Four Doors Down

By Thomas Thomas

Published on Dec 15, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are a product of the author's over-active imagination. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental, but, you know, if you know something like this that actually happened, I'd love to hear about it. Contact

John from four doors down (Part II)

When he got home, Jeffrey looked flushed and worn out. Jeffrey's father had just gotten home from work and asked him "Are you okay? You look like you just sprinted around the block a hundred times." Jeffrey responded "I, uh, I worked out a bit at John's house after I helped him with his computer." "I see. I didn't know that John did any working out - he hasn't as long as I've known him at least." Jeffrey's father responded quizzically. Jeffrey shrugged and searched for the right words to say "He has some weights in the basement that he showed me." Jeffrey's father just raised his eyebrows and said "Oh. Ok. Well, it's good for you to do something physical and work your muscles, I guess." It seemed like this excuse worked for the time being, though Jeffrey was worried that his story might not hold up the next time his father and John saw each other. What if he brought it up with John and John didn't know about the excuse. He had to have some way of ensuring that the story was solid. This meant he had to talk to John before his father had a chance to do so.

Jeffrey ran up to his room and laid down on his bed. He almost immediately fell asleep. Getting skull-fucked by John's huge meaty cock had worn him out. When he woke up a couple hours later, he had a huge erection. He still could smell John's cum on him. He jerked off quickly and came again for the second time that day. While he was showering and cleaning off, thoughts came to him - he had always been awkward dating other college guys and even though some of the dates were nice, he felt different when he had given John a blowjob. He was an older straight guy and the idea that he wanted to please him so badly - that had been a much greater turn-on than fucking other guys his age. He loved how he could be both in control of the situation but also dominated by someone so virile. Was he going after something that was inaccessible for him?

The next day on campus, Jeffrey's throughts were elsewhere. He couldn't concentrate in his classes and walking around the student union between classes, he caught himself just eyeing all the other guys wearing grey sweatpants. In some cases, these guys left little to the imagination. He had been horny all day, but he also knew he had to put all thoughts of sex outside of his mind. He had a meeting with his TA for one of his computer science classes that afternoon to discuss his grade and the course project. Maybe it would be fine if he jerked off in one of the men's room stalls just to get his horny thoughts out?

The student union was busy and that meant that the men's rooms were usually busy too. Jeffrey walked in and there were several guys at urinals and most of the stalls were occupied. A handful of guys were washing their hands or waiting for a urinal while checking their phones. It was simply too crowded for Jeffrey to relax and take care of his horny feelings. But he had an idea - maybe the library restrooms would be quieter.

Jeffrey took off towards the library on campus. He only had a half hour before his meeting with his TA, but perhaps that was enough time to take care of things. The library was quiet as Jeffrey walked in. Most of the computers on the ground floor were occupied by students writing, so Jeffrey went up to the fifth floor. The floor was even more quiet. Several students worked at console desks on their research and Jeffrey walked through the stacks of bookshelves. He walked far down one aisle and then, turning, saw a small men's room at the opposite end of the section.

The room was empty, so Jeffrey decided to head straight to the last of three stalls in the room to give himself some privacy. He pulled down his pants and started to jerk off while standing. He pulled out his phone to look at some porn on Twitter. He knew he wouldn't last very long and his mind kept thinking about how good it felt to blow John's big meaty cock and to taste his huge spurts of cum as John came in his mouth. He was getting pretty close, but after about two minutes, the doors to the restroom opened and he heard someone come inside. He paused, not wanting to make any sounds. The man's hard shoes echoed loudly on the tile floor as he walked over to the urinals. The man seemed to take forever to pee and Jeffrey just wanted to finish jerking off in silence. After finishing, the man walked over the wash his hands. Jeffrey was about to start scrolling through more porn on his phone, but either due to his nervousness or sweatiness, he dropped his phone.

The phone bounced on the ground of the urinal and then onto the floor in the next stall over. The man who was washing his hands turned around and saw that Jeffrey's phone had fallen. He walked over to the stall where it had fallen, picked it up, and tapped on Jeffrey's stall "Do you want me to give this to you or put it on the sink here?" Jeffrey had been scrolling through an account with images of hairy guys with thick cocks and he knew that these images were still visible on his screen. He was too nervous to just leave his phone by the sink. "Um, can you hand it to me from under the door please?" Jeffrey asked. The man reached his hand under the stall, but as Jeffrey reached for the phone, he accidentally pushed on the door to his stall. The door flew open and the man on the other side lost his balance as the door flung into his face and fell onto his butt on the floor of the bathroom.

