Four Naked Bottoms by Nigel Dean

By David Ashford

Published on Nov 4, 2015




The four bottoms in this story have all been spanked by myself. I hope you enjoy the tale. Feel free to drop me a line

It sounded like a bit of fun so why not ? the subscription was not a lot of money so I entered my card number and clicked to submit my application. I received the automated reply and wondered how long before I heard from a real person. I did not have to wait for very long.

Dear Demon Headmaster (That was the nickname I had chosen for my application) Thank You for your interest in The Guyzspank Community, would you be able to come along for an audition this coming Friday ? I appreciate this is short notice but we have had someone drop out so could accommodate you if you are free.

The e-mail went on to give the location, a private home in North-East London. There is free on-street parking, the message explained. That's rare.

I hate London, the armpit of England and a traffic nightmare. I am convinced the traffic wardens are all former members of the East German Stasi.

It was only seventy miles to drive to the meeting but seventy miles along the M1, M25, M10 and London's feared North Circular Road as difficult as seventy miles on a flight towards the dark side of the moon. To be there for seven o'clock I would need to leave by four at the latest, three hours to drive seventy miles ! Still the prospect of an audition to become a master in the famous Guyzspank club was well worth it.

We have our own collection of punishment tools, the message had concluded, but feel free to bring anything of your own to use for smacking some naughty naked bottoms.

All I have is an old plimsoll, one of a pair I used to use when I want boating. the sole is worn smooth, I tell people that is from spanking so many bottoms but the truth is it dates back to my days on the water. The left shoe is long gone, the right has become my spanking slipper.

Over the years I have whacked many a bottom but it has been some time since the last pair of arse cheeks felt the sting of my slipper. If my application to join The Guyzspank Community goes through the resulting Demon Headmaster videos will be seen all round the planet.

The journey down to London was every bit as horrendous as I thought it would be. Three idiots managed to drive into one another on the M25 and caused a five mile tail back. I could see that nobody was hurt, they stood on the side of the road while the police organised the removal of their wrecked vehicles. I was tempted to pull over and spank the arses of them all !

I arrived thirty minutes early and found a parking space right outside the door where my audition was to take place. I sat in the car and waited. While waiting I contemplated the philosophy of Guyzspank and how it was so much in tune with my own. Man2man fun spanking is, as the name says, all about having fun. Yeh you want it to sting but not to cross the threshold into pain. Spanking is sensual rather than sexual, a straight guy can gain pleasure from being spanked just as much as a gay guy.

I watched others arrive then nervously went to the door and rang the bell. It had said on the website as soon as you walk through the door you will be among friends. How true that was. By seven-thirty there were twenty of us gathered in a large room and proceedings began.

The guy in charge introduced himself as terry, it appeared to all but myself that he was known as The Senior prefect. "Tonight we welcome," he began, "a new friend who hopes he will be joining our band of spankeers as the Demon Headmaster."

I blushed and smiled.

"But firs he has to pass our audition."

Was I about to become the opening event of the evening ?

"Mr Demon Headmaster we have not one, not two and not even three but FOUR naughty boys for you to deal with !"

Yes I was about to be the opening event.

"Step forward please."

Four of those who were seated among us stood up and walked to face the wall.

"Let me introduce them for your benefit Mr Demon Headmaster and to remind all members of our community who these recalcitrant youths are."

With their faces towards the wall it was not easy to learn much about them or guess their ages, something the senior Prefect put right in his introduction.

"On the left is Jay." as he spoke Jay dropped his trousers the his pants. "Jay is twenty-five years old and you will be caning him."

"Next to Jay is Jason, drop your pants Jason and let the headmaster see that peachy bum of yours. You lioke being spanked don't you Jason ?"

"Yes Senior Prefect."

"Excellent The Demon Headmaster is gong to paddle you tonight. You like being paddles don't you Jason ?"

"Yes Senior Prefect."

The lad pinched his buttocks together before replying, "Yes Senior Prefect."

"And now we have Kai. Pants off Kai. At nineteen kai is the youngest of our spankees this evening. he also has the biggest cock of the four, turn round and show us Kai."

Big it was indeed.

"You'll be spanking him over your knee here your challenge is not only to redden his bottom but to get his cock as hard as a rock."

"And lastly we come to Kev. Pants off Kev. at twenty-nine kev is our oldest naughty boy who no matter how many times he is spanked never learns his lesson. You will be slippering him and can use your own personal slipper on his bottom."

