Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Nov 24, 2007


Forever Charmed

Chapter 12: Consumed By A Stranger

"It's not safe for you to go back to the future now, Noah."

"If I stay here any longer, it might not be safe for me, either. Believe me."

Noah had summoned Layla, the Elder. He desperately wanted to return to his time; to a place where people understood him, to his mundane life of school and his fathers; but most of all, to his boyfriend, Matty.

"It seems that all of your problems are superficial. If you took the time to relax and fit in, it wouldn't be so bad"; Layla said.

"I've tried to fit in"; Noah responded, sitting on the couch in the attic. "And I know it seems juvenile, but the more I try, the more I seemed to be pushed further away. Besides, Wyatt, Pete and Chris... they can do for themselves. I've seen them in battle. Also... I just didn't think actually being around them would be this..."

"Difficult"; Layla chimed in with a smile.

"Try weird"; Noah corrected.

Layla walked toward Noah and held his hand. "I know this is an uneasy situation for you to be in, but believe me when I say you're needed here. Without you, the future you hold dear may never come into fruition."

"I understand"; Noah said with a frown. "It doesn't make me miss home any less, though."

"I'm sure it doesn't. Just remembered you are loved and cared for here, even if it doesn't seem that way right now."

Noah nodded.

"Now, please. I must go now, Noah. Is there anything else?"

"I guess not"; he muttered. "Can I at least see them... just for a second?"

"It wasn't easy to bring you here, Noah. I can't just bend time at my will or at yours. I'm sorry."

Noah walked back toward the couch. "It was worth a shot."

"I suppose so"; Layla said. "Blessed be."

Before he could think of something else to say, Layla was gone.

"I thought I heard something from up here"; came the voice from Paige, who entered the attic as Layla left. "Were you talking to someone?"

"No, Aunt Paige"; Noah responded. "I was here... oh shit."

Paige stood there for a second, stunned. "Aunt Paige?"

Noah stood up quickly. "I didn't mean that... I meant... watch out. There's an ant, Paige."

"That's not even close to what you said"; Paige responded, hands on her hips. "Oh, my God. You're one of Piper's kids, aren't you? I swear to God; she's still popping out kids at this age...."

"Look"; Noah said. "Piper is not my mom, OK? That's all I can say."

"She's not"; Paige questioned. "Wait. Does that mean..."

"No. Phoebe isn't my mother, either. Look. It really was a slip of the tongue. I'm sorry. I better go." Noah started to head toward the door when Paige grabbed his arm.

"Wait a second"; Paige said. "You're not going..."

Noah took the chance to orb away. Paige was one step ahead of him and grabbed him before he could.

"How did you do that"; he asked as he came back into view.

"I'm half-White Lighter. I know the tricks of the trade. Also, someone else tried to do that once... and got their ass kicked in the process."

Noah sighed and sat down.

"Now I'm going to ask you one more time... what did you mean when you called me Aunt Paige?"

Noah started to speak, but Paige raised her hand.

"And let me remind you: I have ways of getting what I want. And I can tell when you're lying."

Noah, finally defeated, sighed once more and gave in.

"I guess you can; being married to a cop and all. Well, retired now."

"Henry's not retired"; Paige said, confused. "He just got promoted."

"Not from where I'm from. He just retired from the force. Got the whole stop watch and everything."

Paige sat down next to him.

"We had this huge party for him."

"We"; Paige asked.

"Yeah, the family."

"So, you are related to us?"

"Yep." Paige smiled and hugged him.

"Wow"; she said as she separated from him. "I have another relative... although I'm still not too sure on how."

"You seem to be taking this really well"; Noah replied with a smile.

"Well, this isn't the first time this has happened."

"What do you mean"; Noah asked.

"Uh, uh. Your story first, then mine."

Noah took a deep breath before replying. "OK. You asked for it."

"I guess with all of the stress around us"; Mama Piper started, "we haven't really had a chance to sit down and talk lately."

"I guess not"; I replied, sitting at the table having a cup of coffee. It was early in the morning on a Sunday. No one else was awake yet.

"I miss our little secret conversations"; Mama Piper said with a smile.

"So do I"; I replied, expressing a similar expression.

"So, anything you want to talk about, baby"; she asked.

I thought for a second before replying. "No. For once, other than the demons and this whole witch thing, everything seems to be OK."

"You are aware you probably just jinxed the heck out of us, right"; she commented.

I looked around to make sure the roof didn't collapse on us. "Everything's still all right"; I replied with a smile. She sighed and smiled, for once seeming to be as relaxed as I was.

"Speaking of this "witch thing"; how are you adjusting to everything? I know we put a lot on you really quickly."

"That's the understatement of the year, you know"; I added. She replied by smacking me on the arm.

"Jeez, what's it with Halliwells getting their points across by hitting"; I asked jokingly. "Seriously, yeah. It was tough, but everything's OK. Training's kind of crazy, but what isn't nowadays? My schoolwork hasn't been affected, I've got two families who love me unconditionally and my two best friends are actually my brothers. Life is good."

"I'm really glad to hear that, baby"; Mama Piper said as she lifted her coffee cup to her lips. "And what about... well, your love life?"

"What"; I said, nearly choking on my coffee.

"Do you have your eye on anyone special? Some cute guy at school, maybe?" "Mama"; I said, fully embarrassed.

"Mama what? I'm allowed to be nosy! Isn't that what mothers do?"

"Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing." Deep inside, I was breathing a sigh of relief. If only she knew how my love life really was.

Luckily, Wyatt walked into the kitchen, ending all conversation of my love life.

"Good morning"; he said with a smile, heading toward the coffee maker.

"Good morning"; Mama said, tapping her cheek. Wyatt made a quick detour to kiss Mama Piper, then headed back to the coffee maker.

"Someone's up early for a Sunday"; I replied.

"Yeah... well, I guess I wasn't that tired"; Wyatt commented.

"If that's the case, why are you headed for the caffeine"; I asked as Wyatt grabbed a mug. He stopped dead in his tracks.

"And since when do you drink coffee"; Mama Piper added. "You get the shakes if you drink too much Pepsi."

"All right, Mom. Don't freak out."

"Yes, Wyatt. Because the first thing to do is not freak out when you tell me not to."

"Relax, Mom. I have a friend staying over. That's all."

"A friend"; Mama said. "What kind of friend?"

"Just a friend"; Wyatt replied. "If you want to meet him, I can bring him down there. But promise me, you won't give him the third degree. He's going through some stuff right now."

"I'm not sure if you're in any position to tell anyone not to question someone who you couldn't have the courtesy to tell me was staying here in the first place."

"Mom"; Wyatt said as he made his way toward her, "it was unexpected. Like I said, he's going through some things and he needed a friend to be there for him. That's all it was. Nothing else happened. He came over yesterday morning..."

"Yesterday morning"; Mama and I both said.

"Yes, we went out to get something to eat, hung out for the day and he stayed over because he didn't want to go home. He called his Dad to let him know everything was OK and he went to sleep. That's it."

Mama Piper seemed pretty steamed by the beginning of the conversation, but relaxed by the time Wyatt had stopped speaking.

With a sigh, she replied, "OK. But, I still want to meet him. Get him down here."

Wyatt gave her a smile. I looked at Wyatt, wondering whom he was talking about. He stuck his tongue out at me, so I swatted him with the morning paper, before he ran back upstairs. Mama walked back to the table and sat down next to me.

"I guess this meeting of the Halliwell-Heskith union has come to a close"; she said a bit sadly.

"It's OK. I can talk to you anytime."

"As long as you know that"; she responded a bit more positively.

"Just as long as my love life doesn't come into play." She gave me a look and I had to laugh.

"Do you know of this friend Wyatt's talking about?"

"No idea."

We didn't need to wait any longer. Wyatt entered the kitchen with... his friend.

"Mom"; he said, "this is Caleb Austin. Caleb, this is my mom, Piper Halliwell."

Mama held out her hand for Caleb to shake. "Nice to meet you, Caleb."

Caleb accepted and smiled. "Nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Halliwell."

I held up a hand as a warning. "Don't call her that. Trust me."

Mama laughed. "It's fine. He can call me Mrs. Halliwell. By the way, do you know Peter?"

"I do"; he replied. "Hey Pete."

"Hey, Caleb. You OK?"

He gave me a shrug and smiled. "As well as can be expected. I'm just kind of... stressing out about things a bit. I think I just needed a break for a while."

"Really"; Mama Piper said. "It's never a good idea to run away from your problems, you know. They always come back after you."

"Sometimes, all you can do is run"; Caleb replied sadly. Mama gave me a look, but even I was confused.

