Fort Leonard Wood

By Brian Johnson

Published on Aug 28, 2018


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Fort Leonard Wood Chapter 2 Advanced Individual Training

Clerk -- Typist School was completely different from Basic Training; we were treated like men. We had more freedom in the hours after class and on weekends.

Class went well for Jeff and myself, as both of us knew how to type; so it was just a matter of learning the Army's way of record keeping. And that was not too difficult to master.

Our weekends proved to be good times. We made friends with others in the class. During the week, some time was spent at the local PX drinking and lying about our love life.

On weekends we did do some exploring in the area around the base. We did visit Columbia on one weekend; a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. And on another we went to St Louis and went to the top of the Arch. But on our pay, St. Louis was expensive.

On one weekend, Jeff and I discovered Rolla, Missouri. It is a town about 30 mils from Leonard Wood. It seemed to be the place we were looking for: near Leonard Wood, but far enough away so it wasn't military. Waynesville was to close and too military for a get away place.

W saw a hotel or motel outside of Rolla that was up on a hill. We thought we would get a room for the weekend. The young lady at the desk asked if we were there for an interview: Jeff said, "No we would like a room for the weekend." That was when we found out that they were hiring employees and would not open for two weeks. He thanked her and said we would be back.

It was actually three weeks before we had a chance to go back. As we checked in the man at the desk said that the pool was now open. When we got to our room, we discovered it had only one bed. Jeff called the front desk and was told that that was all that was available at that time. Well, it was a big bed so we did not object too much. But we hadn't brought swimsuits with us and Jeff did not want to go back to the base. He called the front desk a second time and was told about a store a short distance away where we could buy suits. We got new suits, Speedo type and returned to our room. In less than 5 minutes we were suited up and on the way to the pool; hoping tat there would be some ladies there. To our disappointment, there were only two men in the pool. Jeff and I went to the opposite end of the pool area, dropped our towels and dived in and swam the length. I guess that we splashed too much because one of the men said, "Hey be careful, what do you think this is, a swimming pool?" I replied, "Gee, I am sorry, I thought that all big squares holes filled with water were swimming pools" That got a laugh from them. And that made talking with them easier. We found out that all four of us were Army and from Leonard wood. They said that were with a basic training unit. We said that we were in Clerk-typist school. One of them was a tall, big black man and I guessed that he was a DI. I was correct and his friend said he was just a lowly Platoon Sergeant. Chuck was the DI and Roger was his Platoon Sergeant friend.

We talked and swam, after all that's what a pool is for. After a while, they were getting ready to leave and asked if we wanted to join them for a drink in their room. Not being one to turn down a free drink, we agreed and went to their room. We were offered a shot and a beer. Chuck said he would get the ice and left. Roger brought each of us a beer and then dropped his suit saying that he did not like wearing a wet suit and wrapped a towel around his waist. Chick came back with the ice and he poured four shots of brandy. Then he also dropped his suit and put on a towel. "Why don't you get out of your wet suits too," Chuck asked? We did and we were also wearing our towels. Roger laughed saying, " Here are four soldiers, defenders of our country, sitting in a motel room drinking shots and beer while half naked." We all sort of laughed at that and Chuck said, "I hope the Commies don't invade now. I can see four naked soldiers rushing to defend this motel,"

Chuck got up to get the brandy to refill our glasses and when he did, his towel stayed on the bed. "This is the first time I have had a naked DI serve me brandy," I said. "Well you had better drink it by the numbers, left, right, left." We continued talking and sharing "war stories." Roger asked if we were ready for a beer and all of us were. He got up and came back with four beers, but without his towel as when he stood up, it stayed on the bed where he was sitting. Jeff then said, "Now there are two naked soldiers." Then Roger said, "Well, if you two had any balls, you would lose your towels so there could be four naked defenders of this country drinking!" Jeff and I had no choice but to remove our towels and everyone laughed and drank more beer.

After a while, they said that they were meeting friends for dinner and had to shower and change. We thanked them for the drinks, put on our suits and left. As we were leaving, Chuck said, that we should come back later that night for more drinks. We said okay.

Walking back to our room, Jeff said, "It must b true what they say about black men." "And what do they say," I asked? "Well, they say that all black men are hung like a horse and after seeing his dick, I think that they may be right." "You and they maybe right, but Roger, you and I are not lacking in that area." I said.

We showered and dressed and went to the motel restaurant for dinner. They did serve a good meal. Then we walked over to the pool area just to check if anyone was there, there wasn't. But the night was warm and nice so we sat and just relaxed. After a while I said, "I am glad we found this place, it is a nice place to get way from the base." Jeff agreed, and if we meet guys like Chuck and Roger, it is even better. It was getting dark, so we headed back to our room. We decided that we would spend the next day at the pool. Jeff showered again and was standing at the foot of the bed. I just stripped down to my US Army issued boxers and was next to the bed when there was a knock at the door. Jeff went to the door and opened it, There was Chuck and he asked if we wanted to come back and have a drink. Jeff looked at me and I shook my head no; so he thanked Chuck and said no.

[Possible conversation between Chuck and Roger in their room. I asked if they would join us, but they said no. There was only a single bed, and Dave was in his shorts by the bed and Jeff was naked. Looks like we may have some candidates, said Roger. Well I think we should just tell the Captain and let him do what ever he thinks.]

The next morning we had breakfast at the motel and were just finishing when Roger and Chuck came in. We talked and they asked what we were planing on for the day? We said that we were just going to spend time at the pool before we had to head back to Leonard Wood. They thought it was a good idea and said they would see us there. We changed into our suits and headed to the pool. Chuck and Roger did join us and the four of us spent most of the morning there. We mentioned that we were going to grab lunch and then head back to the base. They said come and have a drink with us. So we did.

The rest of AIT was uneventful and passed quickly. Close to graduation every one began to speculate where they would end up. I said that being from the Midwest, I was tire of snow and cold and would like to end up at Fort Ord in California. Jeff said he did not care where he went, except that he would prefer not to go to Vietnam.

Well we got our assignments and Jeff and I were both discouraged as we both were staying right at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. We were both assigned to the post headquarters unit. I guess we were glad it wasn't Vietnam, but still, Fort Leonard Missouri. They say that if you served at Leonard Wood, when you died, you went directly to heaven because you had served your time in hell. We reported to headquarters and Jeff was assigned to Supple and I was in the orderly room working for the 1st Sergeant.

Next: Chapter 3

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