Forgotten Friend

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Feb 9, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Forgotten Friend by Chris

Liza pulled her boss and current lover into her apartment and straight back to the bedroom. Once there, she started to shed her clothes as her boss did the same. Liza was a petite shorthaired blond with breasts so small that she needed no bra. In fact, she did not even own one. Her boss was a middle-aged woman who carried more than a few extra pounds but looks was not Liza's concern. It was the fact that her boss could eat pussy like no other. That was what Liza liked about her, plus the fact that she had more freedom at work with her boss as her current lover.

As soon as they were both naked, Liza's boss took Liza by the hips and threw her on the bed. Her boss climbed up on the bed and straddled her. She lowered her head to Liza's breasts and started to suck a nipple into her mouth. Liza grasped her boss's huge breasts in her small hands and began to pull and pinch the nipples. Liza felt her body reacting to what her boss was doing to her breasts, her pussy began to get wet, and her small nipples were as hard as they were going to get. Liza then felt her boss's hand snake its way down to her shaven pussy. The fingers stroked her pussy a few minutes then she felt a finger enter her. Liza spread her legs, opening up her pussy to her boss's hand. Liza felt a moan come from deep within her body and she let it out. Her boss worked her breasts a moment more then moved her mouth down to Liza's pussy. She teased the outer labia with the tip of her tongue. It then lightly worked it way up and down the slit and teased Liza's clit. When Liza thought she could stand the teasing no more, she felt the tongue go deeper into her pussy. The tongue twisted and turned inside her. Liza lifted her hips from the bed and pushed it toward that tongue. Her boss spread Liza's labia with her fingers and her tongue sunk even deeper into her pussy. Liza felt a finger begin to stroke her clit. She let out a loud moan that she knew could be heard down the block but she did not care, she only cared how good it felt. Her boss's tongue finally made it to her clit and she licked it using short hard strokes. Liza could not stand this for long and she felt her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. It felt like her breath had been taken away from her.

When Liza came around, she looked up to see one of her boss's D cup breasts hanging down over her head. Liza took it in her hands and began to suckle on the nipple. She used her hands to milk the breast and she heard her boss moan. After a couple of minutes, her boss moved over putting the other breast above Liza's mouth. She milked and sucked on this one as she did the first one. After a few minutes of this, Liza scooted down in the bed so that her head was under her boss's furry pussy. There was hair everywhere as her boss did not bother to trim any of her pussy hair. Liza ran her hand through the pubic hair before parting her boss's pussy lips and she attacked it with her tongue. The pussy juice was free flowing and Liza tried her best to lick it all up but there was just too much for her to handle. When she had her boss ready she moved her tongue to her clit and she pushed two fingers into her boss's pussy. She fucked it hard with those two fingers then pushed a third finger, fucking her just as hard. When she had her boss moaning she slipped her pinky in with the other fingers so that she was fucking her with four fingers. This caused her boss to moan ever harder. Liza once tried her whole hand and her boss was able to handle it but they only did that on rare occasions when her boss was frisky. This night she stayed with just the four fingers. Her boss's clit was extended from its hood and Liza licked and sucked on it hard. It did not take her long for Liza to bring her to a climax. The cum flowed from her boss's pussy and Liza placed her mouth over the entrance sucking it all into her mouth.

When the orgasm ended, Liza crawled up in the bed and they lay beside each other with their backs against the headboard. Her boss lit a cigarette and passed it to Liza. They smoked and rested. When their cigarettes were finished, Liza placed her hand on her boss's pussy and began to caress it when the phone rang. Liza started not to answer it but her boss picked it up and handed it to her thus making the decision for her.

Liza answered the phone and all she heard was someone crying. Liza was about to hang up when she heard just two chilling words. "Mark's dead." Then more hysterical crying followed that.

"Melanie is that you? What happened?"

There was more crying and she heard someone talking in the background. Then there was another voice on the line.

"Liza this is Judy, my husband worked with Mark. There was an accident at work this afternoon. From what my husband has told me Mark was walking through the warehouse when some shelves gave way and he was killed." Liza heard more crying when Judy said this. "Melanie wants and needs you. Is there anyway you can come?"

"Sure I can be there as soon as I can get a flight out. Can you stay with her until then?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Thanks. Let me speak to Melanie again."

As Melanie was getting on the phone, Liza got her boss to call the airport on her cell phone to get a flight to Charleston S.C. As Liza tried to get Melanie calmed down her boss came back in giving her a thumbs up on the airplane and also started packing her a couple of bags. Liza talked for another hour to Melanie but then she saw her boss tapping her watch. Liza got Melanie to put Judy back on the phone and told her that she was heading out the door and she would be there in a few hours.

"Sorry, this is not the way I meant to end the evening."

"That is okay, your friend needs you and that is more important. Go, and don't worry about your job, it will be here when you get back."

"You are a sweetheart, you know that."

"Yes I do and don't you forget it." Her boss said to lighten the mood.

Her plane had to make a stop in Atlanta and then on to Charleston so she had time to think. Why Melanie had called her she did not know. They were best friends in high school but they were an odd pair. Melanie came from money and was in the popular crowd while Liza was more of an outsider. They both were attractive but in different ways. Melanie had a body the boys lusted after. She had shoulder length brown hair and nice B cup breasts that were perfect for her 5"7" frame. Liza on the other hand had no breasts at all but had a cute face that was framed by her short blond hair. Melanie was smart while Liza struggled through school. If it were not for Melanie, she never would have graduated. After graduation Melanie went on to college where she met Mark the first week there. They dated through college and graduated this past December. They were married on New Years Eve and moved to Charleston. Melanie kept in touch over the past four years but they had gone in different direction and their friendship followed suit. Liza was invited to the wedding and she attended but it was Melanie's college friends who Melanie picked as her bridesmaids. One other thing made them different, Liza was a lesbian, and Melanie was straight. Liza never told Melanie that she was a lesbian but she always figured Melanie knew. When they were at the dating age Melanie at first tried to fix her up but it never stuck so Melanie gave up their junior year. Melanie would always reserve either Friday or Saturday night for her and in their senior year, Melanie did spend both nights with her. They would also spend many weekends at Melanie's house. This was hard for Liza as Melanie was her best friend but she also was the person that Liza so wanted to become her lover. But every chance she had to let Melanie know how she felt she chickened out.

