Forging Maximilien Capitulu

By moc.snoitacilbup-gruobsbah@tcatnoc

Published on Aug 23, 2024


Forging Maximilien Chapter 3

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Capitulu III. A Torre Genuvese.

"Good morning, Son!" Dad exclaimed joyfully as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning..." I groggily replied with a hoarse voice, forcing a smile despite not being fully awake yet. He browsed his hand in my hair, revealing my forehead before dropping a tender kiss on it.

"Oh, good morning sweetheart!" Mom chimed in as she walked in, carrying eggs and flour. "Perfect, you'll help me with your brother's birthday lunch when you're done with your breakfast!" She added, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

I poured a generous amount of Trésor cereals in my bowl (which are called Krave for you non-francophones) before adding cold milk as my father looked at me with a knowing smirk. I frowned, not sure what was making him smile, but before I could even ask, Clément walked in.

"Oh, Happy Birthday honey!" Mom immediately exclaimed before dropping several wet kisses on his cheeks. "Oh, sorry about that!" She added, realising that she had put flour on his face and in his hair. He chuckled and Dad got up to give him a warm embrace and a kiss.

"Happy birthday, son!" He said in a tender, fatherly tone.

"It's your birthday?" I eventually teased, playing dumb with a shit eating smirk as Clément sat by my side. He gave me a gentle playful slap on the back of the head and Mom frowned at us disapprovingly. "Mmh, Mom, can you add my black shirt to the laundry this morning? I'm going out tonight and I wanted to wear it."

"Tonight?" Clément repeated with a confused frown. "You mean, for my birthday party?"

"I... uh... what?"

"You didn't remember that my birthday party was tonight?" My brother asked annoyedly as my parents stared at us observingly. "I've been talking about it for a week now!"

"I know, I remembered!" I quickly replied. "I just didn't realise that you wanted me there! You never mentioned that I was invited! I already made plans with Yanis for tonight."

"Of course you're invited, dumbass! You didn't actually consider skipping my 21st birthday party, right?" Clément asked me with a deep reproachful tone.

"Zeus, alright!" I answered with a chuckle. "I'll come, no need to look at me like that! Seriously, only you can lower yourself to guilt trip me into something when all you have to do is ask nicely!" I added with the beginning of a smirk.

"Max! Don't you dare speak to your brother like that!" Mom scolded me while pointing the wooden spoon she was holding at me menacingly. Clément and I burst into laughter as Dad smiled knowingly, Mom being suddenly very confused.

"I think Max was being ironic, darling." Dad told her with a kind smile. She sighed while shaking her head disapprovingly.

"You never know with these boys! One day they're at each other's throat and the next one they're just joking!" She lamented while resuming cooking.

"Of course, the one time you take my side, Max was just joking!" My brother lamented with a teasing tone. She rolled her eyes, refocusing on her cooking and not dignifying my brother's provocations with an answer as I snickered in the background.

"I think it just means that I'm otherwise pretty reasonable." I pointed out with a mischievous grin.

"Or that you're a spoiled brat!" He retorted playfully while slapping the back of my head once more while I giggled. I quickly finished my milk and cereals while my brother told our parents about his plan for the evening.

I rushed to the bathroom and threw my clothes in the hamper before stepping under the cold shower, gasping at the contact of the cool water on my warm skin. Damn, it felt really good to wash away the sweat that lingered after another hot summer night. I started grabbing my cock, closing my eyes as I felt it throb under the palm of my hand.

"Hurry up!" Clément exclaimed from the other side of the shower, snapping me out of the moment, making me mumble with frustration.

I stepped out of the cabin, quickly drying myself with a towel before exiting the bathroom, my brother waiting for me in front of the door with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"It's all yours!" I told him while heading to my bedroom to change.

"Oh, by the way!" He stopped me in my tracks, putting his large hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to cancel with Yanis, you can just tell him to come to my party, I don't mind."

"Really?!" I asked with a bright smile that betrayed my enthusiasm.

"Sure, why not!" Clément confirmed with a wink before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

As I sat on the back of the car, the daylights quickly fading as we drove to the Acciaghju beach through the maquis covered hills, I couldn't help but think that everything felt weirdly out of place.

First of all, my brother was behind the wheel of the car that our parents got him for his birthday, revealing this amazing surprise after lunch. He was understandably beyond himself with excitement and profusely thanked them. I couldn't help but be envious of him, free to go wherever he pleased without asking anyone for a lift. You couldn't do much here if you didn't have a car.

Secondly, Yanis was sitting beside me, chatting with Clément and Paul as I silently looked at the twilight orange sky. As far as I remember, my brother never liked Yanis, granted that he didn't use to like me very much either, but I think there was something else with Yanis.

I hate to admit it, but I think one of the reasons that Clément had so many friends was his natural cowardice when it came to these kinds of things. He quickly understood that getting along with Arabs, feminine guys or even geeks would make him look bad with the popular kids, and so he simply participated in ostracising them.

I don't think my brother was actually racist, homophobic or sexist deep down, but he was too opportunistic to even consider about saying anything to his friends that were. In that we always had been different, as I didn't care what trouble I was getting myself into as long as I was true to my beliefs. Of course, I was no saint, I had been a coward as well on many occasions in my life, but not on this subject.

Yet again, I had a creative mind and a tendency to extrapolate, maybe I was wrong about Clément. It was also possible that he just didn't care about Yanis because he was his annoying little brother's friend and that, by association, he considered him just as bad. Still, it felt weird that they now seemed to get along so well, chatting about sport and most particularly rugby.

Life seemed to change so fast for me, and it scared me a little bit, even if it was mostly for the best.

