Foul Ball

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 21, 2020


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer Copyright © 2020 by John Goode. All rights reserved.

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Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer

Chapter Ten

I walked out of the showers and saw Cody giving Jack a high five before walking away.

"Have fun?" Jack asked me with a grin.

"What?" walking over to him quickly I whispered, "What did you do?"

"Relax," Jack said putting a hand on my shoulder, "You had fun right?"

"What did you tell him?" I demanded.

His eyes darted around and then reached out and grabbed my throat, "Watch your tone bitch, don't forget who owns your ass."

I cannot tell you how much I hated that my dick twitched under my towel.

"I told him you might be up for some fun and it looks like I was right. You're going to have to get used to me making choices for you. You're just a big cocked fuckboy who will do what I say and get off doing it. Got it?"

I nodded.

He released me and I gasped in a huge breath of air, "I'm sorry Jack."

He kept his hand by my face and stuck a finger into my mouth, "Suck."

I was shocked but my tongue rolled around his finger just the same.

"Good boy, you're going to have nothing but pleasure tonight."

My knees literally got weak for a moment, just imagining what he was going to do to me tonight. He pulled his finger out, "Get dressed before anyone sees you sporting wood."

I looked down and sure enough, my towel was tented out as my cock bobbed in front of me, looking for some attention from anyone.

Jack chuckled "Yeah," he said brushing against my hardness, "This knows what's what doesn't it?"

I nodded and moved to throw on my jeans to cover my cock.

"Let's drop by your house so you can grab some clothes and I'll drive you over to mine."

I nodded, realizing I was used to Jack telling me what to do. It had always been this way, it wasn't like I was the sharpest took in the shed, so I had always let Jack make the choices. But now it was more, now I was his to command...and more than a little of me liked it.

I thought about it driving over to my parent's house, had I always been Jack's bitch or had I always wanted to be?

We walked in and my mom smiled and came and gave me a hug, "Well look who makes an appearance!"

"Mom!" I said blushing.

"I know, I know, you're in college and come and go as you choose, but I can miss you."

"Is that our wayward son?" my dad's voice boomed from the other room.

"Come say hi before he vanishes!"

My dad walked into the room and as always, my head went down in respect to the man. My dad had been a marine for years and just recently retired. Him and my mom was still young, both of them only hitting forty next year. If people thought I had a good body it was obvious looking at my dad where I got it from. My dad was a 6 foot slab of muscle that demanded perfection in everyone around him.

Especially from me.

"I feel like we should just leave you a weekly bill for our hotel use," he said joking, but he wasn't.

"Sorry sir, been busy with practice."

"Yeah and chasing pussy, right?"

"Trevor, stop!" my mom said hitting his shoulder.

"What? I was tagging women left and right at his age. In fact I remember you being one of those tags," he said with a smile and my mom blushed.

"I broke it off with Cheryl sir, I need to focus more on baseball and school."

He glanced at Jack, "So Jack here is going to help you study or help you get some tail this weekend?"

Jack chuckled, "Guilty sir, but I'll take care of him."

My dad shook Jack's hand, "You always have son," he looked at me, "You listen to Jack son, you got that? He has a good head on his shoulders."

"Yes sir," I said, wanting to get out of here before this gets worse.

"Where you two off to?"

"My house," Jack said, "Might have some friends over for a hang."

My dad smiled, "I bet."

God if my dad ever knew.

"Ok get out of here, you boys stay out of trouble, remember your choices now determine your life. Make good choices."

"Yes sir," I answered immediately.

"I'm gonna grab some clothes," I told Jack.

"Cool, I'll stay here and talk to your dad."

Lovely. I raced upstairs to grab my clothes, wondering why my dad liked Jack more than me. He had always demanded so much from me while Jack was always perfect and never got flack for anything.

I got downstairs and they were laughing with each other, sharing a joke I would never know.

"You ready man?" Jack asked me.

I nodded.

"Call your mom this weekend," my dad ordered me, "She worries about you."

"Yes sir," I said standing up straight.

He ruffled my head and with a smile said, "You're such a daddy's boy."

I had a flash of Blackthorn making me call him daddy and I locked that thought down fast.

I just smiled at him "Yes sir I am."

He just stared at me for a moment and then jerked his head, "Ok, get out of here."

