Forever in My Heart

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 26, 2000


Disclaimer: The last time i checked i didnt know them, and yes it's still true, lol. legal stuff yall should know it by now Enjoy! Feedback and such.........

Chapter 5


" Come on Nickers, we have to go now." AJ told the younger teen.

" Why? We're not sick, why we have to go see a doctor?"

" So we wont be all shook up and effected by this tour, I don't know. They think it will keep us grounded."

" Oh. What's he gonna do?"

" Talk to us, don't worry."

AJ and Nick rode in the taxi to the office of their future therapist. Nick played Game-boy, totally oblivious to AJ's stares. Ever since they had met a couple years before through the talent contests, AJ seemed to always think of Nick. He had seen the change in his body and his attitude over the past two years. Now Nick was in the middle of his teen years, and AJ almost done with his time of being a child.

Although AJ was 17, he felt that he couldn't be a kid anymore that that was Nick's job. He wanted to be silly sometimes. It was his right. Maybe that was one reason he was going to this doctor, so that he could figure out how to be a child sometimes. With Nick, it was different. He was only a mere 15 years old, and already he wanted so badly to grow up. There was something inside him that would always lash out, and be a kid. Maybe that was the reason he was going to talk to the doctor, so he could learn how to grow up.

They walked into the office building and sat as they waited to be called.

" Nick Carter and AJ McLean?"

" That's us, come on Nick."

" Yeah, AJ, I get it, they did say our names."

" Oh yeah."

The two boys walked slowly into the office and sat down on the couch that was right next to the door. They looked around the room and marveled at all the sculptures and paintings.

" Like what you see?"

AJ and Nick whipped their heads around to face the man who had spoken. He was in his thirties, about six feet tall, in good shape and looked at them lovingly. Nick smiled; he felt almost instantly that he could trust this man. AJ on the other hand, was not as sure as Nick was.

" Hello. I'm Dr. Roberts, but I hate the doctor part, so please call me Danny. Now, boys, come on, come closer, I won't bite."

Nick and AJ moved to chairs that were in front of a desk. Nick noticed a mini basketball net on the door and a nerf ball on the desk. He eyed it, wanting to play, like the child he was. Danny saw where Nick was looking and threw the ball at him.

" Feel free to play with whatever you want to. AJ? You like basketball too?"

" Whatever." AJ replied, not really looking at Danny.

" Nick, you keep play okay? AJ, come sit with me here."

AJ walked back to the couch with Danny. He kept his eyes on Nick the whole time. He didn't know what it was but he got an eerie feeling leaving Nick alone.

" What are you afraid of?"

" What?" Danny's question shook AJ of his thoughts.

" Why are so scared to be here?"

" I'm not scared of being here."

" Then why the attitude?"

" What? I don't know what you're talking about."

" Please AJ. I'm here as a friend. Someone to talk to."

" I don't have anything to talk about."

" Alright, but if you do, you know where to reach me."

Danny got up and walked back to Nick. He and Nick shot some hoops while AJ sulked in the corner. He watched Nick like a hawk does to his prey. He watched as Danny rubbed Nick's shoulders to loosen him up. AJ felt shivers go down his spine. He walked up to them fast and grabbed Nick by the arm.

" We have to go now. Thanks for your time, goodbye." AJ dragged Nick out of the room.

" AJ! Stop! Wait, we were talking."

" I don't care, we had to go."

" Okay."

AJ would not let go of Nick as they rode back to the hotel in silence. Nick tried to get his arm back. After 20 minutes of struggle, he gave up. AJ loosed his grip on Nick when he felt Nick give up. He didn't know where this sense of insecurity was coming from, but he just wanted to feel safe. When they got back to the hotel, Nick ran from the cab and to his room. AJ walked to his slowly. He passed Brian and Howie talking in the lounge. When he got to his floor, he passed Kevin's door and saw Rich, leaving. AJ didn't understand their relationship. He knew Kevin was gay, but he didn't understand about having a boyfriend. It was something that intrigued him. He looked at Rich's back as he walked down the hall. Rich turned back and found AJ looking at him. He smiled at AJ and walked into the elevator. AJ smiled to himself and walked into his room.

" It was so cool Kev, we played nerf and we talked it was so fun!"

" I'm glad you thought so. Did AJ have a good time too?"

" NO! He was being such an ass."

" Why?"

" He wouldn't talk and would like, talk back to Danny, and then he dragged me out of the room and wouldn't let go, it scared me Kev."

