Forever We Three

By Jim Cruz

Published on Oct 25, 2003


Forever, We Three

Chapter One: Todd's Cabin. Our Beginning.

I had known Jim and Todd for about a year. We three had started working for the same company at the same time. We were all middle managers who had to deal with all the real stress of work. We'd get orders from above and complaints from below. You know how it is when you are the guy in the middle with nowhere to turn.

So Todd and Jim and I had turned to each other. It's funny how alike we are. We are all about the same age with me being the oldest at 45. Jim is 44 and Todd is 42. Interestingly, we are also about the same height and weight, 5'8" and about 170lbs. Middle age had caught up with us and we were all fighting the battle of the bulge. Jim and I have brown hair and brown eyes. Jim is clean-shaven while I have a goatee and wear eyeglasses. I keep my hair short so it won't look like I am trying to hide my growing bald spots. Jim suffers from male pattern baldness, but I think it makes him look mature and distinguished. Todd also has brown hair and a goatee but he has the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. They are like the tropical waters of the Caribbean Sea. He has a full head of hair and Jim and I kid him that it won't be long before he starts losing it. What makes us even more alike, besides the increasing number of gray hairs, is the fact that we are all married 14 years, have 2 kids each, a boy and a girl, and went to the same college but never met before.

When we first started working together we used to go out after work on Wednesday nights for happy hour. After getting to know each other pretty well, we also started hanging out with each other's families. Every month or so we would each take a turn and hang out with our wives and kids and have dinner together. Everyone got along really well especially the wives. They would often remark to each other that they had married clones since us guys were so much alike physically and emotionally.

After a couple of months of hanging out Todd suggested that we go to his cabin up in the mountains for a long weekend, just the 3 of us. Jim and I readily agreed. It had been a long time since any of us had spent some time without our wives and kids so this was going to be a weekend just for the guys.

Todd's cabin was about two hours from where we lived. Just close enough to be an easy ride but far enough that you didn't want to make the trip more than once in a day. We decided we would all take off from work on Friday and Monday and give ourselves a good bit of time to relax and do whatever we wanted. (We had to agree to give our wives an equal chance at going up to the cabin in order to get away.) Todd picked up each Jim and I so we didn't have to have more than one car. Todd used his pick up so that we could bring up some supplies and gear that he'd been meaning to bring up to the cabin. It also came in handy for carrying a few cases of beer.

Since Todd's pick up didn't have a rear seat, we all had to sit in the front which meant that there wasn't a lot of room between each other. Todd drove, of course, and I sat in the middle leaving Jim on the passenger side. As we drove along, my leg would rub against Todd's or Jim's leg. Todd usually moved his away when that happened but I swear that I could feel Jim pushing his back against mine. But I wasn't sure. Besides, we were all married with kids and straight, right?

It was about noon when we arrived. Todd explained that he owned about a hundred acres up here and that he built the cabin in a naturally cleared spot so he wouldn't have to take down any tree. As we drove up the long dirt driveway, it became apparent that the cabin was in the middle of his property right in front of the most incredible lakes I had ever seen. The lake was pristine and you could see clear to the bottom about 30 feet or so. It had been carved out by this waterfall at the end opposite the cabin. Todd said that you could swim out into the lake and hang out under the waterfall letting the water hit you or you could hang out behind the falls in a small grotto.

The cabin itself was also incredible. It had 3 bedrooms, each with a queen bed and its own bath (the master bath had a hot tub and steam shower, too). The kitchen had a huge fireplace that you could cook in if you wanted. It also had a big professional restaurant-type stove. It had all the modern conveniences without looking like it. There was a large dining room which really looked more like part of the kitchen. It had a huge trestle table that could seat 12 when all the chairs where around it. The living/family room was huge with its own walk-in sized fireplace made out of fieldstone. Perpendicular to the fireplace were 2 long sofas that could open up into beds for some extra company. There was also another full bath off the kitchen. The place was big enough to hold all 3 families if we ever decided to come here.

But this weekend we had the place to our selves. Todd took the master bedroom (which really was no different than the other except for the bathroom) only because he already had his stuff there. Jim and I each picked one of the other rooms. Then we went outside and unloaded the truck. There was some antique furniture that Todd and his wife had picked at an estate sale that we unloaded as well as our bags, the 5 cases of beer, and some camping equipment that Todd wanted to leave at the cabin.

