Franciscan fRriars

Published on Oct 15, 2022



Friends, oral, anal, M/MMM

This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of boys and men discovering their sexuality. It contains graphic scenes of sex between a consenting and adult male. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Copyright 2022 Wolf, all rights reserved.

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Franciscan Friars



I was the youngest boy of a family of five boys in an American-Italian family from Seattle, Washington. My mother insisted that I would become Catholic priest. I was sheltered by my older brothers. My brothers indulged in a lot of stuff they insisted that I couldn't because I was going to be a priest.

They were all smoking and drinking before puberty and they all lost their virginity to some local girls that were known to put out. Again, I was denied for the same reason. I did have a best friend from parochial school and when we were about eight-years old we discovered the pleasures of mutual masturbation and within a few months we graduated to mutual oral sex. I was eventually caught and I was punished and shamed for my behavior. That did not deter us from continuing our sexual activity. School became my refuge though. My family insisted that I achieve good grades. I was always expected to bring home A's on my report card. There was a lot of hand ringing when I brought home a B on my Calculus report card. I did manage to graduate from high school as the valedictorian and entered college as a philosophy and theology major.

I worked hard to maintain a 4.00 GPA while I attended the University of Washington. I was still unsure if I was worthy of becoming a priest, but my family insisted that I fulfill my mother's desire for me to become a priest. I spent a lot of nights burning the midnight oil to ensure that I graduated Magna-Cum-Laude. As soon as I graduated, I applied for acceptance to the Seattle Franciscan Seminary.

The first year I was so busy I had very little time to think about my feelings but late at night I would wake up in a sweat and all I could think about was the pleasure I had sucking the penis of my schoolmate and I would masturbate until I would- cum into a wash cloth before I could sleep. I was consumed by guilt as soon as I finished masturbating. I felt unworthy of becoming a priest.

A Franciscan Friar was my confessor. He was aware that I was struggling with somethings, and it wasn't the academics. He was the kind of man that was very carrying. You couldn't help liking him. Father Mickell was only about 5-feet 7-inches tall. He weighed about 140 pounds. His face was round, with a receding brown hairline, playful blue-green eyes, and ready smile at all times. I had only seen him in the brown hooded Franciscan habit with the white cord around his waist, and because of the weather he always wore white sweat-socks with the leather sandals. We spent a lot of time together discussing a wide variety of subjects.

We ate our meals together in the communal dining hall., and walked in the flower garden. One afternoon we were walking together in the rose garden with no one within fifty feet of us. He asked me about my feelings about Church doctrine. He was comfortable with my responses. Then he changed the subject and confronted me with what I was struggling with. "Joseph, I know there is something you are struggling with! You know that I am your friend and I hope you feel comfortable confiding with me whatever is troubling you?"

I almost broke down crying. "I don't feel worthy of becoming a priest! I am not comfortable with celibacy. I have never had lustful desires for a woman but when I was a youngster, I had sex with a classmate form fifth grade through high school. Now I can't get any rest because I'm always thinking the sex, we had with each other. I have been masturbating every night and consumed with guilt of abusing myself."

Father Mickell invited me to sit on a sone beach to continue our discussion. He placed his hand on my thigh and said: "My son, everyone studying to become a priest has feeling of unworthiness because of their sexual desires. Within the Franciscan order we have orders for priests like you and myself. I knew that I was gay when I was a just a boy. I met a Friar that assured me that I was a child of GOD and he loved me. The friar taught me all of the ways males can make love to each other. I can introduce you to the order of friars that I belong to. We have a cloistered monastery that maintains a library of the American Roman Catholic documents that include some documents only a select few are ever given permission to see. Everyone in the order's monastery are friars that have the same desires that you and I have. He told me that if I enjoy the taste of-cum I would be right at home among the order.

