Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Oct 27, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

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Forever Charmed

Chapter 11: The Devil Within

"Watch out behind you!"

I turned around quick enough to block a demon's energy ball as it soared toward me. I sent it back to the demon, causing it to vanquish before my eyes. I only had a moment before another demon came behind that one.

Chris came from behind and jumped over me, catching the demon off guard and kicking it square in the face. Wyatt and Noah were taking care of their own attackers and noises of punches thrown and demons exploding were all I heard.

"Where did they all come from"; Noah yelled as he took another one on in the alleyway we were walking through.

"You think I know that"; I yelled back as another one launched yet another fireball at me.

"Fireball"; Chris yelled as it orbed into his hands and he heaved it back at the demon. The force of the explosion caused me to fly back into a wall... and the world went black.

All I heard after that were faded voices and more explosions...

Suddenly, the world came back into view and Wyatt stood over me, moving his hands back after obviously healing me.

"What... happened"; I muttered as I looked above me and saw everyone staring at me.

"I am so sorry about that, babe"; Chris uttered as he reached his hand out to lift me up. "You were kind of in the way... and did I say I was sorry?"

I grabbed his hand and smiled. "It's fine, babe. Shit happens when you're fighting demons."

"Fighting a horde of demons, you mean"; Wyatt continued.

"Speaking of which"; Noah started, "where did they all come from so fast? And why?"

"I guess Pascal sent the word out to the rest of the Underworld"; I said. "I guess the war has started."

"Someone's getting reckless"; Wyatt said. "And in public, too. A good thing no one's around too much at night."

"Maybe we should stop finding ourselves in alleys"; I said with a grin.

"Nah. Life's no fun that way"; Wyatt answered with a laugh.

"Well, as long as we're fine"; Chris said as he grabbed my hand. "We are all fine, right?" We all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"The question now becomes"; Noah continued, "what's next?"

"I wish I knew what was next"; I answered. "But as of this point, it's "anything goes" and that's never a good sign."

As we walked away, Chris said, "Remember there was a time when all we had to deal with was being gay?"

"Being in the closet"; Noah added.

"Lusting after boys in secret"; I continued.

"Boys"; Chris said; his voice tinged with envy.

"You know what I mean, ass"; I answered with a smile.

"Those were the fucking days"; Noah said with faked mourning.

"Well, I never had to go through that"; Wyatt commented. We all looked at him with a start.

"What"; he said jokingly. "I'm bisexual. My drama doesn't even compare. You gays are all fucked up."

The "gays" all looked at each other and silently agreed that Wyatt needed to be smacked upside his head... which we all did before running off.

"Assholes"; Wyatt exclaimed as he ran after us.

A young man walked into his room; away from the madness and craziness of all that had just happened to him. His father, in another one of his drunken rages, decided to make his son a human punching bag.

"What are you; a fucking faggot"; his dad had yelled as blow after blow came across his son's body.

"No son of mine will be a fucking pansy!"

The young man tried to block his father's wrath, but that just made his father angrier. After a while, he stopped blocking and just let his father get it out of his system: it seemed to go quicker that way.

Once safe in his room, he looked into his mirror; his bloodshot eyes grazing over the bruises on his stomach as he lifted his shirt. He gingerly rubbed his fingers over them, grimacing in pain with the touch. He lowered his shirt and walked toward his bed, tears continuing to fall down his face.

"I didn't mean to kiss him"; he thought as he slowly lowered himself onto his bed.

He gazed outside his window; the moonlight shining on his face...

"There's got to be a better life than this"; he thought out loud... the door to his open bursted open as he father stood there.

"Oh, God"; the young man thought. "Not again..."

"No"; Drage screamed as he awoke with a start. He sat still for a moment and looked around the lair. There wasn't anyone in sight, not even Pascal.

"What is happening to me"; he said as he ran his hands through his hair. He stood up off the bed and took a deep breath... before feeling something wet on his face. He brought his hands to it and found... tears.

"A dream makes me cry"; he said out loud. "But for what reason?" Suddenly, he found himself feeling something he swore he never felt before, but knew just as quickly what the feeling was. There was a pain in his heart, a sense of regret and longing... and the feeling of that he should be running for his life.

Sadness... and fear.

"You're awake"; a voice said from behind him. He quickly wiped away the tears and turned to face Pascal.

"It seems that I am"; Drage responded.

"You've been sleeping a lot more lately"; Pascal commented. "Should I be expecting a child?"

"Very funny"; he answered as he changed his appearance into that of a normal 17 year old boy. "I have to go."

As he walked by, Pascal grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into a kiss... one Drage quickly pushed himself away from.

"I have no time for this"; Drage said. "Schedule a rain check."

Drage didn't wait for a response as he shimmered away.

"Hey bro"; I said to Wyatt after classes the next day. He was in front of the school steps, wearing a pair of shades, trying to act cool. "Why are you standing around?"

Wyatt looked at me and forced a smile. "No reason. Just enjoying the day."

"You still haven't spoken to Caleb yet, have you"; I asked.

Wyatt pulled off his sunglasses. "Am I that damn obvious?"

I laughed a bit and patted him on the shoulder. "Just a bit."

"I'm just freaked out"; he continued. "I mean, how is he going to look at me after what I did? After what we almost did?"

"Look"; I answered. "You and I both know that wasn't the real you. That's a start. Just try to figure out a way to explain it without... explaining it, figure out where to go from there and you'll be fine. I'm sure he'll understand; he really likes you."

He looked at me with sad eyes. "I really like him, too."

I gave him a quick hug and said, "I'm sure you'll both be fine."

"I hope so"; he answered. I glanced over and saw Caleb walking out of the doors.

"Look. There's Caleb now. Go and talk to him."

"No time like the present"; Wyatt said nervously.

"You'll be fine"; I repeated. "I better go. Chris is waiting at home for me. Everyone's out for the time being and we're gonna have some "alone time"."

"Lucky bastard. Think I can come along"; Wyatt asked nervously.

"Talk to Caleb first, threesome sex later"; I said low enough so only he could hear. "Later. L-Y-B." L-Y-B was our code for "Love ya, bro". No one at the school knew we were brothers.

"Back at ya"; he said as I walked off.

"Hey, Caleb. Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Wyatt had finally got the nerve to apologize to Caleb after the effects of his being possessed a couple of days earlier. He was scared shitless to face him, but he realized it needed to be done.

"Hey, Wyatt"; Caleb said a bit nervously. "Um, sure. I kind of need to talk to you as well."

Wyatt opened his door and pointed inside for Caleb to enter. Caleb looked very unsure at that moment.

"I promise that it's just to talk"; Wyatt assured him. Caleb thought about it for a couple of seconds and entered the car. Wyatt walked around to the driver's side and stepped into the car as well.

As he closed the door, he glanced over at Caleb, who had an odd expression on his face.

