Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Sep 9, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

If you're under 18, you really shouldn't be here reading this, so please hit the back button now. All responses and comments can be sent to

"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 9: Desperation; Part II

"That's good, baby. Now faster and harder! You got it! Keep going!"

I grunted and panted as I met each of Chris' thrusts with more intensity than the last. Back and forth we slammed, faster and faster...

...until the training-demon we had set up exploded into tiny bits.

"Wow"; I said. "That was intense."

"Yeah, babe. This power is so fucking cool. No way the Source has a chance against this."

We were all training in Magic School for the big fight.

I looked at Chris as I walked to get my bottle of water from the table. "Baby, we don't even know if this will work on him."

"I know that, Pete. But, it definitely will have some kind of effect on him, especially if the Elders gave us this power. Plus, it will definitely work on any other demons that cross our path down in the Underworld."

"I guess you're right"; I said as I sat on the floor. "Why is Wyatt not training with us? Shouldn't he be sweating it up as well?"

There was a loud boom across the hall and a muffled "Sorry" after that.

"That's why"; Chris answered as he sat down next to me. "He's doing potions, remember?"

"Yeah"; I answered as I lifted the bottle to my lips for another swig of water. "And why didn't we opt for potion duty again?"

"We're taking turns, babe. We're doing potions with Mom and Aunt Pheebs a little later."

"Why is there no fighting going on in here?"

We looked up and there was Aunt Paige at the door.

"We're just taking a quick rest"; I said as I stood up. Chris rose to his feet as well.

"Well, make it snappy, babes. If it was Piper at the door, she'd probably be a lot more hard-ass on you right now"; she said.

"Yes, Professor McGonaghall"; Chris said jokingly.

"Excuse me?"; she responded.

"Nothing, Aunt Paige"; I answered. ""Harry Potter" reference." "I know who Prof. McGonaghall is, Pete. I'm just mad he compared me to her old ass"; she said with a laugh.

"Would you rather me refer to you as Dumbledore?"; Chris said smartly.

"OK, enough of the comparisons. Get back to training. And Chris..."

"Yeah"; he responded.

"If we get through this fight, expect revenge. Big time"; she said with a smirk as she closed the door behind her.

"So"; I said as I stepped closer to Chris. "Does that make you Harry or Ron?"

"Well, sexy... I kind of was hoping you'd be Ron. I'd be able to please you with my Magic Wand."

"You already do"; I answered. We started to kiss.

Chris pushed me away. "Baby, not now. Fighting demons, even though they're not real ones, would be really hard to do with my dick poking through my pants."

I laughed at that and grabbed Chris' dick through his shorts. "Damn. And it feels so fucking good, too."

"Baby..."; he moaned.

"OK, OK. I get it."

"Good"; he responded as he walked to the table and grabbed another "demon-making" potion. "You ready, love?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, Draco"; I responded as he walked back towards me.

"Draco"; he asked.

"Well... I kind of think he's hot."

"Could you be any dorkier right now?"; he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, but you love this dork"; I responded.

"Definitely"; he said as he kissed my cheek. "Let's do this, babe." Chris threw the potion a bit away from us. When the smoke cleared, there stood a set-up demon.

"Damn. Magic School sure is a weird place"; I said as I stepped towards the snarling demon.

"That it is"; Chris answered as he stepped next to me, ready to attack.

"Here we go"; we both said as we prepared to attack.

"It has come to my attention that the Charmed Ones are severely defeating us at a rapid pace"; Pascal said to a smaller group of demons in the Underworld. "And maybe you're all a bit too weak and worn out to go against them."

The demons in attendance looked worried and frightened of their leader as he addressed them all.

"It's been too long since most of you have fought witches, it seems. And young ones at that. How pathetic can you all be? You call yourselves "demons"? I don't see one here that can fulfill a simple task."

"My liege"; said an unknown demon. "We are trying."

"Well, I've grown tired of trying"; Pascal responded. He launched a fireball at the demon, destroying it instantly. The other demons stood paralyzed in fear.

"And I am not the only one"; Pascal continued. Behind the demons, The Source suddenly appeared.

"I guess we'll have to do some form of recruiting as the rest of your services are no longer wanted or needed."

The Source suddenly started to haul fireballs as well, destroying more of the demons. Before they knew it, they were all killed, minus a few whom escaped when they realized what was going on.

"Sir"; Pascal started as he made his way to his leader. "There are others."

"I am aware of that"; The Source responded. "But, not enough to hide for long. They will be dealt with as soon as possible. I trust you know what you are doing, Pascal."

"I am very aware"; Pascal said. "Trust me. Between the three of us, we're all we need to take out the Charmed line completely."

