Four of Us

By Leila Benson

Published on Nov 30, 2003

  1. Debbie

I thought that it must have been a dream. As I lay they're for a few moments in that space between sleep and wakefulness. Sunlight was pouring through the window. With a rush of feelings, Sissy's hands on my body came back. For a moment I thought I was having one of my "sex" dreams. My God! This happened. I was overcome with such feelings for Sissy. I wanted to rush to her side, but then a little ripple of self-consciousness hit me. Maybe Sissy would prefer if I didn't say anything at all, or not make such a big deal out of it. I decided on the middle course. I gently knocked on Sissy's door. I heard her say "come in" right away. She was on the other side of the room, and turned as I entered. She had a big sweet grin. I needn't have been concerned.

"Well little sister, I'll bet we both got a good nights sleep. Deb, I was just getting you some books that I think you'll treasure as much as I do. I want you to know that last night was like a dream come true. Watching you develop the way you are, I was concerned that maybe some other areas were lagging behind. That's what happened to me, and I didn't want it to happen to you. Come sit down beside me, I'll show them to you."

As I sat down next to Sissy I asked her if she had "taken care of herself" as well as she had taken care of me. We both started to laugh at my question.

"Not too bad". She replied, "but I bet not quite up to the way you were taken care of." I laughed and agreed with her, and thanked her again for the extraordinary gift she had given me. She promised me it was a gift that kept on giving. We laughed over that too. She explained how she had found the books and wanted me to look at them but always make sure she was around, so I could return them to her. I didn't know about the hiding place at that point.

"Well Deb, which one do you want to see first?" I told her maybe the Lesbian one, since maybe we can get some tips for ourselves. I admit that I was slightly uncomfortable wanting to see that first, but I did. We looked at it quietly together. I was astounded by the possibilities. I told her so. "God, Sissy we hardly scratched the surface. I would love to try some of these things with you. Boy would I love you to do it with me. What have I been missing? It's incredible. You're so lucky. You have Bobby, and what about a girlfriend?" I was even slightly shocked by the boldness of my question. "Well I think I am lucky to have it both. I'm what's called Bi-sexual. You'll see it in the books. I love it from both sexes. I think you do too. I don't know for sure, of course, anyway, do you remember Jenny Ryan? Well we had a really intense sexual relationship when I was about your age. I still see her now and again. She's away at College. There is one other person, this one you've got to swear to never breathe a word, Ok?" I agreed and even crossed myself.

" Do you remember Arlene Sternich, Nadine's mom. I baby sat for her for over two years. Well, I have to tell you I learned an incredible amount from her, believe me. She's a great person. I adore her. She taught me a lot about massage. I'd love to try that on you. You would be a great subject. Its called erotic massage and I'm telling you it's fantastic! Anyway, I still see her. So you see, I think I'm pretty lucky."

We continued to browse through both books. Just reading and looking was even getting me sort of turned on. I was concerned if that was normal? Sissy reassured me it was completely natural, and that was one of the best reasons to have an older sister help lead the way. I could not have agreed more. Sissy wanted to know if I was still a virgin? I was astounded that she had to ask. She explained that actually a lot of girls my age were still officially virgins because they had never been with a guy, but your hymen my be open from all the sports and movements girls do nowadays, and also from inserting thing up your vagina. I told her I really wasn't sure. There was definitely no guy, but I sometimes sort of fool around with my hairbrush handle. At that we both got hysterical. Debbie wanted to look. I asked her if she was serious? "Absolutely."

"I guess you are serious. It won't hurt will it?" She held my hand reassuringly. "Of course not. Don't be silly. Wait just a sec I'm going to get something from the bathroom." Sissy left for a few moments and came back with a tube, which she told me was lubricant. Not like Vaseline, or anything greasy. Which she told me you weren't supposed to use in your vagina. I was learning a lot of new things. I must say. She had me lie back with my legs spread apart. "This'll take just a second. Just relax." I could feel her fingers probing inside. I must say she was extremely gentle and I certainly didn't mind. Come to think of it, as a mater of fact, it kind of felt good. Before I could get used to it. Out she came with a big smile. "Well, I don't know if it was your gymnastics or you hairbrush, but you are wide open. You lucky girl."

Well I was very pleased with myself for some reason. As though I'd not only accomplished something, but learned something also.

What I really was interested in now, was how we were going to do some of the things in the book. "Which book Debbie? You tell me. We can start with the two of us. Then maybe we can bring in Bobby if you want. What do you think of that?" Wow! What an idea. I was thrilled to hear my choices. I had always had something of a crush on Bobby. He always was very sweet to me. Really paid attention to me. We sometimes talked while he waited to pickup Sissy. Bobby definitely played a big part in my erotic dreams. Sissy interrupted my reverie; by telling me that maybe we could start that very night, and then take it from there. To say I was excited would be an understatement. We talked some more about how might include Bobby. Sissy said she had some ideas, but wanted to run them past Bobby. She assured me I needn't worry about anything, that she would be completely discreet. I wasn't certain what she meant exactly, but I trusted her completely, and frankly I was so interested that I would have agreed to almost anything. It was so odd, I was moving from some shyness about anything to do with Bobby, to a really strong pull to do something. "Ok, Debbie that's great. I'll be seeing Bobby late this morning. I'll talk to him, and then we can talk it through tonight when we have our second lesson. How does that sound?" I immediately told her. "Great! I've never looked forward to a lesson before like this." We both agreed.

I had been over to a friend's house watching a movie on video. I can't even remember what I was watching I was so distracted by my rising expectations. I was mainly focused on how quickly I could leave Andrea's house, without hurting her feelings. Finally I said good night and rushed home.

It was perfect timing, just as I walked up the block towards the house; I could see Sissy pull into the driveway. She beat me by a few minutes. I calmed down a little. I tried to walk a little more slowly. My heart was pounding, and my mouth was parched. Mom and Dad were going to be visiting Aunt Edith's and Uncle Ernie's for their twenty fifth-anniversary party. Mom told me she would leave us supper, to be microwaved. As a mater of fact Mom had done a big shopping, just to make certain that we would not starve over the weekend.

