Forever and Always

By Curlybrok

Published on Oct 3, 2000


Forever & Always Curlybrok

This is a story about N Sync, specifically JC Chasez & Justin Timberlake. This story is completely fiction, I do not know if any member of N Sync is gay or not, but we can all have our fantasies. If you are underage or this is illegal in your area please leave now. If you are offended or homosexual sex or stories disturb you please do not read further.

If you have comments, questions, and suggestions or just want to drop a line, email me at

Forever & Always Chapter 6 Curlybrok

Jason and Justin rode around in Justin's M Class Mercedes, they had yet to find JC. Justin only stared out the window, tears flowing freely from his eyes. "Justin, we'll find him." Jason said, his words held little comfort for Justin; he wanted to be in the arms of the man he loved. Jason continued look around, hoping they'd find JC's jeep. Jason came to a red light and stopped, as he did Justin's car phone rang. "Hello?" Jason said. "Jason, It's Lance. We're at Orlando International we found JC's jeep, its in the long term parking lot." Lance said. "We're on our way Lance." Jason said, and hung up the phone. "Justin, they found JC's jeep." Jason said. Justin quickly wiped the tears from his eyes.

After ten minutes, Justin and Jason had arrived at the airport and parked in the long-term parking lot next to Lance's car. Jason and Justin both got out of the car and Lance walked up to them. "We've been inside too look at the flights there is one to New York, one to Los Angeles and one to Washington D.C. all within the two hour." Lance said. "Lets go to the ticket counter and see if he bought a ticket and to where." Jason said. The guys all nodded and followed Jason to the entrance then the ticket counter.

"Excuse me." Jason said to the ticket counter attendant. "Can I help you?" The young lady asked. "I really hope so, we're looking for someone who may have bought a ticket here with in the last three hours." Jason said. "I've been here about the whole time, if you have a picture of the person or know their name I maybe able to help you." The young lady said. "Justin I need you picture of JC." Jason said. Justin slowly reached for his wallet and began to look for his picture of JC. Finding the picture quickly Justin slowly removed it and looked at the picture tears filling his eyes, he hand the picture to Jason to showed it to the attendant.

She examined the picture for a moment, "Yes I remember him, he came in about three hours ago, and asked for the first flight out of Orlando, which was to, and one sec let me check." The attendant said. Jason handed the picture back to Justin, who had perked up in the last few minutes. "Here it is, one way to Washington D.C." the attendant said. "When is your next flight to Washington D.C.?" Jason asked. "Next flight to Dulles is in about twenty minutes." The attendant said. Jason pulled out his credit card, two tickets, please." Jason said, he quickly got two first class tickets to Washington D.C. for him and Justin.

"Lance I need to talk to you for a minute." Jason said, he and Lance walked away from the other guys. "I don't know how long we'll be gone, I need you to let Johnny know we are gone." Jason said. "Ok, anything else?" Lance asked. "One last thing." Jason said, and filled Lance in on what happened at Lynn's house. "Have you told Justin?" Lance asked. "No, and I'll let JC tell him." Jason said. Lance nodded. "You and Justin had better hurry, you don't want to miss this flight." Lance said. Jason nodded, and he and Justin hurried to their gate to make their flight.

After take off and about forty-five minutes into the flight, Justin had fallen asleep, Jason meanwhile had tried to contact a few people he knew in Washington D.C., he knew JC must have gone home, but there as no answer at JC's parent's home.

Karen Chasez looked into the eyes of her son, and could see that they were red, and they he had been crying. "Josh, honey what's wrong?" Karen Chasez asked. JC slowly tried to speak, his words came out in a stutter, "I... I... Left Justin." JC said. "Oh, Josh, what happened?" Karen asked as he pulled her son into a hug, JC dropped his bag and held his mother tightly. JC cried on his mother's shoulder, unable to speak and trembling in his mother's loving arms.

JC pulled back from the hug, and looked into his mother's eyes, "Lets talk." Karen said. JC nodded, and followed his mother to the living room. Karen sat on the couch; JC sat next to his mother and rested his head on her shoulder. Karen wrapped her left arm around JC, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Karen asked. JC nodded, and took a deep breath. "Lynn found me and Justin sleeping together this morning, she didn't wake us up or anything, eventually we woke up about an hour later, and as we were leaving to go get her at the airport she walked out of her room. Finally we sat down and talked, she said she was fine with everything." JC said. "Well that's good, but that still doesn't explain why you are here, Josh." Karen said.

"Well, we had lunch and Jason come over, and Justin ended up going to take a nap, and I figured I go for a swim. When I came down stairs I heard Jason and Lynn arguing in the kitchen. She lied to us, mom, she said she was fine with it, then told Jason that she would never let Justin be with me or any man as long as he lived under her roof." JC said. "I'm so, so sorry Josh." Karen said. "I couldn't put Justin through that, so I left, I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I just left a message on Lance's machine telling him I was leaving N Sync." JC said.