"You better be"; The Source answered. "As easy as it was to take out these lousy excuses for fighters, it will be easy to defeat you as well. Do not let me down."

"I will not, master"; Pascal said as the Source shimmered away.

"Are you sure of this, my love"; Drage asked as he walked from behind the corner he was hiding in.

"I've never been more sure of anything else"; Pascal responded as he met his lover's gaze. "He will never know what is coming to him."

Pascal smiled widely as he kissed Drage. "Now... onto the next part of the plan"; he said as he backed away. "Why do you think I let a few of the demons survive?"

Drage returned the smile. "This is going to be interesting."

"So, are you as nervous as I am"; Wyatt asked his brothers that night as they wound down after their long training day.

Pete and Chris were cuddling on the couch in the manor. The adults were upstairs, discussing battle plans for them.

"Unbelievably"; Pete responded.

"Definitely"; Chris added.

"Yeah, I guess I am, too"; Wyatt finished. "Today was easy and all, but something tells me going against the Source of All Evil won't be."

"What gave you that first clue"; Chris asked as he sat up. "The words "battle" or "Source of All Evil"?"

"Shut up"; Wyatt said as he smacked Chris' leg.

"But, seriously"; Chris continued, "yeah. I'm a bit scared."

"Me, too"; Pete said as he laid he head across Chris' lap. "I'm fucking terrified. Why did we agree to do this again?"

Wyatt moved across the floor and laid on Pete's stomach. "Because this is something we have to do, I guess. Welcome to the life of the Charmed Ones, I guess."

They all sighed and quieted.

"Can we talk about something else?"; Pete asked.

"Yeah"; Chris answered. "Like, Wyatt, why are you laying your head on my boyfriend right now?"

"Sorry"; Wyatt said as he lifted his head up, a bit confused. "Just felt left out, I guess."

Pete grabbed Wyatt's head and laid it back on his stomach and looked at his boyfriend. "And it's NO problem, is it, Chris?"

"I guess not"; Chris said shakily, his voice filled with nervousness and a bit of jealousy.

"Look"; Pete started. "If we get through this fight..."

"Which we will"; Chris corrected.

"Fine. WHEN we get through this fight, there's this matter of this threesome. We have to understand that this is going to change us."

"Baby"; Chris started.

"Hopefully"; Pete continued, "Not too much. This is definitely going to bring us closer than we all already are. And we're already really close as it is. So, you can't get jealous of anything at all. This is going to be weird enough between the three of us as it is."

Chris nodded and sighed. "You're right, baby. I'm sorry. Just stressed about the fight is all."

"It's OK, love. I understand what you're feeling." Pete then gave Chris a reassuring kiss. Wyatt frowned after seeing that.

"What?"; Chris asked.

"Well... where's my kiss"; he asked with a giggle.

Chris laughed back and leaned over and kissed Wyatt.

"Wow"; Wyatt responded.

"What"; Chris asked.

"I get why Pete's with you now. Damn!"

Pete giggled and kissed Wyatt as well. Wyatt swooned and pretended to faint. Chris and Pete laughed and relaxed instantly, until they heard the doorbell ringing.

"Who's going to get that?"; I asked as I groaned. I really didn't want to move at all.

"Not me"; Chris said quickly.

"Me, neither"; I said after Chris.

"Damn you both"; Wyatt said as he stood up to answer the door. I looked at Chris and winked. He did the same and we both got up to follow Wyatt.

"Oh, now you get up"; Wyatt said towards Chris and I.

"Well"; Chris replied, "we're nosy little fucks."

"Yep!"; I said with a huge grin.

Wyatt gave us the finger and we stuck our tongues back at him as he answered the door.

"Um... hey Wyatt. Is this a bad time?"; said someone Chris and I didn't recognize.

"No"; Wyatt responded. "Not at all. Come on in." The black-haired cutie walked into the corridor.

"Hi"; he said as he offered his hand for us to shake. "I'm Caleb Austin."

Chris and I looked at Wyatt, who had this "do not embarrass me" look on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Caleb. I'm Pete Heskith. And this is Wyatt's brother, Chris."

Chris extended his hand as well. As he shook Caleb's hand, I saw a weird expression come over his face, but it passed rather quickly. Maybe I was just imagining things, or we had just trained way too hard.

"Um... do you want us to leave you alone for a while, Wyatt?"; I asked.

"Sure, I'd appreciate that"; he said with a smile.

"No problem"; Chris said. He took my hand and led me back into the living room. We sat back down on the couch.

"Was that a smart thing to do; grabbing my hand like that"; I asked once Chris and I got settled back on the couch.

"Well, Caleb is gay, right? I'm sure it didn't make him uncomfortable. And for all he knows, we're just friends anyway."

