Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Jan 18, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 4: From 15 to 20

It had been 15 minutes since Chris left. 15 minutes since it seemed like everything would be fine.

15 minutes since Chris and I nearly mauled each other on my bed.

I slowly realized that everyone back at the manor would be wondering why I didn't come back with Chris and what was taking me so long. I walked back to the bed to grab my shirt and put it back on. As I picked up my shirt, I found the one Chris had been wearing underneath it.

"Goddamn it", I thought as I picked up the shirt. The shirt I had taken off while we were making out. My mind flashed back to him on top of me; his soft lips eagerly caressing mine. His dick rubbing against my own as he slowly rocked his hand back and forth. I lifted the shirt to my nose and sniffed. It still smelled like him. My dick started to get hard all over again.

In frustration, I forced myself back to reality and threw Chris' shirt back in the drawer and shut it. I had only hoped that when Chris orbed back home, he went straight to his room. It would be weird enough to explain what happened if he appeared in front of someone half-naked.

Chris half-naked. His body. The light hairline that traveled...

"DAMN IT!" I yelled as I punched the door. I couldn't think about that. He was my brother. The same blood that ran through his veins ran through mine. Well, some of it, anyway. I looked at the clock. Another 10 minutes had passed. I threw my shirt on and ran out the door, trying my hardest to repress any memory of what occurred between us.

Repression never works the way you want it to.

Chris orbed directly into his room, which was good considering he was shirtless and crying. He turned on his bedroom light and fell on the bed. He had finally done something he had always wanted to do, but the feeling inside of him made it feel like what had just happened was the worst thing ever.

"Why did I do that? Why did I kiss Pete?" he thought out loud. He knew that it was wrong to have feelings for your brother. But, he also knew that he had started to like Pete since he was 15.

At first, he didn't know what brought on his attraction towards men in the first place.

One day, while he was 12, Wyatt knew that Chris was in low spirits and asked him to play basketball with him and some friends. He was feeling down considering Pete was away with his mother for the time and always felt down when the three of them had to be apart. Chris really didn't want to, but reluctantly agreed to join his brother and his friends.

While playing, Alex, one of Wyatt's friends, got a little too hot and took of his shirt. For some reason, Chris couldn't keep his eyes off the friend. At first, he just thought that he was impressed by the friend's basketball skills. But that all changed when Chris realized he wasn't really paying attention to the way the friend made baskets, but the way his chest moved when the boy ran. The way the sweat glistened off the boy's stomach as he played. The way his cock twinged when the boy pressed against Chris' body when he tried to steal the ball from him.

He didn't know why but for months after that, he always wanted to play basketball whenever Wyatt asked, for hope to see the friend again. He didn't know it then, but Alex would be Chris' first ever same-sex crush. He would hopelessly smile whenever Alex was around and he always wanted to talk to him and just be in his presence. Of course, as they often go, his crush was unrequited, as Alex was hopelessly straight as an arrow. He figured that his hormones were just going haywire and left it as that.

It wasn't until another weekend that everything changed. That weekend, Pete was staying over at the Halliwells. The boys would sometimes sleep in each other's rooms and this was one of those times. A girl in their homeroom constantly propositioned Pete for a date. For whatever the reason, Pete wasn't interested. Whenever the girl came around, he avoided conversation with her and went to wherever Chris was.

"So," Chris asked, "what's going on with you and Kathy Williams?"

Pete didn't take his eyes of the video game he was playing. "Um, nothing really. She's okay, I guess."

"But, do you like her, bro? She obviously really likes you."

"Not really"; Pete had said. "She's not really my type."

Chris moved closer to where Pete sat on the carpet. "Why not?"

Pete paused the game and looked at Chris, his glasses sliding off slightly. "I really just don't like her. She's just a girl, you know? I... I just don't."

As Pete realized what he said, he quickly went back to his game. Chris wondered if it was something more than just not liking that girl and if Pete didn't like any girls. He desperately wanted to tell Pete all about Alex but decided not to. He was scared of how Pete would react and he knew he didn't want to lose him. Pete meant more than anything did to him.

Later that night, while Pete was asleep in Chris' bed, Pete rolled over and accidentally put his arm over Chris' waist. Chris' first thought was to wake Pete up and tell him to move over. But, as he turned around to do so, he got a good look at Pete. The way the moonlight made him look while sleeping was something Chris never saw before. It was almost... angelic. He had a slight smile on his face and he was snoring ever so slightly. Chris had never thought that something so natural could be one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Rather than ruin the moment, he let Pete stay in that position and he, too, fell asleep.

