Foul Ball

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 4, 2020


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer Copyright © 2020 by John Goode. All rights reserved.

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Foul Ball: The Sexual Misadventures of Everett Palmer


There are two Americas in the world.

Now settle down, I'm not about to get political on you, this isn't that kind of tale. I'm speaking of the two Americas that exist side by side with little to no interaction. There is the America everyone sees, you know the one on TV. With the cities and the lights and the cars going fast. With the Ubers and the Instagram and the swiping left on things that you're gonna have delivered by an Amazon drone. Everyone knows that America. That America is the one where a group of seven white people sit in a coffee shop that charges five bucks for a cup and talk about a lot of nothing for 22 minutes and then smile as names scroll past them at a speed that is far too fast for normal people to read. We all know this America and for most people, it is their reality.

But there is another America.

An America where time seems to have stood still. An America where people walk slower, they smile more and they know each other's name in a way city folk don't quite understand. It is an America of picking apples and fallen leaves, stealing a kiss in the back seat of a car and going to sleep knowing that even if you didn't lock your door, it's gonna be ok.

It's an America where people are judged by the work they do not the clothes they wear or the car they drive. An America where you own a truck cause you haul things, not cause you saw a celebrity drive one. Sure there are problems with this America as well as the first one but you ask the people who choose to live there and they'll tell you it's ok.

It's a shrinking America to be sure but it's still there, alive and well.

This is the America in which Everett Palmer lives.

Now you don't know Everett, good, wholesome boy. Only son to Benjamin and Kathy Palmer over on Palm Street, he grew up tall, handsome and...well just about everything you'd think about if I said an all-American boy. A sophomore at Mercy Wells College on a scholarship to play baseball and he is about to come climbing out the second-story window of that peach-colored house over on the left.

You see Everett has been dating Cheryl Miller since he started college and things have been heating up lately.

No, that's not right. Things haven't been heating up lately, Cheryl has.

You see Cheryl, third daughter to Paul Miller, dean of Mercy Wells, had set her sites on Everett and thought she had bagged herself a good one. He was handsome, polite, kind, an athlete's body and then there was the other thing God had graced the boy with that she was taken with. She had thought he was going to be like every other jock that had passed through her father's school, cocky, brash and sex-starved. But if anything, the boy didn't make one move towards Cheryl in the bedroom department.

At first, Cheryl was taken by Everett's manners and patience, which was then replaced with admiration on how the boy could control himself so well when they spent so much time alone to frustration wondering if this boy was ever going to make a move.

So Cheryl, being a young, independent woman of the millennium, made her own move on Everett.

The boy took to sex like a fish to water and the two had been getting along swimmingly ever since. Cheryl would wait until her parents were asleep and then call for Everett to climb the lattice wall up to her window so he could sneak in and they could get down to business. This had been going on for a few months now and not one hiccup had occurred.

That's the thing about hiccups, they can come right out of nowhere.

You see coach Moore had the boys running drills past nine last night in preparation for next month's playoffs. The team, including Everett, had run miles and miles in the backfield until they could barely stand anymore. Moore had said their performance was pitiful but secretly he was proud of the boys, Everett especially. The boy was being scouted by a couple of major league teams quietly and if he didn't screw things up he was a shoo-in for a chance to play big-league baseball someday.

Everett had screwed things up by telling Cheryl he would be over after practice.

Still in his baseball pants and cleats, Everett had climbed the lattice quietly to her bedroom, his girlfriend waiting for him in a nightgown that covered very little. His legs burned with exertion from the wind sprints the coach had piled in him but the call of sex was too powerful for the nineteen-year-old and into her window he climbed.

It turns out after climbing in, Everett didn't need to do much more than lie there and enjoy it.

Cheryl had pleasured herself on the boy for well over an hour, brought him to climax twice with little effort all with almost machine-like efficiency. Now normally Everett was quick to dress and exit her room, one, because he was pretty sure her father would kill him if he found the baseball player in a state of undress with his daughter but more because whenever he was done having sex with her he had this desire to want to shower as quickly as possible. It was a confusing impulse but normally it was all Everett could do to not jump out her window and run to his house to rinse all evidence of his carnal behavior off his lean body.