"I'm sorry"; Caleb said. "It's just... a long and very odd story. If it's OK, I'd rather not get into it."

"You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to"; Wyatt threw in, giving Mama Piper a look; one that clearly said "Back off."

She got the hint. "Of course you don't have to speak about it, Caleb. Take your time with it."

"I hope I'm not getting Wyatt in any trouble by being here. If so, I can go."

"Calm down"; Mama replied with a smile. "It's no problem at all. You can hang around today if you'd like."

"Thanks"; Caleb said as he got his coffee from Wyatt.

"I would just like to speak to your parents personally, just to let them know you're here."

"Well... my mom is dead"; Caleb replied.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that"; Mama Piper commented. "And your father?"

"He's working today, but I can have him give you a call if that's OK."

"That's fine with me, Caleb"; Mama answered. "As long as I can speak with him."

Caleb gave her a smile. "Wyatt, I'm gonna go back upstairs and lie down a bit. Is that OK, Mrs. Halliwell?"

"It's fine. Wyatt, leave the door open."

"Mom"; Wyatt said through gritted teeth. "We're not doing anything!"

"I'm guessing your Mom knows about..."; Caleb started to say.

"Yep, she knows I'm bi"; Wyatt responded with embarrassment. "No sweat there."

"That's not what I meant"; Caleb answered. "I was talking about us."

"What about you two"; Mama Piper asked, standing up to face Wyatt.

"Nothing, Mom. We're going. Now." He grabbed Caleb by the arm and walked quickly toward his bedroom.

"Nice to meet you"; Caleb shouted out while being dragged away.

Once again, Mama Piper gave me a look, this one saying to "spill it."

"It's none of my business. I am staying out of this"; I answered. I grabbed my coffee, kissed her on the cheek and headed off myself.

"I'm unable to sense him, sir"; said the demon known as Liam.

"Unable"; yelled Pascal. "Drage has been missing for days and the best you can give me is, "I'm unable to sense him?""

"I apologize, my lord"; Liam replied as he slowly backed away.

"What kind of a Zotar demon are you?!"

"Sir"; Liam said, still backing away, "It is possible that Drage is in his human guise. That would make it impossible to locate him, would it not?"

"It shouldn't at all"; Pascal replied. "It is only a spell to make him appear human. You should be able to sense him just as well."

"I don't understand why..."

Before Liam had a chance to finish his sentence, Drage arrived in the Underworld.

"What is going on here"; he asked, while appearing as his true self.

"Where have you been"; Pascal asked, walking up to face Drage. "You've been missing for two days!"

"I'm sorry if I worried you"; Drage said, obviously not meaning the sentiment. "I had things to do."

"Well, if my services are no longer needed"; Liam said... before Pascal turned around and shot a black bolt toward him, hitting the wall beside him.

"As you can see, I'm in the middle of a conversation. If you cherish your life, you will hold off of conversations for your payment. Now, shut up."

"Was that really needed"; Drage asked, leaning against a wall, lighting a cigarette.

"Do not change the subject"; Pascal yelled, once again walking up to Drage. "Where have you been?"

"Like I said"; Drage stated, walking away from Pascal once more, "I had things to do. Or do you want me to fail in this assignment?"

"I don't know what has happened to you lately"; Pascal stated, "but I am not liking it."

"Sorry to hear that"; Drage said. "But even you should agree that this take precedence. You want me to infiltrate the Charmed Ones... and that is what I'm doing."

Pascal gave Drage an odd look, but said nothing. Drage sighed and changed back into Caleb.

"What are you doing"; Pascal asked. "You've only just arrived."

"Yes. And I don't feel like staying."

"Fine, then go. Play around with those humans you long to be with."

"Interesting... how a couple of days ago, you.... longed to be with this demon in sheep's clothing, so to speak. At least I am not a hypocrite, Pascal."

Pascal looked at Drage for another moment before turning away.

"Mope and complain as much as you please. I'm going." Without saying another word, Drage shimmered away.

Pascal stood motionless for a moment, before realizing he wasn't alone. Liam was still lingering in the corner, cowering with fear and kneeling on the floor.

"Stand, Liam"; Pascal said as he walked toward him. "I am going to give you a reprieve on your life. Just this once."

"Oh"; Liam said, rising to his feet. "Thank you, my Lord. I promise I will not fail you again."

"No, you will not"; Pascal said. "I have another job for you to do."

"Was that Caleb I saw in Wyatt's room"; Chris said as I entered his room after the interesting events that occurred in the kitchen.

"That it was"; I said as I made my way to the chair next to his desk. "Apparently, he slept over last night."

"Slept over"; Chris repeated as he sat up. "Since when do ex-boyfriends sleep at each other's houses?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. He just got back from going home to change his clothes. Mama nearly had a fit when she found out he was here without Wyatt telling her first."

"Did she really"; Chris replied with a smile.

"Yeah. I think she picked up on the fact that Wyatt and Caleb were more than friends."

Chris let out a laugh, but I gave him a look.

"Come on. You have to admit it's kind of funny."


"With all of the whole, "I'm bisexual" shit he pulls, it's funny that his relationship got pulled into the open first, but we're still pretty much in the clear."

I moved from the chair to the bed with Chris.

"I guess so."

"Hey"; he said as he moved and put his arms around me. "You know I would love to come out and tell everyone how happy I am that I'm with you. But, it's not the most normal of relationships."

I sighed and leaned into his embrace. "I know it isn't. You know, Mama asked me if I was with anyone special."

"Ah"; Chris said as he pulled me back on the bed and laid me down before doing the same. "So, that's where this is all coming from."

"I know that when we started this"; I replied while laying on his chest, "it wasn't like we could tell the world, but I just wish I could tell someone else how happy we are."

"Wyatt and Caleb know. And of course, you and I know. That makes four people right there."

"Smart-ass"; I said with a laugh, while moving for his hand and clasping it in mine. "I guess that will have to do for now."

"You know"; Chris said, "we did just get back together. I'm not sure we should be having this serious of a conversation now."

I climbed on top of him and licked my lips. "And what exactly should we be doing?"

Chris grabbed my head and brought it down to his and started to attack my tongue with his. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled it lightly, causing him to moan a bit. He bit my bottom lip lightly before sucking it into his mouth and continuing to kiss me. My heart was beating a mile a minute, due to my excitement. I could hear it thumping against my skin. I started to grind into Chris and he mimicked my actions.

"Am I interrupting something here?"

I stopped kissing him immediately and looked toward the door... where Aunt Paige stood. That "thumping" obviously wasn't me after all.

"So, Chris"; she said with her hands on her hips, "care to lie to me again about how there's nothing going on between you and Pete?"

I thought about orbing away at that point.

"One person tried to orb away from me today"; she said. "And it didn't do him any good."

So much for that plan.

"So, it's really no problem if I stay over again"; Caleb asked Piper as she drove to the market.

"Well, it's Spring Break. I have no problem with it and your father had no problem with it either when we spoke. Just know for the next 24 hours, you're an honorary Halliwell."

Caleb smiled and replied, "Thanks. That's really sweet."

"Don't take it that way"; Wyatt said as Piper pulled into a parking space. "It means you're helping out with dishes and cleaning."

"So, I guess you figured that out, huh"; she replied as she took off her seat belt.

"OK, so Wyatt, you have part of the list. Caleb will go with you to help out."

"No problem, Mrs. Halliwell."

Piper gave him a smile as they all separated and entered the market.

"Your mom's really nice"; Caleb said as they headed to the produce department.

"She can be... when she's up to something."

"What makes you think that she's up to something"; Caleb asked. "Isn't it a mom's job to be concerned about things when it comes to their kids?"

"I suppose so"; Wyatt said, grabbing some tomatoes and lettuce. "Sometimes, it just feels like it's a little nit-picky."

Caleb shrugged and continued to follow Wyatt.

"So, when am I going to meet your dad"; Wyatt asked. "You've already met my family."

"My dad's... kind of intense"; Caleb answered as he grabbed some milk. "Almost evil, I guess."

"And you tell me I'm too harsh with my mom."

"I'm serious"; Caleb said with a bit of a smile. "I don't deal with him unless I have to."

"Must be weird, considering you live together."

"Trust me. It's a forced arrangement."

Wyatt frowned a bit from Caleb's comments. Caleb saw this and grabbed Wyatt's hand.

"It's fine, babe. You get used to it. Besides, I have other family members and friends, you know... and I have you."

Wyatt's expression changed immediately. He smiled and Caleb gave him a quick kiss.