Liza thought that Melanie had forgotten about her old high school friend. Melanie had friends that were more like her now, so why when she really needed someone did she choose to call her? In a way, it made her angry that Melanie had all but forgotten her until she was in trouble. As the plane landed in Charleston realized that not all that mattered, Melanie needed her now and she would help. Liza took a cab to Melanie's apartment and was met by Judy at the door.

"Man, I'm glad you are here. She has not slept all night and she keeps asking when you are going to get here."

"I don't know what I can do but I will try."

Liza found Melanie huddled up on the couch. When Melanie saw her Melanie started to cry again and she held out her arms. Liza went to her and she held her close to her body. Liza did not say anything, she just let her cry, but there was no more tears coming from her eyes as she had cried so much already. Judy handed Liza a note with her phone number and she quietly made her exit. Liza rocked Melanie in her arms and stroked her hair. She knew better than to tell Melanie that it would be all right, as Melanie would not believe her at this point. When Melanie had cried herself out, Liza moved back but kept a hold of her. Liza caressed Melanie's cheek and then pulled her in close. As she rocked her, she noticed that Melanie's breathing was changing and she knew that Melanie was finally giving in to exhaustion.

"You need to get some rest, let's get you to bed."

"Don't leave me!" Melanie said with pleading eyes.

"I am not going anywhere. I am here for as long as you need me, I promise."

Liza got up and pulled Melanie to her feet. She looked around for the bedroom and saw a hallway. She went in that direction hoping it would lead to the bedroom. Since it was a one- bedroom apartment, she easily found the bedroom. She got Melanie into bed not bothering to change her clothes. Melanie got under the covers and held them open for Liza who removed her shoes and slipped into the bed. She turned Melanie to her side facing away from her and Liza spooned herself behind her. She wrapped her arm around Melanie's waist and held her close waiting for Melanie to drift off which she did a short time later. Liza meant to get up once Melanie was asleep but she like Melanie had been up for more than 24 hours straight now. She went to sleep shortly after Melanie did.

When Melanie woke up Liza fixed her some soup and made her eat it then Liza found out that no one had told Mark's family about his death. Melanie refused to call them making Liza do it which was the hardest thing she had ever done. From there it went downhill. Liza ended up having to make all the arrangements and fight with Mark's parents as they wanted to bury him at home in Tennessee. Melanie made Liza fight it out with them and it was not pretty. The funeral was not much better. Liza barely got Melanie to go and the whole time she clung to Liza not saying a word to anyone.

Once Mark was buried, Melanie retired to the apartment and refused to go out. She stayed on the couch or in bed. When Liza had to go out, she got Judy, who was childless and mothered everyone she could, to sit with Melanie. In the fragile mental state that Melanie was in, Liza was afraid to leave her alone. Liza did the paper work for Mark's life insurance and fought with Mark's employer's insurance company over the settlement. She and Judy did get Melanie out of the apartment to go to the lawyer's office to sign the final paperwork. When it was all said and done, Melanie ended up well off but her mental condition was going down by the minute. She would not eat unless Liza forced her to and the only way Liza would get her to bathe was to run the bath water, escort her to the bathroom, strip her, wash her and finally put clean clothes back on her.

After two months of this, Liza knew that she was losing Melanie. She tried to get her to see someone but Melanie refused. It was as if she wanted her own life to end and she had given up. The Melanie that Liza used to know was quickly disappearing. Liza talked this over with Judy but they both knew Melanie had to want to get help. As they talked, Judy said something simple that came back to Liza later that night as she held Melanie listening to her sleep. Judy had said Melanie needed to something to shake her up and bring her back to life. As Liza lay there, a plan came to her mind. She would piss her off to the point that Melanie would strike back. She just had to figure out what Melanie's buttons were now and then push them hard.

At eight the next morning, she set her plan into action. She woke Melanie up not with a gentle shake but instead she pulled the covers off and shook her hard.

"Get up; we have a big day ahead of us." Liza said with a stern voice.

"Let me sleep, I don't feel like getting up."

"Tough," Liza replied as she started pulling Melanie up.

"What are you doing? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing and there is nothing wrong with you either. So get up and let's get you clean, you are beginning to stink."

Melanie looked at Liza with hurt eyes and Liza felt her heart breaking but she knew she had to do something and it was now or never. She pulled Melanie into the bathroom, stripped her of her nightgown and panties, and sat her on the toilet. As Melanie peed, Liza turned on the shower and stripped herself. She then pulled Melanie off the toilet and pushed her into the shower stepping in behind her. She got Melanie under the water and soaped up a washcloth. She began to wash Melanie down scrubbing every square inch of her body roughly and not with the baby gentleness that she usually used when she bathed Melanie.

"Not so hard." Melanie complained but Liza did not stop until she had Melanie clean. Liza swapped places with Melanie leaving her in the shower with her as she washed. When she was done, she got them out and dried Melanie and herself. She escorted Melanie back to the bedroom where she got her dressed in jeans and a knit top. She got dressed and fixed them a breakfast, which Melanie picked at. Once Liza had finished eating, she put the dishes into the sink and packed a bag of drinks for them. Liza went out and came back with Melanie's shoes.

"Put your shoes on, we are going out for the day."

"I don't want to go out. I want to stay here."

"I didn't ask you what you wanted to do; I said we were going out for the day."

Melanie put her shoes on and Liza pulled her up and out the door before Melanie started to put up much of a fight. Liza drove them down the coast. It was about an hour before she found what she was looking for, a deserted area of the beach. She pulled off the road and parked the car. When she got to the passenger side of the door, she saw that Melanie was silently crying. She knew that Melanie had probably spent a lot of time on the beach with Mark and this would be hard on her but it had to be done. She opened the door for Melanie.