Clément stopped in front of the beach-bar, on the dirt parking, and I excitedly got out, getting nervous at the idea of meeting all of his friends at once. I was walking towards the bar with Yanis when my brother stopped me in my tacks, putting something in my left hand with a grin. I frowned and looked down to see that he had given me his new car keys.

"Can I count on you not to drink too much tonight and drop me to Via Notte after the party?" He asked me with a knowing smirk.

Via Notte was the biggest nightclub in Porto-Vecchio and, anyway, one of the biggest in Europe. I had been just once, but I will definitely remember it for a long time.

"Of course!" I accepted with a hint of surprise.

"I mean, you can still drink, just don't get shitfaced or anything." He immediately added, perhaps confusing my surprise for reticence.

"No, no, it's fine, I never actually drink more than a beer or two!" I assured him with a far more eager tone. I was just shocked that he trusted me with his brand-new car and not Paul or Ange or whatever. It might have been nothing to him, but it made me a little emotional.

He patted my back friendlily before passing in front of me and rushing to the bar excitedly. I glanced at Yanis, wondering what he thought of it, and he smiled at me knowingly before encouraging me to join the others at the bar.

Damn, I knew my brother was popular, but I had never expected that many people to show up. I was positive that if I were to throw a party for my birthday, I'd have no more than ten of my friends and classmates showing up, which I was fine with. As I was growing more anxious by the minute, Yanis was absolutely beaming. I knew he had been dreaming about living this kind of life for a long time now, and that signing up to play rugby wasn't solely about his love for sport.

It was evident that we were the odd ones, as they all obviously knew one another and stared at us with suspicious and amused eyes. Then, out of nowhere, Ange arrived and wrapped his arm around my neck with a shit eating smirk.

"Look who's here!" He exclaimed mischievously before gently nudging me forward to step closer to a small group of people. "Have you already met Marc, Hélène and Saveria?" He then asked me, nodding towards them. I timidly shook my head negatively, triggering an even wider smirk from him.

"I'm Maximilien." I eventually said with a forced smile, extending my hand for them to shake.

"He's the little brother that Clément had been hiding in his cave until this summer!" Ange laughed as their faces brightened with curiosity and sudden interest. "And... uh...?"

"That's my best friend, Ya..."

"Yann." Yanis exclaimed, interrupting me. That's odd, I never witnessed him using `Yann' as a nickname before. I frowned a little, but he quickly shot me a glance that asked me to go along with it.

"Whatever you do, don't let this one get drunk!" My brother playfully exclaimed behind me, popping out of nowhere, putting his hands on my shoulders and squeezing them.

"What happens if we do?" Ange provocatively asked with a sly grin.

"Then you get to pay for my fucking taxi to Via Notte!" Clément shot back with a laugh. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to everyone." He then told me before putting his hand on my back to encourage me to follow him. I turned my head, checking if Yanis was coming with us, but he seemed too engrossed in his chat with one of the girls of the previous group. I gulped, feeling weirdly nervous both about meeting my brother's friends and letting Yanis talking with seducing girls that I didn't knew.

Truth being told, Clément's friends were not nearly as bad or intimidating as I had expected. They seemed genuinely interested in meeting and befriending his little brother and I had a good time. They quickly found out that I loved to tease and be witty, and they definitely loved it.

I think I lost track of time, especially since there were so many people to meet. At some point, a guy asked my brother to help him with something and I was left alone with a few of his friends with whom I stayed for Zeus knows how long, chatting and joking around.

When I eventually realised it had been long since I didn't see Yanis and that I was perhaps a terrible friend for letting him by himself in a party where he didn't know anyone and could not rely on being the birthday's boy little bro to break the ice, I started looking for him.

When I found him, a little away from the party, sitting on the sand with the girl from the first group, kissing her neck sensually, I froze in my tracks and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what to do, suddenly feeling a rush of sadness and frustration in me before turning around and go back to the party.

Damn, why was I reacting like that? It was obvious that Yanis was going to be popular with the girls. He was dead gorgeous, funny, smart and caring, no one in their right mind would not fall in love with him. It hurt so much, for some reason, and I was deeply ashamed of my reaction. He had been so supportive of me, and that's how I repay him? It wasn't even the first girl I was seeing Yanis with. He had girlfriends in the past, and it never truly bothered me, so what would have changed? It was me that came out as gay, not him, there was absolutely no reason for me to change attitude.

I had to do something about it; there was no way I could let Yanis see my reaction and make him feel angry, or worse yet, guilty about it.

Suddenly, I noticed Ange in the crowd, talking to a few people, and rushed towards him.

"Hey, can I talk to you about my brother's gift?" I told him, rudely interrupting the girl that was talking to him. He frowned with confusion, gauging me suspiciously, but before he could even answer, I grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. "I want you to fuck me, now!" I murmured in his ear with a sly smirk.

He looked at me with a mix of confusion and irritation and lead me further away while looking around us nervously.

"Are you crazy or what?" He annoyedly whispered with an angry tone. "Not here in front of my friends!" He scolded me.

"I wasn't suggesting that you'd fuck me in front of them." I teasingly answered. "But if that's what you want..." I added while biting my lower lips seducingly.

"Think about your brother for a second Goddamnit!"

"I don't care! He's drunk, he won't notice anything." I giggled, looking him in the eye to convey how horny I was.

"Well, you should care!"

"I really, really want to feel your fat cock stretching my pussy." I whispered in his ear while letting my hand wander along his muscled stomach towards his crotch.

"Fuck..." He offendedly replied, pushing me away before checking that no one saw that. "Follow me, I'll give you what you want before you get us both killed, fucking slut!"

