
By Wendy Evans

Published on May 21, 2000


How long the `group' had been together, meeting in the girl's room across from the library during lunch and pleasuring themselves in front of each other? For the remainder of the day I remained very wet -- needing to visit a bathroom to wipe myself several times. After school let out, I rushed home, undressed and lay down on my bed to enjoy an afternoon of masturbation, replaying the scene from the morning over and over. When I had finally rubbed my pussy sore, achieving several orgasms, I settled in to a warm soaking bath.

Even after fingering myself for what seemed like hours, and washing up afterwards, I couldn't break away from the image of several of my peers all standing around and watching each other satisfy themselves. I let my imagination run wild with the thought of them spending the evening at Yolanda's house, and was curious if there was more than masturbation that took place. I also tried to imagine who the others were that belonged to the group. It would be several days before I would find out, since my cycle began the next morning. As much as I love to masturbate, during my first couple of days each month I tend to avoid doing it.

As the week went on, I saw Frances each day. She never asked or said a word about my abstinence. I did see Yolanda as we passed in the hall later in the week, and she simply smiled and asked if I was all right. I told her I was fine but that I had a visitor. She smiled and told me that she hoped to see me again after my `friend' left.

By the following week, I was back to my `normal' self. I have masturbated ever since my early teens, and although until recently had considered it a very private act, I never really have been ashamed of what I do. I simply love the feelings I get when I rub my fingers over, around, and through my bushy cunt. I generally masturbate once or twice every day, sometimes even three, and can reach at least one orgasm during each session. If I am especially aroused, I might even be able to have a multiple. On Monday, even as horny as I was when I got up, I avoided my morning fun so that I might enjoy a lunch time session that much more.

Throughout the morning my arousal grew and grew. I was almost worried that others would be able to smell the aroma that had to be emanating from my constantly wet vagina. What caused this continual excitement was that I so very curious about who else was in the `group'. I decided I would try to find out. Rather than be the first to arrive in the lavatory, as had happened the last two times, I would be a late-comer as Yolanda had been. After study period, I rushed the kids to the cafeteria. I stood in line with them, bought a soda, and went to the faculty lunchroom. I anxiously watched the wall clock and when I still had 25 minutes to before my next class, I quickly exited the cafeteria and made my way back to the library.

Now, I have to tell you, I was so tense with excitement as I approached the lavatory that I felt I would snap. It was everything I could do to keep my hand from rubbing myself through my skirt as I walked down the hall. But, nothing -- absolutely nothing -- in my imagination prepared me for the scene I witnessed when I opened the door and walked around the modesty panel.

There was Yolanda, again bent over a sink, with Rebecca the school secretary standing behind her. Rebecca was fingering her own pussy while her other hand was furiously fucking Yolanda's asshole. As I watched Rebecca's fingers plunge in and out of Yolanda's very generous bottom, I witnessed Yolanda literally trying to pull her nipples off. Yolanda's more than ample breasts hung heavily off her chest, and her chubby fingers had pulled her nipples to at least an inch in length.

As if that was not enough to make me want to cum without even as much as one rub of my own cunt, in the corner -- next to my favorite stall - were Frances and Jane, our vice-principal. Jane and Frances had both had opened their blouses and raised their bras over their breasts. Frances had her skirt bunched up and her panties at her ankles. Jane's pants and panties were bunched around her feet. Jane's very rich ebony skin contrasted with France's alabaster skin color as the two of them pressed their pussies against each other. Their hips were thrown forward, and they were rubbing themselves against each other, using their hands to grip each other's bottom in order to keep from falling backwards. Their upper bodies were shaking, causing their breasts to slap against one another. Jane's very hard, erect, chocolate nipples were flicking against Frances' more strawberry colored ones.

Jane and Frances looked to me, then back at each other and Jane nearly shouted she was going to cum all over Frances' pussy. Rebecca paused for a moment, looking at me and asked if I was there to join in the fun. I sucked my lower lip between my teeth, and nodded as I wiggled my skirt down, pulled my panties away to show them my pussy, and slid my finger along my now engorged clit.

Yolanda started buck her hips against Rebecca's probing fingers, and very shortly thereafter began to shiver and shake as she reached her peak and went over the edge. My own cunt was dripping and my fingers were soaked from my flowing wetness. I watched as Rebecca finished Yolanda, then stepped back and turned slightly towards me, inserting a third finger into herself. Within moments, her legs began to wobble and she threw her head back and let out a long and throaty groan.

My eyes drifted back to the scene with Frances and Jane, and watched as they now humped and banged themselves against each other, with Frances finally crying out that she had reached the top. I leaned back against the modesty panel for support, plunged a finger deep inside my opening and came with her. The orgasm hit and cascaded over my body, and my fingering couldn't be stopped. As I came, I tried to get some stability but my legs weakened and I sagged to the floor. The following moments moved in slow motion as the five of us all faced each other. Yolanda showed her long nipples and sparsely haired, plump pussy. Rebecca flashed us her neatly trimmed cunt, still held open by her glistening fingers.

I saw Frances' completely shaved pussy, with the lips protruding slightly, as she gently stroked her nipples. As Jane turned to me, I saw the most magnificently hairy pussy I could imagine. Her bush spread nearly across her lower abdomen to the very upper part of her inner thighs. Her deeply black hair, and her richly dark skin, contrasted with her very large and pink clit, which was still erect and poking from the top of her slit.

Frances giggled as she told me that I had arrived late. Jane smiled showing her very white teeth and commented that she was glad to see another hairy cunt in the group. Rebecca and Yolanda stood side-by-side with arms around each other, both smiling. Rebecca thanked me for coming -- or was it cumming, I wasn't sure -- and Yolanda told me she was glad I decided to join the group. This must have been an initiation rite, probably planned by all four of them. I didn't care. I was pleased to be part of this middle-aged sorority.

Next: Chapter 4

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