
By ten.teniyks@yobrebas

Published on Jul 14, 1999



My name is Todd, I am 15, and I'm horny. At least, that's what my three closest friends would say.

Holter, Steven, and Andrew are my buddies whom I went to a private school with up to now. All of us are highschool sophomores and are currently enjoying a long weekend. But even without classes, I'm sure the four of us will continue to learn a few more things, most especially the ones they don't teach in school.

It all started in our freshmen year. Steven, brown haired and a little shorter than me, was a transferee and did not know anyone in school. At first, I sort of ignored the cute newcomer, hanging out with my old friends. But Steven just seemed all alone whenever we had our breaktime. Acting as a good guy, I approached him one time as he was playing basketball all by himself. Soon, we became friends and, instead of hanging out with my old friends (who were now busy with girls and all), I found myself spending most of my time with him. Oftentimes, we would play basketball together, sometimes he would invite me to his house and challenge me over video games.

One afternoon, while coming home from playing basketball, we were caught under the rain. I decided to stop at Steven's house for a while, which was just nearby, until the weather cleared up, but unfortunately took a long time. With the both of us soaking wet, we dashed up to his room to dry ourselves. Steven lent me some clothes to use for the meantime and as he did, he was taking his wet uniform off. Pretending not to mind him, I also stripped myself naked and waited for him to finish drying himself with the towel. While doing so, I couldn't resist looking at his penis, comparing it to mine. Steven seemed to be a late bloomer, having a few hair growing from his pubic area. When he saw me looking wide-eyed at his private, he laughed and threw me his towel. But when I started drying myself up, I felt his hand curiously touching my dick, and shaking it gently.

"Cum boy, cum!" Steven said jokingly, as he stroked me up.

At that point, my dick immediately rose up and became hard. Now, we both found ourselves laughing and soon, I took his weiner and shook it slowly. It took a while for his penis to harden, but as soon as it did, we both noticed that we've stopped laughing, and jacking each other off. We just looked at each other and smiled, continuing to ejaculate our erections.

"Is that good enough for you?" I asked as I continued jacking him up.

"Yup," he replied. "Are you cumming off?"

"Nope," I told him. "Not yet..."

I asked him if he'd been given a blowjob before, and said no. I then thought of going a little far off, thinking maybe he'd let me have a suck on his erect meat. I dared him that if he'd give me a head, I'd give him one too. And so he agreed. We both walked to his bed slightly wet and naked, and lied down. Steven stopped to reach over my dick, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly swallowed my raw hard penis. Moving up and down, he just sucked and sucked as if he was denied of it for a long time.

"Man, go deeper...," I whispered as I enjoyed every motion.

He did so, sucking my erection as deep as he could, and moaned. Then he moved into my balls and slowly licked it for some time, and went back again to work on my penis. Then after a while he went a little faster, putting one hand rubbing my pubic area, and the other ejaculating me as he sucked. With that pace, I was ready to cum off.

"Dude, I'm cumming...," I warned him. "Uhh...I'm cumming now!"

But he didn't seem to hear me and went even faster. Suddenly, I shot my load inside his mouth, and soon I felt weak. Steven was still sucking my wad but slowly this time, squeezing my now soft penis for any semen left. Afterwards, he sat back and looked at me.

"You swallowed it, didn't you?" I asked Steven as soon as I regained my strength.

He just smiled at me and said, "It's your turn."

And so he laid on the bed spread-eagled, exposing his entire white body and his stiff penis. I just stared at his hairless chest down to his erection.

"I'm waiting my friend," he said teasingly, and placed his hand over his head to relax.

I sarcastically snapped back, which got us laughing again, but soon stopped as I placed myself between his legs and infront of his prick, and with my tongue touching his very private part. First, I just licked him wet, starting on top down to his testicles. Steven was just quiet. Then I began rubbing my lips on his pubic area which sort of made him squirm. Then, holding it with one hand, I took his penis into my mouth and slowly, I went all the way down.

"Uhhhhh...!" Steven almost groaned loudly as I swallowed his penis as deep as I can.

Gently, I sucked my friend up and down, while he pushed his torso upward. I could hear him breathe thru his mouth as I gave him his very first blowjob.