"Don't make me do this," Melanie said. Liza just took Melanie by the hand and pulled her out and for the first time she saw a flash of anger from Melanie. Liza gripped Melanie's hand and led her toward the beach with her bag slung over her shoulder. Once on the beach she started to walk dragging Melanie along. They walked and walked until Liza's feet starting hurting. She knew that if she was tired Melanie had to be exhausted but she was not saying anything. Liza moved them over toward the dunes and pulled out a beach towel. She sat down and Melanie sat as far as possible from her. Liza gave her a coke and took one herself. The drank their cokes in silence and Liza wondered if she was doing the right thing but now was not the time to have doubts. They rested for about a half hour and then started their way back. This time Melanie kept her hand to herself not wanting any part of Liza. It was about one o'clock when they got back to the car. On the way back, Melanie refused to look at Liza. Instead, she turned her head and looked out the window. As they neared Charleston, Liza found a restaurant and pulled in. She heard a groan from Melanie and she wanted to smile, she was getting to Melanie. When they got inside Melanie refused to talk so Liza ordered for both of them. When the food arrived, Melanie just sat there so Liza picked up Melanie's spoon and scooped up some mashed potatoes. Liza put the food to Melanie's mouth whose lips were clamped down tight.

"You can either open your mouth and eat or I can slide my chair over there and force it down you and I will. You know I will."

There was fire in Melanie's eyes now as she grabbed the spoon from Liza and began to eat. Melanie did not eat much but that was not the point. When Liza finished eating, Liza paid the check and they went back to the car. Liza was not ready to return home but she was running out of things to do. She thought about what to do next as she drove back into town. Liza finally decided a little shopping was in order. They went to the mall and Liza drug Melanie from shop to shop. From there she went to the grocery store taking her time in getting what they needed. It was not until about eight that night that they got back to the apartment.

Liza got a bag of groceries out of the car but Melanie went straight for the apartment and waited for Liza to unlock the door. When they got inside Melanie headed for the bedroom.

"There you go back to the bedroom to hide like some poor weak little rich girl."

Melanie turned in a flash and shouted "You fucking bitch. My husband is dead!" She then went crying to the bedroom.

Liza put up the milk and the other items that needed to go into the refrigerator then made her way back to the bedroom. She heard Melanie crying when she opened the door.

"Go away, I hate you!" Melanie said as she turned her back to Liza.

Liza came on into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on Melanie's shoulder but Melanie pushed it away.

"I told you to get the fuck away from me. You don't care about me. I thought you were my friend."

Liza felt tears come to her eyes, she did not want to hurt Melanie and she wondered if she went too far.

"I am sorry but I had to do something. You were disappearing on me. I am sorry about Mark but I can't bring him back. I wish I could but I can't. However, I can try to keep you from disappearing and that was what you were doing. I could not just sit here and watch that happening. I had to do something and the only thing I could think of was to piss you the fuck off. I wanted to see some life in you again and if that cost our friendship; then that was a price I was willing to pay. If you want me to leave, I will."

Liza started to get up when she felt a hand on her arm.

"I don't want you to go."

Liza felt the tears pour from her eyes as she lay down beside Melanie. Liza curled her arm around Melanie and pulled her in close. After they both cried for a few moments, Melanie spoke.

"I don't know what to do now. I have always had someone to depend on. I had you during high school and then Mark came along but now he is gone. I feel so alone."

"I am here for as long as you need me. I am not going anywhere but you have to help me. I can't do it alone."

"I will try but promise me you won't try to feed me again," Melanie said and a small giggle came from her.

"Only if you eat, but if you stop I make no promises."

They both laughed a little and Liza was finally able to relax. She was seeing the first signs of life coming from Melanie. They lay there as they had every night since Liza had gotten there. Melanie on her side with her back to Liza and Liza spooning up against her back with her arm around Melanie's waist. As they lay there, Liza felt Melanie press back against her and she felt Melanie grip her arm holding her tight. Liza suddenly felt something she had not felt since Melanie had left for college. The desire for Melanie came flooding back full force. She knew Melanie was just feeling especially close to her right now but that did not stop what she was feeling. She knew she was going to have to be careful and not do something she would regret later.

The next morning when she went to wake Melanie, she found that she was already awake and was getting out of bed. "This is a good sign," Liza thought to herself. Liza bade Melanie good morning and went back to the kitchen to make breakfast. As they ate, they talked but stayed away from the present mostly talking about high school and the things they did then.

"What do you want to do today?" Liza asked as they put up the breakfast dishes.

"Something I should have done long before now and I must do it alone. You can take Mark's truck and tour the city."

Liza was worried all of a sudden and it showed on her face.

"Don't worry; I will be here when you get back. I promise. It is just something I want and have to do alone. Now get dressed and go on."


Liza got dressed and headed out the door but she was still worried. She was not sure what Melanie was up to but she had to trust her at some point and she seemed to be okay, still there was something in the back of her mind that worried her. She went downtown and walked around but her mind never left Melanie. She wanted to go back and check on her but she knew she had to wait it out. She did not think the time would ever pass but finally in the late afternoon she headed home.

When she got back to the apartment, she found Melanie cooking in the kitchen. When Melanie turned, Liza could tell that Melanie had been crying but she seemed to be okay now. Liza washed her hands and helped Melanie cook supper. They ate and as much as Liza wanted to ask Melanie what she did that day, she kept those questions to herself. Melanie would tell her if she wanted her to know. After dinner, they retired to the living room and talked. Melanie mentioned that she and Mark wanted to buy a beach house when they got enough money saved up. Melanie said that the money from the settlement might as well go to that house. Liza thought that would be a great idea and it would give Melanie something to do but Melanie corrected her in saying it would give them both something to do. Liza had to smile wondering if there was something more to that statement. As they talked, Liza started to notice that things were missing. Pictures that were on the walls were missing and the wedding album was no longer on the coffee table. Later that night as she went to get a nightgown from the closet she noticed that all of Marks clothes were gone and there were a couple of boxes taped up in the bottom of the closet. She knew then that Melanie had finally said her goodbyes to Mark. She would still grieve for Mark but at least she had accepted his death.