I nodded and agreed with what he said. I looked towards him and he had a weird look on his face.

"What's wrong? In some kind of pain from training?"

"Well, yeah, a little. But that's not it"; Chris replied.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't know. It's probably nothing."

"It could be something"; I said as I eased my way back onto Chris' lap. He looked down at me and gave me a small smile.

"OK. Is it me... or did you get a weird vibe from Caleb?"

I had to think about it for a minute. "Not really, babe. All I could think of was how cute he was"; I said with a grin.

"OK, OK. I'll give you that, baby"; he replied with a slight smile, "but, seriously. You didn't pick up anything?"

"No, nothing. He seemed fine to me. A little nervous about seeing the three of us, maybe. Not anything negative, though."

"Yeah. That probably was it"; Chris said with a bit of uncertainty. He looked off again. I started to reply when we both heard the front door close. Wyatt walked back into the room with a big smile on his face. He sat back down on the floor in front of the couch and leaned back on my stomach again.

"So, Caleb is a cute guy"; I said to Wyatt.

"Yep. That he is"; Wyatt replied, still smiling. "So, why did he come by"; Chris asked.

"He had to cancel our date for tomorrow. He has to do something with his family."

"And you're happy about that"; I asked Wyatt, a bit confused.

"No. That part sucks. I was really looking forward to our date."

"So, why are you smiling like you've won a shit load of money?"

He looked towards me and replied, "It's what happened after that that's making me smile."

I read Wyatt's thoughts and giggled a bit. "So, how was it?"

"Damn good"; Wyatt responded and then laughed himself.

"Am I missing something"; Chris asked.

"They kissed, baby"; I answered. Wyatt started to blush a bit, but still had a goofy grin on his face.

"That's cool"; Chris said with forced excitement.

I peered into Chris' thoughts after that. It was anything but excitement for what was going on for Wyatt and Caleb.

It was fear.

Wyatt never noticed Chris' expression. He was too happy.

"Suddenly"; Wyatt said as he stood up, "I'm in the mood to train a little more. You guys wanna join me?"

"Maybe a little later"; I said. "Chris and I are still a bit pooped." Chris nodded and agreed with my statement.

"OK"; Wyatt said. "See you guys a bit later." He gave Chris and I light kisses.

"Definitely still better than Caleb"; he said and then, orbed away.

I looked up towards Chris. He looked back down at me and frowned a bit. I sat up and cuddled next to him. He held me close and for once, we didn't care if we were caught.

Drage walked through the many tunnels of the Underworld searching for his lover. He had made sure their tracks were covered, found a couple of the escaped demons and had done everything else Pascal had asked of him.

Plus, he was horny and wanted to feel Pascal inside of him.

He heard moans coming from their lair and walked even faster, fearing the worse.

"He's found out what we're up to"; Drage thought; filled with worry. When he finally was able to see what the moans truly were coming from, it was then that his emotions turned from worry to fury.

Pascal was lying on the floor, while another male demon was riding his dick, moaning in pleasure and ecstasy. Pascal was shoving his hard cock deeper and deeper into the demon's ass... and neither one of them seemed to notice Drage watching them.

Before Drage knew it, he had launched a fireball at a wall; startling Pascal and his partner.

"What the fuck? Drage, what are you doing?"; Pascal asked as he stopped in mid-thrust. The other demon rolled off of Drage and laid there with a satisfied smile on his face.

"What am I doing? What the hell do you think you are doing? You really are lying there and asking me this?!"

The other demon grabbed his clothes from the floor. "Sir, is there a problem?"

"Yeah"; Drage said as he conjured up another fireball. "There is. You're still alive." He hurled it at the confused demon. Pascal quickly conjured up his own; colliding with Drage's and exploding in mid-air.

"I suggest you call that a reprieve on your life, Lexan, and make yourself scarce"; Pascal said to the other naked demon.

"I guess so. Well, you know where you can find me, master"; he responded and then, shimmered away.

"Now, Drage"; Pascal asked as he put his pants on and walked towards his lover. "What is the problem?"

"The problem? You were just here fucking some insignificant being and you ask me what the problem is?" Pascal went to touch Drage's face, but Drage pushed his arm away.

"Do not dare touch me."

Drage turned around and Pascal walked behind him. "My love. What is your problem? You have had no discretion with me before when it comes to sex with another."

Drage thought about what Pascal said... and he was not lying.

"No, I haven't"; Drage responded; still angered. "You, however, were always with me when we brought another into our lovemaking." He knew it was a lie as well. They had both fooled and fucked around with others. Well, more Pascal than him, but it was still common knowledge.

"Sure"; Pascal said as he wrapped his arms around his lover. "What really is the problem?"