"You do remember we're in public. In a supermarket, no less."

"So"; Caleb replied. "All I did was kiss you. Besides, who's going to catch us?"

The person clearing her throat sarcastically behind them let them know they weren't alone. Wyatt dropped a box of cereal in surprise.

"Mom"; he exclaimed and gave her a big smile. "Where... where did you come from"; he asked while running his hands through his hair. "Oh, look. Laundry detergent; buy one, get one half-off."

"Nice try"; she said.

"Are you mad at us"; Caleb asked, not looking her in the eye. She took her hand and raised his chin to look directly at him.

"Not at all"; she said with a smile. "Wyatt did tell me about his sexuality, so I'm not surprised."

"But he didn't tell you about me, did he"; Caleb added, giving Wyatt a stern look.

Wyatt shrugged with an innocent look, but Caleb didn't buy it.

"He didn't, but it's OK that he's seeing someone."

"Sorry, Mom"; Wyatt said. "I didn't mean to keep this secret from you."

"It's not a problem. But... we will all be having a conversation when we get home. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am"; they both replied.

"Good. Now, we still have some more things to get. Follow me."

Piper walked ahead of the boys. They placed their items in her cart and walked behind her.

"Did I just get you in trouble"; Caleb whispered as he leaned into Wyatt.

"It's fine, Caleb. No sweat, OK?" He gave him and wink and Caleb smiled.

"Um, Caleb"; Piper said while stopping for a second. "Do you know him?"

Caleb looked in the direction Piper was referring to. In the corner of an aisle stood another young man, attempting not to be obvious in his staring, but not doing too well at being inconspicuous.

"I don't think so"; Caleb replied.

"Well, he's been looking at you for a while"; Piper said. "Are you sure you don't know him?"

"Um, Mom"; Wyatt replied, "I think Caleb's being "cruised.""

"Cruised"; both Caleb and Piper asked.

"Never mind"; Wyatt replied. By the time Caleb looked again, the young man was walking out of the store.

"That was weird"; Caleb said.

"As is most of the world"; Piper replied. "Come on. We're almost done."

Caleb and Wyatt continued to follow... while Caleb continued to act as if he had no idea who the "stranger" was.

"You could've just told me"; Aunt Paige said as the three of us sat in the kitchen.

"And how exactly would we have started the conversation"; Chris asked. "Oh, hi, Aunt Paige. Guess what? My brother happens to be my boyfriend?"

"It's not like it's the easiest thing to admit to"; I continued. "I mean, I know you sort of knew there was some other kind of connection between us. Chris told me so."

"Yes, I did know. But... I didn't know how far it had gotten or how far it was going. It is still going, right?"

Chris held my hand in response.

"I guess it is"; Aunt Paige said as she sighed.

"Does this bother you"; Chris asked.

"No, guys. It worries me more than anything. I may be more open minded than everyone else will be."

"Well, no one outside of this house knows we're brothers"; I said. "We've made sure of that just in case one day, we both decide to come out as a couple." "Which is what I'm worried about"; Aunt Paige continued. "Everyone in this house knows you're brothers. I'm not sure that this relationship is going to be taken so lightly."

Even Chris had to admit she was right about that.

"With that being said"; she finished, "I'm not everyone in this house. And personally, if you're both happy, then I'm definitely happy for the both of you."

Chris and I both stood up and hugged Aunt Paige.

"Thanks for being so understanding"; Chris said.

"It means a lot to us"; I added.

"I love you guys"; she said as she let us both go. "Of course I'm gonna support you in anything you both do."

"This is a big anything to support"; I said. "My own mother doesn't even know I'm gay."

Aunt Paige gave me a weird look.

"Does she"; I asked, already knowing the answer.

"You should sit down"; Aunt Paige said. I did as I was told.

"I don't know how to say..."; she started.

"Just say it"; Chris said as he sat down next to me. She returned to her seat and sighed once more.

"We all know you're all gay or bisexual"; she admitted.

"How"; I asked, completely freaked out.

"It's a long and confusing story"; she said. "But yeah, we all know. And don't worry, we're all fine with it."

That calmed me down a little... but not too much.

"And... I kind of knew beforehand of you guys' relationship."

"We know that"; Chris said.

"Um... I meant.... right before I walked in on you two."

"How did you know?"

The reason she knew walked into the kitchen right then.

"Of course"; I said out loud to Noah. "You just couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut, could you?"

"It wasn't even like that"; Noah said. "She forced it out of me." "Forced it out"; Chris asked. "How did she force it out of you? Since you've been here, we haven't been able to get shit out of you, but she asks and you sing like a fucking canary?"

"Chris, look. It wasn't my fault."

"Really? Then explain it to us."

Noah looked down. "I can't say."

"Oh, come on"; I said, standing up and walking toward him. "It was so easy to spill to Aunt Paige. And it's not like you're telling us a different secret. Just tell us what you told her."

"I can't."

"Bullshit"; I yelled, slamming my hand on the counter. "Just open your fucking mouth and speak!"

"Calm down"; Aunt Paige said as she grabbed my arm. I didn't even hear her walk behind me. "He's telling the truth. I made him tell me... and he shouldn't have done that. The future might be jeopardized because of what I now know. Don't be upset with him."

"Why should I not be upset with him"; I responded. "He has messed up so much shit since the day he came here, especially between Chris and I. He makes these little snide comments. He constantly has something to say when it comes to my relationship. I think we're owed an explanation or two."

"Do you think it's so easy for me to be here"; Noah yelled while crying. "There's so many things I wish I could tell everyone. Why I'm here, what the future is like, even who I..."

"Who you what"; I screamed back.

"Who he really is"; Chris said, also behind me.

"You know what"; I commented, "I don't care who he is. Right now, I just wish he'd go away. Go home, go back to the future, wherever. Just stay the fuck away from me."

I started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Pete, I'm not a bad guy"; Noah said.

"If it walks and talks like a duck"; I threw back as I made my way out the door.

"Oh, God"; Paige said as she made her way to the table. "I really didn't mean for it to blow this out of proportion. Noah, I'm so sorry."

"Whatever"; he answered. "Another person in this house hates me. It's nothing new."

"No one hates you"; Chris replied. "We just don't know you yet. We're not too sure of your intentions."

"Haven't I proved myself enough"; Noah yelled. "I've fought demons with you, tried to be friends with you... and still, it's all shot to shit. I'm still seen as a bad guy." "You have to understand... you didn't exactly show up under the best of pretenses."

"I was brought here by a fucking Elder! But, I guess even if Prue Halliwell herself brought me here, I would still seem shady to all of you."

"How do you know about Aunt Prue?"

Noah sighed loudly and looked away.

"It's a long story"; Paige answered for him. "But trust me, he means well. Why don't you just give him a chance to show that?"

"He doesn't have to show me anything"; Chris replied.

"I think I already know where I stand with him and Peter"; Noah conceded.

Chris walked to Noah and smiled sympathetically.

"That's not what I meant, Noah. If there's anything I've learned recently, it's that people deserve second chances. And maybe we have been a bit too harsh on you."

"Talk about the understatement of the millennium."

"I'm trying to apologize here, you know."

"Sorry"; Noah answered. "My defenses are still up."

"I understand. But anyway, from this point on, how about we start on a clean slate between us? I'll even talk to Pete and get him to lighten up a bit. He's been a bit crazed around you lately and he definitely can pull back a bit. Deal?"

Chris held his hand out to shake.

"Would it be weird if I hugged you instead"; Noah asked.

"Um... I guess not."

Noah hugged Chris tightly for a while, before pulling back with a smile on his face.

It was then that they heard the front door open.

"That must be Piper"; Paige said.

"Damn, I can't let her see me like this"; Noah responded. "I can't answer any questions about why it looks like I've been crying hysterically."

"Well, maybe you should go upstairs"; Chris suggested.

"Nah, I got this. Sadness burns from inside my soul; clear my eyes, allow me to be in control."

Noah's eyes flashed before clearing up, removing all evidence of his tears.

"Where did you learn that spell"; Chris asked, seeming a bit confused. Before Noah could answer him...

"Is anyone going to help me with the groceries"; Piper asked, holding quite a few bags. "I figure if you're all going to be eating it..."

"I got it, Piper"; Noah responded as he went to help out.

"Can I come in"; Chris asked as he stood by the door.

"It's your room"; I replied as I laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He slowly made his way toward me.

"I know it is; I was just being courteous."

"No, you were just being nice, considering I'm in a mood right now."

"Same difference"; he added as he laid down next to me. I sighed and ran my hand over my head.

"Headache"; he asked.