When she got into bed, Melanie again turned onto her side after saying goodnight and she pressed her back against Liza. Liza put her arm to her side, half-afraid to put it around Melanie. She was doing it before because she thought that Melanie needed it and now she was afraid that if she put her arm around Melanie the feeling she felt last night would come back. But Melanie turned a bit and took Liza's arm. She brought it around her body and held it close thus pulling Liza in close. Liza gave in and snuggled against Melanie and the feelings did return. Liza tried to block them out but she knew that the longer she stayed with Melanie the harder the feelings would be to block out.

The next morning Liza was surprised to find that she was alone in the bed. Liza crawled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom for a quick, hot shower. When she got into the kitchen, she found Melanie fixing breakfast.

"I see you finally got up, Lazybones. We got a lot to do today and we need an early start."

"Yes madam," Liza said with a laugh and she went over to help Melanie who gave her a hug and went back to work. Liza was glad to see that Melanie had a purpose again. Something to keep her going and she knew from their younger days that once Melanie set her mind to something then there was no stopping her.

On the way to the realtor, Melanie described what she was looking for in a beach house, something small and out of the way. But when they got to the realtor, Melanie told the man that they were looking for a beach house but described it in a much grander scale than what she had told Liza. The realtor's eye's lit up thinking of the commission he was about to make. He showed them what he had available. They went to a number of places all very expensive and very beautiful. Melanie studied each house and Liza realized that Melanie just wanted ideas and cared little about the houses that they were actually looking at. They spent three days with this realtor and then moved on to the next one. Melanie had each realtor thinking that they had a sure sale only to break their hearts in the end. Over the next month, they moved farther and farther from Charleston going in both directions. Each night as they curled up in bed, Melanie would talk about the houses that they had seen. She described what she was going to take from those houses and put into their house. Liza picked up on the "their" part but let it pass. She had intended to stay long enough to get Melanie back on her feet but she had been here over three months now. Her brother had moved into her old apartment and sent her clothes to her. He had also appropriated her car. She was driving Mark's truck when she needed to go somewhere but then she really did not need a vehicle as she was with Melanie most the time. This togetherness was causing her more than a few problems. The longer she stayed the more her feelings for Melanie were coming to the forefront. She found herself staring at Melanie and when she had the opportunity she would touch Melanie and let her touch linger. On weekends when they would go to the beach, Liza would take Melanie's hand as they walked looking for seashells. When Melanie would find a shell she liked she would let go of Liza hand to examine it and decide if it was worth keeping but she would always take Liza's hand back. At night, after she knew that Melanie had fallen asleep, Liza would sneak out of bed and go to the bathroom. There she would put the lid down on the toilet and remove her nightclothes. She would then sit on the edge of the seat and lean back. She would close her eyes and think of Melanie's body. She went back to the times she had given Melanie a bath when Melanie was incapable of doing anything for herself. Melanie breasts would come to her mind and she would start to massage her breasts, squeezing the soft flesh and pinching her nipples. Her breasts were not even close to Melanie's size but between her imagination and the stimulation, she got very aroused. Soon one of her hands made its way down to her pussy. She ran her fingers up and down her slit, and then she would dip a finger into her pussy. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. Her fingers would go in, getting wet and slippery. She would then bring them to her clit. She ran them in a circle around the clit teasing herself. When she could take it no longer, she pressed down on her clit giving it direct pressure. She would slowly increase the pressure on her clit until she felt her orgasm looming. It was then she went in for the kill. She squeezed her clit between her index finger and thumb. At this point, she was out of control and she could cry out as the orgasm hit. When it ended, she washed and put her nightclothes back on knowing that she could survive another day of spending time with Melanie. She did this several times a week when she felt the urge to make a move on Melanie getting out of her control.

Finally, Melanie was ready to look for her beach house. They started north of Charleston only this time she told the realtor exactly what she was looking for and they started their search. It was with the third realtor that they came across the house that Melanie found just what she wanted. Liza was not so sure; the house was in total disrepair. The house was isolated as it was the last one on the road and the closest house was about a 1/4 of a mile away. They looked over the house inside and out and Liza was about half-afraid that she would fall through the floor any second. Melanie asked Liza what she thought when the realtor stepped outside and Liza had to tell her the truth.

"The best thing you can do is to burn the house down and start again."

"No, use your imagination. Think about what it will look like after we are done. I know it will take a lot of work but when we get done it will be prefect."

Melanie went on telling and showing what she wanted to do, which was to strip the house to the frame and start again. Only it will have their handprints all over the house. Liza started to see what Melanie was talking about and she knew it would be perfect, it would be just the thing that Melanie needed. The realtor came back in and Melanie asked Liza what their first offer should be. Liza said to go at 60% of the price and they would go from there. The realtor frowned at that offer but said he would pass it on. The next day he called back at 90% of the original offer. This went on for the rest of the week until the owners got down to 85% of original offer. Melanie and Liza talked it over and decided that was acceptable.

With the help of a promised bonus if he completed the job in two months, the contractor Melanie hired started two weeks later. Melanie and Liza showed up about the time he and his crew arrived. He did not look pleased to see them there but they were paying so he could not afford to say much. Once he saw that they were going to stay out of his way then he became a little friendlier. Liza watched with Melanie from the bed of the truck as the house was torn apart. Three days later the house was down to its frame. Liza thought it looked so naked. The contractor added some supports to bring the house up to standards but it did not need much as the frame was in good shape. Over the next two months, the house slowly came into being and over that time, Liza was spending more and more time in the bathroom at night. Her feelings for Melanie just kept getting stronger and Melanie was not helping much. Melanie was now holding her arm between her breasts when they went to sleep so that Liza's arm was cupping one of Melanie's breasts. Melanie also had developed a tendency to wiggle her butt against Liza crotch thus creating friction against Liza's pussy. When Melanie caught Liza staring at her, she would now hold her stare until Liza looked away. Liza did not know what to do, she so wanted to make love to Melanie but she also did not want to take advantage of Melanie at this time in her life. But as the house neared completion Liza knew that either she had to leave or go ahead and make a move on Melanie.