After that night, he would always look at Pete differently.

Chris closed his eyes as the last of his tears fell. He tried as hard as he could to push that memory away, but he couldn't. Between that and what had just occurred between him and Pete, he knew that things were different now. If Pete didn't want this, he didn't know how he would, but he would have to move on. It was then that he heard a knock on his door. Realizing that he was still without a shirt, he jumped out of bed and ran to this closet to grab the first one he saw.

"Just a second," he called out as he dressed quickly.

He turned on the light and looked in the mirror. His eyes were red from crying and it would be obvious to anyone who saw.

"Sadness burns from inside my soul/Clear my eyes/Allow me to be in control."

His eyes instantly cleared and he silently thanked his mom for his powers. "Come in," he replied to the person knocking.

Wyatt walked into the room. "Hey. Weren't you supposed to be getting Pete over here?"

"Um, yeah"; Chris replied. "He wasn't ready yet. He said he'd walk over instead."

Wyatt could sense something else was up, but he also knew Chris wouldn't tell him until he was ready. "Oh. OK. Well, come on, then. Pete will be here any minute."

"This should be interesting", Chris thought as he followed his brother out of the room.

I stared at the door to Halliwell manor for what seemed like forever. As much as it scared me shitless to wonder if Chris would answer the door, it scared me even more to think of what other things I would find out once I got inside. I guess curiosity got the better of me, because before I could let something else freak me out, I was ringing the doorbell.

"Here we go"; I said to no one in particular.

The door opened and there stood Wyatt. Chris stood not too far behind him; trying not to look straight at me.

"Hey"; said Wyatt.

"Um... yeah... hey"; I said a bit nervously before walking in.

I stood in the corridor and looked at Wyatt. "So... I'm really not good at this."

Wyatt looked at me. "Yeah. Me neither. You know; guy thing."

We stood in place for a minute until we both said; "I'm sorry, bro." We got our icebreaker. We started to both laugh and hugged each other. Chris had a huge smile behind us.

"OK, guys. Part one is over. Pete, you got some people waiting for you."

Wyatt and I let each other go and the worry instantly returned to my face.

"Come on, bro"; said Wyatt. "No day but today."

"Yeah"; I said. "Don't use RENT quotes with me."

He giggled a bit and led me into the living room. And there was everyone. Talk about a family reunion. Mom stood up and walked to me. "Hey, baby."

I hugged her. "Hey, Mom. OK, sit back down. There's something I need to say." Mama Piper started to speak, but I raised my hand to stop her.

"Wait, Mama P. Let me go first." She stopped before she began and nodded.

"OK. I'm aware that what I did and said before was out of line. It was a lot to hit me at once and I didn't take it well. But, I should've known that you were all trying to protect me and I know you all love and care for me." Everyone nodded in agreement and I continued.

"The only thing I consider different is that... I'm a witch. My love for this extended family has not and will not ever change. I love you all and I'm very sorry for everything. You all mean more to me than you can ever know. And I hope you can all forgive me."

Everybody was quiet for a moment and the silence seemed to hold forever. After a while, Mama Piper walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her just as tightly back and when she finally let go, both of us were holding back tears.

"Of course we forgive you, baby. Arguments last a while, but family is forever."

Everyone nodded in agreement and all said various versions of "Apology accepted".

"I only have one other thing to request. All I ask is that nothing is ever kept from me again. Things are different now and family should ALWAYS be truthful with each other, no matter how much pain it will cause. Agreed?"

Everyone said, "Agreed."

"OK, I know the other hugs are coming, let's get it over with."

We all giggled and everyone came to embrace me. Chris was last and he paused for a minute.

"Chris"; I thought. "Please don't look at me like that. I'm freaked enough as it is."

He quickly hugged me and I tried not to let it linger and let him go as quickly as possible, which was tough because he felt so good.

"OK"; I said to everyone. "Now what happens?"

Everyone looked at each other. "We really don't know, baby", said Mama Piper. "Do you have any questions?"

"Well, there aren't any more siblings I should know about, are they?"

"Actually, bro..." said Wyatt. "Nah... just us."

I walked to him and gave him a small shove. "Dorkus." I looked toward Aunt Pheebs and Aunt Paige. "Are your kids witches as well? Your husbands?"

"My kids are half-witch, half-human"; said Aunt Paige. "Henry's not magical... well, not to the magic community anyway."

"TMI, Aunt Paige."

