Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Jan 9, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 2: "Welcome To The Family"

As we all walked back to the Halliwell manor, I was a bit more than freaked. Wyatt and Mom were talking silently and Chris and I were still hand in hand. He hadn't let it go since I did that weird freeze thing in the kitchen of my house.

I looked at him and said, "You know, you can let go of my hand now."

He looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. "I know I can. I choose not to. This is something that I've wanted to do for a while now." He looked at me, eyes filled with emotion.

"Damn", I thought. "Just add to the confusion, why don't you?"

"What do you mean? Why are you confused?" Chris replied.

"What?" I said. "Did you just hear that? Chris, bro, what is going on?" I stammered.

Before he could reply, we reached the Halliwell's. The door was open, like the family knew they were expecting company. When we walked in, the corridor was a mess. The table in the center was broken and the glass from the vase that sat on it was shattered, sending roses everywhere. Mama Piper and Papa Leo were cleaning up the mess. Mama P looked up and saw us all walk in.

"Hey everyone. What's going on?" she asked. She began to walk toward us and shuffled us into the living room, as if she was trying to distract us from the mess in the corridor.

Wyatt stopped her. "Mom. Something's happened."

She looked directly at me. It was then that every inch of emotion that I had been holding back since the attack at Mom's rushed into me. I started to weep instantly. It was only then that Chris let go of my hand and Mama P rushed towards me.

She held me and ran her hand through the back of my hair. She instantly began to get upset. "What's going on, here? Chris? Wyatt?"

They both looked towards my mom. She stepped up and simply said, "Hey, Piper. It's time." I knew something was up, even through the rage of emotion running through me. Mom only called Mama P by her full name when something big was up. Usually, she just called her "Pipe".

I thought, "Whatever's going on, this isn't going to be as simple as having something fixed."

Chris gave me an odd look, then smiled. The smile relaxed me a bit. But, just a bit.

Mama Piper looked at my mom. "Wow, Mandy. And today of all days, too." She looked at me and said, "Baby, have a seat. I need to get Phoebe and Paige here for this."

I looked up at her through the leftover tears. "What's going on? Did I do something bad? Why do Aunt Pheebs and Aunt Paige need to be here for this?"

She gently lifted my chin and looked at me with calming eyes. "No, sweetie. You did nothing wrong. This is just a family matter. They need to be here for this." She looked at Wyatt. "Sweetie, I need you to go to Magic School and get your dad. He needs to be here for this as well."

Magic School? What was that?

Wyatt hugged his mom, then me. "It's going to be alright, I promise, Pete. I'll be back as soon as possible." OK, I was really scared. Wyatt hugging me, showing emotion? Something big was going on. Suddenly, Wyatt started to glow, just like before, completely covered in those little white stars before he suddenly disappeared.

I looked at Mama Piper and before I could freak out again, she told me, "I know, baby. It's OK. Everything will be explained to you, I promise. Just try to calm down."

"He just disappeared, Mama. Turned into lights and disappeared! How do you expect me to calm down?"

Chris sat beside me on the couch and grabbed my hand once more. He looked at his mother and she smiled back at him. Great. More confusion. I didn't let his hand go.

"Peter," he started. "I know how scared you are right now. But, you also know that we all love you and would never let anything happen to you, right?"

I looked into Chris' eyes and the impact of his soulful look made every inch of harshness inside me melt. I knew I was going to be OK. I nodded my approval and Chris smiled.

Phoebe and Paige glowed into the room. Aunt Pheebs looked at me and tried to cover.

"Um...oh...Pete, babes...what you just saw..."

Mama P responded, "It's OK, Phoebe. It's time."

I looked at Mama P and she gave me a reassuring smile.

"So much for a happy birthday, huh?" said Paige.

I looked at her and managed a slight giggle.

"Who says it still can't be happy?" Aunt Pheebs added. "Just because his life is about to change doesn't mean it can't be as great. Just a little different."

"Whoa... wait", I started. I let go of Chris' hand and stood up. "My life is about to change? What?"

It was then that Wyatt came back with Papa Leo. Papas Leo was wearing this weird robe like something straight out of Hogwart's. He looked at me and smiled slightly. I couldn't say anything back. I was still stuck on the "life changing" comment.

Chris pulled me back to the couch and grabbed my hand again. Everybody looked at me and it quieted the room.

Piper sat down on the chair in front of us, next to Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige. They looked at each other, silently deciding who would make the first move. Mama P started.

"Baby, there's a lot about this family that you don't know."

"Come on!" I said. "I've been around all of you guys all of my life. I thought I knew everything about you. Until everyone started glowing and healing and stuff."

"Actually," Aunt Pheebs stated, "not everyone can do that."

Paige chimed in. "Aren't you getting ahead of yourselves?"

Piper continued. "Yeah. Paige is right. Look, baby. The thing that you came across..." She looked at Wyatt and Chris. "What was the thing they came across?"

Mom intercepted, "It was a demon, Piper."