Finally, the day came when the house was completed and the contractor handed the keys to Melanie. All that was left to do was the painting and the other final changes. These were things she wanted her and Liza to do so that their imprint would be left on the house. They got up early the next morning and headed for the house. The truck was packed full of paint, brushes and drop cloths. Melanie also put an air mattress in the truck so that they could spend their first night in the new house. They hauled the paint and stuff up the steps to the house and got ready to work. They opened all the windows and the sliding glass doors so that the paint fumes would not get to them. The house was built on stilts so they were able to see the ocean over the sand dunes. Lisa stopped a moment and looked out over the ocean and Melanie came up beside her. Melanie put her arm around Liza's waist and drew her in close to her. They were both silent for a moment before Melanie spoke.

"It is beautiful isn't it?"

"I have never seen anything more beautiful."

"I have." Melanie said and she gave Liza a quick squeeze and then she was off to work. Liza was left wondering what Melanie meant but in her heart, she knew.

Liza stayed still another moment then she went to help Melanie in the bedroom. They got the bedroom and bathroom done by lunch. It was a hot day and they were both sweating. Melanie's top was wet from sweat and Liza could plainly see Melanie's braless breasts. She could see the nipples pressing against the cotton material of her top. She looked down to her own breasts and she saw that they were just as viewable as Melanie's. They fixed a sandwich and a glass of tea and sat out on the porch overlooking the ocean as they ate. They rested and talked about how beautiful the house was going to look when they were done. When they were rested, they tackled the living room. This was the biggest room at the house and it took them most of the afternoon to complete. By this time, they both were pooped and ready to stop for the day. They went to the kitchen and fixed a tall glass of tea, which they both drained in no time flat.

"God, it is hot in here, let's go take a swim." Liza suggested.

"We didn't bring any bathing suits."

"Who needs bathing suits." Lisa stated as she pulled her top off and pushed her shorts and panties down and off.

"Girl, what the hell are you doing? You can't go naked, you'll get arrested!" Melanie said as her wide eyes took in all of Liza's body.

"No, we're going naked," Lisa said as she trapped Melanie in the corner of the kitchen.

"No way girl, you're crazy if you think you can get me out there naked."

She put her hands to Melanie's waist and started to pull Melanie's top off. Melanie did not resist as she raised her arms and let Liza remove her top. Liza for her part resisted grasping Melanie's breasts right then and there. She got down on her knees and unsnapped Melanie's shorts and pulled them with her panties down. Liza's nose was just inches away from Melanie pussy. Before when she had Melanie naked, she did not really look at Melanie as someone to desire but as a friend in need but now things were different. Now she took a moment to inhale Melanie's aroma and it was nice. Liza felt her own pussy begin to swell and she felt the moisture begin to gather. She put off things for the moment as she got up and took Melanie by the hand. She led her out the door and down the steps. Melanie had a death grip on Liza's hand but she was following along. They got to the dunes and walked up enough to see if the coast was clear. They found that they had the beach to themselves so they hurriedly got over the dunes and ran toward the beach both shrieking like schoolgirls. Once they got waist deep in the water Melanie let go of Liza's hand and dove into a wave. Liza lost tract of her for a moment but then Melanie came up about twenty feet away. Liza hurried after her and they went on out until the water was up to their breasts.

"I can't believe we are doing this." Melanie said.

"It feels good to go skinning dipping isn't it?"

"Yes, and kind of naughty too!"

"That too!"

They swam some and then just stood there and rested from the day's work as the cool salt water refreshed them. After a few minutes, Melanie backed away and dove under the water. Liza looked around to see where she would come up when she felt a pinch on her right ass cheek. She jumped up and screamed. She started to move out of the water away from whatever bit her when she heard laughing. She turned to see Melanie having a grand ole time at her expense.

"You've had it you little shit."

Liza went for Melanie and when she got close, she hit the water in front of her splashing Melanie. That started the war as they splashed and laughed. Melanie kept her distance but Liza maneuvered around until she was able to grab Melanie's hand and she splashed Melanie. Melanie tried to fight back and she grabbed the hand Liza was splashing with. They were both out of breath from laughing and splashing each other and then their eyes locked. They stood still as the waves moved past them. Slowly Liza came closer knowing she was about to do what she so long wanted to do. The outcome scared her but she knew it was now or never. She turned her head at the last second and closed her eyes. The next thing she felt was Melanie's lips. The kiss was soft and over much too quickly but it was filled with electricity. Liza pulled back and saw that Melanie was looking at her. She saw that there was a need in those eyes. Liza leaned back in, Melanie met her, and they kissed again. This time Liza drew Melanie's body to her and Melanie wrapped her arms around Liza. This kiss went on much longer and would have gone on even longer but a big wave came in and broke them apart. When Liza came up from under the water Melanie was standing about five feet in front of her. Liza quickly made up the distance and she took Melanie by the hand. She led Melanie out of the water and neither noticed the elderly couple coming up the beach staring at the two naked girls. Hand in hand, they hurried out of the water and on toward the house.