"No. You know how I get when I'm like this. I just can't..."

"Can't what?"

I sat up and thought out my words. I didn't want to take my anger out on him.

"It's just Noah. There are just some things I can't stand about him."

Chris motioned for me to continue.

"Since the first day he's been here, he's always had some kind of barrier around him. It's like... no, I take that back. It is the fact that he parades around here like he knows some deep dark secrets about us, but we can't know anything about him. I just feel like I'm way too vulnerable around him... and that's a feeling I can definitely do without."

"I can understand where you're coming from, baby. But even with all of his secrets, you have to admit that he has been helping us out"; he replied.

"I'm not denying that"; I answered. "Yes, he has helped us. I'll give him that. But regardless, there's still something shady about him... and with what he's done now, I'm really not sure if I trust him or not. Hell, I'm not even sure if I like him or not."

Chris suddenly started to laugh. "OK, I totally get it now."

"Get what?"

"Whenever you get this way with someone, it's usually because you're more alike then you realize."

"More alike"; I repeated while sliding off the bed and standing up. "Please explain yourself, because I am nothing like that asshole."

Before Paige left, she spilled the beans on the argument. Whether Noah wanted them to know or not, Wyatt and Caleb were in on what occurred... of course, she left out the "magic stuff".

"It's a total personality clash"; Wyatt said as he placed the cereal boxes in the cupboard.

"I'm nothing like that asshole"; Noah responded as he placed some of the items away.

"Let's see"; Wyatt continued. "You both have short tempers, you laugh at the same dumb jokes and you have a habit of knowing what's wrong with a person without even telling them."

"That doesn't mean anything"; Noah added on. "Ooh... turn that song up!"

Wyatt turned up the small radio in the kitchen as a pop song played.

"What song is that"; Caleb asked as he helped Wyatt put some other things away, while moving out of the way of Noah's dancing.

"It's "Remember the Love" by Adriana Evans. Why?"

"Interesting"; Caleb replied. "Wasn't Pete blaring that song the other day?"

In the middle of a step, Noah turned around and shut off the radio. "Never mind. I thought it was a different song."

"Uh-huh"; Caleb and Wyatt said in unison.

"Fine. Let's say for the sake of the argument, that yes... maybe we are a bit alike."

"A bit"; Chris said. "Last week, I found you both dancing to that song I can't stand."

"Remember the Love?"

"Whatever it's called."

"Anyway, so what? We have similar choices in music."

"You eat the same foods, have the same attitudes and even dress alike."

"We do not"; I replied.

"You're wearing his shirt, for God's sake"; Chris said, pointing at it.

I looked down at the blue button-up I was wearing. "I thought this was mine."

"No, you didn't. I was there when you asked to borrow the shirt from him, remember?"

"Fine"; I said as I started to unbutton it. "He can have it back." Chris stood up and grabbed my hands.

"OK. Don't you think this is getting to a very immature point?"

I sighed and let go of the buttons. "Point taken, babe. But still... isn't there something about him that just... is a bit off?"

"No. I truly think that this is just in your head."

"Thanks for the support."

"Look"; Chris commented as he pulled me close. "I understand that he came in during a very crazy time in our lives. There was a lot of drama spinning all around us and he kind of fell smack in the middle of it."

I couldn't do anything but nod.

"But, he's not to blame for everything that goes on. You can't always place the blame on him when something goes wrong. Especially when it comes to us."

"Fine. But what about him "outing" us to Aunt Paige? What would've happened if she hadn't been so accepting? What if she would've run and told everyone else? What if..."

I tried to finish off what I was saying... but Chris' lips were in the way.

"Calmer now"; he asked once we parted. Again, all I could do was nod.

"Look. You've been around us long enough to know that when Aunt Paige sticks her claws in something, she's getting it, whether we want her to or not."

"That's true."

"And Noah hasn't budged at all when it comes to anything from the future. So, I'm pretty sure the only way he told Aunt Paige was by threatening or blackmail."

I couldn't help but smile. "Again, that's true."

"So... don't put all the blame on him. Noah really seems like an OK guy, despite his faults."

"That's kind of a run-around statement."

"What do you mean?"

"You want me to ease my attitude on him and yet, you're finding some kind of fault with him, just like I am. No offense, but it's a little hypocritical on your part."

"None taken, but trust me. It's nothing"; Chris said as he pulled away from me and sat on the bed. "Just take it a bit easier on him, OK, babe?"

I walked toward the door and locked it before making my way to the bed.

"What do you think you're doing"; Chris asked as I laid down next to him.

"Not what you're thinking, freak"; I answered. "Just learning from my mistakes. And OK... I'll be a little easier on him. If he stops acting like an asshole."


"OK, OK. Bitch mood over"; I said. "I really will try, though. Now... will you tell me what that thing was about?"

"What thing"; he asked as he put his arm around me and pulled himself closer to me.

"Despite his faults. Are you having some kind of problem with Noah?"

"No"; he said passively. "Just something he said earlier. It didn't bug me, it just made me think a bit. It's really nothing."

"If you say so"; I replied.

"I do."

He moved upwards and kissed me lightly, before moving back down and resting his head on my chest. I started to continue with the conversation, but instead, decided to let it drop and enjoy the moment.

"So, Liam, what did you see?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, my Lord"; he answered as Pascal stood in front of him. "He was with the Charmed one known as Wyatt and his mother, Piper. They were shopping for groceries."

"Shopping... how very... mundane."

"I suppose so, sir."

"And were you seen"; Pascal asked, bringing forth an energy ball nonchalantly. Liam began to shake in fear.

"Um.... sir... I tried my best, but... I was spotted by Cal... I mean, Drage."

"And his reaction to being spotted?"

"He didn't react at all, sir. He pretended as if he didn't know who I was. He just continued to walk with the Charmed ones."

"Interesting"; Pascal said as he walked to another corner. "Anything else I should know?"

"Sir... I may have been mistaken... I mean, it could've been someone else entirely..."

"Out with it!"

"I saw him kissing the Charmed one, my Lord."

Pascal froze in his place. "Kissing? Liam... are you sure of what you saw?"

"Um... um... yes, my Lord. Please don't kill me, sir."

A look of anger passed Pascal's face... before realization hit.

"I will not kill you, Liam. You did well." "Thank you, my Lord."

"But, I have another task for you to partake in."

"Anything you ask, sir. What is it?"

Pascal turned to face Liam; a look of deep revenge on his face.

"He wants to be around humans, does he? Well, more than one can play this game..."

"So, are you gonna tell me what happened with you two"; I asked Caleb as the four of us hung out living room: the two couples.

"I thought we were playing UNO"; he said as he put down a draw-four card for Wyatt.

"You suck"; Wyatt said as he reached for the deck.

"Did you suck well"; Chris asked jokingly, causing Wyatt to lose the grip on his cards.

"You're bad, babe"; I said.

"But you love me."

"What have I gotten myself into"; Caleb replied with a smile as he held back a laugh.

"Whatever we do is so none of your business"; Wyatt commented as he picked up the cards he dropped.

"Don't forget your other two cards"; Chris said, pointing to the deck. Admittedly defeated, Wyatt continued to pick up.

"And interesting how now that you're the one being grilled, it's suddenly none of our business. Remember, we promised each other we'd talk about everything."

"This is so not what I meant by that and you know it."

"This is exactly what you meant by that and you know it"; Chris replied.

"Fine, let it go, babe"; I sighed, full of fake sadness. "He's not going to give us any sordid details."

"There's really nothing sordid to tell"; Caleb added in. "I mean... there could've been... if someone hadn't fallen asleep."

"Wow"; Chris responded. "Caleb with the incriminating info. There may be hope for you yet."

"Caleb"; Wyatt exclaimed, "Ix-nay on the ornification-fay!"

"I think that's what he was just saying"; I joked.

"Ha, ha"; Wyatt dead-panned. "You're so going to get it for that. Draw four, asshole."

"I don't think so"; I said, throwing down a card. "Draw eight, babe." "Twelve"; Chris said as he threw down another card.

"Sorry, Wyatt"; Caleb said as he threw down another "draw four". "Oh... and UNO"; he added with a huge grin.

"Goddamn it"; Wyatt replied. "How many draw-fours are there? I never could win this game."

"Alright, so can I ask a question a bit more serious?"

"Sure you can, Pete"; Caleb said, "but it doesn't mean I'll answer it, though."

"Wyatt has taught you well."

"That he has."

"A couple of weeks ago, you were all shy... and now, look who's grown a pair."

"Keep his balls out of the convo, please"; Wyatt threw in. "And Chris... don't even think about it."

