
By stevey Lister

Published on Jul 6, 2003


For all of you who read "Frank" and wanted to read some more, I thought I'd tell you about our relationship a few months on.

Frank used to go running most mornings unless it was really cold or really wet. I wondered why sometimes and I used to tease him that he was not actually losing any weight. He's not a fat guy, but he's definitely well-built'. He'd come down to the store from his apartment, pick a bottle of water out of the chiller and he'd be out running for a couple of hours. He'd get back red-faced, sweating profusely and exhausted. He was rich enough not to have to work anymore. He owned the deli under his apartment, a little Italian restaurant in the Theatre District of New York that made him plenty of greenbacks. He also owned a whole load of apartments all over New York. I learned from several people that when he was younger he was a successful gambler and had connections' to some pretty `heavy' Italian families... if you get my drift.

Anyways, when Frank had finished his morning run, I got into the habit of giving him an hour or so to shower and change and relax and then I would call on him and just pass the time of day whilst taking my morning break. I called on him one morning and he was busy having what I called `an Italian argument'. Cursing and threatening and using the wildest hand-gestures you ever saw. When he finished he turned to me and said,

"A few years ago and I would have tied the motherfucker to a tree and beat him with a pistol gripped shotgun... the filthy bastard..."

"Jesus Frank, calm down. What's the matter with you?" I walked over to him as he walked into the kitchen and poured a coffee.

"My Lawyer wants $44000 bucks for a land deal that he screwed up a few years ago... I told him to go to hell and now he's found out that it wouldn't be wise to keep pressing me for the money. Did you ever notice how similar Lawyer is to Liar?" I couldn't help it; I just started to laugh and put my hands on his shoulders and started to massage him. He tried to stay stern-faced for ages but cracked when he heard me laughing.

"So, you'd tie him up and torture him would you... you great big bully... "

"I'd kick his ass all the way back to Nevada or wherever the hick-town thieving little bastard comes from."

"If I was a naughty boy, would you tie me up and torture me too?" I asked in a naughty little boy's voice and he turned to face me. Our faces were only inches apart and I stared into his deep bluey-green eyes. He stared back and with the look of a stern headmaster spoke quietly.

"If you were a naughty boy, I'd fasten you to the door-frame and humiliate you for hours upon hours. I smack your little fanny `till you begged for mercy... Why? Have you been a naughty boy?"

"I been real bad sir..." I looked down to the floor in a sheepish naughty-boy kind of way and he took my arm and twisted it up my back until I was bent over. He didn't do it to the point where it hurt and it was all play-acting anyway. Whilst I was bent over he whacked my ass about four or five times and it smarted.

"Ouch... fuck Frank that hurt..." He slapped me again only not so hard this time.

"How dare you use such language to me you filthy-mouthed little boy. When you've finished all your chores downstairs you can come straight back to me and I'll teach to be a foul-mouthed little boy. I'll show you what your mouth is really for!"

Ooh, I wondered what he'd got in mind and boy did I kill time by working it to death that afternoon. I was watching the time and eventually it reached 7.30 and the store closed. I walked up the street and to the back door of the apartment and rang the bell.

I stepped into Frank's apartment and we chatted for a while and I drank a few beers. Frank was in a playful mood and kept referring to me as `his naughty boy'. I knew he was hinting that we should start to play but I thought I'd string him along for a while. Eventually he stood up and walked over to me and took me by the hand to his bedroom. I'd never been in there before and it was a fantastic room with a large oval-shaped bed. There was nothing cheap about the room or the décor; it was understated and tasteful in the extreme. As I walked into the room Frank grabbed my hair from the back and pulled me back into the doorway.

"Stay there and don't move a fuckin' inch or I'll beat you black and blue". He scared me this time and until I saw the glint in his eye and the grin creeping over his lips, I'd wondered what the hell was going on. He walked to the bed and pulled a sports bag from underneath it and opened the bag. The first thing he took out of the bag was a blindfold. He turned to me and threw it on the floor...

"Put that on NOW!" I complied willingly.

In my now darkened world I really did feel uneasy and excited at the same time. It's strange how as soon as your sight is taken away, your other senses kick in quickly. I heard his breathing near me and kept turning my head to figure out where he was.