But not last night.

You see last night Everett was just too tired to care and Cheryl was too happy that her boyfriend decided to stay and cuddle for once. The two of them passed out on the floor, Everett in just his high baseball socks and nothing else, Cheryl in less than that.

So it is here we meet Everett, minutes after Cheryl's older sister barged in and told the two to wake up quickly, not before stealing a glance at what her sister had been coveting this whole time, that her father was awake and wondering where she was. A minute after Cheryl shook the sleeping athlete awake and told him he had to go. And seconds before the sound of Cheryl's father's footsteps could be heard climbing the staircase to her room.

And there as promised is our boy, Everett Palmer, climbing down the side of the house, buck naked, save his socks, with his uniform in hand as he avoided the more prickly pieces of ivy from grabbing his junk as he descended.

As luck would have it Ms. Lamar was walking her dog in front of the Millers and turned just in time to see the young athlete's nude form drop to the driveway. He was 6'2" without an ounce of extra fat on him. Days and days of baseball had tanned his face and arms but left the rest of his toned, muscular body pale as the day he was born. But the most impressive part of Everett wasn't his height or frame or his toned, athletic body.

It was what God had gifted him below that made Ms. Lamar pause.

You see when the lord almighty puts bodies together he does so in a judicious way. He tries to keep things as even as possible, brains, looks, body, no one gets too much of everything to keep things fair. So pretty people rarely had much in the way of common sense, athletic folks weren't all that known for being rocket scientists and the smartest and kindest of people were so, usually at the expense of outward looks and physical grace.

Not in Everett's case.

You see when Everett was being dreamed up it was clear from the get go the boy lacked the basic common sense that God had given a squirrel. He was timid, trusting, kind to a fault and loathed to fight in any capacity whatsoever. A creature like this would be nearly helpless in the world, a victim to whoever stumbled across the poor boy to just run ramshod over him and take advantage of him.

So when Everett was born he was given the looks of an angel, the body of a devil and the cock of a demi-god.

It was a sight to see and see it Ms. Lamar did as it swung heavy between Everett's legs as he slipped his baseball pants on. How he stuffed the whole thing down the front of his pants and not got it caught in the zippers no one will know, but within seconds, wearing only pants and socks he ran as fast as he could towards his car, hoping no one was looking out Cheryl's window.

As he slipped inside his '67 Bel Air, a Christmas gift given to him by his dad, his large feet dwarfed the pedals as he tossed the rest of his uniform aside and turned the beast over as fast as he could. He looked over and saw the stunned face of Ms. Lamar, who was just staring at the boy like she had seen the Lord risen again.

He smiled and gave her a small wave as the car turned over and he drove off as fast as he could.

And this is where our story starts.

Chapter One

Everett didn't even bother to try to go back to his dorm room.

He didn't have time to run back, change, shower and drop his uniform off to be cleaned before his first-class started and if his uniform was dirty for practice there would be questions that Everett didn't want to answer. He could swing by the locker room, grab a shower, drop the uniform off and see how much of what he wore yesterday could survive another day before he started to stink up the place.

He passed Sliders, the local diner and hang out for students as he drove down Main Street. He was hungry but he didn't think Mrs. Jones would welcome a shirtless teenager into her diner for a meal so he kept driving. The parking lot was empty this early save for a few custodians and the few office staff that opened the school each day. Grabbing the rest of his uniform from the back seat he found his way into the locker room without being caught. What he had worn to school yesterday was still in his locker and Everett took each piece of clothing out and smelled it to see if it could last another day without stinking.

Tossing the socks and underwear back into his locker he laid out his t-shirt and jeans on the bench while he looked for a fresh towel. It was weird walking into the large shower room alone, usually, it held at least half a dozen rowdy jocks lathering themselves up while talking up what exactly they had done out on the field. Empty it was like a cave, every sound echoed in ahead of him and the place was colder than a witch's tit.