Drage sighed and came up with an excuse. "I suppose... it's because I'm nervous about the fight. And you don't seem to be. You're here having sex like it's another..."

His words were cut off by Pascal's lips against his. For some reason, it didn't feel as good to him as it usually did.

When their lips parted, Pascal smiled. "I'm not nervous and you shouldn't be either, my love. When it's all over, we will be where we want to be. And we will win this fight."

Drage forced a smile. "I suppose your right, my love."

"I am. Now... I'm still horny and you're here now." Pascal kissed Drage once more.

All throughout the time they were having sex and Pascal filled Drage with his dick, all Drage could think about was... someone else.

"So, this is how it's going to be"; Mama Piper said to us as we all sat down on the couches in the living room. Wyatt had returned from his training some time before and Papa Leo was back down from the Elders.

"The boys, Amanda and I are going down to the Underworld to take care of the Source."

"What about everyone else"; Chris asked.

"Well, they won't be with us. Since we all have active powers, it would be better for just the five of us to go. Besides, all of us down there wouldn't be good. Too much of a group is unnecessary."

"Ahem"; said Aunt Paige. "I have an active power, too!"

"I know you do"; Mama P responded. "But, you're still needed here in case anything happens. Phoebe and Leo need backup."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"; Aunt Paige muttered. "You take all of the fun out of everything." I had to smile at that a bit.

"Anyway"; Mama Piper continued. "We all have our potions, right?"

Chris, Wyatt and I all pointed to the liquid filled vials on the table.

"Good. So, I guess that's it. We go down to the Underworld tonight. Unless... you're having second thoughts, guys. We can always wait until we know more."

"Mama P"; I responded. "We already talked about this. We strike now when the Source is still weak and we possibly have an easier chance. We have to do this immediately. No more waiting."

Phoebe nodded. "He's right, sis. It's now or never."

"Anything with the Elders, Dad"; Wyatt asked.

"We really don't have much just yet. We're kind of still looking."

Piper sighed and nodded as well. "OK. We go down there first thing tomorrow, I guess. Anyone feel like pizza?"

"Oh yeah"; my mother said. "If Piper's not cooking, she's definitely worried." Mama Piper threw a pillow at my mother and we all laughed... until three demons shimmered into the room.

All of us stood up. "Wow"; I said. "You guys really have some balls."

One of the demons, a man, rose his hand. "Please, Charmed Ones. We come here in peace."

"Yeah"; Chris said. "We heard that before." He started to step towards them, before Wyatt stepped in front of him.

"Bro, chill. This situation does seem highly unlikely."

"Paden speaks the truth"; said another demon, a female. "We have come here for your help, believe it or not."

Mama Piper, Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe walked towards the demons. "I suggest you start speaking"; Aunt Phoebe said. "Your time is severely limited."

"Then, we will make this brief"; said the third demon; another male. "There is something weird... going on in the Underworld."

"Your point being?" asked Mama Piper.

"The Source and his two underlings, Pascal and Drage, attacked and eliminated many demons for no reason. With Pascal, it's nothing new. But with the Source..."

"It's definitely something off"; Mama Piper responded.

"It came without warning or reason"; said the demon known as Paden. "Some of us barely managed to escape. And we're at serious risk of demise here telling you this... not only by your hand."

"So"; Wyatt said. "The Source started killing his own. Sounds like a win-win to me."

"It's not"; Phoebe said. "The Source may be killing them to gain power. More power means..."

"More difficult for us to defeat him"; I said.

"Which means someone most likely tipped him off to our plans"; Aunt Paige continued.

"Well"; Mama Piper said, "I always hated going somewhere without an invitation." She looked towards the three demons. "I can't believe I'm going to tell you this... but, thank you."

"So, you will take care of this"; asked the female demon.

"That we will"; she responded. "Now, you came here in peace...which is still freaking me out. But, I will allow you to leave in the same manner."

The three demons nodded, but only two of them shimmered away, leaving the female behind.

"The reason you're still here is..."; Mama Piper asked.

She gave a smirk and conjured a fireball. Aunt Paige saw it and said, "Fireball", which caused the demon's fireball to orb into her hands. She hurled it back at the demon and she exploded.

We all looked at Aunt Paige.

"What?"; she said with a smile. "I had to do something."

We all let out a small giggle at that.

"OK"; Mama Piper said as she walked towards us. "New plan. We go down there now. Get this over with before it becomes bigger than us."

"Better cancel that pizza"; Chris said.

"Are you guys sure you're ready"; my mom asked.

We all looked at each other.

"Are you ready, baby"; Chris said telepathically.

"I am if you are"; I responded back to him. "I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful."

"We're ready"; I said out loud to Mama Piper.

"Well then," she said as she walked towards us. "Grab your potions and let's get this done with."