"Damn. You're such a killjoy."

"Anyway"; I started, trying not to laugh, "I kind of thought you and Wyatt had broken up. Why are you here acting all chummy with him, like nothing has happened?"

Caleb seemed to think for a second before replying.

"Well... I never really considered Wyatt and I broken up. We were kind of taking a step back to realize some things."

"And that seems to have lasted all of a couple of days."

"I never said it was a smart decision. I guess... I needed him more than I thought I did. Wait, let me rephrase: it was better to have someone who cares about me in my corner while I was going through my personal shit. And trust me; being alone doesn't help you to realize things more quickly. It totally sucks doing it alone."

"Ain't that the truth"; Chris said. I gave him a light squeeze of the hand, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

"So... are you back together"; I asked as I put down another card. "UNO."

Caleb laughed suddenly and we all looked at him. "Sorry. That just seemed funny with what you asked."

"So, I noticed."

"I laugh at inappropriate times. But, to answer your question... I don't think we were ever not together. But, yeah, we're good. And..." he threw down a reverse card.

"I'm out."

"Me, too"; Chris said as he put down his last two cards, two more reverses, which brought it back to me. "Sorry, Wyatt"; I said as I threw down my last card.

"Of course"; he said as he placed his cards down. "Everybody wins and I end up with half the deck. But at least I get a consolation prize."

Caleb smiled and scooted over to Wyatt and gave him a quick kiss.

The unexpected sound of a throat clearing behind us made us all turn around.

"Hi, Mrs. Halliwell"; Caleb said.

"Boys"; Mama Piper replied in greeting.

"Nothing's happening, Mom"; Wyatt said.

"Just checking"; she said as she continued her way to the kitchen. "And I'm not cooking tonight!"

"What was that all about"; Chris asked.

"Um... she didn't feel like cooking"; Wyatt dead-panned once more.

"Someone's full of jokes today."

"It's nothing. Mom sort of found out about Caleb and me today."

"Really"; Chris asked, perking up quickly. "And what happened?"

"One embarrassing conversation"; Caleb replied. "A somewhat twisted version of the birds and the bees."

"Is that talk the same for two guys in a relationship? I mean... who's the bird and the bee in this situation?"

"Don't ask"; Wyatt said. "But, it was pretty much a similar gist with the conversation. The basics of being safe, not being in my room alone with Caleb when the door is closed, including when we're asleep. Stop laughing, Chris."

"I'm sorry"; Chris said, "but it's pretty funny."

"Really"; Wyatt answered. "Let's see how funny. Oh, Mom!"

"OK, OK. Shut up now"; I heard Chris say telepathically to Wyatt.

"I thought so"; Wyatt said.

"Did I miss something"; Caleb asked.

"Um... no"; I said, covering up the tracks. "His mom doesn't know about Chris and I. If there was anything else, I guess I missed it as well."

"What is it"; Mama Piper said as she walked out of the kitchen, answering to Wyatt's call. At that moment, there was a ring at the door.

Saved by the bell... so to speak.

"Can you get that"; Chris asked.

"Kids nowadays; so lazy."

"So, want to play again"; I said, attempting to throw Caleb off.

"Sure"; Caleb said. "Wyatt, you in?"

"I guess. As long as you go easy on me this time."

"I'm not touching that one"; Chris said as he shuffled the cards. I couldn't help but laugh. Wyatt punched Chris in the arm, causing him to drop the cards.

"52-pick up"; Wyatt said with a laugh.

"More like 200"; I added. "You know UNO cards come with two packs or more."

"Well, you better get going, then. They aren't going to pick themselves up."

Chris groaned as he leaned over to pick up the cards. I leaned over to help him out.

"I'm glad they got things straightened out"; I said telepathically to Chris. "I could tell Wyatt missed him."

"Me, too"; Chris replied. "I'm glad it all worked out for them."

We both came up at the same point as Mama Piper walked back from the door.

"Caleb"; she called, "there's someone here to see you. He says you know him. Your cousin, Liam?"

"Cousin"; Caleb asked, a bit confused. "Are you sure?"

"That's what he said"; she replied as she motioned the person from the door to come forward. A guy about our age with wild red hair walked forward.

"Hello, Caleb"; the young man said as he walked forward. Caleb looked a bit nervous as he addressed the guy.

"Um... hey, Liam"; he said as he stood up and walked toward him. "What are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too"; Liam replied with a weird smile. For some reason, that smile sent a chill through me.

"There's a problem at home. Your... father wants to see you."

Caleb seemed to tense up a bit with that remark. "Oh. Can it wait?"

"Obviously not"; he said with another odd smile. This guy was giving me the creeps.

Caleb turned to face us. "It looks like this game will have to continue another day. I'll see you guys later, I guess." "Um, sure"; Wyatt said as he stood up and walked to Caleb. "Is everything OK?"

"Yeah"; Liam answered for him. "Just a small... family matter."

"Oh, OK"; Wyatt said, before focusing his attention back to Caleb. "I'll see you later?"

"Um... yeah"; Caleb said, quickly giving Wyatt a hug, before facing Mama Piper. "Mrs. Halliwell, thanks for everything."

"No problem, Caleb"; she replied with a smile. "You're welcome here anytime."

Caleb tried to give her a smile in return... it didn't work though. After a second, he followed Liam out the door." Mama Piper returned to the kitchen while Wyatt returned to us.

"Weird guy"; I commented.

"That was awkward"; Wyatt said.

"Why"; I asked. "Because I thought his cousin was weird?"

"No, not that. You always think there's something weird about new people.

"I guess so."

"It was weird that he had to go home so suddenly. Everything seemed fine earlier."

"Shit happens, Wyatt. He couldn't help that there was something wrong at home all of a sudden."

"It's not that. I swear I've seen that guy before."

"Please don't tell me you think he's cute... because he's not"; Chris said as he started to deal out the cards.

"No. Today at the supermarket, there was this guy there... staring at Caleb, but not saying anything. I think that was him."

"OK, still not seeing where this is going"; I replied.

"Caleb saw him too... but he didn't mention anything about them being related."

"It was probably nothing"; Chris said. "Maybe he didn't recognize him right away. And maybe Liam didn't recognize Caleb right away."

After a second, Wyatt seemed to relax. "I guess so."

"Hey"; I heard Noah say as he walked into the living room. "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing"; I answered quickly. I wasn't ready to deal with him yet.

"Just playing UNO"; Chris said, obviously trying to get us talking again. "You want in?"

I gave Chris a quick glance; indicating that I obviously didn't wanting Noah included in our game.

"No thanks"; he said. "I pretty much suck at card games anyway. Why are there four glasses on the table?"

"Oh"; Wyatt answered. "Caleb was here. He had to go, though. His cousin said there was a problem at home."

"That sucks"; Noah said. "I would've liked to hang with him for a while. He seems like a cool guy."

"He is"; Wyatt replied with a smile. "Can you do me a favor and get me a refill on some water, Noah? I have to try and make sure these guys don't cheat while I'm away."

"We don't cheat"; I answered. "You just suck ass at UNO."

Noah laughed before answering, "Sure. Give me Caleb's glass, too. I'll take it to the sink."

"Thanks"; Wyatt said, handing him both glasses. Just as Noah was about to walk away, he suddenly froze in his spot.

"Um... are you OK"; I asked. I couldn't stand him, but I still cared about his well being.

After what seemed like minutes, Noah abruptly dropped the glasses on the floor, causing them to shatter.

"Hey"; Chris said, standing up. Wyatt and I followed suit and walked to Noah. "What happened?"

Noah shuddered before saying, "Did the guy who came here for Noah have red hair and look something like a lost Weasley brother from Harry Potter?"

"Actually, yeah"; I said. "How did you know that?"

"What happened"; Mama Piper said as she walked out of the kitchen once more. "Why is there glass on the floor?"

"I just had a premonition"; Noah answered after a while.

"A premonition"; Chris said. "Is there any power you don't have?"

"Not the point"; Mama Piper replied hastily. "What did you see?"

"I think I should show you instead"; Noah commented fearfully.


"Take my hand"; he said, holding his hand out. "Wyatt, you should take my other hand. The rest of you can grab their hands."

"OK"; Mama Piper said, taking hold of Noah's hand. I held Chris' hand and Wyatt held Mama Piper's hand on the other side. There was a flash of light and then...

Caleb was against a rock wall with flames around him...

"No, I'm sorry. Please..."; he said. He never got to finish what he was going to say. Something was thrown at him, causing him to explode in a sea of fire. When the flames subsided, there stood... Liam. From behind him, there was laughter.

