Forge Friends

By romanticiser

Published on Feb 27, 1998


This story is a completely fictional account of love between two men of consenting age and contains sex descriptions of a gratuitous nature. If this story, or your reading it, is illegal or offensive then you are directed to delete it immediately. All main characters, environments and locations are fictitious. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidental.

I would like to thank all those who have written to thank me for writing my previous stories - I appreciate it tremendously.

As I finish one story and start another I hope that the lessons learnt from each translate into a better story for all of us.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I am writing it.

Acknowledgements, critiques, flames or any other email can be written directly to

Forge Friend

Copyright Romanticiser 1998

Part 9 of ?

Chapter 5: Fun and frolics.

The day dragged by, Joe enjoyed his work and the visitors asked all sorts of questions but he missed working with Ginger. His mind kept slipping back to when they woke up and what had happened, he had never felt like this before, he was almost giddy. He felt like a teenager remembering what `IT' had felt like. Thoughts twisted in his head into an endless loop, what Ginger's skin had felt like, what his tongue had felt like, his lips, the heat of his body. Several times during the day he'd been thankful of the heavy leather apron that covered him, hiding his almost constant arousal.

Ginger, working in the print shop as it was David's day off, was in a similar trance like state. Most of the day, dreaming, not of what had happened but what should he start next. His hands checked the printer text, transferring the Times for tomorrow's paper. Like a form of dictation, his eyes read the words and his hands put the text together in lines whilst he dreamed, letting the fancies take him on their golden paths.

The children were always fascinated by the little steam engine and flywheel powering the printing machine by a belt. The printing letterpress pulled the adults with its metal type pressed hard against the paper only to lift up as the roller inked them again ready for the next sheet as it was whisked into position. The shhhh kachinK shhhh kachinnK sound steady and continuous.

In the afternoon one the schools had pre-booked their chance to make up a tray for the printing press.

Ginger pulled out his boxes of letters on to the table and guided the 9 year old children in putting their words into metal text. He showed them how to put their words in from right to left, filling up little one line trays similar to a scrabble supports.

They never filled a page, it was always the same. The teacher had minimised their work to the point where printing was difficult. Ginger pulled out two quarter sheet trays and filled the rest of the broad sheet tray with wooden stays, reducing the printing area by a half.

The children then watched him as he assembled a tray with large text and spacers around an intaglio block. He knew the places so well that his hands flew around confidently assembling the title block. To finish off the block he asked the children to spell their school's name backwards and assembled the last two lines.

Next he showed the children how to line their text up in the other quarter tray, sliding in the lines of text next to each other. The children coming in order of their lines and passing their block of lines to Ginger, one at a time.

After sliding the blanks in to hold the text tight he then assembled them in to the top half of the broad sheet tray and started the machine off, for one print. As the letter press ran one sheet Ginger checked the time on the pendulum clock on the back wall, nearly three. Plenty of time.

Pulling out the large sheet of paper for proof reading he spotted an error almost immediately but didn't point it out. It was always fun to let the children find them, he knew his block had an error in it, The word museum was spelt wrong, the s and e swapped around. He always did it when the kids came, it gave them something to find during the proof read, it also stopped any child that made a mistake from feeling bad about it.

The children had found only one mistake but had missed his. One of the children was getting laughed at for making the only mistake and a simple mistake at that. The red faced boy stood apart from the rest of the kids, trying to dig his foot into one of the cracks in the flagged floor, upset with himself and his friends that were making fun of him. The teacher seemed too harassed to even spot it.

Ginger stepped in beside the teacher and told him about his spelling mistake. The teacher guided them into proof reading the whole page and a bright little girl spotted it. Quickly Ginger corrected the mistakes and set them up for printing again. He didn't start the machine off, he turned to face the class.

"There's a tradition in printing, proof reading is all about catching mistakes and putting them right but it is also about making better printers. To do that I need someone who made a mistake."

"Martin." The kids screamed his name and the little blond haired boy came out to the front, looking down at the floor, blushing furiously as the other children laughed at him.

Ginger stepped forward, took off his visor and put it on the child's head. "Right!" All of the children barring a couple shut up, eager to see his punishment.

"All the best printers made mistakes on their first tries and it's always been the tradition to have the printer who makes a mistake to run the printing machine." Ginger pointed to the cupboard door where all the boxes of letters came out of. Brown faded paper lined the back of the cupboard with large letters printed on it.

`The printer with the largest number of errors runs the printing machines all night.' The paper was signed and dated by the editor of the Times. John T. Delane, 1876. The boy looked up smiling, his eyes bright. Ginger instructed him in loading the fifty sheets of paper and starting up the printing press, all watched by thirty envious kids.

After the school had left Ginger sat down and finished setting up the trays for tomorrow's pages and then tidied the print room. Cleaning the steam engine's fire pit, more than David ever did but it just wasn't worth the aggravation. Finally finished he closed and locked the door to the printers, leaving it tidier and cleaner than when David left it for him. Satisfied on a good day he walked around to the cottage and to Joe.