He invited me to his room after the evening meal. When we were behind the closed door, we sat beside each other on the simple twin sized bed. He kissed me and lifted his brown habit up and showed me that he was naked under the robe. I couldn't take my eyes off of his sex organ. His penis was about four inches long and the head reminded me of a helmet, and the scar left behind when the foreskin had been cut away. There was a crouched blood vein running up the length of the top side of his cock. The scrotum rested on the bed between his legs and the skin was sticking to his thighs. His pubic hair is dark brown and a tangled mess. He took hold of my wrist and placed my hand on his cock and told me that he would enjoy me helping him to-cum.

I masturbated him until his cock was ridged and close to six-inches long. I leaned over and smelled his flesh before I took his cock into my mouth and sucked his cock until I was rewarded with a mouth full of his-cum. Father Michell opened my pants and pulled out my dick and sucked me off. We enjoyed having sex with each other for several weeks, before he suggested that I think about becoming a Frasnian like him.

He made arrangements to have me accompany him for weeklong visit to the monastery he had told me about. When we arrived there, we were introduced to the Abbot of the monastery. He knew Father Michell and greeted him with a hug and a kiss. Then he asked: "Who is this adorable young man?"

Father Michell placed his hand on the small of my back and pulled forward and said: "This is a dear friend of mine, Joseph A Petrosoni. He is the brightest student at our Seattle Seminary and I feel that he would be an ideal candidate for our order. I can see him becoming a valuable member of this monastery. He is named after Saint Joseph of Leonese."

The Abbot Took me into his arms and embraced me and kissed me on the mouth. "Welcome my son and we will have to introduce you to the friars at our evening meal. Why don't Father Michell and I show you around our monastery and the library. Having said that, they took me on a tour of the facility. They grew their own vegetables and livestock. It was a self- contained facility to support the library. Most of the library was underground because it was easier to control humidity and temperature. I was told that moisture and humidity as well as sunlight damage paper overtime. I was told their library contained documents dating back to the first Catholic explorers to the new world, and we have some documents that the Vatican wants to keep secret from even the Vatican staff.

I saw the friars at work, but didn't get to talk to them very much. That evening we were served a nice meal well prepared by fellow friers. The Abbot had Father Michell and myself stand up and introduced us to the friars. There was pleasant conversation throughout the meal. We were led into a large communal room where we relaxed and engaged in conversation while the friers smoked, drank alcohol, played card games, and dominos. They asked us endless questions and were very friendly. At a pointed hour everyone began leaving to prepare for bed. They stopped at the chapel to pray and make offerings for the sick. Then they went to the living quarters. Father Michell and I were led to the cells that would be ours for our stay. We removed our clothes and wrapped towels around our waists and headed for the communal shower and waist closets.

As we walked the length of the hall, we witnessed open doors and saw the friars dis robbing and engaging in a variety of sexual act including sucking cock and anal sex. We were invited to join in the action. One slender Frier that even had very notable breasts and famine figure, famine looking long hair, and an along with penis came dancing past us and was singing a ditty about the first one to catch him gets to fuck him.

When we entered the shower room, I saw the Abbot sitting on a marble bench under a spray of water from a nozzle and a friar was on his knees sucking the cock of the Abbot. There were a number of other friars sharing showers and masturbating each other, or fucking each other. Father Michell led me to a stall and adjusted the water before we bathed each other before we milked each other with our mouths. When we returned to our cells, the Abbot was waiting for me. He was sitting on my bunk naked. He sucked my cock and fucked missionary style while masturbating me. Apparently, an old friend of Father Michell was doing the same thing in his cell. The week we spent there was an enjoyable orgy of sex. I honestly think I had sex with every friar there.

When we returned to the seminary, I was committed to becoming a Francian friar and spending the rest of my life at the monastery. My family was disappointed that I didn't become a priest that could serve in a local parish. They could witness me serving mass. They had to get written permission for me to visit them.

If you enjoyed the story and have a story you want me to write about your introduction to the world of male sexuality, please send your outline to

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