I giggled boyishly and followed him along the beach, getting far from the bar until the loud music became a faint humming sound in the distance. The night was dark, and there was no way anyone could see us from up there, the faint maritime wind keeping us cool as the sand was still warm under our feet.

Finally, he stopped behind a bush, on top of a dune, and looked at me with a sly smirk that told me that he wasn't mad at all that I pulled him from the party. I stepped closer to him and put my hand on his nape before kissing him. He placed his hand on the small of my back, pulling me closer, moaning as our tongues danced together.

This was exactly what I needed to clear my mind from seeing Yanis and this girl, and I could already feel my body relax under his touch.

"So, you were saying that you wanted me to... what exactly?" Ange playfully asked me after he broke the kiss, his deep seducing eyes staring at me as his hand wandered from my lower back to my bubble butt.

"I want your fat cock to stretch my pussy, fuck me numb and breed me." I slowly repeated with a devilish grin.

"I guess I can do that." He answered with a deep low voice. "Get on your knees, whore."

I bit my lower lip and obeyed him, pushing my face in his crotch and rubbing it against the fabric of his shorts while moaning. I could feel his cock harden as I breathed his scent in, fidgeting to open his fly with my trembling fingers.

I hooked his waistband and lowered his shorts, his cock hitting me in the face as I freed it from his boxer briefs. I opened my mouth and engulfed him, tasting his precum on my tongue while bobbing up and down.

"You're a fucking whore, you know that?" He told me with a hoarse voice as I nodded, looking him in the eye submissively. "I'm going to make you my personal cum dump. You're going to learn to please me exactly the way I want, I'm going to train you to be a good obedient bitch!"

"Rape me!" I pleadingly asked after getting his fat throbbing cock out of my mouth. He raised his eyebrow with a hint of surprise, the word I used taking him aback, but quickly narrowed his eyes with lust and gave me a slap on the face. I yelped with surprised and moan at the realisation that he hit me, my own dick throbbing with excitement.

"You like that, dumb slut?" He sneered with a predatorial expression. I moaned again and eagerly nodded. He shook his head with disbelief and scoffed. "Get a condom out of my wallet, I'm going to make you wish you never met me."

I quickly fumbled through his short's and found his wallet, opening the condom with my teeth before delicately rolling it on his throbbing member with anticipation. He then pulled me from under the arms and got me standing up in front of him, grabbing my jaw and roughly making me open my mouth before spitting on my face and slapping me once more.

I had never been hornier in my entire life, I was so high with lust and adrenaline that I was almost feeling dizzy, a simple touch on my cock would most likely make me erupt torrents of cum, but thankfully Ange had other ideas.

He turned me around and got on his knees, spreading my butt cheeks before plunging his tongue into my twitching hole, devouring it and coating it with a generous amount of saliva for what felt like hours. He tongue-fucked me with his fingers deeply plunged into the delicate flesh of my cheeks, no doubt leaving red marks that I would carry for a day or two.

"Get on all four like the bitch you are." He then whispered in my ear after straightening up. I immediately obeyed, feeling both ready and nervous about letting him take my virginity. I knew I should have let a nice gentle boy be my first after a candlelight diner in front of a sunset on the beach, but I didn't care for this kind of shit. I wanted Ange to be my first, I wanted him to slap me around while he took my cherry as if I were a 2€ slut.

I felt the tip of his cock being pressed against my tight hole and he slowly pushed in. I winced with pain and he stopped, letting me accommodate his girth, far from his bravado about making me regret meeting him, before pushing more of his cock inside of me.

Once the discomfort eased, he started fucking me, gently increasing his pace before getting to the nice power-pounding I deserved. I started loudly moaning, begging him to go harder on me, and he did.

"You're a fucking cum-dump, on all four like a whore with a cock up your ass while your brother celebrates his birthday a few metres away. I'm going to breed you as my bitch, send you back to him with my cum leaking from your pussy, you fucking dumb slut!" Ange groaned while roughly slapping my ass repeatedly. It stung, but I loved it, moaning even louder. "Your pussy gets tighter every time I spank you!" He sneered, grabbing a fistful of my hair for traction.

"Rape me, please!" I begged in a whimper, my rock-hard dick throbbing and leaking precum on the sand, ready to explode.

Suddenly, Ange let go of my hair and stopped pounding me.

"What the..." He muttered, looking at something in the distance. I turned my head and finally understood. Someone was looking at us a few metres away. He couldn't have been very far, but since the night was dark, it wasn't easy to see anything. He looked young, about our age, and I could tell he had his shorts on his knees and was jerking off. "Fuck off!" Ange angrily exclaimed.

"No, let him!" I pleaded, looking at Ange who frowned at me with a confused expression. As the guy was putting his shorts back on, ready to run for his life, I signalled him that it was okay before encouraging him to get closer.

He stopped in his track, looking back at me and Ange nervously and gauging the situation before timidly stepping a few metres closer.

"You want to put up a show, bitch?" Ange whispered in my ear with mischievousness as I nodded affirmatively. "You're something else, you know that?" He chuckled before resuming fucking me even harder.

Uncontrollably, I started moaning even harder, the noise of Ange's balls slapping against my ass resonating around us. I looked up to see that the voyeur had stepped even closer. I looked at his face and was relieved to realise that he definitely wasn't from the party. He was frantically jerking off, audibly panting as Ange was pounding my ass to oblivion.

Provocatively, I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue, looking at the guy in the eye submissively and he gasped, finally stepping close enough to stick his cock in my mouth. It wasn't big, but damn it was leaking precum like a faucet, and the fact that I didn't even know his name made it even hotter. I started caressing his balls while rolling my tongue around his cockhead inside his foreskin.