He took my right hand and I felt a soft cord being tied around my wrist. My whole arm was then hoisted up way above my head and I could feel the side of the doorframe. A few minutes later and I felt the same happening to my left hand. I felt the cord being tied around my left ankle and he pulled my leg to the other side of the doorframe. My right leg followed and I was now tied like a fucking slave to his bedroom doorframe. I was fully clothed and though my uniform was dirty from a day's work, I wondered why he'd not stripped me first. Still, this was Frank's fantasy, I thought I'd leave him to it.

I swear I could hear Frank undressing and I tried to picture where he was and what he was doing.

"Frank... Frank... where are you? Come on, where the fuck are you...?"

"I'm here. I'm stood about ten feet away from you -- don't panic". I heard a drawer being opened and I could hear Frank looking through the drawer until eventually...

"Ah just what I was looking for... scissors!"

Shit... what was he gonna do with scissors?

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I could smell him next to me. I felt my shirt being unbuttoned and when he opened the shirt I felt scissors tucking into the arms. I could feel and hear the snipping going on for ages and eventually my shirt came off. He licked at my nipples which by now were like two 7.62mm bullets. He bit them softly and then licked my hairy armpits over and over again. My penis was hard and I knew he could see my bulge through the thin blue cotton uniform trousers. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis JR played in the background and the whole thing seemed quite surreal. He held the bulge in my trousers and squeezed and rubbed it, it wouldn't go any harder, it was already like a rod of iron.

He squeezed around me and was now standing behind me. He held my breasts with both hands and kissed all over the back of my neck and shoulders. He slid his hand down to my bulging crotch again and held me. Then I felt the scissors on the waistband of my trousers. He struggled for a while and then broke through the waistband and started to cut down the left leg. I felt the rush of air as the trouser leg gaped open. He started on the right leg and again I felt them open and then drop to the floor. I was now standing there in boots, sock and tight grey boxer shorts.

Then everything went quiet and I heard Frank in the next room. The music went a little louder and then he came back to me. He pulled my boxer shorts down and when they reached my knees, my opened and tied legs wouldn't let them fall to the floor. Yes... you guessed it, he set about them with those damned scissors again.

After a few snips, I was naked, blindfolded and wondering what was going to happen next. He put his hand on my butt and squeezed it tight and then grabbed both cheeks and pulled them apart. He licked my tight little anus over and over again and wanked my rock-hard cock at the same time. I swear I was only seconds from cumming all over the floor. I could feel his face against my ass and every now and then I could feel his hot breath up my ass.

He put a finger in my asshole and slowly pushed it all the way inside of me. He wriggled that finger around and boy did that feel good. He suddenly stopped and took his finger out, he put his finger in my mouth and rubbed it all around my tongue. He then placed his mouth carefully over mine and licked inside my mouth over and over again. His long and now hard cock was slamming into mine and I wished that I could see it and touch it. He stood next to me quite obviously jerking himself off. I know he was doing that cos his dick was hitting mine with every up-stroke'.

A minute or so later he unfastened the ropes on my hands and told me to kneel. I obliged. He next fastened my wrists to my ankles and I was forced to stick my ass in the air and my face on the floor in order to balance. Now I really did feel vulnerable!

He lifted my head and shoulders up and the next thing I knew was his cock being wiped all around my face. I tried to grab it in my mouth but he wouldn't let it happen... the tease! He got up and went round the back of me now and started feeling me from underneath... Groping is the best word I can find to describe what he was doing. He was pulling my balls hard and licking my asshole again. I felt a finger go back inside me only this time it felt thicker. I realised it was two fingers and he was finger fucking me hard. It hurt a bit but it was almost a pleasant hurt. I felt sweaty and was panting already with what he was doing to me. He pulled his fingers out of me and as quick as a flash I felt the head of his cock slide straight in.

He pushed and pushed harder and harder. I felt the whole length of his meaty cock travel right into my anal canal until I felt his belly against my ass. I could feel his cock in my stomach and he fucked slowly whilst he reached around and held my cock. He started to fuck harder and harder until eventually it felt like someone riding a rodeo horse. He was banging me all over the doorway. God it felt good!