Before I knew it, I was back to standing in the living room in the Manor, holding Chris' hand.

"Oh, my God"; Wyatt said, releasing his mother's hand. "What's going on?"

"Apparently, that wasn't Caleb's cousin"; I answered, releasing Chris' hand. "OK, that was obvious."

"It was"; Noah added. "But if that's the case, why did Caleb go with him?"

"Demons can alter their appearance"; Mama Piper replied. "He probably thought that was really his cousin."

"It doesn't matter who it was"; Wyatt said angrily. "We have to save him. Now."

"Calm down, baby"; Mama Piper said. "We will."

"How"; Noah asked.

"Noah, you have that power to bring a person to you. Can you do that to bring him back?"

"Sorry, but only if they're in close range or if I know where they are. And even then, sometimes it's beyond my control."

"Mom"; Wyatt said, close to tears. "We have to save him. Please..."

"Baby"; she said as she walked to him. "We will. Noah obviously had that premonition because he needs our help. So we will help him, OK?"

"Yeah, bro"; I added. "We just have to be prepared for anything. From the looks of Noah's premonition, it looks like he was in the Underworld."

"Which means we may be facing the Source"; Chris continued.

"I don't care if we were facing the Devil himself. I'm going after them."

"So are we"; I said.

"If we're going, we need to do it now. I don't know how much time we have"; Mama Piper added.

"Mom, no"; Wyatt said. "After the last time, I don't want you down there until we know the full scenario."

"Well, I'm not letting you go down there alone"; she replied.

"We won't be"; I commented. "Noah... you in?"

Noah looked at me. "You sure you want me there?"

"It doesn't matter what crap we're going through right now. This is more important."

"Wait. What about a spell"; Mama Piper said as the four of us moved to each other.

"Don't worry about that"; Noah said. "We'll work it out on the way."

Before she could say another word, Wyatt grabbed my hand, I grabbed Chris', and Chris grabbed Noah's. We orbed away not too long after that.

"Where am I?"

"Has it really been so long that you don't recognize your home"; Pascal asked a weakened Drage.

Drage looked around and tried to move forward... but found that he was bound by chains to a cave wall.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Have I done well"; Liam asked, walking around from behind Pascal.

"Yes you have, Liam. Very well indeed."

"This is nonsense"; Drage said angrily. "Release me now."

"Where are you off to in such a hurry"; Pascal asked while leaning into Drage, caressing his face. "You used to enjoy being bound once upon a time."

"Apparently, times have changed."

"That they have"; Pascal responded. "I'm taking you off of this mission. Your charade is over. You've done well, but I'm ending this."

He moved forward to kiss Drage, but Drage instead moved his head away. "Do not come near me."

In anger, Pascal struck Drage across the face. Drage's head hit the wall; causing him to cut himself.

"You had to tie me up to beat me"; Drage responded angrily. "On the surface, there's a term for people like you. "Loser." "

Pascal laughed. "I am a so-called loser and yet, you go on pretending like you are one of them... even falling for a witch. The Drage I know would never do something like that."

Drage turned his head back to Pascal's direction. "The Drage you know is long gone."

"And who has replaced him? This "Caleb Austin"? "

Drage said nothing in response and just continue to stare angrily at his former lover.

"I think it is time you remembered who you were."

He placed his hands over Drage's head and closed his eyes....

"Spirits of darkness... return this being to his true and former self. Valeo discedo prosum ferocitas, Malum, diluo eradico... (I command that this must end and die. Evil, wash it away...)

A black force shot from Pascal's hands around Drage's head... beams coursed through Drage's skull, attempting to wipe away the previous spell.

Drage closed his eyes and memories flowed through him with enormous pain...

Meeting Wyatt at the high school...

Standing alone at the bay, watching the waves crash against themselves...

Lying in bed with Wyatt... saying nothing at all....

And then... that of a young boy, running through an alleyway before crashing into... something.

"No"; Drage screamed; somehow forcing Pascal back. It took so much power to do so and Drage, completely exhausted passed out.

Pascal looked upon him and caressed his face. "Soon, my love... you will be back with me soon."

"Until then"; he said, standing up and facing Liam, "I have yet another task for you. Are you up for it?"

Liam replied with only a smile on his face....

"I know this is only the second time I've been here"; I said as we walked through the never-ending cave, "but it still creeps me out."

"Ditto on that"; Chris said, not too far behind me.

"Be quiet"; Wyatt commented. "We need to listen for Caleb."

We walked around for what seemed like forever, constantly having to call Wyatt back before he got too far ahead of us.

"This is useless"; he suddenly said... until he heard a groan.

"What was that"; I asked, also hearing the noise.

"It might be Caleb. Noah, do you think you can bring him forth now?"

"I can try"; he responded as he walked a bit away from us. He closed his eyes and concentrated. There was a flash of light before us... and there, slumped on the floor was Caleb, unconscious. Blood seeped from his head.

"Baby"; Wyatt said as he ran toward Caleb. He leaned down and raised his hands over Caleb's head to heal him... when a force shocked him and threw him against the cave wall.

"What was that"; I said as we all made our way to Wyatt.

"I have no clue"; he said as he groggily made his way up.

"I do"; Noah commented. "The only time a White Lighter can't heal... is when he's healing a demon."

We all turned around to face Caleb... who was suddenly standing up and laughing. "You son of a bitch"; Chris said. "You're a demon?"

"Isn't it obvious"; Caleb replied. "It's so easy to fool a Charmed one... always thinking with their stupid hearts."

"No... no way. I can't believe this"; Wyatt said. "You... tricked me. I protected you. You made me fall in love with you. You... said you loved me."

"Well, demons lie, Wyatt. I thought you knew that by now."

"Wyatt"; Noah asked, "when Caleb said he loved you, did he look you directly in the eye?"

"Why is that important right now"; I chimed in, completely confused as to why he would make that point at this time.

"Yeah"; Wyatt answered, ignoring me. "We were lying in my bed and he looked me in the eye... and he told me... he loved me."

"Wyatt, that's impossible"; Noah commented. "Demons can't express love. It's all about gratification with them. If Caleb said he loved you, he wouldn't even look at you directly."

"Still not understanding why that's important"; I continued

Wyatt took a breath of relief as realization hit.

"I do. If a demon can't express love... then, that's not Caleb."

We all looked at "Caleb"... as he morphed into Liam before our eyes.

"A brilliant realization, witch"; he said as he made his way to us. "It still won't help your boyfriend."

Wyatt ran forward and grabbed the demon by the neck... and lifted him in the air; his hand emitted a white light, causing Liam to gargle for breath.

"Where... is.... Caleb"; Wyatt said through gritted teeth.

"Let him go"; I yelled at Wyatt, walking forward. "You're not going to get anything out of him that way!"

A smirk seemed to make it's way across Liam's face. We knew we were screwed. Wyatt, in total frustration, threw Liam against the opposite cave wall.

"You fools"; he said as he stood up once more. "You never find him. Unless you can read minds, all you'll find is ash."

In a second, the smirk that was on Liam's face came across mine. We all couldn't read minds...

But I could.

I closed my eyes... and searched deep in Liam's mind... it was difficult at first. At first, all I saw was countless other demons and humans... in pain and suffering.... all caused by him. It made me fall to my knees....

"Pete"; Chris called as he made his way to me. "Are you alright?"

I took a breath as I opened my eyes... and smiled. "I know where he is."

"Sure you do"; Liam said, but seeming a bit unsure by that comment.

"Are you sure"; Wyatt asked. I looked at him and tapped my temple.

"Finally, that power comes in handy"; he said with a smile, before turning back to Liam.

"You won't get too close to me again"; Liam responded, seemingly picking up on Wyatt's intentions.

"I don't need to"; Wyatt said as he outstretched his arm... and a beam of light; looking like a combination of orbs and lightning surrounded Liam. I prepared to turn Liam to ice... when Chris grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Don't. This is something he needs to do on his own"; he said. We all turned to face Liam... who began to smolder into flames before exploding.

"Remind me never to get in the way of his love life"; I said to Chris.

"Point taken."

"OK, that's done"; Wyatt said. "Pete, do you remember where Caleb is?"

"I think so"; I replied, "but it all looks alike down here. More caves and more flames."

"And that's where I come in"; Noah said, as he made his way toward me. "Pete, take my hand."

I looked a bit confused, but did I was told. After taking my hand in his, Noah closed his eyes briefly, before opening them again and saying, "Let's go."

"What did you do"; I asked him.

"Remember... you're not the only one who can read minds."