Sissy heard me come in, and yelled down the stairs that she was going to take a shower. I told her I would zap our supper and set it out. Sissy came down in her lavender ribbed terry bathrobe, with her curly dark brown hair wrapped in a towel. We sat down to eat. Sissy never said a word. I was dying to know if she had spoken to Bobby. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer, and said. "Wellllllll"?! Sissy laughed and apologized. "I'm sorry, I was just teasing you a little. I know your dying to hear what happened. Well he was very sympathetic. He really likes you. And get this. He told me not only that, but he finds you very attractive. What do you think of that?" "God, Sissy that's great. Tell me everything. Don't leave out a thing." Sissy put down her fork and continued. " He told me, that in the last year or so, he had really been aware of you as someone he was attracted to, but because he was seeing me, and the age thing, it was clearly not a possibility. So he was very interested. He has only one request though, or maybe I should say condition. To begin with, he just wants you to watch. Not hidden or anything, but not where he can see you. He thinks he might be too nervous if he saw the both of us together. He just wants us to work it out. He would love to go along with us, if we can start that way. I think he was very pleased to be asked. Well Debbie what do you think?" I was delighted. "Sissy that's great. Really great. Do you have any ideas?

Sissy had quite a few. She admitted that she wasn't being completely straight with me about Bobby. She told me she thought that by somehow including me with Bobby, she would be able to have Bobby stay with her at our house if Mom and Dad were away, even during the day when they were both at work. I told her I would never have had any objection to her having Bobby over. Maybe a little jealous, but really ok with the idea. We agreed that it seemed to be a great idea no mater how it came about. Sissy's idea was for them to use my folk's bedroom, because there simply wasn't enough room in our bedrooms. She thought we should bring the Japanese Screen that was in the living room, upstairs to their bedroom. I could easily be hidden from view behind it, but could clearly see out from the where the panels were attached. I thought it was a great solution. We finished supper and cleaned up. I went upstairs for a bath. I was trying to be cool and collected, but I tell you I was in a completely anxious state. I didn't fool Sissy. She told me to relax, and have a delicious bath, take as long as I wanted She would get our folks room ready for us. I was too nervous to ask what it meant to "get the room ready for us."

