Foul Ball

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 7, 2020


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer Copyright © 2020 by John Goode. All rights reserved.

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Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer

Chapter Three

My next period was a blur, all I could think about was what I had just done.


With Jack it was one thing, I mean we've been best friends since forever and we've jerked off the moment we knew we could cum. Him jerking me off and taking my just seemed like the next step I guess.

What the step after that was, that was troubling.

But Mr. Blackthorn, what the fuck man?

It was like he knew every button to push with me. Rubbing my cock, getting me all hard. It was like he knew once I started getting horny my mind got fuzzy and I just went with whatever felt good.

Everything he did felt fucking good.

But I wasn't gay, no way man. I had a girlfriend, who I fuck regularly, she likes it.

But Blackthorn made me fucking shoot like I hadn't jerked off in a month.

Plenty of girls have felt me up at away games, all through high school chicks wanted to suck my dick and I let them.

But why did his finger feel so...right?

The bell rang and I rushed off to the lunchroom. I needed...well I needed a lot but food would help. I tossed like three of whatever they were serving on my plate and found a table with the rest of the guys in the corner. They were going on about whatever and laughing it up like they didn't have a care in the world.

When I sat down I tried to be like them.

"What's up Mighty Joe?" one of the guys asked.

Another nickname based on my dick.

"Chillin, you guys?"

"We're just making plans for the after game party this weekend. Phillips's parents are gonna be gone and we were thinking of some party favors."

"Oh cool, like balloons?" I asked.

They all laughed their ass off.

"Yeah like balloons, you coming right Palmer?"

Jack sat down next to me, "MY man here miss a party? Never!"

The guys cheered again and went back to talking.

"I was looking everywhere for you since when do you come straight to lunch?"

I shrugged, "I was hungry."

He stared at me for a long second, "What did you get up to?"

"What?" I asked looking up quickly.

A smile came across his face, "What did you get into in two fucking periods? You jerk off in class?"

"No! I said trying to sound offended, though that was exactly what I was doing before Blackthorn stopped me

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion and I was about to break when a pair of arms draped around my shoulders, "Hey sweetie!:"

Cheryl kissed my cheek and I suddenly felt super guilty.

"Hey babe," I said giving her a quick peck.

"Coming over after practice again?" she asked with a wink.

"I can't!" I said suddenly, "I have tutoring after practice this week."

"You do?" she asked.

"You do?" Jack asked as well.

"Yeah, Mr. Blackthorn says I am failing and is willing to give me private lessons to catch up."

"You're going over to Blackthorn's house after practice?" Jack asked.

I nodded and looked at Cheryl, "Sorry, I have no idea how late it will be the I have to be up early for class..."

She gave me a fake pout but I could see the disappointment in her eyes, "You better make it up to me," she leaned in and gave my dick a squeeze through my jeans.

I was surprised my dick did not respond.

"I promise," I said kissing her back.

She bopped off and left me with a questioning Jack.

"So really?" he asked.

I went back to my food.

"What did you and Blackthorn talk about?"

"School stuff," I mumbled.

"Uh-huh," he said leaning in close, "Did you know?"

I nodded once.

"Holy shit!" Jack said loudly, drawing the attention of everyone at the table.

"He was telling me about the shit he does with his girl," Jack explained and the guys nodded and went back to their conversations.

"What did you do?" he asked in a whisper.

I shook my head, letting him know I didn't want to talk about it.

"You have to tell me Ev," he pleaded.

I looked around and then at him, "Same thing we almost the same thing except it was all him."

He processed all this, "So he jerked you off and"

"The whole thing," I said, not hungry anymore.

"Dude...and you're going over there tonight?"

"To study!"I insisted.

"I'm behind in the class too, I should come as well."

I gave Jack a panicked look.

"What? And to be there as moral support man. I'm your bro, you know that."

That was true, if Jack came with me it would be less likely that I would get all fucking horny again and...well let all of that happen again.

"Ok, but you can't tell anyone!"

Jack smiled, "Dude, I always keep your secrets.

He was right, he always had.

After classes, I got into the locker room began to put my uniform off when I realized I still didn't have my jock.

"Shit," I said to myself.

"What's up, man?" Jack asked, getting dressed next to me.

"I still don't have my jock, I lost it last night."

He reached into his locker and pulled a spare one out, "I am going to get that back." he said.

Sure," I assured him, slipping my jeans off.

"I get to choose how I get it back," he said and I just nodded, "Promise me."

I glanced over at him, "Whatever you say, dude."

Pushing my dick down I made sure everything was held and started slipping my uniform on.

Jack seemed overly amused for some reason.