"See ya Mr. Palmer," Jack said as we ran out the door.

We got into Jack's car and I let out a sigh of relief, "God he makes me nervous."

Jack laughed as he drove to his house, "Ah you probably just have the hots for him now."

"What?" I said outraged.

"Joking man! Calm your tits!"

Whatever, that wasn't funny.

We pulled up to his house, which was much larger than ours.

Jack's parents had a two story house, the top floor belonging to Jack and his little brother and an empty room where Jack's older brother used to live before he got married. His parents stayed downstairs, leaving the top floor to their boys and braved going upstairs only when needed. That means more than a few weekends Jack and I have hung out in his room getting drunk as fuck with no one to bother us.

We walked in and there was just a filled with noise upon noise.

Jack's little brother, Logan was running around with only a pair of soccer shorts on and there were two other high school kids wearing the same thing. They were all in great shape and I figured they must be part of Logan's soccer team. Where Jack was a baseball jock his older brother had played football and his younger played soccer. It was an athletic family and all of them could have been on the cover of and A&F catalog in a pinch.

Jack's mother was surrounded by the boys, all of them clamoring for something.

"Hey!" Jack called out, "Back upstairs you little creeps!"

"Mom, are you?" Logan asked, ignoring his brother.

"When you dad gets home I will order as many pizzas as we need. You staying over too Ev?"

I nodded and smiled.

"So about a dozen pizzas and a case of Pepsi."

The kids cheered and ran upstairs as a pack.

"I didn't know they were all going to be here," Jack said.

His mom rolled his eyes, "They decided it was a Fortnight weekend know I don't care. But they are here."

"I am hungry though," Jack said with a grin, "When's dad home?"

"Do not start with me, he should be getting off in a few and then food for everyone."

Jack kissed his mom on the cheek, "I will not cheer loudly and run upstairs in glee."

She laughed and smiled at me, "Every time I see you Everett you get bigger and bigger."

"Aw thanks Mrs. Lipton."

"Come on, let's get into my room and barricade it off from the munchkins."

"Jack, they are 16 and 17, wasn't so long ago you were their age so be nice."

"I was their age and now I'm not, which means Darwin rules. Only the fittest survive and look at us," he said standing next to me and flexing, "Those squirts are mine!"

He laughed evilly and headed upstairs while his mom shook her head.

"I really didn't know they'd all be here, I figured Logan and whatever guy he's attached at the hip to would be here."

"I remember being attached at your hip when we were his age."

He looked back and winked, "And now you're attached to my dick."

I felt myself blush and my dick twitched.

We threw our stuff down in his room and I fell back onto his bed, "So what's the plan?"

He walked over towards me, "I am going to fuck you until you can't walk. And then when you're crawling away, I'm going to keep fucking you."

Jeez that sounded hot and he leaned over and kissed me.

It was nice, rough, aggressive, very Jack. He tasted saltier than any girl I've kissed and his stubble was a huge fucking turn on all of a sudden. I reached up to pull him in and his door flew open.

"Jack get us some...holy fuck! You weren't kidding!"

I pushed Jack off as he spun around and faced his little brother, "What the fuck have I said about knocking!"

Logan looked like a mini Jack, all abs and muscles, cute face, perfect skin and a swagger than I bet made him super popular with the girls. I hadn't seen him shirtless in a while, the kid was filling out.

"Oh come on! I don't care, we just need some beer! Get us some and we'll share our weed."

"Get the fuck out of my room before I beat your ass."

"Get us beer!" the younger boy whined.

"I'll think about it, OUT!"

Logan looked at me and smiled, "Nice to see you finally came out."

Jack pushed him out of his room and slammed the door.

"God I could kill that brat."

"You told him?"

Jack looked back at me.

"He said you were right, you told him about me?"

Jack shrugged, "He's my brother, what does it matter? You think I ain't seen his friends sucking him off at sleepovers? It's no big deal."

"I didn't want him to know!" I complained.

Jack took as step towards me, his face stern.

"And I told him. You have a problem...bitch?"

His tone, his stance, everything inside of me paused and I felt my mouth go dry, "No."

"No what?"

I looked down, "No sir."

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, "I own your ass now, just let me worry about decisions and you just sit there and look like the fucktoy you are. Ok?"

I nodded, because honestly since we've been friends Jack always made the choices, I always went along with him. Now, it was just sexual.