We all grabbed the potions off the table and walked to Mama Piper and my mother. We all held hands.

"Um... one problem"; I said.

"What is that, baby"; Mama Piper asked.

"How do you actually get to the Underworld?" We all laughed at that.

"I got this"; Chris said. "Just follow my lead. We call our powers, us Halliwell five..."

Wyatt continued, "To lead us down where demons thrive..."

Then me, "To help us through this treacherous course..." Then Mama Piper, "To the Underworld to defeat the Source."

Suddenly, a wind seemed to surround us... when it cleared, we stood in a dark cave with burning torches all around us."

"Welcome to the Underworld"; my mother said.

I was officially scared.

It was so dark, yet so cold in the Underworld. I turned around to reach for Chris' hand... but then realized that Mama P and my mom were also down with us.

"So, now what"; I asked out loud; trying to make my action seem natural.

"I guess we just walk around and try to look for him"; Mama P said.

"How do we know what we're looking for"; Wyatt asked.

"Trust me"; my mom said. "When you see him, you'll know. Until then, keep your eyes out for other demons."

"If there are any"; Wyatt responded.

We walked through what seemed like endless caves of nothing but torches and silence.

"Do you think we should've used a different spell or something"; I asked as we kept walking.

"I don't know"; Chris said.

"Keep your voices down!"; Mama Piper whispered loudly.

"Sorry"; I responded in a whisper. "But, there's really nothing down..."

I was shut up by a figure standing directly in front of us with his back turned to us. "It's OK, Charmed Ones. I know it is you." He turned around to face us and smiled.

"I'm glad you know... now who the hell are you": Mama Piper said, arms raised, ready to attack.

"Please. I am not your enemy. I am here to do the same as you."

"Yeah"; I said. "We heard that line before. Right before we had to obliterate her into nothing."

"Then she was a fool"; he said as he stepped towards us. "I am Pascal." He held his hand out for us to shake.

"Yeah. We heard about you as well"; Chris said. "Something to the effect of attacking demons for no reason. Why should we be trusting you?"

"Because, it seems as if I am your only hope. The Source has become power hungry. He is ruthless, and that ruthlessness has gone to his head. He must be dealt with at any cost, even if that means... my betrayal."

We all looked at each other, somewhat confused.

"So, let's say we do believe you and that you really want the Source dead"; my mother said. "What should make us believe that once he's dead, you won't try to take us out?"

"Because"; he said as he looked my mother in the eye, "this is not our fight. I know what I am up against if I face the five of you. And I happen to treasure my life. I humbly ask you to assist me in doing what needs to be done."

"Do you believe him"; I said to Chris telepathically.

"Not at all. But, do we really have a choice?"

I looked towards Wyatt. I couldn't communicate with him the same way as I could Chris, but I could read his thoughts. He caught my eye and thought, "I guess this really is the only way."

"Fine"; I said. "We will follow you. But, if you even make one misstep, we will take you out quicker than you can blink."

"Pete"; Mama Piper said, "are you sure about this?"

"Not really"; I responded. "But we really are at a loss for ideas."

She nodded in agreement. "OK, Pascal. Lead us to him." He nodded as well and we started to follow him.

He led the five of us into another section of the Underworld. We kept our eyes open and looked around to make sure there weren't any demons hiding in the shadows. We kept following him until we reached a room with many torches and a dead end.

"OK, Pascal, end of the line. Where is he"; Mama Piper asked.

Suddenly, we heard a gate slam behind us. Chris and I tried to walk towards it, but it was surrounded by a force field, which sent us flying back quite a bit. It slammed us both into a rock wall. I groaned in pain and looked towards Chris. He seemed shaken, but fine as well.

We both stood up.

"Son of a bitch"; I muttered. "It's a trap."

"That it is"; Pascal responded. Chris and I stood up and walked back towards Wyatt, my mother and Mama Piper.

He looked downwards and said, "And such an easy trap it was." When he looked up again, his eyes were completely black.

"You're the Source"; Mama Piper said.

"Well, yes. Now I am, anyway."

"What do you mean, "now""; my mother asked.

"Well, it was just all too easy..."

Earlier that day...

Pascal and Drage were relaxing after their sex session. Drage seemed to be in another world.

"What is wrong, my love"; Pascal asked. "Are you still upset about my little tryst with Lexan?"

Drage quickly realized that something was wrong with him. Nothing usually made him feel any of the jealousy he currently felt, especially if Pascal pleased himself elsewhere. He had done it many times himself.

So, why was he feeling this way?

He realized that he must have had an odd expression on his face, so he quickly changed it.

"Not at all"; he responded. "As you said, it's nothing that hasn't happened before."