I put on my best nightgown. Now best doesn't mean exactly elegant, but it was the best I had. It was the first "adult" sleep ware I had ever received. It was a gift from my Grandma for my sixteenth birthday. It was a light yellow silk. It looked very Chinese. I walked into their bedroom. I was stunned to find that Sissy had lit votive candles in paper plates all over the room. It was really beautiful and very romantic. I had seen this in movies, but never in real life. Sissy had put on one of my Mom's silk robes, and had dried and brushed out her hair. She was standing by the big king-size bed, grinning. "Well Debbie, don't you look beautiful. " She really meant it. And the truth was, that's how I felt. She reached out and took both hands, then leaned over and gently kissed me. It was certainly no "French Kiss", but it sure wasn't a sisterly one either. It felt great, and I started to feel my heart beating. Sissy had me sit down on a little upholstered chair near the bed. She wanted to know if I had ever smoked grass, and if I wanted to? I told her that I had tried twice, but could never really inhale and had never been stoned. "Well Debbie, would you like me to teach you how?" Well of course I agreed. I was dying to try it. She set about to show me everything she would do, like rolling the joint. Things like that, and what I might feel, and even how to inhale. This was much better than the other few times, which were hurried and a complete failure. She had placed a big ashtray on the night table. She sat crossed legged on the side of the bed, and I pulled my chair close. She lit up. She again showed me how to inhale with lots of air and how to hold it. I tried, and after a few sputtering coughs, managed to hold the smoke in most of the time. I remember thinking to my self this isn't going to work, though I liked the smell and the taste of the grass. I was looking at the pattern on the bedspread, thinking that I had never really seen how beautiful it was before. I was simply amazed how intricate and lovely the pattern was. I was following it, when I came to Sissy's knee. There in the silk I could see another pattern hidden. I was closely involved with this, when with a fast beating heart, I realized, this is it! I looked up to see Sissy's shining face. She had the sweetest smile I ever remembered seeing. I was almost overcome by love and gratitude. "Feeling good Debbie"? She whispered. "Never ever better". I answered with a sigh. She handed me the joint again and I took in a long deep drag. I was very pleased I was able to hold it, as I passed it over to Sissy. By now, I knew I was quite stoned; yet I loved the heightened feelings. I of course knew that some kind of sexual thing was the real point of our night together, and believe me it was very much on my mind. Still, just feeling the effects of the grass certainly in itself kept me from being totally focused on worrying about what might happen. Sissy of course had lent me the book I wanted to see first, and some of those images kept sliding into my reveries. So you might say I was in two places at once. Sissy broke my train of thoughts by asking me if I would like to climb up on the bed and relax. She moved over to the side to make room. I must admit I was feeling a little shy again. Sissy somehow realized that. She told me, "lay down on your stomach Debbie, I'll give you a little back rub to relax you." I climbed on the bed, while Sissy moved over. Sissy arranged some pillows for me, and I lay face down. As I relaxed in position, I realized how tense I had been. Just lying there, felt good. Sissy started immediately to massage my back and neck. It was very different this time. We had crossed a boundary of some kind, and now Sissy's hands from the very beginning had a sexual feel. It was clear to me right away, and I wanted it very much. I told her so directly. "Sissy, I want to learn from you. I know some of it's the grass. But your hands feel like fire on my skin. I'm very turned on. I love the feeling." Sissy responded by gently lifting my nightgown. I helped her by raising my body to allow her to pull it up to where it was above my waist. She then lightly kissed me behind each knee. I couldn't believe how great that felt. She then began to do my legs and thighs. This time she was much more direct with her fingers, and I indicated with my movements that I was more than ready for her. By now I was on my knees, as wide open as I could make myself. "Let's take that off completely." Sissy said as she lifted my gown off I raised my arms up to allow her to remove it. The fabric running up over my nipples was a wonderfully shocking surprise. Sissy began to touch my nipples. She was lightly pinching and pulling them, while she kissed my back. It was incredible. I felt her fingers in the crack of my ass. Then just barely touching my little ass hole. "Oh my God Sissy, that's so good. Don't stop." Then I felt her fingers strumming my pussy lips, up and down up and down. I could feel myself almost involuntarily trying to capture her fingers in me. She rewarded me by going inside me a little each time, pulling my wetness all over my swollen lips. "Turn over my sweet Debbie. I'm going to give you a real treat. But first let me get this off. " She took her robe off, and put it on the floor next to the bed. The shadows of the candles, and the light on Sissy's body were beautiful. As I lay back down, I found myself looking at her body. I was stunned to see that she had shaved her public hair. It looked very sweet, almost like a baby. I could see that she had very distinct dark inner lips and her little clit was peaking out. It certainly was bigger than mine. Sissy reached over and pulled a pillow from the other side of the bed. I loved the way her breasts moved, as she reached for the pillow. I was absolutely focused on how the colors of her nipples were the same as the inner lips on her pussy. I had to stop myself from reaching over to caress them. She turned around and gave me another of her warm melting smiles. I would have trusted her with anything at that moment. "Here put your butt on that. Make yourself real comfy. " She positioned me on the pillow, so my pelvis was tilted up. She gently moved my legs apart. I certainly needed no coaxing. She moved my knees up slightly. I was now as wide open as I could be, and in a completely relaxed position. Sissy sat on her haunches between my legs, and began to stroke my inner thighs. It felt marvelous. She didn't use any oil or anything, just a very delicate touch. I was dying for her to touch my pussy, but she didn't. She told me to close my eyes, and just let myself go. I did. The delicate touching continued, except she was now going as far as between my legs, but not my pussy. Just when I could hardly stand it, I felt her breath right on my pussy lips. She was blowing on me in the very controlled, delicate way. It felt great. I told her so. "Gee Sissy, that's unbelievable." She just continued, up and down up and down. Then I felt her tongue flick out. It was like a sexual electric shock, it was that powerful, even though it was the slightest touch. I heard myself actually groan. "Ohhh God Sissy please do more, please" She began to run her tongue between the lips. Just as I was reaching down with an urge to hold Sissy's head more closely to my pussy, Sissy reached up to hold my wrist from doing it. She was now lapping at me, and I was getting very close to coming when Sissy stopped. She let go of my wrists. My hips were still moving a little. She was now sitting up where she had started. "Boy, Sissy that was beyond belief. I almost came. I adore that. I want to try it on you. Can I? I'd love to." Sissy had a kind of half smile. Again I was drawn to look at her breasts. Her skin was quite fair yet her nipples and the area around them were so dark they almost had a purple tinge. The same color as the prominent lips of her pussy. Sissy saw me looking. She turned around and bent over, exposing her ass hole and pussy. "You see Debbie, the area around my ass hole, my pussy lips and nipples are the same color. It kind of tells you that those are really sensitive places. Yours are more pinkish tan." She turned back. "You'll see in a second. She reached over and picked up another joint that was lying on the night table next to the bed. She lit it and passed it over. We only passed it back and forth a few times. I motioned to her that I wanted no more. She nodded in agreement. Removed the burning end, and blew out the little bit of smoke left. "Maybe for later". She told me. The thought of more was the last thing I was interested in. By now all I wanted was to continue. As though she read my mind, Sissy asked me to move my butt off the pillow, I did. She then crawled on top of me and straddled me, and bent down and without a word began to lick my pussy. It was clear what was happening. Sissy's pussy was directly on my face. I moved my head back a little to breathe. My nostrils were filled with Sissy's wonderful aroma. It was so different than mine. My focus somehow shifted to this intense subtle perfume. I could smell the seashore and watermelon, with something of the forest floor in the background. I was amazed and terribly excited. I certainly could feel Sissy's tongue teasing along the lips of my pussy, but at that moment, I was simply overwhelmed by the heady aroma. Sissy by now was producing a great deal of moisture, which I was literally lapping up. I found myself pulling her lips apart to get at her vagina in order to suck at her nectar. It had a taste similar to its smell, only with a somewhat sharp metallic undertone. I was so caught up in Sissy's vaginal aroma that her incessant tongue on my own pussy only gradually began to enter my consciousness. Wow, did it come into my senses. First I heard Sissy begin to hum, as she was licking and nibbling me. That sound seemed to connect by vibration to the very core of my sexual being. I was absolutely astounded how sound and feelings became so sexually intertwined. I of course knew a lot of this was the grass, but I was so caught up in the moment, I really understood for the first time what a "being really high" was. As I was thinking and enjoying all of this, I felt Sissy's finger circling around my ass hole. It was exquisite! Just then her tongue began to make the same circles around my clit. I simply couldn't help myself and began to repeat over and over again, "don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. Please don't stop. I'm begging you." I wasn't saying this loudly, but believe me I meant it, and even in my shape I could hear an incredible insistence in my voice.

I knew I had been neglecting Sissy for a little while. I had an urge to somehow grasp her breasts. I reached over her sweat-filmed shoulders and reached down with both hands to find her breasts. She knew what I was trying to do, and arched her back slightly to give me access. I found her nipples and began to rub and pull at them. Sissy was encouraging me by saying things like, "that's the way girl. Oh yes, like that. Harder harder. Yes, keep doing that." Things like that. She began to press her finger just at the entrance of my asshole. She would go from pressing to almost tickling me there. It was simply incredible. I loved the way her nipples felt in my fingers. They were so alive. Her aureole was covered in little goose bumps, which I also gave some attention to. She seemed to love it all. She began to direct me to, "play with my ass, play with my ass." I began to do to her, what she had been doing to me. I also realized that she had moved her clit right on to my tongue. I could feel it's firm wet little shape sticking out from its little hood. I took it in my pursed lips and with the very tip of my tongues I both massaged it and sucked on it. Sissy started to grind her pussy on my mouth and was actually screaming something. I could hardly breath. Then she began to do the same to me, and at the same time I felt her finger slide into my rectum. Without even knowing it, I started to come, in what I can only describe as an immense convulsion that seemed to start in my clit and ass hole and throw my whole body into a series of intense waves. I kept pulling on Sissy's nipples, and at the same time I was also trying to breathe. Sissy was by now thrashing around and screaming. She came away from my pussy and fell on my own breasts and began to suckle on one of my nipples. As she did that I had another wave of orgasms. It was beyond anything I could have imagined. She was now turned around and we were in each other's arm's kissing and hugging and rubbing our wet bodies on each other. The odor was so intense, a complete mixture of our own internal juices, perspiration and grass. It was heavenly.

