Four Doors Down

By Thomas Thomas

Published on Nov 14, 2020


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are a product of the author's over-active imagination. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental, but, you know, if you know something like this that actually happened, I'd love to hear about it. Contact

Four Doors Down (Part I)

Jeffrey grew up in a close-knit neighborhood. His father and mother knew all their neighbors. Most of them went to the same Catholic church, St. Philips, as Jeffrey's family. They attended the same parties and events as most of the other families too. Whether it was music recitals, parties, or football games, the same group of people showed up in attendance. Most people knew each other or knew you through mutual friends and acquaintances. And in a community like this, it was common for people to ask one another for favors.

Jeffrey was nineteen and studying math and computer science at the local university. He still lived with his parents, as he didn't yet earn enough to help pay for college and cover paying rent in an apartment. Besides, his sister was sixteen and still in high school. It was good for him to have the independence of college without being completely on his own quite yet.

Jeffrey was out of the closet, but was still somewhat shy around guys. His parents and family were okay with him being gay, but the topic didn't come up too often. He wasn't too confident about his body, being slim and defined, but not very muscular. He didn't dress too well either. I suppose that there is a belief that gay men have a strong fashion sense, but to Jeffrey, this was as much of a crazy stereotype as claiming that all gay men loved musicals. Needless to say, he dressed as his normal nerdy self, t-shirt, corduroy pants and all.

During the fall, his father and his family would sometimes go to football games and sometimes have people over to watch games. Jeffrey wasn't always so keen on football, but he did like the opportunity to eat junk food and talk with people outside his family a bit. On one Sunday afternoon, four of his father's friends, Rick, John, Steve, and Michael, came over to watch football on their family's large widescreen TV. Rick was one of his father's friends from work, while John was a family friend who lived four doors down the street. John's daughter and Jeffrey's sister were good friends. Michael was Philip's uncle. Steve was a good friend of Jeffrey's father who they all knew from church.

While everyone else arrived early before the game started, John got to the house about 10 minutes after kickoff. When he arrived, Jeffrey's father asked "What kept you? You almost missed the whole first quarter?" John replied "I've been having problems with my computer. It freezes when I try to do an update, but I need to do an update to keep it from freezing. Go figure." "You should have Jeffrey take a look at it." Jeffrey's father replied. "He's a smart boy. I'm sure he could figure it out in about 2 minutes. Jeffrey, do you mind helping John out with his computer?" Jeffrey was busy stuffing his mouth with cheese puffs. He wiped his mouth and said "Sure. I think I know what's happening." Jeffrey's dad's friends hung out, drank some beer, and watched the game.

Jeffrey had some homework to do, so he ended up mostly hanging out in his own room. He didn't mind spending time by himself. He had never had a lot of friends, but some good quality ones. After coming out of the closet, he had seen a couple guys, but nothing was very serious. He wasn't too much into gay clubs or the scene and he had a few good friends that he regularly hung out with. He had had a few hookups with different guys. One of his friends from high school, Mario, had come out to him after a year in college and visited his home town over last winter break. They went out to Starbucks for some coffee and they ended up going back to Jeffrey's parents' house to watch a movie (at least that was a good premise). Within twenty minutes, they were at each other, tearing their clothes off, and hurriedly sucking each other off before Jeffrey's parents got home. It was hot, but Jeffrey knew it had only been a one time thing. Mario went back the next week to college.

Jeffrey had no classes on Tuesday afternoon, so he had agreed to go see his father's friend John then. It was a sunny October day and unseasonably warm. The air was slightly crisp, but it was still possible to feel warm basking in the sun for a few minutes. Jeffrey knocked on John's door. He had been to the house before. His sister and John's daughter were close friends, so he had been over by John's house to get his sister when she spent time there. After about 20 seconds, Jeffrey was about to push the doorbell again when he heard some strong footsteps thumping in through the room behind the door. John opened the door and said "Hey, come on in. I thought you might be coming soon."