As he climbed the stairs he heard the sound of the shower and smelt the aroma of something spicy in the oven. With the forge workshop doors closed downstairs the temperature was starting to rise. Time to strip to his underwear, undressing in the bathroom he heard the sound of the shower slowing and then stopping.

Joe emerged from the bathroom with drips of water running down his back and chest, down to the towel wrapped around his waist, letting the water evaporate off his skin to keep him cool. He saw Ginger, facing away from him, stripping off his shirt. With a delighted, malicious smile he tried to sneak up on him but it didn't work, Ginger turned to face him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Going to get me were you?" and then he lunged for Joe. Joe ran laughing trying to keep Ginger's clutching hands from his towel. Ginger finally got Joe by his bed and jumped on to him, toppling him over backwards. Joe was still laughing with Ginger sat on his chest, looking down at him.

Joe looked in Ginger's eyes as they wrestled for control, enjoying the fleeting touches from Ginger's hands as he tried to get Joe to relinquish the towel. The sight of Ginger in his underwear, sitting astride him was erotic to Joe's thinking, bringing all of his hot thoughts and dreams of the day to the fore. He felt tingles where Ginger's skin touched his and the towel strained to hide his reaction.

To Ginger, Joe lying down with a wet sheen on his smooth bulky body, seeing those bright blue eyes looking up at him, smiling and feeling the body heat radiate to him was turning him on. Their laughs and smiles slowly faded as their eyes scanned across each other. The fight for the towel forgotten as their hands caressed the other's pale skin.

Joe reached up and guided Ginger's face to his as the met for a light kiss, only to repeat it again and again. Passion rising with each kiss, their hands started running over soft supple skin, hands that vied for control now examined and searched, feeling for and stroking the places that made each other's passion rise.

Joe twisted sideways and Ginger stretched out his legs bringing them face to face lying on the bed. Ginger brought his hands to Joe's face and felt the rough sensation of stubble as he pressed harder, making the kiss more demanding, stronger. Joe humped against him, the damp towel rubbing against Ginger's thighs.

Ginger wanted a little more this time, to push Joe a little further. He ran his hands down Joe's neck and on to his broad shoulders. Hunching over Joe he pushed Joe flat on his back and let his hands wander down the chest, teasing the bright stiff nipples. Joe moaned in his passion, his hands pulling them together tighter as his tongue thrust harder against Ginger's.

Pleased at the response and wanting to make Joe moan and groan more, Ginger gently pulled away from the kiss and then dived for one of the stiff little nubs, sucking on it hard and flicking his tongue across the top between his lips. Joe writhed below him, his breathing ragged, a low moan rattling inside his chest.

Ginger wanted to see Joe's cock, his dreams had centred on that stiff piece of meat and he wanted it, to feel it, taste it. His thoughts spiralling down to the bulging white towel wrapped around Joe. The taste and heat of Joe's skin fired him into action, spurring him on as he crossed Joe's chest to service the other nipple, to make it quiver and stand proud.

Joe's large hand rested on the back of Ginger's head pressing him down hard on to the nipple. Ginger lightly bit it, nibbling gently as Joe shuddered below him groaning his enjoyment. Ginger rubbed his hand down Joe's smooth chest and on to the heaving abdomen, feeling contractions play across the muscles. Reaching the towel he tugged at the tight cloth, pulling it away, revealing his dream to his eyes.

Joe's pale skin with the lines of muscle strongly defined as they flexed under Ginger's hand. Light blond sparse pubes in a tight triangle over an engorged cock. Stiff and rampant, a heady smell met Ginger's nose and he breathed in the musk, feeling his need to explore become stronger, urgent.

Ginger wrapped his hand around the base of the cock, feeling the beat of Joe's heart pulse under his fingers and hot skin. Joe moaned, the feelings of Ginger's hand and lips on his skin driving him insane with lust. Ginger looked down to see his hand barely surround Joe's cock, four more inches of red flesh topped by a large purple head. A rounded drop of pre-cum rose in the eye of the large cock and he was lost, his body took over. Without thought, he pulled his head from Joe's chest and his tongue lapped and the smooth shiny head, tasting the drop, tasting Joe. As Joe gasped at the feel of Ginger's hot wet tongue slide over his cock, Ginger moaned in the completion of a fantasy.

Joe closed his eyes, unable to resist the feelings from his groin, masturbation had been a necessity, an enjoyable one but he never guessed at the pleasure his body could feel. He was so close, the tightening around his balls threatened to explode in pressure. Ginger lapped again, tasting the skin, devouring the pre-cum that his tongue created. He had to put it in his mouth, wanted to feel his lips around it, needed to drive Joe into a gibbering wreck.

Joe's breathing was deep and husky as he groaned, fighting for breath and control at the same time. The increase of lashings from the tongue pushed Joe closer the edge, driving him to an orgasm he didn't want yet, he wanted to enjoy it more. Joe bucked when Ginger's lips fastened around him, feeling the wet heat of Ginger's mouth surrounded him. Holding with the last shreds of his control he moaned and rocked his head from side to side, beads of perspiration forming on his brow.

