Four Guys and a Case of Beer

By Ted Cook

Published on Jan 29, 2000



I had a number of girlfriends during junior high and high school. Also at that same time I experienced an abundance of male to male sex with my neighborhood friends. I don't know if we were the typical neighborhood clan. At age 14 we all got interested in what was happening to our bodies. There were four of us who spent most of our time together including frequent overnight adventures when we slept out under the stars in the summer. Those nights took on a special significance as the summer progressed. We began with the usual "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours." From there we dispensed with the rhetoric and just stripped off all of our clothes as soon as we were sure that the adults of the house were in bed and asleep. Lying naked and telling stories under the stars, what a real turn on for us. Eventually we challenged one another with truth or dares. We did some pretty stupid and meaningless things like running around the block naked or standing naked under a street light while counting to 100. By mid summer we were having a mutual jack off session before we would fall off to sleep. We continued with our sexual inquisition until we graduated from high school when we scattered to the four winds.

That was the extent of my male to male sexual practices until several years late when I moved to Capital City. I was 20 at the time and thought I had the world by the tail. I was interested in sports cars and became a member of the SCCA. At the first meeting that I attended I met a very friendly young high school senior named Tony who was fascinated with my Jaguar XKE. We visited for quite a while and before we left he asked my where I lived. I gave him my address and a couple of days later he dropped by with a couple of his school friends to see my Jaguar.

Tony and I became great friends and he continued to drop by my apartment with various friends. One night there was a knock at my door about 11 PM. When I opened it there were three high school seniors carrying a case of Old Milwaukee. They were friends of Tony's but he was not with them. They needed a place to chill and drink their beer. I invited them in and they quickly made themselves at home, drinking their beer and watching television. After they had consumed a couple of beers each they begin talking about their pants being too tight because they had drunk so much. One of them, Todd, asked if I minded if he opened his belt and the top button of his jeans to relieve the pressure. I said sure and told him to do whatever he needed to do to feel comfortable. Todd was a super looking stud. He was probably 6'2" and about 200 pounds with brown hair and blue eyes. Todd played football and baseball for Capital High as did his other two friends. The other two, although no equal to Todd were pretty good-looking guys, both of them about 5' 9" with a medium build. Their names were Bill and Tom.

Todd loosened his belt and let it hang loose around his waist and then unbuttoned the top two buttons of his jeans. I could see just the smallest amount of white from his Jockeys. When Todd seemed to be comfortable and settled back on the couch both Bill and Tom loosened their belts and pulled their zippers down to the bottom and then got comfortable to watch TV. After another beer I excused myself and went to piss. When I returned I noticed that Todd had unbuttoned the remaining buttons on his jeans and had stretched out with his long legs extending from the couch accenting the open fly. There was nothing worth watching on the TV so we turned it off and just shot the shit for a while. Tom asked if I had any fuck magazines that they could look at. I went to my bedroom and grabbed a couple of low rent magazines and returned to the living room. By that time Todd had folded the sides of his jeans down to clearly show the front of his white shorts but the other two had not changed their arrangement. At this point I was getting real curious as to where this was going.

I tossed one magazine to Bill and Tom who were sitting in side-by-side chairs. The other mag went to Todd who was seated on the couch with me. As Todd paged through the endless collection of tits, pussys and an occasional dick, I caught him reaching down and readjusting his own dick in his shorts.

At the same time Tom asked if it would be okay if he slipped his jeans down a little bit to ease the pressure on his beer-laden stomach. I again said, "sure, do what ever you want." Tom slipped his jeans down a few inches and I decided to see where this was going. I told the guys that it was late and that I usually was comfortable in just my boxers at that time of the night and that if they didn't mind I would like to get my clothes off. Bill said, "it's your house, do what ever turns you on." I went into my bedroom and kicked off my shoes, socks, sweater and jeans. That left me in my dark blue boxers as I re-entered the living room. Todd looked up as I walked in and commented about my wearing boxers. Todd didn't think he would like them because he liked the feeling of being cupped in his underwear. I told him that he should give it a try sometime.