My eyes widened. "A demon? It looked like a man to me. A man with black eyes."

"Yeah. I know it's confusing", Mama Piper continued. "But, that was a demon. Demons aren't all monster-ish and huge. They usually can look like you and I, but with odd features. Black eyes. Weird ridges on their skin."

"Oddly placed tattoos?" I asked.

"Exactly. Trying to be fashionable, I guess." she said. "Anyway, there are many demons in the world. They attack humans for multiple reasons. Sometimes to kill; sometimes to convert them into other demons. But, usually, they go after humans with special skills."

I was in disbelief. "Special skills like what?"

Phoebe chimed in. "Um... telekinesis, freezing time, people who have premonitions..."

Wyatt walked behind the sisters. "People who can create human icicles."

Chris continued, "People like us."

I looked back at him. "What kind of people are you referring to?"

Leo answered that for me. "Witches."

I looked at everyone in the room, then at my mom. "We're witches, babe. All of us."

I let go of Chris' hand again and stood up. "Witches? Actual witches? You mean like, pointed hats; warts on their chin; flying on brooms. Those types of witches?"

Aunt Pheebs started to giggle; "Funny story about that, actually." I looked directly at her and the laughs subsided. "OK. Not so funny right now, obviously."

I walked around the room and looked at everyone individually, then began to pace a bit. "So, let me get this straight. Witches fight demons in some sort of epic battle of good against evil?"

Mama P said, "Actually, in a nutshell, yes."

I stopped pacing and looked at Mama P and started to laugh.

"Baby, why are you laughing?"

"Because you've all obviously lost it."

Wyatt walked to me, "Excuse me? We're quite sane, thank you."

I continued to laugh and looked around the room, expecting it all to be a big joke. No one else was laughing. In fact, some looked worried. Wyatt looked pissed.

It stopped my laughing. "Oh, my God. You're serious, aren't you?"

Chris walked up to me. "Yeah, bro. We're serious. We're witches... and so are you."

I couldn't even form words. There was so much swimming around in my head. Demons. Freezing people. Premonitions. Witches. Witches. All witches. I just walked back to the couch and sat back on it, lost in thought.

I said to no one in particular, "Why did no one ever tell me this? That I'm a... witch? Warlock?"

Mama P quickly responded, "No, sweetie. Warlocks are evil." I started to speak and she stopped me, "Yes, I know. Males are usually known as warlocks, but most of that is myth. Warlocks are considered evil in the magical community."

I asked, with impending fear, "So, does that mean I'm... that Chris and Wyatt are..." I looked directly at Wyatt and Chris.

Leo started in, "No, son. You're not evil and neither are Wyatt and Chris. You were all born into families of powerful, good witches. It's just a matter of nouns not being placed into masculine for feminine forms. It's confusing, I know, but at the end of the day, you're all witches."

Mama P continued, "The next line of the Charmed Ones, actually."

"Whoa, wait"; I started. "The Charmed Ones? What is that?"

"The most powerful line of witches, actually. They are all members of the Halliwell bloodline. It used to be girls, until the union of a witch and a White Lighter changed all that."

I started to speak and Papa Leo intercepted. "A White Lighter is sort of a guardian angel to witches. He or she watches over young witches to help guide their way into the craft."

Paige continued, "They're supposed to guide, but never interfere in a witch's personal lives. But, you can't change fate and sometimes... they sort of... fall in love."

Then Aunt Pheebs continued for her. "And get married."

Then Chris. "And have children".

I looked at Leo; "You're a White Lighter, aren't you?"

Papa walked to me; "I used to be. It's a long story. I'll explain it to you later. For now, all you need to know is I used to watch over the Charmed Ones as their White Lighter, I fell in love with your Mama and we had Wyatt and Chris."

I asked, "Does this happen a lot? That a guardian angel falls in love with what it's supposed to be protecting? Sounds like "City of Angels" in real life."

Chris countered, "Such a dorkus. Got to bring up movies in real life."

It eased the air a little bit and caused everyone to giggle a bit. Mama P continued. "Actually, it's strictly forbidden by bosses of the White Lighters, known as Elders. I'll explain what they are later, baby."

I nodded.

She kept on, "Actually, it has happened a bit. 3 times to my knowledge and all of the consummations of those relationships are in this room."

Aunt Paige said, "One."

Chris and Wyatt said, "Two."

And when no one else chimed in afterwards, I said very softly, "Three."

Mom walked to me. "Yes, baby. You're part White Lighter as well. Your dad and I were caught by the Elders and he was assigned to another charge."

I looked at her with sadness. "I thought you said Dad died a long time ago."

She continued, "He did, sweetie. While White Lighters are impervious to harm, they can choose to be human. One day..." She broke off and started to cry a little... I held her hand. "Thanks, baby. Your dad decided he loved me too much to not be with me. He had his wings clipped, so to speak, and chose to be human and be with me."

"Like "City of Angels"."