"So, what is it"; Pascal said as he embraced his lover. Drage felt uncomfortable, but didn't want to cause any suspicion, so he played it off as best as he could.

"I'm just still nervous about our plan. I'm hoping it will work as well as we hope."

"It will, Drage. Please stop worrying about it. Besides, you're ruining my... what is it called?"

"Post-coital bliss"; Drage responded somewhat offended.

"Exactly. So, please. Stop being such a worry wart." Drage sat there and closed his eyes, trying his hardest not to show any more emotion than he usually did.

Emotion. He never showed that...

Suddenly, a figure shimmered in the room before them.

"Perfect timing"; Drage thought to himself.

"Sir"; the demon said, "I am sorry to interrupt..."

Pascal let go of Drage and grabbed his pants from the floor. "Make it fast, Paden." Drage grabbed his pants as well as he thought, "Please take your time."

"Sir, I've done what you've asked of me. The Charmed Ones are aware of the "situation". They are on our side."

Pascal stood up and laughed. "This is going to be easier than I thought."

Drage stood up as well and walked towards Pascal. "And where are the others?"

"Lexan is around, but Ducia... she attacked the Charmed Ones and was vanquished."

"Give a little to take a lot, I suppose"; Pascal said, uncaringly. Drage looked away and frowned. Ducia was his friend.

"Are you OK, my love"; Pascal asked.

Drage changed his expression once more. "Of course. She meant nothing to me."

"Very well"; Pascal responded. "Paden, thank you. You may leave now."

"Thank you, my liege."

"Oh, and Paden"; Pascal called out.

As Paden looked towards him, Pascal walked towards him and shoved a dagger in his stomach. Paden looked confused as he started to fall.

"No, really. Thank you"; Pascal said with a smile.

Paden exploded... and his energy flowed into Pascal.

He turned around and faced Drage with a smile. Drage forced one back towards him. "Did you really need to do that?"

"Yes. Just to see if it worked." Pascal then released a lightning strike from his hand that obliterated a wall in their cave. He laughed...

... while Drage secretly began to fear what Pascal would become.

A little later that day...

"Drage! Where is Pascal?"; The Source asked as he was in his chambers, preparing for the fight.

"Well, sir"; Drage responded. "I'm not sure. But, if you have something to tell him, I will pass it along to him when I see him."

"I'd rather speak to him personally, not the demon he sticks it to on a constant basis, thank you."

Drage walked towards the Source, who became more and more angered with every step Drage took closer to him.

"Is that all you see me as, my liege?" "No, Drage. That is not all. I see you also as a distraction."

Drage frowned as the Source belittled him.

"Pascal is someone I expect to be the best of the best. He is strong-willed and strong-armed as well. He rises to any challenge and far surpasses any obstacle I have given him in the past. But, then there is you. A little weakling of a demon that somehow, he has taken a liking to. You make him weak, Drage. He thinks he loves you, but I know what you truly are. A hole he sticks it to more than the next demon and nothing more. He could find the same satisfaction in tree bark. You are nothing but a distraction."

Drage suddenly started to laugh.

"Something funny in what I said, Drage"; the Source asked.

"Yes, everything"; he responded as he back up a bit. "You will never understand what Pascal and I have. And by the way, I would rather have sex with tree bark and catch termites in my ass then to look at your disgusting face another second."

The Source pulled out a lightning bolt that slammed Drage against a wall.

"How DARE you speak to me that way, you little piss-ant! Do you know who you are talking to?"

Drage groaned and giggled. "Yes. I do know who I am talking to." He stood up and walked to face the Source eye to eye.

"I'm talking to someone who is no longer needed or wanted."

Behind the Source stood Pascal, who suddenly plunged the dagger into the Source's back. The Source howled in pain as he turned around to face his attacker.

"Pascal? How...why..."; he uttered as he started to fall.

Pascal leaned on the floor to face the Source as he kept his hand on the dagger's handle. "Because... you are the true piss-ant. I could be a much better Source than you could ever be. And now, I'll have my chance. Goodbye, my liege and honestly, good riddance."

The Source tried to release another lightning bolt, but it was no use. As he reached his hand out, his energy began to flow through the dagger into Pascal. Pascal grabbed the Source's hand and closed his eyes.

"Malus into exitus omne ("Evil, leave and be in me!")"; Pascal screamed as the transfer completed itself.

"NO"; the Source screamed as he exploded. The force of the blow sent Pascal flying and came to a stop in mid-air. He slowly floated himself down, still smiling.

Drage walked towards him. "Did it work, love?"

Pascal held his hand out and felt the surge of power flow through it as it crackled with lights.

He looked towards Drage with blackened eyes. "I would say so, my love."

Back to the present time...

Pascal, the new Source smiled at all of us, as his eyes shined.