I think we both fell asleep at pretty much the same time. I do remember waking up at some point. I was worried about the candles. They of course were long since out. I had to pee like crazy, and stumbled into my folk's bathroom. I crawled back in bed, and snuggled close to Sissy's back. She moved her ass into me. I loved the close as spoons feeling. It was the last thing I thought of until morning. I woke feeling slightly groggy. Sissy wasn't there. I lay there thinking of the night with her, and believe it or not, I started to get horny. I tried to divert my thoughts to something else, but it seemed impossible. My thoughts simply went to the future. Now I was having fantasies about the coming evening with Sissy and Bobby. I was thinking maybe I should simply give in and bring myself off. I decided instead to simply get up pee, and shower. Just peeing helped, and the act of showering certainly felt sensual, I was able to get through it without touching myself. I certainly was in a heightened sexual state. I had mixed feelings about it. I rather liked the buzz it gave me, but it was something of a drag, because it simply would not completely go away.

I found Sissy stripping the sheets off the bed when I walked back into the bedroom. She looked at me with her kind of lopsided grin. "Well, how are you doing? I'm feeling just great Debbie. Why did we wait so long?" She asked in her kidding way. That broke the ice though, and I told her how I was feeling, and how much last night had meant to me. She gave me a big hug. We both got dressed and went and had breakfast.

While we were gobbling down some cereal and fruit, Sissy told me she had been thinking some more about my so-called education. She wanted to know what I thought about her introducing me to Arlene Sternich. She was very convincing in telling me what a terrific person Arlene was. She told me that she had been speaking to Arlene just a few days ago, and she was looking for a baby sitter for Nadine. Did I want to give it a try? I told her I'd like to meet her and see if we hit it off. I'd leave the arrangements to her. "Well, Sissy what about Bobby? How is that going to work?

The plan with Bobby was very simple. Since he essentially knew what was happening, and we were not putting something over on him. We just had to work out the mechanics and timing. After breakfast we looked at the Japanese screen that partially separated the living and dining area. It was made of a combination of three paper panels and wooden strips. The funny thing is it had been around so much of my life, that I hardly noticed it anymore. It was quite open in some places and rather opaque in others. We discovered that by being in a particular spot, and not being in the light, you would not really be seen behind it. We carried it up to the master bedroom, and experimented with different positions. We finally settled on a spot that would be pretty close but would be in deep shadow at night, even with the bedside light on. We dragged a comfortable chair behind the screen, and with Sissy on the bed; I peered out from between the slats and paper panels. I had a very clear view, and when Sissy moved over, I could easily move just an inch or so to follow her anywhere on the big king size bed. Sissy claimed that even looking for me she could not really see me at all. We were quite pleased with ourselves.

The day was uneventful. Sissy had to go to work after lunch. I did some laundry, and straightening up. I did my homework assignments. I felt very virtuous having done all my homework on Saturday. I made some phone calls and got some. The day went pretty quickly considering that I spent much of it absolutely thinking of nothing except what might happen tonight. It was though I was two people. I was as relaxed on the phone with my friends as I always am. They would never have guessed what was really on my mind.

Sissy came home from work at about six or so. She seemed a little on edge as she raced upstairs to shower.

When she came down she seemed much more relaxed. I had put out a cold supper of things Mom had left for us. She sat down across from me. "Look Debbie, are you still up for this? If you want we can forget about it." I immediately replied. "Sissy, I was going to ask you the same question. You're the one who can back out you know. Or for that matter so can Bobby. I would really be disappointed, but I sure could understand if you wanted to drop the whole thing. It's up to you, but I'm really looking forward to this. I've hardly thought about anything else." "Ok Debbie, lets do it." We gave each other a high five. I was very relieved. She continued. " Maybe we should work out a few things, you know, like signals. I have an idea. Bobby is coming at seven. I'll give him a chance to back out, I promise you, but I think he's very interested if we go about it the way we agreed too. You be in your room. I'll set up the kitchen phone so I can ring you a few minutes before we go upstairs. That way you can get to the bedroom, get yourself comfortable in plenty of time, and you don't just have to sit there waiting. Another thing, all you have to do is watch. If anything else is going to happen, it will be everybody's choice. How's that sound?" I t seemed like a great idea, and I agreed that one ring and in I would go. Before I knew it, it was almost seven. Believe me when I tell you my heart was pounding and my throat was very dry. On the way to my room, I peed, and had a cold glass of water. In no time at all, I heard a car drive up to our garage. Sissy must have opened the garage door from the house. The car door slammed shut, followed by the garage door. It was Bobby, right on time. I heard dim voices of greetings then quiet, as I supposed they moved into the living room. I lay on my bed with a magazine basically reading the same paragraph over and over. I had changed into something comfortable. A light yellow cotton jersey knit pullover. I decided not to wear a bra. I had put on my cleanest and most comfortable shorts. My feet were bare. I was trying very hard not to use my imagination. I was simply too excited as I was, let alone if I let my fantasies run wild.

The phone ring startled me. It wasn't that loud, but I jumped anyway. I got off the bed and made my way to my folk's room. There was still some light coming in the window, as I made my way to the chair. Other than that, the room was dark. It wasn't clear exactly how long I would have to wait so I tried different ways of sitting and looking, trying to find the best combination. After a few minutes of distracting myself doing that, I seemed to settle on a pretty comfortable way to sit and look. The door to the bedroom was open, so could hear their voices as they reached the stairs. I settled into my spot and remained very still. I was extremely nervous. The whole notion that Bobby actually knew I was there, but that I had to be hidden, I kind of understood. Yet I knew it was sort of odd. When they reached the head of the stairs, I could clearly hear what they were saying. Bobby was asking Sissy if she thought I was there. Sissy assured him that she was certain I was. All this was said with some good humor. I could tell from Sissy's voice how nervous she was. Bobby also seemed nervous, and why wouldn't he be. I sure was.

Sissy walked over to the night table and turned the lamp on low. I knew from having checked it out with her, that I was still in the shadows. Bobby was a very sweet looking guy. He actually looked younger than his eighteen years. He was a kind of tall and slim, with curly dark hair and big dark brown eyes. He had a sweet smile and a rather wide, full mouth. As he sat down on the edge of the bed, and pulled his feet up, I could see that he had removed his shoes downstairs. Sissy had gone into my folk's bathroom, while Bobby sort of lounged about on the bed. I was astounded to see Sissy come out in our Mom's silk robe. Luckily it was something Mom never wore, or I think that would have made things even stranger than they were. Sissy really looked stunning wearing it. I could see she was naked underneath.

