Forever in My Heart

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 29, 2000


Forever in my Heart

Disclaimer: As you may know, from my other stories, I hate writing this thing out, it's tedious. So all I will say is I don't em, nor do I care who they chose to love. It's their business. It's my business to write as I please though. So, enjoy.

I know I'm writing three stories, but I wanted to write an NSYNC/BSB 1, an NSYNC 1, and a BSB 1. So at least for a while I will only be writing Destiny, Love me, and this one. However, please feel free to check out my other ones.

Plus, these amazing stories, which are SOME of my favs: Nick and Justin, Escape, Choices, Brian and Justin, Nsync Lance n JC, Two of five and Josh and Just.

Feedback? Thanks, Elisheva --->

Okay, now on to the story!


The rain beat down on the roof. Silence could be heard through out the house. Nick tossed and turned in his sleep. He finally gave up on sleep and sat up. He looked down onto the face of the man sleeping next to him. Nick caressed Brian's cheek, and admired how he looked in the moonlight.

" You are so beautiful. I love you so much. Please believe me, I never meant for it to end up like this."

Chapter 1

" You are so dead Nick, get back here!" Brian screamed from down the hall.

Nick ran from Brian. Nick had just used some of AJ's hair dye, put it in Brian's shampoo and now his hair was an awful shade of orange. Nick found it hilarious. Brian did not. Nick ran to his room, only to find it was locked. He had left the key in Brian's room.

" Shit!"

" Hey Nicky."

" Bri, hey, um, you wouldn't hurt a defenseless man would you?"

" Man, no, boy, yes. You better run boy, because I am going to kill you."

" Um, it looks good on you?"

" Flattery won't get you anywhere. And especially not out of this one."

" HELP!"

Brian started after Nick again. Nick ran as fast as he could back to Brian's room. He was almost there when he crashed into something. He stumbled backwards and fell down.

" Ha! Thanks AJ! I got you now!"

" No, please Bri, I'm sorry."

" Get up!"

" Really, though orange is a good color for you, don't you agree J?"

AJ couldn't answer; he was still getting over the shock of Nick's latest prank.

" Really, Rok, you can't complain, not after what you did to Nick."

" Please! All I did was dye his white shirts red. That's nothing. I don't know how, or when, but watch your back Nickolas. Revenge will be mine."

" Don't threaten when you know you won't go through with it!"

" Sleep tight Nicky."

" Don't call me that!"

" Give up Nick, Brian's mad. But I wouldn't sleep tonight."

" What's the worst he could do?"

" Don't underestimate the power of the Rok."

" Shut up! G'night AJ."

" 'Night Nick."

Nick climbed into bed not worrying about what Brian might be planning. Today had been fun. He had not had a lot of fun in a long time, and he was glad that he had found some sort of amusement. He drifted off to sleep remember

Brian's face as he looked in the mirror.

" No! Please leave me alone. Please, I'll give you what you want."

" You're what you want." A dark figure said in a hoarse voice.

" Please, don't hurt me."

" Stop being a baby."

" Please, no, stop, you're hurting me. Please, No!"

Nick woke up drenched in sweat and crying like a baby. He couldn't catch his breath

because of the tears. He tried to lie down, but as soon as he hit the pillow, he closed his eyes, and then he saw the face of the man.

" NO!" Nick yelled into the night.

He ran from his bed and into the hall. He raced to the closest door and knocked loudly.

" I'm coming, Jesus, Nick, it's three in the morning. Nick? Nick! What happened to you, come in."

" I had a dream."

" Another one?"

" Shush, come here."

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I was wrong. Please forgive me."

" You did nothing wrong. Please stop crying. You know I hate to see you, or anyone else cry."

" It was my fault, my fault, my fault."

" No, you tried to help. It's not, not, not your fault."

Brian wrapped his arms around Nick and rocked himself back and forth. As he looked down on him friend, he saw something new in him. He no longer saw a boy, who was frightened, but a man who needed love.

" I know you hate me right now, but could I sleep with you tonight?"

" I don't hate you Nicky, I could never hate you. Sure climb in."

Brian opened the blankets and Nick climbed in and curled up in a tight ball next to his friend. Brian wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight. Nick began to relax in Brian's arms.

He also began to cry again.

" He won't hurt you, I promise. I'll make sure of it."

Brian watched as his friends cried himself to sleep. He hated seeing Nick so sad. Last year, he was so full of life. Now, he had become a different person. The first time he had heard his laugh, in a long time, was this afternoon when he had dyed Brian's hair. Now, Brian thought how stupid he was to threaten him like that.

Brian rubbed Nick's arms and looked at him. He was content on just looking at Nick all night. He desperately wanted to tell Nick how he felt about him, but Nick's heart was not open to have his love. Nevertheless, he wanted him.

Brian had wanted Nick, for as long as he could remember. Nick represented all that was right in the world. Brian fell in love with his innocence, he sense of humor, and his playfulness.

Maybe part of the reason he wanted him so much was the fact that he couldn't have him. His heart belonged to someone else.

" Oh Nick. Why did you come to me tonight, and not to him?"

Well? please send comment, ?'s, suugestion, ideas, anything, i LOVE getting mail! granted this is only my third attempt at a story. So please tell me what ya'll think!

Next: Chapter 2

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