Then Ginger's tongue dragged along under his crown, pausing for only a fraction of a second before drilling into the one eye, pushing at the tiny lips as he sucked. Joe screamed, lost in his orgasm, his body bucking, humping Ginger's mouth trying to get more in to that moist furnace.

Ginger was thrilled to feel Joe's cock expand in his mouth and to hear the scream of agony and ecstasy combined. The cock flexed, growing harder, Ginger held on whilst Joe bucked below him, lost in orgasm, he felt the spasms and prepared for his first taste of Joe.

Strong pulses ran up the tube on the underside pushing past his lips and then creamy liquid hit the back of his mouth. A pungent aroma, sharp and defined, Joe was cumming in his mouth, Ginger swallowed the fiery blast, liking the slightly bitter, salty flavour. His tongue rubbed on the tube feeling each injection, enjoying the taste and the feel of the cock flex as Joe fired shot after shot.

The cock grew quiet in his mouth, the orgasm over but still giving Ginger small amounts of the precious fluid. Ginger gently ran his tongue around the cock feeling it soften slowly, shrinking back. Ginger lapped at the lips of the cock as it gave up the last cum. Joe moaned, his breathing deep and heavy, exhausted.

Ginger knew he was on the brink himself, carried along with Joe. Unwilling to move to satisfy his own needs, he pressed his groin into the bed, feeling the tight pressure. Thrusting himself tightly against the bedspread he felt that delicious agony, the tight skin pulled back to the base,. He held the pressure as long as he could before the most powerful orgasm yet took him.

Relaxing after his intense feelings he clambered up along Joe's recumbent form. Ginger snuggled in to the warm skin, feeling Joe's arm circle his shoulders and pull him in. Fulfilled, tired beyond belief and comfortable, lying with his head on Joe's shoulder. Ginger closed his eyes, slipping away into peaceful sleep, joining Joe in his even slow breaths.


Part 10 of ?

Ginger woke up, snuggled in tight to Joe's warm body, held there by two strong arms loosely wrapped around him. Ginger's nose tickled, an irritating itch, his mind drowsy and slow, didn't identify it at first.

Something was burning, smoke, he smelled smoke. He sat up, pulling himself roughly from Joe's arms. He glanced around the room, there didn't seem to be anything wrong but now he knew what he was smelling, it seemed stronger.

Rising from the bed he followed his nose, heading out on to the little landing. It was coming from the kitchen. Too dark to see, Ginger turned on the light and looked around, his nose telling him to look at the cooker. The oven was on, he turned it off and opened the oven door.

The draught from the open door confirmed his thoughts as the smell climbed to over powering. An oven dish blackened around the edges. He grabbed the kitchen towel and pulled it out, his eyes scanning two blackened masses, chicken breasts, he guessed. Dropping it on the stainless steel sink top he dropped the towel.

"Is it ruined?" Ginger turned to look at Joe standing naked in the doorway, his large body almost filling it.

"Yeah! Burnt to a cinder."

"Damn! I forgot it! I should have remembered it."

Ginger walked round the table and put his arms around Joe's neck, looking up into his face. "It doesn't matter, I'm not really very hungry." He kissed Joe's chest, feeling Joe's arms circle him and hug him tight.

Joe's voice was soft and quiet. "Thanks .. but I still should have remembered it." He leaned down and kissed Ginger on his forehead. "Thanks."

Ginger looked up in to Joe's bright blue eyes and said "Why don't you get something on and I'll make us some coffee."

"OK." Joe released Ginger and walked back in to the bedroom.

The kettle was starting to become noisy when Joe returned, a pair of green boxers around his waist. Ginger was just getting the mugs out, turning around to use the table he looked up to see Joe watching him from the doorway. "What are you standing there for?"

"Just watching."

"Watching? Watching what?"

"You! You stand there as if everything was normal, as if we haven't done anything."

"Is that how it looks? `Cos that isn't how I feel."

Joe came in to the room and pulled out a chair, turning it around he sat astride it, resting his arms on the back. "How do you feel then?"

"I don't know, confused, mixed up."

"Is it because you think we shouldn't be doing it?"

Ginger picked up the sugar bowl, dumping teaspoons of sugar in to the mugs. Unable to look at Joe. "No why? Is that how you feel?"

"Sort of .." Joe sighed and lowered his head on to his hands. "I used to think it was wrong, that I shouldn't let it happen but now .. I don't really know."

Ginger's voice quavered slightly. "Didn't you enjoy it."

Joe laughed, his head going back as a belly laugh erupted. "Enjoy it, the words don't even come close. I've never felt anything like that in my life. Ever! To think I missed out on that for all of my life."

Silence settled across the room as Ginger poured the water and stirred the mugs.

Joe's voice was quiet, a whisper "I haven't felt better about anything in my life than what we've been doing. It feels right, good.. You know what I mean."

Ginger sat down opposite, staring at the coffee swirling in his mug. "That's what's confusing me. I loved it too."