"You'll get it bud," he said sitting down and pulling me into another kiss, "You'll get used to obeying and everything will be easier. I am going to keep you so fucking horny and so laid...your cock will never want again."

He gripped my cock through my jeans and I kissed him hard.

"I'm sorry Jack, I just don't..."

"'s ok. You're used to thinking you're an alpha jock, and you just now realized you were what?"

My face grew red.

"Say what you are Everett," he commanded.

"A jock pussy."

"That's my good boy," he said pulling me down onto the bed with him, I covered him in kisses, so happy I could make him happy. His hand started moving to my jeans when his mother's voice came from downstairs, "Jack!"

"Fuck," he cursed, collapsing on top of me, "I am going to have fucking blue balls."

She called his name again and he got up.

"I'll be right back, do not move," he said with a smile.

I nodded and laid there, missing the warmth of him on top of me.

He walked out and I was left with my thoughts. This was...nice. I mean I loved Jack as a brother, had since the day we met. Being close with him was just...I don't know. I mean there was the knee jerk thought of gay but the other side was I really, really liked it. This was like just the next stage of our friendship somehow, maybe I was meant...

I looked up and Logan was peeking in the door, "He in here?"

"Nope, your mom called him."

He walked in, "Ev talk him into getting us come beer please!" The bulge in his little nylon shorts was pretty noticeable, and I don't think he was hard. For a high school kid this kid had some meat. I blushed as I realized I had been checking out my friends little brother.

"He will, we'll need some too so he'll grab a 12 pack for you guys."

"Sweet! You guys wanna get high with us?"

"What the fuck?" Jack said walking in on Logan.

"I was just talking with him!" he screamed and tried to run past Jack who grabbed him and put him under an arm.

"I told you to stay the fuck out of my room," he said throwing the kid down on me, "Hold him."

I grabbed Logan and he squirmed against me ans Logan held him steady and slapped his ass.

"JACK!" Logan screamed.

"I told you," smack, "To stay out," smack, "Of my fucking room!" smack.

With each hit Logan tried to pull away, climbing up on my inch by inch. By the fifth hit I could feel Logan's hard dick pressed up against my chest and he had stopping running.

"You know what you get, he smacked him a few times and I could hear Logan give a small groan under his breath.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please...."

Jack smacked him one last time and let him get up.

Logan's dick tented his thin shorts but he made no attempt to cover it, "Please get us some beer..."

Jack rolled his eyes, "Fuck, fine! Get out of here!"

Logan literally jumped for joy and hugged Jack before running out of the room, his hard dick bobbing under his soccer shorts.

"He's as bad as you are sometimes, keep it up and I'll put you over my knee."

I was already hard and smiled, "Would I like it as much as he did?"

Jack laughed, "Probably, you're both fucking sex addicts."

He started to pull his shoes on and I sat up, "Where you going?"

"My dad's truck broke down, he needs a jump. I'll go get him on the road and pick us up some beer on the way back."

"Want me to come?"

He gave me an evil grin, "Badly, but you can stay here. I will be right back."

I blushed again and he smiled, "God I love winding you up."

He leaned over and kissed me and this time I kissed him back hard. I was liking this, a lot, it was like having a girlfriend but so much better.

He pulled back, "You are getting into this aren't you?"

I nodded eagerly.

His smile grew, "Ok, well chill and think about all the way I am going to fuck you silly this weekend. I'll grab us some snacks as well."

I watched him walk out and realized, I missed.

Wow I was into this.

I grabbed his Xbox and turned on some Fortnite to kill time. About twenty minutes later Logan peeked his face in, "He gone?" I nodded, still playing. "We're doing the same thing in my room, wanna hang out instead of in here by yourself?"

I thought about it, "Sure why not?"

"Sweet!" he said and walked me over to his room.

Where two half naked high school jocks were watching me walk in.

"Guys, this is Everett, he's a friend of my brothers."

They nodded and I sat down on a bean bag chair.

"You get high?" one of them asked me.

I paused and Logan said, "Of course he does, Everett's a stud, only fucking wimps don't smoke. Right?"

They were all looking at me so I nodded and said. "Yeah of course."

"Here then," the kid said, handing me a joint.

I looked at it and took a big night was about to start.

Next: Chapter 11

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