We all grabbed hands and in another flash of light, we were in another part of the Underworld. Against another wall was Caleb, unconscious and bound with shackles. He had the same gash on his head that Liam had faked.

"Is that him"; I asked. "I really don't want us to be tricked twice."

"Only one way to find out"; Wyatt replied as he walked to him, leaned down and raised his hands over Caleb's head.

"Here goes nothing"; he said. The orbs from Wyatt's healing started. The blood disappeared and Caleb started to come to.

"Wyatt"; he asked groggily, his eyes slightly open. "Are you an angel?"

"Not in the least"; Wyatt replied with a smile, bringing his hand to Caleb's face. "Are you OK?"

"I think so. How did you find me? How did you know what was going on?" "It's a long story... but I'm here."

Caleb smiled and looked Wyatt directly in the eye. "I love you."

Wyatt held back tears before saying, "You really have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that."

"OK"; Noah said, "I hate to break up this reunion, but we really need to get out of here before we're spotted."

"Can you stand up"; Wyatt asked.

"I think I can"; Caleb answered, using the wall to brace himself as he stood. He suddenly stopped in mid-stand.

"What's wrong"; Wyatt asked full of worry.

"I'm kind of tied up at the moment"; Caleb responded, referring to the shackles on his wrists.

"I guess this is my territory"; Chris said. "Shackles"; he called out while outstretching his arm. The shackles glowed as they disappeared from Caleb and reappeared in Chris' hand. He threw them to the floor.

"Now we can go"; Chris said as helped Caleb up. They both walked to where we were, hand in hand.

"We're ready"; Wyatt replied, grabbing on to my hand. I grabbed Chris' and he took Noah's.

"How are we going to get out of here"; Caleb asked.

"I got that covered"; Noah said with a smile. We orbed away as quickly as possible.

As the Charmed ones orbed away with Caleb, Pascal came out of the shadows he was hiding in.

He stood there for a moment, realizing what had just occurred in front of his eyes.

"Demons can not be healed by White Lighters"; he thought to himself... before remembering that Drage originally was not a demon.

He stood alone in his chamber... knowing that his hold over Drage was gone completely. It all seemed to hit him at once...

The spell Drage performed to "appear" human.

The way Drage had been ignoring Pascal over the past few weeks.

Drage constantly on the "surface", partaking in human life...

It would only be a matter of time before Drage found out of his past completely...

And Pascal knew that he would lose Drage forever...

He felt something wet on his face. He lifted his hand up to wipe away... a drop of black liquid.


Pascal closed his eyes and took in the moment... before releasing an earth shattering scream that caused rocks to fall from the ceiling.

He had screwed up... and royally, at that.

"Are you all right, Caleb?"

"Yes, Mrs. Halliwell. I'm sorry if I worried you."

"You have no reason to be sorry"; Mama Piper said. "I'm glad you're OK. And please, you can call me Piper."

"I knew that Mrs. Halliwell would annoy her sooner or later"; I said to Chris with a smile. Caleb giggled at that remark.

"So... is anybody going to tell me what's going on"; Caleb asked, quickly becoming serious. "I think I have a right to know."

We all looked at each other... and silently decided that Wyatt should do the talking. He slid over closer to Caleb and held his hand. For once, Mama Piper didn't seem to mind the show of affection.

"This might be a bit odd to hear"; Wyatt said, looking Caleb in the eye.

"I got abducted and attacked by a demon. I think we're beyond odd."

"You're right, babe. OK... I'm... all of us... we're witches."

Caleb looked around at all of us... before simply saying, "Oh." He leaned back on the couch and seemed to take in what he had just heard.

"I know it sounds like we're nuts"; I threw in. "Trust me, when I found out I was a witch, I thought they were loony bin material."

"Thanks for the love"; Mama Piper said sarcastically.

"But... that's what we are, Caleb. And that's how we were able to save you."

"Are you OK with that"; Wyatt asked. "I understand if you can't handle this... if you want to.... end things with me..."

Caleb stayed quiet for a minute, before a smile appeared on his face. "I'm not going anywhere, babe. I would be stupid to... considering you all just saved my life."

Wyatt took a deep sigh... and smiled. "Are you sure?"

Caleb replied by kissing Wyatt lightly on the lips. When they separated, they both had the biggest grins on their faces.

"OK, now that we have that settled"; Mama Piper said, "who wants Chinese?"

Everyone minus Caleb raised their hand.

"Caleb, you are still staying over, right"; she asked with a smile.

He looked at her with a huge grin. "I guess I am."


"So, who's going to make the order"; Caleb said.

"I guess you're new to all of this"; Noah said, standing up. "So..."

He snapped his fingers... and on the table in front of Noah, appeared nothing short of a buffet.

"Fucking wicked"; Noah replied.

"Language"; Mama Piper said.

"Oh... Sorry, Piper."

"Still glad to be an honorary Halliwell"; Wyatt asked jokingly.

"Without a doubt"; Caleb replied. "But, before I dig in, do you mind if I excuse myself real quick? I gotta use the bathroom."

"Um... sure"; Wyatt said. "You know where it is."

Caleb stood up... but not before kissing Wyatt on the cheek. On the way to the stairs, he stopped and kissed Mama Piper on the cheek, too.

"What was that for"; she asked.

"For being an extraordinary lady"; he said, before heading upstairs.

"Wyatt"; she called out with a smile. "I think he's a keeper."

"I think so, too"; he answered with an even bigger smile.

"But... he reminds me of someone."

"Really"; I said, taking a break between bites of an egg roll. "Who?"

"I'm not sure you would remember him"; she replied. "Wyatt had this friend in junior high. He used to come by all of the time..."

"Joshie"; Wyatt said. "No way. I haven't thought about him in years."

"Me, neither"; Mama Piper said as he reached for an egg roll as well. "Poor kid. I remember he was going through some stuff with his asshole of a father."

We all stopped eating and looked her way. It was rare that she used any kind of foul language. "Well, that's what he was"; she continued. "The way he used to beat up that poor boy. I could never understand what would bring a parent to abuse a child."

"I remember him"; Chris said. "Long black hair, kind of a sad smile. Whatever happened to him?"

"I don't know"; Wyatt said sadly. "I went to school one day... and he wasn't there. I went by his house and his father told me that he just disappeared. The police searched their house and didn't find anything unusual. They just called him another runaway and left it at that."

Their was a brief silence before Mama Piper chimed in, "Sorry for being a downer."

We all pretty much told her it was no problem.

"We need drinks. Noah, do you mind?"

"Not at all..."

"And please... stop using your powers for unnecessary things. There's water and soda in the kitchen. Just get up and go get it."

Noah groaned playfully, before standing up to get them.

"I'll help you"; I said, standing up to join him.

"Thanks"; he said as we both entered the kitchen, a little confused at my offer.

"Well, I have ulterior motives"; I said as I headed to the cupboard to get some glasses.

"Do you"; he asked, retrieving the soda and water.

"Look"; I said, facing him. "I know I've... been on edge when it comes to you; jumping to conclusions when I probably shouldn't."

"Yeah, you have"; Noah said, stopping to face me. "I've tried to be nothing but helpful when it comes to you, but all you do is snap at me..."

I started to counter that, when he raised his hand up to continue.

"...but, my dad told me I'm a bit of a smart-ass; that I constantly put my foot in my mouth."

"You kind of do."

"I know... and it's something that's always getting me into shit. I have a weird sense of humor and sometimes, even when I don't mean to, I offend people. It's not my intention... and if I have... let me rephrase. I know I have...offended you. And I'm sorry."

I gave him a smile. "I'm sorry too, Noah. Maybe I've been too stressed out lately to see what was an obvious joke and took it to an unnecessary extreme. Maybe we should both... just start again."

"Maybe we should"; he replied, with a smile to match my own. Without warning, he pulled me into a hug... which I returned wholeheartedly.

"But, I'm still not telling you anything about the future"; he said, while still hugging me. "Oh, come on"; I whined, pulling apart from him. "Just one little thing. Like... come on. Who are you? Really."

He sighed and looked down, before looking back at me and saying, "OK. Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes"; I exclaimed, a little excitedly, ready to hear what he had to say.

"Well"; he said, grabbing the soda and water, "so can I." He stuck his tongue out at me and left the kitchen.

"Asshole"; I said back to him, jokingly.

"Language"; everyone in the living room said.

"Sorry"; I replied while grabbing the cups and heading back to the group.

Caleb stood looking in the bathroom mirror; the cold water running over his hands. He constantly opened and closed his eyes, desperately trying to recognize the person reflected back at him.