" I'll talk to him later. You get some rest okay?"

" Yup, sure thing."

Kevin walked from Nick and Brian's room to Howie and AJ's. He found the door ajar and walked in. He looked in to find AJ only to see him sitting in a chair staring out the window.

" AJ?"

" Hey Kev." AJ said without looking at him.

" Wanna talk about it?"

" About what?"

" About how you were to Nick today."

" What are you talking about. I hardly saw him today." AJ turned to Kev.

" How about how you were with him with Dr. Roberts."

" Oh."

" Oh what?

" He spent all his time with Dr. Danny. He didn't even care I was there."

" Jealous?"

" What?"

" AJ, can I ask a question?"

" Okay."

" Do you like Nick?"

" Of course I like him, what kind of question is that?"

" No, that's not what I meant. Do you like Nick, like I like Rich?"

AJ turned to Kevin, shocked at Kevin's question.

" I, I don't know."

" Think about it, k? And also, think about how you hurt Nick today. Dr Roberts is there to help, not harm, so talk to him, about Nick even, I'm sure he'll understand."

" Okay. And Kevin, thanks."

" Anytime."

Kevin walked back to his room. He understood that as the oldest his role was to be the one people came to, but sometimes, he just wanted a break from it all. His breaks were always with Rich, the love of his life. He couldn't, even now, understand how he was lucky enough to have Rich in his life. They had met when Kevin was working at Disney. While Kev was Aladdin, Rich was Snow White's Prince Charming, and eventually he became Kev's. Kevin told Rich, when he found out about the Backstreet Boys, that if he didn't want to see him anymore, Kevin would understand. Rich thought about it for a few days. He realized that even though it would be hard, he could not give up on his love. So Rich went with the boys. He took a leave of absence from school and became a dancer for the boys. His passion, besides from Kev, was dancing so he thought he might make good use of it. Rich was what kept Kevin sane, when everything made him crazy.

Kevin walked into his room and found Rich waiting for him. Kevin smiled to himself. Kevin walked over to the bed and slowly lowered himself onto his boyfriend's body. As Kevin's skin touched Rich's, Rich opened his eyes and smiled back at his gorgeous boyfriend.

" Hey baby."

" Hey yourself. What's up?"

" Nothing much, just waiting to relax with a certain sexy man."

" Oh is that so? Should I leave?"

" Don't you dare Kevin Scott! Come here!"

Rich lifted his head to capture Kevin's lips in his and gently sucked on Kevin's bottom lip for a few seconds before sliding his tongue into Kev's mouth. Kevin's moaned slightly into Rich's mouth, causing Rich to start to thrust his tongue in and out of Kev's mouth. Kevin wrapped his arms around Rich's waist and started to push down on his shorts. Rich lifted his body to let Kevin push his clothes off him. The two men continued to kiss, as they got into the heat of passion. Kevin let his hands wonder all over Rich's body, gently grazing Rich's cock. Rich began to grind himself into Kevin. Kevin kept his hands on Rich as they rocked back and forth. Rich looked into Kevin's eyes and entered, suddenly into Kevin. Kevin let out a load moan and screamed out Rich's name. He almost came right then but he knew that Rich liked it to last a long time. With each thrust in which Rich went in and out of Kevin, Rich got faster and Kevin got louder. Rich let one of hands go from Kevin's hips to Kevin's cock. He just left it there, occasionally wrapping his fingers around it. Rich suddenly squeezed a little tighter than usual and sent Kevin over the edge. Kevin shot his load into Rich's hand, who let it spill over onto their chests. Shortly after, Rich let loose into Kevin and slowly slid out of him and lay down on top of his lover. He began to plant kisses along Kevin's face and neck.

" That was wonderful."

" Yeah, I could tell you needed a break."

" I'd break for you anytime."

" Corniness is so not becoming of you darling."

" Keep it up and I will be coming." Rich smiled at Kevin.

Kevin reached behind him, grabbed a pillow, and whacked Rich in the head with it.

" Hey!"

" Hey yourself." Kevin looked over at the clock."

" Shit, I have to go to a meeting, and so do you."

" Oh, yeah, that."

" Yeah that. Now come on, we have time for a shower."

" Goody!"

Rich laughed as he ran into the bathroom, Kevin right behind him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another chapter done!!! please tell me what u think or even if u r reading! thanks!

Next: Chapter 6

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