We got out onto the field and it was pretty clear from the start I was not up to snuff. I hadn't gotten enough rest last night and I was kinda sore from the double workout. I tried to keep up as much as I could but the third rounds of sprints I had to pause because I was getting a stitch in my side.

"Palmer!" Coach Moore yelled, "Get off my field, Billy, see if he's hurt."

I cursed as I walked off the field, Billy waiting for me at the locker room door, "Anything hurt?" he asked.

I shook my head as I walked into the locker room.

"Come into my office," he said, opening the door to the massage room.

"I'm fine," I said, "I just needed to catch my breath."

"You were holding your side, strip and get on the table."

"Coach" I whined.

"Strip! Now!" he barked.

I shut up and started shedding my clothes.

The table was closed as I laid down on it in only Jack's jock. Billy closed the door and I heard it lock loudly.

"" Ok, let's get down to business," he said grabbing some oil and rubbing his hands together to warm it up.

His hand touched my back and started to knead the knots out of my back.

"Oh yeah..." I sighed as he began to work.

We were silent for a few minutes, I felt myself dozing off I was so relaxed.

"So do I want to ask why you're wearing Jack's underwear?"

"Lost my jock," I murmured, just on the edge of falling asleep.

"It's a little tight," he said slipping his hands under the back straps.

"His dick is smaller..." the words just fell out of my mouth.

He chuckled, "I bet that's true for a lot of people."

His hands went down to my legs and I began to doze off again.

"How are your glutes?" he asked, waking me up.

"Sore from running but ok," I answered truthfully.

He moved up to my ass and I felt his fingers start to kneed the sore muscles. Like I normally do, I started getting hard, which was painful in Jack's jock.

"Shit!" I yelped jerking up. My dick was practically bent in half in the pouch and I reached in and freed it. It slapped up to my abs and I felt my face redden, "Sorry, it was stuck."

Willia smiled and nodded, "No problem, lay back down."

My dick was pressed between the table and my flesh and he went back to my ass.

As he worked on it what happened with Blackthorn came up and I was curious.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Always man."

"So...why does playing with your ass turn you on?"

"My ass?"

"Nonono, I meant in general. Why does someone playing with your ass turn people on so much?"

"Ah, did your girlfriend slip a finger somewhere?"

I wasn't going to tell him it wasn't Cheryl but I nodded nonetheless.

"Ok, well the long answer is the buttocks is a serious erogenous zone and super sensitive because people usually don't think about it."

"Um, the short answer?" I asked, not sure what he had just said.

"There's something in there that is like a sex button."

I glanced over at him, "You're joking."

He shook his head, "Nope, not even a little."

I said nothing for a long time, just thinking about it.

"You know in physicals when they test your prostate?"

"Um, my what?"

"When they put a finger up your butt."

"Oh yeah, that."

"Well, what they are checking is it."

"Why do they check it then?"

"Because it swells or is abnormal it could mean serious medical conditions. When was the last time yours was checked?"

This morning?

I didn't say that.

"Um, I dunno."

"Ok, well let's show you what I mean and check you at the same time."

I was anxious but my stomach was in knots, like when I first kiss a girl.

"Turn over," he said.

"But you're checking my butt," I said, turning over. My dick pointing skyward.

"Trust me, I know what I'm doing," he said grabbing the lotion again, "Bend one leg and keep it up."

I bend my knee and his hand went between my legs.

The cold lotion made me flinch but he put a hand on my chest to hold me in place, "Shhh...stay still and relax."

His finger traced around my hole like it was mapping it my touch. It was weird but nothing that felt like a sex button.

"Ok, here we go," he said, pushing a finger into me.

My ass left the table and if he hadn't been holding me down I would have fallen off.

"Stop!" he commanded, his voice making me freeze, "Relax."

His finger pushed in again, this time I forced myself to stay still.

"Relax!" he said again.

"I'm trying!"

"Push out..."

He saw my confusion.

"Like you're taking a shit, push out."

Oh, ok.

I relaxed and his finger went into the first knuckle.

"Whaaa...." I gasped as my dick twitched all on its own. "Is that it?"

He laughed, "We aren't even close, now relax again."

I focused and his finger went deeper, there was a small amount of discomfort but it was also super exciting, which made me ignore it.

"Spread your legs," he said and I bent both knees and widened them.

His finger went even deeper and it was starting to feel...weird. Not good, just weird.

"I don't think..."

I began to say and then something exploded inside of my ass.

"Holy fuck!" I roared as I clamped down on his finger.

"Relax, relax," he said in a soothing voice, "We're getting close."

"W-what was..."