"Todd...ummmhhh...," he would groan.

I just moved my mouth, with my tongue gliding upon his fresh hard prick. Suck after suck, I gave my buddy the satisfaction of a good fellatio. After a few more sucking, I sat back looking at him.

"Cum, dude." I said, taking my mouth from his wet penis after a long while, and began jacking him off.

"Oh c'mon!" he begged childishly. "Suck me off!"

So I went back to suck my friend, with my left hand feeling his diaphragm, and the other guiding his dick into my mouth. Steven would moan sometimes but as I went a little faster, he moaned even louder. I was getting a bit tired that I just sucked his dickhead and jacked him off, drooling from time to time onto my hardworking hand and down to his balls. Soon, I could taste an odd salty liquid strongly gushing into my mouth and quickly weakening. With his groans turning into heavy breathing, I can confirm that my friend Steven has reached his climax, and came off the same way as I did.

Steven was just smiling with his eyes half-closed, and breathing slowly.

"Dude, that was awesome!" Steven said as he took a pillow and placed it on his chest.

We just laid on the bed quiet and naked for a couple of minutes, and began to talk about things like sex and all, how we learned those stuffs, and eventually got to know each other better. From that time on, we were best of friends, sharing more than just what ordinary friends would.

At least thrice weekly, Steven and I would stop by his place after school and play with each other on bed. Sometimes, we would even cross each other's path during breaktime, which regularly lead to frequent masturbations inside a toilet cubicle.

One time, Steven and I cut classes to jack off inside a toilet. Upon inspecting it thoroghly for any person, we hid in the last cubicle where we immediately unzipped our flies and rubbed each other's dicks. To give us a hard on fast, we would take turns from sucking each other. As soon as our rods were hard, we would jack off together. Carried away with the feeling of sensation, Steven and I failed to notice someone entering the toilet.

Suspicious of seeing two pairs of feet inside one cubicle, this person may have gotten curious and silently crept up from an adjacent cubicle.

"Eugh, gross!" the person exclaimed.

To Steven and my surprise, we immediately stopped what we were doing and quickly zipped our flies fast. I recognized the person right away. It was Holter, our batchmate. I often saw him around school but I didn't know him personally. Anyway Holter, a light-framed blonde kid our age, has been peeping, and was staring at us afterwards. I pulled him right away into our cubicle, hiding my fear that he might tell someone about me and Steven. Feeling threatened, Holter asked what we were doing, pretending to be ignorant of what he saw. Instead of putting ourselves at risk by socking Holter right in the face, we kept calm and explained everything. We told him that we were just experimenting with how it feels like to be jacked off by someone, and asked him if he would want to join us. Backing out, we had to convince Holter that it was alright with us, and asked him to watch how we did it by showing him a sample. Steven and I unzipped our flies again and began sucking each other until both of our rods were hard. Taking a gulp, Holter stared at our hot rods as we jacked off. Soon I asked Holter to stay calm as I placed my left arm around his back. Taking his fly, I went to unzipped it despite his objections. He would look at me defensively and push my hand away and while doing so, my hand would touch his pants where I felt his soft bulge slowly turn hard. Somehow I found myself successful when, upon pulling his zipper and boxer shorts down, Steven and I saw his hard cock pointing up. With my hand on his back, I felt his heart pound fast.

"C'mon man, just be a sport," Steven insisted on Holter as he stood behind my back. "It's alright."

Holter settled down blushing as soon as Steven and I saw his private. He just froze there, silent and looking at his own dick.

"Have you ever been sucked before?" I asked him.

"Huh?...No," he replied as he looked at me with his blue eyes.

"Then this might change your mind," I said. "Don't move."

Then, as Steven watched, I bended over towards Holter's fairly big penis, and started sucking it gently.

"Whoa...," Holter whispered, and soon placed his hand on my nape. I moved my head to and fro, giving him a good blowjob while he looked.

Then I knelt down to make myself comfortable as I sucked Holter's meat. Steven soon joined me and took turns, licking his balls and sucking his penis. But Holter just had a cock a bit bigger than both Steven and mine that we had trouble taking his prick all the way inside our mouths. After a few more sucking, we just had to give up for the moment.

"Why'd you stop?" Holter asked me.