Ange placed his hands on my shoulders and fucked me for all he was worth, making me bob up and down the guy's cock without even trying. In an animalistic roar, he plunged his cock ball deep in my ass and started emptying his cum in the condom. The voyeur pulled his cock out of my mouth and gave it a single jerk before hosing my lower face with dozens of ropes of cum.

I suddenly got up, getting Ange's deflating cock out of my twitching and gaping hole and put my hand on his muscled shoulder for support while I quickly jerked off, erupting in a powerful orgasm in mere seconds and splattering the sand below me, Ange grabbing me by the waist to keep me on my feet, catching up on my breath for a few seconds while my head was spinning.

"What's your name?" I eventually asked the voyeur who was now looking at us like a deer caught in headlights, confused and a little panicked.

"I... I... Deutsche... German!" He answered with the few broken words he knew in our language.

"Ich bin Maximilien. Danke." I said with a warm smile while Ange was getting dressed next to me.

"Hans, freut mich." He said, his face suddenly brightening.

"Yes, whatever, Heil." Ange dismissively told us before grabbing my arm. "Let's get back to the party before Clem starts looking for us."

"Tchuss!" I told Hans while walking away.

"Fucking hell!" Ange chuckled while slipping his hand inside of my shorts to check the damage he made on my hole with his finger. "That was wild!"

"It was, thanks!" I answered with a mischievous grin.

"You're a kinky fucker, you know that?" He laughed.

"So are you, I love how creative you get when insulting me!" I teased while nudging him on the side.

"I only mean half of it!" He joked with a sly wink. "Let's behave, we're almost there."

Once at the bar, I parted ways with Ange and wondered if Yanis was still on the beach kissing that girl. My escapade had provided the necessary distraction, and I was confident that I could see them without being weird, even if still inwardly hated it.

Before I could get out and check for myself, I felt someone roughly grab my arm and pulling me to him. I turned around with an annoyed frown and realised that it was Clément. He looked drunk and was dumbly smiling at me before approaching my ear to speak over the loud music.

"Here you are! I was looking for you!" He giggled with his rhum-smelling breath assaulting my nostrils. "Are you having fun?"

"Yes, very much so!" I confirmed with a smile.

"I'm glad you're here, Max, I'm sorry it took me so much time to invite you to my parties!" He stuttered, making me smile at his drunk sweetness. "I think we're going to Via Notte soon; do you want to come with us?"

"No, I'll drop you there and go back home."

"Are you sure? You can come with me; it will be fun!" He insisted.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll come with you another time; I swear!"

"What's that, on your ear?" He then asked with a frown. I touched the part he pointed, and my smile dropped with stupor as I realised that it was a rope of cum from our little German voyeur friend." I looked at my brother with utter panic as my throat tightened.

"Probably just shower gel." I quickly lied, cursing myself for such a lame excuse.

"Oh, okay." Clément answered naively, his drunken state preventing him from wondering why on earth I'd even have shower gel on my ear.

"I'll go get Yanis to let him know we'll be on our way soon!" I eventually told him, desperate to run away before he started asking more questions. I turned around and walked to the beach where I had seen my best friend for the last time. I walked around a little, looking for him, to no avail.

"Have you seen Yanis?" I eventually asked Paul after going back to the bar.

"No, sorry."

I sighed and kept looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I texted him that we would soon be on our way, but when my brother came to tell me that we were leaving 20 minutes later, he still hadn't replied. I texted Yanis that I was leaving and that I could pick him up later if he needed and headed to the car with my brother and a few of his friends.

I was a bit worried about Yanis when I dropped my brother at the nightclub and realised he still had not answered me, but Clément snapped me out of it when he insisted once more for me to accompany them inside.

"No, thanks Clem but I'll head home. I'll let my phone on so you can call me to pick you up when you're done." I answered with a faint smile.

"Thank you, Max!" My brother answered before opening my door and hug me tightly. My eyes widened with surprise, definitely not accustomed to my brother being so tactile, and wrapped my arms around his large back. "I love you, bro, I'm so glad you came tonight!" He added.

"I love you too, Clem." I answered, feeling warm inside despite knowing that it was just alcohol talking through him. "Don't drink too much, please!" I begged with a faint smile as he broke the embrace.

Once back home, I let myself fall back on my mattress and stared at the ceiling for several long minutes pensively, processing everything that had happened that night, before turning on my side and fall asleep.

When I woke up, the next morning, sunlight was peaking through the shutters, warming my face and making me wince with discomfort. I groggily moaned, slowly emerging from my slumber, and eventually straightened up in my bed before grabbing my phone.

It was a little past 9 am and my brother didn't call me to pick him up from Via Notte. Worse, Yanis still didn't answer my text. I heavily sighed, a pit in my stomach, and put on some shorts and a T-shirt before getting out of my bedroom.

Cautiously, I opened Clément's bedroom door and sighed with relief when I saw him peacefully sleeping on his side, his gentle snore and the noise of the fan pointed at him filling the room. I gulped and stepped closer before sitting on the edge of the bed.

I put my hand on his shoulder and gently shook it, making him groan and stir, turning to lie on his back, frowning as he slowly awoke. He painstakingly gulped before tentatively opening his eyes and look at me.

"Why are you waking me up? What time is it?" He asked with a soft hoarse voice.

"It's nine." I answered with a tender tone.

"Nine? Max, what the fuck!" Clément lamented with a disapproving frown.

"You didn't call me last night."

"Ange dropped me here; I didn't want to wake you up for nothing!" He answered with a reproachful hint.

"Have you seen Yanis in Via Notte? I couldn't find him yesterday when leaving the party and he didn't answer any of my messages." I eventually asked hopefully.

"No, I didn't see him." Clément answered with a sigh.

"Okay, I'll let you go back to sleep. Sorry for waking you up." I concluded with a faint smile before gently browsing my hand in his hair.