Joe stood up. "Come on let's go in the living room, away from that smell." Picking up his mug, Ginger followed.

Joe sat on the sofa and Ginger headed for the chair. "No don't sit over there, come sit on the sofa, so we can talk." Ginger walked up to the three seater settee and sat next to Joe.

He'd hardly sat down and put his mug down when Joe put his arms around and embraced him, holding their warm skin together. Ginger looked up in to Joe's face, and watched it close with his, they gently kissed, soft lips pressing against his. They separated slowly and Joe leaned back pulling Ginger prone on top of him, rubbing his large hand gently down Ginger's back. "I liked what you did, and I think I want to make you feel as good but I also like to just hold you, to feel your skin touching mine."

Joe's voice was calm and quiet. "I think I know your worries. We've opened Pandora's box, letting out the good and the bad trapped inside." Joe leaned over, breathing into Ginger's ear "We'll have to just take what comes, the good and the bad, it's too late to close the box and to be honest I wouldn't want you to."

Ginger relaxed against Joe, lying back, his head resting on Joe's chest. Joe casually lay his arm across Ginger's chest as Ginger spoke. "I was afraid I was pushing you into things you didn't want to do."

Joe spoke as if to an audience, his arm outstretched above them "Then .. Lay on Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries `Hold, enough!'" His arm gently dropped back on to Ginger, caressing the skin below his hand, his voice soft "Take me where you will, I will follow."

Ginger rolled over looking in to Joe's face, green eyes staring in to blue. Joe raised himself up as Ginger lowered, their lips touching lightly to part only briefly before their faces met again. Their kiss stronger, tongues entwining as their hands caressed and stroked each other.

Joe ran his hands down Ginger's back feeling the bumps of the spine smooth out in to the muscle on his ribs. Further down to Ginger's small waist and the edge of his underwear. He tried to slip his hands under the waistband but it was too tight. Wanting to get lower he ran his hands around the waist to the draw sting, to open it but their bodies were pressed together.

Joe's tongue was more demanding, his lips overlapping and pressing against Ginger's. Joe's need became more than he could handle, he lifted Ginger off him, making Ginger kneel astride him, and moved for the drawstring. Ginger saw naked lust in Joe's sharp eyes. "Lose them!" Joe's voice deep, fiery and sexy as hell. Ginger pulled at a draw string loosing them a little. Joe pulled at the other and Ginger felt them start to fall, sliding down.

Joe saw skin below the waist, smooth and white. A mat of fine red curly hair and then Ginger's cock outlined in the baggy white material. Ginger slowly reached to remove the cloth but Joe's hands beat him to it. Pulling the cloth down, opening Ginger's body to his hungry eyes.

Ginger's cock was a lot shorter than his. Stiffer it stood damn near vertical, ringed with darker skin of a retracted foreskin half way down. The head was flared, bright red, engorged with blood and moist from its own leakage. The urethra distended and sharply defined. Ginger's balls lay in a smooth rounded pouch that hung below the throbbing cock.

Joe's hand cupped the balls gently as his other hand latched on to the skin covered steel. Ginger looked down, unable to believe the feelings that Joe's hands were giving him. His back arched, one arm holding on to the back of the sofa, as Joe stroked up less than an inch before his thumb and finger stopped under the flared edge.

Joe let go of his own doubt, this is what he wanted, Ginger's naked body stretched above him unconsciously highlighting his waif like form. Pale smooth skin broken only by the tuft of red hair in his armpit and two bright disks of pink flesh and the spike of hard flesh in his grip. He moaned "Yes!" as he leaned forward, the smell of aroused male in front, pulling on desires he had hidden so carefully.

He rubbed the cock, feeling the balls churn in his cupped hand as he drew closer to the pulsing mushroom head. Forgetting the body attached to the cock he wanted, he tried to get his head down to meet it but the position wouldn't allow it. Reluctantly letting go, he cupped the buttocks behind, feeling them tense as he lifted Ginger towards his mouth.

Ginger wailed as he was picked up, frantically holding on to the back of the sofa to keep himself upright as he felt hot gasping breath bathe his groin. There wasn't any foreplay or subtlety to Joe's attack, he felt his cock sucked in to a warm, wet, tight hole, right to the base in one gulp. A large flat tongue lapped around the base of his cock as the suction climbed stronger.

Ginger's voice was a yelp "Jesus!" as he felt Joe move back swirling his tongue around the head of his cock only to swallow it to the base again. Joe's hands grasped the cheeks of his arse pressing Ginger hard against Joe's lips.

Light grazes of teeth made Ginger moan, his cock, harder than he'd ever known, was being sucked in to oblivion. When Joe next pulled back massaging the head with his forceful tongue, Ginger couldn't resist it, his body demanded it. His hips drove forward, ramming his cock deep in to Joe's mouth, until tight lips met his pubes and no more could enter.