"Relax," he snapped and I felt my ass go loose.

His finger pushed in again and I could feel something just go nuts inside of me. My dick started leaking like crazy and I felt my ass push down.

"I can't find it..." he said, moving his finger around, causing fireworks to go off in me.

My eyes rolled back as my dick just jerked with every thrust, pre-cum fell all over my abs as he kept looking.

"Ok hold on..." he pulled his finger out and I felt so empty. My ass had tried to follow his finger and my dick was ready to blow.

"What, what happened?"

"Can't find it, going to have to try to," he said holding up two fingers and putting oil on them, "Relax and push out."

Two fingers kind of burned, I don't remember any doctor using two fingers to do this but I didn't care because as he hooked his fingers in me it touched whatever it was and I moaned out loud.

"Ok, I think it's around here..."

He began thrusting his fingers harder and my entire body reacted.

Whatever he was hitting was like nothing I had before, every time he pushed in it was like fucking sex in that second. He did it a couple more times and then he pulled out, leaving me panting.

"Dude, I'm worried. I can't find it and I should have by now."

My abs were slick with cock snot and my hole was still twitching, "What you mean?"

"You might have a problem man, it might be too small."

That worried the fuck out of me, "What's that mean?"

"I dunno yet, here..."

He pulled me to the edge of the table, my long legs hanging down.

"Ok, when I say so grab your knees and hold them apart, and I am going to try on more time. I might have to call a doctor in."

"Whatever it is, find it!" I pleaded.

"Ok, grab em."

I grabbed my legs and pulled them back, leaving my ass cheeks open.

"Ok, relax and push, ready?"

I nodded.

This time I could tell it was three fingers, it hurt as he pushed in and I grunted as he made his way deeper and deeper.

"Shit coach!" I said as the pain increased.

"Hang in there Everett...hold on."

He finally hit bottom or whatever and stopped. My ass spasmed around his fingers is it tried to adjust to the invader.

"Take a breath, let me know when you want more."

I took a few breathes and then nodded, "Do it."

He pushed in and hit that thing again.

Instantly the pain was forgotten as I threw my head back and whimpered.

"Wait, I think that's it," he said.

He thrust again and again and each time my dick twitched harder and harder, dangerously close to cumming.

"Come on Everett, hang on..."

His fingers jammed again and again...and I was crying out in fucking ecstasy.

"Push back, push back hard."

I began to slam my ass down on his hand, stars flashing in front of my eyes as the pleasure multiplied. Again and again, I pulled myself up and then shoved my ass down on the digits.

"Yeah, that's it...harder."

"Oh yeah," I said panting, "How close coach?"

"Almost, just on the edge."

"Harder..." I said more to myself than to him. "Harder..."

I was really going to town on his hand, I could feel the base of it touching the edge of my hole as I forced those fingers deeper and deeper inside me.

"That's it Everett, you're almost there.."

I was lost in sex. I didn't care what I was doing, who I was doing it with, all I knew was the sensations coming from my ass and the want, the need for more.

"Fuck me, fuck me..." I began to chant, not even sure what I was saying.

"Yeah, fuck yourself Everett, fuck yourself harder."

I was lost and just pushed again and again and again...

And my cock erupted.

Cum went flying over my head twice, my forehead, my cheek and a big ol glob on my mouth. I was so lost in the moment my tongue came out and just licked it away. I could feel warm splashes all over my chest and abs, and all from never having touched my dick.

As I got my breath back I realized I was still rocking back on his hand, trying to milk the last moments of my orgasm from him. Slowly he pulled his fingers out, making me wince.

When he was free, I felt so empty, so...I don't know. Like I wanted more?

"Ok, yeah, you definitely have an underdeveloped prostate, but I don't think we need to worry."

I wiped the sweat and cum from my forehead, "Why?"

"Well it responded to what we were doing, so I think if we set up a regiment of training it, you know like any muscle, we can get it back to where it should."

"More? Like this again?"

He smiled, "Unless you want to go to a doctor, there is a shot they can..."

"No, sir! We can do this, that's fine."

He nodded and went over to wash his hands, "Thursday after practice, just say you want a massage, that way the guys don't have to know what's wrong with you."

"Thank you, coach! You're amazing!"

"Don't thank me yet, we have to work that muscle and beef it up. Just like in the gym. We start small," he held up his fingers, "But if we want results, we need something bigger."

I just nodded and agreed, anything to get me better.

"Ok you're good," he tossed me a towel, "Wipe yourself off and take a shower man."

"Thanks so much, coach!"

He nodded, "Thank you Everett."

I swear man, we have the best people working here.

Next: Chapter 4

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