"Can you get me a glass of water first?"

"Of course."

I was getting very worried about Yanis. It wasn't like him at all to ignore my messages for so long, especially when we were to spend the evening together and that I was his designated ride home. I didn't know many people at my brother's party and had no idea to whom I could ask.

I took a cold shower to wake my body up and quickly got dressed before grabbing a banana in the kitchen and leave the house. I walked to Yanis' home, about 15 minutes from mine, and knocked at the door with a lump in my throat.

"Oh, good morning Maximilien." My best friend's father greeted me with a confused frown.

"Good morning, Sir. Is Yanis home?" I inquired with an expectative nervous tone.

"I... I think so?" He answered evasively. "If he is, then he is not awake yet, though."

"Can I... uh... check?" I asked, realising how odd it might sound to his father who frowned at me suspiciously.

"Hm... yeah, okay."

"Thank you, Sir." I exclaimed while rushing inside and climb the stairs to Yanis' bedroom. I didn't even bother knocking and stormed inside, my mind solely focused on confirming that he was indeed in his bed and not dead in some ravine.

I sighed deep with relief when I saw him sleeping in his bed. It was short lived, though, as anger quickly replaced it. I slammed the door shut behind me, making Yanis wake up in panic and jump in his bed, straightening up with a confused face.

"Good morning, sunshine." I sternly said, locking my gaze in him.

"Damn, Max! You scared the shit out of me!" He responded, panting.

"That makes two of us then!" I snapped, my gaze setting on Yanis' smartphone, charging on his nightstand by his side. "Did you get so drunk that you forgot how to use this?" I asked while nodding towards his phone. "I've called you and sent you a dozen messages last night!"

Yanis sighed heavily, letting his head fall back on the mattress with a thump as I narrowed my eyes with irritation.

"I ran out of battery; I wasn't able to charge it until coming back home at 5 am."

"So what? You couldn't have waited five minutes to have enough battery to text me when you did?" I scolded vehemently.

"Damn, I'm sorry Mom, I didn't know you texted me!" He chuckled playfully, visibly amused at my reaction.

"You can be glad I'm not your Mom, I'd give you the whooping you deserve!" I retorted with a hint of humour despite still being pretty furious.

"Don't threaten me with a good time!" Yanis laughed as I rolled my eyes and shook my head disapprovingly. I sighed and sat on his bed next to him, trying to keep my gaze away from his naked muscled torso, his strong scent filling the room and giving me this familiar sense of inward peace and, for a few years now, taboo desire.

"Let's go to the Libecciu, I want to have a swim to wake up." Yanis suggested with a grin after several long seconds of silence. I turned my head and slowly blinked, I couldn't stand looking at him smiling at me without feeling my heart breaking; he was so handsome. I gulped and nodded.

The Libecciu was a beach hotel-bar in Figari, south of Porto-Vecchio, but the reason we went there was its enormous open air swimming pool that wasn't nearly as busy as the surrounding beaches. Yanis and I were lying on our backs on the deck chairs, baking in the sun by the edge of the pool.

"Your Liptonic, Sir." The waiter announced while placing my soda on the glass table next to me.

"Thank you." I muttered before grabbing the ice-cold glass and taking a gulp.

I looked at Yanis next to me, lying on his stomach, his tanned back glistening with sweat as his muscles rose with each breath he took. He suddenly turned his head to face me and flashed me a cute smile, showing his dimples. I smiled back and quickly looked ahead, inwardly cursing myself for being such a creep.

Suddenly, he got up and dived into the water, gracefully swimming towards the other side before coming back. He crossed his arms over the edge, his chin on his wrist, looking at me, water dripping from his nose and pooling on the white stone bellow.

"I'm getting hungry; should we get to the restaurant side and order some pizza?" He suggested. I quickly nodded, raising my hand to get the waiters attention before asking him to prepare a table for us.

Yanis was drying his hair next to me, his torso still somewhat humid, his erect nipples surrounded by a few sparse black hairs. I lowered my gaze, following the trail of hairs that went from his navel to his waistband until I could steal a sneak peak at his bulge, outlined in his wet trunk shorts. I felt both ashamed and incredibly aroused, but mostly confused. The waiter came back to lead us to our table while Yanis put on his white polo shirt, and we followed him to the restaurant part.

"So, about last night..." I tentatively started as we ate our pizzas. "I've seen you with a girl, it looked like you were kissing." I continued, feeling both embarrassed to bring up the subject and inwardly frustrated. Yanis looked at me with his mouthful and mischievously smirked.

"I might have kissed a girl yesterday, yeah." He confirmed slyly while I forced a chuckle.

"Who is she?"

"Saveria, the girl that your brother's tall friend first introduced us to." Yanis said with a wide grin.


"Oh, so he's Ange? The guy with whom you've been...?"

"Yes." I confirmed with a faint smirk, thinking back on last night's crazy sex with him.

"Damn, you scored above your category for this one!"

"Hey!" I exclaimed offendedly while Yanis snickered at his own joke.

"Anyway, Saveria and I have been... well, let's say we got to know each other better." He continued mischievously.


"You're the least well-fitted person to judge me on that!" He laughed before taking a sip of sparkling water. I chuckled, grinning dumbly. He was right, of course, I was in no position to judge, considering. Truth is that I wasn't actually judging, I was just a bit envious of this `Saveria'.

"Are you going to meet again?" I inquired while trying to sound as casual as possible.

"I don't know. We might, but it's definitely going to stay a summer flirt. She's a student in Corte, just like your brother." He nonchalantly answered with a shrug before taking another bite of pizza.

"Corte is only 2h away from here, and she might come back for the weekend. Besides, we'll go to university in a year too."