A moan around his cock made Ginger groan his need to cum. Joe's hands pulled on his butt, pulling it back and then pushing forward urging Ginger into fucking his mouth. With his hips fucking in and out of Joe's mouth, Ginger had an outlet for his body's desires and together they rocked. Heavy breathing, pants and groans above and a slurping slapping noise interspersed with vibrating moans below.

Joe's hands once again grasped the cheeks of Ginger's arse, urging a faster pace, harder. Ginger complied as best he could but he was cumming and his rhythm was breaking. Groaning, his voice failed him, released from his body's drive he tried to pull back but Joe wouldn't let him, holding him down with his large hands. Grabbing on to the arm of the sofa, he held on for dear life as his orgasm climbed into sweet torture. His body paralysed with tense muscles, pressing his full weight on Joe's face, trying to get the rest of his body in to that tight, wet, voraciously sucking hole.

Second after second of incredible feelings, Ginger's eyes were so tightly closed he could see swirling patterns of colours and he could feel a throbbing pain in his head, before the rush for freedom emptied his sack. It hurt, God! Did it hurt, it hurt so good, it felt like he'd blown his balls out as shot after shot left him.

Empty, a husk is how he felt, drained to the nth degree. His legs wouldn't respond and his arms were shaking with fatigue. He tried to roll over to free Joe but Joe followed with him, still milking him of all he was worth, making contented noises as he gently suckled on Ginger's softening cock. Sapped of energy, Ginger fell asleep, almost comatose, where he was, even the tongue licking over his ultra sensitive cock head couldn't keep him awake.

Joe felt exhilarated. He knew he'd done well, Ginger's reactions to his sucking had been incredible and although he'd enjoyed sucking Ginger's cock. It was knowing how much pleasure he'd given that satisfied his own urges. The reward had been in tasting his results, Ginger's powerful jets of sweet and salty milk of life.

Ginger was a dead weight above him but his steady breathing assured Joe of his health. Not wanting to disturb Ginger, Joe turned his face slightly, releasing Ginger's tasty cock from his mouth as he relaxed his jaw, his lips and tongue aching from the pounding they had received. Joe breathed in, his nose resting firmly in Ginger's pubes, impressing the scent and taste that belonged to only one person deep in his memory.

After regaining his energy and still with the glow of euphoria, Joe gently cradled Ginger in his arms and carried him to his - `their' bed. Slipping Ginger's underwear from around his knees he laid him down. Joe stripped his boxers off and settling on the bed he stroked Ginger's soft skin and was pleased as the sleeping Ginger nestled and snuggled his way in to his arms.

Propping his head on one hand, he watched Ginger's face and body as he moved in his sleep, Joe waited for twelve and the refilling of the forge. His last duty of the day, before he could also settle down and sleep himself. Entwining his arms and legs with Ginger, feeling his warm luxuriously soft skin pressing against his own.


Part 11 of ?

Chapter 6: Out for the count.

Joe was half asleep on the sofa with Ginger lying alongside. The nine o'clock news was just starting and Ginger could feel his eyelids growing heavy.

A knock on the door awoke Ginger. Trying not to waken Joe he slipped from his arms and went to answer the door. It was Don, in his working clothes, a bow tie still tied around his neck.

Don's voice seemed troubled "Hi Ginger. Any chance I can have a word with the two of you - I need your help."

"Hi Don, Sure! Come on in. What time is it?"

"A quarter to ten"

They climbed the stairs with Ginger leading "It's not yet closing time, who's looking after the bar?"


Entering the small living room Ginger woke Joe with a call as Don undid his tie and sat in a chair facing the sofa. Joe groggily came to, his large arms stretching out of the end of the sofa as his eyes opened.

"Look, I'll come straight to the point. I need you in the pub, tonight!"

Joe seemed surprised at Dons worried voice. "Why? What's happened?"

Don's laugh was mirthless "It'd be closer to say what hasn't happened."

Joe and Ginger exchanged looks. "Tell us Don."

"OK. This isn't pretty, it looks as if there has been some underhand dealings, clandestine meetings in the grounds and two people have been seen acting very oddly, avoiding people."


Don stood up and sighed and then turned to face the wall, his eyes running around a picture. "I don't know if I should tell you. There was a sort of understanding that I wouldn't say a word. It'd be breaking a trust."

Joe's voice, strong with exasperation "Tell us Don. Who?"

"OK. I'll tell." He turned back to face them, a broad grin on his face and one eyebrow raised in question.

Joe groaned and covered his face.

Ginger looked between them, missing the by play. "What's going on?"

Don was laughing hard, the odd word breaking out "Hook .. Line ... Sinker. Got you!" He licked his finger and stroked a one in the air.

Ginger looked at Joe, his head bent and slowly shaking.

"Will somebody please tell me what is going on."

It was Joe's voice that answered as he looked up. "For years, in the off season, we'd compete against each other to see who could wind the other up ... And he's done it to me - again."

Don had got his laughter under control. "I enjoyed that!"

"You sod!" Ginger looked at Joe surprised at his swearing. It took something special to get Joe to swear.

Don shrugged and held his arms to the side "Hey, don't blame me, I'm not the one avoiding people."