I looked at the four naked bottoms lined up against the wall and considered just how surreal the situation was. My eyes flicked from one to another as I debated in my head how I would attend to each in order to pass my audition.

"Is there a particular form of attire you wish to wear ?" I was asked by the prefect.

"I used to wear an academic gown," I explained, "But if I am accepted to join your group I would like to try something different."

"And that is ?"

I was determined to impress. I removed my shirt to stand naked from the waist up. "See these hairs on my chest," I began running my hands up and down. "Each one represents a naughty, naked bottom I have spanked. after this evening there will be four more."

I undid the belt on my trousers, let them fall to the floow then stepped out of them. I adjusted my unique underpants to best effect. "Punishment pants are something one would normally associate with a spankee, I am starting a new fashion for masters starting with these four to be spanked while I wear my own punishment pants." Someone in the audience clapped. I smiled.

"The Demon Headmaster needs to show his character so I will be wearing this." I put on my mask, something I had purchased specially for the evening."

"Wolf will be filming your efforts," the Senior prefect explained."

A young lad in a leather harness and tight underpants stood up.

"The punishment implements are here on this table," the prefect indicated, "you may use this chair. So if you are ready the audition can commence."

Wolf looked at me and nodded to indicate the camera was rolling. What I did now would decide if I passed my addition and was admitted to the world famous Guyzspank Community or not.

"You boy," I barked looking at Kai. "Have you had a wank today ?"

"Yes sir I have."

"Huh so is your cock functional ?"

"I'm not sure sir."

"It had better be boy or you can expect a double spanking !"

I sat down on the chair.

"Over my knee boy."

I adjusted his position, pulling his shirt up his back so nothing would obscure his bottom. I ran my right hand over his two small, tight cheeks before delivering a hard slap to the right one. I felt his body tighten as it reacted to the sting. I sensed Wolf behind me recording the opening spanking.

Time to warm this young man up ahead of the main event, I applied a series of mild slaps to each buttock and observed as their colour deepened. I was not sure but I thought I could sense some movement of his cock against my right thigh. Perhaps it was beginning to stiffen or perhaps it was wishful thinking on my part.

Kai was slim and smooth, his two arse cheeks slender. I looked at the two perfectly symmetrical forms and wondered at their perfection. In a way it felt a shame to spank them but on the other hand they were perfect for spanking.

When I felt my young friend was warmed up enough I changed ever so slightly the formation of my hand, pulling the thumb in closer to the palm and making a small cup shape which when brought down to spank first Kai's left cheek and then his right produced a satisfying smacking sound.

I could sense Wolf behind me with his video camera above my shoulder. The hairs on the back of my neck began to prickly.

It took only a few hand swats before Kai's cock was like a rod and pressing against my thigh. He was obviously enjoying his punishment session. Was the audience enjoying it as well ? Would I pass my audition ?

As I contemplated these thoughts Kai's cock twitched and I felt him cum. Success.

"You naughty, naughty boy I said," adding some concluding slaps to each of those cute, slim buttocks. "Look at what you have done."

"Sorry Sir, I could not help it."

"You had better clean it up then."

My first naughty, naked bottom had been a success but there were three more to go.

"Next," I snapped pointing to Jason. "It's the slipper for you boy. Six of the best."

Naked Jason bent over the chair so presenting his bottom for its punishment.

Jason's bottom was different to Kai's, it was more rounded and fuller in formation. I moved the slipper to my left hand to free my right to slide over the contours and feel where I needed to spank. I pulled the flesh into a grasp then let go before tracing with my finger the line delineating the two cheeks.

"Ready ?"

"Ready Sir."

I raised my hand above my head and gripped the heel of the slipper tightly. My eyes focussed on the right cheek sending a directional signal to my arm guiding it down to strike the target. There was a silence in the room as those watching waited for the slipper to find its target. That silence was broken by the crack and a shout from Jason.

"Did that hurt boy ?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you want some more ?"

"Yes please Sir.

I adjusted the stance of my body, raised my arm again and this time brought the slipper down on Jason's left cheek. As I lifted the slipper I looked to see if any signs of a mark could be seen on either cheek but nothing, nothing yet.

Whack number three I skilfully delivered across both cheeks. The sole of the slipper initially struck the right cheek but the swing brought it to land fully on both, Jason's body tensed as he felt the impact.

Wolf moved round in front of me and filmed me as I delivered slipper whack number four. That too was across both cheeks. he indicated for me to pause as he filmed Jason's spanked bottom, like me the camera was looking for signs of the spanking appearing on those fleshy bottom peaches.