"So, this isn't going to be awkward"; Wyatt joked. That caused Caleb to smile a bit.

"Nope, not at all"; he responded. "So, do you want to go first"; Wyatt asked.

"No, you go ahead"; Caleb answered. "After all, it is your car and you wanted to talk first."

"OK"; Wyatt said. "About what happened a couple of days ago... I don't know what was going on with me. I mean, that isn't like me at all."

"Oh"; Caleb commented.

"And I know I freaked you out by being so forward. I just have no idea what got into me...and if I made you uncomfortable in any way or if I forced you into anything, I am so sorry."

Caleb looked toward Wyatt. "Did I seem uncomfortable, Wyatt? If anything, I was kind of into it, too. But, I just had never seen you act that way before. And to be honest... it was somewhere between being a major turn-on and scaring the shit out of me."

"I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not"; Wyatt said. "I mean, if we're being completely honest... I'm pretty much a virgin."

"I would've never guessed that"; Caleb commented.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have"; Wyatt continued. "And again, that just isn't like me. I mean, when it happens for the first time... I mean, when I go all the way, I want it to mean something. I'm not asking for rose petals and soft music or anything, but maybe a nice bed and after a good date, but not the way it happened in this car. Something that means a deal to both people involved. I don't want you to see me for something I'm not."

Caleb reached for Wyatt's hand and held it. "I don't see you that way, Wyatt. I think you're a special and really sweet guy. And if what happened in this car is any indication of what's to come, you're gonna make some guy really happy."

Wyatt smiled at that comment for a second, then his expression changed. "Wait a minute"; Wyatt said. "Some guy?"

"Um, yeah"; Caleb responded as he let go of Wyatt's hand. "Wyatt... I think we should take a break between us."

"Wow"; Wyatt said with a bit of shock, but with much more sadness. "Why? Is it because of what I did?"

"No, no, no"; Caleb responded with a wave of his hand. "That's not it at all. And please don't hate me for the cliché, but it's not you. It's me."

"Which means it really is me"; Wyatt commented sadly.

"No, not in this case at all"; Caleb continued. "I'm just going through some things within myself. I just transferred here and it's like I just fell onto your lap and started this new relationship. My life has been... really hectic lately. There's a lot of stuff going on with me right now and... I'm not sure if I can be a good boyfriend to you before I deal with my crap." Wyatt couldn't look Caleb in the eyes. He felt as if any moment, he might say or do the wrong thing.

Which included the tears he felt forming in his eyes.

"Wyatt"; Caleb said. "Please look at me."

It took as much strength as he could muster up, but he blinked his tears away and looked at Caleb.

"I'm not saying that this is permanent"; Caleb continued. "I just think for the time being, we should back up a bit."

"Yeah, I've heard that one before"; Wyatt muttered.

"Well, whoever you heard it from"; Caleb said, "it doesn't matter. Because unlike them, I mean every word I say. I still expect you to call me just to talk and hang out with me at lunch."

"How can you expect me to do all of that"; Wyatt said. "I'm not sure I can handle looking at you like that and knowing that we're not together anymore."

Caleb grabbed Wyatt's hand once more. "Because I know how strong you are. I know you'll get through this, babe. And I never said that we weren't together anymore. We're just taking a short intermission."

Wyatt had to smile at that. "You promise?"

"With all of me"; Caleb said with a smile. Suddenly, his smile faded and he moved his hand to his face.

"What's wrong"; Wyatt asked. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm...I'm really not sure"; Caleb responded. "Just didn't think it would hit me this hard."

Wyatt seemed a bit confused, but ignored the remark.

"Um, I should go"; Caleb said suddenly as he turned around to open the door.

"If you want, I can drive you home"; Wyatt said, attempting to spend some more time with him.

"No, that's all right"; Caleb answered back. "I should walk. Besides, it's probably for the best right now."

"OK"; Wyatt said. "Can I call you later?"

"Sure"; Caleb said as he exited the car. He looked back at Wyatt and said, "I would be disappointed if you didn't." Wyatt winked at him and smiled.

"See you tomorrow"; Wyatt said as Caleb closed the door. Wyatt sat there for a moment and let the tears fall before driving off.

Caleb stopped in his tracks for a moment as well, even more confused, but not because of any reason one might think.

"Ah, yes, baby"; Chris said as he fucked me on the bed. He was slamming his dick so deep into me; I was sure I wouldn't be able to walk for a week.

I surely wasn't about to start complaining.

I had my hands around his back; bouncing back into his every thrust; loving every moment of it.

"God, baby. Fuck me. Fuck..."

His 7 ¾ inch dick was rubbing against my prostate with every slam; triggering a massive orgasm that I was intent on holding back as much as I could... which wouldn't be much longer.

"Baby, I'm gonna shoot"; Chris muttered out as his lips were kissing my neck.

"Shoot it, baby. Go ahead..."

Chris groaned loudly as I felt his first shot go deep into my ass. We had not been wearing condoms as of late. We had both been tested a couple of weeks back and after finding out our results, decided to just enjoy ourselves with sex.

I moaned loudly as I felt my 8-inch cock let loose my jizz as well, shooting across my stomach as well as Chris'. Chris kept rocking his hips into me until both or our orgasms subsided. Chris leaned forward and kissed me intensely; his tongue forcing it's way against my own.

"Wow"; I said as the kiss ended, "what was that all about?"

Chris rolled next to me after pulling his dick out and smiled. "I don't know. I guess it really has been a while since we were able to fuck our brains out."

"I guess so"; I replied, returning the smile. "Talk about making up for lost time."

"Definitely"; he answered back. He pulled me close and cuddled with me.

"Trying to go for the gold"; I asked.

"I thought I already had won that medal"; Chris said with a smirk. It was so cute that I just had to kiss him again.

While we were kissing, I heard footsteps walk quickly outside of the door and walk past the room and into Wyatt's. Soon after that, Wyatt's door slammed shut.

I pulled away from Chris. "That doesn't sound too good"; I said. "No, it doesn't"; he answered back. He started to kiss me again, but I pushed him back.

"What"; he asked.

"Don't you think we should see what's going on"; I said back to him.

"Sure"; he replied, "but I was just getting ready for round three"; he added with a lewd smile.

I moved forward and kissed him lightly. "Round three will come later... just like we will. But first..."

"Yeah, yeah"; he said as he rolled away from me. "Wyatt. Why am I not surprised?"

"What is your problem"; I said, a bit angered.

"Nothing"; he replied as he put his jeans on. I ignored him and put on my clothes before walking out of the room. Chris followed behind me as I knocked on Wyatt's door. There was no answer, so I started to open the door. Chris grabbed my shoulder.

"Remember what happened last time you walked in unannounced"; he said with an odd look.

"Well, something tells me that he's not in there jerking off"; I responded.

I opened the door and walked in to find Wyatt lying on the bed; face down.

