Foul Ball

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 9, 2020


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer Copyright © 2020 by John Goode. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.

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Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer

Chapter Five

Jack caught a ride with me to Blackthorn's house.

"You really think he can get my grades up?" I asked him.

"Depends, I mean you're pretty behind. But I bet he'll find something you can do to earn the grade."

"Sheesh I hope so, if I lose my scholarship I don't know what I'd do."

"Go into porn?"


"Nothing, just listen to what he has to say."

We pulled up to his house and I grabbed my backpack, "Did you bring your books?"

Jack shook his head, "Nah, I'll just follow along."

As we approached the door it opened and Blackthorn was standing there looking buff as shit. He had on a tight black t-shirt that really showed his chest off and a pair of workout shorts that might have been old because they were pretty tight on him.

He started to smile and then looked at Jack, "Um, this was a private lesson Palmer."

Before I could say anything Jack spoke up, "It's ok Mr. Blackthorn, I figured out what you were going to teach him and I'd like to help."

Blackthorn raised an eyebrow.

"He told me about the private lesson you gave him earlier, and I thought if you were going to go into a full lesson, you might need help."

He cocked his head and he gave Jack a small smile, "Have you been giving him lessons as well?"

"Well sir I've been trying, but I think he's finally ready to learn."

"Well then come in boys, we have no time to waste."

His house was pretty swag, I mean you could tell he was a bachelor. He must have not bought light bulbs because this room was fucking dark, I had no idea how we were going to study. There was a large blanket on the floor and pillows all around.

"Sit, you guys drink?"

Jack laughed, "Does a fish swim?"

"Excellent, let me grab some wine, take your shoes off and relax."

Jack shucked his off quickly so I followed suit.

"Dude, he might have forgotten I was coming by, this place looks like it's setup for a date or something."

Jack leaned back on a stack of pillows, "Maybe, but he's willing to teach so relax man."

I sat down and started grabbing my book out of my backpack.

"Nope," Mr. Blackthorn said coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine and some glasses, "You aren't ready for a book yet Palmer, we need to go back to basics."

Man I was too stupid to even use the book? That sucks.

Blackthorn sat down and poured us all a huge glass of wine.

"Um, I don't really drink all that much," I said looking at my wine.

And it was true, I got stupid when I was drunk, a fact I learned in high school a couple of times. Both times I had gotten drunk I woke up at a friend's house, buck naked feeling like I had ran a marathon the night before. The guys always just said I was fun when I was that way but I didn't like it.

"A relaxed mind learns faster," Blackthorn said, indicating I should drink.

Sighing I brought the glass up to my mouth and started to chug it.

It was sweet, I mean it had that nasty alcohol taste but I drank it all pretty quickly.

They were both just staring at me open mouthed.

"What?" I asked putting the glass down, "You said drink."

Jack and Blackthorn looked at each other and smiled.

"Ok then, well that should help. What was the last thing you recall us studying?"

I thought really hard, but I was already getting a little wobbly, "Um, the civil war I think?"

"Everett, we're going over Watergate, that's a hundred years later. You haven't been paying attention at all?"

"No sir," I said sadly.

Was it hot in here?

"We should quiz him," Jack offered, "You know test and see what he knows and doesn't."

Blackthorn just looked at Jack in confusion.

"We're going to ask you some history questions, and you try to answer them as correctly as possible ok?"

I nodded.

"But I know you, you're just going to say you don't remember to most of them, so let's give you a reason to think."

I didn't understand what he just said and fought back giggling and just asked, "Huh?"

"For every question you get wrong you have to take off a piece of clothing."

"What?" I said shocked, "No way I'm not stripping."

"Then think hard about your answers," Jack suggested.

I looked at Blackthorn for help but he just nodded, "I think it's a good idea. The pressure of not wanting to undress yourself should give you motivation to recall facts."

I did not want to do this but he was the teacher and I remembered what Jack said. Just do whatever Blackthorn tells me so I can pass.

I nodded, "Sure ok."

"Great," Blackthorn said, "Who was the president during the civil war?"

"Um, penny guy...Lincoln!"

"That's right," he looked at Jack, you lose.

Jack paused for a moment and then smile, "You got me."

He pulled his socks off.

"Ok Jack, who were we fighting against in the war?"

"The south," Jack answered.

That was was way easy.

Blackthorn looked at me, "You lose."

I wasn't sure how I lost since I didn't get a question wrong but Jack did it so I took my socks off as well.

"Everett, who was Lincoln's Secretary of War."

I just stared at Blackthorn.