Instead of the man he thought he was, he saw the face of a young boy he had only known from memory. Long black hair that was a little a little unruly... steel-grey eyes which seemed to hold on to the passion of life for all it was worth.... a sad smile holding back so much pain.

And a scar over his right eye.

Caleb groaned and shut his eyes...

"That is not me"; he repeated, over and over. "I am not that boy."

He opened his eyes and saw the man his spell had created... and how alike the one reflected and the one from his memories were. The long black hair now shortened and spiked. The grey eyes sparkling more than they ever had.... and over his eye....

"No"; Caleb said as he moved closer to see what he already knew was there.

A light scar over his eye....

He pushed himself away from the mirror and shut his eyes...

"This... isn't me...."

It got harder and harder for him to believe that statement... no matter how many times he repeated it.

He slowly opened his eyes... and purposely tried to remember who this boy was....

As if called by an unknown force, a memory slammed into him....

Joshua Samuel Anderson walked from school one day; afraid to go home. He knew that his father would beat him that weekend. And he knew that because he father drank heavily every weekend....

"I don't want to go home"; he thought out loud.

He decided that he would make a detour and go to the movie theater. He would go home later that night and hopefully, his father would be in a drunken stupor. He would sneak to his room and go to sleep before waking up early, before his father did and heading over to Wyatt's, which had become his safe-haven.

Wyatt... he always brought a smile to Joshua's' face. Every they hung out, talked, ate lunch together... Joshie never wanted the moments to end. He practically had to be forced to leave Halliwell manor on school nights.

He wondered what it would be like to kiss him again...

"I got to stop thinking about him like that"; Joshua said out loud, shaking the thought away. The first kiss was a mistake; he was sure of that.... he couldn't let it happen again.

"Joshua"; came a shout from across the street. Joshua glanced up... and saw his father; drunk as usual, coming up to him.

"What the hell are you doing here"; he slurred, making his way to his fearful son.

"Um... noth-nothing, Dad"; he stuttered. "Just going to see a quick movie."

"Where did you get the money"; he yelled. "Did you steal it from my wallet? I was missing 20 bucks..."

"Dad"; Joshua replied, a little louder than intended, "you gave me that money yesterday, remember? I bought some dinner and have some left over."

"You little fucking liar"; his dad yelled back... and backhanded Joshua in front of a group of shocked people. "You've been stealing!"

Joshua held his face where his dad had slapped him; directly over his eye. He looked at the ring on his father's finger; knowing that because of it, he was now bleeding. He felt it drop down and land on his cheek...

It didn't even hurt anymore, he thought. Not physically...

"I swear, I didn't take anything..."

"You little pansy-ass liar"; he said, preparing to strike again.

"Hey, Big Nick "; came another voice. It was a bar friend of his father's, Tim. "What are you doing over here?"

"Hey, Timmy"; Joshua's father said, turning to face the friend. "Just speaking to my snot-nosed kid. You know how they are."

Joshua just stared at his father, surprised at how quickly he could turn it on and off in front of people.

"Well, leave the little guy alone"; Tim said, patting Nick on the back. "Are you coming back in?"

"You betcha"; Nick said... but not before reaching into his pocket and giving Joshua another 5 dollars.

"Don't go spending that all in one place"; he said with a drunken smile, rubbing his hand through Joshua's hair.

Joshie couldn't take anymore of the charade. He turned around and ran away... into the alley that ran alongside the theater.

He couldn't think... couldn't talk... he just ran, desperate to get away from his father. In his haste, he ran smack into a hard object, causing him to fall back on the floor.

"Where are you headed"; asked a voice. Joshie looked up and found himself face to face with a man... or something like that of a man.

The voice sounded like a man... but his features seemed to be unreal. Long blonde hair with black streaks, paler than blue eyes... and the hardness that Joshie smacked into.... was the man's body.

The man reached his hand out to lift Joshie up. "Do you need my help?"

"Um... no, thank you"; Joshie said as he stood up. The man moved closer to Joshie, closing off a bit more of personal space. For some reason, Joshie didn't back away.

"Such a beautiful boy... running away for dear life"; he said.

Finally, the situation seemed to hit Joshie... and he backed up a bit. "I'm sorry about that"; he said.

"It was completely my doing"; he said. "To be honest, Joshie... I've been looking for you."

"How did you know my name?"

The man once again moved closer. "I have been looking for you for some time, Joshua Samuel Anderson. Such beauty and magnificence. Such power and strength. It was like you called to me."

"I think you're mistaken"; Joshie replied, once again, not backing away. "I'm not beautiful or powerful; trust me."

"I think you're the mistaken one"; the man said, lifting his hand to Joshua's face lightly, brushing a lock of Joshua's hair away. "You are absolutely both..."

"What do you want from me"; Joshie asked; not with fear, but curiosity. The more and more the man spoke, the more Joshie became infatuated with him.

"I came to do you no harm"; the man said with a smile. "I could never do that to you. You see, Joshie, I'm here to save you... to protect you from all that will harm you. You will never be hurt or scared again. You will be protected and cared for... this I promise you."

"And what do I have to do to receive this love and protection"; Joshie asked. "Let you blow me?"

"Such vulgarity"; the man said with a laugh, not letting his caress of Joshua's face go. "No, Joshie. Nothing like that. I promise you... all I want to do is show you that there is a better place for people like you... such beauty should never be harmed. You are precious... and should be treated as such." Joshie didn't know if it was the man's words or if he really wanted an escape from his life... he desperately had wished for solace. If he gave up this opportunity, it may never come again. As a tear fell down his cheek, he looked up at the man...

"Tell me what I have to do"; Joshie said.

"Just take my hand"; the man replied, holding out his hand.... Joshie slowly took it in his.

"What is your name"; Joshie asked.

"Beautiful Joshie... my name is Pascal."

Caleb opened his eyes, his face wet from tears...

He looked at the water swishing down the sink's drain... feeling like the lie that he embraced was slowly washing itself away...

Caleb had a sudden thought. He opened the medicine cabinet and found what he didn't even know what he was looking for:

A metal nail filer.

He closed the cabinet and lifted the sleeve of his left arm. Just as quickly, he took the nail filer and cut into his arm... and stood mesmerized at the red blood that flowed into the sink and down the drain.

Red blood; he thought...

Demons do not bleed red blood...

In shock, he dropped the filer in the sink and fell back against the wall opposite it. He eased himself down to the floor, still looking at the blood seeping freely from his wound.

"I... was never Drage"; he said softly. "I... was never a demon. My name is not Drage... nor is it Caleb Austin..."

He looked up in the mirror and said a bit louder...

"My name.... is Joshua Samuel Anderson."

Suddenly, he felt like he was going to be sick... his stomach.... his head... his entire body went completely hot....

He lunged to and opened the toilet seat, expecting to throw up....

He could feel it coming...

Black, wispy smoke emitted from his throat instead; falling upwards instead of into the bowl... it came out of him like air and didn't stop for what seemed like an eternity. He continued to heave out more and more smoke, until just as suddenly as it started, it stopped

Caleb pushed himself back from the toiler; the smoke surrounding the bathroom.

It circled around the ceiling; growing into a huge cloud, until it covered the entire room in darkness...

And just as quickly as it came, it evaporated.

"Hey, Caleb"; said Wyatt from the other end of the door, "You OK? Your food's getting cold."

Caleb slowly made his way back to a standing position... and looked in the mirror again... not seeing any difference in his appearance, but knowing that he wasn't the same anymore.

"Um... yeah"; Caleb replied back with forced enthusiasm. "I'm on my way out!"

He stared at himself for a moment longer. He knew that a change had occurred. He just wasn't sure what kind of change it was... although, in the same way he knew exactly what was happening.

The "demon" inside of him was freed.

"I'm... human..."

He took a second to compose himself and wiped the residual tears away. He grabbed some tissue to cover his wound and pulled down his sleeve before turning off the water and opening the door, where Wyatt stood waiting.

"Took you long enough"; he said with a smile. "You OK?"

It took him a second... but Caleb, with total sincerity, replied; "Yeah. More than I've been in a while."

For the first time in a long while, he knew he meant what he was saying.

"You know"; Wyatt said; giving him a look over, "you look different."

"Really"; Caleb asked. "How?"

"I'm not sure... but I think I like it."

Caleb replied to that one with a kiss... one that lasted for a long while.

When they parted, it was Wyatt's turn to smile. "What was that for?"

Caleb didn't say anything in return... but instead, grabbed Wyatt's hand and they made their way back to the living room....


Next: Chapter 14

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