"My kids are part-witch, too... and", started Aunt Phoebe.

"And what?", I asked.

"Well, believe it or not, your Uncle Coop... is a Cupid".

"Whoa. The Cupid?"

"Not The Cupid. A cupid. There are many in the world. And before you ask, he doesn't fly around in diapers shooting people in their asses."; she said.

I smiled. "Wow. Who isn't magical in this family?"

I glanced at the table and saw a very old looking book that was quite thick. On the cover was the Halliwell family charm. "OK. Two more questions. What is that book and why does it have the family charm on it?"

Mama Piper, Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige all smiled. "That over there... is the Book of Shadows" said Aunt Paige. "That book contains the history of all of the demons we've come across as well as spells for many things."

I grabbed the book and studied it. Touching it, it felt like it was another part of me I didn't realize I was missing. "Wow. You mean real spells? Like, "Double, double toil and trouble" and that kind of stuff?"

Wyatt laughed, "God. Could you be any dorkier?"

Mama Piper giggled, "Something like that, but nothing like that at the same time. The reason it has the charm on it is because it belongs to the Halliwell bloodline. So, in a way, it's yours as well. Two things: You can never cast a spell for personal gain, no matter how much you think it may be for the best. And two, it can't leave the house. You can imagine what would happen if it got into the wrong hands."

"Yeah", said Papa Leo with a smirk. "You might give someone Betty Boop attributes."

"You guys will never let me live that one down, will you?", asked Aunt Paige.

"Huh?", I asked.

"Don't bother", said Wyatt. "They still haven't even told me."

"Short version", said Chris. "The spells can backfire on you."

"You know what happened, don't you?"

"I'll never tell."

Aunt Paige gave Chris a look and then threw a pillow in Chris' direction. He orbed away and came back into place.

"How did you do that?"

"Actually, babe", started Mom. "It's called "orbing". It's a skill White Lighters and their children possess. Which means you can do it, too."

"I know I can. Chris was supposed to teach me... but we got sidetracked." Chris looked away. I stood up. "Can you teach me, Wyatt?"

"I can try, dude. Come here." I stood next to Wyatt and looked at him. "Do I need to click my heels or something?"

Everyone laughed at me.

"Are you from Kansas? Didn't think so.", he said sarcastically. "Basically, since this is your first time really trying this, close your eyes..."

I did as I was told.

"And concentrate on somewhere you really want to be. As time goes on, you'll get better and get to go to further places. But for now, try someplace close. Like, in the kitchen."

I thought as hard as I could about Mama P's kitchen. The smells of her cooking, the way the table was set. After about a minute, I realized it wasn't working.

"Yeah, this is pointless", I said and opened my eyes... and found myself on top of the table in the kitchen.

"NO WAY!", I screamed. Wyatt, Mama P and Chris all came through the kitchen door.

"Awesome", said Chris.

"Really good, baby!", said Mama P. "Although I'd prefer you'd not be on top of the table."

"Sorry... I wasn't trying to land on it, Mama" I said as I climbed down off of it. "At least I didn't end up in the sink of something."

Wyatt smiled. "Or upside down in the bathtub."

"Shut up, Wyatt", said Chris.

"OK, boys... that was good, but there's still one thing that needs to be done."; said Mama P.

"What is that?"; I asked.

"Follow me and find out", she responded as she walked back out of the kitchen into the corridor. As we followed her out, she stopped in the middle of the hall, under the chandelier.

"I need you three boys to stand here."

"Why? Gonna take a picture or something?"; I asked.

"Ha, ha, ha. No. The powers you have now are from Mandy and your dad. Chris and Wyatt are in full use of their powers, but to receive your full powers, you must unite as one. You all have to be properly Charmed."

"Properly Charmed? I don't get it."

"Just stand here under the chandelier and hold hands, from youngest to oldest. It'll all make sense afterwards."

"From youngest to oldest. That means... I have to hold Chris' hand, right?"

"Yep. So go on and do it."

I really didn't want to be anywhere near Chris; this was already too confusing. I guess the look shown on my face.

"What's wrong, bro?"; asked Wyatt. "You're not scared, are you?"

"No.. um, not at all. Just was stuck for a minute. Never mind."


We all walked under the chandelier with Chris leading. I tried not to look at his butt. It didn't work. "Stop looking at his ass!"; I thought. Suddenly, Chris appeared to drop something, but I never saw him holding anything in the first place. I had to stop my dick from getting hard. That would've been an interesting conversation. He got back up and stood under the chandelier, with his hand out.