Jeffrey walked through the front entrance and into the living room. The house smelled fresh, but well-lived in. John led Jeffrey into the kitchen, where the hearty smell of a roast from the night before was still lingering. He asked if Jeffrey wanted something to drink. "Just a coke is fine." said Jeffrey. At a desk between the kitchen and the front den, sat John's laptop. John gave Jeffrey his coke and said "So, here it is. Tell me what to do." After a few minutes at the computer, Jeffrey restarted the machine in safe mode and downloaded a few drivers to reinstall. As he was checking some of the directories, he found a folder labelled "spq." "SPQ? hmm..." Jeffrey mumbled. John turned quickly, but Jeffrey had already opened the directory and saw that it was filled with porn pics and videos. He closed it, saying "Um, uh... this folder shouldn't be here....did you want to do something with this?" John said "Yeah, sorry. Let me take care of that." Jeffrey got up, feeling somewhat awkward, and paced a bit in the kitchen. John said "I could give you a copy of these if you want, just don't tell anyone." Jeffrey responded "'t know, I might not be too interested." John looked at him quizzically "Really? Oh, uh, okay." Jeffrey breathed a deep breath and said "I don't know if my father told you anything about me." John said "Oh yeah. Stupid me. Sorry, I forgot. I guess you're not into this sort of thing then." "Some of it is good, but I don't look at the same things that you probably do." Jeffrey slowly responded.

John took a severe look at Jeffrey and said, half joking, "You don't ever like a nice set of titties?" Jeffrey just awkwardly shrugged and said "No, um, I like the penises." He then let out a nerdy and embarassed grin. They both laughed. By now, Jeffrey was blushing a bit. He wasn't used to straight men, especially ones who were 45 or 50 years old, talking about their sexuality in such a direct way. John said "If you're gay, you don't ever get turned on by yourself?" Jeffrey thought the question was odd, but he responded "No, what do you mean?" John clarified "You don't like your own dick?" Jeffrey said "No...well, yes, but it doesn't quite work that way. It usually has to be someone else's dick." John responded in a very straightforward manner "So, you like to see other guys' dicks." Jeffrey sheepishly replied "Yeah." There was a short pause. Jeffrey could feel his heart beating heavily in his chest. "Would you like to see my dick?" John asked him.

Jeffrey's eyes opened very widely. After all this talk, he couldn't resist John's suggestion. As forcefully as he could, he said "Um, okay." John sat back in the kitchen table chair, staring directly into Jeffrey's eyes. He unbuttoned his heavy buckle, unsnapped the warm metal button and unzipped his jeans. He was wearing light red boxer-briefs from the Gap. John reached inside the front flap of the underwear, adjusted some things, and pulled out his penis with his balls. Jeffrey just stared at it without saying anything. John had a thick and meaty cock. It was the kind of cock that you weighed in your hand like you were holding a quart of milk. It was the kind of cock you might be afraid of. It was, in one word, awesome. After about 10 seconds of gawking, John spoke up. "You like that, don't you?"

Jeffrey swallowed, and breathing heavily, as if he had just run around the block, he replied "Yeah. I do." There was something in the tone of John's voice that made him so compelling. Nonchalant, that's what he was. Some men were relaxed and would just let anything happen. Others paid attention to everything they did and had to be in control. Ironically, it was the men who were most relaxed who were most in control of themselves, and in most control of what they wanted. Jeffrey couldn't help but be turned on by John's relaxed nature.

John asked Jeffrey "You want to touch it, right?" With a deep hunger that all-of-the-sudden gave him strong pangs, Jeffrey answered "Yeah, I do." He walked over to the chair where John was leaning back lazily. He got down on his knees and wrapped his hand around John's heavy cock. He could feel the slight sweatiness from underneath his penis, where it had been laying against his large sack. Jeffrey became mesmerized by John's penis. He shifted it from his right hand to his left hand, and back again. He was staring directly at it, gently pulling John's foreskin back a little to reveal his beautiful shiny purplish head. John's penis was getting slightly aroused. It was easily 6 inches when it was soft. It was now getting thicker and slightly longer.