"I just wanna know if you'd want to continue with this," I demanded.

"W-well...Ok...," He replied with an obviously shaky voice.

"Then swear not to tell anyone about this or you'll be very damn sorry," I remembered telling him then. "We'll meet you after dismissal."

So we all zipped our flies up, and let Holter go back to class. Steven and I never resumed our mutual masturbation for the time being as we waited for dissmissal time.

Soon, it was time to meet Holter. But he was nowhere to be found. Steven and I, very much scared, decided to stop looking for him and went home. Upon nearing Steven's house, to our shock, we saw Holter talking with Steven's mom! We turned cold upon approaching them, thinking about what Holter might be telling Steven's mother. But upon seeing us, Steven's mom greeted and told us that our friend Holter had been waiting for us. With so much relief, we quickly pulled Holter upstairs to Steven's room.

It was a perfect timing as Steven's mom told us that she was going out. After making sure that she had left, we locked ourselves up in Steven's bedroom. Quickly, Holter took some hardcore magazines from his knapsack, and explained that he went home immediately after dismissal just to get those for us. By the way, he also knew where Steven lived since it was very near school.

Sitting ourselves on the bed, we began looking through the dirty pictures. All was quiet except the sound of pages turning. Then after a short while, we were distracted when Steven spoke.

"I feel kinda horny," Steven said as he lied back on his bed.

Putting my magazine down, I reached over his pants and felt his bulge from the outside. Steven just closed his eyes and smiled.

"Are you having a hard on too?" Holter asked me.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked back.

"Sure," Holter said. "Wanna see it?"

"Ok," I answered, looking at Holter as he unzipped his pants and pulled his boxer shorts down.

Steven was now also looking. There we saw Holter's erection very much eager to be sucked again. I told everyone that it would be more fun if we all took our clothes off, and we did. We settled on the bed, leaning over stacked pillows, and masturbating ourselves. Holter was seated between me and Steven. After a series of strokings, Steven let go of his penis and went on top of Holter, putting his arms around him. Then he began french-kissing Holter as he rubbed his prick on him. I moved myself closer to Holter and went sucking on his earlobe. His one hand was now feeling Steven's ass while the other was shaking my dick vigorously. Steven gave me his place shortly, and I moved on top of of Holter, french-kissing him and rubbing my penis in between his thighs.

Holter was a good french-kisser as he knew how to coordinate with my lips as well as my tongue. For that, I broke off and licked off his neck, pressing my mouth on it wherein he just closed his eyes and moaned. Then Steven moved us into lying down sideways with Holter and I still in a tight lock. Steven embraced me from the back, and rubbed his hard rod on my butt. Breaking off from kissing, Holter asked me if I could suck him again. Steven had an idea of how we could suck each other at the same time.

Soon we found ourselves in a triangle, with me sucking Holter off, Holter sucking Steven, and Steven sucking me. We would often moan in random, keeping ourselves busy licking each other's testicles and penises. Sometimes we would be thrilled to lick each other's assholes once in a while. Then we changed positions from time to time to have the chance to blow each one.

"Todd," Steven called, "Would you want to try something new?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like fucking," Steven answered.

I looked at Holter as I held his dick in my hand. Then I told Steven that I would just concentrate on sucking Holter off first before we go thru another new experiment. So I continued to suck Holter as he and Steven started kissing. As I sucked, I worked my finger into Holter's butthole and inserted it there. Slowly, I pushed it from time to time as I sucked him passionately. I felt Holter become more excited thru his movements and groans. Then I went to suck a little faster, with my other hand massaging his groin. With several blows, I felt his dick throbbing as if it was preparing to cum. I only had a few more seconds to suck, then I pulled my head out just in time. Holter moaned loudly as he shot his cum all the way up, spewing some on my face and some on Steven's back. Holter came off with a lot of semen that some of it which were on his diaphragm were licked of by both Steven and me.

Then, Steven went thru his drawer and took some petroleum jelly. With Holter exhausted, I went to lay with my chest on top of his, and began kissing him as I hugged him. Suddenly, I felt Steven's finger on my ass. He was wiping my butthole with petroleum jelly. Then Steven humped on my back, resting his face on my nape, and thrusting his penis inside me.