"You know that's a pretty compromising position"; Chris commented. I started to laugh and waited for Wyatt to do the same... but he didn't.

"Can you guys just leave me alone right now"; Wyatt said; his voice muffled on his pillow. I could detect that something was wrong; no mind reading needed. I walked to the bed and sat down on it.

"Something's up, isn't it"; I asked. Wyatt turned around to face me; his eyes wet and dropping tears.

"No shit"; he said.

"Bro, what's wrong"; Chris said as he walked toward the bed, although he didn't sit on it.

"Nothing"; Wyatt said as he wiped his tears away.

"Care to try that again... or do I have to force it out of you"; I asked, tapping to my temple.

"Stay out of my head"; he said. "I'll tell you, OK? But I really am fine."

I laid next to him. "Yeah, because the tears you're shedding really symbolize that all is well in your world."

He started to giggle a bit... before he started to sob. I pulled him close to me and held him through his tears. Chris stayed in his place, but looked just as concerned. After a while, he leaned his head up and looked at me.

"Sorry about that"; he responded as he wiped his eyes.

"It's OK, but you're supposed to be the emotionally strong one"; I said.

"Exactly"; Chris said. "If you start to break down, our world is severely fucked."

That caused Wyatt to smile a bit - but just a bit. "Even I need my moments, I suppose."

"Understandable"; I replied as I let Wyatt out from my embrace. He sat on the bed in an Indian position.

"I'm OK"; Wyatt uttered; sounding even less convincing than before.

"What's going on"; I asked him; full of concern as I moved myself into a sitting position. Chris grabbed a chair and sat in front of us.

"I finally spoke to Caleb today"; Wyatt started.

"That's good"; Chris said. "I'm guessing he didn't accept your apology?"

"No, he did"; Wyatt continued. "But... he decided to break up with me anyway."

"No way"; Chris said as he moved towards the bed. "What happened? Why did he do that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine"; Wyatt said as he held back more tears. "The most that I got out of him was "It's not you..."

"It's me"; Chris and I said in unison. Wyatt nodded.

"And we all know what that means"; Wyatt continued.

"Not necessarily"; I commented. "Sometimes, it really is them."

"Come on, babe"; Chris said. "People use that line all of the time and it usually means it is the other person. Don't tell me you've fallen for that line of bullshit."

"No, personally, I haven't"; I answered, "but you never know when it's the truth. Who's to say that Caleb wasn't being honest?"

"And who's to say that Caleb wasn't just being a total asshole"; Chris said heatedly.

"Thanks, bro"; Wyatt said. "Way to make me feel better."

"I didn't mean it that way"; Chris said.

"Whatever"; Wyatt said as he laid back down. "Can you please both go now?" "Wyatt, I'm sorry"; Chris said... but Wyatt didn't look at him.

"I guess I should go"; Chris spoke as he stood up and walked towards the door. "You coming, babe?"

"Not right now"; I said. "I don't want to leave Wyatt alone. But, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah. Sure"; Chris said less than wholeheartedly as he walked out.

"What's his problem"; Wyatt asked. "Did I interrupt the crazy sex session?"

"It's fine"; I responded as I laid down next to Chris. "He'll get over it. Right now, my brother needs me. Do you want to talk some more?"

"Don't be upset, but not really"; he said. "But thanks for staying here with me."

"No need to thank me. I'll always be here for you, just like you are for me, bro."

"I just feel like I let my guard down way too quickly with him"; Wyatt added. "Why did I like him so much?"

"So much for just the "gays" having drama, huh"; I commented with a light smile.

Wyatt smiled for a second before his eyes glassed over and the tears started to flow once more. I held him close while he cried until he eventually cried himself to sleep. I guess I was pretty exhausted from my sex fest with Chris, because I too, fell asleep with Wyatt in my arms.

"You two really should be more quiet next time"; Noah said as he sat at the kitchen table while Chris walked into the kitchen. "I'm surprised the bed didn't fall through the ceiling."

"You were listening to us fuck"; Chris asked as he looked into the refrigerator. "Do you have some sort of weird issue when it comes to Pete and I's love life?"

"Issues, no. Ears, yes. And no disrespect, but it's hard not to hear you two unless I was, I don't know... let's say living on the Moon and even then, I'd need earplugs."

"Whatever"; Chris said as he grabbed the lemonade and slammed the fridge door shut. "Next time, if you don't want to hear us, go outside or put on some fucking headphones."

"I thought sex was supposed to ease tension, not cause more of it"; Noah commented. "You're being a bit of a bitch right now."

"No, I'm not"; Chris responded as he poured himself a glass of lemonade. "I'm very relaxed. I just finished having a hot marathon of sex, if you haven't noticed."

"Do you really want me to go over how much I "noticed" again"; Noah continued.

"I'd rather not, thanks"; Chris commented as he sat down next to Noah.

"So... do you want to talk about why for someone who just had "a hot marathon of sex"; you look like you were just diagnosed with cancer of the puppy?"

Chris thought about it for a second, sipping his drink, before responding, "I'd rather not, but something tells me you're going to keep pestering me about it until I do."

Noah pulled out a cigarette and handed Chris one. "I could just leave you alone with your thoughts, but there's two things you need to know about me."

"Which would be"; Chris asked while looking for something to light his cigarette.

"One"; Noah said as he snapped his fingers, igniting both cigarettes, "I'm usually most efficient when needed in odd situations."

"And second"; Chris continued while lifting the cigarette to his lips.

"I'm pretty fucking nosy."

Chris smiled a bit at Noah's response.

"Well, fine"; he said. "It's about Pete and Wyatt."

"Am I sensing some sort of jealousy"; Noah countered while inhaling his cigarette.

"No, not at all"; Chris quickly responded. "Of course I'm not jealous. Pete is Wyatt's brother, too. Of course he's going to want to be there for him. It's just that... I feel like Pete always tends to Wyatt's problems first. Whenever Wyatt's down, Pete is there. Whenever Wyatt wants to talk, Pete is the one leading the conversation. Why is he always up Wyatt's ass..."

"And not up yours"; Noah finished. Chris looked at Noah, who had a bit of a smirk of his face. Chris couldn't help but to hold a similar expression on his face.

"Well, yeah, figuratively speaking. I'm always there when Pete needs something; so, why isn't it the same for me?" Chris stopped speaking and looked at Noah, whose expression had changed from one of joking to one of condemning.

"What"; Chris asked as he took another puff of his cigarette.

"Nothing at all"; Noah said. "I shouldn't say anything, considering that you said yourself that you aren't jealous at all."

Chris sighed before replying. "OK, so I'm a little jealous."

Noah gave him another "stop lying" look. Chris groaned and lowered his head on the table top in defeat.

"God damn it. I'm a fucked up boyfriend and an even worse brother."