"During the war, who was the man in charge of most of it."

"Um...Lincoln's son?"

"No, Edwin Stanton, your loss."

I had never heard that name before but the wine was really hitting me and I just pulled my shirt off.

"Ok, you got me."

"Jack, where was Lincoln shot?"

"Ford's theater," he answered instantly.

"Everett, your loss."

"Man..." I said looking at what I was wearing, "Um, all I have are my pants."

"You still have your underwear right?" Blackthorn asked.

"Um, no I've been freeballing it all day."

Blackthorn shook his head, "Rules are rules."

Sighing I stood up and wobbled a little. Jack jumped up and steadied me.

"Thanks man," I said unbuttoning my jeans.

"Here let me help," he said doing it for me.

I pulled them down and stepped out of them, I was torn. It felt so fucking good to be naked because I was too hot but I was also naked in front of two guys. I sat back down and put a pillow over my groin.

"Well that was fast," Blackthorn said, "What are we going to use to motivate him now?"

Jack thought about it, "Ok how about we move to strip poker rules? Loser has to do what the winner tells him too."

Those were the rules. When we played strip poker whoever was naked and lost again had to do whatever the winning guy said. I had lost one hand and they made me jog around the school statue completely naked.

I nodded, "Ok fine."

"Everett, who was the president of the Confederacy?"

"The what?"

"The Confederacy," Blackthorn repeated, "Of the United States?"

I was confused, "You mean Lincoln?"

Jack laughed, "The Confederacy was the south dumbass."

I blushed, "Well I didn't know that!"

"Ok Mr. Blackthorn, you won, your dare."

"OK Everett, you have to have another glass of wine."

I made a face but nodded.

Blackthorn jumped up and left the room.

"Dude, I'm naked!"

Jack just shrugged, "You should have been paying more attention in class."

"I thought you were coming along to help me."

"Oh I'm helping, trust me."

Blackthorn came back and sat down, "Ok little bit of wine," he poured, "And take this."

He held out his hand and a little purple pill. It looked like a Flintstones's vitamin.

"What's this?" I asked taking it from him.

"It helps you with hangovers, for the next morning."

"Oh cool," I said popping in my mouth and chasing it down with the wine.

"So where were we?" he asked.

"The confederacy," I answered, leaning back on the pillows.

"Right, so do you remember when the civil war ended?"

I thought about it for a moment, "Um, 1900's?"

"1865," he corrected me.

"Uh oh," I said suddenly laughing, "I missed again."

"Jack, your dare," Blackthorn said.

Jack looked at me, "Ok, I get to tickle you for a minute straight."

"No way!" I said, trying to sit up but it was too late.

Jack pounced on me, throwing the pillow off my crotch and straddling my waist.

"Please Jack don't..." I begged.

He tore into my side and I lost it. I was super ticklish, a fact Jack has lorded over me for years. "Beg for mercy," he said as I tried to block his hands.

"Please Jack, please!"

"You want me to pick something else?"

I nodded almost crying, "Please, anything!"


"I promise, I promise!!'

He stopped and I laid there, trying to catch my breath.

"Ok, so anything."

I nodded and he stood up.

He unbuttoned his jeans and my eyes got wide.

"Dude," I whispered, "Not here!"

He dropped his pants, standing over me in just his black jockstrap.

"You said anything." he said stepping out of his jeans.

"A promise is a promise Mr. Everett."

Sighing I just nodded.

He knelt back down, closer to my face, his crotch just over my head.

"Lemme feel that tongue," he said.

God I couldn't believe this. Just like Jack to find something humiliating and make me do it in front of a teacher no less! Man I am going to get him back for this.

I leaned my head up and licked his pouch, the musky smell wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He didn't move so I kept going, his dick slowly hardening. He reached down and moved his pouch aside, his balls were now exposed. Man, this is the worst! I licked the smooth underside of his balls and heard him moan.

"There ya go Everett, this is what you get when you don't study."

He was right, if only I had paid more attention in class I wouldn't be in the mess. I kept licking, sucking one ball into my mouth and rolling it around in my mouth. He gasped and I went for the other one. I just wanted this to be over with, I was already dizzy from he wine and now I was losing focus. I licked around Jack's balls, for some reason their smoothness was fucking cool. I was obsessed with the way they felt, so smooth, warm...they were like candy almost.

Jack scooted down, straddling my chest now. His dick was hard as fuck sticking out of his jock. He pushed the head of it down towards my mouth and I opened it slowly, like I was in a dream. I tasted his precum as he pushed into my mouth and the taste was insane! The feeling of his dick on my tongue was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I grabbed either side of his ass and pulled him deeper into me.