When they got to the porch, Liza turned to Melanie cupping her hand behind Melanie's head and brought her in. Their lips met again and this time Liza opened her mouth. Before she could do it herself, she felt Melanie's tongue in her mouth. Liza sucked it on in and caressed it with her tongue. As they kissed, Liza moved her hands up to Melanie's breasts. She gently squeezed them and she felt and heard Melanie moan. She ran her fingers over the hard nipples and Melanie had to break off the kissing to moan again. Liza dipped her head down and took one of those nipples into her mouth. She first tasted the salt water on Melanie's skin and then she got a taste of Melanie's skin. It tasted wonderful and she switched over to the other breast. She kissed the nipple then she sucked as much of the salty flesh into her mouth as she could. Liza felt Melanie's hands and fingers pulling on her shoulders and down her back. Liza feasted on Melanie's lovely breasts going back and forth. Melanie was moaning and groaning and her fingernails were scratching Liza's back. Liza gave one final kiss to each nipple then went back up to Melanie's mouth kissing her lips and then her neck sucking the saltwater from her skin. Liza then leaned back and placed her hands on Melanie's shoulders. She gently pushed down and Melanie eased down to her knees and then on to her back. Liza followed her down and lay down on top of her. Liza kissed Melanie's lips, face and on down to her neck. She sucked and nibbled at Melanie's neck and earlobes. Melanie was breathing faster and her moans came one after the other. Liza eased on down to Melanie's breasts. She cupped both breasts in her hands and her mouth went to the right breast. She kissed her way around the areola before she locked on the nipple. She gently bit the nipple, getting a groan from Melanie. She pulled on the nipple with her teeth then she let it go and kissed it. She went over to the other nipple and kissed around this areola and she bit down on the nipple. Another groan came from Melanie. Liza kissed and sucked on Melanie's breasts for a few minutes before she again gave a last kiss to each nipple. She kissed and licked her way on down Melanie's body. As she got closer to Melanie's pussy, she felt Melanie open her legs up for her. When she got to Melanie's mons she sucked the saltwater from her pubic hair. She moved her mouth down a little further and she was at Melanie's pussy. The labia's were wet from both the salt water and Melanie's own juices.

"I have wanted to do this for years." Liza said to herself, she thought, but Melanie answered her.

"All you had to do was ask."

Liza looked up at Melanie and Melanie nodded. Liza lowered her head and kissed Melanie's clit that was peeking out from it hood. She then set to licking and sucking on Melanie's outer labia. Her tongue went between the lips and into Melanie's pussy. Liza heard a loud moan come from Melanie. Liza used her fingers to open Melanie's pussy up to her tongue. She first pushed it in as deep as she could and she scooped some of the juices out. She swallowed them down and went in for more. Melanie tasted so sweet and juicy. Liza made her way up to Melanie's clit. She licked it and then sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue to caress the clit and she felt Melanie push her hips toward her mouth. Liza sucked a little harder and she resisted the urge to push a finger into Melanie. She wanted her to cum without penetration this first time with a woman. So she used her fingers to rub Melanie's outer lips as her tongue and mouth caressed the clit. Melanie moaned louder and louder until it became one long moan and Liza knew she was cumming. Liza sucked at Melanie's clit a little longer dragging out her orgasm then she went back to the opening and sucked in Melanie's girl cum.

Liza moved back up beside Melanie and cradled her in her arms as Melanie relaxed in the euphoria of her orgasm. When Melanie opened her eyes, Liza smiled at her.

"What was that about all I had to ask?"

"Later," Melanie answered as she forced Liza onto her back. Melanie kissed Liza and she quickly went down to Liza's small breasts. Liza was afraid that Melanie would not like that she had so small breasts but Melanie latched onto one of her nipples and she sucked for all she was worth. Liza quickly forgot her fears as she closed her eyes and enjoyed what Melanie was doing. Liza felt Melanie's hands grab and caress her breasts as she sucked and nibbled on both of her nipples. Melanie did not stay long at Liza's breasts as she slid on down Liza's body to her pussy. Melanie's tongue was hesitant at first but soon it was licking up and down her bare slit. She felt Melanie's fingers open her up and she felt the tongue penetrate her pussy. Melanie swirled it around her pussy and then she went up to Liza's clit. Melanie licked at the clit using short quick strokes. Liza felt herself approaching an orgasm. When she felt Melanie's fingers enter her pussy and began to fuck her Liza knew that she would be cumming soon. Liza pushed her pussy against Melanie's face and she concentrated on holding off her orgasm but Melanie pushed her fingers deeper and harder into her pussy. When Melanie gently bit down on her clit, Liza felt the wave of a huge orgasm wash over her. When she came back around, she found Melanie hugging her with her head on her chest. Liza wrapped her arms around Melanie and held her tightly against her body. They laid there in silence for a little while but then the porch started to get hard and it was beginning to hurt her back and shoulders.

"Lets move on inside." Liza suggested. Melanie rose up, kissed Liza, and then got up. She helped Liza up and they walked arm in arm inside. They went first to the bathroom and took a shower. They washed each other's hair and then each other's body. Their hands roamed the other's soapy body learning where the other was the most sensitive. After the shower, they dried off and went to the bedroom where Melanie got out an air mattress. They pumped it up and put a sheet on the bed. It was about dusk when they laid down. They first kissed and cuddled for a few minutes then Liza laid down on her back and Melanie laid on her back with her head on Liza's shoulder.

"Now what was that about, 'All I had to do was ask'?"

Melanie took a deep breath before answering. "I figured out you were a lesbian when we were juniors in high school. Then I got to thinking that I loved you as a friend, so what would be wrong with going further with the person I cared so much about. Plus I admit I got curious about making love to another woman. I kept waiting for you to tell me that you were a lesbian so that I could tell you how I was feeling but you never did and I was afraid to bring up the subject. I thought that maybe you did not love me that way so when I went to college and met Mark, I kind of forgot about you. I am sorry about that but that was the way it was. Then when they told me that Mark had died the only person I could think of was you. I knew you would get me through it and you did. Of course I did not know you would go to the extreme to do it." As she said that, Melanie jabbed Liza in the ribs.

"Ouch, you did not have to do that. Pissing you off was the only way I could think of to get through to you. Besides it worked didn't it?"