Jeffrey looked up at John and caught him staring right into his eyes. John just grinned and asked "Do you think it's pretty?" Jeffrey turned red and said "I think it looks delicious." John let out a laugh and Jeffrey seemed a bit un-nerved by everything that was happening, thinking he was going to put his dick away but John just looked him straight in the eyes again. "And what makes it 'delicious?' " John asked. By now Jeffrey was tripping over his words. He shrugged his shoulders and sheepishly said "I like how smooth and big the head is just under the foreskin. I imagine it tastes good." John was lazily stroking his cock and little by little what was about 6 inches flaccid grew even thicker and a couple inches longer. "Do you want to try that out?" John asked. Jeffrey, red-faced, got down on his knees in front of John who was sitting at the head of the table. He came up close to John's meaty, veiny cock. He could feel the heat coming off of it from several inches away. He slowly breathed against John's balls and the underside of his now raging erection. John looked flushed. Clearly all his blood was rushing to his extremities.

Jeffrey looked up at John and, maintaining eye contact, slowly kissed the smooth, meaty cockhead, now starting to drip precum. John smiled and breathed between his teeth. Jeffrey then gulped down John's entire head and a couple inches of his now 9 inch, thick cock and swirled his tongue around the cock head, savoring the meaty taste of John's precum and the sweaty musk of the engorged cock head. John let out a long relaxed "Ahhh" and, without thinking about it, ran his thick fingers through Jeffrey's hair and down his cheeks. Jeffrey came off of John's cock and, as they stared at each other, he took John's thumb deep into his mouth. John's cock flinched at the gesture and Jeffrey just started swirling his tongue around the thumb. He then took John's hand out of his mouth and grabbed the base of his cock. As much as possible he dove deep, trying to swallow John's thick, veiny cock all the way down. He was drooling from the effort of trying to fuck his own throat with such a big tool.

John gasped when Jeffrey swallowed his cock so deep. Though his wife and past girlfriends might have tried to give him head, it had always been easier for him to just fuck them. Jeffrey took to sucking John's cock with gusto he hadn't experienced before. He moved slowly, swirling his tongue around the bulging cock head as he came up off of John's cock and then forcing the thick shaft deep into his throat on his way down. While he wasn't quite getting all of John's cock in his throat, he was happy that he could get six or seven inches of it down without it hurting him.

John reached out and, grabbing Jeffrey by the chin, he slowly stood up. He pulled his boxers down and sat at the edge of the kitchen table. His meaty ass was sweaty and Jeffrey could see the sweat pooling underneath John at the edge of the table. Since he had gotten up, more blood seemed to rush to John's dick. Jeffrey couldn't believe that it seemed to get longer and a bit thicker with more pronounced veins now that John was half standing. John looked at Jeffrey and asked "So, is it delicious?" Jeffrey answered "I don't think I've tasted enough yet to judge." John said "Why don't you get more comfortable?" Jeffrey was nervous, but he pulled down his corduroys and briefs. His cock was already quite wet with the amount of precum that had been oozing out while blowing John. John saw this and said "Does my cock really do that to you?" Jeffrey just shrugged his shoulders and grinned. There was a tone of surprise in John's voice alongside a realization that someone could want to do something that so many others just weren't able to accomplish. John pulled off Jeffrey's t-shirt and gently caressed his face with his right hand. But with his left hand, he guided Jeffrey again to his thick member, which was now oozing more precum than it had before.

Jeffrey opened his mouth and throat wide and moaned as he tried to take John's hard veiny cock as deep into his throat as he could. He managed to get deep enough that he could smell and taste John's sweaty ballsack. John gasped out "Holy shit!" but rather than surprise him, this just energized Jeffrey to repeat his deepthroating. Jeffrey started jerking his own cock as he sucked John deep and, in the meanwhile, all of the energetic deepthroating made him start to drool quite a bit on John's cock. John started to move a bit faster, thrusting his hips into Jeffrey's face as he was getting the blowjob of a fucking lifetime. Jeffrey could tell that John was getting very close. His veins were pulsing slightly and John's breathing became a bit erratic, like he was about to hold his breath before cumming.