"Come on, Pete. I won't bite"; he said.

"Not physically"; I thought as I finally forced myself to take it. His hand felt really good in mine, like it was meant to be there. I pushed the thought away as Wyatt took Chris' other hand.

"Now what?"; I asked Mama P.

"Just wait"; she replied.

Suddenly, it got really bright inside the room. The chandelier seemed to be gleaming very strongly. The room started to shake a little and it freaked me out a bit. Chris squeezed my hand even tighter and it calmed me down a bit. After a while, the shaking subsided and the light went back to normal.

I looked at the three of us. We still looked the same.

"Um, Mama"; I said. "I don't think it worked."

"Well, let's find out", came a voice from the other side of the room. We looked over and there stood a man. Or what looked like a man. It looked like he had stuck his head in green paint and then gone over it with black stripes. He suddenly somehow conjured up 2 weird looking balls of light and hurled one of them directly at me.

"No!", Chris yelled as he jumped in front of me. One ball hit him and sent him flying through a banister on the stairs.

The other ball was thrown at Wyatt and he ducked and pulled me away from the path of the ball.

"Chris!"; I yelled as I looked towards him. He wasn't moving.

"Don't worry about him, witch. You'll be joining him"; the demon said as he hurled another ball towards me.

I lifted my arm to somehow block it, knowing it would never work. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. When it didn't happen, I opened my eyes... and the ball was floating in front of my hand. I couldn't believe it. I stood up, keeping my gaze on it and it followed me. I kept my eyes on it and suddenly, it appeared to grow in size as if I was controlling it somehow. It grew from the size of an orange to the size of a basketball. I swung my arm and it sent it hurling back to the demon.

It hit him right in the stomach and sent him hurling towards the living room wall. He slammed into it with a hard "smack".

Then, Mama P seemed to throw her arms at the demon... and he exploded.

I stood there for a second before I remembered that Chris was hurt. Mama P and I ran over to where he was on the stairs. He still wasn't moving and it seemed like he wasn't breathing. He appeared to be bleeding from somewhere as well. I didn't want to move him.

"Oh, my God. Chris. Chris!"; I said. I looked back at Wyatt and everyone else as they walked from the living room into the corridor sometime before that. I never even noticed that they left, but I definitely noticed that no one was doing anything.

"Somebody do something! Why are you all just standing there?"; I asked.

I looked back at Chris and touched his chest for a heartbeat. "Chris, bro, please. Don't die on me. Don't leave me." Suddenly, the memory of us kissing came to my mind. It was at that moment I realized I didn't care if Chris was my brother or not. I loved him and if I lost him, I wouldn't be able to go on.

"Chris, bro. Please wake up"; I whispered. "I love you."

Suddenly, my hands started to glow a weird bright color. Like orbs. I touched Chris again and he started to glow as well. The blood from behind him seemed to disappear. After a moment, the blood, as well as the glow was gone. Chris started to moan a bit.

"Mmm... what the hell?"

He opened his eyes and I started to cry. "Hey there, Mr. Hero."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey there, yourself. Are you OK? Why are you crying?"

Mama Piper and Papa Leo walked up to us. "You scared him a bit, Chris. He thought he lost you."

I looked back at them. "I don't get it. What happened? What did I do?"

"The reason none of us did anything", said Mama Piper, "was because we were waiting for you."

I looked at her curiously.

"Remember, you're part White Lighter, Pete", continued Papa Leo. "White Lighters have the powers to heal. Usually, only full White Lighters have that power..."

"But, since you have the bloodlines of two powerful families within you, as well as White Lighter blood, it allows you to have more abilities than most half White Lighters can."

I looked back down at Chris and smiled. He lifted his hand with his ring on it.

I paused for a second and then realized what I almost lost. I grabbed his hand, our rings glowing in the light. He sat up and hugged me tightly.

"Forever"; he whispered in my ear.

"Yep"; I responded. "Forever charmed."

Later that night, I knocked on Chris' door.

"Come in"; he said.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. Chris was lying on his bed in nothing but a T-shirt and silk black boxer-briefs. Holy fuck, he looked sexy.

"Um..." I stammered. "Is this a bad time?"

"No. Not at all"; he answered. "Besides, something tells me you're liking what you see anyway."

"Let's just put it like this"; I said as I walked over to his bed. "If I had lighter skin, I'd be blushing hard right about now. How are you holding up?"

He did a bodybuilder pose and said, "Me strong like ox." I couldn't help but laugh.