"Yes it worked and I am thankful for that. And I am thankful that you did come to my aid when you did not have to."

"You were a good friend in need and I knew I could not turn my back on you."

"I won't turn my back on you either so when you feel the need to get off you don't need to go to the bathroom anymore."

"What are you talking about?" Liza said even though she knew exactly what Melanie was talking about.

"Don't give me that, I heard you in the bathroom and more than once I must say."

"When did you ever hear me?"

"Well one night, a month or so back, I woke up when I thought I heard someone calling my name. I saw that you were not in bed and I started to see if something was wrong then I heard water running so I thought it was probably just a dream. Then a few days later I woke up hearing noise from the bathroom and again I heard my name. I knew it was you this time. I thought you may need something then I heard the water running again so I went back to sleep. The next night I told myself to wake up when I felt you getting out of bed and I actually did. After you closed the bathroom door, I got up and went to the bathroom door. I did not hear anything at first then I heard a muffled moan or two. A couple of minutes later I heard louder moaning and then I heard you calling out my name and a loud moan and I knew what you were doing and what you were thinking about when you were doing it."

Liza felt her face turn red as Melanie told her story. Melanie turned over and she kissed Liza who was still reeling from what she had heard.

"So I knew that you did love and want me. I knew we would eventually end up here. So like I said, when you feel the need, turn over and here I will be. I liked what we did tonight and I want to continue doing it. Making love to another woman is great and the fact it was someone I love made it that much better. I never thought I would find love again but I did in you, didn't I?"

"Yes you did."

"Good," Melanie said as she kissed Liza and laid her head down on Liza's shoulder. They soon fell asleep both secure in their feelings and relationship. It was about two a.m., when Liza woke up and her stomach was growling. She realized that it had been twelve hours since she had last eaten. She eased out of the bed and had just gotten to the door when she heard Melanie call after her.

"You going to the bathroom?"

"Nooo! I'm going to get me something to eat if you have to know."

"Fix me something while you're at it."

"Get your lazy ass up and fix it yourself."

"Bitch," she heard Melanie say as she was getting up. Later in the kitchen as Melanie was bending over to get the lunch meat out of the refrigerator Liza saw her cute little ass and could not resist the urge to pop it.

"Ouch. What was that for?"

"For listening to me masturbate and for calling me a bitch."

"Hey you were the one calling my name as you came."

Liza tried to think of a come back but could not so she dropped it for the moment. They finished making their sandwiches and got a coke to drink. Liza got her drink and sandwich and walked toward the living room. Melanie followed her until Liza started to head out the sliding glass doors.

"You going out there naked?"

"Yes it's not like we haven't gone out there naked before. Besides, it is two in the morning. Who is going to see us?"

Melanie shrugged her shoulders and followed Liza out the door. It was a warm May night and the ocean breeze felt good. They sat on the top step to eat and talk. After eating, they got silent. Melanie shivered and Liza put her arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. Melanie turned her head toward Liza. They looked into each other's eyes then they both moved in to kiss. They kissed with just their lips for a moment or two before their tongues entered the picture. Liza moved her free hand over to Melanie's breast and cupped it in her hands. The soft flesh was cool and Melanie's nipple was hard. Liza caress Melanie's breasts and she felt Melanie do the same to her breasts. After a few minutes, Liza snaked her hand down to Melanie's pussy, which she found to be wet and ready. Liza stroked her fingers up and down Melanie's pussy before she pushed a finger inside Melanie. It was warm, moist, and tight. Liza moved her finger in and out. As she did this, she felt Melanie's hand go to her pussy and she began to stroke her. Melanie's fingers found their way inside Liza's pussy and she began to fuck her with them. They continued to kiss as the finger fucked the other's pussy. When they both went to the other's clit, they had to stop kissing as they both climaxed. When she recovered, Liza removed her fingers from Melanie's pussy and put them in her mouth to suck the juices off them. Melanie saw her do this so she did the same and she licked Liza's juices from her fingers.

Liza got up on shaky legs and pulled Melanie up. She led her into the bedroom. She eased Melanie down on the bed and she climbed on top of her with her head over Melanie's pussy and her own pussy over Melanie's head. Liza dropped her head to Melanie's pussy and began to lick. She felt Melanie reach up and pull her hips down. Liza felt Melanie begin to lick her pussy. They took their time as they licked and sucked on each other. Liza was in no hurry to get Melanie off; she wanted to extend Melanie's pleasure this time. Melanie must have had the same idea as she also took her time. They licked up and down the other's slit and they pulled each other open to go deeper with their tongues. When Liza went to Melanie's clit, she felt Melanie stop licking and she started to moan. Liza sucked and licked harder as she brought Melanie to an orgasm. Liza licked up Melanie's cum and soon she felt Melanie's tongue back at her pussy. Melanie licked a little harder spreading Liza's lips open and she licked Liza's clit with short hard strokes. Liza braced herself as she felt her orgasm come. They licked and sucked each other to another orgasm before they finally collapsed. Liza crawled up in the bed and laid her head on Melanie's breast and she fell asleep.

Liza was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee when Melanie came in wearing a robe. They had slept late that morning so they were getting a late start. They drank a cup of coffee and ate a roll as they stood in the kitchen. When that was done, they were ready to get at it. Melanie had arranged for Judy's nephews to move their furniture in the next day, so they had to finish painting today. Liza started to open the paint cans as Melanie started out of the kitchen. She stopped at the doorway when she realized that Liza had already started to work.

"Aren't you going to get dressed first?"

"No, I about burnt up yesterday, with having to keep the windows open and not turning on the AC."

"You're going to work naked?"

"Yes, will that bother you?"

"No, whatever you want to do." Melanie said as she hesitated a second. She then pulled her robe off and started to work. As the day got hotter Liza found herself looking at Melanie and she found that she was staring at Melanie's naked, sweat coated body. She had not seen anything as lovely in her life. She would find that she was getting aroused and she could smell her own arousal over the paint fumes. It took them most of the afternoon to get the kitchen and dining room done. They took a short break to eat then went back to work getting the closets and ceilings done. They did not finish until about eight that night and they were both too tired to move. They took a shower and hit the bed where they were both asleep before their heads hit the pillows.