"We're never going to apply for Corte, though!" Yanis pointed out, raising his eyebrow condescendingly.

"We? You want to apply at the same universities as me?" I laughed before taking a sip of Liptonic.

"Yeah, why? Are you looking forward to getting rid of me?" He replied with a smirk that poorly concealed that it was an actual serious question.

"Oh? I... I just thought that..."

"You thought that what?" He challenged me with a confused frown.

"I don't know, I never actually gave the matter much thought. I just assumed you'd want to stay in Corsica." I answered pensively. "Especially with the whole rugby team thing, making new friends, hanging with the cool kids and stuff!"

"We still have a whole year of high school in front of us, I just want to be able to say that I enjoyed it to its full potential." Yanis explained energetically, apparently annoyed that I still didn't get exactly what he was trying to achieve there. "It doesn't mean that I'll want to stay in Corsica and study in Corte. I've always figured we would be roommates somewhere in the continent; Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, you name it!"

"So, you'd just follow me wherever?" I dumbfoundedly inquired.

"I mean, not wherever, but I just want to study biology, and I can do that almost anywhere." He shrugged. "I'm sure that, whatever you have in mind, it's going to be a little more specific, given your big brain and even bigger ego." He added with a teasing smirk.

"I'd like to study political sciences. It's true that I already kind of narrowed my choice down to a couple of universities." I admitted with a smile. "Roommates then, uh?" I widely grinned, trying not to make it too obvious I was moved. "You were not my first choice, but I guess I can live with it." I teased.

"Asshole!" Yanis laughed. "Speaking of hanging with the cool kids, we're going to another beach party in Saint Cyprien tomorrow."

"Let me guess; I'm invited, and you won't take no for an answer?"

"Spot on!" He confirmed while raising his glass with a wink.

And that's how I found myself on the beach after nightfall once more, thinking that it looked more and more like I was spending all my evenings there. We had arrived about half an hour earlier and I was now chatting with a few classmates, sitting in the cooling sand while the daylight started to fade behind the mountains of Alta Rocca.

"Are you dating a guy?" Marion suddenly asked me with an intriguing tone, her boyfriend rolling his eyes next to her.

"I wish!" I chuckled, amazed by how much more interested in me she had been ever since I came out at the last beach party.

"Don't pay attention to her, she just cannot keep herself from being noisy!" Julien, her boyfriend, told me while shooting her a disapproving glance.

"It's okay, I don't mind. It's not like I have a lot going on in my life anyway." I lied with a wide smirk.

"When did you know you were gay?" Marion inquired; way too passionate about it to care about Julien's judgmental stare at her prying.

"I guess I always kind of knew. It just became obvious when I... uh... when I..." I started explaining while suddenly setting my gaze on Yanis and gulping. It was when I met him that I realised that I was gay. From the second he appeared into my life; he fuelled my craziest fantasies about surrendering myself to a man. "When I entered middle school." I concluded, shooting Marion and Julien a faint smile, hoping they didn't notice my moment of contemplation.

"Wow..." She muttered, scrutinising me with great interest. I was about to ask them a question when, suddenly, I heard a familiar voice a bit further. I turned my head with a frown and saw Gianlucca, Ugo and Antonu arriving at the party, Antonu and Gianlucca carrying biker's helmets in their hands.

They greeted their friends and girlfriends, tossing their belongings carelessly into the sand as Gianlucca pulled out a speaker of his bag, blasting music that shattered the air. Then, as if drawn by some magnetic force, Antonu's gaze found mine.

Our eyes collided, not just meeting, but crashing together in a searing instant, charged with tension so palpable it felt like the air between us could ignite. Hatred, resentment, and something rawer, more primal. He broke away first, averting his eyes as if I were invisible, but I saw the truth in that fleeting, fierce connection.

As if daring me, he sat next to his girlfriend and hooked her chin with his index before giving her a passionate sultry kiss. I narrowed my eyes with contempt, raising my eyebrows and scoffing discretely. This idiot wanted to challenge me, and I would make him regret that lapse in judgement.

I turned my attention back to Marion and Julien, my mind entirely focused on Antonu and my next move to provoke him. I stole a few furtive glances in his direction as he seemed entirely engrossed in playing the lovebird with his bimbo of a girlfriend. I wondered if she even knew what her boyfriend's fat cock tasted like, but it didn't matter, there was no way she was as good as me, and I was very keen to make him understand that.

"I'm hot, I'm going to have a swim before it gets too dark!" I suddenly declared, getting up and peeling my t-shirt off my back before rushing to the water.

It was still pretty warm, and I plunged to swim under the surface. A few minutes later, Yanis joined me, and we horse-played together for a while before getting to the floating platform a few metres from the shores and wrestling to get one another in the water. Of course, him being way taller and stronger than me, he won most of these rounds, but I ended up using my slim fit shape to my advantage and saved my honour by making him take a dip from time to time.

By the time we got out of the water, I was tired and out of breath. I grabbed my towel and dried my hair while looking around me. Gianlucca and Ugo both shot me glances of contempt and disgust which made me grin but, what really made me smile with self-satisfaction was the almost imperceptible stare of Antonu, looking at my dripping body with narrow eyes and a dark pensive expression.

I grabbed a beer and sat between Marion and Julien who had been joined by other classmates while I was in the water. We chatted and laughed, Julien getting Uno cards out of his bag that quickly turned everyone against one another while I sipped my beer.

When I looked around, Yanis was talking with a girl, his mouth dangerously close to her neck, whispering in her ear and making her laugh. I frowned a little and gulped, feeling a lump in my throat as I watched them flirt.