She smiled, "Yes, sweetie. Just like it. Anyway, I got pregnant with you before he became human, which explains why you're part White Lighter, just like your Aunt Paige, Wyatt and Chris."

I looked at the 3 of them and they smiled at me.

"Well, before that, Walter, your dad, was taken away from me by the Elders because of the relationship. I was so hurt and sad and depressed. I cast a spell to find a witch who may have been through a similar situation of falling in love with their White Lighter."

I looked at Mama P. "That's how you met, wasn't it? She found you."

Mama P walked towards me, "Yep. And to tell you the truth, at first, I thought she was a demon. I started to attack her before I realized that my powers weren't working on her."

I was confused.

"Oh," Mom said, "A witch's power cannot be used against a sister..."

Wyatt intercepted, "Or brother..."

Mom giggled and continued, "Or brother witch. Anyway, I started to explain what had happened and what I had done and we started talking. We instantly bonded. We had a lot in common. Our White Lighters. The fact that we both lost a sister fighting demons."

I spoke, "Aunt Wanda and Aunt Prue".

Mama P nodded sadly. Leo walked to her and held her hand.

"So", Mom began again, "We became quick friends and she introduced me to Paige, Phoebe and Leo. It was so weird, but we all clicked. It was about a month before Walter found his way back to me. He was human, but still the same Walter. He gave up his powers for me. About a month later, I found out I was pregnant with you, which was a miracle in itself."

I nodded. "I know. You weren't supposed to be able to conceive."

Mama Piper chimed in, "She found out she was pregnant not too long after I gave birth to Chris. It brought me and your mother even closer."

Mom sighed. "But, you were a miracle and I was so happy. I promised I would do all I could to keep you safe. But, I was still a witch and demons were after me all of the time; even more so because of my pregnancy. So, that's when your Mama Piper and her sisters started to help me on our battles." She started to cry harder then and I was confused. Mama Piper walked to her and patted her shoulders, although a bit teary-eyed herself.

"It's OK, Mandy. I'll finish it." She walked around the couch and sat next to me, leaving me between the two of them. "During one battle against this really nasty demon, Phoebe, Paige and I were distracted and they cornered your Mom and Dad. Yep, even though he wasn't a White Lighter anymore and didn't have any powers, he made sure she always had back up during a fight, even if he couldn't do much. And he surprised us all on a constant basis. Never complained or seem scared. He always held his own during fights. Plus, he made a chocolate cake that I still can't master."

I knew she set in that little joke because something bad was coming, but I smiled at it anyway. She seemed a little relieved.

"So, this demon tossed your mom into a wall or something and she went down. Your dad went after the demon and he...was killed instantly."

I looked at Mom and started to shed even more tears. Once again, Chris walked to me and held my hand. After a minute or two, I responded, "You've been doing that a lot lately."

He smiled, although a little teary-eyed as well, "Like I said before, it's something I've been waiting to do."

This time, I had to say it. "OK, dude. What are you talking about? You've been waiting to hold my hand?"

Wyatt walked up, "I think it's time for me to continue from where Mom left off. So, after the demon was killed, your mom had to be taken to the hospital. Usually, a White Lighter can heal it's charge, but since your Dad was no longer one and gone and our Dad wasn't around as much, there wasn't much anyone could do. The only options were to have you way too prematurely or have an abortion. Your mom refused to do either. And that's when the idea popped up."

I looked at my mom. "What idea?"

Phoebe chimed in. "Years ago, I was with someone who I'll tell you about later."

I looked at her, "There are too many "I'll tell you laters" going on."

Phoebe responded, "I know, but right now, they're not important to what's going on. So, anyway, I was with someone who got me pregnant. Unknown to me, this person was a demon."

Paige cleared her throat sarcastically.

Phoebe looked at her. "Shush". Then back to me. "Anyway, I was being used to create an heir for this person and then kidnapped by a demon called The Seer. She wanted to have this baby for herself to make herself more powerful. She cast a spell that allowed her to bring the baby into her own body; therefore making her the baby's mother."

I was confused once again; "I don't get it."

Mom spoke up. "After much consideration and talking, I decided that I still wanted to have you, but not prematurely. You weren't even 4 months yet and I couldn't lose you. So Piper came up with the idea."

Mama P continued, "That I would cast a spell that would allow either me or one of my sisters to carry you to term."

"After what I went through with Cole and our baby..." started Aunt Phoebe.

"Cole?"; I asked

"The demon"; answered Aunt Paige. Aunt Pheebs gave her a look and continued. "Anyway, after all of that, I just couldn't do that again. Too many bad memories."

"And I didn't do it because I knew that Henry wouldn't understand." stated Aunt Paige.

"Which of course, only left one person"; said Mama Piper as she walked to me.

I stood up again, "Are you telling me...?"

Mama Piper grabbed my hands. "Yes, baby. I decided to be the one to conceive you. In another sense, you're also my son."


Next: Chapter 3

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