Jeffrey stood there, speechless, with a hard-on, while apologizing profusely to the man, a young professor with a short beard. "Oh shit. Jeez! Aaaaaa. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." he said. The man looked up at Jeffrey and smiled "Do you want to make it up to me?" Jeffrey was taken aback and just said "Uhhh." The man stood up and walked into the stall where Jeffrey had been masturbating. He got down on his knees and, looking straight up at Jeffrey, took his warm, semi-erect cock in his mouth. Jeffrey let out an immediate sigh as his dick started to grow in the professor's mouth. This guy knew what to do with his mouth. The professor started to swirl his mouth around Jeffrey's smooth, 7 inch cock and swallowed him deep. Jeffrey knew that this was not going to last very long and he found that the back of his knees started to buckle and sweat. The professor started deepthroating him and Jeffrey started panting quickly. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." he whispered. Finally after a deep, held breath, Jeffrey came what felt like 8 big shots of cum straight into the professor's mouth. The professor just kept sucking and swallowing as Jeffrey's cock grew limp in his mouth. He found he was sweating profusely as the professor stood up and kissed him on the mouth. As they were kissing, the professor quickly undid his belt and started to reach down to take out his cock. Jeffrey got down on his knees and pulled the professor's hairy, thick cock out of his briefs. It was slightly above average in size, but quite thick. He had already started producing copious amounts of precum. Jeffrey took the hard cock in his mouth and tried to do the same thing that the professor had done with his tongue. It was difficult to do with such a thick cock though.

The professor ran his right hand through Jeffrey's hair and cupped his left hand under his jaw. Jeffrey felt the cock start to throb and pulse. It was hard to keep his mouth around such a thick cock. He tried to take it deeper but found that as soon as he deepthroated, his upper teeth would start to touch the cock a bit too much. The professor could sense this was happening and turned Jeffrey so that the back of his head was against the wall of the stall. Then, with his head flat against the wall, the professor could facefuck Jeffrey. Jeffrey opened his mouth wide as he felt the professor's hairy, thick balls hit against his chin. He started drooling and his eyes started watering. He could feel the smooth, thick head of the professor's cock start to get even larger in his throat and the texture of the veins on his cock get even more pronounced. After what seemed like ages of thrusting and deepthroating, the professor pulled his cock out of Jeffrey's mouth and looked down at him. He started to jerk off his cock and said "Is this what you've been waiting for?" Feeling almost too worn out to speak, Jeffrey could only nod his head and whisper 'yes.' The professor reached his thumb into Jeffrey's mouth and pulled down on his jaw so that his mouth was wide open. The sweat was pouring down his temples and he vigorously jerked his thick veiny cock. The professor then said "Here you fucking go" and held his thick head on Jeffrey's tongue. Five huge spurts of thick cum hit the back of Jeffrey's throat, coating Jeffrey's mouth with a salty, sweeth, and earthy taste. The force of it almost made him gag. After the fifth spurt, the professor shoved his cock into Jeffrey's mouth as more cum flowed out of his cock more slowly. The professor moved his still pulsing shaft more slowly now as Jeffrey looked up into his eyes and swallowed the big creamy load into his nervous stomach.

The professor pulled his cock out of Jeffrey's mouth, carefully placed it back in his pants, turned around, and left. Jeffrey was left a sweaty mess. His hair was messed up, he had gotten some saliva and what looked like cum on his t-shirt and, leaving the urinal stall, noticed his eyes were half-red from the deep face-fucking he just took. He looked down at his phone and noticed the time. His meeting with his TA started three minutes ago.

He walked quickly out of the restroom and then made a quick jog to the elevator to get out of the library quickly. It was busy and with so many students around, no one paid another student much heed. Jeffrey realized that the other students would probably just think that he was stoned and spilled something on himself. The computer science building was a good 10 minute walk across campus and Jeffrey found that he could try to jog his way there even though his throat was parched. By the time he made it to his TA's office, he was 15 minutes late. His TA, a tall Russian grad student named Lev, looked at him a bit sternly as he entered his office. "Sorry I'm late. I was studying in the library and lost track of the time." Jeffrey stated. "This is fine. You are ok? You are red." Lev stated. "I had to run over here." Jeffrey stated. As they proceeded to discuss Jeffrey's grades, Jeffrey noted that Lev would occasionally take a sniff of the room. "Was he smelling the scent of the professor's cum on my shirt? Did I smell dirty?" Jeffrey pondered. "Your code here is sloppy. Be sure that you leave comments so you can look back at what you do earlier." Lev stated. "You are remembering this?" Jeffrey nodded in agreement. He looked a bit too long at Lev's jeans and couldn't help but notice that Lev was hiding something big. He looked up quickly and Lev just asked him "Ok. You are coming next week to class?" Jeffrey said 'yes' and thought he caught the faintest of smiles on Lev's face as he was leaving his office.

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