"Well, that would be an interesting tale to tell... but that's not what we're here for. I believe you're here to die."

"We doubt that"; Wyatt said as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the potion out. Chris and I followed his lead and threw them at Pascal. He lifted his hand and caused them to float in mid-air. With his other hand, he shot out a bolt of lightning that caused the vials to explode.

"Is that all you've got? Come on, this is supposed to be a fight!"

He waved his arm again as Wyatt started to float and go towards him. He landed right is Pascal's hand as Pascal started to squeeze his hand around Wyatt's throat.

"So, you seem to like to lead the other ones into battle. Wonder how they'll do without you."

Pascal started to conjure up some more lighting, when all of a sudden, something from behind him caused him to stumble. I tried to see what it was, but all I could see what something shimmer away. I guess some of the demons were on our side after all.

It also caused Pascal to release his grasp on Wyatt. As Wyatt fell, he kicked the Source further back to give himself room to regroup with us.

"Are you OK" Mama Piper asked him. He nodded a bit as he tried to regain his breath.

The new Source stood up and dusted himself off a bit. "Damn. A bit more powerful than I thought, being able to attack me from the back and all."

Of course, that attack didn't come from us, but I wasn't going to tell him otherwise.

Chris said to me telepathically, "Ready to try that power?"

I looked at him and nodded and ran towards the Source. Chris followed behind me. As I ran, I threw the first punch at the Source's face. Chris came behind me with another punch. Then a kick from me, and a kick from him. We started to glow and our hits became quicker and much more in unison. Just as our hands seemed to surge with power, Pascal grabbed both of our arms.

"Now, now... it's my turn."

He spun us both around as if we were nothing but air and threw us into opposite walls. Once again, I groaned in pain... and noticed that my forehead was bleeding. I looked towards Chris. He didn't look much better than I did. I ran towards him. When I reached him, it looked like he wasn't moving. "You OK, baby"; I said telepathically. He groaned loudly and responded back through my mind, "Yeah. Ow."

I helped him to stand, and he too had some scrapes on his face. We turned around quickly enough to see the Source try to hit us with lightning bolts. Before he could shoot them at us, Mama Piper threw her arms up and tried to make him explode. It didn't work, so she kept doing it, until he eventually tossed her away.

My mother then tried to freeze him, with no effect, and she too was thrown towards us.

We all came together as the Source approached us.

"You call this a fight? Please!"

He started to conjure up a lightning bolt, but it seemed to crackle and flare out. He tried again with no success.

"What the hell? I must've tired myself out. Oh, well. I guess there are other ways of killing you." He held his hand out and pulled a torch to his hand. "I guess death by burning is something you witches are used to."

I inhaled as much as I could and blew out, putting out the torch...and freezing him in a block of ice as well.

"I don't know how long that can hold him"; I said, very tired and in pain.

"Hopefully long enough to get us out of here"; Chris responded. "He's too strong for us... even with his power outage."

We all stood up. "What exactly caused him to let me go"; Wyatt asked.

"I'm not sure"; my mother responded. "Something hit him from the back. Did you guys see what it was?"

"I sort of saw some kind of figure"; I responded. "I'm not sure what or who it was."

"Right now, I'm not really caring"; Mama Piper said. "Can you guys orb us home?"

"I think we can"; Chris said. We all joined hands and orbed out of the Underworld, slightly bruised and very tired.

We orbed back into the living room at the manor. Aunt Phoebe, Papa Leo, Aunt Paige and Layla were all there waiting for us.

"Oh my God"; Papa Leo said as he walked towards us. "Are you all OK?"

I plopped down on the couch and Chris and Wyatt followed.

"A little worse for wear, but we're OK"; Mama Piper answered.

"What happened down there"; Aunt Phoebe asked. "Something we weren't expecting"; Chris answered. "The Source was already defeated."

"If that's the case, then why do you look like you were all in the fight of your lives"; Aunt Paige asked.

"Because, Pascal defeated him... and took over as the Source"; Mama P said.

"And he's much stronger than we thought he was"; Wyatt continued.

"A much stronger Source"; Papa Leo replied.

"We should've saw this coming"; Layla said as she walked around, looking at us. She held her hands out and the entire room glowed. When it faded, we were all healed.

"Um... thank you"; Mama Piper said.

"It's the least I can do"; Layla responded. "I didn't think this might happen, but I should've better prepared you in case it did. We only just found out about the Dagger of Transference."

"Dagger of what"; I asked.

"It's a dagger that allows demons to kill other demons to extract their power into them to make themselves stronger" Papa Leo said. "Pascal must have used it on other demons, as well as the Source."

"And in turn, he became the Source himself"; Chris said. Piper Leo nodded, as did Layla.