Now that saying always made Everett smile since he wasn't' quite sure why witch's had cold tits but he had heard it as a kid and it stuck with him, bringing him joy every time he thought it. He found a towel and shed what little he was wearing and headed into the showers.

Normally this room generated a smorgasbord of emotions in the boy's mind. There was the enjoyment of a hot shower, the relief the water brought after a hard practice and the pent up energy that always seemed to follow the boys into the shower every time they entered. Walking into a group shower was always a little like playing a game of truth or dare where you picked the dare. A group of you entered, naked as the day you were born, and then proceeded to rub yourself down with soap not two feet away from another naked guy. It was awkward, exciting and more than a little erotic to most since everyone looked. The only thing that could make it worse was talking.

And there was a lot of talking.

In fact, there was a lot of talking with pointing and laughing thrown in for good measure as well. When Everett was young, well younger than now, he got more than a few looks and laughs in the shower. All through junior high, he had earned a couple of nicknames that drove the boy crazy with anger,

Elephant Boy.


One-eyed willy.

It wasn't easy growing up with a part of your body that was out of proportion with the rest of you. Because of this, he had learned to hate his member since all it seemed to bring him was shame and embarrassment.

That all changed in high school.

He had been fifteen the first time he showered with the rest of the team. It had been a grueling two-hour practice under a sun that only southerners know. To most, the sun was a bright, glowing ball of fun and heat that proclaimed the day as starting, in the south the sun was an unbearable master that took great pride in reminding everyone beneath it exactly who was whose slave.

So when Everett stumbled into the showers after his first actual baseball practice he didn't notice or care about anyone else or their reactions. Exhaustion had a funny way of erasing little things like embarrassment or modesty in a young man and it was in this mindset he walked into the showers and stood under the nearest empty shower head. The water began to fall down him and he felt their rejuvenate powers begin to work on his tired form.

It took a second to realize the shower room was silent save for the falling water.

He opened one eye to find the team just staring at him.

Well not him but more like part of him.

Sighing he turned around and waited for the eventual teasing that would come from exposing himself like that. Instead, a couple of seconds of nothing and then someone yelled to someone outside the shower.

"Holy shit Long, I think that freshman has a bigger dick than you!"

He had been a sophomore at the time but Everett wisely said nothing.

"Bullshit." someone, but gonna assume it was Long, called back.

"Come look, this kid is a beast!"

Everett looked back in shock and there were a couple of the older kids whispering to each other, nudging the other one as they talked. Sure enough a tall boy, easily a senior walked into the shower, hair damp so he had already been in and out and looked around.

"Who?" he asked outraged.

The older boys pointed at him.

"Lemme see it." Long demanded more than asked.

Everett looked at him with eyes so wide they were about to fall out of their sockets.

"Come on kid, I ain't got all day."

Everett looked around for help and he found his friend Jack looking at him.

"Show him." Jack mouthed.

Everett shook his head.

"See?" Long said looking back at his friends. "You're full of shit if this kid was swinging he'd show it off."

One of the older boys moved over to Everett. "Come on kid, don't be shy. Show him what you got."

Everett looked at Jack again who nodded.

And slowly, he turned around and dropped his hands to his side.

Long looked at his junk like it was a loaded weapon while a couple of the other guys started to giggle.

"How old are you?" Long asked, still not looking away.

"Fifteen," Everett said in a quiet voice. "And a half."

Long threw his hands up in the air and stomped out. "Fuck this shit."

Followed by his friends clapping and cheering Everett on and that was how the boy found out a big dick can be a good thing.

Everett smiled as he remembered the way the team rallied around him, making joke after joke about his size, but all in good fun. That was three years ago and in that time what had been a source of ridicule had become a point of pride and gossip around school.

Boys and girls.