"Yeah buddy, eat that cock."

There was something in the back of my mind saying this was all wrong but I didn't care. Everything was like explosions all over my body. The feeling of the blanket beneath me made me tingle, Jack's ass on my chest was warm and smooth...everything was like a turn on and I was about to lose control.

"Roll him over," Blackthorn told Jack.

"Come on big guy." he said getting up and sitting near my head, "Come and get it."

I rolled over and crawled towards his dick, the movement on my hands and knees was like tiny electrical shocks. I went back to sucking his dick, now fully going down on him, wanting to feel his head hit the back of my throat.

"Yeah, you like that don't you buddy?"

I nodded while I blew him, I liked it a lot right now.

My legs were nudged apart and I could feel Blackthorn behind me, spreading them with outward. I was on all fours, head down in Jack's crotch, ass up and I just didn't care. I wanted to say this wasn't me but everything felt so fucking good I wanted it to be me all the time. I was so focused on Jack's dick that I didn't even notice Blackthorn's face near my ass.

I didn't notice until his tongue licked my hole.

If Jack hadn't been holding my head I would have jumped up screaming. Instead I just screamed around his dick as Blackthorn's warm tongue moved again and again around my hole.

Now I was fully extended as I kept blowing Jack but pushing my ass back onto the teacher's tongue.

"Yeah that's it buddy," Jack said stoking my hair, "Back up into that, come on, show him you want it."

As it darted into my tight hole for a moment I blacked out a little it felt so good.

I came off of Jack's dick and screamed, "Please sir, do it some more."

Blackthorn's hands grabbed my ass and he plunged his face into my ass hard. His tongue speared into me and I actually squealed as I put my head on the ground and stuck my ass up higher.

"Tell him champ, tell him how it feels."

"Oh sir it feels soooo good! Like that, deeper, harder...sir please harder."

His hands pulled my cheeks apart even more and his tongue went deeper, causing me to just scream in pleasure. I couldn't form words as he forced it in and out again and again, each time it going just a tiny bit farther than before. I was pushing back as hard as I could to meet his movement, I wanted that in me, I needed it...I wanted more.

"More sir, more..."

"Does it feel good?" Jack asked grabbing my chin and making him look at me.

I looked up with a big goofy grin on my face, slobber running down my chin. All I could do was nod.

"You want more?"

Another nod.

"You want it deeper?"

Several nods.

"Ok," Jack said to Blackthorn, "Switch."

Jack got up and I watched his dick bob away with regret. But it was ok cause Blackthorn sat down and his dick was right there. Now he had a man's cock, thick, strong, not as long as me but it was a solid cock, like my dad had.

"Come on Everett, it's ok." he said pushing my head down towards it.

I closed my eyes and began sucking the man's cock, his taste was completely different and the second I tasted it I wanted more. His hands were entwined in my hair and as I bobbed up and down he was massaging my scalp, making my entire head tingle in pleasure.

Jack's tongue pushed into me and I whimpered again around Blackthorn's beefy dick. I began pushing back again, hoping Jack could get it in deeper than Blackthorn.

As Jack tongue fucked me I slurped up and down Blackthorn's dick, I couldn't take the whole thing in my mouth it was so thick, I moved around the sides like it was a huge, flesh popsicle. I began to whine as I realized Jack wasn't going any deeper.

"You want more?" Jack asked me.

I nodded around Blackthorn's dick.

"Ok, I'll give you more."

Something smooth pressed against my hole, something pretty big.

I wanted to look at what it was but Mr. Blackthorn was pushing my head down to keep me sucking. Whatever it was slowly started to enter me and I felt the same sting as when Billy put three fingers in me. But with the sting came a whole other sensation, like the pain itself was a kind of pleasure. I remember what I had learned and relaxed, pushing out as it went in.

"Fuck!" Jack said as whatever it was pushed inches into me.

My ass spasmed around it, not used to anything that big in it and certainly not going in!

It pulled out a little and I felt the spot where it had left ache with emptiness. I pushed back quickly, not wanting to lost the feeling, impaling myself on it another couple of inches.

"Fuck Ev, you really want this?"

I pushed back again, ignoring the pain and focusing on the fucking fireworks going on in my ass. Something bumped up against my ass and it took my spaced mind a second to realize that it was.

That was Jack!

The haze in my head vanished as I realized I had a dick up my ass! I tried to pull back but all I did was push onto it more. When it hit bottom I felt that same tingle as when Billy touched me and my eyes rolled back in my head. Jack pulled his dick back a few inches and then pushed into me again. His dick slide right over that spot and I felt myself moan in spite of myself.