"So, what do we do now"; Amanda said.

"There is a scroll which tells of all of this"; Layla continued. "In it, there are references to the dagger, a demon with a male lover, as well as the new Charmed Ones."

I looked at Chris and Wyatt and both of them looked as confused as I felt.

"What does it say"; I asked Layla.

"More or less, it explains that two demons in a homosexual relationship can only be killed by the new Charmed Ones. But, unfortunately, it doesn't get into too much detail on their backgrounds or how to defeat them."

"So, basically, we're screwed unless we find this out"; Aunt Phoebe said.

"Not exactly"; Papa Leo said. "We're going to need some help."

"What kind of help"; Mama P asked.

"Help from a witch who is as powerful as you all combined"; Layla responded. As she said that, an orb filled the room and there stood a man in a black outfit.

"Oh, no way"; Mama Piper said. "You expect us to work with them?"

"Them"; I asked. "Who are they?"

"That's an Avatar, Pete"; Aunt Phoebe said. "We've dealt with them in the past and it didn't turn out well."

"I understand that you have some animosity towards us"; the Avatar said.

"SOME animosity? You killed people all in the so-called sake to make the world a better place and you think there is some animosity"; Aunt Paige said angrily. I didn't mean to, but I was confused, so I looked into her mind to read her thoughts. All I kept seeing was a man who wasn't Uncle Henry. The man was being attacked by a woman; another Avatar.

"Actually"; Layla continued, "Alan is here strictly in a helping capacity to the Elders. We needed him to bring forth a power grand enough to help defeat the new Source."

"Good"; Mama P said. "Because I refuse to work with Avatars ever again." Papa Leo walked to Mama Piper and held her close as her eyes too glazed over with tears. I decided not to read her mind; for some reason, it seemed a bit too personal.

Alan and Layla joined hands and closed their eyes. A wind suddenly entered the room and surrounded the both of them. When it subsided, there in front of them stood another man. He looked relatively like he was normal... and very good-looking. He was about 6 feet tall with light eyes and dark-blonde hair.

"So, this is where I'm needed"; the man said. "Interesting."

I looked at him and... he seemed oddly familiar. As if I knew him from somewhere, but couldn't place it.

"Charmed ones"; Layla said. "I'd like to introduce you to a very powerful witch."

He walked towards Chris, Wyatt and I and held out his hand for us to shake.

"Hi"; he said with a smile. "I'm Noah. Noah Fuller."

After Pascal had escaped from the block of ice, he made his way back to his lair where Drage was waiting for him.

"So, is it done"; Drage asked.

"No. They somehow managed to escape. I think I used too much power with them at one time. It seemed to fade away, but everything is fine now."

Pascal walked to his lover and held him close. "I told you this would work."

"I guess you were right"; Drage responded. "But you know how I always worry."

"Well, there is no more need for you to worry. I am the Source of All Evil, and pretty soon, the Charmed Ones will be no more." Pascal gave Drage a kiss, which Drage reluctantly gave into. As of late, he really wasn't interested in Pascal as much as he used to be.

When they separated, Pascal gave Drage a look that Drage was regretting. He wanted sex.

Drage sucked it up and lifted off his robe as Pascal did the same to his own. As Pascal's robe lifted, he saw a scorch mark on Pascal's back.

"What happened there, my love?"

Pascal waved it off. "Nothing. The Charmed Ones pulled off a sneak attack somehow. It didn't work too well as I am still standing."

Drage nodded and smiled. It was the first smile he had in a while.

"Why are you so happy'; Pascal asked as he approached his lover.

Drage came up with a quick excuse. "Just excited that we finally have what we want. You are the Source... and I am your... well, what am I, exactly?"

Pascal smiled and placed his arms around Drage's waist. "Whatever you want to be, my love. It is just us now. You... and the most powerful being in the Underworld."

They embraced and while they did, Drage frowned once more. He knew that the power would get to Pascal's head. He also knew that he no longer was in love with Pascal because of it. He had fallen for someone else, but for the time being, he would let Pascal have his moment.

Although, he still had no idea what had exactly happened between them.

As they separated, Pascal looked deep into Drage's eyes.

"What is wrong"; Drage asked.

"Nothing... it's just that your eyes... never mind."

Drage smiled and pushed his words aside. "Well, Source... what do you want to do now?" Pascal licked his lips and smiled.

Drage knew that look...and he secretly loathed it.

"Time to pretend"; Drage thought to himself as he kissed Pascal.


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted chapters! My computer was really messed up and although it allowed me to still write, I couldn't get online.

I knew I would find a way back, however... and here I am. I promise... there is LOTS of more "Forever Charmed" to come!

Next: Chapter 11

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