In the back of his head, he knew he should care that guys looked at him more than they should in the locker room but for some reason, it didn't. If anything it was exciting to him in a way that he refused to go into because if he was being honest, it scared the boy. It was easier to have a girlfriend that was using him as a sex toy than to look at that box of feelings he kept stashed away in his head.

As he finished washing he realized the shower room was a lot less fun without the other guys. He missed the laughing and the staring, alone it was just a big room. He was about to wrap things when a hand slapped his bare ass causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Come on Palmer, just jerk off at home like everyone else."

The hand and the voice belonged to the coach's aide William, Billy to his friends. He was studying physical therapy over at the junior college and had been hired as a work-study to help Coach Moore with the team this year. Though barely twenty he was considered another teacher by the team and treated accordingly.

"Hey, coach," Everett said turning the water off. "You scared the living shit out of me."

He chuckled as he glanced down. "Watch where you swing that thing bud, you could take someone's eye out with it."

The eighteen-year-old blushed and grabbed the towel hanging outside of the shower. "Sorry coach, it has a mind of its own."

William laughed. "Hey I just got out of my teens, trust me I know the struggle man."

Everett continued to dry himself as the older man began unlocking the gym. "So what brings you in so early? Don't tell me you already worked out?"

"Nah, I just didn't have time this morning to grab a shower."

Billy looked up at him "What were you busy doing this early?"

Everett blushed and that told the whole story.

"You're gonna get caught sneaking out of that girl's house one day and there will be hell to pay."

Everett tossed the wet towel into the hamper and began to get dressed. "What am I supposed to do? Turn down sex? Come on coach you know how it is."

"I do," Billy said sneaking another glance. "But there are safer ways to get laid than sneaking out of a two-story house."

"Like?" Everett asked, honestly curious.

Billy paused and then shook his head. "You know what, ignore that. I don't know what I'm talking about. You just do what you think you need to do." and walked away.

Everett stood there confused, what did he mean by a safer way? And why practically run away when asked how?

He shook his head and pulled his shirt on.

"People are weird," he muttered as he got ready for school.

He grabbed his backpack, the same one that he had shoved in there yesterday. All of his books would be in there, with all of the homework he hadn't done yet in it as well.

"God damn," he muttered to himself as he thought of all the work he had skipped by falling asleep last night. He slid the backpack over one shoulder and walked out into the hall.

"Now I know I've seen everything," a voice said from behind him, "You got to school early?"

He turned around and saw his best friend Jack standing there. He'd known Jack his whole life, they had grown up next door to each other and had become lifelong friends in just one look. Jack's mom used to laugh that they literally learned to walk at the same time. Jack had gotten up and wobbled over to his mother and Everett saw his friend walk, then he just got up and followed suit.

"I could say the same 'bout you," Everett said with a slow grin.

Jack looked like he was out of breath and though he was in normal clothes, looked like he had just gotten done running or something.

"Nah, just had to see Billy before class."

"I just saw him in the locker room..." Everett turned back to see if the man was there.

"I know, he said you were hiding in there. That girl is going to fuck your dick off," he said nudging his friend's shoulder.

"Awww come on, he told you 'bout that?"

"Like you wouldn't of, so what happened? Tell me everything."

They started to walk down the hall, only a few people here and there were around so Everett didn't mind sharing.

"So I get up there, and I am dead tired man, like ready to puke tired."

Jack nodded, intently listening.

So I'm like give me a sec and she's all laying down and shucks my pants off faster than you can say boo."

"And you guys did it?"

"Not yet, then she took my jock off and almost killed me cause she didn't know I had my cup in. So I almost yell out but cover my mouth and she's all, ohhh did I hurt it?"

"Oh, shit..." Jack said, more excited than ever.

"Yeah, so she starts going down in me and..."

"Get in here," Jack said pushing him into one of the broom closets.

"What the hell?" Everett asked.

"Go on with your story, don't want anyone hearing."

Everett thought about it for a moment, "Good thinking, so she's going down on me and I just lie back cause it was..."

"You horny now?" he asked, cutting his friend off.

"I'm always horny, why?"