Noah laughed a bit. "No, you're not either one. You're a loving boyfriend who's up "Shit's Creek" without a paddle." Chris raised his head back up. "So, what do I do?"

"What you do"; Noah said, "is talk to your boyfriend and tell him how much this is all bothering you. Speak to him before it all blows out of proportion. He may not even realize what he's doing and how it's bothering you."

"What do you mean he may not realize it"; Chris asked.

"For instance, did you ever think that he's trying to overcompensate for something?"

"What reason would he have to overcompensate anything to me? He's already perfect in my eyes."

"Not to you"; Noah said as he flicked his ashes away. "To Wyatt. He's been parading around with you in front of Wyatt for a while. Plus on top of that, Wyatt's going through his bullshit with this Caleb guy. Maybe he feels bad for leaving him out of everything the two of you go through, considering this should be the time you three should be bonding as brothers, not just the two of you as lovers."

Chris sighed and closed his eyes a second. "I hate this. Usually, I'm the one who usually lets things play out. I don't want to be the boyfriend who confronts my partner on everything that seems wrong to me, but is innocent from all points."

"Welcome to a real relationship, Chris"; Noah commented as he patted Chris on the shoulder. "Where problems don't just go away because you want them to."

"Yeah, yeah"; Chris answered as he put his cigarette out in an ashtray. He then stood up to walk upstairs.

"And remember the cardinal rule of "real relationships""; Noah added before Chris walked out the door.

"Which is"; Chris asked.

"Nip all things in the bud, no matter how minuscule it seems"; Noah said as he put his cigarette out in the ashtray, "before it burns everything in it's path."

Chris nodded and opened the door.

"And one more thing, Chris."


"Take a shower. I can smell the sex off of you."

"Go fuck yourself"; Chris said jokingly as he made his way upstairs.

"God, why am I so stupid"; he thought to himself as he made his way upstairs, back towards Wyatt's room. "It's just like Pete to put someone else's needs before his. This time, it just happens that it's Wyatt who needs him."

He reached Wyatt's door and opened it, while thinking, "There's no need at all for me to be..."

His thought stopped as he gazed upon Wyatt asleep in his boyfriend's arms. Cuddling.

"Jealous"; he said, out loud.

I awoke in a dark room; not quickly able to recognize where I was. I freaked out for a second and reached out for Chris... who was right next to me.

I leaned forward to kiss him. His soft lips pressed against mine and he massaged my tongue with his own... for some reason, his kissing felt different, but I was still too groggy to realize anything. I moved my hand under his shirt and felt his stomach... the soft stomach fur coursing itself across my fingers. Wait, when did Chris get dressed?

It was then I remembered where I was.

"Holy shit"; I giggled as I pulled apart from Wyatt. He opened his eyes, looked at me and gave me a lazy smile.

"Sorry about that"; I muttered as I looked into Wyatt's eyes.

"Don't be"; he responded. "There are worse ways of being woken up."

I slapped him on the arm and lied back on the bed. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it"; Wyatt asked as he sat up.

"It's Noah"; came his answer.

"Come in, dude"; Wyatt said. Noah did exactly just that. He walked into the room and saw me lying on Wyatt's bed and gave me an odd look.

"Um... there's food downstairs"; he said as he glanced once more at the both of us, before leaving the room.

"Should I be worried about that look"; Wyatt asked without turning around. I sat up behind him and hugged him from behind.

"Do you really think I care, besides Chris, what anyone thinks about finding the two of us in bed together?"

Wyatt looked at me and said, "Well, considering the way you're dressed, it is a bit suspicious."

I looked down and found myself wearing a t-shirt and my boxer briefs.

"And this is me giving a shit"; I commented. "He's just mad he can't do this." I gave him a quick tap kiss... and then remembered why I was dressed the way I was.

"Oh, no"; I muttered.

"What happened"; Wyatt asked.

"Me and Chris... we were... well, let's just say, "busy"".

"I remember. The sex session."

"Actually"; I said as I climbed off the bed, "it was supposed to be multiple sessions. I should really go apologize and see how bad the damage is."

"Damn"; Wyatt said. "I don't only fuck up my relationship, I somehow manage to fuck up my brother's as well."

I walked back towards him and grabbed his hand. "Hey"; I said as I lifted his chin with my free hand. "You didn't fuck anything up with Chris and I. You needed someone to be there for you and it so happens that I chose to be that person. And with Caleb, he has his own problems that have nothing to do with you. Don't put yourself down, bro. It doesn't become you."

Wyatt smiled a bit and I gave him another quick kiss. "Feel better"; I asked.

"A bit"; he replied with a smile.

"Good. Now go get something to eat. I'm gonna take a quick shower and change before I join you."

"Alright"; Wyatt responded. "See you downstairs in a bit."

I smiled at him before I headed out of the room. As I closed the door, I noticed Noah was standing alongside it.

"Do I need to ask what that was all about"; he asked.

"No, you don't need to ask anything"; I replied. "It's not what you think. And it's none of your business"; I added as I walked towards Chris' door. He followed right behind me.

"Interesting attire you got going on there"; he said. I know he said it with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up"; I said as I made it to Chris' room.

"Guilty much"; he said as he walked past me.

"Annoying much"; I threw back at him. I tried to open Chris' door, but it was locked. I needed to get in there and get to my clothes. I knocked a couple of times, but there was no answer. I figured that he was probably downstairs eating, so I orbed myself into the room. When I landed, Chris was sitting on the bed, not saying a word.

"Didn't you hear me knocking"; I asked him as I went to the spare drawer that my clothes were in. Chris didn't say a word, but glared at me the entire time. "Baby"; I said as I picked up a clean pair of boxers from a drawer, "is everything OK? You look like you're angry or something."

"I do"; he replied snarkily, "I wonder why that could possibly be. I'm not mad at all..."

"OK"; I answered back, still a little confused.

"I'm fucking livid"; he continued.

"Hey"; I said as I walked towards the bed to sit down. He moved his foot in front of me to stop me from doing so.

"Alright, I get it. You're upset. And obviously, you're upset with me. But, can you please tell me what I did so we can make up?" I moved my hand towards his, but he moved it away before I could touch him.

"Why would you want to make up with me? Wouldn't you rather be with Wyatt?"

"Wyatt"; I said, completely lost in what he was saying. "Why would you say or even think something like that?"

"I don't know"; he said while standing up and facing me. "Maybe it's because you're always all over him. Or maybe even the fact that you're attracted to him, maybe even more than you are to me..."

"OK, hold up"; I said, raising a hand. "First off, I am not always all over him. I'm there for him the same way I am for you... if anything, I'm in your corner more than anyone."

"Sorry I'm such an inconvenience"; Chris muttered under his breath.

"That's not what I fucking meant and you know it! Also, last time I checked, we were both attracted to him. And if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who wanted to have a threesome, not me..."

"I did that because I was trying to make you happy"; he shouted back at me.