As I took my seat again on the couch Bill stood up and said that I looked too comfortable and that he would like to kick off his jeans also. I said, "go for it" and not only did he go for it but Tom did too at the same time. There we were four guys in various states of undress. Tom and Bill, looking hot in their shorts and shirts, were beginning to show some growth under their white briefs. What puzzled me was that I was getting hard just watching what was going on. I had never thought of myself a gay and I led a fairly normal life with a girlfriend and hetro activity. I moved down toward Todd on the couch to look on with him at the fuck book. When I did he held the magazine with one hand and ran his other hand down into his shorts and rubbed it around a bit. When he withdrew his hand the placement of his dick made it obvious that he was hard as a rock. Still not knowing where this was going I decided to push it to the limit. I excused myself for another piss and went to the bathroom. I gave my dick a few pumps to get it extra firm so that I would leave no doubt about the bulge pushing against my boxers. As I walked back into the living room Tom noticed my hard on right away and asked me if I was about to tear a hole in my boxers. Todd looked up at that time and said that he thought he would shed his jeans also. He stood and hooked his thumbs under the waistband and pushed. "Anybody care if I kick off my shorts too?" No one even replied but Todd had his jeans and shorts on the floor before anyone could have replied. He kicked them off of his feet and pulled his tee shirt over his head. There stood the most beautiful specimen of youth that I had ever seen. Tall, slender and with a beautiful cut dick protruding at least 7" from his nest of pubic hair.

Having the social graces to do what ever was necessary to make my guests feel comfortable I quickly hooked my thumbs in my boxers and pushed them down far enough that they fell to the carpet. I gave them a kick and I was as naked as Todd was.

Not to be outdone, Bill and Tom followed suit and we were all naked and hard. I sat back down beside Todd and looked over his shoulder at the magazine. It was obvious that these guys were not shy about their sexuality with one another so I chanced to see if I could relive some of my high school sleepover memories. I took hold of my dick and began to slowly work it up and down. No one seemed to be following suit so I laid my chips on the table and asked if they wanted to jack off as long as we are all naked, hard and horny. Todd turned and looked at me and said that he's not really into jacking off and continued to look at the pictures. I asked Todd what he does when he is horny and he turned with his face in mine and said, "why don't you jack me off?' I didn't need another invitation so I reached across and gently grasped Todd's dick. When I did I could feel his whole body tense and then relax completely. He laid the magazine down, stretched out farther on the couch, laid his head back and closed his eyes. My gaze turned to Tom and Bill to find them both jerking hard on their dicks. By now I was jacking Todd with my right hand and myself with my left hand. I hadn't jacked off for several days so I had a pretty short trigger. I eased off on mine and concentrated on Todd's hard piece of meat. Less than a minute went by and Todd's balls began to tighten and he began to shudder. His semen exploded from the end of his dick as through it had been waiting a lifetime to be freed. The first landed on Todd's forehead and the second and third landed on his chest. I worked his dick until I could tell that it was getting too tender for him to enjoy it.

I changed my gaze to Bill and Tom just in time to see Tom shoot a huge load that fell just above the end of his dick on his stomach. He shuddered and let a sigh of relief. Now there was just Bill and me left to come. I leaned back against the couch and got a firm grip on my dick. I closed my eyes and let my imagine run. Soon I felt my hand being pulled away from my dick. I opened my eyes to see Todd reaching across with his right hand to grasp my rock hard dick. Todd looked in my eyes and told me that he wasn't into jacking himself off, but that he loved to be jacked off and that it was only fair that he return the favor.

I relaxed and looked over at Bill steadily pulling on his meat. He began to shoot and it was as though he was convulsing with each shot. His whole body jerked as he poured out his life juice in spurt after spurt. That was all that I could take. Everyone but I had come. I had done my job as a host and now it was my turn to come. All three of the kids remained naked as I was being masturbated. The sight of these three naked Adonis like creature was the perfect end to my jack off session. I think I shot more come that night than at any other time in my life.

After I recovered I went to the linen closet and grabbed four hand towels. I tossed one to each guy so that we could clean up our come-spattered bodies. Strangely the guys were still pretty comfortable and no one was rushing to get dressed. There were still six beers left so we each grabbed one. By now they were getting a little warm but I needed a beer after the great time that I had just experienced. When we finished our last beer the guys dressed and thanked me for a great evening. As I walked them to the door Todd asked if it would be okay if they came back sometime. Naturally I said they were welcome anytime.

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