Bobby looked up as Sissy came out. "Wow Sissy, you look great. There's a real advantage to having a bedroom to go to. This is like a dream. I can hardly believe this is happening to us." Sissy had a big smile, as she walked over to the bed. She had the light from the alcove of the bathroom behind her. It was extremely clear that she had nothing on under the sheer robe. "Well, Bobby, you can thank Debbie for this. I would never have done this without her being ok with the idea. She's a great sister believe me." I felt my heart take a few extra beats. My face burned with embarrassment. I was certain Sissy had glanced at me as she said those words. Bobby's head was turned away from me as he spoke. "Well you know how I feel about Debbie. I agree completely." As he was saying this, he was slowly looking around. Not to catch me hiding, I thought, but somehow to let me know he knew, and it was all right. He got up from the bed and put his arms around her. Sissy held him tight and they sort of swayed there for a little while, then they kissed. They were holding each other, as they slowly sat down on the bed together. Then they lay back. I was surprised that I could hear every breath and sound of their kissing. I felt like I was only inches away. In fact, they had settled on the side of the bed next to the screen, and I was only a few feet from where they were lying. The light from the alcove supplied a fair amount of light. Some was direct, and some bounced off the wall at the head of the bed. That, and with the dim light from the night table, It looked very romantic. After a great deal of heavy kissing, I heard Sissy whisper, "wait." She raised herself and began to pull at Bobby's polo shirt. He lifted his arms and Sissy pulled it off over his head. She very carefully folded it and put it on the chair next to the bed. As she turned back, Bobby reached over and pulled her robe down. She pulled her arms out of the sleeves, and undid the sash. Bobby just sat there looking at her with a rapt loving expression. I was completely involved in the whole scene. Sissy's breasts looked so lovely in the back light, with her dark hair over her shoulders, I knew exactly what Bobby was feeling, and I felt a swell of loving feelings for both of them. Sissy turned to drape the robe on the side chair. Bobby folded his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. She bent her head down. Bobby began to stroke her breasts upward very gently, brushing her nipples at the end of each stroke. I heard Sissy take in a breath each time he did it. She remained completely still enjoying his gentle touch and kisses. She finally turned back to him and they kissed deeply again, only this time with more urgency. Bobby was now holding Sissy's breasts and seemed to be fingering her nipples. Sissy shifted to bring her self more closely in touch with Bobby by lifting her bare feet from the floor to the bed. Bobby let go of her, and got on his knees. He was working at the buckle of his belt. I realized that he had a hard on. I could clearly see the thrust of his cock on the light chino fabric. I had seen this happen to some of the boys in school before, but never in such a complete way. He undid his belt. By now Sissy was helping. It wasn't completely smooth. She was having trouble unhooking something on his pants, while Bobby was pulling the zipper down. Finally after a few nervous laughs, and small kisses to reassure each other, Bobby quickly stepped off the bed and dropped his pants. He was wearing briefs, and his erect penis was now completely obvious. He was standing directly in front of Sissy. She moved her head, bent, and kissed his penis behind the tight fabric of his briefs. She then in a moment reached over and pulled them down. His beautiful penis was released. I was astounded. He quickly stepped out of his shorts. The tip had a dull shine, and its color, reminded me of Sissy's pussy lips and to a certain extent mine. Boy, Sissy was sure right about that color showing the really sensitive places. He just stood there a few feet away from me, in complete profile, with his hands on his slender hips. I was so close I could actually see his upturned penis move slightly to his heartbeat. At that moment I could feel my own heart beat in my vagina, almost in sync with Bobby's heart. I don't mind telling you, that by now, I was so exceedingly aroused, I could hardly sit still. Sissy bent her head and with just her pursed lips planted a little kiss on the very tip of his cock. Then I saw her tongue dart out to lick the same spot. Bobby never moved an inch. She then turned away, and moved over to make room for him. She stretched out on her side as he climbed in next to her. They were now lying side by side.

They both started to kiss very heavily. Bobby's leg was inside Sissy's, and she had one leg over his hip. I saw Bobby's hand reach down and caress her butt, and pull her even closer. Then I saw his finger's running along Sissy's swollen pussy lips, from behind. It was surprising from this angle how puffy they looked because of their bareness. It was very clear that Sissy was excited too. I could clearly see the opening of her vagina, and its wetness and much pinker color. Bobby's finger was playing all around her lips and between her thighs. It occurred to me that Bobby's cock was against Sissy's stomach, and I wondered what it would feel like.

They kind of broke apart, and I could hear them whispering. I somehow knew it was about me, at least I thought so at that point. I found myself in a funny mood. Certainly, I was terribly turned on. One part of me certainly would have loved to be on that bed. Another loved the feeling of being the watcher without having to do anything at all. It felt very odd, especially knowing that they knew that I was observing everything.

Sissy had moved on her back with her legs apart, and Bobby had positioned himself on his knees between her legs. His penis was still very stiff. For whatever reason, I had thought that in this situation it would go up and down. That shows you how much I knew at this point in time. His hands where on her knees, and her eyes were closed. I thought, this is it; he's going to put it inside her. But he did nothing accept stroke her inner thighs. She opened her legs even wider. With her shaved pussy it was so clear to me that she wanted something. She looked so wide open, with her wet pinkness so apparent to me. I was somewhat to her side, and Bobby was directly over her. Sissy moved her head slightly, and opened her eyes. She was looking for me. She was now looking directly at me. She smiled slightly and blew me a little kiss. I was so thrilled to somehow have the spell of my invisibility broken. My heart swelled in my love for her, and it even included sweet Bobby.