"What makes you think I'm not happy already"; I shouted back. "The last time I checked, I thought I was already pretty damn happy... and I thought you were, too."

"Yeah, I thought I was, too. And then, like an idiot, I feel bad for having any feeling of jealousy... and I walk into his room today and there he is, in your arms. On his bed. After we made love in my bed."

"We fell asleep, Chris! That's all it was."

"Yeah, sure"; he responded. "Well, you can go back to Wyatt's room now. I know that's where you really want to be."

I walked towards him to grab him, when Mama Piper walked in the room.

"Hey, hey, hey, cool it"; she yelled. "What is going on in here? I can hear shouting all over the house!"

I looked her way, away from Chris. "Nothing at all, Mama. Sorry about that."

"Yeah, sorry"; Chris answered as well.

"Yeah, because "nothing" is written all over your faces"; she commented. "Now, again, I ask, what is going on?"

Chris and I looked at each other...

"If you have something to say, say it out loud"; Mama Piper said, assuming we were speaking telepathically.

Chris suddenly broke eye contact with me and looked downwards. I just looked towards Mama Piper and shrugged.

"Fine, I can't force it out of you"; she finally realized. "You've fought like this before and everything worked itself out before. Just calm down, OK?"

Chris and I both apologized to her once more.

"Good. Now dinner's ready"; she said. "Would you two like to join us?"

"I'll be down in a few"; I responded. "I just wanted to take a quick shower."

"Why do you need a shower"; she asked me. I couldn't think of an answer quick enough.

"We were training a bit"; Chris answered for me. "I took my shower already and Pete was waiting for me to get out."

"Oh"; she said with a nod. "Fine. Chris, get downstairs. Pete, I'll keep your food warm for you."

"Thanks"; I said as she walked out the room. Chris walked past me and I grabbed his arm to turn him around.

"Babe"; I said, but he pulled himself out of my grasp.

"I don't feel like talking anymore"; he answered. "Do me a favor. Please sleep somewhere else tonight."

"Chris, don't do this"; I said. "I told you it's not like that. You're overreacting."

"That's the thing"; he said as he opened the door. "I don't think I am." He walked out the door and pulled it shut, all without looking at me once.


"Hey... you called." "Yeah"; Wyatt said; his voice full of nervousness. "I'm not going to lie. It was really weird picking up the phone to call you."

"It shouldn't be, Wyatt"; Caleb responded. "It's only 7 numbers. A monkey could remember that."

"I don't mean it that way, dork"; Wyatt answered with a smile.

"I know how you meant it. Just trying to ease things out. This isn't so easy for me, either."

Wyatt sighed and eased himself on the chair he was sitting on. His palms were sweaty and he was unsure of how he should be talking to his... to Caleb.

"So, what's going on"; Wyatt asked casually.

"Nothing much really"; Caleb responded. "Just trying to finish my Trig homework."

"If this is a bad time..."; Wyatt started.

"No, not at all, babe. I needed a break, believe me"; Caleb assured him.

"You just called me "babe"; Wyatt said.

It was Caleb's turn to sigh before responding, "Yeah. I mean, it's still OK that I call you that, right?"

"I guess so"; Wyatt said. "I'm sorry... this is just a little weird for me. The last time I broke up with someone, we really weren't on the best of speaking terms."

"Well, this is different"; Caleb said. "For one, I don't consider us really broken up. We're just taking a break for the time being."

"I guess so"; Wyatt replied. "Besides, I guess I could be called worse things than "babe"."

"Really"; Caleb responded with a smile. "Like what?"

"Well, "sugarplum" is one of the words that come to mind."

"Sugarplum"; Caleb said, his voice filled with laughter. "Why on Earth would you think I would call you something like that?"

"It's a long story"; Wyatt responded.

"Bore me"; Caleb answered.

"OK, but no laughing."

"Too late for that"; Caleb said.

"Alright, so in junior high school, there was this teacher named Ms. Mitchell. I mean, she was nice and all, but kind of weird." "OK."

"Anyway, she was our sixth grade teacher. She used to say that all of her students were her kids in a way, so she decided to give us each terms of endearment."

"Doesn't sound so bad"; Caleb said.

"It wasn't bad at all. But, back then, it just seemed odd. Anyway, she gave all of her students different nicknames. With 20 kids, she had to come up with something original for each kid. So, that's how I got "Sugarplum"."

"That's actually really sweet"; Caleb commented. "I could totally see you as a "Sugarplum"."

"Ha, ha, very funny, Honeybee."

"Honeybee"; Caleb asked, still suppressing giggles.

"Yeah. That was the nickname she gave to my best friend back then. We were pretty inseparable. His name was Joshua. Joshua Samuel Anderson, but everyone called him..."

"Joshie"; Caleb said quickly.

"Wow. How did you know that"; Wyatt asked.

"I'm not sure"; Caleb responded, a bit unsure of himself. "A good guess, I suppose."

"I suppose so"; Wyatt said.

"Um, I really should get going"; Caleb said quickly. "This homework isn't going to finish itself."

"I guess I should get to mine as well"; Wyatt said less than enthusiastic. "Do you hear the excitement in my voice?"

"Yeah. So, I'll see you tomorrow in school"; Caleb responded; completely ignoring Wyatt's comments.

"Um, sure. Did I say something wrong"; Wyatt asked.

"No, not at all. I just realized how far back I am. I'll see you tomorrow, babe."

"OK. Bye."

"Later"; Caleb replied before quickly hanging up, leaving Wyatt to wonder what had just happened between the two of them.

"TGIF"; one boy said to another while walking out of class.

"Do people actually still say that"; his friend asked.

"Well, I'm weird like that"; the first boy answered. "I say things that no one in their right mind would ever say. Even when it's way outdated."

"Try carbon-dated"; the second boy said with a smile.

"This coming from the same person who bops to crap boy bands instead of real music."

"It's not my fault"; the first boy responded. "My brother's friend likes a lot of different kinds of music and he's always at our place."

"Whatever"; the second boy responded as his moved his long black hair away from his face.

"I've been to your place before, you know"; the first boy replied. "I've seen your *NSYNC CDs."

As they walked out of school, it was then that the first boy glanced over and saw the black and blue marks all over his friend's arm.

"Hey"; he said, grabbing his friend's arm. "What happened to you?"

The second boy pulled his arm back quickly and responded, "Nothing. You know me. I'm always falling and shit. I'm such a klutz."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying"; the second boy replied as he walked a bit ahead of them. The first boy ran up to catch up.

"Did he do it again?"

The second boy stopped in his tracks and looked at his friend. "I told you. It's nothing."

"Just like the nothing all over your back last week in gym class."

"Look, I told you, it's nothing at all, OK? I fell off my skateboard..."; he started, his voice breaking. "... and I slipped and... it's nothing...."

"Joshie"; his friend responded, his voice full of compassion. "Please. Let me tell someone. A teacher, my family. I'm sure they can be discreet about things..."

