap against me. This naked wrestling got me excited. Finally, Todd had me pinned. He was sitting over but not exactly on me. He had my arms held above me. I gazed up at this Adonis, as he straddled me. I could feel my cock starting to swell. I was excited by my roomie, yet scared if he saw that I was too excited.

I must have had a look of panic on my face. "Relax," Todd said, "I'm not going to kill you or even beat the shit out of you. I just wanted to teach you a lesson. That wasn't real nice what you did to me."

"I'm sorry, Todd. I was just messing with you," I told him.

"That's okay. I was actually laughing about it to myself in the shower. I never thought you had enough guts to do something like that," he said as he released my arms. Then the unthinkable happened. He relaxed himself and sat down directly on my hard cock, which was now tucked in the crack of his ass. He froze, and my eyes bugged out of their sockets.

"Scott, why is your dick hard against my ass?" he asked me. I was speechless. "Did all this make you horny?" Again I was afraid to respond, yet he didn't move. "Roomie, are you into guys?" he asked.

"Yes," was all I could say.

Suddenly, without warning Todd leaned down and kissed me right on the lips. He parted my lips with his tongue, and we deeply French kissed each other. My dream had come true. I reached out and held him tight to me. I didn't want to let him go. If this was a dream, I didn't want it to end. We rolled on the floor as we held each other. Our hands began to roam. I felt his large hands grab my ass and began to knead them. I began to plaid with his hairy chest and muscular back.

Todd broke our kiss as he pushed me onto my back. He started kissing his way down my body, taking my nipples in his mouth and sucking on them. This not only made my nips hard, but also did wonders for my dick. Todd's hands grasped my balls and shaft. He gently plaided with my nuts as he stroked my cock. He gazed at it, examining it.

I was in heaven. The feeling of my roomie jacking me off was incredible. I wanted more. To my surprise, I blurted out, "suck me."

Todd looked up at me, and we looked into each other's eyes. He smiled and then looked at my erection. Without a word, he engulfed my cock. His hot mouth worked its way up and down the shaft. I moaned approval of his cock sucking. "Todd, turn yourself around," I instructed. He did so, bringing his engorged phallus toward my lips. As we laid on our sides in a sixty-nine position, I took his cock in my hand. Surprisingly it was only about six inches erect, but it was very think. It reminded me of a beer can – short but fat. I opened my mouth stretching it to the limit so I could suck on his dick. I could taste the pre-cum in his pee slit. It drove me over the edge as I tried to get more and more of his shaft down my throat. I absolutely loved the sensation of being sucked at the same time I'm sucking a cock.

As we sucked each other off, I thought I had heard something., but I was too engrossed in taste and feel of Todd's cock in my mouth. Suddenly I heard the sound of our door shut. "Oh, fuck! We forgot to lock the door," I thought to myself. I looked up and saw Jon looking down on us.

"Oh fuck, man. Please don't say anything to anyone," Todd pleaded.

"I knocked, but no one answered," Jon told us. "So I just opened it, knowing you two were in here." Jon locked the door and continued to look at the site of two naked guys before him.

"We'll do anything just please don't tell anyone about this," Todd again pleaded.

Jon smiled and pulled his shirt over his head. Todd and I looked at each other, knowing that Jon intended to join us. John continued to undress, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his fly. He pulled his pants down to reveal tighty-whites with a bulge. The without another word Jon pulled off his briefs and his socks to exposed his body.

Jon was an eighteen-year-old freshman. He was only 5'6" and rather skinny. He had tone muscles but had rather pale, hairless skin. He was a bit opposite of Todd, but still cute. He was what some might call a "twink." No one had ever seen Jon naked before. He seemed to always be in and out of the shower before anyone else in the morning. We all figured that he was just ultra shy. Well, this just blew that image out of the water.

Jon walked over to Todd's bed and sat on the edge, looking down at us. "So, you'll do anything?" he asked starting to stroke his dick.

Todd looked at him with a grin and said, "Yea, anything."

Jon looked at the both of us. "Well then, Scott, I want you to come suck my cock. Todd, I want you to bring that fat cock over here so I can suck you off."

Without any hesitation, I scooted on the floor and sat in between Jon's legs. Todd walked and stood on the bed, placing his dick within reach of Jon. I looked back at Jon's cock. As it began to grow with anticipation, I suddenly realized why Jon didn't want to be seen nude in the dorm shower. He cock was enormous! Compared to his skinny, short frame, he dong was absolutely massive. I grasped his meat with my right hand and stroked him to full length. He was at least eleven inches long, if not longer, but not quite as thick as Todd. I was fixated on the sight before me, as I continued to stroke Jon.

"Come on, suck me," Jon commanded, looking down on me, as he stroked Todd's much thinker dick. For such a scrawny guy, Jon surely had a commanding presence during sex, and with a dick that size was understandable.