Then Sissy spoke quietly to Bobby. "Don't go inside me yet. I'd love you to wait. How about going down on me a little? That would be so good. I'd love you to do that. Let's go slow, ok?" Bobby just nodded his head. All the while he had been playing around her thighs and where her legs met her outer pussy. He deliberately bent over and began to play with her inner lips. He was also going inside her vagina every once and awhile to moisten his fingers. Her unshaven pussy was now clearly wet from her own juices. She was now moving her hips in time with Bobby's fingers, as though she was trying to catch them inside herself. Her clit was now clearly sticking out of its swollen hood. It was a somewhat elongated white bead in the pink and purplish tan flesh. As I was noting Sissy's increasing excitement, Bobby bent down and began to lick along Sissy's slit. Sissy kept on repeating "that's good, that's good," over and over, as though urging Bobby on. Sissy was now holding and pulling her own nipples. I was certain she was very close to coming. Now she was moaning and saying, "just a little bit, just a little bit, please, please." Sissy now reached down and held Bobby's head at her pussy. Bobby entered her with two fingers, just as he began to suck on her clit. Sissy had an orgasm. Not as powerful as the other night with me, but definitely a real shudder. She released Bobby's head, as her body began to relax. For good measure Bobby gave her a little kiss on her pussy. "Come up here." She gently ordered. She turned on her side. Bobby slid up the bed to be by her. He still had his erection. They held each other for awhile, while murmuring in each other's ears. I was sitting completely still, concentrating on the scene before me. I must tell you I was feeling completely inflamed, what's more, by now I had worked my hand up the leg of my shorts and had begun to finger myself. I simply could not help myself. I was certainly not on the brink, but I sure was excited. I think I may have done myself, if I wasn't afraid of them hearing me. My gaze had broken from their lovely bodies, when I hear Sissy say, "hey sweetie, how you doing?" She was looking directly at me. Her words shook me out of my reverie. It's as though the television screen had begun to talk. Of course I know it's just Sis, but I was completely flustered. I could barely mutter an, "ok".

Now Bobby was looking at me. He smiled and said, "hi Debbie. I almost forgot you were there. If Marie, (Sissy's real name) thinks it's ok, as far as I'm concerned you can come on out. I really don't feel shy at all about you being here. I mean if it's all right with you. I don't think it's really fair, and I'm sorry I made you do it." Sissy immediately agreed. They were now of course looking directly at me.

"Sure" I said. "If you guys feel alright about it, I'd love to come out. I must admit it was getting lonely and a little hard to deal with back here. I think I learned a lot, and I want to thank both of you. Especially you Bobby. I think I know how hard it might have been." I slipped off the seat and tried to stand up, but my legs had fallen asleep, and I almost fell over. I grabbed the screen to steady myself, and it began to tip over. Bobby leaped up to grab the screen, and with the other hand grabbed me. He placed the screen upright and held my hand while drawing me from behind the screen. I felt a small wave of shyness hit me, but allowed Bobby to pull me forward. I was having a little trouble looking directly at him, yet when I looked down I saw his half-erect penis. I looked away to see Sissy resting on her elbow watching me attentively. Sissy patted the bed, and pulled herself up to a sitting position.

"Come, lie down here Deb. I'm really glad you're here." Bobby reached over and took my other hand and gracefully helped me on to the bed. I sat there in front of Sissy, with Bobby just in front of me. I was almost looking directly at his cock. Much to my relief I heard Sissy say, " Bobby, I want you to know that Debbie has the loveliest body I'll bet you've ever seen, and that includes me. Deb, do you want to get out of your things? I don't think there's a thing to be shy about at this point. Do you? You've sure seen us. No question about that." She said with a little laugh.

Of course she was right. Yet I did feel a little shyness mixed in with my increasing excitement. "Here, put your arms up." I did as she said, and in a moment my top was off. The feeling of the air hitting my naked breasts felt exquisite. I could almost feel my sensitive nipples become even more erect. "You see Bobby, how lovely her breasts are. See how different they are from mine. So full, and look at how big her nipples have grown." While saying this, she reached around me with both arms, and sort of lifted my right breast up a little, and fingered my left nipple. She did this in a loving way, but I did feel this crazy mixture of embarrassment, pride and arousal. I managed to look Bobby directly in the eyes, as he shifted his eyes up from my bared breasts. I somehow felt I needed to give him a reassuring smile. He warmly smiled back, and said, "she's right, they're very lovely." All I could manage was "thank you."

Sissy was still fondling my breasts, which I must admit I loved, when she slowly drew me back, to where my head was resting on her lap. Bobby moved my feet completely on the bed. "Can I take these off?" Bobby asked. He had moved both hands to the waistband of my shorts. I whispered, "yes, please." I lifted my butt, and in a moment they were off. I felt the cool air on my wet pussy. For some reason, now my desire was stronger than my shyness. I knew something was going to happen. I wasn't certain what it would be .The uncertainty, I somehow knew was part of the excitement.

Sissy never stopped stroking my breasts and nipples. With her other hand she began to trace my lips with her finger. My eyes were now half shut, but I could see Bobby turning towards me. I guess he had placed my shorts on the chair next to the bed. He now was lying across where my feet were. I could see his erect cock. Bobby's body was slender, but he had distinct muscles on his legs and arms, and curly ringlets of light hair on his chest. His public hair was slightly darker. I must admit I had a hard time keeping my eyes off his erect penis. Remember this was another incredible first for me. I heard Bobby say, "do you want to touch it? It's really ok you know. I'd like you to, if you want to." He asked me in such a kind voice. I answered simply, "yes I would".

At that moment I thought he was the sweetest guy in the world. With just that simple invitation, he had removed my shyness. He moved forward a little on his knees. I opened my legs to allow him to inch forward. Sissy sat up just a little, so now Bobby's cock was right in front of me. I loved the shape of the head. It looked so very smooth, like velvet. It had a reddish tan color with a kind of purple in it. It was very much the same color as Sissy's pussy lips. I could clearly see veins circling the shaft. And yes, I could see it move a little to what I'm certain was his heartbeat. There was no hair on his cock; his pubic hair began in a kind of triangle around it, with just a little on his balls. Its color was darker than on his head, but it also had a little glint of red. I loved his balls too. I was dying to feel them. As you can tell, I found the whole thing extremely exciting and interesting. Bobby broke my concentration by stroking my hair and saying, " Debbie, look, I'd love you to touch me, but you have to be real careful. I don't want to come yet, and I'm a little afraid that with everything that's been going on I'm so turned on I might just go ahead without wanting to yet. So be real gentle, Ok?" Sissy piped in by telling me, that I should be very careful with his balls, because their very tender and that I should just hold them very gently. She urged me to go ahead.