They were up early the next morning and as much as they wanted to make love, they knew they did not have time, as Judy's nephews would be arriving soon with the first load. After breakfast, Melanie took Liza by the hand to the bedroom.

"You will have to dress today, you know. We will never get any thing done if the boys are staring at you all day."

"I know, I was going to dress today but after that you won't see me in clothes unless we go out."

"What are you a nudist or something?"

"Yes, I discovered it a couple of years ago and I love it. I only wear clothes when I have too."

"You have worn clothes since you have been here. Why didn't you go nude before now?"

"You weren't in any condition to deal with me walking around nude but now you are. In fact yesterday you did seem to enjoy it."

"Once I got used to working naked I have to admit it was kind of fun but I did have one problem."

"What was that?"

"I kept getting horny looking at you."

"I had the same problem."

They smiled at each other when they heard a horn honk. They looked out to see the boys with two trucks full of furniture. "Oh shit!" they both said as they quickly put some clothes on and got to the door just as the boys were carrying up the first piece. The boys carried the furniture to the room it went in and Liza put it in its proper place as the boys went to get another. When the boys got the trucks unloaded, Melanie served that some tea and sent them on their way back to pick up more. Melanie went out at lunchtime and got everyone some hamburgers. The boys asked for two burgers each and a large French-fries. Liza and Melanie both watched in wonder as they wolfed all that down with no problem. Both boys played football and were in great shape with no fat at all so that much fast food was no problem. Still Liza and Melanie could not imagine feeding them everyday. For a one bedroom apartment there was a lot of stuff to move. When the boys got the last load carried up, Melanie again fed the boys and then paid them. The boys' mother balked when Melanie offered to pay them 100 dollars saying it was too much so they settled on 50 dollars each. She handed each a fifty then she stuffed a second fifty into their shirt pockets telling them that their mother did not say she could not tip them. The boys balked saying their mother would not let them keep it and Melanie told them not to tell her. She then saw that was not an option as they minded their mom. Therefore, Melanie told them to have their mother call her if she gave them a problem.

When the boys left in their truck leaving Mark's truck there, the girls collapsed on the couch. They rested there for an hour neither saying a thing, just letting their bodies rest. Then Melanie got up and pulled Liza off the couch and into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and they stripped. Liza got in first, stepping under the water and then Melanie joined her. Liza turned her around so that Melanie's back was to her and she pulled her under the water. Liza wrapped her arms around Melanie's chest and held her tight as they both just stood under the warm water. After a few minutes, Melanie pulled away and turned around. She put her hands around Liza's neck and came in for a kiss. The kiss was long, slow, and very passionate. They kept their arms around the other and just kissed. They kept kissing until they felt the water start to get cold then they quickly washed and got out just before the warm water ran out completely. They dried and retired to the bedroom. Melanie pulled the sheets down and crawled into the bed. She held out her arms to Liza who crawled on top of her. Liza kissed Melanie using just her lips at first then opened her mouth and introduced her tongue into Melanie's mouth. Their tongues danced together as they went from one to the other's mouth. They kissed a few minutes before Liza moved down to Melanie's breasts. She kissed and caressed them with both her hands and mouth. Melanie moaned and she wrapped her legs around Liza's body rubbing her pussy against Liza's stomach. Liza got the hint and moved down to Melanie's pussy. She saw that Melanie was overflowing with juices, which she set to licking up. She decided to show Melanie something new so she pushed Melanie's legs up and open, exposing Melanie's anus to her. It was coated with Melanie's' pussy juices. She first ran her tongue around the rim and she felt Melanie tense up for a second. She then relaxed as she got used to someone touching her there. Liza continued to rim her asshole then she put the tip of her tongue at the entrance. She slowly pushed it in and she heard Melanie moan. Liza knew Melanie liked what was happening to her. Liza fucked Melanie's ass with her tongue and as she did this, she put a couple of fingers at the entrance of Melanie's pussy and pushed them in. She started to fuck her slowly as she continued to fuck her asshole with her tongue. Melanie was moaning loudly by now. Liza went on for a few minutes more then she moved her mouth to Melanie's clit and sucked it into her mouth. She licked and sucked Melanie to a massive orgasm.

Liza gave Melanie a few more licks and came up in the bed. She hugged Melanie to her body as Melanie came down from her orgasm. When she did, Melanie kissed her and she slid down until Liza's breasts were over her head. She sucked the right nipple into her mouth. She sucked and licked at both nipples for a few minutes. She moved on down in the bed until Liza's pussy was over her head. She reached up, opened Liza's pussy with her fingers, and began to lick. She licked and sucked on the outer labia before going deeper. Her tongue went up the slit and Liza moaned. When Melanie's mouth found her clit, Liza felt Melanie's hands on her ass. The fingers slowly slid between the crack and on to her asshole. Liza relaxed as she felt a finger press against her asshole. The finger slowly entered her asshole and Melanie increased the pressure on her clit. Liza felt her orgasm come from her pussy and asshole and move up her body to her head and she called out Melanie's name as she came. Melanie licked her until Liza could take it no more and she raised her hips up allowing Melanie to crawl back up in bed. They kissed some more then fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning they got up and started their day. Melanie, like Liza, went naked through out the day. They took a break about mid afternoon to take a swim and again they went without bathing suits. Like the first time they did this they watched until no one could see them, then they made a mad dash toward the water. When they returned from their swim, they made love, then they went back to work on the house. It took them about a week to get the inside in order then they set about to work on the outside. It took Liza a little more talking to get Melanie to work outside naked but after convincing her that no one could see them, Melanie relented. They spent the summer working around the house and when fall came, Melanie found a job teaching and Liza got a part time job getting home in time to make supper.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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