"We aren't avoiding people."

"Are you kidding, you haven't been in the pub for over three weeks. I was honestly beginning to think you were turning tea total on me." He stopped his face becoming serious, a deep breath and then. "Look guys there is something."


"Your secret is out, it's no longer just me. About half of the pub now know that you're a couple."

Joe went silent, his face greying. Ginger opened his mouth in shock.

"Last week you both went for a walk in the woods down by the river. Well .. you were seen making out."

Ginger could feel tears in his left eye, it started to cry, his fear of Joe's reaction strong in his heart. Joe remained silent but his head was down, hiding his face.

Don continued. "That started a lot of talk and with you both missing at night, they started watching you closely and putting the pieces together."

Joe's voice when it came was grave, void of any emotion. "What are they saying?" Ginger could feel something start to die in his soul.

"Not a lot really, the younger ones don't seem to think anything wrong in it, in fact I've heard a few say that they're happy for the pair of you."

"The others?"

"Mostly shock and surprise but I've heard of a few arguments. That's why I need you in the pub."

"Won't that start something?" Joe's face rose, his eyes glittering icy blue, cold."

"Maybe, maybe not. Whichever, it'll end the speculation."

Joe turned to face Ginger, seeing the tears running down his cheek and a red spot of blood where Ginger had clamped his teeth over the corner of his bottom lip. There was terror hiding in Ginger's eyes, not fear of being found out but fear of losing him.

Joe stood up. "Give us half an hour and we'll come in."

"Right. I'll see you in there." Don walked for the door but stopped at Joe's quiet voice "Thanks Don, I owe you!"

He didn't turn around and his reply wafted back "What are friends for."

As Don's footsteps sounded on the stairs Joe turned to Ginger and pulled him in to his arms. Ginger started to cry, burying his head against Joe's chest as his tears ran. Blubbering words hardly discernible except for the pain they contained.

Joe leaned back and gently lifted Ginger's chin. Streaky runs of tears dropping on to wet cheeks. Joe thought about Ginger and decided he had the right of it. "Don't worry, beautiful. I'm not giving you up - I love you."

Ginger's tears wouldn't stop but now they were for joy not sadness, the words from Joe's lips striking clear to his heart. Sinking his head on to Joe's shoulder he cried like a baby, clutching tightly to the man who held him gently, protectively.

"I love you too Joe" his voice broken in to words as his body struggled to breathe in his sobbing. "What are you going to do?"

"Well, it's not just my decision, it's ours but I've hidden all my life and I think it's time we both stopped hiding, if they've seen us kissing then there isn't any point in lying."

Ginger's voice subdued and still punctuated by tears "I don't care one way or the other, as long as I'm with you. The rest of the world can go hang." Ginger turned and gently liked and kissed the shoulder that he'd been lying on.

"Me too, babe. Me too."

Joe stood in the room rocking from side to side gently as Ginger clung to him, recovering from his fear and joy.

After a few minutes Joe lifted Ginger`s face and lightly kissed his lips. "Come on, let's get cleaned up."


The Bull was packed as usual, full of talking people. The only space that seemed clear was in front of the dart board, the rubber mat below it marking the most dangerous area in the pub.

As they entered, a hush ran across the room, stilling conversations as their faces turned to look. Joe pressed his hand against Ginger's back and Ginger started for a table with a couple of spare seats. The silent room suddenly burst in to conversation as if embarrassed at the silence.

Ginger walked over to a table, confident with the feeling of Joe's hand pressed in his back possessively. He sat on one of the empty stools and Joe stepped around him and sat on the long bench. They smiled and mouthed `Hi', responding to all the people who nodded and waved hello, whilst they waited for Don and their first drink.

Don came to the table, three pints pressed together in a tight triangle in his hands. Putting them down he sat on a stool. "Now that is what I call an entrance. You always do things with style, Joe."

Joe coughed and picked up his pint, he drank part of it. "I don't know about style but I'm not being chased away."

Don smiled and stared at Joe for a second or two. "Good for you. Come on Ginger, drink it up, you look like you need it."

Ginger and Joe looked quizzically at each other. Ginger's voice came out slightly high, which he corrected quickly. "What to do you mean?"

Don looked at Ginger his voice amazed "Things have changed in less than half an hour - even I can see it. Look at Joe and tell me what you can see."

"I see Joe, sat on a bench, drinking a pint. What else is there to see." Joe's eyes flicked from Ginger's face to Don's and then back again.

Don leaned back, nearly toppling himself over "I don't believe it. Jesus!" He stood up and looked around the bar. "Phil, Phil?" his raised voice rang over the crowd. A face turned and then waved as Don's voice called him over.

Phil walked over slipping around or through the crowd with smiles and apologies on his lips. "Yeah, Don what's up?"

Don looked around and pointing at a spare stool at another table. "Pull up a stool and tell me what you see when you look at these two."

Ginger and Joe exchanged looks of concerned puzzlement and then looked back to Don but it was Phil who spoke.