I must say I was a feeling a little nervous. Between not making Bobby come too soon and hurting him, I was almost frozen. I finally reached out for his balls, and gently held them in my outstretched fingers. The skin was soft, and beneath I could just feel the little balls inside. I asked Bobby if that was ok. He assured me it was. "You're doing it just great. I love it. Just play around a little." I had started to kind of tickle them very gently with my short nails. "Yes like that. Oh that's great Debbie." I felt encouraged, and put my other fingers around the shaft. It was incredible. It felt so alive! I could feel his heartbeat in my hand. I closed my hand more firmly around him, and I could actually see his cock head grow in size. It actually had sheen now, with a little drop of whitish fluid at the little slit at the end. I heard Sissy whisper in my ear, "go ahead, lick the end just a little. That's precome, it lubricates his cock so it goes in real easy. You'll feel how silky smooth it is." By now I was almost beside myself with desire. Sissy was continuing to fondle my breasts, and was now beginning to play with my pussy. She didn't have to lubricate me. I could actually smell myself, I was so wet. I could tell she wasn't trying to make me come yet, but was just getting me higher and higher.

I very carefully licked the end of his cock head. I could taste the little drop. It was just the slightest bit salty, with a kind of unusual taste, but not at all bad, as a mater of fact, it had an interesting tang. Sissy was so right, the skin was unbelievably smooth, like nothing I had ever experienced. "That's good, that's good." Bobby kept repeating in a low voice. I felt encouraged to take the whole head in my mouth, while I used my tongue to lick around the rim. "Wait, wait, that's too good." He moved back and his cock come out of my mouth. The head was wet and shinny from my saliva. "A few more licks like that and I would have come for sure. I think it's your turn Debbie." I wasn't certain what, "your turn "meant. Sissy moved me back on her lap. I could actually smell Sissy. I guess she was as turned on as I was. The back of my head was resting right above Sissy's pussy. I could feel her wetness on the back of my neck. Bobby had moved back. He pulled a pillow from the other side of the bed. He moved it under my ass. I knew what he was doing, and I raised myself and helped him, he stuffed the pillow under my butt.

Bobby moved to where he was back on his knees between my legs. Sissy continued to fondle my breasts and gently stroke the lips of my pussy. Bobby moved forward a little. His cock was very erect. He moved my legs apart even further, and I helped him by bending my knees. I was now completely open. My heart was beating so fast, I knew my face was flushed. I could clearly feel its beat in my vagina. I somehow was certain that Bobby was going to enter me. I wanted to encourage him, but I didn't trust my voice. Instead, Sissy held his hand and moved it to my open pussy. In a moment he had inserted two fingers inside me, and began to move them in and out. I reached for his hand and pushed him further into me. I somehow needed to be filled desperately. Bobby added another finger. Sissy had moved away from my pussy, and was playing with my mouth. I could smell and taste myself on her fingers. She inserted a finger in my mouth and was moving it at the same speed as Bobby's. I was sucking on her finger. She then bent over me, and placed her nipple on my lips. I immediately began to suck at it. I realized that both of us were humming softly, to Bobby's moving fingers. Sissy whispered in my ear, "do you want him to go inside you?" I quickly answered. "Yes yes, oh please yes. I want him too. Please." She replied with a whisper. "You have to ask him. Go ahead and ask him. He wants you too."

That was all I needed. Sissy was so sensitive to me. I adored her. "Bobby I want you to go inside me. Please, I need you to be inside me. Please hurray, please." Somehow once I asked him I needed him to do it right away. I was desperate for him to be inside me, even though I had no idea what it would be like. All I knew at that moment was that I needed to be filled that I needed to have a release, and his cock was the way.

Without a word, Bobby removed his fingers, and I could feel something between my inner lips. I knew it was his cock head. I reached down, and grasped the shaft, and began to move it up and down along my wet swollen lips. I was rubbing my clit with it, when I felt Bobby move away. For a second I felt desperate. He was going away! Then I felt his cock move forward into me. There was no resistance. In it went. It was deep within me in a moment. He stopped for a beat. I was now moving my hips to get as much friction as I could. Bobby responded by thrusting himself even further up my vagina. It was like nothing I could have imagined. My pussy was filled with this incredibly alive thing. Each thrust was heavenly. Sometimes he would almost come out, and I thought I would loose him. Then he would move in again. I heard myself gasping with each stroke. Now I was ready to come. I needed to come. Bobby was moving faster and faster. By now I was holding on to his ass. Somehow it gave me a feeling of control. The thought that he would come out of me, before I could come, was unbearable, also it made me feel closer to him. I could feel his muscles working, as they flexed for each push. He began to make sounds too. His thrusts were getting even wilder and deeper. It was extraordinary. Then I knew he was starting to come. I felt this last massive thrust, then he let out a yell, and I felt his semen shoot up to my womb. It was hotter than I could have imagined. He stayed thrust into me as far as he could go, and as far as I could hold him, then he moved back just a little, pushed again, and shot again, then once more. Each time a little bit less. I opened my eyes to see his contorted sweating face. I still wasn't there yet, and heard myself yelling, "more, more, more. " He began to move to my words, and I could actually feel it in his ass and deep within me, the spasms of his squeezing out of the last drops of his semen. I was now desperate to climax. I let go of his butt, and reached for my pussy to get to my clit. Just as I was doing that, Sissy started to pinch my nipples and Bobby bent down and took my other nipple in his mouth. Bobby's cock came out of my vagina, moved up and rubbed along my clit before he went in again. He did this a few times. I'm not exactly sure, because I started to come. It was beyond belief. I was actually screaming. Each time Bobby did his thing, another wave hit me. It was starting deep within me. It involved my whole body. Finally, I simply couldn't take anymore, and held Bobby's ass still. I could still feel his little squeezes, deep within me, but they no longer had the same urgency. Bobby's head was on my breasts. Sissy had moved up now. We were both breathing very hard, almost sucking in the air. I could feel little after spasms in my vagina and thighs. Not a word was said. After a minute or so, I definitely felt Bobby's cock begin to loose its rigidity. It still felt great inside me, but it no longer filled me like before. Sissy was stroking my face, and kissing my forehead. She leaned down and simply whispered, "well". All I could say was "God Sissy, Bobby, thanks What have I been missing?" I heard Bobby say, "I should thank you. That was really something. It was great. You were great. Believe me." He slowly withdrew from my vagina. It was as though a very important part of me was leaving. I was sorry to have him out, yet I felt completely satiated. I wasn't feeling spent, just immensely satisfied.