"I think the expression is, "Me strong like bull."

"Whatever, dorkus"; he said to me.

"Mind if I sit? I need to speak with you."

He patted the spot next to him on the bed. "Climb on in."

I thought about it for a second, then took off my sneakers and laid down next to him. He gave me the cutest smile.

"You know, you really had me worried for a minute. I really don't know what I would've done if I had lost you."

He grabbed my hand and held it. "It's OK, bro. I'm here. And thanks to you, I'm not going anywhere."

I looked at our intertwined hands and smiled. "You know, this is kind of weird."

"Oh. Sorry"; he responded. He tried to let go of my hand, but I wouldn't let him. He looked genuinely confused.

"Listen"; I started. "The last week has been absolutely crazy. I mean, I turn 16. I get attacked by a demon. I find out that I'm a witch. And the two people I hang around with on a daily basis were really my brothers. Plus..."; I stopped.

"Plus what?"

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I finally admitted to myself how much you mean to me."

He smiled a little bit. But, the smile didn't last long. "Too bad it was too little, too late, I guess."

Then, to his and even my surprise, I grabbed his chin and kissed him. It was passionate. It was sexy. It was meant to be.

He pulled away and said, "What happened to "we're brothers" and "we can't do this"?"

I looked at him and smiled. "Chris, I loved you before I found out you were my brother. And yes, I'm still a little freaked at these feelings I have for you. But, if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that time changes everything. And I don't want to go another day without being able to kiss you."

He looked at me and smiled.

"What about everyone else? How will they feel about this?"

"Actually"; I said, "Right now, they're the last thing on my mind."

"I know."

"I know you know. Come on. You can read my thoughts. I'm not stupid."

Chris giggled. "Oops. Figured it out, huh?"

I laughed a bit. "Yeah. But, as for them, I don't know how they'll take it. But for right now, let's just work on us and see what happens. If you still want this, then I'm for it."

He smiled at me and moved towards me to kiss again; but I stopped him.

"What is it?"; he asked.

"One more thing. As of this point in time, you are never allowed to call me "bro" ever again."

Chris nodded and laughed. We kissed once more and I don't even remember how long it lasted. I could've been wrong, but I swore I could see orbs around us.

20 years into the future...

A young man came back home still confused and a little scared. As he walked in the door, he found some luggage on the side of it. His parents were back home.

He knocked on their bedroom door.

"Come in"; his father said.

He walked into the room and saw his dad lying on the bed with a smile.

"Hey, Dad"; he said as he walked to his dad and hugged him. "I'm glad you're back."

His dad hugged him tight. "Hey, Derek. You missed us, huh?"

"Yeah, a little. Where's..."

"Oh, in the bathroom", Derek's dad responded. "Someone really needed to use the bathroom after the long trip to your grandmother's."

"How was she doing?"

"Oh, she's great. Your other grandmother and your uncle were there, too. They asked about you. Wondered why you didn't come along with us."

"I know, I know"; responded Derek, smiling. "I needed to finish my paper, though. And after that, I had some cleaning to do."

"So, I noticed. You were that bored, huh?", came a voice behind him.

"Yeah. Hey Pops"; he said as he got up and hugged his other father. "Had a good time?"

"Where? In the bathroom?"

His dad looked at his husband from the bed. "Still a dorkus after all these years."

Derek couldn't help but laugh.

"It was OK"; his Pops said. "We argued a bit over the anniversary of our first kiss and all, but nothing too bad."

His Dad ran his fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair. He looked great for his age, but his Dad hated the fact that he was slightly gray. Pops' hair was still as jet-black, but that was only because he dyed it.

"Yeah"; said his Dad. "I had to remind him it was a week after his birthday, but he remembers it as that night."

Pops walked over to the bed and laid down next to his husband. "That's because that kiss didn't count! I pushed you away, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... but you seemed to like it all the same."

Derek stood up, "And that's my exit to leave. Love you guys and glad you're back." As he walked away, he looked back at his parents, Pop's in Dad's arms, laughing and kissing him. They were still so much in love after all these years.

"Good night, son"; said Derek's dad.

"Yep. Love you son"; said his Pops.

As Derek walked out the room, he walked past the picture on the table.

And it looked just as great as it always had did. He picked it up and looked back at the smiling faces in the picture. His grandmother laughing at his two fathers and his uncle. He ran his hand across the gleaming faces in the picture and smiled back.

"Gotta love family"; he said as he put the picture back down and went into his room.


Next: Chapter 5

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