"Yeah, come on big guy, you can do it."

I didn't want to do it but every time he moved his dick my body just went nuts and I found myself pushing back onto him. My body was meeting his thrusts as I mentally screamed for him to stop.

Finally Blackthorn let go of my head and I was able to talk.

"Jack!'re...uhhh....stop...please...oh god...."

Jack kept fucking me, each time my train of thought shattered as I instinctively pushed back into it.

"What Everett, what do you want?"

"Stop...fuck...stop fuc...ohhh..."

He had stopped his dick right at the spot and was just moving it back and forth like not even a quarter inch. My thoughts blurred as all I felt was fucking sex. My reason and complaints just went away as a blinding light of pleasure overwhelmed me. I don't know how long I was like that but when I came back I was covered in sweat, moving like mad.

"Yeah Everett, yeah...fuck yourself, come on stud harder..."

I was confused to what he meant until I realized I was doing just that. I was rocking back and forth on his cock, he had stopped moving and I was fucking myself on it. The sound of my ass hitting him was loud as I used all my strength to rear back and take all of his cock deeper and deeper.

"Yeah, come on boy, harder."

There was half a moment's hesitation but it vanished as I forced his cock to hit that spot in me again. It was fucking everything and I felt what little resistance I had left just vanish.

"Yeah...fuck me Jack, harder...harder..."

"Yeah?" Jack asked surprised, "You asking for it now?"

"Please Jack, fuck me, please..."

His hands went back to my waist and he thrust forward as I pushed back.

And everything inside of me just exploded.

The impact of his dick into my ass was like a bomb going off, and I just went nuts.

"Yes, yes....fuck me, fuck my ass....harder Jack, harder!"

"You like that Ev? You like getting fucked?"

"Oh yeah, fuck me Jack, fuck me all night."

"Beg me Jack, beg me to keep going."

"Please Jack, please...." I said trying to push as hard as I could back.

"You really want this?"

I nodded and whined.

He pulled his dick out.

I turned around panicked, my ass sting from the emptiness.

He sat back, "Here's my dick bud, come and get it."

I realized that this was different, that I was no longer being fucked, that he wanted me to go over there and do it myself. I could hear my ego scream and me not to do this, that I was straight and I needed to stop. I saw Jack's dick twitch a drop of precum pooled up at the tip...

I moved over, straddled his waist and guided his cock into me.

"Come on big boy, ride me."

I put my hands around his neck, looped my legs under his knees and pushed myself down on his member. I threw my head back and moaned as I felt it bottom out in me. My sexuality screamed in despair and I just slammed myself again and again on his dick.

"Whose my fucking jock bitch?" Jack asked.

I slowed a little and he added, "Only jock bitches get fucked..."

And again it was another line...a line my ass didn't care about.

"I'm your jock bitch Jack, I am..."

"Who owns your ass?"

"You do Jack, you do...."

"You gonna let me fuck you anytime I want?"

I nodded, "Just fuck me Jack...harder."

He began to thrust up with my movements and I fucking squealed again.

"Yeah scream for that dick, come on bitch...fuck yourself....harder, faster..."

I did everything he said, not caring about anything else in the world but the pleasure I was feeling.

"You want me to breed you?" he asked.

I didn't know what that meant.

"You want me to shoot my load into you? You wanna feel my cum in your tight jock ass?"

I nodded, not sure what I was doing any more.

"Stroke your cock for me," he commended, "Lemme see your big dick react to me fucking you."

I grabbed my dick, who had been ready to fire off at any second and he began to push up like a fucking jackhammer.

"Come on bitch, come on you knock bitch...take my seed....take it...."

"Breed me Jack....fucking breed me..." I cried as my hand blurred up and down the length of my cock.

"Cum for me bitch, cum for your man..."


I honestly lost time.

My load shot and I think I passed out for a moment. It was like an out of body experience, I could feel the warmth of Jack's cum flooding my ass, the throb of it as he just shot again and again....I could feel his nails dig into the muscles of my back as he held me there, pressed against his sweaty body, making me take his load like the jock bitch I was. I could feel the cum splash against my face and I know my tongue darted out to catch what I could. The wet warmth against our chest and abs was like a baptism as a part of my mind realized what complete ecstasy felt like. As I collapsed forward into Jack he embraced me and pulled me into him.

He leaned in and kissed me hard, and I found all I wanted to do was kiss him back.

Jesus Christ...what have I become?

Next: Chapter 6

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