"I see Ginger and Joe, what did you expect me to see?"

"Anything else?"

Phil looked around and then leaned in over the table as if some great secret was to be told. Joe and Ginger leaned in to hear his quiet, shocked words. "It's not the Martians invading again is it?"

Don tried to cuff Phil's head as the others laughed, pulling back from over the table. "No, that's not what I meant. What do you see when you see Joe and Ginger looking at each other? What do you really see?"

Ginger looked at Joe as they stared at each other trying to see something in each other's face."

"OK , Let's see. I see two smiling faces ... Oh! I see ... I see two people in love." Joe was drinking part of his pint and he coughed and choked as he drank. Phil, being the closest, started to hammer on Joe's back as he tried to cough up the beer that had gone down the wrong way.

Amusement dropped from Ginger's face, replaced with stunned shock. He started to redden in embarrassment.

Don's voice was quiet and untroubled. "Don't get upset, you can't hide that sort of thing. "The way you two look at each other, stand together, walk together, it can't help but be noticed. If you wanted to hide it then you failed."

At Ginger's silence and Joe's icy gaze, Don continued. "Don't look at me like that Joe. I've known you for years. All I'm saying is that when you two look at each other - it stands out a mile, you practically glow." He drank some of his pint under the penetrating gaze of Joe and Ginger. Slurping the last and wiping his chin with the back of his hand as he handed over a verbal olive branch.

"I think it's wonderful, I finally get to see Joe do daft things as his heart flies higher than a kite. He laughed. "Seriously though, I do think you make a nice couple."

Phil echoed "Hear, hear."

Even though Ginger resisted he couldn't help it, his eyes returned to Joe's face and he grinned.

The rest of the evening flew by, there weren't any ugly scenes. Only quiet congratulations and admiration from the rest of the crowd. Each of them getting pats on the back and having to listen to the odd tacky joke. With Don and Phil sat either side of Ginger and Joe's big bulky form at the table they spent the rest of the time supping beer and enjoying the conversation which danced back and forth around the table.

At midnight, the weekend closing time, Ginger and Joe got up to leave and joined the massed throng as they passed through the door. The only surprise being that both Ginger and Joe got goosed at the same time but were unable to find the perpetrators.


Part 12 of ?

Relaxed with the booze and surprisingly pleased at how easy the night had been Joe opened the door to the cottage and stepped through, followed by Ginger. Now in what had become common the two of them went to check the forge and fill it with coal for night.

Reaching the top of the stairs, they both nearly passed out in the heat. The cool air outside sensitising them to the overflow from the forge. The both walked in to the bedroom and stripped to their underwear, Ginger's white jockeys brilliant in the light from the bedside cabinet.

Joe's hands caressed and rubbed Ginger's shoulders as he slipped his socks off his feet. "You OK babe?"

Ginger leaned back, pressing his body against Joe's, "I'm fine."

"Only fine?"

Ginger turned and lifted his head to Joe's, they kissed lightly. "More than fine. Ecstatic - I can't get my head around, that you love me. I keep wanting to shout it out. I feel as if my heart is about to burst .. I love you so much."

Joe slipped down on to the bed, pulling Ginger on top of him. "Well I do so get used to it because I'm going to keep telling you."

"Joeseph Urkland, my beautiful strong lover!" Ginger pulled himself up level with Joe's face and slowly lowered his lips to Joe's. Their tongues meeting in the middle, igniting passions that had hardly laid dormant for a few hours.

The rolled, caressed and stroked each other as their tongues played, stroked and their lips nibbled at each other. Separating slowly Ginger followed Joe's jaw line with his tongue down to the sensitive ears, partially hidden in the soft white blond hair.

Joe kissed and licked at Ginger's ear until he moved and circled his tongue around Joe's ear. His last words igniting Joe before his tongue forced it's way deep in his ear. "I want you to make love to me Joe, all the way. I want you in me, my love."

Joe's hands that had slipped down Ginger's back to press the hard globes of flesh stopped and then tightened as Joe humped up, pressing his hard cock against Ginger's thigh. His voice deep and husky but filled with a tremulous quaver. "I've never .."

His voice stopped broken with a moan as Ginger nibbled on his ear lobe and sucked it in to his mouth. Releasing the lobe, Ginger's whisper loud in his ear. "Neither have I but I want you to."

Ginger tried to pull himself up off Joe but Joe rolled him over, jamming his tongue in Ginger's mouth. Ginger loved it when he could turn Joe in to a raving animal. To arouse someone so strongly that coherent thought fled and all that was left was animal lust and red hot passion.

But this was different. Joe was a driven by passion and lust but tempered by love. The tiny nicks and bruises that Ginger suffered when he aroused the animal in Joe were missing. The insatiable thirst for Ginger was there. In the way that Joe raped his mouth, trying to reach his throat, and savagely humped against him but the tight grasping hands that gripped him so tightly were gentle and soothing.

Ginger could feel his orgasm approaching fast, Joe was all over him, sucking at his neck, nipples, ear as his hands fondled his swollen cock, lightly gripping him and then relaxing. Each time Joe increased the pressure Ginger moaned, assaulted by feelings beyond his control.