"Aw, it hurts!" I complained, pushing his penis away when it got too painful.

"I'm not even halfway yet!" Steven would tell me.

Holter just took my head and kissed me on the forehead as I stood the pain. Soon, Steven was in and slowly moved his dick to and fro. My butthole was kinda itchy and painful at first. But as soon as my ass was numb, I didn't mind Steven pumping on me.

Holter took me and kissed me off, embracing me while Steven sucked and drooled on my nape while fucking.

"Oh...," Steven would often moan as he pumped in slow rhythms.

"Are you done yet?" I would often ask impatiently, breaking off from my kissing session with Holter.

"Don't talk," Steven would snap. "I'm losing it."

I was getting impatient then, with my ass painfully hurting. It seemed that Steven got distracted everytime I asked him, so I just kept quiet and kissed on as I waited. Soon enough, Steven was pumping fast and shortly, he pulled his dick out of my ass and began rubbing it on my back. I felt his hot fluid squirt on my buttcheeks, spilling all the way to my legs. He took his hand afterwards and got some of his semen, and rubbed it all over my body. Holter too, rubbed some of Steven's cream on me.

Then it was my turn to have pleasure. I placed myself between Holter and Steven, and asked them both to suck me. Holter was the first one to move, reaching over my penis as he settled next to my legs. Exhausted, Steven was taking a few moments to regain back his strength. Holter meanwhile started off to play with my rod, kissing and licking it. Finally, Steven was back, and just like Holter he played with my dick with his mouth. Both of my friends were soon taking turns sucking my dick of. I felt so much pleasure as they fed on my hard length together. Then Holter took my right leg on his shoulder, spreading me apart and began licking my ridge and down to my hole. Steven kept sucking and sucking as if he needed my juice so bad.

"Steve...," I called out. "I wanna fuck."

After savoring his last few sucks, he moved up beside me lying on his tummy. Holter seemed to be enjoying licking my sex that I had to put my hands on his face to tell him to stop, despite the incredible feeling. Then I went to get some petroleum jelly. As I was ready to put some on my penis, Holter took some and jacked it on me. I knelt down behind Steven and pulled him up by the hips. Reaching for some pillows, Steven placed it under his tummy and bended over. I was now ready to penetrate Steven on his rear. But I couldn't help touching and feeling his cute hairless ass for a while. It was plump white and round. Holter soon took my penis and guided it towards Steven's bum. As I felt my erect penis touch his anus, I slowly gave a push. Steven was receiving my dick without complaint that I pushed as far as I could go.

"Mmmmhhh..." Steven would sound off.

"Does it hurt dude?" I asked concernly.

"No," he said. "Just go on."

Steven placed his hands on his back to reach on my hips. Then he pulled me closer to him. Holter was now behind me also knelt, embracing my tummy as I gently moved to and fro. I could feel Holter getting an erection since his sex was pressed on my ass. Unminding, I took time fucking my best friend's ass.

"Go faster," Steven pleaded.

"Sure," I said, shifting my gear in a faster mode.

"Oh...that's good," Steven was now satisfied.

I kept my pace, ramming hard into my best friend's ass. Holding firmly on his hips, I banged and banged on his rear. My dick could feel Steven's heat deep inside, while I enjoyed his tight butthole. Suddenly, I was nearing my peak.

"Uh...cumming off dude...," I sounded.

"Cum inside me," Steven faintly told me. "Please..."

Then, reaching as deep as I could, I pushed my hard rod, shooting my fluid inside him as I moaned. I felt there were more than three strong squirts that I let out, then I pumped on slowly this time, bending over and rested on Steven's back.

Afterwards, we were just all on the bed tired. We caught our breaths for a couple of minutes, fondling our soft penises, and stared at the ceiling.

"Man, I loved that," I spoke with heavy breathing.

"Yeah," Steven replied. "We should do that more often."

"Did it feel good?" Holter asked.

"You bet!" I said. "So what's next?"

"We better get going," Steven told us. "My mom would be back soon."