"No one can know"; Joshua shouted; tears streaming down his face. "OK? I'll just get it worse next time. And besides, I probably deserved it!"

"No one deserves to have this happen to them."

"Just leave it alone, OK? It's better off that way."

The second boy stood there for a second, taking in what Joshua said. "What about your mom"; he asked.

"Like she gives a shit about me"; Joshua said. "All she cares about is my step-dad and her new baby. Little Josh doesn't exist to her anymore."

Once again, his friend was at a lost for words.

"Hey, can I hang at your house for a while"; Joshua asked. "I really don't want to head home yet."

"Sure"; his friend responded. "But be warned. It's Friday, which means that my younger brother and his friend are around. They have a sleep over every weekend."

"Sleep over"; Joshua asked. "Do they braid each other's hair and eat smores by the fire?"

"Dork"; his friend said as he swatted Joshua on the arm... the same one with all of the bruises. He flinched and held his breath, obviously in pain.

"Dude, I am so sorry"; his friend said. "I guess I'm the dork, huh?"

Joshua looked at his friend and smiled, while walking towards his house.

"No, Wyatt. You are definitely one cool guy. Doesn't make you any less of a spaz, though."

Wyatt stuck his tongue out at him as Joshua laughed and continued walking, eventually breaking into a run towards Wyatt's place.

"Drage"; Pascal bellowed. Drage looked up at him with a scowl.

"There is no reason to scream. I can hear you"; he responded as he stood up.

"Well, had you responded to the last 5 times I called your name, there would be no need for screaming."

"That's nonsense"; Drage said as he stood up, not believing that he hadn't heard Pascal call for him.

"It is not. What is wrong with you? And do not say "nothing", because I don't believe you."

Drage took a second before responding, "I guess I got lost within my head for a minute. I apologize."

Pascal gave Drage an odd look, but said nothing more of the matter. "You know, I like you in this human look you've given for yourself."

"Do you"; Drage asked, standing up to face Pascal directly. He was glad Pascal wasn't upset about his appearance. He had been finding it more difficult to transform back into his true self.

"I do. What is the name you've given for yourself?"

"Caleb Austin."

"Interesting"; Pascal said as he ran his hand down Drage's mid-section. "I've always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a human..."

Drage pushed Pascal's hand away. "I am not human"; he said angrily. "Do not compare me to one."

Pascal grabbed Drage's arm, pulling it towards him. "I know you are not. But still, the illusion is definitely a nice one."

Drage stared Pascal in his blackened eyes, searching for a feeling he didn't know existed anymore. Suddenly, Drage pressed his lips against Pascal, kissing him deeply, moaning and grabbing Pascal's dick through his robe. Pascal pushed Drage against the rock walls of the Underworld, lifting Drage's arms upwards over his head. He separated from the kiss and looked hungrily at his lover.

"Take me, my love"; Drage uttered. "Take me now."

Pascal slowly lifted Drage's shirt and gazed at the smooth skin beneath it. His tongue lapped at Drage's nipples; sucking, nibbling and biting hard. Drage moaned in feigned pleasure... unable to feel anything but sadness through the touches of the demon he once loved....

"Love"; Drage thought. "Demons cannot love and yet, I know I no longer love him..."

As Pascal made his way down to Drage's crotch, a single tear slid from Drage's eye... the emotions within him hitting a fever pitch. He quickly wiped the tear away and attempted to enjoy the situation... and failing horribly.

Dinner was oddly quiet and awkward with Chris not talking to me, as it was for a few days after that. I kept trying to talk to him telepathically, but he wouldn't respond. Eventually, he put some kind of block up, similar to Noah's.

I guess this wasn't going to be easy.

That Friday night, after deciding to sleep on the couch, I was watching TV when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs...

I turned around hoping it was going to be Chris.

It was Wyatt.

"Still no luck with Chris"; he asked.

I gave him a look which said it all.

"Dumb question"; he continued. "Sorry." "It's OK"; I replied. "I know you're just trying to help."

"So, I guess I really fucked things up, huh"; he asked as he made he way towards me.

I sighed and answered, "No. I think things were already on their way to fucking up."

"What makes you say that"; he said as he sat next to me. Considering that Wyatt already had enough on his plate, I decided that lying to him would be in his best interest.

"Never mind, bro. It's nothing. It'll all pass."

Just as I said that, Chris walked past and saw us sitting on the couch. He gave Wyatt and I a look before heading upstairs.

"Fucking figures"; he muttered on his way up.

"What"; Wyatt asked towards him.

"Nothing, bro. Trust me when I say that it's better that you let it go"; I answered for him. Of course, it's rare that Wyatt lets anything go... and this was one of those times. Before I knew it, Wyatt was making his way upstairs after Chris. I thought about stopping him, but I was too tired to even try to get into things. This argument was exhausting the hell out of me. I couldn't be in the Manor that night, so I did something I hadn't done in a while.

I grabbed my bag of clothes, took my set of keys and went home.

"Aren't you the first person to tell someone how they should knock first"; Chris said as Wyatt entered his room.

"Like you would've actually let me in"; Wyatt said as he shut the door behind him.

"You're right. Now leave."

"How about"; Wyatt said, "you tell me what's going on between you and Pete first? And of course, what do I have to do with things?"

"Pete didn't tell you? I'm surprised"; Chris responded sarcastically. "He usually jumps to you before anything."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean"; Wyatt said angrily.

"Nothing"; Chris answered as he fell back on his bed, breaking eye contact.

"Don't tell me "nothing". What are you so pissed for?"

Chris sat up and faced Wyatt once more, his eyes full of anger. "What is going on between you and my boyfriend?"

"You can't be serious"; Wyatt said with laughter.

"Does it look like I'm joking"; Chris said while standing up. "What is going on?"

"Let me see... how about... NOTHING?"

"Really? Well, I would believe that if I didn't find you two always together. Kissing, cuddling, talking behind my back..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"; Wyatt said. "Kissing... if I'm not mistaken, you started that whole thing between the three of us. Cuddling ties in with the kissing... especially since we ALL do that..."

"Whatever. And talking behind my back?"

Wyatt laughed again. "For what reason would I have to talk behind your back? Or Pete, for that matter?"

"Don't laugh at me"; Chris yelled. "I'm losing my boyfriend to my brother... and all you can do is laugh at me like I'm losing it?"

"Losing your boyfriend? What makes you think I'm trying to steal him from you?"

Chris sat there quietly, starting to realize how strongly he was believing his own negative thoughts. Before he knew it, tears had started to fall down his face.

"Hey"; Wyatt said, walking to Chris and putting an arm around him. "What's really bothering you?"

Chris cried silently for a while before answering.

"I just feel like Pete prefers you over me. He's always with you and hardly with me anymore."

