Forever in My Heart

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 11, 2000


Disclaimer: I only wish i knew them, but yet I dont, so that mean i dont know what they do behind closed doors, its a story, go with it!

WOW, you would not believe the amount of feedback i have gotton for just 2 chapters, lol. but wow, thank you so much for taking an interst in this story, now if yall could pay that much attention to my other ones, i'm kidding, do as you please! Anyway. Read, enjoy, and as always feedback is the best!!! Thanks for reading! ~ Elisheva ---->

Forever in my Heart


AJ flew off Nick and Nick quickly pulled his boxers back on. Brian, though annoyed with the two, was happy he had came in when he did. He was able to see the man of his dreams, in nothing more than the boxers, which were then by his ankles.

" S-S-Sorry Bri."

" Oh fuck off, and go fuck in your own room."

" Wanna?" Nick turned to AJ

Instead of answering, AJ took Nick's hand and dragged him out of the room. Brian shook his head at the two of them. It was humorous when you weren't looking at it wanting to be a part of it. Brian shook off the feeling and inspected his bed. As he was cleaning up he felt two arms encircle his waist.

" Hey lover, wanna play?"

" Shit Howie! Get off me!" Brian said while he played along with his friend. " Just thought you could use some brightening up." " Please, I'm fine." " Sure sure, you're fine and I'm gay." " You are dumb fuck!" " Why do you all keep saying that? I love the women, how many times must I say it?" " Hmm, okay than what were those moaning noises I heard coming from Kev's room last night?" " O fuck off Brian, he was probably dreaming about AJ jacking him off again." " He likes AJ?" " Yeah and you've got the hots for Nick, what's new?" " You know?" " Man, Bri, who doesn't know is the better question." " Does Nick and AJ know these things?" " G-d yes, who do you think I told when I found out?" " You told the man I love, that I love him?" Brian looked Howie dead in the face. " Uh, maybe I didn't, yeah I didn't. Nice talking to ya B-rok. But I gotta run." " Oh you better run, NOW!" Brian chased Howie out of the room and down the hall. The hall went in a square shape so they could run around until they were caught. Brian almost had Howie by the back of the shirt when he saw a door open in front of him. Before he could stop his legs he ran straight into the door and fell backwards onto the floor. " Oh man! Ha! Undefeated again." Howie laughed. " Rok? You okay man?" " D?" " Yes?" " Help me up?" " Sure." Howie helped his friend to his feet. " D?" " Yes?" " I'm gonna kill you!" Brian jumped on and tackled Howie in the middle of the hall. People walked by not noticing that two grown men were wrestling on the floor. Brian finally came to a point when he had Howie pinned to the floor. " Oh Brian, baby, take me here and now!" " You watch it or I might just do that." " Brian! Get the fuck off me." " Nope, I'm gonna stay right here." " Brian, you're sorta sitting on a sensitive area." " Oh am I? I'm sorry Howie." Brian lifted his ass off Howie's crotch and then landed back down with a thud. " FUCKING SHIT! I'm gonna kill you!" " Uh huh." " What do you want from me?" " Nothing. Well an apology and for you to admit that you are in fact gay. And that you like how I'm sitting on you." " Forget it!" " Okay then, well I'll just have to jump some more." " Okay! I'm sorry." " And?" " And nothing Rok, I have a girlfriend." " Oh really." " Yeah. She's in the room, and gonna kill me if I don't get back-." " O shut your trap D you have no girlfriend." " Ok I don't but I want one," Howie said thoughtfully. " Okay, games done." " Thank you." " So D, you gay yet?" " Fuck me Brian, on second thought don't." " Well I'm here whenever you need a little TLC." " Speaking of which, if I were gay I wouldn't go for no scrub." " What are you implying?" " Oh nothing." " Oh nothing my ass." " And what a fine ass it is." " You know what D, you are one fucked up person." " This I know." " Okay, will you settle for bi?" " Fine." " Fine you agree or fine, I'll say it to shut Brian up?" " Take your pick." " I knew it! So, who do you want? Who who who?" " No one. I don't want anyone." Howie turned from Brian as he said this, he quickly turned back and got up off the floor. " You may not want me to know now, but I will soon." " Sure B-rok." " But I'm still gonna kill you for telling Nick and AJ." " Telling Nick and AJ what?" Nick asked from down the hall. " Shit!" Brian said under his breath. " Nothing, we were just playin'." Howie said quickly to cover up their discussion. " Ok, we're going out, wanna come?" " No thanks." " Okay, bye." Nick walked out of his room, AJ following. " Well I'm gonna go take a shower. Talk to you later B-rok, try not too miss me too much lover." " Fuck me!" " Later." " Whatever." Brian walked back to his room to shower and order food. He thought to himself of his conversations with Howie. " Does he like me?" Brian asked a little too loud. " Does who like you?" " Oh hey Kev. No one, don't worry about." " Okay." Brian walked to his room and Kev back to his. Kevin smiled as he walked into his and closed the door behind him. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmmm, i wonder what happens next? We'll see.

Next: Chapter 4

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