So, after a few more minutes on the bed, we all went to the bathroom and took a shower together. As soon as we got hold of the soap, we began wiping each other's body with it. With all the suds, the three of us made a sensual group hug, rubbing our warm bodies on each other. The feeling was getting us horny again, especially when we started soaping our dicks. After washing ourselves off, except our hard-ons which we continued to soap, we turned the shower off and masturbated. The smooth feel of soap suds was a total alternate feeling to a blow job. We just sat on the tub while soaping our sex, watching who would come off first. Steven was the first to go, then me, then with our help Holter finally spilled his cum.

We were then back at Steven's room, gathering our clothes and dressing up. After intimately kissing with each one long enough, Holter and I decided to go home. Holter thanked us and told us that he enjoyed the experience, and asked to do it with us again.

"Sure," I said. "Just don't tell anyone."

"Yeah," Holter replied. "It's all our secret."

Then we left Steven, and went on our way home.

In the next few days, Holter regularly hung out with us, even if we didn't necessarily had to do bed games and all. Still, we held frequent "jack-off sessions" both in school and at Steven's house. Sometimes, we would sleep over at each one's house and do it in our rooms, lasting almost the whole night. Sometimes, we would even take a bath together when no one's around. With it, we got to know Holter better. I used to know him before as a shy person, even if I never actually talked to him. Now, I got two best friends.

One day, Steven and I asked Holter about his porno magazines and where he got them. Of course, Holter was, like me and Steven, a minor and I'm sure he couldn't just get one off the rack. He told us that he borrowed it from his classmate who collected dozens of them, including X-rated videos. Steven and I got curious who this guy was and asked Holter to borrow more.

As we were walking altogether at the school's parking lot one afternoon, Holter pointed from a distance to a kid our age. He told us his name was Andrew, and that he was the person whom he borrowed porn magazines from. Andrew, whom Holter told us about his reputation in class as a maniac, was smaller than Steven, had ebony hair, and to what I heard was known to be rough and aggressive. One time, Holter introduced Andrew to us wherein we invited him to play basketball. Fortunately he did. Soon Andrew was with our group, but we didn't share him our secret. Not yet. Hanging out with us long enough and enjoying his company, we planned to share our stuff with him. Holter opened the topic of swapping hardcore videos and magazines again with him. Curious, Steven and I got ourselves involved, wanting to see his collection. Within moments, we found ourselves in Andrew's room scanning through his boxes of dirty magazines. He said he got it from his older brothers who gave it to him. The three of us could sense each one becoming hot and horny that we told Andrew we were going to Steven's house for a while. Steven's house by the way hardly had anyone home until evening. Andrew, puzzled, asked why and told him that we would just do something and will be back right away. Figuring something, Andrew wanted to go with us to confirm what about what he was thinking. Upon getting into Steven's room, we told Andrew that the three of us would jack off for a while.

"What!?!" Andrew said surprisingly. "I knew it!"

"Well," Steven said. "You can just stand there and watch us."

The three of us laughed. Then we all dropped our pants and underwears, and sat on the side of the bed. As soon as we were able to grip our erection, we immediately ejaculated.

"I jack off sometimes you know," Andrew spoke as he watched us.

"You want me to jack you of?" I asked.

"It's fun!" Holter added.

"Yeah," Andrew said.

But Andrew stood and watched without any interest. He would just look at our progress, probably thinking who might cum first. Suddenly Steven, who was very horny that time, leaned over on Holter and eagerly sucked on his penis. Holter's dick just took Steven's mouth without any objections. With the sight of it, Andrew was shocked.

"Ugh, faggots!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Fuck you," Holter snapped back as he was being sucked.

"Hey," I interrupted. "It's alright. Do you know how good it feels like to be sucked?"

"Not by a guy!" Andrew replied harshly.

"Why, you think you can easily get yourself a pussy right now?" I said.

"Yeah," Steven spoke up as he stopped his business. "All he could do is just read his magazines alone and jack off!"

The three of us laughed. I remembered Holter telling us about Andrew's reputation in their class as a maniac. Maybe that would do it.

"Look," I said. "What's to lose? I'm sure you always wanted to experience a blow job. Now's your chance! Besides, who's gonna know?"

"Yeah, but-"

"But what?" I asked.

"But someone might know." Andrew was now worried.

"No one's gonna know but just us four," Holter told him.

"Unless you leak out," Steven added.

"Oh I don't know," Andrew said.