"No way! Pete loves you, bro. You know that. If he's with me, it's just brotherly stuff... maybe with some sexual undertone, I'll give you that... but other than that, it's all innocent."

Chris looked into his brother's eyes. "I guess you may be right"; he said with a sniffle.

"Of course I'm right"; Wyatt said. "What you saw a few days ago was him comforting me because of what happened with Caleb. I cried myself to sleep and he fell asleep because of something that he referred to as "multiple sex sessions".

Chris laughed a bit at that.

"Did you even think to talk to him about any of this?"

"I haven't spoken to him since it happened"; Chris replied. "I guess jealousy got the best of me."

"It really would've helped it you had"; Wyatt added. "It would've ended this a whole lot quicker." Chris nodded in response. "OK. Bad segue time, but it needs to be done"; Wyatt said. "Are you sure you want this threesome to happen between us? I only ask that because you don't seem like you're too sure anymore."

Chris took a second before replying, "Maybe I'm a bit freaked out about things. But this is Pete's choice."

"And your's too. Don't leave your opinion out of it. If you don't want it to happen, then it won't."

"Really, it's fine"; Chris said. "I just felt a bit left out. I just think we should wait a while longer until everything's fixed between us."

Wyatt smiled and kissed Chris lightly... and deepened it a bit as they went on.

"Better"; Wyatt asked as they separated.

Chris looked at his brother with a smile.

It was so odd being in my house. It felt like I hadn't actually seen my room in forever. I threw my bag on the floor and turned on the computer. After putting in my password, the first thing that popped up was a group of pictures Chris and I had taken a while back.

"Be careful"; I had said to him while in the photo booth.

"No one knows we're in here"; he responded with a smile. I was sitting on his lap, trying not to make out with him before the movie started. He looked unbelievably hot in this blue button-up shirt he was wearing and it wasn't helping matters.

"I thought we were going to take some quick pictures and then watch a movie"; I replied, acting as if I was pissed off when I was the furthest thing from it.

"We are, but right now"; he said with a quick kiss, "let's make our own scene." I laughed a bit harder then I intended before covering my mouth with my hand.

"Let me help"; Chris said as he moved my hand and replaced them with his lips. He ran his hand across my back and I eased myself closer on his lap, moaning as the kiss intensified.

Needless to say, we missed the beginning of the movie by 15 minutes.

"Well, might as well take some pictures"; he said with a smile as he added the money to the machine. We tried to pose cutely... and succeeded with the first two pictures... before he started to kiss me all over again.

After a while, I said, "Um... we really should go, baby. The pictures should be developing."

He smiled and added $2 to the machine.

"What did you do that for"; I asked.

"I want copies"; he replied, before kissing me again.

Definitely one of the best dates ever.

I found myself crying, trying to blink away the memory. I quickly changed my wallpaper to a Harry Potter wallpaper... before remembering Chris' comparing me to Malfoy. I decided just not to have any wallpaper.

"Wow, you're actually home for once"; my Mom said, peeking in the door.

"Yeah"; I replied with a smile. "I know I haven't been home in a while. I'm sorry about that."

"Well, it's fine, of course. Just try to come home more often, not just when you're arguing with Chris."

I sighed before saying, "Mama Piper called, didn't she?"

My mother walked in the room and sat on my bed. "Of course. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really"; I said, "but thanks for asking."

"It's what mothers do"; she countered, before she stood up to kiss me good night. "See you in the morning for breakfast?"

"Sure"; I smiled. "But since when do you cook breakfast?"

"Just because your Mama is an amazing cook doesn't mean no one else can cook"; she said with a laugh.

"That's true, but since when is placing a box of cereal next to a bowl considered "cooking"?"

"You are so going to get it for that"; she answered. "Good night, baby."

"'Night, Mom."

I decided that checking my e-mail would have to wait another day. I went to my drawer, changed into a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt that belonged to Chris. As I lay on my pillow, his scent rose into my nose while I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Do you understand why I have sought you out"; Drage asked to the cloaked woman.

"That I do"; the Seer responded. "What I do not know is why you have met with me in secret."

"For someone who is called The Seer, I find that highly unlikely." The woman smiled before responding, "It's called common courtesy. I do know why you're here and for what reason that should be secret."

"I have no time for courtesies"; Drage replied. "I need to find out what has been happening to me and why."

The Seer's eyes closed and she held out her hands. Drage clasped them in his and mimicked her actions. The Seer began to shake as visions flowed into her... and through Drage.

A young boy with long hair playing with a puppy....

The same boy, years later, in a park, when a young boy walked up to him. "Hi, I'm Wyatt. Wanna play tag with me?"

The boy once more, crying when his mother walked out the door for the very last time, on his knees, screaming, "Mommy!" His drunken father, sitting on a recliner, laughing.

Flashes of an unknown life... of a boy named Joshua Samuel Anderson.

Drage opened his eyes... and saw himself in a hall... hearing screams of a man. Although fearing his surroundings, he found himself walking, then running towards the screams.

He entered a room and saw the young man... the one from his dreams, sitting backwards on the floor, pushing himself away from a man who was after him... not a man. A demon. The boy was in tears, obviously scared for his life.

"What do you want"; Joshua yelled.

The demon said nothing, but tossed a fireball towards him, missing Joshua by a few inches, leaving scorch marks behind him. He looked at Joshua with an evil smirk, before bringing forth another fireball. Joshua knew he wouldn't miss him this time...

He lifted up his arms to try to block it, although he knew it would never work.

Suddenly, his arms felt hot as if they were on fire. Joshua opened his eyes just in time to see his arms glowing a dark red... and shooting forth a powerful light, which encompassed the demon from his legs upwards.

The demon screamed in pain before combusting, leaving not a trace behind.

After a minute, Joshua stood up and looked at himself... his shirt was ripped from falling after running from the demon, but other than that, he was unscarred. His back was in pain from being hurt by his father days before. His glanced at his arms and they seemed normal as well.

"What is happening to me"; Joshua wondered out loud.

Drage's surroundings suddenly turned white and it became hard to see. When it cleared, he stood standing once more in front of the Seer. He quickly let go of her hands and backed away. "What was that"; Drage asked spanking with fear.

The Seer opened her eyes as well and said nothing.

"What was that"; he yelled.

"It seems"; the Seer responded after a moment, "that the life you lead now is not one of your own choosing."

"What is that supposed to mean"; Drage said.

"It means that... you may have been human."

"No"; Drage whispered. "No, no, no"; he said a bit louder. "It's because of this spell I've performed. I only did it to appear human. To break through to the Charmed Ones."

"Are you referring to the Gleave's Transformation?"

"Yes"; Drage responded. "And I've tried to break the spell and it won't end itself. Am I supposed to wait for it to take it's course? And why is it so hard for me to transform back into my proper self? Why is this..."