Sissy moved over, and Bobby moved up to lie next to her. They kissed each other deeply. I removed the pillow from my ass, and moved it to the other side of him. I moved up to lie next to him also. I looked down to see Bobby's cock no longer erect. I still loved the way it looked. He was completely wet from his own semen and my juices. Even his public hair was matted. Sissy looked over to see where I was looking. "This poor boy needs a cleaning up." She said. "You have to help." Can't I just lie here? I just don't want to get off the bed." I told her. Sissy moved down where she was opposite Bobby's hip. "Don't worry, you just have come down here." She reached over and took Bobby's flaccid cock in her hand and with began to lick around the bottom of his shaft. "Oh that's so nice." Bobby murmured. "Come on Deb, Help me. I want to show you something." Sissy was holding his wet penis upright. I had moved down to be in the same position on the other side. "Look Hon, we've got to get him real clean. This is the best part." I could see that his cock head was covered in semen, and what I was sure, was some of my own juices. "Get closer Debbie. Watch this." Sissy was very calm and quiet. I moved so I was only inches away from his penis. I could easily smell the mixture of odor's of my own juice, and the light ammonia smell of his semen. It was an interesting perfume.

Sissy held his shaft tightly, in a circle of her fingers. She slowly moved them up his cock. I could see his head get larger, and small amount of semen escape from his little slit. It was pearly white, and thick. The pleasant, clean ammonia odor increased. "Go ahead Deb, lick it off. Suck it all out. He loves that, and it tastes good too. It'll be a new experience. Go ahead. Try it." I bent down and tentatively licked at the semen that had welled up from his slit. It tasted just like it smelled, just a little salty. I liked it. It had a very clean taste, certainly like nothing I could compare it too. I took the whole head in my mouth, while Sissy held it upright. I felt her pump again and a little more came out. I swallowed that too. I continued to suck and lick his cock head clean. In a short while, I released it from my mouth. Sissy gently held his cock head with two fingers, and began to lick all around the shaft. She seemed to be doing a very thorough job. Bobby kept saying things like, "boy that's good. Just great. Yes that's the way." He was definitely encouraging us, even though, I don't think we needed any.

As I was watching Sissy continue, I thought that maybe he was getting a little harder. It happened slowly, but there was no question he was. Sissy was now very delicately licking around the rim of his cock head. I realized that she did not have to hold it up. It wasn't as erect as before, but I could see that if she continued it soon would be.

While I felt pretty satisfied from my orgasm, I could tell from Sissy's interest in Bobby and her flushed skin that she was definitely turned on. I realized that she just had a little come a while ago, and it occurred to me that she wanted to save herself until it had worked out for me. I was filled with such love for her at that moment, that I shifted myself so I might kiss her. She turned her attention from Bobby's cock, and we kissed deeply. I could taste Bobby and myself in Sissy's delicious mouth. I knew right away that she was very aroused by the passion of her kiss. We broke off, and Sissy held Bobby's by now erect penis. "Go ahead Deb, suck it in as far as it will go. I want him really hard when he goes inside me." I bent over and took his cock in as far as I could, and began to suck on it. Not hard, but very much like Sissy sucked my tongue. Bobby had placed his hand on the back of my head. While he didn't push me or hold me, it was clear from the way he groaned and patted my head; he was enjoying what I was doing. I definitely could feel it getting even thicker in my mouth, and I could actually feel his heart beat on my tongue. I don't mind telling you that I also found this all pretty exciting.

Sissy got up from his side and straddled him with her ass between his legs, and her back away from us. I had no idea what she was doing. In a moment I saw Sissy bend on her knees and reveal her little ass hole and her shaven pussy. It was very clear that her lips were swollen and moist. I could see right into her vagina, which was much pinker than her dark inner lips. Bobby could not see any of this. He had his head flat on the bed, and his eyes closed. Sissy's breasts were hanging down, and her nipple's were also erect. I wish I could have replaced Bobby's cock for her lovely nipples. Instead I started to stroke along her moist lips. I could see the way she was moving on my fingers that she wanted me to go into her. I did, and she moaned. I removed Bobby's cock from my mouth, as I did that he looked forward and saw Sissy's pussy right there. He pulled himself on to his knees, got behind Sissy, and held her in his arm's. His Cock was just outside her pussy. I reached over to hold it. I guided him into Sissy's wide-open cunt. It was incredible seeing his cock move in. It slipped into her with absolutely no effort. Once he was in he was still. I thought he was going to move it in and out, but he just held himself inside her by pulling her shoulders to him. Sissy kept murmuring, something like, "oh God that's so good." I could see that even though Bobby was not moving, he was doing something, because I could see the muscles in his ass and thighs flex. When he did that Sissy gasped. Bobby then began to pump. I was inches away watching it come almost all the way out, then plunge in. I could see Sissy's engorged lips moving with his cock. Each time he came out he pulled some of Sissy's juices with him, until there was a small thick froth around her entire pussy. I loved her smell. It was similar to mine, but had it's own distinct aroma. I could see Sissy's clit being exposed every time Bobby moved in. It was too tempting. I wet my fingers along her lips, and as it was exposed, I gently flicked it. Sissy actually screamed with pleasure as I did it each time. As I looked between her legs her breasts were swinging with each of Bobby's strokes. I reached under with my other hand and began to finger her nipples. Bobby was now really moving faster and faster. I knew this couldn't last. I stuck my head under her stomach, and between her legs, and found her clit with my tongue, then I began to suck it as Bobby's cock was sliding faster and faster on my cheek into her pussy. I heard Bobby's rhythm change and I sucked even harder, as I tongued her little erect clit. Bobby gave a few more deep thrusts, and then he came. Sissy reached under herself and held the back of my head, then she started to scream and buck her ass, and have her own come. She released my head and I pulled away. Bobby was just finishing his last pushes, and had reached down and was now holding her breasts in both hands. He pulled her more upright. She turned and they kissed. I saw Bobby's cock slide out of Sissy, as they both collapsed, with Bobby sort of on top, but really a mass of arms and legs and kissing mouths. The smell of sex and perspiration filled the air. It was heavenly.

Next: Chapter 4

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