"C'mon," I pulled Andrew closer to me. "If you want, we'd all give you a suck for an experience. Everyone will just keep this as our secret."

"Oh, alright."

Then Andrew stood infront of me, with his fly towards my face. I touched his curves from the outside, rubbing his small bulge. As soon as I felt it harden, I unzipped his fly and pulled his pants down. I was now facing his white underwear; his hard-on outlined upon his cotton brief. As I pulled his garter down, it showed his white boyhood meat. There were not as much hair on his pubic area as compared to Steven's. Andrew had only few strands of black pubic hair with some of it still growing. Still, his penis wasn't intimidated from ours and it continued to stand hard, waiting for its very first suck.

"Ok, here we go...," I said.

Then taking a deep breath, I wrapped my arm on his back, held his stiff weiner with my other hand, and slowly placed it inside my mouth.

"Ahhhh...," Andrew closed his eyes.

"You like it?" Holter asked.

"Yeah," Andrew answered while he placed his hands on my ears. "Gimme more..."

Andrew's dick was easy to swallow, being smaller as compared to any of ours, so I could really suck it whole. As I sucked, I rolled my tongue around his penis, blowing it off and going all the way deep into my mouth. Andrew rested his hands on my shoulders as I continued to play with him. I knew that he would look at Steven and Holter as they sucked each other. Andrew pushed his penis into my mouth from time to time, which implied that he was enjoying my suck. Then I stopped.

"Hey," I broke off from blowing him. "It's your turn now."

"We're not gay, right?" Andrew asked upon kneeling down infront of my hot erection.

"No we're not," I said, hoping to avoid any debates that would stop him from sucking me and playing with us. "We just couldn't find a girl right now as hot as us."

Upon hearing it, Andrew ejaculated me for a while, looking at my stiff penis. Seeing some pre-cum on my dick, he wipes it off with his finger and looks at it. He went back soon, slowly ejaculating me, looking at me from time to time. Then he moved his mouth towards my dick, touching it with his tongue. As he gave his first two shots on me, he pulled back to taste his mouth for anything odd. But he continued again, sucking me slowly; his right arm on my hip. After a few rounds of sucking, he went as deep as he could put my dick in his mouth and just paused for a long time. During that time, he sucked my penis like a pacifier wherein I pushed on his mouth for some sensation. He would moan, then he went back to suck. His mouth, wet with saliva, just went on gliding until Steven took him.

The four of us were now on the bed, sucking each other off. Andrew seemed to have been enjoying since we never heard any complains from him. After having the chance to suck each one, we gave Andrew our promise. We laid him spread-eagled on the bed and the three of us competed for his sex. We took turns sucking Andrew, who was now groaning with pleasure. It was a dream-come-true for him since he never expected to get a good blowjob at a young age. When one of us were busy on Andrew's little meat, the other two would lick his groin, balls, and anus wet. Unfortunately, our fellatio session on Andrew didn't last very long since he easily came off. It was Holter who was working on him when Andrew began spewing a squirt or two, and then spilling what was left. The three of us licked his cum off right away. With Andrew down, we decided to masturbate since we all got our tongues tired from licking. Besides, fucking our butts off might add to Andrew's shock. So we laid back altogether beside Andrew and jacked off. Holter came off first this time, shooting hard that some of his semen reached his face, then Steven, who shot his load and smeared it on his body, then me. As usual, after every round we would rest for a while as we caught our breaths. All we could do is fondle our limp penises as we began to talk.

"Do you guys do this often?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah," Holter answered. "We even do it in school."

"Really?" Andrew was amazed. "How?"

Then we told him that the three of us usually planned and met inside a toilet. We told him how it all began, starting with me and Steven's "caught in the rain" incident. Andrew was just surprised to know how long the three of us had been playing with each other without anyone else in school discovering it.

"Did you have fun?" Steven asked Andrew.

"Sure," Andrew replied. "I loved it."

"You wanna do it again sometime?" Holter asked.

"Often!" Andrew said excitedly.

So we all promised to keep it only among ourselves, with Andrew getting the hang of it. We would play together at least three times per week both in school and at Steven's room. Andrew eventually became close to us and we all were a circle of horny friends. It didn't take long for Andrew to learn buttfucking!

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