Smack number five was to Jason's left buttock and the final to his right. He stood up, placed both hands on his bottom and began to rub.

"Turn round boy."

He smiled and winked an eye at me.

"Have you learned your lesson boy ?"

"Oh I doubt it Sir, you'll have to spank me few more times before I do."

Surely I was passing my audition.

Who next ? Kev ? Jay ? Of the two Kev had the most spankable bottom, indeed of all four his was the most inviting to spank. I would take him next then end my audition with Jay.

"The attitude adjuster for you," I declared picking up a wooden American paddle.

Kev took up his position bending over the chair Jason had just vacated.

The wooden blade of an American high school paddle, some eighteen inches long and four inches wide is designed to swat both bottom cheeks with every whack. It is not my favoured punishment implement, not so versatile as the slipper I had applied to Jason's bottom and not so effective as the rattan I was holding back for Jay. In sensual terms it fell far short of the over the knee hand spanking I had given to Kai. It occurred to me that not only had he not cum as had Kai but the slippering I had given to Jason had not even stiffened his cock. How would the attitude adjuster fare ?

The state of Kev's cock was not far from the front of my mind as I delivered six whacks across his bottom with the attitude adjuster. I delivered the paddling quickly as I wanted to see how successful I had been. Yes, the result was there sure enough - a delight for my own ego, no doubt a source of pleasure for Kev and something my audience would approve of.

"I have a high pain threshold," Jay said to me, "so do not spare the rod. See if you can deliver a five bar gate."

I swished the rattan cane about, the sound of it whooshing and forcing the air from its course was sensual and a sample of what was about to happen. A five bar gate ! It takes a skilled caner to deliver a five bar gate. I knew what a five bar gate was but had never attempted it. Surely if I could do it now I would pass my audition.

For those who are not familiar with the five bar gate it requires the caner to place five stroked across the bottom in perfect parallel lines and equally spaces. I looked at Jay's bottom and did my best to visualise where each of these five strokes would have to land, misplace just one and the five bar gate could not be achieved. He did not have a big bottom so the cane lines would need to be close together in order to fit all in. The final stroke, number six then has to be placed diagonally across the five, connecting all into the five bar gate.

Jay pinched his bottom cheeks together then whispered softly, "Let's make this happen." I wondered if he could read my mind and knew of my hope to make a five bar gate.

I decided the best way to start would be to place he centre horizontal stroke in place. I took aim and raised the rattan rod into its ready position. A punishment cane is not designed to be used with anything less than full force, you can not give a gentle caning - there is no such thing, strokes fall all over the place and accuracy is just not possible. I planted that first stroke exactly where I wanted it to be, perfect. The moment I lifted the cane I could see the mark across both of Jay's bottom cheeks. Perfect.

Strokes two and three I placed below that first line. In all honesty I did not think I would be skilled enough to make a five bar gate but with three strokes, half way through the punishment session, in place my heart began to beat at double its normal pace and my stomach knotted as it became more and more a possibility.

I knew that Wolf was moving about me filming my attempt but I shut him and his presence completely from my mind. The audience and The Senior Prefect were there deciding the fate of my audition but they did not matter, all that mattered now was completing the five bar gate. That became my ambition, if I passed the audition that would be a bonus. With every ounce of concentration I could muster I raised the cane for the fourth stroke, aiming to land it just above the centre line of my forming gate. I could sense Jay willing my success.

Swish crack !

Keeping the cane momentarily in place I looked and hoped its position was right. Rising it to see the forming stroke line confirmed I had four of the needed five parallel lines in place on Jay's naughty, naked bottom.

The next stroke would be the most important. If I could place it here I needed it to be than the five bar gate was all but assured. Misplace it and failure would be the result. But failure was not an option, Jay adjusted his bottom and I placed the fifth stroke exactly where it had to be. I moved my stance, adjusted the position of my arm and placed the relatively easy sixth stroke to cross the five lines and make the gate.

The one person who could not see my handiwork and the skill of what I had done was Jay yet he knew his bottom was proudly displaying a five bar gate, he stood up to turn round and shale my hand. Kai, Jason and Kev joined him as we stood in a line for Wolf's camera. Somewhere above me the voice of The Senior Prefect was announcing I had passed my audition. he was saying something about an initiation ceremony but I was not listening, I was too full of my success.

As reality slowly returned I found that I was as naked at the four bottoms I had just dealt with. I guessed my initiation into the world famous Guyzspank Community was about to start.

But that is another story !

I hope you enjoyed my little tale - drop me a line if you like

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