I did as ordered. I went down on this huge dong before me. The head went easily in, since Jon wasn't as thick as Todd. I went as far as I could, getting about five or six inches in my mouth. Realizing that I would never be able to take the whole thing, I pulled off and licked up and down and all around Jon's shaft. The feeling must have been okay, since I heard him moan his approval.

I looked up to see Todd face fucking Jon. Jon clearly had a bigger mouth than me, because he was able to take all of Todd straight down to his pubes.

After I had Jon slicked, I went back down on him, giving him the best blow job I knew how. I moved my hands in motion as I went up and down on Jon's dong, stroking and sucking at the same time.

This suck fest went on for several minutes, then I noticed Todd get off the bed. I continued to suck, but wondered what he was doing. Suddenly I felt his hands on my ass as he spread my butt cheeks. He then licked my sweaty crack with his tongue from my balls over my pucker hole to the end of my crack. He continued this licking, making me really wet. Todd's tongue went directly into my hole deeper than I thought possible for a tongue. He moved it around and in and out, sending shivers through me. My ass wanted a cock.

"Do it," Jon called out to Todd.

Todd ceased rimming me and placed his hands on both of my hips. I knew what was coming. I tried to relax the best that I could, but Todd was really thick. I could feel the same pleasure and pain of my first fuck just hours before, but this time it was more intense. Todd can size dick felt like it was ripping me apart. "Relax," he told me. "I know you can do this," Todd said with encouragement.

Soon I felt Todd's pubes on my ass. He was all the way in. He was motionless for a short time, waiting for my ass to loosen. As the pain subsided, I told Todd, "Okay, go ahead." With that he began his back and forth motion, moving his thick cock in and out of my ass. The pain remained, but it also felt good. "Come on man, fuck me faster," I instructed him. Todd picked up his pace and was moving like a piston behind me.

I went back down on Jon's monster cock, taking it in farther than I did before.

"That's it, suck me . . . lick my horse dick you cocksucker," Jon whispered. I moved faster and faster on his dong trying to keep in motion with the cock going in and out of my ass.

Suddenly I could feel the fat cock swell even more in my ass. Before I knew it, my bowels were hit be wave after wave of Todd's cum. He shot at east six times in my ass. There was no where else for the jizz to go, so I could feel it leak out of my ass and down my legs. Todd stayed there for a moment trying to squeeze every drop of cum in me.

"Stop sucking," Jon instructed. "Move up here on the bed," he motioned to me. Todd pulled his shrinking cock out of my ass with a loud pop! We all giggled under our breath.

I laid on the bed on my back. Jon kneeled between my legs and lifted them over his shoulders. "Man, your ass is still wide open. You shouldn't have any problem taking my cock," Jon declared. Without any further ado Jon plunged his cock into my ass. His monster cock slipped right in without a problem, thanks to Todd stretching and sperm for lube, but then Jon hit bottom. It was like he had fucked right up to my stomach. I winced in pain, but Jon had his eyes closed and didn't seem to care. In short order, Jon was moving in and out of my asshole like a racecar piston. I was sure he was going to rip me wide open. I took a pillow and screamed into it.

"Slow down, Jon. You're hurting him," I heard Todd tell him.

"Maybe a little bit, but he can take it. I can tell he is a great bottom," Jon replied.

"Scott, take that pillow away and clean Todd's dick for him," Jon commanded.

The pain had subsided again, as Jon said. Todd moved next to the bed by my head. I reached out and grabbed his limp dick. I took it in my mouth and licked all around, tasting my own as on his shaft. It was pungent, yet intoxicating. I sucked every bit of cum left in Todd's manhood.

As I cleaned Todd, he jerked my cock faster and faster for me. The experience was too much to hold back and I came in seemingly buckets on my chest. Todd leaned down and licked my chest and dick clean for me just as I had done for him.

Jon continued his furious pace. After about five more minutes, he moaned "Oh, fuck, man, I'm cumming!" His fire hot cum filled my ass, mixing with what Todd had deposited. Jon continued a few more strokes, making sure he had deposited all his sperm in me. Jon then pulled out , but this time no pop.

"Oh fuck man, he's bleeding," Todd said.

I was too exhausted to move.

"Let me see," Jon said pushing Todd out of the way. He examined my ass. "There's a little tear, but nothing requiring a doctor. He'll heal, and be ready for our monster cocks later."

Jon took tissue from my nightstand, and began to clean my ass, as seemingly gallons of cum flowed out of me as I laid there. Todd put some sweatpants on and quickly left the room. In a few moments he was back with some wet cloths from the bathroom. Jon and Todd cleaned me up until there was no more cum or blood visible.

"Your ass is going to be really sore for a couple days, but then you'll be ready for more," Jon said.

"What makes you think I want more of that?" I asked.

"Because you're a natural bottom, Scott," Todd interrupted. "If your ass can take my thick dick and his long schlong, you can take anything."

I wasn't quite sure if they were right, but I was quite sure I was willing to try again.

But, what would I tell Frank later this evening when he wanted to fuck some more?

More to cum . . .

Next: Chapter 7

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