Jeffrey pulled off of John's cock, grabbed it with his right hand, and without skipping a beat, licked down John's shaft all the way to his large hairy balls. He swirled his tongue around each of John's testicles while simultaneously jerking him off. Though each one was as large as a jumbo egg, he was able alternate getting each one into his mouth. John sighed deeply, sweat running down his face, now completely flushed. Jeffrey came off of John's balls, lifted them up and licked John's taint, now salty and sweaty against the table. John was astonished and started jerking his cock towards Jeffrey's chest. "I think I'm gonna fucking blow soon" John said. Jeffrey looked at John in the eyes and deepthroated him again, his throat now sucking out John's salty precum. "What are you doing?" John asked. Jeffrey just didn't respond. Instead he took to jerking his own cock again while deepthroating John's aching, thick cock.

Jeffrey started moaning as he was taking John deep in his throat. John's butt started squeaking against the wooden kitchen table, the sweat and drool pooling underneath him. He grabbed on to the edge of the table with one hand and to Jeffrey's hair with the other hand. His breathing started to get erratic again. John was breathing heavier and heavier. He let out a tentative "Ah!" upon which Jeffrey could feel John's cock start to grow even thicker in his mouth. John held his breath for a second and then yelled out "Ahhh! Holy shit! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" Immediately after saying this, a gigantic stream of cum burst out of John's cock deep into Jeffrey's throat. John repeated, yelling "Fuck! Ahhh!" and a second, now thicker wad of cum shot deep into Jeffrey's throat. Jeffrey could hardly believe how much he had made John cum and he wasn't done yet. He was overcome with lust for John's sweet semen though and, looking into his eyes, just started swallowing the thick cum. John's cock squirted out six more heavy shots of cum deep into Jeffrey's throat and as John was cumming, Jeffrey alternated swallowing down the salty, earthy cum. It seemed like John must have have produced two cups of jizz and Jeffrey was dazedly cum drunk.

After the last drop, Jeffrey took John's cock out of his throat and stood up, his knees now weak from so much kneeling. He feverishly started to jerk off his slippery cock. John was lightheaded too, but he reached down to Jeffrey's cock and held out his thick hands in front of Jeffrey's cock. Jeffrey started breathing heavily and squirted six or seven big squirts of cum into John's hands. John brought his hands up to Jeffrey's face and said "Open your mouth." He poured Jeffrey's own cum into his mouth. Jeffrey started licking John's fingers as he kept jerking off his now deflating cock.

Jeffrey was breathing heavily still and he looked at John, who was now just standing there speechless. John started pulling up his pants and walked across the kitchen to get some napkins. He patted down his sweaty face and neck and then, at the end, his sweaty butt. "Oh! Let me get you a paper towel or something, Jeff!" John said, half in a daze. Jeffrey wiped off his face put his clothes back on. John surveyed the scene and notice how wet everything had gotten - the table, the floor, the chair. Everything was sweaty or damp. He grabbed a few more paper towels and some cleaning spray to wipe things up. Jeffrey walked across the kitchen to where his coke was, still half-full. He took several big gulps. John said "I bet that tastes good now." Jeffrey responded "Not as good as you." John didn't know how to respond, so he muttered that his computer still needed help. Jeffrey switched gears and sat down at the kitchen table. Within 20-30 minutes John's computer was working as it should have been.

"I, uh, I think I should offer you something for helping me out with my computer" John said. Jeffrey had other plans though. "Just invite me over again soon" he said. "I'd love to help out with anything you need here." John thought about this for a minute and said "I'll have to see what else needs work, but I'll be in touch soon." Jeffrey left John's house, certain that he would be back soon. He was still light-headed from the throat pounding he took and his jaw was sore from John's thick cock, but walking home he felt like he was floating.

Next: Chapter 2

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