"The spell should've broken once you performed the proper channels of lifting it"; she interrupted. "The fact that it hasn't... and that you find it difficult to transform back into your true self...may hold to the fact that you are... truly human. Even more, to the fact that you are..."

"Do not say it"; Drage screamed. "I am not a witch!"

"You witnessed the same event as I did. I only see what once was and what may be. I am not able to alter them at my will."

Before he knew it, Drage ran upon the Seer and shoved a dagger into her chest... she gasped and relaxed at her impending death, but not before looking into Drage's eyes.

"Such animosity... such pain and anger. Are you sure you aren't human?"

She then crumbled to the floor and dissipated into ash.

Drage fell to his knees in the lair, shaking and crying, repeating the words, "I'm not a witch", over and over again to the cold air that surrounded him. He looked at himself, still disguised as Caleb. He closed his eyes and tried to transform back into Drage... he shimmered for a second, but remained unchanged.

"Why is this happening to me"; he thought silently. "Who am I? Why do I find myself drawn to a life that doesn't belong to me? What happened to my feelings for Pascal... and why does a witch make me feel as if I'm capable of love?"

He finally stood up and looked around.

"I have to get out of here"; he thought out loud. "I hope I can still do that." Within seconds, Caleb shimmered out of the Underworld.

The next morning, I found myself staring at the ceiling. I hadn't really been able to sleep since Chris and I had argued. I turned my head towards the dresser... where I found myself face to face with the picture we had taken on Mama Piper's birthday... glancing at Chris' smiling face made me feel as if I would start to cry and never stop. I needed a breather and fast. I got out of bed, showered as fast as I could, got dressed and headed out. On the way past Halliwell manor, Noah was on his way inside.

"Hey"; he said with a smile. I wasn't really speaking to him and let him know this by walking past him.

"Wait a second"; he said, while grabbing my arm. "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't speak to people who insinuate that I'm fucking my boyfriend's brother, thank you very much."

"Pete, just hold on a second."

I sighed and looked at him. "Make it fast."

"Look... what I said the other day... it was out of line."

"You think so"; I said sarcastically. "Wow... you're smarter than you look. Who knew?"

"Alright. I had that coming"; he replied. "But still, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to overstep my boundary. It just seemed weird that you were dressed that way coming out of Wyatt's room..."

"However I'm dressed, wherever I'm coming from, is none of your concern."

"Actually, it is."

"And just why is that?"

Noah seemed to catch what he was saying. "I just don't want Chris to get hurt, alright. He means a lot to me."

"How can he mean so much to you? You don't even know him."

"Look... I can't get too much into this. All I can say is that you two need to work things out..."

"Why are you so damn invested in us"; I asked. "Are you into one of us or something?"

"Trust me. I have a boyfriend and there's definitely no kind of interest in the two of you like that."

"Whatever"; I said before walking away.

"Pete"; he called out again. I looked back at him once more.

"I heard about what happened between Wyatt and Caleb. I know what you were doing... and I'm sorry, OK? I really didn't mean to say something to hurt you."

I took in what he said and nodded. "I really gotta go, OK? See you later." I put my iPod on and continued off.

Wyatt was in his room listening to music, about to head out. Right as he reached his door, Chris knocked and came in.

"Hey, bro"; Wyatt said with a smile.

"Hey yourself."

"I'm going to get something to eat. You want to come along?"

"Nah, I'm good. Besides, I have something to do. Before you go, you should go downstairs. Caleb's here to see you."

Wyatt seemed somewhat confused. Ex-boyfriends really didn't show up unannounced, but again, Wyatt had to keep reminding himself that according to Caleb, they weren't really broken up. Regardless of what he said, it sure felt that way. He made his way downstairs and found him standing alone in the hall.

"Hey, babe"; he replied as he made his way downstairs. "What's going on?"

Caleb looked up and into Wyatt's eyes... before walking forward, without saying a word... and kissed Wyatt passionately. He ran his hands through Wyatt's hair and ravaged his tongue with his own.

Wyatt separated from Caleb and looked into Caleb's eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this"; Wyatt asked.

"I'm not sure of anything right now. But I promise you... this won't be something I will regret."

Caleb's eyes seemed to shine with a longing, a desperate need to be close with him. Slowly, but surely, Wyatt eased himself back into Caleb's kiss... before taking his hand and leading him back upstairs.

I made my way down to my new favorite spot to be alone with my thoughts: on top of the San Francisco Bridge. Chris taught me a way to cloak myself so I would be unknown to anyone. I stood there silently; the wind blowing it's way passed me, the water below crashing all around. Just a few weeks ago, Chris and I stood in this same spot overlooking the same sights, the moon shining high above us. I was sitting between his legs, his arms around me... we sat silently, no words, no thoughts, just us.

And here I now was, all alone, hurt and confused. "I thought you might be here."

I turned around and there was Chris, his hair blowing in the wind, smiling at me.

I felt like I had so much to say to him and yet, at that moment, I couldn't say a word. I guess somewhere in the few days he had been upset with me, anger had taken over me.

I guess he sensed it, cause he spoke first.

"I'm a little jealous of you and Wyatt's relationship although I know I have no reason to be... but it doesn't stop me from acting like an ass when I see you two together."

I kept my gaze toward him and he continued.

"You have no reason to forgive me. But, I'm hoping you will. You mean so much to me. You make me unbelievably happy. I refuse to lose something so precious over something so dumb. You're my light, Pete. You're my everything good in this world. Just knowing that I'm not close to you right now hurts more than you can conceive."

My eyes started to water as his words shattered the wall around my heart.

"There's something I need to ask you."

He walked towards me and grabbed my hand, the one with my ring that he had given me and held it in his... the sun gleamed off of the necklace I had given him for his birthday.

"Peter... do you still love me"; he asked.

I looked in his eyes as the tears started to fall down mine.

"Do you really need to ask me that"; I replied.

"Please. Just answer the question. Pete, do you love me?"

"I never stopped"; I replied. "Do you still love me?"

He took a second before saying, "In ways you'll never know... and in ways I hope I can always show you."

He pulled me towards him and kissed me lightly before embracing me in his arms. I melted into him, smelling his hair and holding him tightly as I could. For the first time in a week, I felt like myself again.

"I'm so sorry, my angel"; he whispered in my ears. "Can you ever find it in yourself to forgive me?"

I whispered back, "Only if you can find a way to forgive me."

I could hear the smile in his voice as he answered, "I can't forgive someone who's never done anything but love me and my family the way you do."

We held each other for what seemed like hours. I turned around, Chris' arms still around me. With him holding me, we watched the morning sun; it's blinding light enveloping us in warmth for what felt like the first time in days... we had come home to each other. My iPod continued playing in my pocket. The lyrics being sung seemed to reach out to the both of us.

"You are the strength that keeps me walking You are the hope that keeps me trusting You are the life to my soul You are my purpose; you're everything And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you..."

Next: Chapter 13

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