After we unloaded everything, Todd said that he always kept a case of beer tied up in the lake to quickly chill it and keep it cold. He showed us the large mesh laundry bag that he used for that and we quickly loaded it up. When we got to the lake, we went to the spot Todd usually used to tie the mesh bag to but it was really muddy there and he had to pick a different spot.

It was a nice hot summer day, no humidity up here in the mountains and plenty of shade if you wanted it. But there was enough cleared land between the cabin and the lake to have a good game of football. We had worked up quite a sweat unloading the truck so Todd suggested we have a beer and a swim. Jim and I looked at each other and almost simultaneously said, "I didn't know there was a lake here. I didn't bring a swimsuit with me." Todd replied, "That's OK guys. I don't usually use one here. The whole family goes skinny dipping when we come up. We're all guys. We don't need them." With that he took the last gulp from his beer, pushed off his sneakers, stripped off his t-shirt, dropped his cut-off jean shorts and took a running leap into the lake. Did I mention that he wasn't wearing any underwear? Again, Jim and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and said "Why not?" So we stripped too and ran after Todd into the lake. Here's another one of those things that makes all 3 of us incredibly similar - neither Jim nor I was wearing underwear either.

We hit the water with a great big splash and started to swim to the waterfall. The water was pretty cold but as long as you were moving it was tolerable. While Jim and I were stripping down, Todd had taken the mesh beer bag and swam to the grotto behind the waterfall. By the time, Jim and I got there he was opening up the last of three beers so we each could have one. There we were, the three of us, hanging on to the rocks behind the falls drinking beer. As far as I was concerned, this weekend couldn't get much better. If we did nothing but this all weekend long, I would be a happy camper.

Todd showed us that you could pull yourself up onto the rocks and kind of sit back so that you didn't have to hang out in the water if you didn't want to. I was the first to climb out since I am not a big fan of treading water in a cold lake. (I'd rather be in a heated indoor pool, not that I didn't love this setting too.)

By the time I had my third beer I had quite a buzz. I don't drink a lot even when I'm out with Todd and Jim so the alcohol gets to me pretty quickly. Besides, we hadn't eaten lunch yet. But the 3 of us weren't hungry and we were having a most excellent time hanging out, being naked with our best buds and drinking beer. Todd had also climbed out of the water while Jim just hung onto the rocks and kicked his feet out behind him. I couldn't help but stare at his butt since it was right in front of me.

Jim's butt was perfect. It was rounded and had dimples in the right place on each of his buttcheeks. While Jim had a nice amount of hair on his chest and his arms and legs, his butt was almost perfectly smooth. It didn't look like he had any hair in between his cheeks either. I had never really admired a man's ass before but here I was thinking of how nice it looked. I was surprised at how I was feeling. I was also surprised when I started to feel my cock harden while looking at Jim's perfect butt. But the beer was getting to me and I had to take a leak. Without really thinking too much ( I was too occupied with trying to fend off a hardon in front of Jim and Todd), I stood up and started to piss in the lake.

Jim started to yell as it appeared I was peeing too close to him in the water where he was hanging out. I can't tell you why, but without any thought I turned and aimed my stream of piss right onto his beautiful butt. Jim started cursing and promising that he would hurt me for this. I just kept pissing and Jim tried to move out of range. Todd started to laugh hysterically. He was sitting on the rocks next to me and now he stood up also. As Jim tried to maneuver his way out of my piss stream, Todd started to piss on him from the other side. While I was aiming for Jim's butt, Todd hit Jim straight in the head and started soaking what little hair he had left. Jim turned his head to look at Todd. As he began to open his mouth to yell at Todd, Todd's piss stream hit Jim right in his mouth. Before he knew what was happening, Jim was taking a mouthful of Todd's hot piss.

I had finished pissing by then and as I watched Jim spit out Todd's hot piss, I got a raging hardon. Don't ask me to explain it, but I jumped into the water, pushed Jim aside and opened my mouth to let Todd aim his piss stream at me. Todd did just that I swallowed all I could. It tasted a little acrid but more like warm beer than anything. I was surprised at how I liked the taste.

When Todd stopped pissing, there was silence. We all looked at each other incredulously. None could really believe what had just happened. It seemed like a long time passed without anyone saying or doing anything when Jim jumped out of the water and pushed Todd in. Then Jim let his hot stream of golden piss flow right in Todd's face. Then Todd did something no one expected. He opened his mouth too and swallowed all the piss that Jim could let loose (after 3 beers that was a lot.) I moved over next to Todd and opened my mouth too. Jim aimed his cock at me and began to piss in mouth waiting mouth too. When Jim was drained we again looked at each other and said nothing.