"Let's do our thing before class."

"Here?" Everett asked, looking around the small closet.

"Come on man, you never minded before,"

"It wasn't at school!"

"Was that one time in your car..."

Everett felt his dick growing hard and knew it was a lost cause.

"Fine but lean up against the door with me, so no one can come in."

Jack nodded and they both leaned against the door and opened their jeans.

"You're commando?" Jack asked, almost choking.

"I think my jock is in my uniform pants, can't remember," he said pulling his half-hard dick out."

"God damn..." Jack said with pure envy, looking at his friend's tool.

"Ok let's do this before..."

Jack yanked his dick out and started to stroke it, all the time looking at Everett.

"Damn you're worked up, Everett said as he lazily began to fist his cock.

Jack just nodded and licked his lips.

"You ok?"

Jack looked up into his friend's eyes and then smiled, "I have an idea that can make this better."

Better? They'd been jerking off together since they knew how to shoot. Jack had taught Everett how to jerk off and the two of them had been doing it in the same room ever since then. There was a thrill having his best friend watch him. But something better?

"How?" Everett asked

Jack reached over and took hold of Everett's cock and began to stroke.

Everett's eyes got huge as he felt his friend's hand touch his dick for the first time and then he relaxed as he just went with it.

"God I wish I had this dick man," Jack said, pulling up and down on the massive dick as if his own.

"Oh jeez Jack, this ain't right...."

"You like it right?"

Everett nodded.

"We're best friends right?"

Another nod.

"Then how can it be not right?"

Everett tried to think of why but the sensations coming from his dick was too much.

"Faster," was all he said.

Jack did just that and Everett closed his eyes and sighed. Why was it that his best friend with just a hand could turn him on more than his girlfriend could with actual sex? Jack's other hand cupped his low hanging balls and a moan escaped his lips.

"Oh shit Jack..." he said lost in ecstasy.

"Yeah, you like that don't you big guy?"

Everett nodded, his friend's low voice turning him on even more.

"How close?"

"Close..." Everett moaned.

A moist warmth engulfed the head of his dick and Everett looked down to see Jack going down on him and he exploded. From the force of the orgasm, you'd have guess Everett hadn't shot in weeks and weeks instead of last night. His hands grabbed Jack's head by reflex and held it there as he pumped more and more cum down his friend's throat.

Everett shuddered as Jack pulled off his dick, there was a glob of cum at the corner of his mouth.

"Why did..." Everett was about to ask when Jack moved forward and kissed him.

At first, Everett was too confused to do anything but stand there, but as Jack's tongue began to touch his he could taste himself on his friend and started to kiss back savagely. There was a hunger in Everett that the boy had never felt before and he found himself pushing Jack up against the back wall, ravishing the young man's mouth.

Jack pulled back from the kiss and declared, "Oh shit, oh shit..."

Everett looked down and saw his friend stroking his own, decent sized dick. Without thought, Everett grabbed his friend's member and began to stroke him.

"Faster, harder..." Jack gasped as he felt himself get close.

Everett watched as Jack's cock gushed cum everywhere, seven, hot spurts, one after another after another.

"Jesus..." Jack cried, trying to catch his breath.

Everett smiled, "Well that was new."

His friend returned the smile, "How'd you like it?"

Being the honest boy he was Everett was forced to admit he liked it a lot.

"I mean, I don't know if I could do that, I mean putting it in my mouth. But you doing it was hot."

Jack smiled and leaned forward and kissed Everett slowly.

Again Everett was confused, but he enjoyed the feeling so started kissing him back.

They remained that way until the first bell rang and they both knew they were going to be late got class.

"Shit," Jack exclaimed pulling up his pants, "Hey see you at lunch?"

Everett nodded pulling his up as well, "I am fucking starving"

Jack gave his friend an evil grin, "Well you're the one not sure if you could put it in your mouth."

Everett felt himself blush as his friend slipped out of the closet.

"What in the hell just happened?" he asked himself, before heading to class.

Next: Chapter 2

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