"Stop that, Yanis, you're going to make your little boyfriend jealous!" Antonu's girlfriend, Vanessa, sneered with a mean giggle. The whole group fell silent, Yanis suddenly looking at Vanessa and then me with a confused expression, and I shifted to look at her with a cold smile.

"Don't worry, Vanessa, I know how to keep a man for myself if I want to." I told her condescendingly. "Maybe I can teach you, one day." I added, briefly setting my gaze on Antonu that looked back at me with murderous eyes.

Suddenly, Gianlucca made a gargling noise, mimicking sucking a dick with his hand and gagging on it, making his dumb friends snicker.

"That's one way to do it, yes." I replied with a serious, unamused tone. "But I really don't think you'd manage to make anyone choke with what you're packing." I added with a mean smirk, nodding towards his crotch and making people laugh as his face reddened with anger and embarrassment.

"Let's play a game!" Yanis exclaimed, trying to divert the attention from the verbal jousting.

"Yes!" Marion immediately concurred as my stare never left Gianlucca's, a shit eating smirk plastered on my face.

"I need to pee." I eventually declared, getting up and walking to the dunes.

I found a quiet spot and got my cock out, sighing with relief and closing my eyes as I splattered the white sand bellow me.

"What the fuck was that about?" An angry voice exclaimed behind me, startling me. I turned my head and found Antonu looking at me with a pissed off expression.


"Teaching Vanessa how to keep her man, are you fucking kidding me?"

"Chill out! No one took me seriously, and your girlfriend is way too dumb to understand anything." I answered annoyedly, rolling my eyes. Antonu took a step closer and raised his finger menacingly.

"What your mouth, Pinzutu, that's my girlfriend you're talking about!" Antonu angrily whispered between his gritted teeth. I laughed at his face condescendingly, about to answer when he roughly grabbed my jaw. "I'm not going to let you..." He started before we both heard noise coming from behind us. "Meet me at the tower in half an hour." He told me before rushing away.

Right after Antonu had disappeared, Yanis' face emerged from behind the dune, looking at me with a concerned frown.

"What's up?" I laughed.

"I was looking for you."

"I told you I was going to take a leak." I brushed off with a grin. "You can say it if you have a piss fetish, I won't judge." I teased, making him shake his head disapprovingly.

"I saw Antonu leave right after you did and I was afraid that... you know, after what you said to his girlfriend."

"I didn't see him." I lied while shaking my cock to let the few left drops fall before tucking it back in my shorts. I turned and faced Yanis with a kind smile. "But thank you for worrying about me anyway."

When we returned to the party, I was about to go back to Marion and Julien, but Yanis grabbed my wrist and nodded towards his group, silently asking me to join them instead. I sat next to my best friend and smiled, inwardly beaming from the fact that he came to `save' me from Antonu and was still not afraid to hang out with me in front of his teammates after what that bitch, Vanessa, said about us.

I threw a quick glance at her and noticed that Antonu had returned, engrossed in a passionate kissing and cuddling session with the bimbo. Yuck!

As time passed and we talked and played, I kept monitoring my watch until I realised that Antonu was gone and that we were getting close to our little meeting at the tower. I excused myself, pretexting that my father wanted to call me about something important, and disappeared.

I walked along the beach up to the bottom a rocky hill and looked up at the ruins of the Genoese tower. I took a deep breath and started climbing the narrow path that led to the top, sweating and panting while branches stung my thighs and arms.

Eventually, I arrived at the bottom of the tower itself and started climbing the wall, my hands tightly clinging to the medieval granite rocks as I carefully stepped on those that seemed the safest.

On top of the tower, Antonu was waiting for me, leaning against a partly crumbled wall. Our stares crossed and he looked at me with a mix of contempt and irritation as I grinned, still catching up on my breath.

"Did you tell your stupid girlfriend that you were going to meet me here between two passionate kissing sessions?" I sneered while walking towards him.

"This is my last warning, Pinzutu. You keep Vanessa's name out of your mouth!" He mumbled while clenching his fists, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, okay..." I playfully chuckled. "So, what is it you wanted to talk about? Or maybe talking was not what you were thinking about?" I added seducingly with a mischievous tone.

"You have to promise you won't tell anyone about what happened between us. If you tell anyone, especially the Musgingatu, I swear to God..."

"Let's make a deal, I keep your dumb girlfriend out of my mouth, and you keep that racist slur out of yours." I retorted with a hint of irritation, narrowing my eyes and staring at him sternly. Antonu looked at me and raised his eyebrow with an amused sneer.

"Deal." He eventually said with the beginning of a smirk. I took a step closer, a serious expression on my face.

"I'm not going to out you to anyone. Even an asshole like you doesn't deserve that. I have principles, and you can bet I'm not the kind that takes them lightly."

Antonu looked at me for several long seconds, gauging me with an intense expression on his face.

"Good." He eventually muttered with a dark tone.

I stepped back, turning around and looking at the amazing point of view. The whole Gulf of Porto-Vecchio was stretching on the horizon as the blue night sky was lit by the moonlight, giving the mountains a darker shape that towered the coastline.

"It's not a bad place to do something that neither of us should tell a soul about." I eventually declared with a sly smirk, setting my gaze on Antonu behind me.

"You're a perv!" He shot back with contempt. I chuckled and walked back toward him until I was practically pinning his body against the wall behind him.

"I am." I confirmed daringly before putting my hand on his lower stomach, making him gasp. "That's why no one will ever take care of you like I can."

Antonu closed his eyes and gulped, his breathing intensifying as I slowly lowered my hand on his stomach, getting dangerously closer to his growing cock. I relished on the power I knew I had over him and slipped my hand under his waistband, my fingertips touching his pubic hairs and feeling the heat of his crotch.