After about five minutes of solid fucking pounding I felt his rhythm going haywire, I heard him starting to groan and he stopped with his cock deep inside me and I felt him cumming in my asshole. I could feel his cock twitching as he spurted his pearl-white love juice inside. He fucked me slowly just three or four times and eventually withdrew. He crawled around me and lifted my head and shoulders up and without any warning stuck his sticky-dick into my mouth.

"Clean it until it fucking shines boy..." These were the first words he'd said since he tied me up. I sucked it and licked it and after a while I couldn't taste my cum on it at all, I think it was now clean.

I lay there waiting for him to untie me and remove my blindfold, but he didn't. I heard him walk away and I heard the shower switching on. The bastard was going to leave me here...! He really was going to humiliate me. I tried to imagine what I looked like just tied there, I thought I could hear noises around me and after a few minutes it started to get a bit scary.

I pulled at the ropes but they wouldn't shift, I tried to nudge the blindfold off but it was fastened tight. About ten minutes went by and I heard him get out of the shower and I could hear the towel rubbing against his skin. He came out of the bathroom and came towards me.

"Lift your head up... I'm putting a bowl under your head."

"What the fuck for Frank, I've had enough now, please untie me..."

"I'll untie you when I'm ready. I told you I would humiliate you and I haven't finished yet. If I let you go now you'll never know what it is like to be truly sexually humiliated and I owe it to you to go all the fucking way. Lift your head up..."

I lifted my head up fearing the worst and felt hot piss splashing into my face -- thank god for that. I slurped once or twice and drank some of his golden water. He was laughing and saying "drink it... come on I bet it tastes like French Champagne...". So I drank more -- strange taste, not nice but not unpleasant too.

The last trickle dribbled from the end of his cock and I licked it clean. I could feel him squeezing every last drop along the full length of it. When he'd finished, he began to untie me. Feet first and then he helped me to stand, my knees were shaking and I was just a tad unsteady. He left my hands tied and the blindfold on. He walked me through the apartment and into the bathroom. He opened the shower door and got in with me.

"I think we need to give you a good clean you dirty, filthy little boy".

He pulled the blindfold off and I saw him for the first time in about an hour and a half. The grin on his face was massive, like a naughty whore that's just overcharged a punter. My hands were still fastened behind my back and I still felt very vulnerable. He took some liquid soap and rubbed his hands together until it frothed and then he started to wash me... all over. He spent a long time rubbing his soapy hands all over my cock and balls and between my legs. He washed my bottom good and proper and at one point said...

"Right bend right over so I can make sure that your pretty little asshole is clean..."

I bent over and he rubbed it clean with soap, showered the soap off and then put his head between my cheeks and licked it clean. I love a tongue up my ass...

After a while he unfastened me and we washed each other... I kept running my fingers through the greying hair on his chest and down his belly to the jet black ones which framed his sore-looking cock. I washed him between his legs to and it's strange how fantastic a flaccid cock feels when it's soaped up. His testicles hung low and soft and were almost drooping below his cock now. I squeezed them gently and looked into his eyes...

"I love your balls Frank, I want them in my mouth next time... when they're all sweaty and wet. I think we're gonna have to trim those pubes a bit though... you know, make them nice and neat..."

"Hey... whatever", he said.

"Frank, you're a dirty old man! What you did to me, you have to be punished for you know, and I'm just the man to do it. I think I should discipline you properly next time eh?"

"Oooh yeah, but make sure you do it properly, don't pretend will you?"

I collected my wrecked uniform from the floor and stared at them in disbelief. I now had nothing to wear and Frank just laughed.

"There's a new set of overalls on the bed, if anyone says anything in the store just tell them you ripped your old ones and Frank gave you a new set..."

We ended the night drinking wine and listening to the CD player -- Led Zeppelin of all things! But it was good, the day was now ended and the night almost over. I arranged to see Frank in four days time and I was really looking forward to it.

I stood at the door of his apartment whilst saying goodbye and we kissed again, a long lingering wet, tonguey kiss. I turned around to walk down the stairs and saw the old lady opposite watching us. She shook her head in disgust and slammed her door; I just laughed and walked away.

I wanked myself to sleep that night thinking about what Frank had done to me, I now had to fantasise about what I was going to do to Frank... I needed suggestions...

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