"Joshua!" Karen said startling her son. "N Sync is everything you ever wanted, I don't care if Lynn Harliss disapproves of you dating her son. Justin is old enough to make up his own mind. You don't need, my approval, your fathers and most certainly not that of Lynn Harliss or your management." Karen said sternly. Karen Chasez sighed; she could do nothing to change what had happened. She held her son, till he fell asleep in her arms; slowly she laid him on the couch, and placed a blanket over his body. Karen leaned down and placed a kiss on her son's forehead.

Karen walked into the kitchen; she used the phone and called her husband at work. "Roy, its Karen." Karen said. "Hi honey, what's up?" Roy asked. "Josh is here, without Justin." Karen said. "What happened, did they have a fight?" Roy asked. "No, they didn't, but it's a long story." Karen said, and then quickly filled her husband in on what had happened. "How is he doing?" Roy asked. "He's sleeping, Roy could you stop by that Chinese place that Josh likes, and pick up supper?" Karen asked. "Sure, anything else you want me to pick up?" Roy asked. "No, I have to call Lance and let him know Josh is here." Karen said. "Ok, I'll be home in about an hour." Roy said. "Ok, honey I'll see you soon." Karen said.

Karen hit the flash button then called Lance. The phone rang four times and no answer; the answering machine picked up on the 5th ring. "You have reached Lance Bass, please leave a message, after the tone and I'll get back to you." The recording said. As the recording finished, Lance unlocked his door and walked in to hear Karen leaving a message on his machine, he raced to the phone and picked it up. "Karen, is Lance don't hang up." Lance said out of breath. "Lance, I'm glad you're there." Karen said. "It's great to hear your voice Karen, do you know where Josh is?" Lance asked. "Yes, he's here, he's sleeping right now." Karen said. "Thank God, Justin and Jason are on their way to Washington right now. They should be landing soon." Lance said. "I can have Roy pick them up, if you want." Karen said. "No, Jason going to get a car when he lands, he said it'd be best if Josh didn't know they were coming, and he doesn't want to get Justin's hopes to high, only to have them crushed." Lance said. "Ok, should I expect them for supper?" Karen asked. "I don't know they left about two hours ago, they should be landing within an hour." Lance said. "Ok, I'll have Roy bring them something to eat, and I won't tell Josh." Karen said. "Thanks, Karen." Lance said. "Anytime Lance, I hope everything will work out." Karen said. "I hope so too." Lance said. They said their goodbye, Karen called back Roy and gave him and update and he said he'd bring more Chinese.

Karen meanwhile walked back into the living room and checked in on her son, he was still sleeping soundly. Karen returned to the kitchen and prepared the table for dinner, as she was finishing up, Roy Chasez came into the kitchen with supper. "Where is Josh?" Roy asked. "He sleeping in the living room, I'll go wake him up." Karen said. Roy nodded, and placed the boxes of Chinese food on the table. Karen shook, JC lightly. "Josh, wake up supper is ready." Karen said. JC sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. "Are you ok Josh?" Karen asked. JC nodded, "Come and eat a little, you'll feel better." Karen said. Josh stood and followed his mother into the kitchen. "Hi, Josh." Roy said as he hugged his son. "Hi Dad." JC said. "How are you doing?" Roy asked. "Ok, I guess." JC said. "Your father brought home your favorite." Karen said. JC smiled weakly and sat down at the table. Karen and Roy said beside their son facing each other.

JC played with his food, he took small bits every now and then, and she was hoping that Justin would get there soon. "Josh do you want to talk about it?" Roy asked. JC shook his head no, and continued to play with his food. The doorbell rang and Karen quickly got up and went to see whom it was. "Can I be excused?" JC asked his father. Roy nodded. JC stood and turned to exit the kitchen as he nodded a pair of Nike sneakers before him, his eyes slowly moved up the body of the person that stood before him. His eyes met those of a young man. The young man's eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Josh." The young man said. Tears began to flow from JC's eyes. The young man stretched out his hands and pulled JC into a hug. "I love you Josh." The young man said. "I love you too Justin." JC said as he sniffled.

To be continued....

Hi all, ok question for ya'll. I have a few ideas for the next part and want some input on what you want me to do. Now I have one of two things you can vote on, and what I need you to do is email me and let me know what you want me to do. Option one is to continue building Justin and JC's relationship and hold off on the sex for a while longer. The second option is to have Justin and JC have their first time in the next part. To vote I want you to send me an email to tell me if you want option one: Building the relationship or if you want option two: Justin and JC's first time. You'll find out the results in the next installment. I need to know by Thursday.

Next: Chapter 6: Forever and Always 7 8

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