"Is this what you want?" I teased mischievously. "A fag Pinzutu to take care of your needs?"

Suddenly, Antonu opened his eyes and grabbed my hair before pushing me off him and slamming my body against the wall, making me yelp and gasp with the surprise and shock of the impact.

"You really need to learn when to shut the fuck up!" He angrily exclaimed before putting his lips on mine and aggressively kiss me, pinning me against the wall and towering me.

I moaned and accepted his kiss, opening my mouth and letting his tongue dance with mine as his hands wandered on my lower back and bubble butt.

He was now in control, and I felt strangely good about that, as if provoking him only had been an excuse to push him to take revenge. He was so much taller, so much stronger, and we were alone in that isolated watchtower. I should have felt unsafe, I should have been wiser and get myself out of this situation, but I didn't want to. There was a part of me that was too attracted to Antonu to have the will to run away, even if he was a massive red flag.

At that moment, as Antonu was kissing and touching me, I realised that sex with Ange was very different. It was good, it was amazing even, and I had a little crush on him; but it was just that: sex. Ange ultimately treated me as an equal and indulged on my kinky side. Sure, there was this risk of being caught by my brother, but it was otherwise a rather fun and easy-going relationship we had.

Antonu was different. He hated me, and I hated him, and that part had been clear from the beginning. In fact, worse than that, his whole world hated mine and vice versa. Yet, for some deeply irrational reason, we were both standing here, in that tower, our bodies pressed together.

He had my life in his hands, literally, as he could have overpowered me without breaking a sweat, and although it should horrify me, it gave me a rush of adrenalin that wasn't only sexual. In that very moment, he owned me, and I was surprisingly fine with that.

On the other hand, Antonu had, voluntarily or not, trusted me with a secret that could very well destroy him. I, too, had his life into my hands. The bond that we created through this secret went further than just words, further than just alchemy and good fun, it was existential, it was dangerous, and it made me feel alive.

His burning fingertips slipped under my waistband, caressing the naked skin of my cheeks as I shuddered under his touch. His lips left mine and he plunged into my neck, making me moan as I browsed my hand on his muscled back.

Then, he stepped back and locked his gaze into mine, making me feel small and vulnerable. He placed his hand on my waist and turned me around, making me face the wall as I heard him lower his shorts. I knew what was coming and started breathing heavily, closing my eyes and letting him claim what was his to take.

He lowered my shorts as well and, seconds later, spit on his fingers before bringing them to my twitching hole. I bit my lower lip and repressed a moan as he rubbed my pussy. When the feeling stopped, I gulped, knowing what was coming next.

I felt the tip of his massive cock being pressed against my entrance. Something between a moan and a sigh escaped Antonu as the first few centimetres of his cock entered me. He leaned his face forward and rested his forehead on my nape, his erratic breath caressing my back and giving me goosebumps.

I winced a little as his cock stretched my hole to its max, filling me both with pleasure and pain. Everything was real, it was not roleplay anymore, and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it pounding in my head.

His hand circled my stomach for traction as he dropped gentle kisses on my burning nape. I started moaning, my pussy getting used to his impressive girth and his massive cock overstimulating my prostate.

"Are you okay?" Antonu whispered in my ear, out of breath. "Do you like it?"

"Yes." I eventually answered in a murmur, keeping my eyes closed. He kissed me right behind the ear, making me shiver once more as I moaned, feeling his cock twitch inside of me. I was rock-hard, leaking precum like a faucet against the rough centuries-old stone wall.

Eventually, he straightened up and grabbed my hips before pounding me harder and harder. I was sent in sensory overload, bending lower as he slammed his body against mine, inadvertently pulling me away from the wall.

Suddenly, he groaned and slammed his cock ball deep inside of me, his balls twitching against my smooth butt as he unloaded inside of me. He was not wearing a condom, and I felt his cum filling me inside with a forbidden pleasure.

I grabbed my aching cock and only had to jerk for a few seconds before plastering the earth and dry grass covered floor of the tower with my cum, the roof having collapsed centuries ago.

Antonu slowly pulled out and let go of my hips, catching up on his breath with sweat pearling on his temple. I pulled my shorts back on and leaned on the wall, looking at him with a sudden insecurity, wondering what his reaction would be now that we crossed that other red line.

"We should go back." He eventually curtly said before pulling his shorts up and tucking his deflating cock back in his underwear.

"Wait." I halted him with a feeble voice. "Can I get your phone number? In case we want to meet again." I tentatively asked, unsure he would be receptive to the idea.

He narrowed his eyes and frowned, looking at me as if I were completely dumb and gauging if I were serious.

"You know I can't!" He eventually answered, sounding accusatory.

"Why? Wouldn't that be safer than meeting when the others have a party a few hundred metres away?" I argued, cursing myself for almost sounding desperate.

Antonu looked at me with his signature death stare, obviously not fond of the idea but still apparently considering it. He stepped closer to me and sighed heavily.

"Give your phone number, I'll save it under a false name." He relented, making me feel warm inside for some reason. He then hooked my chin with his finger and plunger his stern gaze in mine. "Listen to me; you can't text me, ever! It doesn't matter the reason; if you do, I'll block your number and never talk to you again. I won't fuck my life up for you, you understand?" He warned me. I gulped and faintly nodded.

"Yes." I confirmed before he handed me his phone for me to type my number.

"Ok. I'll text you when I'm free, don't save my number and delete my texts and my calls after."

"Yes." I repeated, this time with a little more conviction. He suddenly had the beginning of a grin and dropped a quick peck on my lips before turning around and walking to the edge, climbing down the wall until he reached the bottom of the tower.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to follow me on Instagram and send me a message if you liked the story: @Habsbourg.publications

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