Joe slipped down lapping at Ginger's nipples before sliding lower to bathe his navel in spit, washing Ginger vigorously with his strong tongue. Unable to command his body Ginger thrashed around as Joe vacuumed his cock in to his mouth. Swallowing him to the base in a slow sliding gulp. Ginger didn't want it to end this way, he wanted Joe in him. To join soul to soul, to own him entirely, to take all of him.

Ginger's balls churned as they pulled tighter to the spit cleaned cock as it slipped in and out of Joe's pressed lips. Ginger's voice barely a croak warned Joe and he pulled off, letting Ginger relax for a few seconds before he sucked those tight balls in to the cavern of fire and water.

Ginger screamed at his loss of control but was saved as Joe released him. Pulses of liquid ran up Ginger's cock as he tried to hold it back, arms spread wide gripping the bed sheet in his tightly clenched fists.

Joe watched his lover hover at the edge of orgasm, knowing the slightest touch could push him over. He waited for Ginger to relax before he ran his tongue down Ginger's thigh, licking up the moisture of heated man.

Knowing his own need as well as Ginger's, Joe lifted Ginger's legs and ran his tongue down the back of them towards the hole that was his gateway to Ginger. Pausing only to viciously suck the skin below the balls and make Ginger's body tremble with unshed desire Hi skipped his tongue to the pink rosebud in his sights.

He'd never rimmed anyone or even thought of it but there wasn't any disquiet in Joe's mind. It was part of Ginger, there wasn't anything he didn't love about Ginger. Passion, love and need mixed to make him insatiable for the man he loved. Joe groaned his love as his tongue attacked the hole.

New feelings cascaded through Ginger, sparks of pleasure entwined with spasms against the intruding tongue. His legs rose as his body curled itself up, letting Joe gain greater access. Joe's hands pulled Ginger's cheeks apart as far as they would go. Driving his tongue in and out of the red hot musky hole.

Sliding his finger in Joe couldn't believe how wide Ginger was opening up for him. Two fingers, three, he pressed in and Ginger moaned a long oooh and thrust down on his fingers burying them.

Unable to take his eyes off the hole twisting and driving on to his fingers, Joe spat on to his hand and slicked up his cock.. A pool of precum soaking in to the sheet added more and Joe was ready.

Moving between Ginger's raised legs he placed his cock in the crack below his fingers. Slipping his hand away Joe rested his iron bar of a cock against the hole. Pressing forward the hole pushed in, resisting his entry. The very tip feeling heat upon heat as the hole widened to allow his flared head to enter.

Ginger grunted as it popped over Joe's cockhead, gripping and spasming tight on the shaft. Soft moist, hot walls pressed against Joe as the grip stronger than elastic slowly relaxed. Pressing in further to the hot tunnel Joe moaned low in his throat, his eyes closed unable to see the look of concentration on Ginger's face.

Almost fully in Joe felt a blockage, another tight ring refusing entry. Joe pressed against it and Ginger gasped. Pain and pleasure equally combined. Joe pulled back a little and slid forward against the inner hole, his voice load as it sounded his pleasure. Ginger grunted in the feeling of pleasure that blossomed as Joe pressed in.

In and out Joe slid more and more, Ginger's insides lubricating him against the tight entrance. Looking down at Ginger's tight body as his cock vanished inside Joe wanted all of him. He pressed forward again building speed making Ginger grunt in ecstasy. Widening Ginger's legs and laying them around his waist Joe lowered himself down until his lips lined up with Ginger's gasping mouth. Pressing in and down Joe entered hard and Ginger's eyes shot open, glassy and wide.

Seeing Joe above him Ginger pulled him down and attacked Joe's mouth, returning the almost animal joining between them. Joe thrust harder and harder amazed the urgent pressure on his buttocks as Ginger tried to pull him in. The inner hole was weakening, Joe could feel the walls widening .His cock head being gripped by tight flesh ahead as Ginger's anus clamped near his base.

Revelling in the feeling of tight heat around his cock Joe moved faster, need overtaking his concern for Ginger.

The inner gateway opened and Joe entered fully his mouth gasping in to Ginger's as they both pressed urgently together. Needing to breathe badly Joe broke the kiss and started to pump. Ginger's legs around his waist and over his bottom pulling him in, urging him faster and faster, harder and harder. Moving like a jack hammer Joe pummelled Ginger's hole blind to the signs of orgasm in Ginger.

On an in stroke Ginger tightened, his ass clamping down hard on to Joe, Joe pressed harder feeling himself slide past the tightness only to have it released for fraction of a second allowing him full entry before it clamped down even tighter. Ginger screamed as Joe swallowed his tongue and he returned his own violent shout deep in to Ginger's mouth. His orgasm staying on the edge of ecstasy and agony as Ginger's insides gripped and spasmed around his throbbing cock. Joined at both ends and joined at the heart they stayed in orgasm together for eternity and more.


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