I could see that Jim's cock was starting to rise. My own 7 inches was as rigid as it was when I was a teenager. I could see that Todd also had a boner. He was about 8 inches long and nice and thick. Jim's cock turned out to be about 7 inches also but not to thick like mine. We were all cut. It was hard to tell what the real size of Jim's balls were since he had just been in the cold water, but if they were the size of eggs now, what would they be like after they warmed up? Since Todd and I were still in the water, our balls had drawn up inside ourselves and our ballsacs shrunk. I was still looking at Jim's cock when I noticed he had no hair on those big balls of his. It almost looked like he shaved his balls, they were so smooth and shiny looking.

Todd and I pulled ourselves out of the water and sat on either side of where Jim was standing. Todd also pulled out 3 more beers from the bag and threw one to Jim and me. Jim sat down and was the first to talk.

"What just happened?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said, "but I think we all enjoyed it based on what's happening to our cocks."

Todd nodded in acknowledgement and said, "That was the raunchiest thing I have ever done! I didn't know I would get so turned on by it. Look! My cock is throbbing."

Jim and I turned towards Todd's hard dick and saw his 8 inches of red, hard cock, pulsing with each of his heartbeats. Seemed like Jim's and my cock were getting even harder watching Todd's. I couldn't help myself at this point. I had finished my beer and started stroking my prick. I was getting so turned on that I was leaking a lot of precum and I rubbed it all over my cock as I stroked it. I couldn't get enough looking at the hard cocks of my 2 best buddies. I mean, these were my best friends and I was getting turned on by being pissed on by them and staring at their hard dicks.

It seems that Jim and Todd also couldn't stand it much longer as they also had started stroking their hard cocks. There we were, the three of us, sitting under the waterfall and jerking off together.

As I was getting close to cumming, Jim said, "This is pretty weird. But if we are going to be weird, then let's be weird together. Let's all hold out until we can shoot our loads together."

"Excellent idea!" said Todd. I nodded in agreement and grunted "Well are you guys getting close, 'cause I'm about to shoot the biggest load of my life!"

"Not yet," said Jim, "hold on a little longer. I'm almost there."

"Yeah," agreed Todd, "just a few more strokes and I'm gonna shoot too!"

I slowed down a bit but it wasn't long before Jim and Todd were as ready to unload as I was. "On 3," said Todd. "1, 2, 3 shoot!"

At the same moment in time, my 2 best buddies and I came together. We were all moaning and groaning as we came. I shot onto my chest and leg. I also hit Jim's thigh as I shot. Some of Jim's cum landed on me too as he shot onto his hairy chest. What was incredible, though, was to see that Todd had managed to hit his face with his creamy jism. One shot had landed in his goatee and just sat there as evidence of what had just happened. At 42 years old, being able to hit yourself in the face when you cum is pretty impressive.

Then Jim did something none of us expected. He reached over and wiped up almost all of Todd's cum into his hand. Then he turned to me and did the same. Then he wiped up his own cum and combined it with Todd's and mine. He mixed the cum together and dipped his fingers into it picking up a big glob. He turned to Todd and said, "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." Without hesitation, Todd did as Jim said and closed his eyes as Jim dropped the glob of cum onto his tongue. "Don't swallow. Just keep it there until I say." Jim commanded. Next he turned to me and did the same. When Jim had the last glob of our cum in his hand he said, "Keep this in your mouth as long as you can. Savor it. Know that this is the cum of your friend, your brother from this day on. When you can tell yourself that you enjoyed this and want to explore more. Then swallow your brother's seed. From this day forward, each of us will be part of the other, forever."

With that, the 3 of us locked eyes and without giving any indication to the other that we were going to do so, we swallowed at the same time. Incredible! It was like we were of one mind and now one body as we each accepted the seed of the other and it became a part of us physically.

We jumped back into the water, took the beer bag with us, and swam back to the shore. It had gotten late. The afternoon sky had become overcast and it looked like we were going to have some rain tonight. Todd and I got more beer and replaced what we drank while we threw away the empties in the recycling bins on the side of the house. Jim picked up all our clothes from the shore of the lake and the 3 of us went into the house with our arms around each other. I just couldn't shake the feeling that before this night was over, I would experience things with my best 2 friends that I had never thought of doing with a guy before tonight.

Next: Chapter 2

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